October 31, 2004
We Are Back! Permanent link ▫ ▫
After that initial scare on 28.10.2004, this website is back up. Bad news is most reviews won't work as I posted them using the MySQL Database which is still here but not the files generated by it. I do not know where to find them! Good news is most recent posts are posted via Blogger so the following are back 100%:-
1. Funn Stuff
2. Episodic thoughts of Survivor's Law
3. Episodic thoughts of Perish In The Name Of Love (although the archived pages are still in bad shape, so always hit previous or back button to go back to index page
4. and this page itself and all its archived pages
5. and some new reviews posted via Blogger.
Now I also have unlimited mysql database, problem is I don't have much space. Should have subscribed now as better deal but I think I will create some databases for I don't know, maybe a forum since I have no use for those blogging sites as I have my dependable Blogger. Thanks to Blogger, all I needed to do is to hit republish entire blog and nothing else. And my computer is old also, so I quickly added everything.
Anyway back in business but not quite. Submissions anyone?
By the way reason for my missing website? Server meltdown. But at least I got an explanation.
Thanks for your concern.
By the way (again) I changed the The DDGs pictures. Since I will be busy with the reviews, I thought I do some public service and promote this series. I know you guys and girls are watching The Champion, the more happening series but really give Changing Lanes a chance. The characters are interesting in a way they're not good people, not that bad a person, just human in a very dramatized way.
I intend to put up The DDGs soon, as since this series is ending soon, Shaun Chen won't be in TV soon, but if and only if he got back his old job. So I thought better hurry up before he disappear. But really doesn't he look dishy in that white shirt?Check out the slideshow.
October 22, 2004
Updates & HELP! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I read that you can buy Power of Love in Malaysia. Anybody who has seen the VCDs somewhere in KL do please email me. I don't usually go VCD hunting so the only place I know is the one next to Kota Raya. Or if there's a place to buy this series online, do email me also. I checked Yessia and Sensasian, nope, nothing. There must be some place to buy Singaporean Chinese series?!
Updated my Yi Xin Ren thread. Strange that no fans have ever posted some episodes online?! The one for Power of Love was done by an Esther Kwan fan. So what about Ann Kok fans? Ericia's fans? Or even Wai Ying Hung's fans? Why no episodes or clips for download? Strange.
October 21, 2004
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Updated the Yi Xin Ren thread.
By the way DDGs is coming soon and I have finished the Survivor's Law episodic thoughts. Review coming soon.
October 19, 2004
Downloading Yi Xin Ren Permanent link ▫ ▫
Like Power Of Love, someone out there must have uploaded some clips or episodes of this series currently showing in Channel U. Do please email me if you know of any.
MediaCorp Love Is Beautiful Permanent link ▫ ▫
I kinda suspected the actor who plays Le Tian in MediaCorp's Love Is Beautiful isTerence Cao. He may be a great actor now, he may have been wonderful before, but frankly in Love Is Beautiful, it was pure torture watching him act. But he's not the only problem with series.
Jacelyn Tay (is it Jaqueline or Jase-leen?) was wonderful, although it took me some time to be comfortable with her rather revealing off work dress. BUT her foundation on her face is like 10 layers too thick, that it was so distracting.
Qi Yu Wu looked like an Ah Beng, and looked a tad too young for the rather mature looking Jacelyn. His acting is also quite ordinary at this moment of posting.
And I finally saw Rayson Tan! But rather I didn't see, because I am at episode 4 and so far he has very little to do.
Pan Lingling's hair is so in, her acting very bitchy (it was ok) but again her make up is so 80s! I mean why is everybody (as in women) over make-up-ed in here?
And the actor who plays the father (at this moment I forgot his name) was truly wonderful in the movie I so love but truly lacked the authoritativeness as a rather stern but loving father!
Then there's the girl who was raped (I mean pity her), I wonder who is the actress because why must they show rape victims acting like psycho? You know Rou Rou (Vivian Lai) in Holland V? Why? Her acting is truly horrible. The girl who plays her sister is standard fare, anyone can do better.
BUT the worse was actually Terence Cao. He has the look of a rapist, he should switch roles with that guy who plays the rapist. He talks so slow, he rolls his eyes in a very obscene manner (I see them as obscene, you may see different), his acting is truly awful and he looks "gwai gwai shu shu" as if he has something to hide! Why? Why him?
The saving grace other than Jacelyn Tay in a very controlled performance (albeit probably suffocating under the thick powder on her face) is surprisingly another guy with the gwai gwai shu shu look, Tay Ping Hui. I didn't like him at first, but after watching Terence Cao, I count my blessings that at least he's a better actor, better looking, probably taller and looks less suspiscious.
Thus far the plot is interesting (about land) but the rest are standard fare.
And I notice and I have seen about 4 or 5 MediaCorp series straight and I notice, 3 common factors in all series which badly reflects Singapore;
1. full os rapists (as every series has at least one rape/molestation/sexual assault victim)
2. paedophile (towards children or adults with mental capacity of a child) ; and
3. inept police/detective/someone in the business of law and order.
It's quite sick also to watch in this series a very extended version of an ongoing sexual assault, with conflicting scenes. One scene had the victim running far far away, caught, dragged and raped by the sicko. Next segment of the same rape we have the victim casually walking by (not running) and she was dragged, pulled, pushed onto the floor, and the scene slowly lingers on that scene where she is assaulted as she screamed no no no and stop short of showing actual rape. Is that ever necessary at all? To pull up ratings? It serves no purpose, not to show horror except to show some you know such scenes. Because that scene was a memory type scene of the rapist himself, of course he was shown having remorse but an extended scene of such scene in the capacity of the rapist is not really good, it should be her memory (to show the horror she went through) and not his (which implied the pleasure he derived from it). The only consolation is the very brutally real scene as he was WHIPPED. GOOOOOOOOD.
Other than that, whenever Terence Cao looks at a girl, he looks like he is slowly disrobing her and thinking naughty thoughts. Who is this actor? Is his character going to do something bad which explains why he has this look on his face??
I am beginning to appreciate Tay Ping Hui. But none of the actors in this series look remotely like or has the qualities of a star and yes that includes Qi Yuwu. Totally Ah Beng like, but he did better in In the Pursuit of Peace. He should play a very poor man rising to be a very rich man.
October 17, 2004
That Bloody News (Again) Permanent link ▫ ▫
Everytime I calm down, I get links to forums like this and again the whole grandmother story. I am sure it is haunting him as he contemplates, "Am I going to get a contract?" and it is haunting me. My conviction for this guy is like "I believe him", "I believe him not" and again and again and again. How can you fight a pastor's words eh? I need to think about this ... for a night ...Oh come on! Did you do it? Were you worse than a nagging aunty? But think about this ... in newer series he had more kissing scenes and very intimate scenes with female costars than before. No complaints so far, in fact just praises. All complaints came from one series, and that was soon before he actually left Big Brother. The timeline is very appropriate .. it's like the chicken and egg story. Which came first? This is Malaysian pride man. So much negative news, over one person, just because of one person I read remarks like "People like him should go back to Malaysia, go back to kampung". This is too much. I need to think about this ... Am I ever going to read something positive, something good about him?
By the way who is Hu Wensui??
I must also talk about this. I am watching Love Is Beautiful. I do not know who is the actor that played that single brother of Jacelyn Tay but he is probably one of the worst I have ever seen. Now he looks like Gwai Gwai Shu Shu. And Qi Yuwu, for all the hot news about him, my dear sister (who doesn't know any Singaporean / Malaysian stars) remarked "He looked like Ah Beng". Which is true. Now I am curious. People like Qi Yuwu more, with such positive glowing remarks. None for my favourite guy. Perhaps it boils down to viewers' face concept. People like you, people like you. People don't like you, just be an actor's actor. One person in that forum remarked, "and sorry to burst your bubble valerie.... shaun cannot act, cannot host... and still thinks he is so great..."
I beg to differ. One scandal and forever he is branded! Branded. I can't take this anymore. I beg to differ.
And what is this condemnation of our hunky Malaysian man? Christopher Lee is not famous anymore ...Chen Han Wei is gay ... Arghhhhhh! At least, SIngaporeans hate Fann Wong, a fellow Singaporean. That is a comforting news, but then ... she is my most favourite actress! Why am I always liking stars who are not very well liked? Give me some positive feedback. I need positive feedback!
October 16, 2004
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
With references to THIS POST, I am very happy to announce my usual email address at point2e@myjaring.net is a-ok so you can now resume sending mails to this address, if any. My Outlook Express is officially dead, may it RIP so now I am using Mozilla Thunder .... thunder ..... thunder .... BIRD! I miss the outlook features though like ability to change personalities and download mails using that account only. I am not very used to Thunderbird. Even my IE is acting crazy as some permanent links are link to some I don't even know what the heck websites but they're all a-ok in firefox. So strange.
Anyway just to let you know.
And I just updated my Yi Xin Ren thread.
October 14, 2004
Channel U Yi Xin Ren [Merged Thread] Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have decided to merge all opinions of this series (if any) into this one thread in here. So from time to time I will update here and if you have any comments, recaps, whatever do post your comments under this one big title ok?
One last post in this thread. Many are upset over the botched ending, not really because Marcus died but because the ending on the telly did not resemble the ending as described in the U Mag which was much much better and made more sense. Anyway, angry fans, such as I am very upset, such a good plot butchered! But don't fret. Wuchang made an alternative ending, which is also in Funn Corner in Shaunsation. Now this is one ending I like. I never knew Yi Xin Ren can be a comedy! Just click the pictures, they're thumbnails.
Episode 28, the last episode tonight. Like I speculated, all wrong! Totally unexpected though many already said it ... Marcus died from the burns suffered in that fire caused by mad Wenguang who despite knowing it was Liwen who caused Xiuwen's death still blamed Marcus as the root of all evil. He used Liwen as a bait to lure Marcus and well, Liwen too was seriously hurt and on the operating table, Liwen's heart stopped, she needed a new heart and Marcus with his last breath consented to donating his heart to Liwen. 6 months later, Liwen is still alive, Wenguang is in Tanjung Rambutan, Chengxin gave birth to a baby, Haisheng ok and I don't know about the rest. By the way ealier Liwen and Marcus divorced.
In a way I like the ending because it is different, it dared to go the opposite of normal expectations and in the end Marcus selflessly gave to Liwen a chance to live when he knew he had none. That makes me admire Marcus and forgive all his past deeds. I feel like crying. I also saw in one screencap when Marcus knew that Liwen caused Xiuwen's death, I think he still blamed himself. The only way to seek forgiveness I guess is by doing what he did and at least he felt at peace. I think the cemetary is a bit too crowded with the Liangs and friends!
What is bad though is the drama of the operating room. Two in one room? Don't they have 2 ORs? And how come Liwen's heart could have total failure? Shouldn't it be her lungs from breathing in too much of those bad air? Don't DRs try to revive her first? It felt amateurish and the ending indeed rushed.
BUT MediaWorks had managed to get hold of my attention, grab it and refuse to let it got for 27 episodes or so. Last episode may be bad in terms of editing and the rush of it all, but to me this series is still excellent in terms of plot wise, respite its many inaccuracies technically. Acting wise I am sure are all amazing.
Indeed a good show and Shaun, I LOVE YOU! Great great great but his Marcus had more character when he was bad actually which means I like bad guys. Sighhhh....the bad ones are the more interesting ones eh?
Anyway some screencaps, more at SPCNET Forums and check out my Shaunsation.
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Anyway this thread is officially closed. I feel like a bit part of my life gone with this series gone. No more nightly visits to SPCNET Forums, no more chatting, no more speculation, no more Shuan! There's Yummy Yummy of course and if he has got a lot of scenes, I am sure he won't die in this series but will he be axed? Noooooooo...
Episode 24 is the mother of all twists in a plot. Xiuwen didn't kill herself, Liwen was on drugs, sitting by the edge of a building, Xiuwen tried to get her to come back to safety but Liwen struggled and Xiuwen fell to her death! Ingenious plot. Twist after twist. The interesting question now is how will Wenguang react to this? After all he sacrificed himself (in a way) by marrying a woman he did not love (Chengxin), lusting after a woman who looked like the woman he loved (Liwen), blamed a man who had in fact been the cause of Xiuwen's misery but didn't really cause so much misery that she killed herself because of that (Marcus), killed a woman to shut her mouth about a deep dark secret of his secret agenda for marrying into the Liang family (Sulan), co-operate with an outsider to take over wife's father's company (Lei Wenting), using a woman for his own agenda (Xueer) and ultimately betraying his own conscience and now we all brand him as a sicko, worse than Marcus ever was. And now Liwen couldn't blame Marcus for Xiuwen's death since he wasn't the true cause. But let's not forget, he got the ball rolling first. After all he did raped Xiuwen, and that in itself should not be forgotten. But it would also be interesting to see how Wenguang will reconcile his own conscience and his evil deeds and how Marcus will come to terms the changes in himself since thinking he caused her death was the very reason which changed him and the fact that he should never have gotten the heart in the first place.
Ok, a few interesting screencaps ...
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Rumour has it that Marcus will die. But my prediction whic I previously posted in SPCNET Forums is this ...
I really do not think he will die for various reasons. Plot wise it is not good because this man has done so many wrongs, and he has tried to right all the wrongs, the ultimate test that will get everybody forgiving him will be that big fire, the battle between good who was formerly evil (Marcus) and evil formerly good (wenguang) and good always triumph over evil who will in the end repent and be good again. So it will be very pointless to kill off Marcus or even wenguang because then the idea of forgiveness, retribution and second chances which was what this series was about woulod become non existent. Now if Liwen were to die, I understand but i doubt it because after so much suffering, a Chinese series especially, after so much suffering there must be always hope, rejoice and happiness. So I think
1. Marcus will not die, in fact he will have a good ending
2. maybe Liwen will leave singapore for a while to clear her mind or something
3. wenguang goes to jial but chengxin waits for him perhaps? or maybe he dies.
4. sulan either dies but her death exposes wenguang or she didn't die which is highly unlikely because her purpose in this series is already finished, she really has nothing left to do
5. brothers will forgive brothers and the whole Liang family stickes together.
I found out I got No. 4 right, that is Sulan died and the preview of Ep 25 showed that her death left some clues which created doubt in Haisheng being accused of murder. I think this writer has written a very good plot, very dramatic and since I couldn't watch this series, I hope the acting match the greatness of the plot. Very interesting.
The series is ending soon, this coming Friday. Catch it before it is gone.
It has been quite some time since my last post in here. Now we are at Ep 17 and things are heating up. A lot of things happened but most important is Liwen fell for Marcus and they made for a cute couple BUT Xue Er the ex-GF came back into his life and driven by guilt, he was too nice to her that when he decided to marry Liwen, she stabbed him. Story would get even more dramatic next week I was told as Liwen harboured a deep dark secret and poor Marcus will had to pay for his past sins! At this point Marcus is not the bona fide good guy after he found out Xiuwen was such a nice person, that in a way he drove her to her untimely death. He was filled with regret and vowed to change into a better person and lucky Liwen, she got to be with the good Marcus. But is she genuine? I must say Shaun is one lucky fellow. So far he has got to do quite a lot of hugging and kissing of his main female co-stars, 3 of them to be precise whilst he spent quite a lot of screentime with Ericia Lee, but in chaste manner. In Ep 16 you will see also him swimming but I prefer not to see because the pictures weren't flattering. You must go to SPCNET Forums to look at the screencaps and also some plot description, scanned mags and the ugly horrible looking poster. The centre spread was better. It a great thing that this series got almost unanimous round of applause for good acting, great script, interesting storyline and great looking cinematography. I do not have a chance to watch it. The question for those who has that chance, why aren't you? It's going to end soon so do catch it before it's gone.
Anyway, some interesting screencaps ...
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Ep 16 - The start of a romance. Liwen was kidnapped by Marcus' old foe, he frantically went in search, rescued her, confessed his love and they shared from what I could see to be a very lovely kiss. A good one.
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Ep 17 - On his wedding day he got stabbed. The girl looks like Fann Wong.
Episode 7 - Even his own brother wanted to do him in! Of course his son's leg got amputated and I guess in tonight's episode they all knew who. This Marcus Liang Chengzhi is such a horrible character, which is great to see an up and coming actor playing such a bastard-ish role. Not many would want to ruined their image. Absolutely vile! And finally at SPCNET Yi Xin Ren thread, I found my heaven. Everybody loves the series there for its intriguing storyline ( I read the plot I found it interesting, saw the screencaps and found them absolutely fantastic, so imagine me watching this series eh? One series that I really wanna watch but never got to watch!), most praised Shaun (which increases his bankability as an actor and his chances of going back to MediaCorp!) and I find myself appreciating this common bond thingy. At last, not one bad word about you know who.
Anyway, some interesting screencaps ...
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His brother trying to do him in. For such a bad person, it is quite interesting to note that he loves his sister unconditionally. Which means there is some hope left in this vile mean creature.
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This is preview of episode 8. Forget about that girl in that polka dot bikini (big breasts! What is it with this series with its women in bikinis every other episode?) but zoom in on Shaun in his red sweater. I love him in well cut suits but casual wise, I love this one. May I be permitted to swoon over him for a moment. Forget about all those bad rumours and all, this series will transform him.
What are you still waiting for? WATCH IT and record it and upload it into your website so that fans deprived of watching this series can download them!
Hop over to SPCNET Forums and you will see more screencaps that narrate the story. And do post a thank you note to Wuchang. You will also get to read some summaries there.
The kind twin died in Ep 6 and it was dramatic. This is one series you must watch my friends. WATCH! Anyway some very interesting screencaps of Ep 6...
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Look at the 3rd last picture at the bottom. So dramatic. Why she had to kill herself? Hop over to SPCNET Forums and you will see more screencaps that narrate the story.
Another good one is this ...
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The last 2 at the bottom is really the crux of this series, in my opinion. Yup, what good deeds have you done? He basically ruined the life of a young promising woman. Now he has to redeem himself. I was told the acting is superb in this series.
What are you waiting for? WATCH IT!
So I was told his voice wasn't dubbed. Good! Anyway I read in SPCNET Forums some summary and looked at the screencaps and I am very happy to know this series is generating a very positive buzz. I wonder, is Shaun and every other MediaWorks artists allowed to come back to old big brother? A pity if they can't right? Anyway just to write I find Shaun so very dishy looking and so menacing in some screencaps, I am still crying because I can't watch! I am seriously considering moving to Singapore or JB for a while. Why can't these people sell these series? Why can't I find them? Anybody in Malaysia could find perhaps Power of Love? If yes then I can surely find this series later! A great pity is that it does not have some big HK star because then it may have a chance of being released into VCDs. Anyway do watch this series and do email me how you find the series. Let's talk friends, because this friend here is desperate!
Anyway, the most interesting screencap of Episode 3 in my humble opinion:-
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He was arrested for rape. I think still under investigation. What I like about this one is the family, sniggering, saying mean things behind his back. Not that our hero is a hero, really a very despicable arrogant character and I got all these by just looking at the screencaps. I wanna watch!! Where can I download? Where?!
I do know that girl with bunny teeth is Ericia Lee but really who is she? She looks so familiar. That girl Ong Ai Leng is Malaysian right? What happened to her character in this series I wonder?
The cast, thanks to Wuchang (you can even find the lyrics there at you know where page 3):-
Shaun Chen - Liang Chengzhi Marcus
Ann Kok - Zhao Xiuwen
Li Wenhai - Liang Bonian
Peter Yu - Liang Chengyong
Huang Youxiang - Liang Chengwu
Ye Sumei - Zhang Lingzhi
Ann Poh - Li Peiyu
Darren Lim - Zhang Wenguang
Xu Qiongfang - Huang Caifeng
Xia Chuan - Lei Wanting
Ong Ai Leng - Xu Xue'er
Chen Kuan-Tai - Zhao Haisheng
Ericia Lee - Liang Chengxin
Wai Ying Hong - Lin Su Lan
Wahhhhhhhh, I want to watch!!! Episode 2's screencaps are so interesting! Shaun plays a very rotten character and from what I could see, he pushed his pregnant GF off the building! Raped Ann! Perhaps even planned to kill his family! Who know? Anyone watching this series do share your thoughts on it. Wai Ying Hung is so old already you know. She was never famous for being a good actress but one article said she was. How can you not watch this series? I give you 3 reasons why YOU MUST WATCH (and then tell me what happened in this post itself!!) :-
Reason 1 :
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Pure scumbag! How can anyone like this character? How can he be redeemed at all?
Reason 2:
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Young beautiful women, handsome men (especially you know who looks spectacular with this new spiky hairstyle and nice looking clothes-budget must be high)
Reason 3:
The critics love it! Who wouldn't eh?
I want to watch! I want to watch! I want to watch! I want to cry! Lucky you all in Singapore, for once, drop by Channel U and just give this series a chance. The screencaps look amazing, the characters look devious and I am sure you will find this very interesting. I always love up and coming actors playing despicable characters, and truth be told, Shaun looks despicable, a new reason to hate him! Watch it!! Again, is his voice dubbed?
If you're wondering why you must watch this series, well lucky you if you can ask yourself that because yours truly wants to watch and can't! Just a teaser of Episode 2, his face pure evil, a girl being raped, a disfigured girl being tortured. I wonder how this bastard can redeem himself eh?
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I am crying, crying because I can't watch! Is his voice dubbed? Who are the cast in here? Ann Kok right? Is that her? That nice girl?
Any thoughts on this series? News? Links? Pics? Whatever? Just post all links and text in here, but do indicate what you're talking about. For more pictures, click here, all thanks to Wuchang.
October 13, 2004
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
My jaring mailbox is having some problem, so if you have any emails for me, do send them to funn_lim@hotmail.com until I get it sorted out which I will post tthe next notice here. If you're not sure, just send to my usual point2e@myjaring.net and remember to cc a copy to funn_lim@hotmail.com
Exciting news! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yi Xin Ren (aka Changing Lanes aka nothing to do with that Hollywood film of the same name aka you know who's latest series) is I think starting tomorrow! Yeah! Do lookout for this series in Channel U (MediaWorks). The plot is rather interesting thought familar. Some good acting will give it a fresh perspective but I think you will have to suspend your logic. I pray there will be plenty of screencaps and recaps like in Power of Love, all courtesy of Wuchang and can hopefully be found in this thread.
I can't find anything else on this series or the actors in it so if any of you come across any news, pictures, screencaps, whatever on this series whether in English or in whatever language, whether opinions of fans in forums or entertainment websites, do email me.
Anyway too tired to post my thoughts for Survivor's Law today so will post it when I come home later tonight.
War and Beauty Celebratory Party Permanent link ▫ ▫
Bowie Lam does look a tiny bit like Sheren Teng in War And Beauty, especially that laser eyes you know. Very funny pic. And quite nice looking. Moses of course looks horrible but at least he has a great sense of humour.
The group picture can be seen here. But I really find this one the funniest, how docile Sheren Teng looked (definitely a palace maid), how mean and regal Bowie looked (like Sheren's chaarcter, Yu Fei I guess) and Charmaine playing Bowie's character in the series, but frankly her impersonation is all off.
For more of these funny pics, check out this website.
The news is as follows:-
"TVB's ancient drama "War and Beauty" has had excellent ratings and the airing of the final episode reached a massive 40 points that tops all records since 1998 for a weekend finale screening. To celebrate these good results and to show gratitude to the cast and crew, TVB held a celebratory party in a Tsimshatsui hotel yesterday, attended by cast and crew as well as a number of TVB executives, including Deputy Administrative Chairman Leung Nai Pang, General Manager Chan Chi Wan, Deputy Production Department Chief Lok Yik Ling and Drama Department Deputy Chief Catherine Tsang.
This is the first celebratory party attended by Mr Leung since he assumed his current position, but he is also a fan of the show and he knows each character very well and congratulated each cast member in turn. He said: "I am acting on behalf of the board as I chat to and support everyone. 'War' is the hot topic of conversation at the moemnt and I am very pleased to be here. (Will there be a sequel or prequel to 'War'?) The most important thing is to have more of these events and more good series, not necessarily a sequel. (will you be offering bonuses to reward your staff?) This is an administrative decision, I am only representing the board of directors."
Mr Chan responded to constantly being asked about a follow up to the hit series and said quite firmly yesterday that there would not be a prequel or sequel to the show because they want to leave it on a high. However, there will be a special edition DVD release of the series soon. As for the ratings for the following series "Split Second" achieving an average of 28 points in its first week, Mr Chan says that this is not bad, but there will always be pressure after a good predecessor. As for "Split" being accused of copying storylines from other sources, Mr Chan admits that there has been some research into the other productions, but "Split" is a grand production and even the music is specially composed to give it the feeling of a movie.
Bowie Lam and Moses Chan had previously agreed to dress up as palace maids if the ratings for "War" went to forty points and yesterday they kept to their word as Bowie appeared dressed as Yu Fei and Moses took the guise of the Empress. The female stars also did a character swap as Gigi became the Emperor and Charmaine took on the identity of Suen Pak Yeung. As for Sheren Tang, she became her maid in the show Bo Sim. As the five stars performed a short sketch on the stage, Mr Chan also caught the acting bug as he joined in playing Suen Pak Yeung's father.
When Bowie and Moses appeared, everyone present called out how ugly they were and Mr Chan even referred to Moses as a Filipino, but Moses said confidently: "Of course I am prettier, I am just too attractive! (Someone feels that your look is frightening.) Yes, we are so beautiful that it is frightening. (You are too tall, you don't look like a woman.) Models can be this tall." This is the second time that Moses has appeared as a woman, after his performance as Pan Jinlian in last year's anniversary show left people feeling rather queasy. When asked why he flutters his eyelids and pouts so much, he laughs: "This is my flirting, it makes me look pretty. I also have to breathe in to enhance my breasts!" After saying this, he pulls away his cloak to demonstrate and nearly bursts out of his costume.
Bowie responds to the harsh criticisms of him and Moses, saying helplessly: "It can't be helped, men dressed as women do look horrific. (Who is more horrendous of you both?) He is more scary, because his face is very square, whereas mine is a little rounder, but we both do look ugly." Bowie's make up took nearly two hours to put on and he complained that he nearly couldn't handle it.
Bowie will be releasing an album this weekend that includes the theme songs for "War and Beauty", "Vigilante Force" and "Invisible Journey". He has also invited Gigi Lai, Kenix Kwok, Bobby Au Yeung, Yoyo Mung and Maggie Siu to duet with him. As he has not released an album for two years, he hopes that the sales will be satisfactory. Talking of whether he is rushing to make the Jade Solid Gold awards for this year and whether he is in a better position as a TVB artiste, he says that he is not releasing his album in the capacity of an actor or a newcomer.
Charmaine did not mind having the limelight stolen by Moses and Bowie, saying that she feels they could have been even more outstanding and worn camisoles instead. As for the rumours that Maggie Cheung has no confidence of winning an award this year because Charmaine has three nominations and a bigger chance, Charmaine says: "This has nothing to do with it. (But Maggie probably will not be at the anniversary celebration.) It is all a fair contest. (Are you confident?) I don't know, because there are a lot of strong competitors this year and I feel that Gigi and Sheren did a great job too."
When Sheren was asked why she did not turn her role around and dress as a man, she laughs: "I was just following orders. The producer says that I am nasty enough in the show, so I should serve others this time. (Someone says that they look like ladyboys.) They have tried their best to look beautiful. (Bowie is playing your role in the show, have you showed him how to do it?) I taught him to responde to people with his nose and not to look at anyone. Also to slightly curve the little finger." As for the decision not to film a follow up to the show, Sheren agrees that they should leave it on a high because a sequel would inevitably be compared and this would be unfair. Also trends have to be fresh and not dwell too much on the past. They could always bring back the original cast and spirit of "War" to make another drama topic.
Gigi played the Emperor, but she lost her braid on the stage and although she immediately hid backstage to fix it, it was to no avail. As for the men stealing the show, she says she does not mind as long as everyone had fun and actually the results were very good. In the past, Gigi cross-dressed whilst filming for "Heaven Sword Dragon Sabre" and she says that she has thick eyebrows and large eyes, so she can definitely pose as a man. But she will have to wrap her chest, she laughs: "I don't mind, I have lost a lot of weight through exhaustion lately, so there isn't much to see." Also Rebecca Chan was asked for her comments on Moses's appearance and she smiles: "I was a little shocked, but he still looks good, better than me even!""
-taken from a href="http://www.tvbspacenews.blogspot.com" target="newwindow">TVBSpace News Roundup.
October 11, 2004
Charmaine Sheh - The Image Critic (An Analysis) Permanent link ▫ ▫
I remember saying in this post I am looking for some pretty pictures of Charmaine. I am sure you have all seen her very revealing pictures for that slimming centre where she looked starved, cheap and very much of a snob. There are also so many negative news about her and her snapping at interviewers when asked about Benny Chan. Half of them I believe, most I'd rather not. Then I found these pics where she was a judge in some modelling thingy. Let me just the thumbnails first ...
I really like these new pictures. Her dress is not conservative and yet not so revealing that it lacks elegance. Her make-up is minimum, she looks fresh, her hair perfect, her eyes twinkling with new energy, she didn't look as thin or as haggard or as tired before and frankly, and especially the third picture above (to the right) she looks fantastic. This is the Charmaine I like, simple looks, nice dress sense, a picture of class, sophistication and elegance. For a moment you might believe she is someone very elegant and ladylike, that all bad news about her are all false. Could be, may not be, I do not know.
Some earlier pictures were also sexy and yet more covered up like these few ones ...
(one of which I posted in here before - these are all thumbnails)
Now these below are pure nonsense for pictures.
This one is I guess for her slimming centre, looking not just cheap but I can't say that word. I realise those stars endorsing slimming centres are forced to wear such tiny little clothing. Nice body? Not toned if you ask me but the overall effect is too sexy to the point of cheap. Compared to the pictures posted above which are all more conservative, they have a sense of sensuality to them, teasing you and let your imagination do the rest. This one below is not that, unfortunately.
This one below - she looks extremely haggard. Maybe tousled hair is fine for some, maybe even sexy but for her she looks like she needs a good night's sleep.
This one below is one of the worst. I think the picture itself is self explanatory.
This final one below is probably one of her healthiest looking picture. I miss that healthy bigger sized Charmaine, ever sunshine smile.
Whilst she definitely looks better now as she gained a bit more weight, her face suffered. I just wish she just scrap all these sexy image and go back to basics and she will naturally look sensual and sexy. No need to show so much. My point is she is naturally pretty, although she is short, her legs isn't perfect and since her dramatic excessive weight loss, her nose is bigger than her face which is longer than ever before. But when dressed nicely and in nice simple make up, she is naturally pretty. Heavy make up doesn't suit her. No doubt she is still too thin ...
The analysis above will be part of my analysis of her fashion/image changes over the years in my The DDGs later on.
October 10, 2004
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
To those who can't see the TVB archive page, this is the link. Some links are really dead because no access for a very long time Geocities will delete them I guess. But for Xiao who was asking for JTTW, it's still there.
As for my doubts, one night cleared my mind. This could be a situation of Maggie Cheung phenomena, that everything Maggie Cheung does will eventually be misinterpreted though she may not mean it that way. So back to The DDGs (as in Drop Dead Gorgeous), Shaun Chen will remain as my very first DDG (but comments later), Fann Wong next and Charmaine Sheh third (but that would depend on me finding a recent picture of hers that I really like). I did have a Charmaine website once, just for a few months with a fantastic name, THIS IS CHARM. I will continue to use this name, maybe reopening my website as part of DDG.
Unfortunately no new reviews because I am just too lazy to write anymore.
October 09, 2004
Bad News, For Me Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have read the lousy translation of this topic in this forum but can't help but notice this line ...
"The speech said has to narrate him to lose consciousness, must hug by a hale and hearty female entertainer goes to bed..."
I was using Babelfish. This line cut through me to the core. I have read so many versions, some said dream like sequence and dream kiss but I remember this scene. Hale and hearty female entertainer must mean a friendly person exerting herself physically or maybe a big sized person, holding the unconcious him to the bed. There was this scene, involving u-know-who when he was drunk and Yan Yan was trying to take advantage of the situation. The translation may be bad but I got the jist of it. Have I been wrong? Like Ling in Survivor's Law I am in a dilemma. Should I just delete that slideshow on the right and start my The DDGs site with someone better?
Perhaps it was a misunderstanding? How come this is coming back to haunt me, and I am sure haunting this actor as his fate is being considered. I want to believe him. Any evidence to the contrary of this article?
My beliefs is being questioned here and I don't like it. I know how Ling feels now, not having confidence in ones choice. Not like he's my real life BF or anything but I guess we must find someone worthy of our idol-ship you know.
Let me think about it for a night.
We'd love to stay, but just in case... - OCT 8, 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re this article.
Oh come one, MediaCorp is big enough to accomodate everybody since almost everybody was from MediaCorp! Moreover, aren't you sick of watching Xie Shaoguang in nearly every series and Jeannette Aw working way too much? Give these people a chance. Take them all on!
Thanks to qw lee for this link.
October 08, 2004
Yi Xin Ren aka Changing Lanes plot Permanent link ▫ ▫
New Channel U drama to premiere
THE good guy turns bad, the bad guy turns good, and to confuse everything further, there is a pair of twin sisters who have completely opposite characters.
Darren Lim, Shaun Chen (pictured) and Ann Kok star in a new Channel U drama series, Changing Lanes, premiering next Wednesday at 9pm, that will see their acting talents stretched when they take turns to play the roles of hero and villain.
Chen plays Chengzhi, the third son of a retail magnate. He treats his siblings with scorn till he is diagnosed with a fatal heart disease.
When he is given a new heart that once belonged to a kindly nurse, Xiuwen (played by Kok), he miraculously develops a conscience, becoming a better man in the process.
Said Lim, who has made a name for himself playing villainous characters in shows such as Warriors of the Yang Family: I must look convincing as a villain . At first when I took up these roles, I was afraid my image may be affected.
But now I think, in a drama there must always be a good guy and a bad guy, so why take the role? It`s more fun being bad anyway.
Very interesting, it is like Good Faith meets Life For Life Meets
At The Threshold Of An Era.
I really look forward to the screencaps. Expect loads of them here at SPCNET Forums. I wonder how scornful is dear Shaun going to be. Ahhh a villain, yeah! Definitely you can expect more news here.
TVB Find The Light [Episode 1] Permanent link ▫ ▫
It has been a long time I have seen such an old format type of kung fu series. Every thing reminds me of the 80s though I was surprised how well the first episode went. Ron Ng playing a wannabe talented kung fu expert whose father I assume was a ming warrior died in action, Bosco an arrogant and impatient young man, Tavia a sickly missy, Shirley Yeung a Manchurian princess roaming around the town, Leila Tong her faithful servant, Maggie Siu widow and loving mom of Ron Ng and Damien Lau the aging and respected Ming kung fu expert. What have all these people got in common? What light are they looking for?
The Chinese title is so intriguing. The camera angles, story, acting and even the themesong is so 80s, in a way I welcome this. Maybe there will be more focus on strong plot rather than the cast itself, because admit it, they're all not exactly famous.
Now acting wise, so glad to see Bosco, whom I have totally changed my mind after watching more of him in Aqua Heroes. I think he has what it takes to be more than a teen idol, he can act, he looks good and he is not too handsome that you just can't imagine him in various roles and not too ugly for TV. In fact his face has character.
Ron Ng looks less charismatic than him, acting a bit shaky but still interesting to watch.
Tavia Yeung is so pretty in here, and possibly the best young actress next to Leila Tong.
Maggie Siu for her age is gorgeous and Damian Lau is really very old looking but his character spoke of experience, honour, intergrity. Some actors have it, some just don't. You can't put on an honourable integrity very high class aura. You must have it.
Shirley Yeung is the worst, probably because this may be her first major role. I was very disappointed to see Leila Tong as her servant, because I thought Leila Tong deserved more than to be a sidekick. But I understand the strategy. Maybe TVB wants a more experienced actress to help Shirley to perform better, but it just shows how bad she is. Whilst many may see her performance as spirited and lively, well after all she is young but her jumping slightly whilst being mad (giving new meaning to hopping mad) was quite comical and she is one actress that is totally lacking in spontaneity. She looks more scared than angry and she looks more like a servant than a princess. Leila Tong should be the princess. In fact Tavia should be the princess and Shirley the sickly missy. BUT it is more difficult to play a tragic sickly character than a hopping mad woman who so happens to be a defiant princess. So I understand the casting decision, though I may not respect it.
Anyway, just my two cents worth on this series.
October 07, 2004
Aqua Heroes - Final Episode Permanent link ▫ ▫
Now that I have seen the final episode (well first 80% of it), I am beginning to miss the catchy themesong!
Anyway can someone be so kind to tell me what happened in the end? I mean whether Busy had to be wheelchair bound and what about she and Edwin, ever got together or only a few years later? What about Rain's swimming career and her relationship with Louis?
October 06, 2004
The Apprentice [1st Season] Episode 1 & 2 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I love this reality series! So challenging, so different. Now I know why all of them, all very successful in their own right would die to become The Apprentice, I mean you can become the president of one of of Trump's company AND earn USD$200,000-00 per year! But I was disappointed that the women repeatedly used sex to win the tasks. I find the men more united, more credible. My favourite is the black guy and this Troy, very calm, very cool, looks like president material. Sam was the worse. The women side, can't stop bickering! Amarosa was the worst but at least, unlike Sam she knew when to shut up.
I missed one episode of Survivor's Law to watch this one. It was well worthed it. I learn some tips from Trump himself and his assistants, especially that old guy was very critical, more critical than Trump. And Trump was as critical as I would think him to be. That "YOU'RE FIRED" was really such a heart breaking moment.
Better than all other reality shows! Don't tell me who won. I want to find out for myself.
October 05, 2004
War & Beauty : Prequel Permanent link ▫ ▫
I read TVB is considering a prequel to War And Beauty, but with younger cast.
How did this series started anyway? When they were in palace or from outside? Because I can't see how they can film a prequel. And what's wrong with the same players doing the younger versions? Since this current version is like overaged concubines, no wonder the Emperor never seem to have time for them because they're all too old for their respective roles.
I mean move away from the prequel and give us something else. Frankly I think this series will be interesting for all the cat fights, bitching and internal turmoil BUT how on Earth Bowie's character can sleep with Gigi's character when Qing Dynasty was famous for keeping records at how many times the Emperor THRUSTS into his concubine? I mean if they can keep records like that, surely they will keep record who entered her room? And why is the Empress so keen on killing them all since she is the Empress, she doesn't have to fight, she is already on top? She must have been some powerful family's daughter, so she shouldn't get involved in the catfights.
This series makes no sense, just pure entertainment value. How can 4 women who fought like nobody's business ended up crying for each other's demise?
And why is the entire series or 90% of it is in winter? Why the actresses are wearing such thick make up?
October 04, 2004
Mosaic Permanent link ▫ ▫
Definitely a work of art, thanks to a program I was told. Just a few for you to feast your eyes upon, all by Wuchang using screencaps he took ... by the way it looks nicer as a thumbnail as I can see the image but the original version is much too big, a bit confusing, quite a headache. I am posting only the thumbnails. For the bigger version, scroll down please, the link is there.
Mona Lisa - I requested for this.
Esther Kwan
Finally, Shaun Chen. Not my most favourite photo of his but Wuchang was kind enough to make this, and this was what he wrote ;"But I've a feeling you might be more interested in this..." He can certainly read my mind.
More of these and in its original size can be found here at SPCNET Forums' Power of Love thread.
I am also posting this at my Funn Stuff blog for record sakes but I am posting it here because I know nobody is looking at Funn Stuff blog.
October 03, 2004
No Problems With Accessing This Page (So Far) Permanent link ▫ ▫
With reference THIS POST, now no more pop up box. Is it just me?
Singapore's Would Be Heart Throbs Permanent link ▫ ▫
Saw this April 25th 2004 article and I find it very interesting. There a few I would want to highlight, those that I know ...
Discovered...: On MediaWorks' Route To Glamour, where she bagged the show's top honours as Most Popular Newcomer and Best Performer.
Raised any temperatures yet?: Pretty hot at the moment. Aw crossed over to MediaCorp in 2001 and was one of the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artists at last year's Star Awards. She got a Best Actress nomination for her role in the Channel 8 serial, Holland V.
If you ask us: Her star is shining bright, thanks to her endearing turn as the guileless Jingjing in Holland V. She currently appears in Channel 8's new drama Spice Siblings.
Verdict: Has potential to rise even higher. With Lady Luck smiling on her, all she has to do is stay out of trouble and refrain from getting bad press.
Discovered...: By a MediaCorp talent scout in Malaysia and brought here in late 2001 to star in the Channel 8 series, Real Heroes.
Raised any temperatures yet?: He spiced up MediaCorp's variety show City Beat with his verbal jousts and had several intimate scenes with Jeanette Aw's character in Holland V.
If you ask us: His star is on the rise. Now on a three-year contract with MediaWorks, he's set to star alongside Hong Kong actress Esther Kwan in the upcoming 40-episode serial Power Of Love, a collaboration between Channel U and Hong Kong's Chinese Entertainment International.
Verdict: With some grooming and increasing exposure, this former model should attract his fair share of admirers. Cultivating a wholesome appeal never did hurt anyone.
Discovered...: On MediaCorp's All-Asian Star Search contest in 1999, where he was crowned the male winner.
Raised any temperatures yet?:Definitely. This Guangzhou native charmed the girls with his leading role as the anti-Japanese activist Lin Fan in Channel 8's wartime drama, In Pursuit Of Peace. He currently plays Mimi Choo's baker son in the Channel 8 serial, To Mum With Love.
If you ask us: With his head-turning 1.82m-tall model frame and brooding good looks, the only way is up. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he speaks Mandarin really well.
Verdict: Another major leading role and this tall, dark knight could well be following Li Nanxing's path to kingship.
Ok, Qi Yuwu, I was wondering who is he, have I seen him before because he seems pretty hot these days and then I read, he was in Brotherhood. I was like who was he in there? And the I found out he played the editor in love with Fann Wong's character. Then I read he was in In Pursuit Of Peace, and here it says he was the hero. I guess he must be that store owner's son or someone else, but it must be that guy. First of all, I find him an ok actor. But from all the press I have read it seems like he has this x-factor. I am sorry to say, I didn't even notice his existence in Brotherhood (if that was him) and I didn't even bother with In Pursuit of Peace (if that was him) because except for Pierre Png, I find all the guys ok but not that worth gazing at. Maybe I am blinded or something but I don't see what's the big deal with Qiyuwu, maybe someone can send me his most handsome picture? Of course you may say you can't see what's so great about that guy who is still getting bad press. It's very annoying.
Now I read everywhere this Tay Ping Hui is like hot hot hot. WHO IS HE? I saw his picture in one of the articles I posted about Singapore Heart Throbs (or lack of them), he looks healthy, very buffy-ish, but his lips look oily, he reminds me of some very lusty man. Nothing to do with his character I am sure, but he's not exactly great looking. If he a very good actor? As much as everybody says he is this good, there are many TPH haters out there. This is the kind of actor which makes emotions in the extreme, very much like that guy (you know who). By the way I remember one article I read and posted in here I think a month ago where Michelle Chia (very sexy lady but to me not very pretty) denied having any relationship with you-know-who. I took her word for it then I went surfing and read about people's encounters with her having intimate dinner with him, going to CHURCH with him, being very friendly with him... which makes me realise never believe what they say. I am still convinced you-know-who is innocent of all malicious attacks, he is (maybe was) dating Michelle, Charmaine Sheh is dating and sleeping with Benny Chan (hotels and all) and the latest, Gigi Lai is dating and sleeping with Bowie Lam (did anyone see that picture where he put his hands on her tiny waist, looking very comfortable with one another?). Of course fans are all saying no no no, it's not true. I am a fan of you-know-who but I believe he has a right to fall in love, go forth and procreate. Call me crude but admit it, Charmaine Sheh and gang aren't virgins, they can have sex lives if they want and at least they're with decent people.
Anyway I realise now my favourite guy is not even popular (YET) but I will continue to support him. So Mr Shaun Chen if you're reading this, I just want you to know, I support you. I don't even know who is Tay Ping Hui, I want to know who he is, I am sure Qi Yuwu has improved leaps and bounds but I still like you as I enjoy watching you on the screen. Everybody else can just wait until I get bored with you. And this is a message from fellow Malaysian who is supporting you not because you're a Malaysian, but much much more than that.
And so once Yi Xin Ren (now officially is known as Changing Lane) begins, and if there are some reports and pictures about it (now that Mediaworks is closing shop on its productions, I am sure my request for a webpage for this series will never ever come true), I will post it here just to support my man of the moment.
[cue ... tears flowing, hands up above head swinging from side to side, screaming, crying, fainting...]
Problems With Accessing Webpage (again) Permanent link ▫ ▫
I know you will get this message in your emailbox so here goes. This is like 2 weeks once problem. If you have problems accessing my webpage using Internet Explorer, specifically when you type www.point2e.com or point2e.com a box will pop up asking you to download a file from /point2e(1), ignore that and say no. I don't think it's a virus. if you access using Mozilla there shouldn't be a problem. If you're using IE, please type the full address that is
Thanks. Do email me if you have this problem.
October 02, 2004
TVB : The Conquerer's Tale (Chor Hon Kiu Hung) Permanent link ▫ ▫
Definitely my most anticipated series from TVB ...
Taken from TVBSpace News Roundup
"Previously referred to as "Proud Warriors of Chu and Han"
Starring: Adam Cheng, Kwong Wa, Maggie Cheung, Melissa Ng, Wayne Lai, Cerina De Graca, Law Lok Lam, Tseung Chi Kwong
More info:
In the war between Xiang and Liu,
Is it time or fate that determines the hero?
During the tumultuous times at the end of the Qin era, the heros group together. On this stage of tension and contest, the most spectacular must be the pair of friends who are Liu Bang (Adam Cheng) and Xiang Yu (Kwong Wa).
Xiang is full of ambition, taking on the task of overturning the Qin as his lifetime goal, but his end is suicide at the Wu River. Conversely, Liu who hails from lowly beginnings without any dreams of power finally ends up with the world at his feet. If you have to say whether the you win the kingdom or not is down to being in the right place and time or down to fate, then why don't you say that it is personality that determines one's destiny. Xiang has a group of loyal followers, including Fan Zheng (Law Lok Lam), Ying Bu (Wang Chun Tong), his uncle Xiang Liang and his cousin Xiang Zhuang (Wong Chak Fung), but he uses them for his own gain and the good men leave him one by one. Liu on the other hand uses his men's talents well and Han Xin (Wayne Lai), Zhang Liang (Tseung Chi Kwong), Chen Ping (Gilbert Lam), Xiao He (Lo Chun Shun) and Fan Kuai (Al Wei) all bow down before him.
A hero always has a lady beside him and Liu's wife Lu Zhi (Maggie Cheung) is another strength that helps him gain his power. Lu is full of dreams, but has little hope of fulfilling them, so she spots the potential in Liu and puts all her hopes onto him. Xiang is the same as he has a beauty Yu Ji (Melissa Ng) at his side. Fan warns Xiang that Yu is an unlucky omen and urges him to murder her to remove a future threat, but Xiang refuses..."
Remember that picture I posted with spectacular custume and half of you can't recognise Kwong Wah? Ahhh this is the series. And remember A Step Into The Past where Louis' character said his character is going to give birth to a son called Hon Yu? Yeah, Kwong Wah is playing that character! Anyone seen the movie version,Great Conqueror's Concubine II with Ray Lui, Gong Li and Rosamund Kwan? That's the story. The movie is very nice. Anyway, I was told the board game we play (the one seperated by a river as in Cho Ho Hon Kai) is based on these two kingdoms! But looking at the story by TVB, I think perhaps Liu Bang's character may be changed a bit.
Now what's the real deal? Just to get you ready for the sad sad sad ending, why not read the real history and see if TVB is going to make us cry eh? How accurate I do not know but my source is very detailed if not dramatic ...
The Overlord of Western Chu, Xiang Yu
Originally named Xiang Ji (232-202BC) - lived with his uncle Xiang Liang who taught him the art of war. One day saw Emperor Shi Huang of Qin and said "I can replace him". In July 209BC, first peasant uprising, Xiang Yu followed uncle to war in response to the uprising of Chen Sheng. Under the commance of Xiang Liang, an army of 8000 soldiers crossed the river and marched westward. Many rebellion armies including one led by Liu Bang (Adam Cheng's character) came to join Xiang Liang, converging into a strong army against Qin Dynasty - Xiang Liang later died in battle, the new king called Huai Wang (put onto the throne by Xiang Liang) appointed Xiang Yu as senior general. After 9 fierce battles, he captured the Qin's commander Wang Li. Seeing the Qin Dynasty was hopeless, a senior Qin general Zhang Han surrendered to Xiang Yu with 200,000 soldiers but Xiang Yu had all soldiers who surrendered kiiled (I think this was the infamous live burial of the soldiers as depicted in the movie version, after one bad judgment by our Xiang Yu)- Xiang Yu ordered o launch an espedition against army led by Liu Bang hearing Liu had captured the Qin capital Xianyang. Following his chief adviser (a very shrewd man) Zhang Liang, Liu Bang went to Hongmen personally to attend the banquet by way of making an apology to Xiang Yu and finally secceeded in dissuading the latter from attacking him - a few days later Xiang Yu lef his troops into the Qin capital and burning and killing throughout the city and putting to death the last Qin monarch who had already surrendered. Then he sent envoy to Huai Wang requesting to be made king of Guanzhong but was refused, he then offered Huai Wang the title of Emperor Yi Di whilst he himself created 18 vassal kings in the capacity of Overlord of Western Chu. Later, he had Emperor Yi Di murdered - unfair treatment by Xiang Yu caused strong resentment amongst generals and lords- Liu Bang who was then king of Hanzhong took the advantage of chance and marched into war, killing 3 kings in the area created by Xiang Yu. Then he ordered his troops and started a 4 year long war called "contention between Chu and Han" (I guess that's the name of the board game)- in 202 BC Liu Bang launched a final attack against Xiang Yu in alliance with otehr local lords, surrounded Xiang Yu who led 800 valiants in what I do think is a certain death fight-caught up by Han army-with only 28 followers left, Xuang Yu who was at the end of his resources fought all his might for some time before committing suicide. He was only 30 years old.
Oh my God, people at that time die young don't they? I read at Xiang Yu is romanticised as a very valiant hero, respected by all, and loved one woman who killed herself when she felt she was in his way to greatness. I think there is an opera based on his life if I am not mistaken, the subject of Farewell My Concubine. Correct me if I am wrong. In the movie version, Ray Liu depicted him as honourable but made on fatal mistake of burying the surrendered soldiers which gave the more shrewd Liu Bang a chance to topple him. Also the movie version showed him as more kind towards Liu Bang whom he treated as a brother. But this bio I believe holds some truth in it. He was perhaps a very unmerciful war lord, perhaps arrogant but very skilled but lacking in political skills I guess. I wonder how many of the characters and incidents above will be shown in the TV version? The woman he was in love with may be a myth or could be the truth, I do not know.
Emperor Gao Zu of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang
That is Adam Cheng's character.
Liu Bang (256-195BC) also named Ji was the founder of the powerful Western Han Dynasty. I read he was a mere butcher, as depicted in the movie version where Gong Li played his very shrewd wife. By the way, in the movie he was depicted as someone not so brave, not so honourable, not Xiang Yu at all, not very smart but married a very good wife and he listened to his advisor, a very shrewd man. Anyway back to bio - after the founding of Han Dynasty (one of the longest dynasty in chinese history), he followed the Qin system-more forgiving that Xiang Yu in the sense that he let go several princesses who later tried to revolt against him so he rightly killed them off- he held a banquet to treat his old folks-made a lot of achievements in his life-later years injured by an arrow on an expedition against his general Ying Bu, on his way back he was very ill, but refused treatment though Empress Lu (that is his wife) wanted him to see a doctor - so he died at the age of 61.
Now this one died because he didn't want treatment. Reportedly he said, "I am only a common person and have won over the country with a sword in hand. It is the will of heaven that determines my fate..". Did he really say that? Maybe more romantic that real.
Anyway I am looking forward to read how close the TVB version is to the facts. But I believe it's more closer to the movie version since the emphasis will be on the women, but different in the sense that with Adam Cheng as Liu Bang and Kwong Wah as Xiang Yu, I believe Liu Bang will be depicted as someone with more wisdom and Xiang Yu with more brute force. And I read there is a Ying Bu in the TV version! With lavish costumes and terrific actors in the 2 main roles, I believe this will be a hit.
By the way I do think the original title, Proud Warriors of Chu And Han was a better title. Why change it?