June 29, 2004
Rant - An Opinion Permanent link ▫ ▫
Back to that scandal of fellow Malaysian, Shaun Chen. I know old news but I found this translated news here
ar Mediacorp Forum
"As big-mouthed Shaun said, MCS offered him a contract for only 1 year, but he thought that there is no security, he wanted a longer contract. Thinking that MCS will give in to him because of his rising popularity due to the role of Xiaoxin, he did not turn up to sign the new contract of 1 year. This shows how arrogant he is. He actually has conduct problem like trying to get fresh with the female crew and artistes of HV and he was late several times. Mind you, he is still a newcomer, he dares to do all these. Due to all these faults of him, MCS still wanted to give him a chance, but he over-rated himself. He thought he can ride on his popularity and can play around with MCS, but he is very wrong. Like the HV EP said, 1 newcomer gone is nothing. BTW, not turning up for contract renewal is also a conduct problem. It reflects his bad attitude & arrogance! "
This "Uncle" clearly dislikes this actor. In fact many hated him. Anyway I am beginning to see the picture. If he really has a conduct problem like having itchy hands, why would Mediacorp, the holder of true moral conduct ever want to renew his contract for even a year? After all these are all speculation. I beg to differ what the author said. Everybody has a right to not sign a contract and to bargain for better deals. If this is not the case, then Flora Chan, Gallen Lo and everybody else leaving TVB would be branded a traitor. Maybe he miscalculated his moves, maybe he was arrogant but that didn't mean he has an attitude problem for not showing up to sign the new contract. It's just shows he is very short sighted. Anyway he's with I think Channel U issit? Like a 3 year contract and a higher salary? What I can't stand is all those Malaysia back stabbing comments. I like to clarify this; if he was a lecher and an arrogant jerk, not all Malaysian men are like that. But I would bet he isn't and for all it's worth, I think after reading this story that he is at the end of the day an arrogant fool. Pity. I really do like him and still like him and will continue to like him. As opposed to our cousins over the sea, I do think he can act and is a charismatic actor.
June 28, 2004
Mediacorp : Holland Village Ep 113 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I want to talk about this episode because everytime I watch Jing Jing telling Ah Ming what Xiao Xin told her, I want to vomit blood. As dumb as she can be, surely she can't go blabbering to her own HUSBAND what her EX-BOYFRIEND told her about that hand signal (which means I love you)?! As much as I love Jing Jing, I must question her intelligence. But what made me mroe angry is how possessive her husband could be. Because Jing Jing is such an innocent soul, her concern for Xiao Xin is purely platonic though she still loved him the most. To watch Ah Ming threatening to break her leg was really such an angry moment for me, however stupid she may be. Already this Ah Ming isn't that rish, he's not good looking, he opens his mouth at the wrong time saying the wrong things, he can't even walk properly and he is in fact impotent (so he's pretty useless as a person, a husband, in law and a son), he also beats his wife and has a horrible temper that I suspect is due to his impotence. I shall say this to Jing Jing;
"Ditch that man! Marry Xiao Xin!"
You know to hear Wan Wan saying things like "Luckily Jing Jing didn't marry Xiao Xin" I could only sighhhhh, clearly somebody else is also blind.
And how can they do that to Xiao Xin? Making him a bankrupt?!?!?!??!??! But as smart as this guy is and as cool as he is, he will rise again!
Ahhhh, Xiao Xin, missed him so much and now he's back. HANDSOME. And where is Yang Yang? Where have all teh handsome guys gone? Can't TWO handsome men be on the screen at the same time? Why must one appear and the other disappear?
I hope the ending for Xiao Xin is he marries Angel, has a kid, be rich again and dumb Jing Jing forver regrets her decision to marry Ah Ming, the useless impotent fool.
If you're wondering what series am I talking about, this is probably Singapore's best series I have watched thus far, very long but very entertaining Holland Village. Do watch out for the blood pressure inducing love story between Jing Jing and Xiao Xin. Irrespective what others may say of Shaun Chen, I do think he has charisma, is good looking and is a fine actor.
Now ... Pierre Png is also very handsome and some says his most desirable feature is his scar! I agree!
Do watch this series!
New Reviews & Announcements Permanent link ▫ ▫
All very well written reviews for some of the latest movies/series ...
By Black Eyed Susan (B.E.S)
Dream Of Colours [TVB]
By Tok Kebayan - all under the Movies section
Ju-On:The Grudge [Kr]
Dawn Of The Dead [Eng]
Also, like previously announced, you can actually post your comments for any particular review in that review itself. Just click Post A Comment at the top of the review and you will see a form (by Blogger.com). Just choose Anonymous (if you do not have an account with Blogger but I encourage you to just register one so that I and the reviewer will know whow posted the comment, if not just write "By YOUR NAME" so that we know) or your blogger profile name. I encourage you to use this great feature.
Also, I have updated the Reviewers panel that you will on the left hand side (down a bit) of all reviews. So if you want to email that reviewer personally, just click that link. If you do not have any pop up emails whatever installed, then just click the reviewers list and you will see the whole list!
Any more new reviews? Do send them all in!
June 24, 2004
Holland Village (Mediacorp) - Episode 112 Permanent link ▫ ▫
At last Xiao Xin is back! And after watching this episode plus some flash back scenes, I realised the actor Shaun Chen was so so so thin and like Ah Piao in those episodes many many moons ago! Aiyar stupid Jing Jing still dumb dumb and greedy sister Yan Yan still wants to tackle Xiao Xin. But Xiao Xin looks like he got some problems, that I will know in the next episode. It's great to see anorther good looking guy enter this series after so many episodes of just Pierre Png and I really hate that Ah Ming, so small minded, so inadequate, unlike glorious Xiao Xin. I have been looking for reviews of this series and found none. So so far I am like don't know what's going to happen, except for what I read in the Mediacorp site. I hope for a happy ending, a very happy ending. I am tired of the Mo family being so darn horrible in their luck. Ahhhh Xiao Xin ... how many more episodes before thou shall prance away into the silent moonless night?
June 23, 2004
Correction! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ok, it's Jason, not Kevin, thanks for the tip by Adelyn Lim. Maybe I was thinking some other series!!
Anyway, to continue on the discussion on Yan Yee's new look, I wonder how she did it! Any tips? She said in an interview that she cut down on meat, changed her eating habits, but can that really help? Anybody went through a massive BUT healthy weight loss? Any tips?
Anyway, got new reviews? Got new stuff? Send them all in! I rely on you spotting any mistake in linking, info and all so if you see any big boo-boo by me, please email me. You know where to find me!
June 22, 2004
New & Updated Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
New Movie Reviews
Yamakasi - Les Samouraï Des Temps Modernes [Fr]by Adelyn Lim
Love Actually [Eng]by Black Eyed Susan
Updated TVB Reviews as in new template
By Adelyn Lim
King Of Yesterday And Tomorrow [TVB]
Square Pegs [TVB]
Take My Word For It [TVB]
By Black Eyed Susan
The Family Man
Vgilante Force
By Joanne Lee
Find The Light
By Jules
Better Halves
Doomed To Oblivion
Also updated the Notices in Movie Review section so do have a read. More new reviews coming soon.
Any submission? Send them in now! By the way you can now post your comments anonymously but do please write your name somewhere in your comments so that the reviewers know who you are, though your name may not be real.
New Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added the following new reviews, all by me, Funn Lim ...
Good Against Evil [TVB]
Ups And Downs In The Sea Of Love [TVB]
Square Pegs [TVB]
The Voyage Of Emperor Chien-Lung [China-Taiwan]
Any missing info or blanks in the reviews please email me. You may send feedback by filling the forms within the reviews by clicking "Post a Comment". You need not register with Blogger to post comments but please do mention your name somewhere so that the reviewers know who you are. If the review loads half way and stopped, please click Refresh or Reload.
June 21, 2004
Cheng Yan Yee Permanent link ▫ ▫
Did anyone see this?
This is Lydia Shum's daughter! My God! Look at her! What a beautiful girl! She lost all those weight! My God! I envy her! So beautiful! Of course some people at some forum said she used drugs and all! Come one people! Come on! Recognise her effort. She must have dieted, exercised and slimmed her way through healthy means. Maybe a bit of cosmetic surgery like liposuction but I am sure she used the healthy way because her mom would have said no if she didn't! Look at her! Wow!
New Reviews! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yep, finally new reviews!
King Of Yesterday And Tomorrow-Funn Lim
Perish In The Name Of Love-Funn Lim
The Battle Against Evil - Funn Lim
Fate Twisters - Funn Lim
All in the TVB section. If there are some blanks here and there, please forgive me. I must have overlooked them when I was posting my reviews. Do tell me if there's any blank here and there. You can also post your comments within the review, just click Post a Comment that is on the top of the review. If the review is half way through, please refresh the whole thing.
June 14, 2004
Do you know? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was watching this Indian film awards (recently hosted at Singapore) (the show I saw was on 13.06.2004-11pm-channel 71) and I just wanna know the name of the guy who danced before Shah Rukh Khan wrapped up the dance sequences. This rather short but dishy looking guy who was on a motor cycle, then had somw hip swinging and then some very good dancing before he went away for a while and came back and then again went away for Shah Rukh Khan to close the show? Who was he and why the camera kept showing Kareena Kapoor's face?
Thanks for the info if you have it.
June 13, 2004
Comments Permanent link ▫ ▫
I notice that there is a Comment (0) below each of my post. Ignore it. Wonder what happened? Anyway just a thought. Since this tagboard is so active, do you think you will carry on the discussion in a discussion forum?
June 12, 2004
Recommended Movie Permanent link ▫ ▫
Well not Hp 3 because everybody will go watch it anyway. I just saw The Day Aftert Tomorrow. The visuals and the special effects are spectacular, acting quite alright, human drama plenty but I love the bit about Mexico. You know Malaysia, oh sunny Malaysia will not be affected! Of course the whole concept is impossible but could be, could be. I love the tension, the suspense. Very enternaining. Do watch it in the cinemas because only a big big screen can really show the spectacular effects. Just leave your brain at the door, watch it as it is but I guess in the end the point is there is a lesson to be learned here. I love how America is humbled and is humble. Very good movie.
June 09, 2004
Shaun Chen, Jeannette Aw and Holland Village Permanent link ▫ ▫
I read this at
Mediacorp Discussion Board
MediaCorp Communities - did anyone buy last week's i-weekly?Ou xuan says.....
"did anyone buy last week's i-weekly?Ou xuan says.....
in last week's i-weekly,she said while filming,the guy who acted with her didn't have 'obedient hands',he kept wanting to touch her and that made Ou Xuan disliked him a lot.During a scene where that guy is supposed to kiss her(i think i've seen this scene in Holland V....),that guy asked the director why didn't he feature them in bed?Ou Xuan was thoroughly disgusted by him.i think we all know who this guy is...i despise this guy and hope MCS don't let him act with Ou Xuan or any other female artistes in MCS anymore to protect them from such a lecher.i believe Ou Xuan must have had a hard time trying to avoid him,but they are supposed to act as a couple ,it's hard to stay clear of him all the time...."
This is old news. I was informed previously there was a scandal and Shaun Chen (the guy who played Xiao Xin and a Malaysian) was accused of well, ungentlemanly behaviour. There were replies by Shaun that some actresses should be more professional, that intimate scenes are just acting, etc etc etc.
I read the reactions, and I can conclude that 9 out of 10 people speculated "did she mean him?" and all of them concluded it was him.
This to me is defamation unless there is proof. How can anybody accuse a co-star of doing what he did without naming names but making it pretty obvious that he was the guy and yet not so obvious? She mentioned that scene was an imaginary kissing scene. Did she mean that it was a kiss in a dream? It couldn't be Shaun because he kissed her in reel life. Or is it adjusted kissing scene thus imaginary where they kiss but never touched lips? Then it's him. Anyway he left Mediacorp and perhaps due to these scandals.
Did he do it? Did he actually asked the director for a bed scene and touching female co star or was he just kidding? I noticed Shaun as Xiao Xin was very intimate with Jing Jing and I assume that's what we are supposed to see. Did his hands go elsewhere? My eyes were never off him and I didn't see it. What's upsetting me is no formal investigation was made, we take her word as it is. What if it wasn't him or she was super sensitive? If he touched her for real, she should know. But if it was acting, a play acting when it comes to intimacy, it couldn't be. He's right, some actresses should not go cry wolf because they hate an intimate scene. Then don't do the scene or don't act. But if the accusations were real, then she has every cause to be upset and he should be sacked.
So which is which?
I am more inclined to believe my fellow Malaysian. I saw his Magazine interview, seems like an ok guy. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. What I just don't get it is how fast anybody could conclude his guilt based on what she said and she seems quite ok with recaping what happened to all magazine interviews without naming names. That is dangerous. Reportedly even Cynthia Koh complained. Really? Where?
Anyway he left Mediacorp. Why would a rising star leave a TV station that is promoting him? Money? Not enough promotion? Scandals? or guilt?
June 08, 2004
Contact Form Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have deleted that useless contact form. Just use my email listed in there but do write Point2e.com in the subject column so that I know it's not a hoax. I have been receiving emails asking me if I want bigger breasts, more printing ink, drugs and all. So tired!! Anyway, email me or leave your comments in the guestbook. Love to hear from you!
News & HP3 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ok, news first. Assume all reviews are offline as I slowly, very slowly re-add the old links. Right now I want to add the new ones first.
Now, HP3. Wonderful time at the cinema, movie was short but felt long, the feel of the movie is like one long art film which really showed JK Rowling's true vision of the world of Harry Potter, the acting was superb except for Emma Watson who was truly horrible in the Trelawney scene and I love the additions of some scenes. Problem is the movie still looks like a scene per scene adaptation but the fault lies not with the director (truly visionary, excellent direction, love Buckbeat and all things including Daniel Radcliffe who is now making me feel guilty for even liking him since he's like 14) but with the script writer or adapter or whatever you call Steve Kloves or whatever his name his. He truly messed with the true meaning of the book and many small minute details were changed and hence created a big gap. Those who hasn't read the book will be very very confused, those who had will hate him for excluding, shortening, deleting, amending, changing certain key scene and my main complaint is again Ron is like a bystander who has little to do. All we see is Hermione. Other very glaring elements include the firebolt, the one about Crooshanks the cat, Peter Pettigrew, the Marauder's Map, Lupin, the destruction of Harry's Nimbus, the Patronus charm and many many more which if seen seperately isn't a big deal but seen together is bloody annoying. Steve Kloves was faithful to the chapters but messed with what I believe was one element that can't be messed with; the characters themselves and some events that altered the characters. Ok I am not bothered with the exclusion of Cho Chang but I am bothered with many many things, all of which I shall highlight in my review. My verdict is the best HP movie, Hogwarts looked so real, the feel of the movie is so truly JK Rowling's imaginary world, the performances were generally first class, CGI was of course first class, the director (I had my doubts) was truly first class but whilst he injected his vision of Harry's world into his version of HP movie, I could fairly surmised that he had little say over the actual script which was poorly and amateurly adapted by Steve Kloves who made a mess of each book. To think he is adapting the 4th book into ONE movie. How smart can that be? At least JK Rowling can always say, "The movies made loads of cash and great to watch but frankly my dears, my books will remain the true literary and cinematic classic (since our imagination will always be better than what was presented on the screen).
By the way I have a feeling Cuoron has little knowledge of British school system because when I saw Harry and gang without their robes, ties everywhere and shirt tug out DURING A CLASS, that will never happen in real life. By the way Michael Gambon was ok but lacked the regalness of what I expect of Dumbledore. Where is Gandalf when we need him? Now that is Dumbledore!!
June 05, 2004
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ZCounter :: Home
June 04, 2004
Rambling Permanent link ▫ ▫
Let me ramble about something very distressing and yet also very happy.
HP 3 is here in Malaysia. Like the first 2 films, 2 weeks before the release I was and still am suffering from HP fever, screaming Harry Harry Harry every few seconds until my sister told me to just shut up. I was so anxious to watch this movie I tried all means possible to get a ticket for today or Saturday show. Problem is I had to book for 5 persons, so that means no tickets, all the time. So the day before yesterday (Wednesday) I tried tele-booking with GSC Midvalley (my favourite cinema with the best pop corn). The system did not allow me to book shows on Friday (being 3 days in advance of booking somehow the 3rd day was closed off to booking) so I knew I can only book for Thursday. Newspaper says booking time is from 12pm to 8pm. At 12 sharp I called and guess what? All seats were already taken. Maybe I took like 30 seconds to get to the booking line so that meant in 30 seconds all seats for all shows were fully booked? Undeterred because of my obsession towards the film, I tried again on Thursday hoping to book on Saturday. I called around 10am, to try my luck just in case knowing the lines only opened at 12pm. Guess what? All shows on SATURDAY fully booked. So even before the lines were open all seats were booked. HOW? Today I went online at exactly 12am, and successfully booked for Sunday, in fact I booked two show times (just in case) for 5 people. So now I know it's a 24 hours service! Anybody wishing to book GSC's tickets especially Megamall, take my advice. 12 midnight, that's the best time to book.
Now why not TGV KLCC? Also my favourite place because it's near my working place, but lousy pop corn. I never failed to book a good seat at TGV KLCC. Apparently the lines to the busiest cinema in downtown KL has been under maintenance for like forever, like since Troy. Very convenient don't you think? Absolute bollocks if you ask me.
Anyway I PRAY that the seats for both shows on Sunday is in the middle, nice beautiful lovely seats. Already I have to compete with young adults who do not need to work and queue up to buy tickets to watch with their boyfriends and what nots, I have to compete with young children (school holidays), adults, old people, babies and all just to watch a movie I want to watch. But you know what? I will go to cinema to watch this film like perhaps 3 times and above, like I did with the 2nd one where I went I think 4 times and LOTR 3 like 5 times. I know at some point, I will get a good seat. Hopefully my first "date" with HP3 this Sunday will be somewhere in the middle. Not like Troy, wayyyyyyyy at the back at row B! Like so out of touch, so distant. I need to feel the heat!
Bring on HP3!
June 01, 2004
Great News! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Finally fixed my reviews template and this time thanks to problem free Blogger (except of course that my text refuses to align itself via justify!! WHY?!). Now Blogger even has comments system built it, so why bother installing Wordpress? Will update reviews this weekend.