April 30, 2004
American Idol - It's Not John's Fault Permanent link ▫ ▫
Thanks to Kidd for the link to the wonderful commentary. Exactly what I wanted to say, using less bombastic words. Yeah yeah this is what I wanna say. But well, he's gone so pointless. USATODAY was totally wrong to put the blame on him and there was Weird Al in there? To think I am his fan!
American Idol - It's Not John's Fault
By RTVC Staff Writer Quinton Carroll
E-Mail Quinton
April 28, 2004
The conspiracy buffs are jumping up and down, slinging fist through the air, contacting Fox, and maybe writing their congressmen. What are they up in arms about? I am talking about the elimination last week of Jennifer Hudson and the divas getting voted into the final three.
I've read that it's racism. It's because there was a power outage in Jennifer's hometown. John Steven's is sooo cute that he is getting the teeny votes. Could it be that the universe is not in alignment after J.P.L. got voted out? I could go on and on.
What motivated me to write this commentary is a harsh article I read about John Steven's in the April 27th edition of the USA Today. The title of the article was "Could this guy kill 'American Idol'?" by Edna Gundersen. USA Today even had their list of "celebrity panelist weigh in with their opinion on American Idol and trash John. One of these "celebrity panelist was 'Weird Al' Yankovic, believe it or not, who said, "When are they going to put this poor kid [John] out of his misery?" Let's take a logical look at this situation.
Everything in life starts from somewhere. How did John Stevens make it on American Idol? The answer to the million dollar question is the JUDGES. So if anyone wants to point fingers, point your boney fingers at the judges not John. It's not John that is going to kill American Idol, it's the judges' who decide who gets to move on at the very beginning of the show. If they think that a contestant isn't right for the show, be up front with them and spare them the pain of embarrassment. John is doing what he is supposed to do week in and week out. Sing the best he can and let America decide if he moves to the next round.
We have a teenager getting his name and self esteem dragged through the mud in front of millions of Americans. How would you feel if that was you or your child?
All this because what the industry hotshots and the media think are the top three, Fantasia, Jennifer, and La Toya should get everything handed to them on a silver platter. Listen the show is called American Idol. America decides.
I have one last comment for the finalists, for America, and for the media. You need to learn really quickly that this is show business. Get used to the highs and take the lows with some class and learn from it. America, vote for WHO YOU THINK is the best talent or who you are a fan of. Media folks, don't destroy their self esteem just for a story. Because it is so hard today to make young people believe they are worth something. "
AI3-Movie Theme Permanent link ▫ ▫
Excellent night eh? Generally everybody sang well but a few were well, not that good.
Even Randy gave a standing ovation for her rendition of Summertime. I am a big fan of Gershwin (and I am sure it's a Gershwin song) and I like it simple. Whilst Fantasia sang it with emotion, she gave it too much of the oohs and ahhs that killed the mood. But overall a good performance.
Bad song, excellent voice. My idea of AI.
Pretty, ok song, sang quite ok but lacked emotion.
One of my favourite songs, My Heart Will Go On sang by the great Celine Dion and you'll probably cry hearing the original. But not this one. Maybe the tempo is too fast, maybe the rearrangement of the song was ill suited for her, I thought she sang horribly.
She should have been the one to sing West Side Story because she can scream all she wants. But she sang Whitney Houston who sang it loud but never scream. Here she screamed and screamed. But everybody said she was great. I beg to differ. Can she sing another way other than scream?
Great song but not for him. I agree he was right to be kicked out. His performance was wonderful, he has charisma no doubt. I love him but I am beginning to agree he must have vocal lessons. But I love what Quentin Tarantino said when Simon said "Do you like the song?" and he said " I like it, this is his style, he is not Pavarotti but this is his style". I agree and I had fun watching his energetic charismatic performance.
What more can I say? He looked great and he sang great. Definitely his night because he chose a song that was just for him. His voice was so soothing and I especially love the end bit where he pulled off that ling night without being breathless or anything. And I see he was trying to put in more emotions to his singing, he has definitely improved a lot in terms of singing with emotions. But he must improve on his stage performance. As for Simon saying he lacked charisma, I thought it was charisma that kept him in the competition? I would say this was John's night and I am not saying this because I am his fan. I was shocked though at his choice of favourite movie though he stressed animated movie. Aladdin? At least it wasn't Pocahontas.
West Side Story is a sad story, the song a very good song. She is always a competent though boring singer. But she totally ruined this song by screaming and holding notes way too long. Hated this one.
Bottom 3
I know JPL was booted. I think John was in the bottom 3 correct? If yes I wonder why? Perhaps Simon was kind to him? Anyway if he was not in the bottom 3, ignore this comment.
I heard he was horrible in Latin night. What song did he sing?
As for Quentin the guest judge, he was very honest and I thought he made some good observations. But I look forward to Manilow night.
Anyway heart breaking news. John was sent home. Like I predicted. Hopefully he will come back, this time as a recording artiste! I am just so sad. Now if George is sent home, I can switch off the TV.
And to this TV FAN who has been posting nonsense in the tagboard, his absence will only make my heart grow fonder so why should I shut up? I think probably so far only Kidd and I are of the same mindset. Thanks though for the discussion. With John gone, feel no motivation to comment.
April 29, 2004
Holland Village series Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anyone watching this excellent Mediacorp long series? (Singapore by the way). Everyone was like made for the role he or she is cast in. Unfortunately I could not find some information about the stars and how they really look like. I know Chen Liping plays Mo Wan Wan but I wonder, is she that big size in person? I also want to know who plays Fang Nuo Wen (definitely my favourite guy in this series) and also Xiao Xin (Yu Hong Zhi - my object of lust-I find him very handsome though he isn't really-wonder why? Anyway I want to know why his voice was dubbed). I know who plays that Yang family guy whose name I can't remember, the effiminate man. I was so shocked to see him in a comedy because he was always in serious series, at least what i could remember. I tell you he is amazing in here.
Anyone has links to some fan sites on this series and especially on the two handsome guys I mentioned above? Email me point2e@myjaring.net
THANKS! By the way watch this series. It has its bad times but overall I can't imagine TVB being so funny and engaging every single episode (except War of the Genders). Even our own Homecoming is so boring without the local flavour. I feel more at home watching Holland Village.
April 27, 2004
I have decided to write something positive about John Stevens once in a while to well, support him. I read a very tasteless and horrible article in USATODAY and I even responded to it here but well, even my computer disliked John I guess because my computer hanged. What I actually wanted to say is America is the land which produces mega star Madonna, famous Britney Spears and supposedly famous Avril Lavigne and none of them could sing, yes even Avril Lavigne whom I feel is overrated. So what is so wrong with John? Even the critics said he has zero personality. What is personality anyway? Like Latoya has a lot of it? It's a pity because I rather see potential. I like his style, I even thought he sang well today in that few lines of Elton John song (results show) and I was pretty amazed he is trying something different and it worked! Is he the weakest? Maybe. Does he deserve all these bashing by even tasteless deaf critics? I don't think so. I don't think America voted for him simply because he looks cute or that liking a very different type of music is wrong. What those critics say are an insult to people who loves the bygone era of big bands where music is the special effect, not the costume or dancing. People like Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong are considered legends purely because of their music and their voice. Give John a break. He deserves more good comments than bad and one should never be made to feel guilty for surviving. It just means he is doing something right.
At this point I would like to point out to these critics one band who was labelled as talentless and their music on the way out when they auditioned for one famous producer. Years later, they're considered legends and their music still loved even today and many singers are singing their song. The Beetles was that group. It just shows that taste differs but that doesn't mean that I, Funn Lim by supporting and liking him wants to:-
a. sleep with him
b. deaf
c. tasteless
d. blind
e. whatever
Glad to know Hudson put in a good word for him and glad to know she got herself a stint as a back up singer. But you know Ruben's voice is so soft, she might drown his voice!
So positive point no. 1 - he deserves to be in this competition as anybody else and he may not be the idol people would imagine but I like him and I am sure there are plenty of people like me out there who likes his soothing calming voice.
Who should be kicked out next? I like to see either Jasmine or Diana. Who will be kicked out next? No doubt John since I can't see him survive Latin night. Who should win AI? George. Who will win? Probably Fantasia.
April 25, 2004
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
Something is wrong with my Wordpress template so my reviews' template is now like very weird looking. I'll fix it a.s.a.p so that means reviews may be a bit slow coming.
April 24, 2004
News Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just realised Maggie Siu was nominated at the 23rd HK Movie Awards in her role as a policewoman in PTU. She was in the Best Supporting Actress category. Nobody mentioned this in the forums. Now I know where she got her extra income. You know, she plays a policewoman in this movie and what does TVB do with such a talent? A mother to the main actresses who can't act. A pity. I want to watch PTU now because it looks atmospheric.
Anyway just checked my ASTRO guidebook that Wah Lai Toi will show Life Begins At Forty in June. I suspect it will be the Prime Time show. I am looking forward to King of Yesterday and Tomorrow, showing some time in May. I suspect it will take over Perish In The Name Of Love slot. heard it is very good. I hope so.
New reviews coming soon.
April 23, 2004
Jennifer Hudson & Great Albums Permanent link ▫ ▫
AI 3 -Jennifer Hudson
It is interesting I read some news, you know theories why she was booted and some said biasness, some said split votes and some said probably racism. Split votes maybe, since I was told that Latoya, Fantasia and Hudson were in the bottom 3. Frankly I am not surprised to see them in bottom 3. Maybe there is a simpler explanation to this other than split votes; viewers were simply bored with perhaps their R&B treatment of Barry Manilow songs? I haven't seen this episode but I suspect that will be it. 2 weeks from now you'll read my comments on this. But I do know why Hudson was kicked off. Not racism because America consists of many races, majority of them aren't white. So if race is an issue, every African American, Spanish, Italians, Mexicans, Asians, etc who has a phone will certainly vote for her. Perhaps even other races couldn't stand her "power voice" hitting "power notes" thereby killing the "power song". Please ...Barry Manilow's songs are sweet, happy, a bit jingle-sh, in fact dandy (not gay but you know simple) and I bet she complicated the song unncesserily. If John was kicked, many will say GREAT but nobody ever said perhaps the voters were racist or biased. Now Hudson was voted off, I read idiotic comments like this. I agree split votes could be the culprit but I would bet America has had enough of divas and R&Bs. It's time for a singer who actually sings. I am looking forward to John's performance whom I have heard moved people to tears not because it was boring but because it was full of feelings. Hudson successfully crushed all feelings in a song, she is a very selfish singer, because the words, the song is as important as the voice. Her rendition of Circle of Life convinced me that this woman without control will be a menace to the musical world. And Latoya may be great but she's absolutely boring and without charm. Fantasia I am surprised is in the bottom 3 but I suspect it's her arrogance and drive to win that may be the culprit. Glad to know Huff survived, because he is my idea of an American Idol. Anyway that being said, I suspect John is the next to go since the next theme is Latin and I can't imagine for the life of me how he is going to sing "Living La Vida Loca" with that Big Band voice. It's not fair, they should do a big band night.
Great Albums
I recently bought 3 albums because 1 album I do not have cash, 2 albums not enough for my credit card charge so 3 albums. I listen to cassettes when I am driving and in KL that's like many many hours. Ever since morning crew Hitz.FM was replaced by 2 inept uninteresting idiots that promotes nothing intelligent but everything stupid, and without the daily dose of my favourite intelligent articulate DJs, Fly Guy and Little Kev who were both better than the best DJs out there, I have been buying albums. From Stephanie Sun to many more, recently I bought:-
1. Guy Sebastian - because he was a Malaysian and he was the Australian Idol so I was curious. Turned out his first single was wonderful but his version of When Doves Cry was absolutely horrible. Still he has a very good voice though I heard him sing out of tune many times.
2. The Darkness - I was never into rock groups until I saw School of Rock. I was inspired by Jack Black's passion for rock music so I was quite ok with it. I am not into hard rock though. Then I heard this single called something I believe In Love or That Thing Called Love or something like that. I was blown away by the voice and the music. In fact I bought the album for this one single and I found myself happy with my purchase because the whole album was excellent. Some songs are hard rock, some playful, some sad but all were sung with such love, attention and passion I have played the album 3 times in a row and still never bored. A great buy.
3. Will Young's Friday's Child - or something like that. I liked Will Young ever since hearing him sing in the World Idol show, his rendition of Baby You Can Light My Fire is still lighting my fire even now. So I bought his album. He is very famous in the UK but in Malaysia, more pop idol-ish runner up Gareth Gates is more famous because he sings like a boy band. Great voice but not very good songs. Will Young's album is perhaps the best album purchase I have ever made, other than Weird Al Yankovic's CDs which caused me a fortune. His voice is not only soft, in fact some may say it's not a good voice but he has got his way of singing. Whenever I hear him sing, it's like he is making gentle love to his song, very passionate and yet soft. I was seduced by his voice and I think I am in love with his music, except of course he is gay. Anyway, all songs are great, but Stronger is the best because it's just too sexy though not one single word of Sex is ever mentioned in that song. I beg you to buy his album, I beg Jennifer Hudson to buy his album, because this to me is singing.
In fact I believe given time, some vocal training and more exposure, John Stevens could be like this. One advantage that John has over Will is John already has this beautiful trance like voice. He needs grooming and some more exposure to different styles without abandoning his passion for big bands. I hope arecord company will sign him on because I suspect I will not regret buying his album.
April 22, 2004
JENNIFER HUDSON IS OUT! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Thanks to Kidd, I was told she got kicked out! JUSTICE! Finally. Was she that bad during Barry Manilow night? Maybe too much power notes since Barry Manilow is like a soft kinda guy? John is still here!
American Idol Season 3 - Elton John Night Permanent link ▫ ▫
I almost cried when I heard those nasty comments about John Stevens' rendition of Crocodile Rock. Ok, he was off tune sometimes, so was everybody else in this episode but he for once was dancing, getting joggy with it so to speak and i really enjoyed his passionate performance, very energetic. I thought he started off great but like Jeffrey Archer, always ends badly. But he's still here!Wonderful charming performance.
The worst was that Camille girl, oh my god was my only reaction. Reminded me of Leah LaBelle.
Ok, now to this Elton John thing. The judges said pitchy to almost all of them and to JPL Paula said Rocket Man is a song that required a wide vocal range, like most of Elton John's songs so he wasn't good enough. Ok, JPL sang out of tune but in some part of his singing I can hear brilliance. So hew as booted much later but I hope he gets a recording contract, he has such presence and he does have a voice that needs a style. For once Paula said something useful.
Everybody sang out of tune at some part of the song and the reason is simple; ever thought that Elton John's songs are all one tune or tuneless? Which is why in order to sing with tune you get out of tune? I am not a fan of Elton John, i do not think he is a great singer. I think he is a wonderful peformer, a competent song writer but not a great singer. His songs are ok but could not be sung without much difficulty because they're written for his own vocal range which is almost nil. So I can't blame them for singing out of tune.
But I am sick to death of so called power notes, that is always heard in the comments about Jennifer Hudson's singing. Tonight she sang Circle Of Life and everybody applauded, calling it her best. Yes, if screaming is the best she will get my vote. She has successfully turned all tunes into a shouting screaming fest, I do wonder did she deafened all American voters that is why she is still here when she should be kicked out? Not only is she trying too hard, in her definition a good singing is singing the loudest! I think someone said it best. Anyone had Tom Yam before? Just because the Tom Yam is the spiciest or the rendang beef the spiciest doesn't make it a great Tom Yam or rendang beef though we expect the dish to be spicy. Too much of something is as bad and sometimes far worse than too little of something. jenifer Hudson reminds me of a Tom Yam soup gone wrong, and I am sick of so called power notes. Power notes in this competition is screaming. I prefer real singing for once.
Fantasia on her worst day is still good, whilst Latoya a good singer but really she is so boring to watch! The Hawaiian girls are in pretty bad shape. JPL remains my favourite but he's long gone by the time ASTRO showed this episode. My favourite to win AI is George Huff who has gone from strength to strength and is still humble as ever.
Anyway my favourites tonight are George Huff and John Stevens. JPL was off tune, that much I admit. The rest are either boring, lack spontaneity or simply dreadful.
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just added Interesting Links and Cast List for my PITNOL page. In fact it is updated daily from Mon to Fri with Episodic Thoughts. I'll try to reveal as little as possible so as not to spoil the viewing pleasure of those who do not have ASTRO and have to reply on local telly to see this show.
In Interesting Links also added some fun facts. If you know more, do email me at point2e@myjaring.net
PITNOL page can be found in TVB page under the Infosite label with my name next to it or simply click here;
By the way did you notice something wrong with this main page? I think sometimes this page is not properly loaded, so I guess that will happen for the PITNOL page as well since both uses Blogger. Any problem do inform me so that I can rectify it.
April 21, 2004
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ermmm the PITNOL page has actually been added into my TVB page, didn't realise it. Anyway still tweaking on past episodes but from today onwards you should see the latest comment on the last seen episode. I even added a tag board so I hope discussions can be continued there. As for the tagboard in here it is being used primarily for ... AMERICAN IDOL discussion! Very lively discussion, a pity I couldn't archive all of it! Also I have this automatic announcement via email, that is everytime this blog is updated, automatically you will receive this same update in your email via topica! Great!
PITNOL PAGE UP! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just opened a Perish In The Name Of Love infopage which will contain Episodic Thoughts, Interesting Links, Xtras (like media files, wallpapers) and also a review by me when it is ready. I guess after a while a review may be unnecessary since I am giving my thoughts about this series episode by episode. Anyway all comments you see in here about PITNOL has been "transported" to my PITNOL page which even have a tagboard for on the spot discussion about this series. That tagboard is not the one you see in here. So go there now, bookmark it. The link is in my TVB reviews page under the infosite label.
This page will be updated daily except for Saturdays and Sundays (since my telly only show the show from Mondays to Fridays). There is something wrong with the episodes feature so ignore that. The index page will always contain the latest episodic thought.
For your info, the link is
Powered by Blogger so no comments feature which I will leave it for the review. By the way all reviews in this website has a comment feature, so do participate! Do give me your thoughts about this series, or even a review!
April 20, 2004
PITNOL EP 6 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I think I enjoyed this series very much because I am beginning to understand some of the unanswered questions like:-
1. How can the father and grandma kick Cheung Ping when they love her so much?
Because they were all sentenced to the cold palace (I suspect Cheung Ping wasn't but I missed that episode) and then one night evil Concubine Tin ordered the cold palace to be destroyed, so they all took the opportunity to escape during the fire to save themselves. They even changed their names.
2. How come Cheung Ping was with them when grandma loved her so much?
Kidd I think answered that for me, she followed them willingly. So I guess they all thought they all disappeared and don't know where they are.
Very pitiful. Now I understand! Ok, dramatic but possible.
In this episode we see also Yoke Han (a very pretty and demure looking Annie Man) who is weak and is Sai Hin's fiancee. No fight man, princess vs minister's daughter! Also I know more about Sai Hin and Cheung Ping like:-
1. They are very religious since they pray to God every 5 minutes;
2. Did I see that stupid yellow doggie again? Arghhhh
3. More flashbacks, sick to my bone. Well now we also know Cheung Ping is not only pretty, smart, kind, friendly, loving, loyal, fillial ... above all else she is perfect. Yes very obvious this series is showing how darn perfect she is whilst of course how imperfect Superman is. I think.
Anyway, I am beginning to enjoy the drama of this series though again, this series totally debunked my idea of a very smart and outspoken Cheung Ping. Yes she is perfect and an angel in here BUT she is still not the Cheung Ping I want her to be. She is too demure, too soft spoken, she is not intelligent enough nor outspoken enough.
One favourite scene was when she was fired (again) and she was sitting, eating and crying and Sing Hing's father came in and Sing Hing said, "She's Fai Lei, without reason she was fired!", and the father said "I am not managing this place but I do not know this girl is very hard working ..." and then he described how he saw her doing all sorts of things in one day. So the boss said she stays. I know this sounds bland but that scene was quite funny. Another good scene was when Sai Hin was standing by that wishing tree and suddenly thanks to some divine intervention a paper prayer fell next to him and lo and behold, he saw the name Cheung Ping! The good thing is the authenticity of that scene, where Cheung Ping's handwriting is so ugly! Poor girl, missing out on her education. And also the scene where he suspects Fai Lei is Cheung Ping which is quite touching as he wondered and wondered. I also like one scene where Cheung Ping was carrying Yoke Han who was sitting on a chair (?) and Yoke Han was talking about the palace and Cheung Ping asked how was the Emperor, the King's mother and all. Very touching you know because she misses them.
Anyway I am really looking forward to Sai Hin and Cheung Ping seeing each other again because that will certainly stop the pining and the flashbacks and then I will get to see real stuff like politics, evil concubines and more torture!
I must comment on one thing; Charmaine could dance quite nicely as in traditional dance, the style is there. She learnt ballet before so that is not surprising. Luckily very little Superman today. Thank god!
New Stuff Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am going to create a special page for PITNOL in my TVB reviews. At this moment I am uploading stuff but you can start bookmarking the following link:-
All my comments will be moved into a category labelled as Episodic Thoughts, powered by Blogger.
PITNOL EP 5 Permanent link ▫ ▫
This episode was much more satisfying in terms of some very poignant scenes. Overall I enjoyed the depiction of the adult Sai Hin, a gentleman whilst poor Cheung Ping had to stand afar, loving him but being able to tell him so because nobody can ever find out her real identity. I guess her head will be chopped off if she did. Whilst her dear sister, Superman is decked out in beautiful jewelries and dancing to her heart's content, poor Cheung Ping worked like a slave and was almost sacked. Yes, she worked like a slave. Sai Hin I found out is the engineer in Michael Tong's factory which produces gunpowder and also what is those things called? I can at this moment only remember the malay name for it, Meriam.
Anyway about half the series talked about Cheung Ping and Sai Hin as adults and then of course as children. After about 5 minutes of their flashbacks which I guess is meant to intertwine between now and the past and how little had changed in their feelings for one another, I was really sick to my stomach watching young wimpy Cheung Ping, young loving Sai Hin and their dog. Yes, dog and how they walked to a waterfall. There I was wondering, can a princess just wander out in the woods without a guide? A palace guard? Especially she is the king's favourite? Of course all these always go back to my original question; how can the king who loves his daughter so much banish her from the palace in the first place? It would be more logical if the mother is banished and the daughters are not allowed to see her. Anyway take away that question, there is one scene which I thought was excellent and I just wished more of such scenes is shown instead of wimpy Cheung Ping pining for wimpy Sai Hin and that bloody dog.
This scene was when Sai Hin took Cheung Ping out for a nice bowl of mee and there we get to see a glimsp of the contrast in Cheung Ping's two lives. We see how Sai Hin spoke of his favourite poem (spoilt by Steven Ma's souless and passionless recital) and then Cheung Ping tried to write the words. Sai Hin spoke of a girl he once knew who was so smart and could write so beautifully. Cheung Ping remembered her happy childhood and when she tried to write the words, Sai Hin reminded her she wrote some wrong words. Her writings were not beautiful anymore. That scene was very sad because imagine all these years she has lost out on her education when she was such a smart girl. Excellent scene actually.
And then of course we are back to that flashback scenes. Please I GET IT! THEY'RE MEANT FOR ONE ANOTHER! THEY FEED ON EACH OTHER'S LOVE TO GO ON AND ON AND ON. Now can we move on????? Where is Moses?!
One more thing I must comment on.
Why why WHY is Sonija Kwok always given roles where she had to dance when she can't dance one bit? She moved like a piece of log, a piece of wood and her dancing is as souless as her acting. My sister said "She had dancing lessons in the past?" and I was like "Please are you blind?!". Anne Heung had classical traning, Michelle Ye had classical training, Akina Hong had classical traning, we have 3 gorgeous women who can dance for real, WHY ON EARTH they asked this piece of wood to act in this role? She fails totally as a dancer, totally fails as the good one, absolutely fails as the mean one, I can only guess how she will fare as the evil one.
Anyway, apart from that, this episode is far better than the last few ones.
April 18, 2004
Upcoming Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just a bit of news. Some upcoming reviews which I'll be adding today, tomorrow and the next few days will be:-
Square Pegs
Battle Against Evil
Triumph In The Skies
Burning Flame 2
Perish In The Name Of Love episodic thoughts
One Korean drama, one French movie with a Japanese like title, one Korean horror movie and one Hollywood film. Guaranteed all are good read.
At the meantime I am changing the look for the reviews layout. A bit messy right now. B2Evolution is quite ok but I'll stick with Wordpress since done so many already.
So, submissions anyone?
April 17, 2004
Did Chi Ha die?? Permanent link ▫ ▫
This is about The Voyage Of Emperor Qian Lung.
I read this entry by Benny and Charmaine in my guestbook asking whether Chi Ha died or not and to explain my theory. I can't wait to answer this, because I am way too lazy and depressed to write a review (my life ended when JPL got booted). So I thought it's a fair question and I am going to give my answer, my theory, my thoughts, my everything.
Last episode, we see chi Ha about to be beheaded. That funny guy told the King that it's very ugly for Chi Ha to die in front of everybody. Then we see the King thinking, then we see Chi Ha scared and then we see funny guy and old guy happily singing and then we see the King's smiling face. Then we see Chi Ha's head on that wood and then about to chop...CUT! Next scene. Last last scene we see 2 years later, King got moustache and then he saw a girl looking like Chi Ha, he was smiling, and that girl was almost crying.
Ok, my theory.
It's a no-brainer. She didn't die. The only reason people are guessing is because the director was too darn inept to even put like barrier between the people and the execution site, so that we kinda guessed he must have switched prisoner or said changed site so we will never really know whether she died or not. But that scene was misleading. So at the end, we see another Chi Ha and everybody assumed she died because we didn't see something that blocks that execution. But look at this new Chi Ha, she was smiling, like almost crying. She knew the King! She is Chi Ha. The only reason anybody is guessing is because this is a very badly written series and very badly directed. In fact it was badly acted as well but you know, Charmaine's acting is not too bad though.
So my conclusion is she didn't die because that's the way it is.
The only scene I like was when he made the evil concubine the Empress AND locked her forever in her own palace. YEAH! Best revenge!
Worst News! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just got this. JPL WAS BOOTED FROM AI 3!! BOOTED! And Miss Scream Jennifer Hudson is still there! What is going on??? Anyway better out early so that he can get an agent and be a star that he is. I feel he has a great vocie, just some practice.
Oh now I have to cheer for John Stevens, the only different one left. But he will go too, because most voters are either deaf or too into R&B.
I want George Huff to win because he is cute, he is bubbly, he is humble, he has got this soulful voice and he's not really R&B. Most importantly he is humble. Fantasia is getting too arrogant for my taste.
JPL, go get an agent, act, sing! See you at the Grammy's. JOHN, GO GO GO!!
PITNOL EP 4 Permanent link ▫ ▫
One word; boring. So this series is really boring. Not only are they still going on and on about how poor Cheung Ping had to work, how poor Superman is bitchy to her mom and sis, how useless Michael Tong is and how lovesick Sai Hin is, we are shown again and again how they almost missed and then how they meet again ot recognising one another. I can't enjoy this series for a few reasons;
1. Cheung Ping comes off as too nice and too much of a wimp. I do not see the intelligent, mature, articulate, lady like, princess- ish Cheung Ping. In fact my mother was complaining how the writers were bastardising the original story. I can't agree more.
2. Superman is here for only one reason; to be evil and toture the viewers with her horrible wooden acting.
3. How can they all be kicked out of the palace so easily? Does the king like to wash his dirty linen in public? Maybe he forbade them to say who they're? But wouldn't it be more dramatic to lock them up in teh cold palace, or kick the queen out but the daughters are left behind? Maybe this is because I missed that crucial first half of ep 3. It still is pure drama.
This entire episode is a complete waste of my time.
Like The Voyage Of Emperor Qian Lung which ended today in my local telly (NTV7), complete waste of time until the last few seconds as in somewhere towards the end. The ending was predictable as usual. Chi Ha didn't die, obvious. I can say so much about one of the worst series I have seen this year but I'll leave them all in my review.
I am beginning to dislike PITNOL. Please be there a reason for me to like it. Maybe Moses Chan??
April 15, 2004
American Idol Season 3 Discussion Permanent link ▫ ▫
I found this very good discussion site which discusses about each episode from the viewpoint of 3 commentators. Read positive, negative and insightful comments. I think that Molly girl is one impartial lady. BUt I can confirm all three are deaf when it comes to Jennifer Hudson. If screaming is called great singing, let me scream!
ARGHHHHHHHHHH .........................
Anyway check it out. It's called The Trades-Roundtable Discussion.
PITNOL EP 3 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Pure drama and then boring and then drama again.
Young to old, we have Sai Hin loving cheung Ping, then Cheung Ping looking for Sai Hin. Cameras kept slowing down as they walked past one another, like Turn Left Turn Right, always almost missing each other and yet meant to be with one another.
I missed the front a bit, poor Queen though, booted from the palace. I bet Jan Lau made everybody hate her and then the King, Mr Wimp may have just let everybody bully his wife and 2 children. I am just amazed even Cheung Ping and Superman were booted also. Surely that can't be!
Anyway zoom to 10 years or so later, grown up. We see dashing Sai Hin and then thing Cheung Ping selling fish. We see some surprise attack at the army camp and then we see Sai Hin hurt and cheung Ping saved him. Then we see Superman dancing, mommy too poor to let her audition, she said something mean but honest and mommy slapped her twice. Then we see Superman cry cry cry.
First of all, no offense but Maggie Siu looked like their sister than their mother. Second of all, Sonija Kwok should play the mother because she looks old. Cheung Ping, though pretty do look like a starving poor person. Performances wise, too early to tell. I am very frustrated though that the writers successfully made Cheung Ping becoming such a weak wimp with little intelligence. I hope she joins politics later because that's the Cheung Ping I want to see.
This is more of a drama than a real class act of great story and performances. My incentive for watching this series? So that I can say how bad Sonija Kwok was. One more of Sai Hin and Cheung Ping meant for one another I swear I will cheer everytime Superman appers.
Everybody Was Right! He Was Horrible! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Gasp! Shock! Pain! John Stevens in tonight show (AI-Motown) was really really horrible. No tune, no tone and no rhythm. I expected him to do well with My Girl, I mean it's a good song. He looked pale though. Migraine?
However he may be horrible, I do think Camille was simply bad and dear Jennifer Hudson, who all the judges praised (including suddenly deaf Simon) said were great. if John Stevens were tuneless, this woman was toneless! She screamed, shouted, screamed some more and bang, the end. Is that singing? Then go toa torture chamber, you can hear loads of screams there. If John weren't that bad, I would say she was the worst. The thing is she was and still is consistently bad! John, BUCK UP!
And JPL was magnificent, one of his most energetic performance and Simon said he was what? Doesn't look like an American Idol? Can't dance? Good voice but pitchy? Are they all DEAF? Only the guest judge had the great taste in saying he was very good. Paula, oh Paula, everybody to her is good. So she has no credibility.
So what does an American Idol look like? Ruben Studdard? Clay Aitken? Do they LOOK like American Idol??
Oh for once Simon, SHUT UP!
P/s : I heard movie night which was aired last night was better. Apparently John did well, and so did JPL. GOOOOOOD.
April 14, 2004
Strange Web Name Permanent link ▫ ▫
I came across this fansite dedicated to Charmaine Sheh called The Opportunistic Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club. Nothing much is there but there is one slightly disturbing meaning to the entire title. Opportunistic? I am sure what the owner meant was the RESOURCEFUL (which is defined as "Having inner resources; adroit or imaginative") Charmaine Sheh which is more of a compliment.
I checked my WordWeb which defines Opportunistic as "Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit".
You don't use opportunistic to describe someone in a good way, opportunistic actually is often used in the context when describing someone who will use any means to achieve something, something like being called ambitious but opportunistic is a bit worse than ambitious. It's as if saying Charmaine is ruthless in grabbing any chance she has! Resourceful sounds better. Is this like an inner thought of Charmaine like this is like reflected unintentionally by the owner??
Do you agree?
PITNOL EP 2 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have decided to document my feelings and thoughts of this series in my very own weblog which I shall create later, because I really have loads to talk about.
Talking about the 1st episode, I noticed 2 oddities, amongst the many I listed yesterday. One has to do with the calm and cool looking Cheung Ping and Sai Hin when they were paraded in the streets by the Qing at the beginning of ep 1. That is quite odd but made worse when the Qings were shooting the commoners who screamed at them "TRAITORS" and the gentle Cheung Ping and patriotic Sai Hin looked ... so in love. Second would be later when the King's mother blamed the Queen for not hiring her favourite opera troupe to perform in the palace and instead the evil concubine's family got hold of the opera troupe. So the King's mom traveled there to watch whilst the Queen said "I couldn't hire them because someone hired them first..". What's the problem? Queen Elizabeth who now has little power doesn't even need to travel to another place to watch her favourite show, I am sure one word from the Queen the whole troupe would have traveled in lightning speed to perform in the palace exclusively for her. Likewise in this series, more so the Emperor of China was the most powerful man in the country! Sometimes too many series love to depict royalties as ordinary families in power struggles and squabbles but many really always neglect the fact that he can in one command chop the head of another. Stupid you know.
Now to Ep 2.
EP 2
Nothing new. Frankly I have had it with Sai Hin and Cheung Ping's puppy love, complete with a real puppy. Today we see them planting trees in a very lovey-dovey manner and how Sai Hin got punished because he refused to say he won't see Cheung Ping anymore. Are they all living in the same place or Cheung Ping can leave the palace anytime? Whatever that may be, I have had it with this pair. Amazingly the girl (still too old mind you to play and 8 year old) smiles and behaves amazingly like Charmaine Sheh and the Cheung Ping (adult) we see at the beginning, complete with dazzling smile and wimpy looking expressions. Yes I am very annoyed. Please end this nonsense! Luckily towards the end we see how Jan Lau (the really evil one) plotting to get rid of the nice queen. We know of course the Queen got booted from the palace and Cheung Ping too to be commoner. Now now, I don't buy that. I just don't, because there were many stories of how queen kills other concubines and how she will take the son of another concubine and claim it as her own. Of course our Queen here is too kind but still unrealistic. But it all made for great drama and amazing end performance by Jan Lau who looked positively manic as the evil depressed concubine whose real son (yes she got a son) died just minutes after his birth. Poor thing!
Of course I hope the drama gets better. I expect a wimpy Cheung Ping. I thank this series for successfully in just 2 episode kill the spirit of the brave, intelligent, kind hearted, compassionate Cheung Ping. I actually like the other Cheung Ping in Crimson saber and the one starring Mi Xue. This Cheung Ping looks empty, young or old. No intelligence, just full of love..ahhhhh...
Now when will I get to see a grown up "Superman" (Chiu Yan)? I don't think I can stand the torture!
April 13, 2004
AI & PITNOL & HK Awards & Announcements Permanent link ▫ ▫
I saw Matt Rogers got booted today. Not shocking but I love his goodbye performance. He is charismatic and has a lovely smile. I have a feeling he will do great as an actor in a buddy film and I hope to see more of him. Simon has always been severely critical of him and I believe that is one of Simon's blinded biasness. Latoya London, I read looks like she is sleepwalking through the show. I find that funny but very true. Now I look forward to Thursday and I think is the Motown night.
Tonight at 9.30pm at Astro's Wah Lai Toi I watched the first episode of Perish In The Name Of Love. The first scene in itself was disturbing, as former princess of the Ming Dynasty kneeling before the Qing King. Of course they both then killed themselves, which was very sad actually. Anyway I am very disappointed with the over dramatic storyline.
Problem 1
Queen (played marvellously by the gorgeous Maggie Siu) was a commoner who became a Queen thus hated by the second in line who is actually a relative of the King and a favourite of the King's mother.
Why this is a problem? Queen a commoner? King's mother hating her? Don't you get what's wrong? The Queen will always be someone who is chosen from some very prominent family and probably by the King's mother. A commoner cannot be Queen. Moreover where is the drama by Maggie being the Queen? Wouldn't it be better if she is a favoruiet concubine of the King? Then of course Cheung Ping cannot be said to be a favourite of the King's mother.
Problem 2
Concubine screaming and bullying the kind hearted Queen
Why this is a problem? Even Empress Dowager Cixi when she was a second in line as a concubine however devious and scheming never showed a bad face to the Queen. Of course rumours had it she later poisoned the Queen but that remained as a speculation. Likewise nobody would dare to scream at the Queen because the Queen has power within the concubines and as noted in this series, she even had the right to cut budget. So it's very annoying to watch such drama when I can't buy all that. The fact that the Queen is kind hearted is irrelevant. Jan Lau's portrayal of the queitly scheming concubine is more accurate and more true.
Problem 3
Chow Sai Hin lying that he farted when it was Cheung Ping who did and thus incurring the wrath of the King's mother and causing Sai Hin to be severly punished by the King's mother.
Why is this a problem? Obvious isn't it. The King's mother said Cheung Ping is the apple in her eye. So whatever Cheung Ping did would be right and perfect. So she farted. So what? She probably wouldn't be punished and King's mother may be even charmed by this sudden accident. And if Cheung Ping have admitted that fact, that evil concubine would not be able to say anything negative. The only reason the scene was like the way it was is because to show how gallant and brave Sai Hin is and how loving he is to Cheung Ping. To me it showed Cheung Ping as such a coward who didn't know her influence on the King's mother. She never even said anything when the teacher was punished severely.
Problem 4
Sai Hin and Cheung Ping in love.
Why is this a problem? Not really a problem but we are constantly reminded every 2 minutes that they are made for each other. By the end of episode 1 I had enough of that over sweet love story that didn't have a beginning but certainly will have an end. From the start we all know Sai Hin and Cheung Ping is in love. So get over it!
Problem 5
How old is Cheung Ping? The evil concubine said every since the Queen came into the palace, for 8 years the King never visited her. So I assume Cheung Ping is 7 (since pregnancy is about 9 months plus a few months for conception) and Sai Hin may be afew years older, maybe 12?
Why is this a problem? The kid playing Sai Hin is the right age if Sai Hin is a young teenager but the girl who plays Cheung Ping is too old. But the young actors did quite a good job.
Problem 6
Maggie Siu and Moses Chan parents of Charmaine Sheh!
Why is this a problem? Obvious isn't it? If Cheung Ping was 8, I say ok, right age to play parents. But When Cheung Ping is 18 (zooming 10 years later), Maggie Siu looks too young to be her mom and Moses Chan too young to be her dad. But assuming Maggie Siu married into the palace when she was a young teen, maybe. But Maggie Siu looks great for her age, she should not play a mother.
Problem 7
Moses Chan and Sonija Kwok.
Why is this a problem? I predict these two will be a problem to this series, especially Sonija Kwok a horrible horrible actress. Just 2 minutes of promo and she already irritated me with her sleep walking and effortless acting. When people say effortless mean this person is so good she can do it all by not trying at all. But for Sonija Kwok this means she is so bad she looks like she isn't trying at all!!
As for Charmaine Sheh (pretty looking but looks old because too thin) and Steven Ma (too tanned and again too dramatic in his expressions), I will reserve my comments as the episodes go by.
I will be sure to add the above in my upcoming review of this series.
I do think Dayo Wong did a brilliant job as a host, injecting the dry show with his witty humour. His best was his monologue about HK films reflecting the social aspect of HK. Some gems here ...
"Some people say they want to buy Simon Yam's costume in the new movie (PTU). Everybody, you can't buy that costume, it's the HK police force uniform"
"Many said the custome of Simon Yam in his new movie is a great cutting. No no ... Simon Yam's body is a great cutting!"
"Some people say HK movies reflect the social aspect of the real HK. I agree... when you sit in a minibus and the driver swerves immediately in a sharp corner, do not curse the drivers. It could be that her husband just died and she has a child who is not her own to look after, so we must understand them (the movie Lost in Time) ..also our local politics is like the movie Turn To The Left Turn To The Right (I can't remember the exact title but it starred Gigi Leung - this was such a punchline, even Tung Cheee Hwa was laughing hard)"
"We have 2 hosts and 2 winners and all of whom can't speak proper Cantonese. Ladies and gentleman, our movie awards has truly gone international!" (the best I believe, I was laughing so hard)
Just some gems. There are many more but it is very difficult to translate. Definitely a host that is on the same rank as Billy Crystal! But the intros were horrible, so preachy and pretending!
On a brighter note, new reviews coming and I am rewriting my Square Pegs review. Most upcoming reviews are very well written movie reviews written by fellow Malaysian.
By the way the tag board is a now free for all discussion tag board. I will be removing the topic thing soon.
AND do check out The Storytellers please!
And submissions! More submissions!
April 12, 2004
A Little Naughty (But Sick) Surprise Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just a few hours ago I received an SMS from a colleague of mine which goes something like this;
"Please call me at 0137696229 now. - URGENT-"
I thought that was strange since she is just in the next room in the same office and that isn't her handphone no. So I called, got a big surprise, thought it was some kinky sick joke and then she told me reportedly the voice in that number belongs to a murdered Malay girl (very highly publicised in Malaysia-said her angry jealous BF killed her) who was reportedly very loose. In Muslim/Malay culture, it's a big no-no to have sex before marriage, more so many sex partner. It is not meant to defame her nor am I certain that was her but you know, it's wierd if it is.
If you're living in Malaysia, call that number at 013 7696229. If at first you could not get through, try and try again until you get a dialtone. Thereafter you'll hear what I heard and then a message that the mailbox is full. I do know whoever did this recorded it in the mailbox.
It's not funny, nor is it sexy but really one of the wierdest SMS I have ever got. Certainly we must applaud the SMS technology. I am serious here. Can't find a better use of SMS than to spread some juicy gossip. But if it is that girl, let's just say she's dead, so listen to what you will listen without any prejudice except for great wonder-she must have been having a great time from I heard.
Do email me if you know of this number which has been spreading around town and if not, well just let me know you did call that number. Children below 18 please do not call, and I bet you will! Just don't let your parents hear the message!
By the way I did not create that phone message, someone else did (whom I do not know who) and I believe it is authentic.
April 11, 2004
Follow up on my James Bond post Permanent link ▫ ▫
I forgot, JUDE LAW was also named many many times. Ok so he has got this good looks but well, he will be thin Bond you know. Too thin. AND no Americans please!
By the way it's official, I lost my Square Pegs review which was quite a good one you know. How am I going to rewrite it? But I got other good reviews by contributors so I guess I will post them first.
By the way I wrote a review for super dud of a movie, The Park at SPCNET. Check it out!
April 10, 2004
Who's the next James Bond? Permanent link ▫ ▫
So many names popped up, like
Orlando Bloom
Colin Farrell (or was it Colin Firth?)
Russell Crowe
Guy Pearce
Heath Ledger
Hugh Jackman
I am sure you all know who is in my opinion should be the next 007. The choice is limited though names popped up everywhere. Colin Farrell? Like the shortest Bond ever? Bloom? Like the youngest Bond ever and the most effiminate looking? Guy Pearce like the most serious looking Bond ever? Like Russell Crowe the most volatile looking Bond ever? Heath Ledger? I am lost for words, like the most boring Bond ever.
I love Orlando Bloom, he can be the knight in shining armour, he can be a gentleman and he can look effiminate and yet graceful and manly. But I can'tr for the life of me imagine him as cigar chomping woman loving gambleholic James Bond. He's just not modern and suave looking enough and he's not tall enough. Who the heck suggested Heath Ledger?! Colin Farrell is all wrong. Guy Pearce is a great actor but James Bond? Do you find him sexy? Maybe intelligent sexy but rip off his clothes sexy?
Of course the producers wanted a younger Bond. Pierce Brosnan was of course the obvious choice but since he grew way too famous and now way too old, I find him rather stiff. Sean Connery was of course the one. In fact Roger Moore still has that denonair devil may care attitude in him, mole or no mole. My only choice? HUGH JACKMAN. Handsome, yet sensitive looking, great body and yet not too bulky, very tall and yet look porportionate, has a head full of hair (yeah!) and well, he makes Australian accent sexy. Will he do a brit accent? Don't know, don't care. If not Hugh Jackman, nobody else could be 007.
Heath Ledger? Oh my god...
My most anticipated movies of 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Van Helsing because ahhhhh Hugh (say it with a sigh) Jackman!
Harry Potter 3 though I hate the fact that Hermione looks too pretty, no Wood and they all dressed like normal teenager so Hogwarts looks like normal real world (muggles) and nothing magical. Moreover I feel the director is overrated because I saw his what was the movie, that Mama Tambien and may I say this, I didn't get his point other than the fact that that movie features loads of oversexed (or maybe undersexed) teenager and one tired looking woman.
Maybe Spiderman 2 but maybe not. Not too excited about it.
Definitely Harry Potter 3 is my most anticipated movie of this year but darn! Read that movie 4 won't have the Durseleys! What was it I was trying to say? Yes definitely it is time to change the script writer! He has done a horrible job from book 1 to book 4. Get the LOTR writers man!
And I did say I will post some reviews but I can't find my Square Pegs review! And why nobody reads my The Storytelles site? Arghhhhh
And what else? Ah yes, American Idol Season 3. Am a great big fan now and got some feedback by you guys and girls. Thanks for your feedback.
As for some emails I received about Gods of Honour, I just like to say thanks and yes, I love to hear from you!
April 08, 2004
American Idol again! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Clay Aitken, sounded like a nervous teenager. His singing is quite alright but I can't identify his style. I do feel Kelly Clarkson may be loud but she's great. I personally prefer Will Young, Gareth Gates AND our very own Malaysian born Australian idol, Guy Sebastian. Great singer, great personality, great guy.
Now I just heard Camille got booted! About time actually but I hope Jenn Hudson gets booted also because really she sings too loud and lacks emotion.
Tonight I saw the Country style singing and NONE of then sang like a country singer except for Amy Adams who for once chose the right song. I think fun loving country songs suit her very well. JPL was weak but very likeable. John Stevens was mesmerizing though I really didn't know he forgot his lyrics so he covered it all well. You know he can only sing one style but at least he has a style. I wonder when the theme Big Band or Disco music will pop up? Fantasia was quite alright but I feel she's getting arrogant. Simon may be rude but when he talks, just listen and shut up! London was a-ok, she was great but I find her interesting when she is performing but utterly boring when she is not. I still don't think she's going to be the next idol. Matt Rogers was at his best but I read he got booted out! Jenn Hudson, what more can I say? Simon was right- she just doesn't have it. George Huff was wonderful.
I guess I may be biased. JPL was weak but I love him! This is what idol is all about! But you know my most favourite guy in there? No not Simon BUT Ryan Seacrest. Amazing host!
So my new prediction for top 3:-
George Huff
I hope John Stevens is in top 3 but if he can't sing different styles, I am afraid people might not like him though I feel he could be the next Nat King Cole. I hope they do Big Bands type of songs, because he will excel.
For me the best performance (as in singing and mesmerizing voice) this night (country music) was John Stevens. The best performer was of course London because she was quite alright. Biggest improvement was Amy Adams and the one with the most feeling when singing was George Huff. JPL was just darn cute. He needs to find a style, if not he will remain bland. Like Clay Aitken when he performed the other night. The worst? I would say Camille and Hudson.
What do you think? Email me or just tag it to the board. Maybe I pose a question because I really like to know;
Was John Stevens THAT bad in every show and do you agree one time bad and you must go or do you see overall performance night after night?
April 06, 2004
The Storytellers is opened! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have yet to include the link in Websites & Blogs but I like to do a bit of promo here. The Storytellers, the stories website is now opened for viewing and submission. I will be posting the stories soon as I am still tinkering with B2evolution which is hard. Anyway, check it out!
Click here
The link is actually
http://thestorytellers.point2e.com or if that fails try
The old stories site is at http://thestorytellers.tripod.com
Looking forward to your active participation.
April 05, 2004
American Idol Season 3-Bye Bye Amy Adams Permanent link ▫ ▫
Not very shocking but I read from the news that everybody was shocked that John Stevens was not even in the bottom 3 and that he should have been booted, not the pink hair Cindy Lauper lookalike Amy Adams. Everybody was shocked that Latoya London was in the bottom 3. I disagree. Everytime John Stevens sing, I felt like mesmerized. He is so different and I want him to stay. Amy Adams has alwas been shaky in her singing. No doubt she has great personality buit somehow she can never exude that personality/fun when she is singing! Which is why she must go, because when she is singing she is boring.
Latoya London is a wonderful singer but I think America does not have this concept that Chinese have; viewers' likeability meaning a face that viewers like. You may sing beautifully but if you don't have a face viewers like, sorry to say you have to go. Frankly Latoya London is a good singer but after Jennifer Hudson screaming and everybody else either oohing or screaming or singing at the top of their voices, JPL and John Stevens are great examples of toning it down. John Stevens may not be great or may not be everybody's idea of an American Idol (and I doubt he will be one) but he is an example that not everybody at his age likes to hear or sing like everybody else sings like in today's world.
I hope he goes far.
Now why wasn't he booted when he was so horrible as everybody said? Same theory as Camile Velasco; both have faces viewers like. Moreover John stevens has always been good so one time he is bad doesn't mean he should be booted. Everybody has a bad song day.
My prediction who will go next? Jennifer Hudson because like what Simon said; she oversings her songs. I hate to admit this but Simon is always quite right, especially when he said what he said about Jessica Simpson.
My prediction who will be the American idol Season 3? No doubt, Fantasia Barrino because she is consistently good unless she says something that will offend the voters. She has a tendency to be arrogant. I hope though JPL will be 2nd, because I really like him.