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April 20, 2004
PITNOL EP 5 Permanent link ▫ ▫  
This episode was much more satisfying in terms of some very poignant scenes. Overall I enjoyed the depiction of the adult Sai Hin, a gentleman whilst poor Cheung Ping had to stand afar, loving him but being able to tell him so because nobody can ever find out her real identity. I guess her head will be chopped off if she did. Whilst her dear sister, Superman is decked out in beautiful jewelries and dancing to her heart's content, poor Cheung Ping worked like a slave and was almost sacked. Yes, she worked like a slave. Sai Hin I found out is the engineer in Michael Tong's factory which produces gunpowder and also what is those things called? I can at this moment only remember the malay name for it, Meriam.
Anyway about half the series talked about Cheung Ping and Sai Hin as adults and then of course as children. After about 5 minutes of their flashbacks which I guess is meant to intertwine between now and the past and how little had changed in their feelings for one another, I was really sick to my stomach watching young wimpy Cheung Ping, young loving Sai Hin and their dog. Yes, dog and how they walked to a waterfall. There I was wondering, can a princess just wander out in the woods without a guide? A palace guard? Especially she is the king's favourite? Of course all these always go back to my original question; how can the king who loves his daughter so much banish her from the palace in the first place? It would be more logical if the mother is banished and the daughters are not allowed to see her. Anyway take away that question, there is one scene which I thought was excellent and I just wished more of such scenes is shown instead of wimpy Cheung Ping pining for wimpy Sai Hin and that bloody dog.
This scene was when Sai Hin took Cheung Ping out for a nice bowl of mee and there we get to see a glimsp of the contrast in Cheung Ping's two lives. We see how Sai Hin spoke of his favourite poem (spoilt by Steven Ma's souless and passionless recital) and then Cheung Ping tried to write the words. Sai Hin spoke of a girl he once knew who was so smart and could write so beautifully. Cheung Ping remembered her happy childhood and when she tried to write the words, Sai Hin reminded her she wrote some wrong words. Her writings were not beautiful anymore. That scene was very sad because imagine all these years she has lost out on her education when she was such a smart girl. Excellent scene actually.
And then of course we are back to that flashback scenes. Please I GET IT! THEY'RE MEANT FOR ONE ANOTHER! THEY FEED ON EACH OTHER'S LOVE TO GO ON AND ON AND ON. Now can we move on????? Where is Moses?!
One more thing I must comment on.
Why why WHY is Sonija Kwok always given roles where she had to dance when she can't dance one bit? She moved like a piece of log, a piece of wood and her dancing is as souless as her acting. My sister said "She had dancing lessons in the past?" and I was like "Please are you blind?!". Anne Heung had classical traning, Michelle Ye had classical training, Akina Hong had classical traning, we have 3 gorgeous women who can dance for real, WHY ON EARTH they asked this piece of wood to act in this role? She fails totally as a dancer, totally fails as the good one, absolutely fails as the mean one, I can only guess how she will fare as the evil one.
Anyway, apart from that, this episode is far better than the last few ones.
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