March 27, 2004
No News Is Bad News! Permanent link ▫ ▫
At least for this website. Just found out ASTRO will be showing PITNOL, I suspect it will be in the 9.30pm slot since 9.30pm slot is considered prime time and PITNOL is a biggie. Next, am watching these shows and a bit of my sentiments;
1. Ups And Downs In The Sea Of love - Excellent star cruiser, Joyce Tang is gorgeous but the story at this moment at episode 2 is tiring, very old and not exciting. Maybe it will get better.
2. Fate Twister - Ada Choi amazes me with her performance, love Jenny Shing and overall I am gripped by the acting and storyline. Hopes it will be as gripping as Golden Faith.
3. The Voyage Of Emperor Chien Lung or something like that - they walk, they talk, they fight and they talk some more. What else do they ever do? Only Charmaine Sheh could make me watch some more because I only know her and Benny Chan. The rest are boring boring characters and actors. One exciting thing though, there's Cheng Pan Kiu in here! So far the 8.30pm time slot is filled with boring shows, the question is not which is better but which is worst. No answer yet but my hearts knows the answer.
Anyway eagerly awaiting PITNOL and I am ready for Sonija Kwok's bad bad acting. Also ready for Steven Ma's bad acting, Charmaine's thin frame and the supposed altered sugar coated ending. And did you see Charmaine in that Next Award thingy with her Afro hair? I saw a picture of her with the green top. That was nice until I scrolled further down and I saw her non existent bum and her shorts. For once I thought nice taste in fashion and then she spoilt it all by trying too hard to be sexy on the outside when sexy is all a matter of attitude. You can still be sexy fully and decently clothed. I don't think of her or any HK TVB actresses as sexy, just desperate to show something they do not possess. I don't even think any of them is glamorous except maybe for Maggie Cheung Hor Yee.
Anyway my review of Square Pegs and some weird sounding movie reviews coming soon. The Storytellers also coming soon so stay tune!
Keep the reviews coming!
March 21, 2004
Image Gallery no more! Permanent link ▫ ▫
After much thought I have decided to delete my image gallery. Really troublesome and pointless. In its place, I will install another blog for the purposes of posting stories. So for those who wish to see the pictures in Doomed To Oblivion's review (by me) I will post them later.
March 13, 2004
American Idol Season 3 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have been following this and ASTRO is a bit slow in broadcasting the latest one. I am at the 3rd selection for the final 12.
First of all, I really like William Hung and his "She Bangs". Ok, it was funny the first time but after what he said about trying his best and not having regrets, he has my respect. Americans of course found him funny, as in a cruel way. Even Malaysians felt the same way. But I feel if we live in a society that has karaoke pubs, surely we can all see the beauty in this man's bravery? I have heard worst, like (I think) last year's Keith with his body hugging Like A Virgin! Glad to know Will has an album coming out!
Anyway back to Season three. I was very happy to see one of my favourite, Fantasia Barrino going through. Not only does she sound like Macy Gray, I believe she sings better than Macy Gray. I understood the word personality when I saw her perform. I also like Matthew Rogers probably because Simon Cowell disliked him. He really isn't that great a singer but I like him or what the Americans call it X Factor! There's one I feel is out of her league and that is Leah LaBelle. Saw her in the Wild Card show and shocked to know she got through. She can't sing and she can't even stand straight.
Now my absolute favourite didn't make it through, as I found out from the Wild Card show since I saw him there. None of the judges chose him and I wondered why. Seacrest said Simon said his performance was horrible. I am talking about Jon Peter Lewis. I remember watching his audition as he slept through waiting and being called a pen salesman. Then I saw his first solo performance in the show he didn't get through (I suspect many scenes were cut since I never get to hear him sing before). I was disappointed because he was very very good. For once a contestant that didn't scream when singing. I remember Simon said he didn't look like an American Idol. If that is the case, Clay Aitken or Ruben wouldn't have won because they aren't good looking either. It was his voice and the uniqueness of his voice that got me watching and listening. And the fact that all 3 judges didn't recognise the potential of his voice really made me realise none of them know who is the next idol or should be one. Anyway after hearing what Simon said, I was very disappointed. I always respected Simon's opinion and calling that Leah a great one is like a joke. I do think Jon Peter Lewis may not look like an American Idol, I can imagine him holding a grammy and being voted the best male singer. He looks like a serious singer with many years ahead of him. I was waiting for next week's show to see him get through when I saw the Wild Card show and I know he didn't get through. Of course for once the American viewers made a wise choice; he got through with I think 22% of the votes and this would mean so much more than to be voted in by the judges. or perhaps the judges discussed this first? I don't know. Then I realise why Simon said he was horrible. He sang Elvis' A Little Less Conversation and he danced a bit. Many may not like the way he danced I personally clapped at the end of his performance. He sang like a true professional (not sounding like Elvis at all!) and he performed like a true star. I can actually see him on the Grammy stage strutting his stuff.
So it's official. Even if he doesn't get through I hope he gets a record deal. I will buy his record.
My prediction?
Jon Peter Lewis
Fantasia Barrino
At this moment just two. I feel these two will be top 3 and I suspect either one will be no. 1 and the other no. 2. Luckilly it's the viewers who are voting and not the judges. Like that World Idol show, what the judges failed to see in the winner was this; sometimes looks isn't everything. We the viewers look at the talent, the voice and the performance. Like all TVB actors and actresses of course.
Tell me your predictions and your favourites my emailing me. I really hope to hear what you have to say about this show!
March 07, 2004
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
Something is also wrong with the feedback form. All who sent feedback through the form in Feeback please resend my email at Please avoid using the form until I confirm everything is a-ok. Thanks.
By the way all comments just post them within the review, negative or positive. I think there is a word limit but I am not sure.
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
Some reviews that I have posted are only half in length, like Brotherhood. I think I will post them over several pages since I guess it might be too long.
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
There are some reviews in TVB section and Singapore section which is half way through and then abruptly cut off. I think the problem is with wordpress. if you see the comments just stop without a rating or verdict, it means definitely something wrong.I think I will post the reviews in few pages, to avoid this problem and yes, the problem only occurs in my reviews. Funny An Herbalist Affair is ok.
March 06, 2004
Michelle Ye & Myolie Wu : Enemies? Total crap! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I can't help but post the news below for your reading pleasure. The translation is horrible but the gist of the news is there and pretty obvious; Now Myolie Wu is the scapegoat, the Miss Little Arrogant Up & Coming Star against the injured and therefore pitiful Michelle Ye. I believe Michelle Ye to be someone who is soft spoken and elegant. Myolie Wu strikes me as someone independent, intelligent and hard working. Whilst I do not believe 2 women must be best of friends, they're colleagues after all, that doesn't meant not talking much means enemies. What a load of crap.
credits: Michelle's Eclub and Little_Purple_Bell from Michelle's forum
First Page:
Enemy Relation Upgrades.
Michelle Ye and Myolie Wu are both actresses who are being promoted by TVB, they usually use an image of "Ho Jee Mui" (Good Sisters) when they come out to public. But our magizine has received very accurate information that says taht they're just pretending to be friends, and behind everyone's back, they are enemies, their relationship is just very poor, according to what we know, Myolie Wu at first thought that she was going to share the leading role with Michelle Ye, but she's actually being Michelle's maid, so her screentime has been greatly reduced, adding to that, is Michelle Ye's lates and absence, which made Myolie Wu greatly dissatisfied, so she started talking behind Michelle's back.
Becoming a Supporting Actress:
As to a chinese saying, "One Mountain Cannot Contain Two Mountains, Michelle Ye and Myolie Wu, who are both being promoted by TVB, when filming "Destinies of the Western Chamber", of course there will be some fights. According to what we know, becasue the script's plot mostly focuses on Michelle Ye and Ron Ng's love story, so Myolie Wu, who's playing Michelle's maid, on appearance, she's like a leading actress, but she's actually a supporting actress who has a particularly big part, Michelle Ye pretty much steals the camera away her, besides that, her character really won't give her much chance of showing her ability of acting. Of course Myolie won't be satisfied with that, according to some workers, Myolie Wu went to the producer to complain about her part being smaller than Michelle Ye's, also using her sweet talk to attempt to have the producer add to her part, using all her abilities, still nothing had worked. She had also said that TVB is biasing Michelle. So when having to see Michelle everyday while filming, Myolie appears very cool with not much expression.
Second Page:
Left Side:
February 27, 5:00 pm:
Myolie has waited for Michellen for one hour, when not seeing her, Myolie continued to have her make-up put on except with a mad face.
Pretending to be friends infront of people:
When trying on costumes, Myolie Wu and Michelle Ye stole the camera from everyone else by pretending to be friends. What good acting!
Enemies behind people's back:
When not filming, Myolie Wu will walk off to the side, instead, Michelle Ye and Ron Ng seemed to be having a good talk.
Right Side:
3 Sins to losing promotion!!
Myolie's popularity has been rising ever since she won the Most Improvement Award for Golden Faith in 2002, and has been getting promoted. She has just rised to the 1st class actresses. But unfortunately, she got too cocky, pretending to be the best, trying to sweet talk producers into giving her bigger parts will certainly decrease on her promotion, she's slowly losing the promotion of TVB.
1. Pretending to be the best.
Last year in October while filming Rainbow Bridge, there were rumours that while filming an outdoor scene with Rain Li and Sharon Chan, Myolie just left to go shopping, acting like she's the top actress.
2. Rumours:
There were rumours about Myolie Wu buttering up the producer of Rainbow Bridge to edit the script to add to her screentime, decreasing the other main actress Rain Li's screentime, making herself be a 1st class actress.
3. Having Rumoured Boyfriends:
Having the name of "Electrifying Queen", ever since coming into the showbiz in 1999, she has already had rumours with Raymond Lam, Sammul Chan, Francis Ng, etc. She had gotten much attention in Triumph in the Skies, but with the messy love life, it has led to dissatisfaction from TVB managers.
Late, Absence:
Their relationship has been getting worse and worse, earlier, Michelle has injured her foot, leading to her lateness and sometimes even absence, making Myolie Wu very upset. According to last Friday's memo, Michelle and Myolie were supposed to be there at 4:30, 6:15 be starting to film, Myolie, who arrived at 5:00 and didn't see Michelle, has already shown an angered face, and sat down to put on make-up, when time came to 6:00, reporters went to ask her why Michelle didn't show up yet, she in a pouty voice answered, "How should I know?! Don't ask me!!" Then angerily went to film. We heard, that Myolie went to complain to a worker, "Is she that popular?! She didn't even say anything about not coming! She's stopping the Earth from rotating!" Reporters asked for Ron Ng's response about this, he says"Michelle phoned the company at about 6:00 telling us that due to her injury, she can't return to film. She injured her leg last week, I saw that when she was filming after that, her movement wasn't all that well."
Picture beside it: Ron Ng says Michelle's injury was because of falling from a horse, and she's trying hard not to interfere with filming.
Already had something wrong before:
They had already had somehting wrong when filming Triumph in the Skies, after filming in Japan, rumours of Myolie and Francis came out, they say that the two of them are using practicing their script to always be together, seeming very flirtious. Myolie suspected that the person who spread the rumour was Michelle, because she knows that Michelle has good feelings about Francis Ng, and thinking that Michelle doesn't like the fact that she has a better relationship with Francis than she does. Even though, Myolie responds to the media that Michelle did not try to seduce Francis, but how she had been bad mouthing Michelle behind her back to a worker does lead to suspicion. This proves the fact of, "Friends infront of people, Enemies behind people."
No review for this one! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am currently kinda watching TVB's Lofty Waters Verdant Bow. The thing is I love the title, very unique and I really do like Raymond Lam's looks in here, very good looking, strong, heroic. The costume, the sets, the make ups all have kinda like a dream like quality to the, very different and I really like that. I do think Michelle Yip is very pretty in here. But looking beyond looks, I find thus series utterly boring! Raymond is probably the only actor who is good to watch in here. Michelle Yip looks like she's bored, delivering a less than enthusiastic performance, like she's not bothered. That young girl, what's her name? Rain? Anyway she can't act! I can't help but look at her pout and that she talks and pout at the same time. She is too young and being so young she talks young as well. I lose my patience with her blank look. Can't they find a better actress? And the storyline is so HSDS with our Cheung Mo Kei (the dumb one with all the luck), Chiew Man (Michelle Yip of course) and Chow Chi Yuek (Rain may not turn evil, I don't know but she's like goody two shoes, Raymond in love with her first). I will not be doing a review of this series because I have decided to switch channels and watch Charmaine and Benny's Chinese series, that Qian Lung something. The first episode is a bit over crowded. And I find this so funny;
We have HK actors who of course spoke cantonese when acting in this series. Then of course it must be dubbed into mandarin. And the version I am watching is cantonese and so we have cantonese dubbed into mandarin dubbed into cantonese again! So in the end I don't get to hear Benny or Charmaine's voice. Thus far I think that's a good thing, so now I can appreciate Charm's acting without her sometimes irritating voice. But then I can't really hear her acting as well! Anyway she's very pretty in here, and Benny looks quite ok. The thing is Benny doesn't look like a King. He plays a young king of course but he lacks that royalty thingy. And he gave a rather bad performance in the first episode. Charm I can't judge because she appeared, she's pregnant, she's loving, she's dead, then she reappears as an assassin, fight, fight, looking stern and boom! To be continued. So far it's all action packed episodes rather than acting packed.
Anyway, hopefully this series will turn out better than Lofty Waters Verdant Bow. One thing both series have in common; the themesong in LWVB and the main theme in Qian Lung are both really really horrible songs/themes.
By the way I realised one actor can play Benny's character who is good looking, intelligent looking and he's not that bad an actor. Has anyone seen this Taiwanese production of Miu Chui Fah? I can't remember the title but the guy who played the emperor in there is really good.
New Reviews in TVB section Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yep, by Adelyn Lim, a very good read, the review of Take My Word For It. I have also re-added some older reviews of mine. The problem now is how to add Lok Sun because my review is so long!
Anyway just to remind you, you can comment at the end of the review. Do use this wonderful feature and give the reviewers the feedback that they certainly would want to hear!
March 03, 2004
Oscars! Permanent link ▫ ▫
The speeches were lame but Billy Crystal totally rock! I especially love his songs and dance routine, that movie trailer (very funny) and of course his jibes such as "It is now official; there is no one left to thank in New Zealand"! I love that Robin Williams segment and my most favourite of all, Jack Black and the other guy I am not that familiar with. Their song routine, funny BUT so excellent that can put all professional singers to shame. I am beginning to love Jack Black after watching his excellent performance in School Of Rock and of course listening to his band, Tenacious D!
Anyway, I am very happy Sean Penn won. Those few clips showed his powerful angst ridden acting, and I felt his grief. I was veru surprised he came! And I do like his acceptance speech. Many complained Bill Murray should have won. I disagree. Bill Murray was not excellent and Lost In Translation is at best experimental-ish. And I dislike Scarlett Johansen (?) as I felt her performance was just ok and in real life, she came across as arrogant. Already so young and already so pompous. Johnny Depp or Sir Neg Kingsley would have gotten my vote if Sean Penn wasn't nominated.
As for Charlize Theron, I maintain making yourself ugly, gaining a few pounds and all doesn't really make you a great actress overnight but definitely gimmick sells. I dislike a movie that may glorify or even make us sympathise with who is essentially a cold blooded serial killer. If that is the case, Ralph Fiennes should have won years ago for Schindler's List.
As for Tim Robbins, very happy for him. Renee is Renee, people like her. I agree though Nicole Kidman should not be nominated because she was horrible in Cold Mountain. Why is it that they must find one Australian and one British to play Southeners??
Finding Nemo won! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I am pissed though that Brother Bear's song wasn't nominated and School of Rock's theme was also ignored. In its place we have 2 Cold Mountain's song which were dead boring. And that French animation's song, was the woman singing in French or in English? Can't make out what she was singing. Definitely Annie Lennox deserved the win.
Though Hugo Weaving, Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen weren't there,almost everybody else from LOTR was there. I felt the sincere friendship. Anyway I love the fact that LOTR: ROTK won everything. Some actors should have been nominated as well but well, can't have it all.
Anyway, I love the show. The speeches may not have the brilliance that we always see and hear in Michael Caine's speeches, I felt the jokes were brilliant, smart and the presenters, many of them were in their element.
Did you enjoy the Oscars? My prediction was quite accurate you know. I think I got it all right except for Best Original Screenplay. Did you see Bill Murray's face when Sean Penn's name was called? I feel Sean Penn deserved the win for simply because he is a great actor. I never thought Bill Murray was funny or dramatic. But pity though, his only chance and he lost.
Updated Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
Readded my Doomed To Oblivion review, and the pictures are all stored in my Pictorabilia for easy management. You need not register to download or to comment. By the way the review is EXTREMELY long due to the historical facts I added and also complete spoilers!
If you want to look at the real paintings by the real artists these actors played, check out the following:-
Cheng Pan Kiu's art, calligraphy & Nan De Hu Tu quote
Wong San's art & calligraphy
Kam Lung's art & calligraphy
Lok Ping's art
By the way why is there nobody commenting in the reviews? I welcome your feedback via email but if it is a comment for a review, post them in the review and share your thoughts with the world, good or bad. And the Shout Box is meant for survey. Anything else just email me or write them in the guestbook.
Anyway thanks for the support!
March 01, 2004
New Review & Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
By me reviewing Love And Again. Fans of Sonija Kwok best avoid this review.
Also opened a new section called Pictorabilia which opens a new window. There I will store wallpapers, pictures and all.
By the way why some graphics aren't loading for some people? Care to give feedback?