August 31, 2004
Realdoll, The World's finest Love Doll Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yes, that's the title of this rather scary website. Someone forwarded this link to me, I do not know why, so thinking it was a website about dolls, I went there and the front page itself was an indication what kind of site it is. They sell dolls (yes, dolls) but life like anatomically correct dolls. I didn't know what Love Doll meant, I thought well cute doll but reading more, I realised, love doll is well porno-ish type of doll. Of course it depends on how you use it and so I read in the FAQ;
"What sort of people buy REALDOLL?
REALDOLL customers include futurists, artists, art collectors, film-makers, scientists, health professionals, housewives -- you name it. There simply isn't just one type of REALDOLL customer! We provide REALDOLLs to single men, couples seeking to enhance their sex lives, people looking for exotic decorative art, adult retailers who want the ultimate display mannequin, or anyone who desires to possess the world's most realistic love doll (for whatever reason)."
Do read the highlighted portion. I seriously doubt it. It's very expensive, it is an investment of the kinky kind. I was at first shocked at this site, then I marvelled at the technology (how lifelike right down to everything) and then scary because the dolls have this vacant expression, like real people cursed to be dolls and then sad because now real women aren't enough anymore, men need dolls who can't even make a sound, and finally funny because after sadness, I felt that it was all so funny, funny because men (as in male gender) and those who use this doll as rather sad. They even have a male version of this doll and I was like, give me a real man any day. Unless of course they make movie stars like dolls you know but it's all so weird.
Do have a look at this site. BUT please, make sure you're 18 and above. Even if you're not, this is an eye opener. And to whoever who sent me this link, what makes you think I would be interested??
Olympics & Merdeka Permanent link ▫ ▫
It's the end! So fast, too soon! Absolutely enjoyed all the games. Did anyone see the Men's marathon though? What was that man thinking sabotaging that poor guy? What happened?
And the calls for Hamm to give up his gold for Korea (Men's gymnastic) in the name of sportsmanship?? Well why don't just announce the result as null and void then. Short of saying that, why should US give up the gold?
And the closing ceremony was fantastic, except for the concert part.All sounds like Greek to me! China/Beijing session looked fanatastic! I applauded so hard!
And yes, this is Malaysia's 47th birthday, just saw the fireworks which was cut short to show sponsors, end credits and what nots. Perhaps ASTRO should realise people sat down for hours of crappy concert shows was because they wanted to see the fireworks and when showing the fireworks it would help IF end credits are not shown, nothing to block the view and the whole fireworks should be shown in entirety. I have never seen such boring bad programming and editing before. No wonder our athletes can't even win a medal in Athens; our local TV can't even edit right.
And talking about our athletes, I think they have been receiving unnecessary flak for not winning anything. I too was one of those people screaming at them until I saw world class atheletes winning nothing, can't even complete race, can't even run properly ... with all the training the worst can still happen. So to our Malaysian athletes, don't be sad, don't blame yourself. There's always another 4 years, so train hard, train well. Perhaps money should be invested in QUALITY coaches who should be given first class facilities, first class respect and second chances. What's the use of firing one coach for failing when perhaps we should have more faith? I feel our athletes did well in the sense they didn't fail/avoid dope test. We lost fair & square. Nothing to be proud of but not that bad.
Anyway, HAPPY MERDEKA DAY everyone. What does Merdeka day mean to you, the often asked question.
Can I be blunt? I was born way after Merdeka day so my standard answer is freedom, blah blah blah. But I have never been through the worst of times, never seem colonialism, never seen imperialism, never seen war and it's horrible effects close by. The worst was 911 but that wasn't in Malaysia. So what does Merdeka day really mean to me? I can't answer honestly without sounding optimistic which is a fake optimism because I haven't seen the real situation and I will always sound robotic. I have yet to see an old person who has seen through it all being interviewed and answer this question which may open my eyes, this generation of mine who has seen little suffering in the global effect way. Maybe globalisation but well ... I want to know, what does Merdeka day mean to the generations who had been through it all?
August 30, 2004
My Blogger Profile Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just found this wonderful Blogger profile page of myself! Do have a look. The permanent link is down on the right, under Statistics panel.
AND my profile page updates itself with my updates posted in here! Amazing! It even has a statistics panel of how many posts I have posted! Amazing! I am like a little girl who was just given a birthday gift because I can't stop this amazement of my own blogger profile page and posting using !!!!! !!. So amazing!
The Way To Post A Comment Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am so happy. Finally someone is utilizing the Post A Comment feature in this website. Do keep it up and use it also in the reviews. I have sent a letter of suggestions to Blogger about the Comments feature so for now I would like to direct everybody's attention to the comment post by Kidd for my Pictures In Contrast post. Again I am so happy because Kidd, you're actually reading my please. This is the way to post my fellow netizens until Blogger upgrades their blog features. Love you Kidd. Another award time; Kidd is the 2nd to post using my Post Comment feature. Ermmm, she was the first also.
I think for my reviews it was Adelyn but I can't remember which review. Will check.
I do hope though she's not the only one reading this. You can post in the Shout Box but well for long comments better to use Post A Comment, right? Right? Right? Right?
Anyway some rambling.
Saw The Two Towers again and well well well, so exciting! Will write more later. Olympics is coming to an end. Very sad. Now nothing to look forward to.
Update :: New Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
In TV>Singapore added my review of Vive La Famille (part 1 not the sequel). Do have a read.
A note, to comment click on Post A Comment right under the title and remember if you're posting as anonymous, please add your name and date of posting somewhere in your comments.
August 29, 2004
Pictures In Contrast Permanent link ▫ ▫
Picture 1
Do you believe this woman is already 41? I would have thought she is probably early or mid 30s.
Picture 2
Do you really believe this woman look like she's 29? (or even 28, 27 or 26?). She looks like she is in her early of mid 30s.
Both women looks like they're in their mid 30's, the only difference is one looks younger than she is whilst the other is younger than she looks. Both as thin. Both wears heavy make up. The difference? Probably quality of the pictures but I suspect, self maintenance. I am sure both adheres to the basic self care like bird's nest, overzealous slimming know I think the answer is in the genes.
One question though. Charmaine, what's with that towel on your chest?
Announcement - First Post A Comment In News/Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Kidd has the honour as the first to use the Post A Comment in this page in my Hero post. Applause! Applause!
Please let me encourage you to post using Post A Comment. Just write your name in the post, just like Kidd. But Blogger, Blogger, how come no date of the post, just time? Who cares about the time? I want date!
So please help me by doing this. If you're posting anonymously, write your name AND date of post for me ok until Blogger upgrades their blog settings? Same applies for comments in the reviews posted using Blogger!
Gywneth Paltrow's Daughter, Apple Permanent link ▫ ▫
forgot to post this in my post below about Apple Hong. The media made such a big hoo-ha about Gywneth Paltrow's baby being named apple. I guess it's a first in the western world but in Asia, I have heard of people calling themselves Apple way before this famous western actress called her daughter that. It's a fruity name after all. Haven't heard Strawberry, Orange but heard Mango before. SO what's the big deal with Apple anyway? It's just a fruit after all, although a healthy fruit.
Heard of weird names before of the fruity or vegetable kind? Tag it to the Shoutbox.
Apple Hong Permanent link ▫ ▫
A sex symbol but not quite so in Channel U's Power of Love. Shocking shocking! A malaysian, Star Search winner who jumped ship to MediaWorks from MediaCorp.My question now is;
Who else is NOT a Malaysian and NOT from Mediacorp?
So shocking! I don't really like her, she is not particularly pretty or sexy, she can act, mandarin very good, I thought she was from
a) China
b) Singapore
c) anywhere but Malaysia
but shocking.
And interesting.
Old article here about her acting career if you're wondering who she is. She plays the single mom in Power of Love who romances AND marries Shaun Chen's playboy character called Paco.
August 28, 2004
Hero Permanent link ▫ ▫
After so so long, Hero finally opens in America and the reviews have been exceedingly positive so far, although one or two still write something like CTHD is better, this movie is plotless, blah blah blah. But many got the point, beyond the visuals, beyond the colour. I love Hero. It is a perfect film. Do catch it if you're in America and haven't seen it yet.
Typo Mistake Permanent link ▫ ▫
Somewhere in my post below this, I wrote "lather" when I meant "latter". Different meaning, one sordid, the other a direction but I am sure you won't mind. It's latter, not lather.
Thank you!
Comments On The WIng of Desire & Power of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Channel U's Power of Love
38 episodes of high drama, love, passion, same old plot but in a very good package. I got all these from just viewing the screencaps! I really look forward to watching it and I hope someone will write a review for it, good or bad.
The last episode was very dramatic in my opinion and for one a series which doesn't really have what ifs as the ending. Straightforward and wrapped up 100%. Do have a look at these few screencaps taken by Wuchang:-
More here at SPCNET - Power of Love
I also downloaded a few episodes of this series. The plot is nothing new, it's sad, it's poignant, seen through the eyes of the illegitimate son who contracted a deadly disease from his mom, it's even a potential tear jerker. BUT the ending is highly positive though ALD is really a very very pessimistic disease (same disease as in the movie, Lorenzo's Oil which was a tear jerker). Like I said I love the children's performances though. The girl who played Coco is my favourite but I realise the boy who played Yongheng gave a very mature perfomance. I think I have seen about 3 or 4 episodes and it is early to past judgment but I can't help it. The screencaps basically told the entire story. Esther was wonderful of course as the suffering wife, suffering mom, suffering step mom. Her voice dubbing though was annoyingly perky.
Yes yes, my obsession with Shaun Chen continues. Love him in here, and I love all the passionate scenes. A pity the webmaster stopped posting the video files for this series, I would have loved to watch the wedding scene.
I hope the VCD comes out soon. I plan to post all the screencaps in this website soon as a tribute to this series WHICH I HAVE YET TO REALLY WATCH.
Funny isn't it? Somehow not watching a series makes the series even better! I should do that with TVB series, especially the dismal Greed Mask and the rather ridiculous Legend Of Love. Didn't even bother to watch the lather. As for Greed Mask, I stopped caring who killed that old man because this series tries hard to be an intelligent mystery series but comes out awfully bland and unexciting. I skipped it to watch Olympics which had more drama (mind you I was watching DIVING) than this series (whch had new suspect every 10 minutes and not one solution).
Anyway do give Power of Love a chance. Shaun Chen is drool worthy or if you like pick any other guys in this series.
Shaun, are you reading this? Do you know English? Just to tell you, you have a fan in me. Don't be bothered by the backlash!
MediaWorks! Are you reading this? Do some online promo for this series lar! Wuchang did a better job at promoting this series than the producers themselves.
MediaCorp's The Wing of Desire
The story is overblown, the casting not very drool worthy, got 2 who can't act, one who looks to old and too drunk to play a desirable man, but 2 women who can really act. The performance is getting better and better, and the jealousy, intrigue and sibling rivalry gets deeper and deeper because of one man. I like the script of this series, because it's very real. I would have acted the way Jiaxuan acted actually. Jiaxuan is a very annoying possessive bitchy woman and Danchuan a very nice girl but I can't help but stand by Jiaxuan. Imagine you have everything and one day this half sister suddenly appeared and said, I want to be your sis, please and yet proceed to cry at your engagement party because he wants you guy! How do you feel? Very real emotions, very real words, very ugly fight makes very exciting drama. Greed Mask with all its murders, confusing identities, supernatural stuff and mystery can't match the jealous and angry words of Jiaxuan to Danchuan. Almost ran her down with her car! Woo hoo!
Good series in my opinion. By the way anyone knows if MediaCorp has a specific website for this series? Can't find it!
I have stated this before. I emphasise more now on performances and script rather than plot. Thanks to TVB I have given up on a watching a truly good and original plot but performances can't be faulted though lousy plot. Roger Kwok is a case on point. He was magnificent in Greed Mask, the series failed him.
Anyway new review coming soon.
Do you like this new layout? Why no one is utilising the comments feture here and in reviews (posted using Blogger)? Should I remove the tagboard? Any submission? Anyone here? Hello? Hellooooo? Where is everybody? Oh my... my Google rating is ZERO! Arghhhhhhh....
August 26, 2004
Download No More! Permanent link ▫ ▫
What a pity! The page where you can download some full episodes of Power of Love has been removed by the webmaster! Why?WHY?!?!??!?!?!
Anyway it's not 40 episodes, it's 38 episodes and I predict a sad start but happy ending! I hope because the screencaptures look depressing except for the episode before where well, Paco and Maggie got married. I mean what else is new? Nice though, nice though.
More screencaps here!
August 25, 2004
Big Picture of Imperfection Permanent link ▫ ▫
I always have this thought that stars, Chinese stars have gerat skin. You know, perfect. But look at THIS PICTURE.
It's a huge picture so you can see almost everything. For one I see not so perfect skin hid under thick layer of make up, and may I say gorgeous make up. But I see spots, I see holes, I see rough skin and not baby soft skin and dare I say, formation of wrinkles as one gets too thin.
Do have a look. Any star with perfect skin? I think Maggie Cheung perhaps until and unless I see such a big close up pic.
Anyway submissions anyone? Like the new layout? Any problem?
August 23, 2004
Shocking! Paula Radcliffe Konked Out! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was watching the Women's Marathon and I was hoping to watch World Record holder Paula Radcliffe break her own record or something, that Great Britain finally really win something they actually knew they were going to win. To my utter surpise, she stopped with less than 35% of the race to go, cried and just stopped! At the finish line everybody was waiting for her! Japan won, and what a race it was. She was the deserving winner, ner slowing down. Anyway I am still shocked! The quality of Japanese athletes is amazing, and annoying at the same time but still amazing.
Paula Radcliffe never finished, reason is perhaps of the heat. Is it that hot? I mean it was probably in the evening and they say it's 35 degrees (I assume celcius) and is that hot? Maybe for Paula and England, not that hot for Kenya, Ethiopia and what nots. USA is not used to heat, Japan isn't Malaysia so what happened to Paula Radcliffe?
Gotta catch the news. This is one mighty interesting olympics. Shocking!
August 22, 2004
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
As you can see a more cleaner looking layout! Still I am sure in Firefox everything looks bare, without lines and tables. The Search box is even in IE a bit weird looking. Don't even care about other browsers.
Anyway now you can comment each post I posted or will post in here, thanks to Blogger. I am sure you can see some blue links under the title on top right? Ok, they all mean ...
Permanent Link
It basically means the fixed URL to this particular post, which is very useful for posting of my movie reviews. If you click this you will only see this post and no other posts.
Post a comment
Meaning post a comment. Click this to comment on this post. You can do so by entering your Blogger identity or post anonymously but please do leave your name at the end or beginning of you post. A nasty comment especially should have a name and also an email address so that any off the blofg discussion can be further pursued. The same thing applies for all the reviews posted using Blogger. A form will appear under Blogger heading when you click this link. Some older archives may not have this feature. I think only for posts beginning from August or July 2004.
?? Comments by visitors
Which is just an indication of how many commented on this particular post. Click this and you will see all comments posted by you all. If it is 0, it means no comments.
Just click them all and check them out!
Search Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am sure you must notice that search box right at the bottom right of this page. I just updated teh search index and you should be able to search this website for whatever you're looking for, if there is such stuff.
New reviews coming soon.
I am very happy there are many of you who are leaving comments in the reviews, though those posted using Wordpress. Why not Blogger? Something wrong? Just leave your name is you're posting anonymously.
August 19, 2004
Olympics-Weighlifting-China Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just saw how China Ironlady, Liu Chunhong lifted to 3 world records! I have never seen such a graceful and perfect lifter. The way she very silently took that thing up, held it without much energy needed and slowly but confidently closed the gap of her legs and stood there, looking like it was all effortless! What a great lifter! I just wished she tried the 3rd attempt to more glory but well she got the gold!
And then I saw Badminton, believe it or not, mixed doubles, GREAT BRITAIN got silver. Vs China the first set was 1 (that is GB) to 15 (that is China) and then something strange happened and GB won 2nd set and China had to struggle to win the gold! What is going on? But did you noticed GB's costume? So nice!
Ahhh Fencing. I finally understood why fencing is so popular and exciting.
You know Greeks are strange. They have packed stadiums when during fencing, judo, archery, but not weightlifting, ping pong, badminton, football.... strange.
Anyway what a wonderful olympics, those that i thought would win konked out and those who did win won it all with such grace and effortless perfection. China ironlady for one. Wow!
August 17, 2004
Malaysia at the Olympics Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have said it much too soon. Even our best, that is the badminton team has lost. Perhaps when Olympics comes out with the 4th medal, that is tin we may be able to win something.
Very depressing. Anyway just saw Water Polo, Beach Volleyball and I am wondering, if these sports can get into Olympics, what about Wushu? Synchronised Wushu? Rythmic Wushu? Artistic Wushu? Maybe in 2008 in Beijing. If ever in Malaysia I will nominate lion dancing. Very exciting and maybe, maybe Malaysia can win something.
Why so quiet lately? Where are all the reviews?
Charmaine Sheh & Olympics Permanent link ▫ ▫
Totally unrelated to one another.
Malaysia is doing well in Badminton. I hope we win something. Anything. And Weightlifting is so exciting! That Thai woman won! I saw her lift twice her weight and it was like nothing, like training only! And America lost in Basketball!! Did you see the reaction? Already they have dark skin, I could even see them getting darker! Such foul mood!
As for Charmaine Sheh, TV3 is showing An Herbalist Affair and I watched it again today and I realise 2 things;
1. Charmaine was so pretty in this series, now she is just much too haggard looking; and
2. An Herbalist Affair is definitely Charmaine's best series. I wouldn't say the rest were any good but her acting in here is some what natural, her Ah Bee is so likeable and she has great chemistry with Roger Kwok. I saw the scene where he kissed her in the phone booth, it was a very beautiful scene.
Do watch An Herbalist Affair. The series is definitely highly recommended, as stated in my spoilers ridden review.
August 15, 2004
Movie Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
The Village [2004] [Eng]
Bryce Dallas Howard .... Ivy Walker
Joaquin Phoenix .... Lucius Hunt
Adrien Brody .... Noah Percy
William Hurt .... Edward Walker
Sigourney Weaver .... Alice Hunt
Brendan Gleeson .... August Nicholson
Cherry Jones .... Mrs. Clack
Celia Weston .... Vivian Percy
John Christopher Jones .... Robert Percy
Frank Collison .... Victor
Jayne Atkinson .... Tabitha Walker
Judy Greer .... Kitty Walker
Fran Kranz .... Christop Crane
Michael Pitt .... Finton Coin
Jesse Eisenberg .... Jamison
I just watched this movie half an hour ago and I felt it would be great injustice if I didn't write about it as soon as I reached home.
It's true; there are twists in this movie, as in the tradition of all M Night Shyamalan's movies, from Sixth Sense until this present movie. But the twist (or twists) in this movie does not encompass the plot of this movie, it is part of it but not the whole of it. Whilst you could say this movie is actually a love story(and a very romantic one if you ask me), you can also say it's a suspense movie, a movie about faith/hope (a recurring theme in all Night's movies) or simply a movie about choices and ironies. I have never been able to use one word to describe his movies, except maybe the word brilliant. Many may be disappointed with the ending, I for one was thrilled with its rather interesting concept, the idea behind the idea. But first the story.
I am sure you must have read that this movie is set in an idyllic village in a time very far far back involving a small group of villagers living in an isolated place surrounded by forests. The village elders warned their younger counterparts that one must never cross and go into the forest because some evil creatures stay there. That is why they have guard towers, rules of not wearing bright colours and all so as not to attract attention. They live in constant fear but has been safe so far. Noah, a retarded young man frequently goes in and out of the forest, but no danger ever befallen him which is why Lucius, a young man wants to venture into town to buy medicine when a young boy died of an illness which could have been prevented. THe elders were not very encouraging. Then the creatures began to go into the village, scaring everybody and of course something really bad happened and the young blind girl named Ivy pleaded with her father so that she can leave the village, go to town to buy medicine. From thereon we know little by little about the village and its reasons for its existence.
When half way through this movie, you will know the truth about the creatures. They're really not the so called twist in this movie. Which is why most reviewers will say you will know the hint of the ending half way through. Maybe I am slow in all these hints because I didn't know until Night revealed it towards the end, and then it all made sense. Why would a loving father allow his BLIND daughter to venture into the woods alone? If he is so loving how he could have allowed such a potentially dangerous expedition to take place and more so when his daughter is also quite helpless? You will know why. But the answer goes beyond this simple question.
As I looked back into what I was presented with in this movie, I realised there is an irony in this movie. The elders, all able bodied and healthy men with good eyesight and limbs rather stay back and watch Lucius die than to venture out to the town because they fear the outside world and yet, Ivy, a girl, blind and alone who has never in her life ventured beyond the woods did it all by herself guided by her love for Lucius. Then there's the fact that Ivy's father, Edward who refuses to touch Lucius' mother because he was too in love with her to destroy the perfect world he had created in the village when if in the real world outside the village, he would have divorced his wife and married this woman he loved. One father in the first scene wept on his young son's coffin who died of illness and yet in restrospect, you will feel angry with this father who actually sacrificed so much, even his own son's life to continue to live in a lie. The entire village is founded on lies and deception. The elders turned their backs on the world which they deemed to evil, too cruel to live in and to raise their child came to this place to rebuild their lives which is essentially based on more lies and more deceptions. They're so fearful of the real world that they refused to venture out and yet in their own village a senseless crime was committed. And to have Ivy to travel through all hardships to encounter a kind hearted person who helped her without question is in itself an ironic ending to the concept that the village is all about. Perhaps the elders should have more faith in the world they see, that no matter where they go and hide from the world, sorrow and senseless crimes exist, so do kindness and understanding. It's a matter of oneself, not really the world.
I like the ending, though I hated the fact of the ending. The young ones were never given a chance to decide for themselves and in a way I have little respect for the so called elders who live in their own fears.
This is the sense that I got from this movie. The beauty of Night's movies are that every person may see the story differently. There is no one right answer, he gives you the concept, he gives you the idea, he even gives you the ending with all the twists but in the end you have to decide for yourself how you see the movie. He ingeniously builds the tense and suspense type of atmosphere, playing on our fears of the unknown, he makes the village look idyllic and yet dreary, almost colourless and his direction, though slow but a good story takes time to flesh out. I think above all else, M Night Shyamalan is a master storyteller. This movie solidifies this fact.
The acting in here may appear unconvincing sometimes where one particular actress was over promoted in what is essentially a ke-le-fe role, the dialogue a bit weird (in restrospect I understood why) and some actors were underused. But in the end it's the story that matters. Whilst I still find Signs his best movie todate, I find The Village profoundly deep. I can't help but wonder would I have turned my back on the world as the elders in this movie did? Would I have been so drastic and to deny my child the right to know the truth? Like the scene where Ivy met the kind stranger who helped her, perhaps we should have a bit of faith in our world.
A profoundly deep movie that requires 100% of your attention. And an excellent movie. Forget about the twist, watch it for the love story, watch it for Bryce Dallas Howard and Joaquin Pheonix who both gave excellent performances and watch it for Night's skillful and master storytelling technique. For all these I am ready to give this movie the perfect rating of .
Strange but true Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was checking my mailbox and I received this:-
"----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 5:41 PM
Subject: Promoting Firefox
Hi Funn,
We noticed and appreciate your recommending Firefox at your weblog (, and we were hoping that you would further help get the word out by adding a small Firefox button to your blog. The image is hosted at and the code to add it is some very simple HTML.
We depend on word of mouth (or of blog) and we appreciate your helping to spread the word with positive blog posts. If you're interested in helping with this effort, you can find the buttons at Let us know if you need any help setting this up.
Blake Ross
Mozilla Foundation"
I think there must be some data checker in the Internet which checks on some keywords if not how come Mr Ross knows about what I wrote? Maybe I connected my blog with some other big blogs? Pleasant surprise. So Mr Ross, if you're reading this, I sure will add that button in the new layout.
Oh yeah, finally my Holland V review is fully loaded in IE, finally!! And I am going to watch The Village later in the afternoon. Very excited.
Did you catch the opening ceremony of Olympics? Profoundly deep and artistically perfect don't you think especially those parades?
New reviews anyone?
August 14, 2004
Ranting Permanent link ▫ ▫
First of all, OLYMPICS! Yeah! I am not sporty but I love the olympic spirit. Maybe Greece will win gold medal for football! How come got beach volleyball, softball but no Rugby? Cricket? Wushu? Lion dance? Computer games competition? What's your most favourite sport and which do you think is the least popular one?
I love gymnastics (women, and not those with ribbons and all), weight lifting and anything competetive except swimming. I bet many of you are watching football! My least favourite? Equasterian (how on Earth you spell this??) and maybe fencing, ok Hockey, ok everything other than my favourites.
Anyway some on acting.
The Art of Acting
I watched a new Mediacorp series today, called Wing of Desire. It's interesting, acting very bad but there are some interesting contrast. Let's compare a bit.
In Wings of Desire, there's this Taiwanese sex bomb who plays someone older than her real age. Her acting is typical Taiwanese, when in shock, walk back 3 steps, when questioning, tilt the shoulders forward and always, always speak as if you can't breath. Very dramatic acting. Then there's the Singaporean type of acting, more down to Earth, more realistic but that depends, because I saw one actor who was so bad in there I can't describe it. Maybe I can ... I don't know, everything about him seemed like timed, calculated, pre programmed. But many Singaporean actors or Malaysian actors in Singapore can act realistically. Then I saw TVB series, which really depends on the material. Like Take My Word For It boasts some real good realistic acting whilst Greed Mask (is that the title?) has some very dramatic types that can be pretentious and over the top. So we go back to Power of Love, which has Chinese, Malaysian, Singaporean all rolled into one nice series. Esther Kwan is the HK acting, a bit more subdued, a bit more serious, a bit more tense, maybe because Esther in real life is serious, subdued, tense. It shows in her acting. Then there's the Malaysian, Shaun Chen a bit not so realistic, I feel he is charming but acting wise he is a bit not as subdued, not as real as Esther. Then I say Singaporean actors, again mroe grounded, more believable and then there's the Chinese (as in China), a bit over the top but still believable.
It is difficult to compare but the basic point is, Taiwanese tends to over dramatise a certain emotion especially in drama series, Singaporean a bit more subdued, a bit more grounded, like Malaysian but really depends on whether that person is a good actor or bad actor so it is between natural grounded acting and robotic pre programmed acting whilst HK acting, represented by Esther (who makes all HK actors look good overseas) is grounded, serious but a tad unrealistic in the sense that I don't believe real people will emote the way she did. Some HK actors are just plain bad. Overall, I find Wings Of Desire a good series to study the differences in acting techniques.
Power Of Love
Anyway, Power of Love looks very interesting now. Check out EPISODE 27 - all Shaun Chen and Apple Hong Storyline and PREVIEW OF EPISODE 29 - dramatic return of Esther's character. All screencaps by Wuchang and more can be found here.
As requested by me, dear Wuchang has given a rather detailed recap of Episode 27 so anyone interested, do have a read and those not interested, do read ...
"Maggie and Coco went for an interview to enter a reputable primary school. But the principal rejected Coco's application after finding out Coco comes from a single parent family. Maggie was extremely upset.
Paco chanced upon Roy and Maggie entering a restaurant. Paco seemed worred. He called Coco and Coco told him about the failed school application. Paco suspects that Maggie is trying to get back with Roy so as to ensure Coco can get into a good school.
Paco got Maggie out to try to warn her about going back to Roy just so Coco can have a normal family. He even offered himself to act as the father in future school interviews.
Maggie laughed and clarified there was nothing between her and Roy now. Paco explained that he was worried because Maggie always had difficulties handling matters of the heart. Maggie got angry and rebutted that she has ecountered much and had become wiser for it, however, Paco's the one who has difficulties handling love especially commitment. Paco was tongue tied after Maggie correctly read Paco's commitment problems.
After that, Paco went to a bar and lamented to the bar tender he has lost the suaveness he once had. The bar tender recommended Paco go read the book "The Little Prince" as maybe the root of the matter is that Paco has found his rose just like the little prince ie he has fallen in love. Paco sneered at that and decalred he would rather play computer games than read that book.
We then see Paco reading "The Little Prince".
While out shopping for groceries, Paco bumped into Maggie and Coco. Maggie was buying ingredients to make a cake. Maggie says that she heard from Coco that Paco knows how to make great cakes and she wants to try. Coco seized the chance to get Paco to teach Maggie cake making. They went back to Maggie's house. Coco then left Maggie and Paco alone in the house saying she is going to a friend's house to play.
There was the flour on the face lovey dovey moment. And then Maggie went on about how they have all the ingredients for making a cake but it lacks a certain important ingredient to make a great cake ie courage. She was talking in metaphors. Paco frozed for a while then finally told Maggie he loved her. They kiss and made love. Not much dialogue here.
We then see them in bed under blankets without clothes. The alarm clock rang and Maggie realised it's time to send Coco to school. She hastily woke Paco up and threw him his clothes. Then there were more lovey dovey smiles all round. However, Coco was at the door went Paco came out, his clothes still disheveled. Coco declares she doesn't mind that he is sleeping with her mommy but requests that Paco next time finishes wearing his clothes before coming out to the hallway. Paco can only give an embarrassed look and said sorry."
Ok, it's a bit sugary, it's a bit awww-shucks but I like it. I await eagerly to buy this VCD. No need to repeat why of course. By the way you can download some bits and pieces of this series, although there's one full download of Ep 14. I definitely recommend this episode because it is the only full download. Maybe the webmaster may put up more later, I hope. So to download, just click on HERE and choose your episode.
Take My Word For It
A bit of update on this series. I think 3 more episodes to ending. This series shows how wrong first impressions can be. Already one useless husband out of the way now we have one useless boyfriend. This series boasts some very strong characters. I wonder why not many promote it? If it doesn't screw up, I am ready to give it a perfect rating. I especially love Chilam, Kenix and especially Bobby's performance. Where can you find such gems of characters to play? I definitely will explain more in my review.
Greed Mask
Very confusing first 2 episodes which sets the tone of mystery in the most juvenile way. It's almost boring with Helena Tam doing so many things but for what? Should I continue watching? For Roger Kwok, I think I must. I like Roger's hair though. Very stylish. But the first few scenes were really dreadful to watch as the story goes on and on and on about that dead starlett, crazy women and what nots. Next week the dad's gonna die and that will start the ball rolling on the mystery of whodunnit.
Coming soon some new reviews from me. Somehow I don't feel the urge to write for Better Halves. Very disappointed with the last 2 episodes that went through like speedboat in a chase. I mean why rush? Take 2 more episodes to wrap things up lar but noooo...I can't summarize how I feel anymore about this and other series I have watched in my reviews. Very difficult to even write the plot. Maybe I should just go to comments and skip the plot. In fact very tired to write.
So that you know, you can comment on my reviews (or any review posted using Blogger) by clicking Post A Comment that is right under the title of the series/movie. Click it and you can post using your Blogger identity or anonymously (but please write your name at the end of your post). I will be deleting the reviews posted by Wordpress soon. To those who has trouble reading the whole review of some recently posted reviews, do use Mozilla Firefox. IE is getting unstable lately. And thanks for all the tips on names and characters and all, you know who you are. And I look forward to your submissions.
August 13, 2004
SPCNET Forums Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just a question. Anyone has any problem accessing SPCNET Forums? Just tag it into the Shout Box because I can't seem to get in!
August 12, 2004
Vive La Famille II Permanent link ▫ ▫
Finally found the website and to my utter disappointment, old man Sun didn't die! How come? Why? I though Vive La Famille's ending was poignant, so tragic and yet so peaceful and he didn't die?
Anyway surprise surprise! Chen Hanwei is from Malaysia! How many more good looking men from Malaysia is acting in Singapore? How many? Huh? Huh? Why is Malaysia itself is drained of good looking men and all of them in Singapore?
August 10, 2004
Vive la famille 2 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anybody knows what is the direct URL to Mediacorp's site on this series? I want to know, did the father die?
Mozilla Firefox Update Permanent link ▫ ▫
Now in my reviews I can see the quotes in grey font. What is going on? But still no scrollbar colours. Very sad because spent so much time designing and tables not there, colours not there! But CSS files works right? But I must admit, for once my website looks complete becauise at least the content is all there. I recommend that you download this browser. It's good.
August 09, 2004
Help please? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I noticed that in Mozilla Firefox, I can't see the tables lines and I can't see the scrollbar colours. I also notice in my reviews I have used some CSS files. Is it that in Mozilla Firefox I can't see all that and I c ould only see them in IE? A pity because everything loads in Firefox but IE is very disappointing.
Someone who knows may be able to give me an answer?
Mozilla Firefox Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just downloaded this new browser called Mozilla Firefox and guess what? My Holland Vi review was successfully loaded into the page in no time! IE, what's wrong with you? I highly recommend you download Firefox. Now the problem is I can't see my tables. All the lines are missing making my website appears a bit weird.
Most Anticipated Movie Permanent link ▫ ▫
Right now? The Village. How about you? I always thought Night's (yeah we are best friends!) best movie is still Signs. So suspenseful, so deep, so meaningful, so entertaining. Maybe The Village can top that?
Keeptouch Community Portal - [NEWS] Shaun Chen Hongyu leaving MCS Permanent link ▫ ▫
"Wonder why Mediacorp invited him again, when they rejected him in the 1st round of Star Search...even if Shaun crossover, it wun do much impact on channel 8 viewers, would it... "
Shaun Chen was in Star Search? This is so interesting. Now everybody is saying a reject making it good! This forum discusses on the very often repeated accusations and his fellow female co-stars repeatedly said no such thing. I am convinced he is innocent. But that is old news. Now this new piece of news is interesting! Again, he was in Star Search?
Read more atKeeptouch Community Portal - [NEWS] Shaun Chen Hongyu leaving MCS
Anyway as observed by Kidd, IE simply refused to fully load my Holland V review, and until now I am still having problems viewing the latest reviews I just updated, though this problem never existed before. I checked the HTML files, all ok! I saw the visitors counter and it is counting. So I assume everyting is ok?
August 08, 2004
He never took advantage of me - JULY 20, 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I stumbled upon this article and I like what was written in it. Maybe you should have a read ...
The Electric New Paper - July 20th 2004
He never took advantage of me
So says Michelle Chia of a bedroom scene with Shaun Chen. So what made her puke instead?
By Yeoh Wee Teck

"SEX bomb and Lux shampoo girl Michelle Chia laughed it off when the rumours first started.
About two months ago, an entertainment magazine spotted Michelle and her Power Of Love co-star Shaun Chen together and suggested that they were a couple.
Then, readers wrote in to the Chinese press to say they saw the couple in Johor Baru.
'It was weird because the news was about me, but when I read it, I felt as if they were writing about someone else. All I could do was laugh about it,' said Michelle, dismissing talk of the budding relationship.
Michelle is used to wagging tongues.
'Any man I go out with can lead to rumours.'
Even her younger brother wasn't spared.
'Once I went shopping with my younger brother, and after that, people started saying I was dating a younger man!'
While Michelle, 28, never talks to the press about her boyfriends, she did admit before she was seeing a 'Swedish businessman'.
But some things never change - Michelle is still mum about her love life, even if it means giving up on defending her reputation.
'I especially don't want to talk about this, because it'll fuel more talk,' she said.
But the MediaWorks star said: 'When the rumours came out, it was quite awkward working with Shaun because we are friends and are comfortable with each other.
'You become conscious about whatever you do, and that's unfortunate.'
Luckily, those rumours only surfaced after they filmed a hot bedroom scene together, or it would've been too uncomfortable.
They shared a few kissing scenes too. Eventually, their relationship was broken up by a third party, played by Apple Hong.
'He was a gentleman,' Michelle insisted, despite talk that he has roaming hands with his female co-stars (which started when he left MediaCorp to join MediaWorks, to which he has always denied).
'He never took advantage of me. We communicated about what the scene was about, and I never felt any disrespect at all.'
She added: 'I'm in this industry, and I know how these talks can start from nowhere. Unless I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anything I hear.'
And, no, she said there weren't any off-screen sparks from that shoot.
Despite the scrutiny, Michelle still insists on keeping in touch with Shaun, although they haven't met in a while because of his filming schedule.
'We still meet for meals or drinks. I get along with him. He's a very straightforward and smart guy.'
But she conceded that she wouldn't be totally comfortable with him in public now.
'That's a pity because I want to be comfortable around my friends.'
The New Paper couldn't reach Shaun as he is shooting his new project, tentatively titled Yi Xin Ren.
Michelle, on the other hand, is between projects (the next is a variety show that begins filming next month) and she is spending her time catching up with old friends and family.
'I've got engagements during my break, so I can't afford to while away whole chunks of time. I'm just resting, lazing at home.' "
I think the hot bedroom scene is the one I saw in Ep 14 which isn't hot but passionate enough. Is there anorther of such scene? And frankly let's just say it's all just good PR. Will anyone admit to having itchy hands? And I never knew she was a sex bomb! Anyway I believe her. Nice article.
Channel U's Power of Love & More Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just saw Ep20 Power Of Love and the end theme, who do not know who was the singer but that song was very very familar and then it suddenly hit me, it was an English song sung by Will Young in his latest album, Friday's Child! Can't remember the title but that's the song.
Anyway a bit more on Power of Love. Having watched Ep 14 fully, I really like the presentation of it. How two souls who were kissing each other were actually not really into it and the ended up watching TV in silence, how the illegitimate child sincerely liked his step mom but didn't know how to actually tell her and thinking perhaps he was putting her in a difficult position, how the step mom genuinely liked the child but the world thought she was just playing the good step mom part. Even her husband gave her unnecessary pressure whilst he just sat back and did nothing much. Unfair you know. He created the problem and his wife and child had to bear thje consequences. Ep 20 dealt more with how the husband met, fell in love with the child's mother. Didn't quite like it because I do not care for the mistress' perspective. No matter how much it was justified by saying she loved him, she raised his child, she told him to go home, the point is she started a relationship that a decent woman like her shouldn't have, the man included. But without that there won't be drama.
Anyway I double checked the reviews I posted and all my reviews are fully posted but somehow they not properly loaded and I do not know why. If anyone has any problem reading the reviews please tell me. Wonder what's wrong?
Notice About Recently Posted Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
I noticed that the direct links are of no use as only part of the review (all 3 of them) are partially posted/uploaded. Could be just my computer or could be the length. I will check back tomorrow and if you see only half of the review posted for any or all of the 3 reviews posted just now, please email me.
Updates-Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
I won't be posting these links in my TVB/Singapore reviews page until the new layout is up.
New reviews all written by me. Any missing sentences and names and spelling, please inform me. But I think they're all completed.
1. Vigilante Force
2. Burning Flame II (FINALLY! No Summary though as there are many out there so straight to the review itself)
Reviews - Mediacorp (Singapore)
3. Holland V (FINALLY! Very very very long, because so much to talk about and so much more was left out. I highly recommend you print it or read it offline).
All these reviews have 100% spoilers so if you want to be surprised, don't read them. Be forewarned!
New submissions anyone? Huh? Please?
Kissing Scenes Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just finished downloading Ep 14 Power of Love (that is Singapore's Mediaworks) and there was one scene where Paco (that is Shaun) was kissing Pauline (that is Michelle) passionately as they kind of waltzed up a winding stairs (supposedly a hotel at Genting Highlands and if it is it can only be the VVVVIP suite that I often see but never get to actually stay in it but I really doubt it is) and then dropped on the bed still kissing passionately. Then suddenly he stopped, rolled over and they did nothing. I have a reason for writing this in such details.
Because watching this scene reminded me of one particular scene in Take My Word For It (that is TVB) where Ah Jing (that is Winnie Yeung) kissing ... can't remember the character's name, played by Moses Chan by that big window panel or whatever and Kenix (playing the wife Kit) saw them kissing. It was supposed to be a very passionate goodbye kiss, made more passionate because the mistress wanted the wife to see though the adulterer didn't know. Now, Winnie was passionate, Moses just stood there to receive that kiss but remember that kiss? Where she basically smashed her pursed closed lips to his pursed closed lips and they looked like they were applying lip gloss on one another where in the entire kiss, their mouths remained very closed, and never really moved?
Now come back to Paco and Pauline. Now that is what I call a passionate kiss. Their heads were actually moving. I know kissing can be two mouths moving, heads not moving but PASSIONATE kiss you know. What is wrong with TVB? They have no problems showing actors' backsides in a prime time TV, no problem showing lesbians and gays, no problems with distorting the historical facts but they have a problem with showing what is a real kiss? And then I read the very same actors acting in mainland productions or Singaporean-Taiwanese-Chinese productions and there they go,kissing opened mouth, tongue and all to show a passionate kiss.So it must be the TV station that is restricting the passionate kiss. I mean Charmaine Sheh had no problem rolling on the bed with Benny, kissing passionately and Charmaine looks like a good kisser so any lame kissing scenes with her in it looks decent enough but not that way in a TVB series??
The only thing I find in common is the aftermath of sex scenes. In TVB and everywhere else in Asian countries (except for very few) couples in the morning after are fully clothed. Like so passionate and then they dressed? I am not asking for Hollywood type of love scenes but at least, realistically speaking, why not kiss like real couples do for realism? That TMWFI scene was so badly done it was embarassing to watch and gave me an impression Moses Chan and Winnie Yeung can't kiss and that I believe is far from the truth, not that I have kissed them of course. Bring back reality acting!
August 07, 2004
Channel U's Power of Love & Important Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
I noticed that everytime I enter this website through my blog doesn't show. So if you encountered the same problem and is still having the same problem, do enter this site via the full URL that is
If you have entered this website using the usual URL, I am sure you won't be reading this. If you could read this, just bookmark that full URL. If you have bookmarked this website, I don't think this problem exists.
Looking for submissions of reviews. Anyone? Anyone??
Thanks to Wuchang for forwarding the URL to download some episodes of this series. Just out of curiosity as to how Shaun Chen sounds like, I basically downloaded all 4 parts of Episode 14, because I wasn't sure which one he was in. Someone once told me his voice is ok, just not refined, not sophisticated. His voice was dubbed in Holland V and I thought perhaps he spoke very bad mandarin. Actually his mandarin is very good, no Hokkien slang or anything but this person was right. His voice is unrefined. It's not squeeky high or anything of that sort, just not refined. Can't quite explain. I can't quite imagine his face with his real voice, maybe his dubbed voice in Holland V is too ingrained in my memory. Be that as it may, I'd rather listen to his real voice because at least it's more accurate acting. That one episode I saw, it was very nice, very emotional. I think I can see what's the fuss with this series. As for Shaun, put it this way. His voice may be unrefined, but his lazy drawl is a good thing, very calm and cool. Exactly like he looks, but again I need getting used to his voice. I object to dubbing an actor's voice, Sonija Kwok and Charmaine Sheh included. Because then it will give the fans an illussion that they can act very well with the very emotional power voice when actually they could be delivering a line without much emotion.
Anyway anyone interested in downloading Ep 14 and Ep 20 can find them HERE and for future episodes, the maker might post new episodes HERE. Each episode is divided into 4 WMV files, each file about 10MB to 25MB. The quality is quite good actually but the sound a bit on the low side. If anyone is interested in Shaun's scenes, just download Ep 14.
August 05, 2004
Comments on series shown on ASTRO Permanent link ▫ ▫
Better Halves
I don't remember what's the episode I watched today but I must say, one of the funniest. The more Pak Hap said she wants to marry Ling Wu Hei, the more Fook Tau kept saying the wedding ceremony must be bigger, better, more lavish when we all know Ling Wu Hei is a woman! It's just so funny. And Ko Fei is absolutely hilarious as he is so confused over his sexuality. I mean it could have been Eternal Happiness but this series made it more comical and I really like Ling Wu Hei, which is why I hope he will know her true identity soon. I don't the hint of homosexuality in this series disgusting, in fact I find it frustrating because that man is so confused! And Ling Wu Hei, a woman pretending to be a man is so much more of a man than most man I have met. Not one bad word can be said about this noble woman/man. I love the lyrics to the themesong where Steven Ma sang; " One is a gentleman with wants (talking about Ko Fei), the other is an interesting woman (talking about Ling Wu Hei doing the slow mo kung fu which is a very nice scene)". Direct translation! Who would have thought, Moses Chan and Joyce Coi (or Koi) could look compatible and has chemistry?
Take My Word For It
Now back to Take My Word For It. Poor Pang Sir, dropped from the building. Fell more like it. I pity him. He's such an intelligent man and yet he has such useless siblings. But the funniest today has got to be the thick skinned Yeung Kwong go begging the processed food CEO to give his father's company, Cheong Lung another chance. That man said "Give me a reason why I should hand back the agent licence to you?" and Yeung Kwong said "I can give ten, hundred, a thousand", "Ok then, give me a thousand" and he spent the whole night giving reasons like "Cheong Lung has very pretty workers, Cheong Lung is equipped with the latest equipment...". I find that scene so funny. The previous episode showed how much his step father loved him and I find that very touching.
Very good series occupying Wah Lai Toi, sadly they're ending by end of this month. Better Halves will end first.
Viva La Famille
Then there's Channel 19's Viva La Famille. I must comment the majority of the wonderful performances, so natural. I am beginning to like Huang Biren who plays Yu Min. The more you look at her, the prettier she is. Chen Han Wei has too much lip gloss on. Scary actually. The best acting though has to be the little boy who plays Jie Ming. Poor boy, everytime the mom screams at him for disgracing her in front of Jonathan's mother, he went crying, begging his mother to forgive him. Reminds me of many modern time's young children's childhood, get into EM1, get straight As, die also must finish the exam.
More in my upcoming reviews.
August 04, 2004
Puteri Gunung Ledang Permanent link ▫ ▫
There are many local movies that I never look forward to and once every 2 decades or so one movie comes along and I want to watch it and that is Puteri Gunung Ledang, made from millions and millions of Ringgit. For once the soundtrack is hip (Asmaradana written by KRU a great song, very atmospheric and sung by the super sexy Tiara Jaquelina-can't remember how to write the name!) and the trailer from the music video looks fantastic. Women clothed in very beautiful and sexy costumes, M Nasir looks wonderful, and for once the film looks new instead of cheap and yellow-ish. I will definitely catch the movie and hopefully the acting is top notch. Most of local films, the way they act is like chinese opera, only worse. This movie looks promising and it made me realise, just a few millions more means so much to the film roll quality. But what I find funny is the fighting sequences. Very CTHD and very not real because come on, has Silat ever been so fast moving and the keris looking like swords?
August 03, 2004
ICQ Permanent link ▫ ▫
I notice that ever since I posted my ICQ no. in this website, many has been adding me into their contact list. Problem is I do not know if this person knows my no. from this website or elsewhere. So please when you add me into your list or see me online, do just tell me you're got this from Point2e ok? I don't want to simply authorize. Right now I see Malaysia I just authorise.
Shocking! Permanent link ▫ ▫
First of all James Bond. Rumour has it it could be Eric Bana! I mean great choice but didn't Eric Bana ruled himself out? Come on, Hugh Jackman man! Hugh Jackman. I just realised James Bond must be at least 6 feet tall so that rules out Colin Farrell. Good!
Next Hollywood's remake of Infernal Affairs. No Brad Pitt! I was hoping to see Johnny Depp as the police mole and Brad Pitt as the triad mole. But now they apparently have Leo Di Caprio as the police mole and Matt Damon as the mafia mole set in Boston. Leo is a great actor but Matt? Can he handle the emotions that Tony Leung did so well? Is Leo as cool as Andy Lau who gave one of his finest performances? I wonder who plays Eric Tsang's role. In fact I wonder how the movie will turn out.
Finally I saw the trailer of Mediacorp's Spice Siblings. First of all, it's in Shuang Xing which I did not subscribe to so darn! Next I was shocked to see Jeannette Aw, sweet innocent Jing Jing now that bitchy mean looking girl! I tell you an actor is an actor. In Singapore it can be so drastic. I am still shocked at seeing Dr Fang so un-Dr Fang like in Viva La Famille. Now Jing Jing! Then there's Cynthia Koh whom I think is playing someone nice instead of her bitchy Yan Yan? Then there's Shaun Chen as the playboy (not that bad actually) when he as Xiao Xin was so loving and all. Shocking! Only in Singapore, where one actor plays one character and then the next an extreme opposite and did both roles as well, if not one is better though I am still trying to get used to the changes. I guess it's because the industry is small, there is only so many people. Jeannette was bitchy in the trailer but not half as bitchy as Cynthia Koh in Holland V. I suspect she is not that a good actress but she is popular.
Now come back to TVB actors. Same role, same situation. No variety. I long to see Bowie Lam as a villain again, I long to see Moses Chan as someone really really despicable, I long to see Charmaine Sheh as a bitchy woman, I long to see Sonija Kwok playing a comatose patient throughout the series. But what do I get? Same old same old. But I must mention Bobby Au Yeung. He used to play man who has a past, a man with an agenda, something troubling him, a hard man then when he became too famous, he played the underdog, the silly loving fat guy. Now in Take My Word For It, he trimmed down to a very good body shape, dressed in very beautifully and smartly cut clothes (I swear, best fashion in a series) and in a role that is very hard to like. I love the scenes where he walks into his house and starts scolding his brother, his parents, his sister, everybody. This is the Bobby I want to see, mature, successfull and mean as hell. Great performance if you ask me, because something different.
Next up I saw a trailer starring Roger Kwok with a very stylish hairstyle. Didn't quite catch the title yet but it looks interesting. I hope to see Roger as a villain again. In fact I hope to see a famous face as a villain.
Ok, back to reality. Someone wrote in an email to me the following:-
"Btw, I have never seem anyone so obsess with a series he/she hasn't seen even 1 episode at all (correct me if I am wrong, but that's impression I get from your post - u repeatly said you have not watch it). Why are u so obsess with Power Of Love? Is it because of Shaun? :D"
I won't reveal who but you know who you are. Why I am sharing this is because I never thought of it as obsession but thanks for bringing me back to reality. True I am obsessed with a series I have yet to watch and will probably dislike it when I do watch it. I am waiting for the VCDs. If Shuang Xing shows it I will subscribe to Shuang Xing. Why? Well my reply to this person ...
"Anyway yes you got me! I haven't watched one single episode and there I was talking about it. I am not obsessed with it but I am just appalled at Mediaworks for having ZERO promo on this series. I mean no website, no trailers, no pictures. Nothing! In a way it is because of Shaun Chen I am promoting it because he was insulted enough when he was at mediacorp and also because fellow malaysian, so rare got one who is good looking and can act. Ok ok I can hear you "Ewwww he's not good looking" but to me he is. Have you seen Holland Village? Because if you have you would love him! I hate his hair in Power of love though. It's funny. Everybody is oohing and ahhing about Esther (I love her actually, excellent actress) and Guo Liang (like who is he?!) but there is me, alone talking about Shaun this and Shaun
that. I am sure the series sucks in many ways or maybe it is a good series but anyway let me have this perfect picture in me. Am I the only one who likes dear Shaun? Support a bit lar! Malaysian what!"
In retrospect I really watched Holland V diligently because of Shaun Chen. True! I am at that age where I shouldn't obsess about some actor but I am right now. Not like I will stalk or hunt him down but I am just so excited that there is someone worth idolising that came from Malaysia even if he had a bad reputation. In my soon to premier The DDGs, I wrote this about him ...
"Why be a lecher when you can be a lothario, a far more attractive trait to a woman?"
Something like that, not in exact words. I am glad the scandal has died down. I just wish he just move to a more prominent TV station because Mediaworks has no PR department, it seems.
Anyway I hope someone will capture a media file with his voice in it. I am curious, how does he sound like? 40 VCDs which I will purchase will worth that price I guess. Now this is obsession.
August 02, 2004
ICQ Number Permanent link ▫ ▫
I finally got myself an ICQ no! I used to have one long long time ago. Anyway if you see me online do say HI! BUT don't ooh-ooh me too much because most of the time I am busy updating my website.
My ICQ no. is 265744741 with name Funn Lim.
Anyway you can post comments within a review but if you're posting as anonymous, PLEASE do write your name at the end of your post. Blogger does not have that Name feature yet.
Short Movie Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
Homerun [Chi]
For once RottenTomatoes failed me. Can't find anything on this series there.
This is a 70% faithful adaptation of the best movie about children I have even seen, the excellent Majid Majidi's Children of Heaven. This time Jack Neo (who gave the world the brilliant I Not Stupid movie) gave it a very Asian-Singaporean twist to it set in 1965 Singapore in a rather forgotten era. Filmed entirely in Malaysia (well maybe most of it) the story is essentially the same. One big brother losses his little sister's only shoe and how they went about getting a new one for her. But many things were added. I will definitely write a longer review for this one but for now, I have to give this movie a for many reasons though Children of Heaven would have a perfect rating. More on this later.
New Review
Added Jenny Chan's very detailed review of TVB's Triumph In The Skies. Please take note, this review is very very detailed therefore SPOILERS GALORE!