September 27, 2006
R.I.P : Pao Fong Permanent link ▫ ▫

When Kwan Hoi San died, I was thinking whatever happened to Pao Fong? I think he fell very ill whilst filming Plain Love II (he was Gordon Lam's grandpa in that series, that tall distinguished old man with a funny accent) and now I got my answer. He passed away on 23.09.2006 at the age of 84, not far away from Kwan Hoi San's death. What I didn't know about him was he was Peter Pau's father, he was a law graduate, a stage actor, he was also a director and screenwriter and he was awarded with an Long-Time achievement award by Hong Kong Film Critics Society and was named one of 100 Hundred Stars of 100 Years of Chinese Cinema in 2005. It just shows those anonymous types are the distinguished ones in TVB. Remember that old man that looked like a drug addict and who always plays a drug addict and who in fact I think played a drug addict in Plain Love or maybe Plain Love II? Can't remember which. It came as a complete shock how deep my prejudice was when I was really rendered speechless as that man performed his artistic ability some years back in some TVB charity show where he drew some chinese themed painting which was so exquisite. The other day in Star Newspaper I read about the not so young actor whose name I can't remember (he could be seen in The Gentle Crackdown as the son of a prominent minister who raped some village girl) and the entire article was about him setting up a business in Malaysia, having to quit acting to run his father's company as his father became too sick and he had some major qualification that I never thought of. Also remember that actor who is a bit effiminate, not very good looking, a bit overweight and I can't remember which series he was in? Anyway on the sideline he is a those masseurs we chinese call "Guat sha". Anyway I shall miss Pao Fong. I can't remember seeing him young but as an old man he was distinguished, gentlemanly looking and commanding in his performances. Now the old generation are really dying out. RIP Uncle Pao Fong.P/S : I saw Steve Irwin's memorial service on Sunday and I can't help but cry, especially when his daughter Bindi came onto the stage and read what is probably the most moving eulogy if not for actor David Wenham who finished off the service with an even more heartfelt poem so beautifully recited by this actor. My question though was why Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz got interviewed? They can't even express their condolences well. And the host of the memorial was awful, smiling that happy toothy smile of his all the time.
September 18, 2006
I am very upset ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am very upset. I didn't know there was a follow up post to my reply HERE and I thought I ended it and there it was, a reply more pompous than I have ever read in any forum in my entire Internet roaming life. I thought maybe I deserved it a bit since I was upset and didn't have a clue of the system when I posted my question and my subsequent reply with a tinge of sarcasm, but the reply by the admin was not only rude (which I deserve), sarcastic (fair game since so was I) and in the end so very arrogant that it basically made me more upset than I was when I first wrote my complain (that I didn't deserve). It irks me that someone could so blatantly write that he/she pays 10,000-00 of the cost to run that website which is very generous of this person I suppose but it was as if it was the mother of all expectation that therefore he/she deserves automatic and unquestioned loyalty and silence on the part of the visitors. Everywhere in that website I can read the word "punish" or "demotion" and I still stand by my observation. I read the rules and I still didn't get it. Someone was kind enough to explain and I still didn't get it. As the admin of that site not only was he/she very rude in referring us who didn't get it to read the guidelines that frankly only the admin can understand without repeated readings that I still didn't get it, I thought would be so bad to explain in plain terms? No. I was in effect called ungrateful, which the admin didn't say it but ended the post implying as such. Or maybe he/she meant I was a leech, a parasite, a virus, a vampire, a bloodsucker. FYI, I am also paying money to maintain this website of mine, so are many others I know. It's not the sarcasm that is making me huffing and puffing here, it's the fly in the face arrogance that "if you don't like it, leave" and if he/she had ended it that way, maybe I wouldn't be so angry but it continued to imply that I may be of some shady character based on one fact only; the admin is paying money to maintain his/her site and I questioned the policy. I am not the only one who does not understand that website's downloading/membership policy. I have therefore decided not to contribute a single penny to that website and ban myself from that website. Not one penny because I deserve better treatment than to be accused of being something I am not. All that because of that 10,000-00 the admin pays towards the upkeeping of that website. Before I read that post I would have said big deal for real since I know it is expensive to maintain a website, more so a website with loads of traffic and I have dealt with many websites with high traffic but never this kind of attitude. After reading that post I would say BIG DEAL! in a different context. I am still upset. And don't you dare say I deserve it! Don't you dare or as I shall borrow the frequent sentence I read from that forum, DEMOTE YOUR MEMBERSHIP if only there is a membership scheme here. Maybe I should create a system like that, just to annoy you for annoying me. But then like I wrote there, no one would come here anymore. Who knows, there may be masochists amongst us, if I can give you some perks I suppose. Oooooohhhhhh I am still so very upset!!
September 17, 2006
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Finally reviews! Yeah! All by this website's frequent visitors. I know long overdue. I have received some of them for a month or so now. Just too busy with my own stuff to do anything about them. I tell you there are new series' reviews of all productions and I have read them all, loads of spoilers BUT very informative. Here goes ... FYI, all are under TV series reviews except where indicated with [Mov] >> La Femme Desperado [TVB] by Black Eyed Susan >> ... ing [Mov][Korea] by Bridget Au Seems like Bridget Au is like doing some overtime work or most likely slave labour by some unseen menace from some editorial magazine. Really so happy that I finally reopened Japan section. Anyway, I would appreciate in your future submissions that you include the series/movies' posters if the series/movie has never been posted in Makes posting much much faster (for me). This optional thing is applicable to all reviews of all types.Any dead links or bad links do post the details in Shout Box because I wouldn't know unless you tell me. Any comments about the reviews please post your respective comments in the respective reviews. Do not post them in Shout Box.
Happy reading!
September 16, 2006
Obituary : Kwan Hoi San, RIP Permanent link ▫ ▫
 Kwan Hoi San, one of HK's best and most revered actor has died on 11.09.2006 at the age of 82. I feel very saddened by this news eventhough in recent years he had stopped acting due to a stroke that left him unable to speak or I think even walk but reports had it that he was feeling better until this death that is. He often looked older than his age, in fact much much older and he always took the roles of fathers, grandfathers, someone's older uncle because of his old looks. But he always excelled and I remember everytime he acted out a scene where his character was having chest pain or heart attack, his face red and flushed, I always thought he was actually have one. He was that great and some may argue a far better actor than the already great actor Chun Pui. He belonged to the generation of actors that made acting look so effortless when it wasn't. He was mostly seen on TV and especially in classic TVB series with other great ones, namely Alex Man whom I hope will make a come back. You should remmeber him from arguably TVB most rented, famous and one of the all time classics,, Looking Back In Anger where he played Carina Lau's demanding but ultimately good father, with Felix Wong as the son in law. Ironincally Carina Lauu's father died I believe in the same week also. Some younger ones may recall him in Kindred Spirit though I can't remember he was in that show and I prefer to remmeber him in better known and well written series. I shall mourn his loss, as well as many others who recognise his work. What I feel very disgusted with was I am not sure if ASTRO or TVB ever done any of these, but I remember when Anita Mui, Roman Tam and Leslie Cheung, all singers by the way died, the next day there was a whole day tribute and rerun of their shows for the entire weak with friends and family paying tribute on TV. I haven't seen any for this great actor and of all the actors there may be on TV right now and before, he definitely deserves that at minimal 1 day tribute and 1 week rerun of his famous shows. A great loss although at 82 and with his long filmography, he has certainly lived a full and fruitful life. It wasn't fair he suffered a stroke in 2001 that robbed us of an opportunity to see more of his great acting and with his death, we can only celebrate his life through his performances. I can't say I have seen all of his work but I have seen plenty and it is suffice for me to say TVB has lost one of their greatest acting "teacher". With the ever decreasing quality in acting talents we have now at TVB, his passing is like the slow but impending end of the golden generation of actors.
September 15, 2006
My jaw dropping moment ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sehseh sent me an email about the very famous (and quite anonymous) Korean amateur guitarist who did his own rock version of Canon (I thought what Canon? When I heard the music I recognised it) and I was apprehensive. Ahh what so great? Well my jaw dropped like 10 seconds into the clip. Amazing stuff.
You can either Watch It Here ...
If it is slow when loading, you may want to download it into your computer and use an FLV player to watch it offline. The download instructions are HERE.
Or download the MP3 version (much better in fact) here
And do read this article to know more about this mysterious guitar genius ...
Reminded me so much of that guitarist kid in School Of Rock.
Thanks Sehseh for the links. Now let me pick up my jaw ...
September 14, 2006
Of stick figures, converting RM/RMVB files, Just Love / The Academy / that bimsbow show & life in general Permanent link ▫ ▫
Did you miss me? Did you wonder what the heck happened to me? Why there are not new reviews? Ok, ok, I do have a few new reviews and I will be posting them this weekend. The thing is I was very busy, still very busy doing ... ermmm... well actually inane stuff.
BURN BABY BURN! For one remember my rant about my woes with RM/RMVB files? I downloaded many Singaporean series and I really wanted to burn them into DVD format so that I can watch them comfortably in my living room instead of looking at my 17 inches computer LCD monitor. Try as I had to, I did successfully converted one series, Women Of Times but realised that the subtitles are blurry and like my complaints of Real Media files, and as I suspected, the picture quality was just so-so. But since I am stingy and I can't possibly move to Singapore to watch these series, I can bear with this rather annoying blurry pictures and even more blurry subtitles which I did not need anyway. And then came Looking For Stars. It was in RM format, instead of the more advanced RMVB format. There are certain things you must realise about RM/RMVB files before you download them if you have the option to download another format of the same movie (save for the even more annoying MKV and OGM formats):
1. Do you have Nero Express or Nero whatever? That nifty programme where you can burn your media files into DVD format and create you own DVD menu? Well maybe for copyright reasons, RM, RMVB., OGM not recognised format. And for some inexplicable reasons, even converted RM files into say MPG or AVI, the picture will suddenly freeze halfway. Not just one episode, all episodes! Suffice to say, I wasted a few good DVD discs but what made me scream with frustration was why? Why so much hassle with Real Media files?
2. Ever converted Real Media files will unfortunately look a bit blurry, less good quality than the original movie encoded in avi format or ripped directly from and into DVD format (those VOB files). But the quality can upgraded a bit by converting them into avi first I realise but a lot of hassle.
3. After conversion, the audio seems to be out of sync with the picture, always except for RMVB files.
4. And yes, there's the dreaded squares that will appear sometimes.
So are you one of those crying because your Nero won't do your RM/RMVB files? Good news you can burn them to DVD format at the end of the day. Bad news is I think all of the softwares involved requires money to purchase. They're not freeware. But if you know how and where, believe me you can find the cracked version or the keygen to the following programmes which I will painfully explain in details to you. Why am I doing this? Just to show to you the hassle one has to go through to convert RM/RMVB files into a DVD format that can be watched using your DVD player.
Are you ready?
The softwares you will need All can be searched through Google if you wish to buy them. For the other way (wink! wink!), try torrent files at the various torrent sites. Just try the name of the software and add the word Torrent when searching through Google. I found the keygen and the latest software in a bundle. Be very wary of virus and fake torrents. Read the comments of the previous downloaders to see if the torrent is genuine.
Super DVD Creator An excellent software. You will need this to convert Real Media files to SVCD format (as in MPEG II format). If you don't have a DVD menu creator or burner, you can use this. But not advisable as you shall know in my attempt to convert RM files.
WinAviVideo Converter Very good software. You will need it to convert MPEG II to Avi and then AVI to VOB format. Easy to use also and quite fast. But don't use this to burn your DVD files because you can't create your DVD menu.
Nero A must have if you can find it. Why? So many things you can do but the best is of course creating your DVD menu with many effects that Super DVD Creator does not have and making your DVD files small enough to fit into say a 4.7GB DVD R disc. Sometimes you can fit 6 episodes of 1 hour shows into one single DVD discs but of course quality is compromised a bit. So it is not advisable to do that. You will need Nero to recode/burn your previously created DVD discs using Super DVD Creator.
DVD Shrink If you don't have Nero and yet your DVD files can't fit into a 4.7 GB disc, you can use this freeware to shrink it and burn it. A very good program. If such is the case you can use Super DVD Creator to create your DVD menu first.
Codecs You will need to download codecs which are free of course.
A great one is K-Lite Codec Pack FULL VERSION (yes, get the full version) here at
OR K-Lite Mega Codec at The point is the more codecs the better. Whichever is not suitable will be automatically deleted so no worries. When prompted whether to uninstall your RealPlayer since they have Real Alternative, please say no. You will need your RealPlayer. Just to be safe, download also Real Alternative at just for the codecs. Somehow even when downloaded K-Lite, that damn Super DVD Creator could not recognise my RMVB files, saying no such codecs but could recognise my RM files. So have all of them for the sake of RMVB files. I know there are other good softwares that do the same trick but you know, sorry to blow your bubbles, I tried the popular ones and only the above work 100% even if not perfectly. RMVB/RM files to DVD discsI believe RM seems to require more steps. But because my Women Of Times seems to suffer from bad picture quality, I think I better just tell you the way to convert RM files to DVD format and you can use the same hassle laden way to convert your RMVB files. I did convert and burn RM files into DVD format and though the picture quality is lesser than the original files, but the audio was in sync and it was wide screen format. I may update the info below since I plan to convert and burn my RMVB files into DVD friendly quality for my JTTW files. So for now ... 1. Convert your RMVB/RM files to AVI using WinAVI Video Converter and save the files to say Folder 1. You can play with the ADVANCES button where there some good features, like if you want your converted files to be wide screen or etc. 2. Then convert your folder 1 Avi files to VOB/DVD format also using WinAVI Video Converter and save the files to Folder 2. You can directly burn the AVi files using Nero because I found out somehow, for no reason whatsoever, the coversion will freeze about 60% into burning. Also the audio will be out of sync. Anyway click the ADVANCED button and ensure that you choose Constant Video Quality as Highest, target format AUTO, Audio bitrate the maximum number, do not split output file, Aspcet reatio either AUTO or maybe 16:9 but depends on your preference and do not set chaper length. Then find the movie files after conversion, usually the one with the biggest file size in Video_TS folder within Folder 2. Move that file to Folder 3, and rename it using the episode number proper. 3. Then open your Super DVD Creator. Go straight to DVD Menu Creator. Depending on how many files you wish to put into one disc, open those files in Folder 3. Usually 3 episodes per DVD is enough if not your picture quality if compromised. Moreover Super DVD Creator cannot compress such files. You can try to fit more, then use DVD shrink or Nero to compress the files. Not advisable because quality will be effected. Anyway tinker around with the DVD Menu Creator. You know the DVD menu right? Anyway because this is not Nero, the menu created will not be as fancy but who cares when you can burn the bloody files? Anyway burn them to your hard disk please in Folder 4. 4. Finally see if you got NERO. If not DVD Shrink also can. But I prefer NERO. In NERO, go to Photo And Video and choose Recode DVD. Find the DVD_DISC folder or VIDEO_TS in Folder 4. Insert your empty DVD Disc, and simply click Next and choose Burn At Once since no point in prolonging your torture. Long eh? But it works! The audio is in sync, picture quality also ok lar. Of course if the files had been encoded in AVI in the first place, you can straight burn them using NERO and the picture quality is almost always excellent, depending on how many stuff you stuff into one disc. And you can Create Chapters too. Which is why I hate RM/RMVB format which ALL Chinese series are encoded that way. But my point is it is not un-burnable. And you want the audio to be in sync. I will try the same method on my other series that got subtitles, then I will tell you if the subtitles are clear or not. Just Love & The Academy
I am just so happy that Just Love ended the day before yesterday. So happy that I could do this ... THANK YOU!!!Why am I so happy? Why shouldn't I when this was such a crappy series? Again we have those self righteous feminist who actually want to be taken care of, who is afraid of commitment because father cheated on mom many times and who feels she is right ALL THE TIME. Guess who's in the lead role? Yes, her. And the husband? Not just soft spoken, no stand on anything. And the fact that everytime they argue she brings out the pre nuptial agreement or quotes some laws. Please stop that TVB. It is annoying. Not every family quarrel can be solved by quoting some laws that family member will break if he/she persists in being idiotically stubborn. Total crap. But what would really make my day? The Academy, PLEASE END! PLEASE STOP IT! This is like a series of War And Beauty but more gossips, more back stabbing and more bitching around and all in a police academy. I will fail them all if I have a chance. Even the Ah Sirs are all semi failures. And can you believe there's a modern day Faggin in this show? Oh Oliver Twist, where art thou dear Oliver? And this series proves one point. Men and women can't be just friends because every female character that matters in this series will fall for and get her male character that matters. But interesting was that not only that I discover Sammul Chan can act, he looks better without a shirt than Ron Ng who was a bit flabby, surprisingly. Ron's acting was awful but getting more tolerable as the series is nearing its end and I suspect it is because of the fact that IT IS NEARING ITS END which makes it tolerable. Sorry to say Michael Miu was a miscast as the imposing Ah Sir. His character seems to have so much "sons of fomer lovers/friends" debt. And what is this? Mi Xue as his potential lover? I was told Mi Xue was already a star when Michael was starting out as an actor. She is probably in her 50s I think and if she is, wow, she looks great but acting a bit bland. And what is this Tavia Yeung as gorgeous girl? Don't let me talk about her profession in this series. I mean she is pretty, but that pretty? Nope. And why can't she take on the role as one of the police cadets instead of that bunch of back stabbing bimbos? That lead girl, don't know who she is was awful. AWFUL. And the worst? Jan Lau and what's that actor's name as parents to this girl. I know what if she's 18 and they started a family really early but I pity Jan Lau. No wonder she quit acting if what I heard was true. Tony Leung will be laughing because the original series on police academy, though not many great performances had at least a great storyline. This one is like please end it. Please!! Let me guess; all will graduate with flying colours. Disgusting. Anyway have you watched ASTROS 3 Girls And A Bed? Ah something like that starring Amber Chia who went missing halfway through, Carmen Soo and that other girl. Anyway now it is 2 girls and a bed actually since Amber Chia, being way too famous to be stuck in this pointless bimbo show. Anyway just 5 min each day and you get to vote the ending of each 5 min segment via SMS. The first episode I saw and I was really hoping there would be like "Type Trio_A for the answer all 3 girls walk into the ballroom and a candelier fell onto them", "Type Trio_B for the answer all 3 girls walk into the ballroom and a food cart slam into them" and both choices will kill off all 3 girls and so the end of my daily 5 min torture. This show reinforces two things; 1. pretty skinny girls that speaks accented (as in like Hokkien accented) Cantonese are ultimately bimbos and the only reason why these so called actresses got to act in TV is because they're pretty; and more importantly 2. Malaysian public are one sordid immoral bunch because some endings were like Carmen Soo sleeping in the same tent with a friend even when she has her own, discriminating against lesbians, marrying for money, not work and just spend daddy's money all day and all night, etc etc etc. Why? Why torture us with this crap? What 3 girls? What a bed? Why not just a bed? I think watching a 5 min clip of a bed is way better than watching these 3 girls fumble through their Cantonese and acting by simply acting dumb, cute and useless. Carmen Soo was the worst. That is not acting; that is Madonna trying to act. I saw 5 min of Swept Away and I knew what is the definition of bad actress although she was bearable in Evita. Stick FiguresAnyway something happy for once. I found this amazing freeware where you can animate a stick figure like what I did below ... (my stick figure doing exercise, yoga and meditation)  Amazing freeware. I hope you will download it and just send me a link to your masterpiece. >> DOWNLOAD PIVOT STICKFIGURE ANIMATORLife in general
I am fine, I am alive and I promise new reviews this weekend. And yes I will try to keep my promise unless that RMVB files got stuck again during conversion. I must issue this public statement to the public, as in the 2 or 3 people who comes to visit my website like once in a blue moon. 1. I want to thank Wuchang for something he did for me and no, it wasn't something so bad that it was good but something really nice that took some effort on his part eventhough I have never met him and come to think of it he may be an alien android infiltrating the Singaporean society trying to pass off as human being. If that is the case, I decree him a human being because he answered my desperate calls for help and whilst I have yet to see the outcome of his effort, frankly sometimes it is the thought that counts. So thank you Wuchang for the effort and help. 2. I want to thank Kidd who also did a few things that made my day although alas my JTTW Cantonese version still eludes me but she actually took the effort to find the torrent files for me. As I am sure I am now permanently banned from AsianFanatics Forum over their torrent files policy which to me does not make sense and I did rudely told them as they had rudely told me off first, I must thank Kidd for doing that something that I shall not reveal as it will incriminate her. Kidd and I have our "arguments" in the past via my posts and her comments. But you know, I realise she was being honest, I was being dumb and she actually helped me in this delicate matter which I shall not reveal. So thank you Kidd for your help. And a quick shout out to Pearl on her successful play. I also became almost neurotic and filled with stress as I read her blog on her path to Theatre Stage thingy. Anyway CONGRATULATIONS and here to many more such plays in future. Who knows? She may work with Jack Neo and the likes in future. Which proves one point; if you're good you're good. If you're sincere, you're sincere. I totally do not deserve such goodness because I admit, sometimes I say crappy things. I am not perfect, just 1/2 point short of perfect but you know like I think it was Brandi who sang it, almost is never enough. I mourn for my 1/2 point imperfection. Ahhhh just kidding. We are all perfect. Love yourself first and only then you can love others. I LOVE MYSELF THEREFORE I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
September 07, 2006
Suri Cruise unveiled (finally!) Permanent link ▫ ▫
I think it was rather funny all those speculations about Suri Cruise being an imagination baby, alien baby and what nots. Well she exists, that's for sure and looking at the photo below, she looks strangely like Tom Cruise AND an Asian baby. In fact she looks more Asian than Tom Cruise which is very strange. But quite a pretty baby and so grown already. Suri is not necessarily a bad name but not quite well, how shall I put it? Interesting? Apple is cute. Kingston is heavy duty but usable name for long term. Shihloh is plain weird and a mouthful but that baby girl will be the most gorgeous of the lot, big hair and pouty lips guaranteed. Rumour has it Christian Bale's daughter (cuter I must say than Suri who looks I don't know, old for her age, mature in fact) is called Emmeline which is a beautiful name or maybe some other name which I forgot which I remember the feeling that it is not a very good workable name. Suri? Somehow a mouthful to me eventhough it is SU-RI. Maybe because I am Chinese, I have problem with my S and R. Question is why is he not marrying Katie Holmes yet? I mean those past 2 marriages no babies but marriage first. This one got baby already, baby already so big and yet no marriage plans yet, which is strange. Wouldn't you want to marry the mother of your child, especially someone like Tom Cruise who likes being a family man and a child of his own? Anymore more baby pictures HERE. 
September 05, 2006
The Crocodile Hunter no more Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am in total shock. I thought it was a joke when I heard Flyfm talking in passing about Steven Irwin dead from a stingray attack straight to his heart. I mean I have heard about Steve Irwin dying many times, and all were hoaxes. But when I read the Star Newspaper and a few online reports, it was no joke. Steve Irwin, the popular Crocodile Hunter, the man who made wildlife observation such a personal and exciting thing, especially the way he went about capturing a crocodile is truly really dead. He was 44, leaving behind 2 young children and I am sure a devastated wife. I am still shocked. I can't believe he's dead. I am a fan of his shows, although sometimes I thought he had too much bravado in the way he handled dangerous wildlife. I even liked his movie. I thought he was such a big personality type of person who was truly passionate about his work as well as his life. I can't believe he's dead. And the irony was a stingray, peaceful stingray used its tail and pierced him through the heart and I think death was almost instant.
I think that is why "Uncle" Sir David Attenborough is in his 80s and still making documentaries. For one, Sir David doesn't really do really dangerous animals (but I believe he did stand in the middle of dozens of Komodo dragons at one point of his career) and more importantly whilst Steve believed in hands on approach, Sir David was more of a silent observor. Frankly I prefer Sir David's style, my most favourite documentary maker but Steve Irwin was about fun, having no fear and believing in a cause with such passion.
I am going to miss him, if I ever get through this shock faze of mine. I am just too shocked to even feel the numbness of the pain. Of all things, a stingray. Which shows he may have been an expert of crocodiles and even snakes which was why he was ok numerous times but really, if there is one lesson to be learnt, bad luck does exist and that if you're no expert of certain animals, maybe try staying away from them because gentle or not, in the end animals are unpredictable which is why they're called wildlife.
This is a mourning period for me because I have seen him so often in TV and I even witnessed the birth of his daughter! This is just ... pure bad luck I suppose. How can one explain why the stingray struck when reports said he didn't do anything to provoke it and I believe he wouldn't have?
>> Read the news here
>> More on Crocodile Hunter

Born in Essendon, a suburb of Melbourne, Steve Irwin moved with his parents as a child to Queensland. His parents, Bob and Lyn, ran the small Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park, where Steve grew up around crocodiles and other reptiles. He became a crocodile trapper, removing crocodiles from near populated areas, performing the service for free with the quid pro quo that he kept them for the park. As a child, he had a negative encounter with a macaw, which throughout his life left him with a fear of parrots.
In 1991, he took over the running of the park, now renamed the "Australia Zoo", and in 1992 met (at the park) and married Terri. The footage, shot by John Stainton, of their crocodile-trapping honeymoon became the first episode of The Crocodile Hunter, which became wildly successful in America.
Under Steve's expansive leadership, the operations have grown to include the zoo, the television series, The Steve Irwin Conservation Foundation, and International Crocodile Rescue. Improvements to his Australia Zoo include the Animal Planet Crocoseum, the rainforest aviary, and Tiger Temple.
In 2001, Steve appeared in a cameo role in the Eddie Murphy film Dr. Dolittle 2. In 2002, his first feature film, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, was released. In general, reviews of this film were negative. However, in 2003, Irwin was reportedly in line to host a chat show on Australian network television.
The Irwins have two children: a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin (born 24 July 1998), and a son, Robert (Bob) Clarence Irwin (born 1 December 2003). Their dog, Sui, from which their daughter's middle name was derived, died in June 2004.
Major controversy arose during a public show on 2 January 2004, when Irwin carried his infant son, Bob, in one arm while feeding a chicken carcass to a crocodile with the other hand. The infant was close to the crocodile, and comparisons were made in the press with Michael Jackson's dangling of his son outside a German apartment window. In addition, child welfare groups, animal rights groups, and many of Irwin's television viewers criticised his actions as being irresponsible and tantamount to child abuse. Irwin claimed that any danger to his son was only a perceived danger and that he was in complete control of the situation, and consistently refused to apologize for his actions despite considerable public outcry both in Australia and abroad. His defenders pointed to his several decades of hands-on experience and direct interaction with crocodiles. Terri Irwin claimed that their child was in no more real danger than a child being taught to swim would be. No charges were filed (although the police did visit Irwin at his home and advised him not to repeat the incident).
Irwin went on to star in other Animal Planet documentaries, including The Croc Files, The Crocodile Hunter Diaries, and New Breed Vets.
In June 2004, Irwin again was the subject of controversy when allegations were made that he came too close to and disturbed some wildlife (namely whales, seals and penguins) while filming a documentary in Antarctica. Interacting with Antarctic wildlife in a disapproved manner may be a breach of Australian federal and international laws. Subsequently, the matter was closed without charges being filed.
Animal Planet then released a Crocodile Hunter special called "Crocodiles & Controversy", which attempted to explain both the "Baby Bob Incident" and the Antarctica incident. This special argues that Irwin's son was never in danger of being eaten by the crocodile and that Irwin could not have endangered animals in Antarctica.
Animal Planet ended the The Crocodile Hunter with a series finale entitled "Steve's Last Adventure". The last Crocodile Hunter documentary went for three emotional hours with footage of Steve's across-the-world adventure, visiting locations like the Himalayas, the Yangtze River, Borneo, and the Kruger National Park.
In January 2006 as part of Australia Week celebrations in the USA, Steve appeared at the Pauley Pavilion, UCLA Los Angeles, California. During an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Steve announced that Discovery Kids will be developing a show for his daughter, Bindi Sue.[1] The show, Jungle Girl, was tipped to be similar to The Wiggles movies, with songs that surround a story. A feature-length episode of Australian kids TV show The Wiggles entitled "Wiggly Safari" appears dedicated to Steve, and he features in it heavily with his wife and daughter. The show includes the song "Crocodile Hunter, Big Steve Irwin".
On Saturday June 24, 2006, one of the oldest turtles living in Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo, died of heart failure. The turtle, Harriet, was 176 years old and was considered part of Irwin's family. Harriet was thought to have belonged to Charles Darwin.
Steve Irwin was active in politics and was a supporter of the conservative Liberal Party of Australia. In particular, he strongly supported the incumbent Prime Minister John Howard.
On September 4, 2006, shortly after 11:00 a.m. local time, Irwin was killed in a marine accident while filming an underwater documentary in the Batt Reef off the Low Isles near Port Douglas, north of Cairns, Queensland, Australia. It is believed that a stingray barb penetrated his heart, causing a fatal wound, though this has yet to be confirmed by Australian officials. Ironically, it has been reported that his new documentary was aimed at demystifying the stingray.[2]
The Queensland Police Service issued a statement saying Mr. Irwin collapsed after being stung at Batt Reef, Low Isles off Port Douglas about 11am. He had been filming a documentary. Source AAP and Sydney Morning Herald & AAP. Steve Irwin killed by stingray. Sydney Morning Herald, AAP. URL accessed on 2006-09-04, 2006.
Police said Mr Irwin's family has been advised and Irwin's body was being flown to Cairns.
It is believed his American-born wife Terri was trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania when the incident happened.
Police in Tasmania say she has been informed of her husband's death.
The Irwins have two children, an eight-year-old a daughter, Bindi Sue, and a three-year-old son, Robert Clarence, usually known as Bob.
September 04, 2006
The problem with Chinese bittorrent files Permanent link ▫ ▫ that they're almost always either in RM format or RMVB format. Why? I am THIS SO VERY FRUSTRATED with these formats, especially RMVB formats. Even with the right codecs, I can't seem to encode the bloody RMVB files into AVI files so that I can then burn them into a DVD as DVD files to be played in DVD players. Nope. RMVB files you can never ever do that because I think Real has really real stronghold on MVB files being encoded into some other formats or being burn into disc. And it is the Chinese bittorrents who uses RMVB formats, in part because the file can be smaller but let me put to you a case against encoding in RMVB formats ...
1. RM formats is better in the sense can then re-encode them into AVI formats
2. RMVB format sucks big time because can't re-encode into something else no matter how hard I try
3. even if I could do it, there is always a huge loss of quality because quite simply RMVB or RM formats sucks
4. it simply sucks
So next time you want to encode some media files and share in bittorrent, please do not make it RM or RMVB. The likelihood of people downloading using bittorrent clients having broadband internet connection is I think 99% so really we can handle huge avi files because remember, quality first not the file size.
Please please stop the rmvb nonsense dear Chinese friends. Even gameshows that I wanted to download from Sehseh's Blog is frustratingly in RMVB format. The quality sucks, can't encode it means can't watch it on my big telly. Not everybody watches everything using the computer.
Pleaseeeeee, stop it! It just sucks. SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK YUKKETTY YUCK YUCK SUCKS.
Did I make my point very clear?
Ok, how many hear likes RMVB format? And why?
If you know how to re-encode rmvb format files to avi using some freeware, please help me. I have tried and all I got was I needed to download some codec when I have that rmvb codec if not I couldn't have been able to watch it in the first place.
September 03, 2006
Wow! Wow! Who?? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Totally (almost) unrecognisable except for the cover shot. Tavia Yang looking very pretty, sexy and yet more classiness than pure trashiness that we see on most cover shots of TVB stars. The clothes are a bit "aunty" to me, because I expected better updated wardrobe. And her chest part can do a bit with a good wonderbra, not as in making it look larger but rather making them look up instead of old sagging down which is the area the wardrobe people did badly. But the hair (except for the curly one) is good. I think she must have hair extensions but if there is any indication by these pictures, Tavia should let her hair grow long, straighten in and gve it a what you call them? Bangs at the front? The lightning though is a bit too heavy. Gone are the days of zomboe girl with tomboyish persona, Tavia Yang wants to be taken seriously, as a woman. Yep, very pretty pictures I must say and great hair. Also like most entertainment websites like to say, there is a whole lot of photoshop effects involved. Disappointingly I realise even the most beautiful woman in a gorgeous picture has to be photoshopped to make her look absolutely perfect with perfect flawless skin. Tavia's pictures looked like some photoshop effects has been done BUT she is still very very pretty. In fact I was very very surprised that in her role in The Academy was described as very very pretty because truthfully, I never really thought of Tavia as well, that kinda pretty.
Anyway do have a look at Jayne Stars.