July 30, 2004
Channel U's Power of Love & More Permanent link ▫ ▫
More great screencaps by Wuchang which can be found here at SPCNET Forums - Power of Love
Love this episode though I have seen none of it! Anyway some of my favourite screencaps from Episode 17 ...
Very nice of Wuchang for the screencaps since I kinda requested it you know, more of Shaun Chen. I wonder if she is a she or he is a he? Hmmmm...that's why I have been avoiding writing she or he took these screencaps. I suspect Wuchang is a he because well I seem to be the only one talking about Shaun Chen you know. I could be mistaken since Guo Liang (and I don't know who this is) seems to be very very famous, so to those missing out on this series though you have the chance to watch it, two more reasons to tune in ...
Esther Kwan is basically the main attraction in this series despite my repeated comments about Shaun Chen who is still just a newcomer by the way.
Guo Liang, I don't know who he is but he seems to have loads of fans, especially from China!
So what are you waiting for? Watch it. I am waiting for your review.
Anyway, Better Halves is getting stranger but better. I love it when Ko Fei told Fook Tau that "I think I am in love with a man"!! Moses Chan is simply brilliant as a comedian, a dead pan serious looking comedian. And Ling Wu Hei is Joyce Kwok Ming Fai? Kwok or Choi? One comedian is Koi Ming Fai right? I amso confused. Kidd, if you're reading this, maybe a confirmation?
Ok Seung Seung is Cerina Da Graca. I remember watching her in that Miss HK pageant. Did she win anything? I thought she was sweet there but acting wise, very bad. Considering this is her first series, I can tolerate her but she needs speech classes. By the way Maggie Cheung is so pretty.
My view of Take My Word For It is still favourable. I especially like Bobby Au Yeung's portrayal of Pang Sir. More in my review.
One series I am not going to watch is the next one, with Sonija Kwok and Deric Wan. On one hand I want to watch Deric Wan but on the other there's that thorn, Sonija Kwok. What can I do? Can I ignore her presence?
And some about my older review, TVB's Eternal Happiness. Some comments have been posted in my review and I have received some via Email and frankly speaking none of the emails were kind. Look, I just hate that series and my entire review is meant to highlight why I hate it and one of the reason why I hate it is because of the ridiculous plot, homosexuality or no homosexuality. Better Halves has that too but it dealt with it rather comically. Very hard to explain now since I may hate that series later. But Joyce is a far more convincing gentleman than Michelle Ye can ever be.
Blogger has a comment system incoporated into each individual post and all my reviews has that. You can post anonymously or you can just sign up for a free weblog and post your comments within my review. I love to hear from you. Things has been pretty quiet lately.
I promise, new reviews coming this weekend. Hopefully a new website and new layout!
Until then, WATCH POWER OF LOVE. I think weekdays at 9pm on Channel U(Singapore).
Mediaworks!Are you reading this? Where is your promo site for this series? WHERE?!
July 28, 2004
Channel U's Power of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Some more promo for this series. Preview of episode 17 looks really interesting. To those lucky lucky people at Singapore, JB and whoever has a big satellite dish, lucky you! Do watch this series and perhaps spare some episode summary to me. Ok I hope one of you will submit your review of this series into my website. Anyway, new submissions?
And one very interesting relationship chart ...
All made by Wuchang. You can find all of these and more at SPCNET - Power of Love Forum thanks to Wuchang.
By the way, Take My Word For It is really really good thus far. Tomorrow I shall cry for Ah Chuen! And Better Halves, I particularly enjoyed Moses Chan (who has a natural flair for comedy but very little flair for serious drama) and what's her name who plays Ling Wu Hei? Excellent performance. I also like everybody else, maybe except fellow Malaysian Auguste Kwan and what's the name of that Miss HK participant?
Anyway, WATCH POWER OF LOVE. Why? Because I haven't seen it yet so you have to tell me, is it any good or is it all that bad?
July 26, 2004
Short Movie Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Van Helsing [Eng]
I have always loved to watch Hugh Jackman act, in any movie/tv series/appearances because he is (currently) my most favourite actor. I find him charismatic, a very good actor, very handsome, very decent man but has very bad taste in choosing his movies. His best movie may be X-Men (could be better ones in future) but I can't explain why I could endure 15 repeats of Swordfish. Probably because I love his look in there and that black shirt he was wearing. I think my most favourite movie of his is Kate & Leopold because his character in that movie embodies the man I want, that kind of man that makes an art out of being a polite gentleman, a dying breed these days. So when I got hold of the DVD for this movie that I actually wanted to watch at the cinema, I was pretty excited. Kate Beckinsdale may kill my interest but I was sure Hugh Jackman will reignite it in every scene he appears in.
Problem with this movie is not Hugh Jackman, as is with all his movies. He is always consistently good, consistently delivers a charismatic performance but why on Earth he had to do that awful accent? In fact everybody had awful accents in this movie but the worst, other than the confusing plot that had little substance (it was like pure rojak, a mish mash of everything in a horror film but presented in such a juvenile empty way) was the performances of some key actors. David Wenham as Carl had little to do but he was cute because I knew he looked better than what was presented on screen. He was after Faramir. Katye Beckinsdale did a decent job of someone who basically looked tormented, sad, scared, angry and ran a lot in her high heels. But she was such a boring person to watch. I never find her interesting as an actress, in fact I often find her rather annoying. Everybody else spent his or her time in this movie either running around or screaming at the top of their lungs. Hugh had little to do, in fact he had nothing much to do except to shoot (and that Van Helsing can't aim well at all) and run. Run a lot.
The tone of this movie is dark, very very dark and everybody wears black at night so basically you can't see much. The effects are ok, but I expect more from a big budget movie like this. That werewolf transformation of shredding the skin to reveal the fur and the shedding the fur to reveal the skin was really horrible to watch. I prefer the good old way of transformation. The end for that dracula (who behaved more like a hyperactive fool instead of a true villain) was uninteresting and the plot about vampire babies was laughable. The only unexpected thing about this movie was the ending for Beckinsdale's character.
Overall I find this movie disappointing but again like in all Hugh Jackman movies, Hugh always delivers but I don't think I can endure a second viewing of this movie. Probably because I disliked him with long hair. Maybe shorter hair and I might be able to watch it again.
Miss this one, please.
Crocodile Hunter : Collision Course [Eng]
Ahhhh David Wenham again! A very good looking man, a fine actor but little to do in here. I saw also Magda Szubanski from Babe fame, a fine actress and plenty to do in here. But the real star in this movie, other than the various wild life of Australia, a grumpy crocodile and Australia herself if the famour Irwin couple, Steve and Terri Irwin, from the Crocodile Hunter series. I am a big fan of the Irwins and I diligently watch their episodic adventures. Of course I find Steve's methods at chasing after the poor animals a bit too aggressive but that is in the name of conservation. He really reaches out to the public and relates his passion and respect for wildlife in his own excited unique brand of presentation. So forget about that baby boy in his arms whilst he fed his crocodile at the zoo. Anyway the story in this movie is really non existent. It's just another way of introducing the wildlife show. The pace was boring at first right until Steven went after the main character, that grumpy crocodile and his encounters with the bumbling silly CIA agents whom he thought were poachers. This movie was funny and very exciting. I was totally immersed in the charm of Steve Irwin's passionate delivery of his lines. Put it this way; it's either you love him or hate him. This movie is all about Steve Irwin. If you don't like him, best avoid this movie but if you like his Crocodile Hunter series, you will definitely love the action packed scenes when he tried to capture that crocodile. It was scary but educational.
13 Going On 30 [Eng]
This movie is without a doubt a Jennifer Garner movie, which is world's apart from her TV alter ego, Alias. You won't see her kicking some butts in here but you will see her dancing that Michael Jackson Thriller moves. I find the story lacking in this movie. Basically it is Big, with a girl in the title role. She was 13 but wished to be 30 because basically 30 was supposed the best time in a woman's life. So she woke up beautiful, successful and much to her horror, she was rather bitchy before her 13 year old self possessed her 30 year old body. In fact she hardly sees her parents, is mean to her assistant and has affairs with fellow colleague's husband. Then she met her best friend again, Matt whom she realised she had hurt when she was 13 and now he was marrying another. She realised she loved him but was it too late to turn back time and correct her mistakes?
Jennifer Garner totally nailed the 13 year old persona. It was fun watching her dance, smile, run, whatever. She has such an infectious girly charm and her smile is totally beautiful. Her acting was a times too excited but then she was supposed to be 13, in awe with everything. What I admire most about her is her physical perfection. Yes I find her perfect physically. She looks healthy, she looks strong and she looks young, for someone in her 30s. I believe if you like Jennifer Garner and wishes to see the lighter side of her, this movie is the one. The ending is a bit too cheesy for me but it's still romantic enough to melt some hearts.

July 25, 2004
Channel U's Power Of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Episode 13 looks interesting. I wonder what these four were doing in the hotel room? What was said? Can someone tell me? Is anybody capturing the scenes in terms of media file? I am very curious how Shaun Chen sounds like.
And why is that poor kid crying?
Do you know?
Note : All screencaps captured by Wuchang.
See more screencaps here
P/s: Got new reviews anyone? Pretty quiet in the submission front. Some new reviews coming soon tonight.
Short Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
The Day After Tomorrow [Eng][Movie]
An excellent example of excellent entertainment minus the logic. This is a movie essentially about bad weather and what it will do to humanity, the good, the bad and the ugly. Acting wise, everybody was wonderful because this movie doesn't need actors, just actors who can cope with all the special effects. My favourite segment in terms of acting is of course the Scottish counterpart, led by "Bilbo Baggins" himself who plays a professor in I think climatology (if there is such a term). The way the Scottish/Irish/British died with such quiet dignity without much tears or fear (and a brandy in hand), I find that particular scene very moving. As with the tradition of all Emmerich's films, we have international locations, people of various colours and races, I find all these very welcoming, in the sense that when bad things happen, all are equal. I especially like the fact that they all took shelter in the public library which teaches me one important lesson; when faced with bad weather and cold climate, always take shelter in a library because that way, if cold you can burn all the books. Not in a Malaysian library though, you will freeze to them in maybe an hour. We don't have much books. MPH or Kinokinuya will be a good choice. And go to a high ground. As in the tradition of all disaster movies, a best friend will die, the hero will save the girl (and get the girl), a father will get to his son (though he can't do much to change the weather), lovers in the midst of love making will eventually die horrifically, the dog will always, ALWAYS survive and in the end, there is always hope. My most favourite scene is the one where the president of America made that wonderful speech about humility and thanking Mexico for allowing Americans, now refugees to run into Mexico to seek shelter in warmer climate. The final scene was the Earth, the nothern hemisphere covered in snow whilst the southerns hemisphere ... clear blue sky. Put it this way; Malaysia will survive and we will have Genting Highland climate for the next few hundred years.
The great thing about this movie, other than the fact it is a true blue disaster movie is the spectacular special effects. You have to watch it in a cinema, if not at least a TV with a very wide big screen. I was in awe, and the suspense was very good. I watched it in a ciname and I was totally concentrating and screaming at all the right scenes. Story wise, there's really nothing, and though it lacks real substance, it more than made up for it in the soul department. Yes, as strange as it may sound, I find this movie moving with lots of heart and soul in it. I also like the portrayal of the American President in a very positive humbling way. Anyway Perry King is in this movie, nothing much to do.
Movie mistakes galore though. For one, after the cold climate freezes the door, the next scene Dennis Quaid enters the room without much difficulty. Not even a puch, just open the door and in he goes.
Watch it, don't miss this gem. Forget logic, just enjoy the spectacle of it all. I think I will give this movie a for its pure entertainment value.
July 24, 2004
Esther Kwan's Age Permanent link ▫ ▫
She's 41? 41?! If she is 41, she looks very very very good for her age! In fact I thought she may be in her late 30s but 41? All those bird's nest must be the reason. 41! If I look half as good as her when I am 41 I will feel like on top of the world! 41!
July 22, 2004
Take My Word For It & Vive Le Famille Permanent link ▫ ▫
Take my word for it, Take My Word For It is really worth watching. I am half way through and I am so disgusted with Chung and Jing. Totally disgusted and though Tong really dumb (pity him) and Kit very very strong. My most favourite scene thus far is when Kit called her husband, told him to collect his stuff;
"Before you come & collect your stuff, please call me because I don't want to see you".
Woooooo! What a woman! Many pitied Chung and I find him useless even if he's Moses Chan.
Now to Vive Le Famille, getting noisier but interesting. I am amazed by Edmund Tay's performance and Huang Biren talks too fast but she is so tall. Now this Chen Hanwei, right is he an idol in Singapore? Because his hair looks like Bae Yong Jun in Winter Sonata and the boy who plays Yu An, Malaysian right? Can act but too excited in his acting. And please, we have Shaun Chen, Christopher Lee, can't we have someone better looking that little boy Yu An??
July 21, 2004
Channel U's Power of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Some more promo for this series on behalf of the PR deficient Mediaworks who has yet to put up a special page for this series on the net. Since they're not promoting this series like putting pictures, wallpapers, sounds, media files, events pictures, etc, I will do it for them. Some fans may liketo join in the discussion. Frankly I haven't seen this series and I doubt I ever will and the only reason I am obsessing over it is because I may never see it and because it has Shaun Chen in it. Anyway ... anybody knows of any specific fan site for this series do email me.
I find this article very interesting because notice how it is written; name of character, name of actor, the character's occupation. The names are all so "canggih", I can't think of a better way to describe it. Some gems are:-
"Star cast, snail-like plot"
"They have two kids and a happy family life, which the first episode takes great pains to flesh out"
"Perhaps because there is the luxury of 40 episodes to tell this tale, the first episode ambles along at a languid - and almost comatose - pace"
The best of all;
"Kara's brother Paco (Shaun Chen), a playboy financial whiz..."-(PLAYBOY FINANCIAL WHIZ!! Is that an occupation?)
And I didn't know this;
"Rumoured lovebirds Shaun and Michelle also take advantage of their obvious chemistry..."
Hmmmm see! See! Mediaworks need to buck up their stars PR dept because I didn't know this at all! When did that happen? Are they still an item? Why so quiet? Why no articles in English?
Read the whole article HERE. It's really a good summary of the series.
Just so that you know what I am talking about (well those of you at Singapore, JB and some parts of Malacca will know), I am talking about Channel U's 40 episodes Power of Love. Ignore the cheesy title and the ridiculous English names. Do they really call each other Paco, Kara, Stanley? PACO?
Anyway, you can episodic screencaps at SPCNET FORUMS. Just for your viewing pleasure, here's one that is nice in my opinion;
If you're wondering who's the guy with that bad hair cut, that's Shaun Cheng Hongyu.
All screencaps lovingly captured with extra special care by Wuchang. You will find more in the direct link above.
July 20, 2004
Cyrus Wong Ka-Ming Permanent link ▫ ▫
Kidd forwarded me this link and I feel I must share it with you all. How times flies eh? Little Baldy has grown up into a mighty fine looking young man! Any fans of his present acting and singing??
Channel U's Power Of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Some more promo. Like I posted some posts ago, there is now a very active forum on this series which is full of screencaps episode by episode (though I wished for bigger screencaps and more of Shaun) and also some commentaries. The great thing with this forum is there're screencaps by wuchang, and all comments are welcomed BUT so far nothing too negative. Since this series is still ongoing there are no complete summary but a pity there is no blow by blow what is going on. Frankly I am not too bothered with Esther's part of the story but I would love to see is well you guessed it. From what I could see, one pair provides the acting chops and the other the bedroom lambada, if you know what I mean. Kissing scenes abound (including some bed scenes from those I can see-I don't mind bigger screencaps!), I think basically this story as the title suggests is about what love can do. Illegitimate son, own children, cheating husband, playboy boyfriend, all may be typical stories and characters but I find this series interesting and yes, because of one person.
My question now is though, how are the voices? All different accents from all over or mainly Singaporean ish? In fact where is this series set?
See it all, read it all, comment and post HERE at SPCNET Forums.
I hope somebody will write a review for it and post it in my website. By the way any new reviews?
July 19, 2004
Upcoming Movies-Short Commentaries Permanent link ▫ ▫
The Bourne Supremacy
I absolutely despised The Bourne Identity, that vomit inducing (literally because the camera never stopped shaking) and an example of boring boring storyline with silly assassins (for more you have to read my review, it's at www.spcnet.tv), now I heard there's the sequel, The Bourne Supremacy! I read the storyline and I feel I can safely dismiss it as utter nonsense without even watching it. BUT Matt Damon looks really really good and believable as a spy. He ain't James Bond though. Of course when I wrote my Bourne Identity review, I was saying how James Bond movies were better and whatever AND THEN that latest Bond came out, that one will Halle Berry and I felt like digging a hole and bury myself in it, because that James Bond movie was the worst ever! Anyway, this is one movie I don't look forward to.
I, Robot
I, Robot on the other hand also is with the same old storyline (like robots taking over humans?) but Will Smith is someone I would pay to watch, but the lead actress, that one who looks like the end is coming, I don't want to watch her at all. Anyway catchy title.
Any new movies coming soon that you know you will die if you don't watch it soon? Like Harry Potter, LOTR, Spiderman?
Short Reviews (Movies) Permanent link ▫ ▫
Some short reviews which I won't be posting in the longer and more complete format.
50 First Dates (Eng)
Except for the super gross walrus vomit scene and every scene involving the vulgar looking Rob Schneider, I actually enjoyed this rather bittersweet and romantic love story. I think the performances are all good though I can't believe that Sandler is a womaniser, Romeo and a lothario. Drew Barrymore is very sweet and charming in here. What I love best about this movie is not the idea that you have to woo the woman you love every single day for the rest of your life, but the fact of who is wooing her. Sandler plays the ultimate playboy who has a commitment problem because he wants to sail the world one day and relationships will not be the reason to tie him down. But one day he met the ultimate dream woman; someone who will never remember you the next day (due to a horrific accident she has short term memory loss, she remembers the past but lives forever in the cycle of the day before she met the accident). But what if this playboy wants more? What if he really wants to settle down with this woman, to love her and to marry her? The problem then is she can't remember him the next day! It's pretty sad, and I find the ending touching but appropriate. To wake up knowing years has passed and you have a loving husband and a daughter may be traumatic in reality but on screen it makes for a very romantic end.
I am going to give this movie a because it is probably one of Sandler's best movies. Do watch it.
Kill Bill Vol 1 [Eng]
No Bill in here, just a sinister figure. I must admit this movie is very very violent but because it is shot in such a spoofing of so many styles way, and when the gore becomes way too much the screen becomes black and white (so you won't see the colour of the blood but you will see enormous amount of blood splashing out of a body). I find the violence necessary, tastefully done and very interesting to watch. I especially like the flashback story of O Ren Ishii's childhood. The anime is very very violent and there is even one scene which has the 11 year old O Ren on top of an old Yakuza having sex when she basically cut him open in a way. If that was filmed in real life with real actors, that scene may be too much for the viewers but because it is filmed anime style, it feels surreal and yet very artistic. However I find the ending of O Ren a bit too anti climatic because after watching The Bride killing dozens of men in the hotel and then seeing them both walking round and round in the backyard with the snow as backdrop, it was not what I expected. The cinematography is excellent though. The performances are very good generally though I never liked Lucy Liu. I find her whispering her lines annoying and she could have brushed up on her Japanese. Uma Thurman, I pity her because her role in here is either kicking someone or (most of the time) being kicked. Her fighting isn't very good as I find The Matrix gang much much better. But she worked hard, she doesn't mind looking like she was kicked by 50 men and having been punched, shot at, pushed around, slahsed ... come to think of it what hasn't her character been through? And that was only Vol 1. After so much violence, I did feel a bit numb by it all but that doesn't mean this movie doesn't interest you at all. I remember giving Vol 2 a 4 1/2 stars out of 5, because the story there was I admit has far more substance. But I feel if this movie is seen as a whole it is an artistic and great storytelling achievement though logic would be wasted in these movies. I especially liked the starting scene with the Shaw Brothers logo. Quentin Tarantino definitely watches loads of movies.
Therefore so as not to belittle Vol 2 as I was tempted to give this movie a perfect 5 out of 5, I have decided to be a bit more consistent and give this movie a brilliant . Definitely a must watch but leave the kids out of the living room for the day.
Upcoming Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
I know I am supposed to post some new reviews by me but I am just too tired to post it today. I'll post the following in the next few days ...
Vigilante Force (TVB)
Life Begins At Forty (TVB)
Burning Flame II (TVB)
Holland V (Mediacorp-Singapore)
The longest reviews are the last two though Holland V will be very very long. I am looking for its poster though, anybody has any clue where I can find it?
I am also trying to find out some names of actors/characters that appeared in
Holland V, so anybody has any info do email me. Your help in completing my review will be much appreciated.
Do you know who acted as the following characters?
1. Xie Ting Fung (futsal fanatic)
2. Zhang Buo Tzi (futsal fanatic's scary best friend)
3. Austin (Ling Ling's boss ast Courts Mammoth)
4. Ba Gu (Ah Ming's mother)
5. Xiao Hui (Yang Yang's dead wife)
And also whether you know the names of the characters and actors who played these following characters:-
1. Tian Yang's father, mother, big brother (played by Zhang Wenxiang) and sister in law (played by Angela Ang)
2. Yang Yang's new potential girlfriend, that model who was the mistress of Edison
3. the guy who became Rou Rou's new love interest towards the end
Thanks for your help.
July 17, 2004
Malaysian Idol Permanent link ▫ ▫
I want to say something about this new reality show on TV (1st season) and I want to say something honest, brutally honest in the spirit of Simon Cowell.
There is a difference between meaness and plain rudeness. Simon Cowell may be mean but he knows a good voice when he hears one. Our local judges (2 malay-1 successful producer, another successful singer and one Ang Moh-supposedly successfuly producer) know nothing. I saw one episode where rude comments were made and whilst we have talented and untalented people, I find it disgusting to ask people to go and lose weight. One paper reported that one girl was so traumatised that she never went back to her college because the judges said she was overweight and even went as far as saying why she would do that to herself when her body is God's gift. I am speechless. Isn't this competition a talent and singing competition? The last time I checked, Ruben Studdard isn't exactly Brad Pitt, Clay Aiken isn't exactly manly and Kelly Clarkson isn't exactly thin. Even Fantasia isn't exactly pretty and Guy Sebastian isn't exactly handsome. In fact if this is the standard of judging, the Norwegian idol can just dig a hole and bury himself in it. It should be about the voice.
And come to the thing about voice, I saw the first elimination round. One chinese amongst so so so many Malays and after watching that one episode, I am tempted not to vote for any of them. I am sick of so called power voice, one was doing a hoola hoop dance like routine, one was shouting, one can't sing and our Chinese guy sang My Way when frankly he is not qualified to sing that song. The judges gritted their teeths and said public will like her or him, I am the public and I can safely say I like none of them.
My friend then SMS-ed me and told me to vote for Vick, because he is the only chinese. Since none of them had talent (in that one episode anyway), so I voted based on race. Shame on me but I had little choice. Someone once asked me will this turn into a race based voting or town based voting. Now you have my answer.
I do not believe thousands who turned up so few other races did better than their fellow men/women.
I was even more disgusted when I read that one winner of ASTRO chinese talent quest show (which produces the excellent Zhang Dong Liang and some non-winners who made it huge in Taiwan) was rejected in second round. Funny because he went and auditioned and in a way embarrassed himself and quite disgusting because the judge called Roslan said his voice is only good enough to win Akademi Fantasia, another local talent show. The winner of that show was Vince (mixed Chinese) who was second placed in that ASTRO talent quest show. I find myself wondering what is the standard of judging? ASTRO talent quest showcase better talents (though chinese) who all can sing very very well.
Then back to the judges. I remember the Ang Moh is called Paul Moss. I am still wondering why a caucasian in the panel? Why not one Chinese, one Malay and one Indian because we Malaysia have a great pool of talents, famous singers and all? I was predicting the audition part will be about types of songs, not songs styles, so definitely we have people singing Chinese songs, Hindi songs, Malay songs, Chinese songs, instead of Jazz, soul, whatever because this is Malaysia. Then I read in the papers that this Paul Moss commented on one girl who sang Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (and she is a chinese by the way) and he dared to say he didn't like the song! This song is a classic loved by all! How can we have someone who can't appreciate different races' songs be a judge who himself is not exposed at all? How can we be guaranteed that really talented people will be streamlined into the contest when they're singing songs none of the judges have ever heard?
Now it's up to us to vote. But those that are chosen by the judges and those that didn't, I am tempted to say why bother. Why not let us vote from day 1 because I believe the public will be a better judge?
And then the judges have been criticised for being too honest and they said they must be. This is not honesty, this is putting down people. Why is everybody so keen on being Simon Cowell? Simon is not mean spirited actually. He knows what he is saying and he apologises when he is wrong.
Then we have two really bad hosts. None of them in the league of Ryan Seacrest. We have so many hosts and we chose these two who looked like they just came out from the Disney Channel and true enough, I think one of them was a host in the Disney channel. Why can't we have Fly Guy and Little Kev hosting this show? Already we have boring DJs in the mornings replacing these 2 aces (and mind you these two new guys don't know anything about being DJs, they're just plain noisy, rude, silly and not much wit) thus making our mornings like really bad mornings, now on Malaysian Idol we have 2 hosts who .... I can't describe it.
All I can say maybe every first season is a failure and so I look forward to season 2 and new judges and new hosts. For the time being I am really not bothered with this Idol show. When will local telly show Pop Idol?
Tossing Rain Turning Cloud -Funny Pictures Permanent link ▫ ▫
It's more about Charmaine and some really funny pictures, funny as in weird.
For one look at this odd picture.
First of all, she looks hungry, so quite wonderful to see so much food on her table. But look carefully, her food is untouched (maybe she hasn't started yet) and she is holding a bowl of soup. I seriously do not believe she will eat even 10% of what is on her table. Which is why I find the amount of food on her table a bit odd because I believe she will probably finish that bowl of soup only.
Next odd picture.
I was thinking wow, so nice of her to what she is doing. She looks very pretty in this costume but then there are layers in this costume. Anyway I have never seen this kind of picture when she was filming with Shirley Yeung and sure enough ...
The lucky girl is none other than best mate, Sonija Kwok. Interesting!
Weird but interesting.
July 15, 2004
Mediacorp's Viva La Familia I Permanent link ▫ ▫
I think that's the title. I am watching this series right now and I am still shocked that "Dr Fang" is such a bad guy in here, "Ah Ming" is such a decent guy and "Steven" is the matriach, nice old man! I truly understand this now; actors are actors. Different image, different persona! Patricia Mok looks cool with her blonde hair but that actress who plays the daughter, she talks too fast. Is she from China?
Anyway, anyone knows the official site at Mediacorp for this series? I would appreciate if you could forward me the link either by emailing me or tagging it in the tagboard.
As for TVB's Take My Word For It, I still find it very interesting. Why very few liked it?
I just saw the final episode of TVB's Life Begins At Forty. Quite sad actually, and the end episode is quite unexpected. I like the ending, because that's life. If only the entire series had such substance.
Anyway, if you know the URL to that Singaporean series (I heard there's a sequel, well I want the prequel one) do share the link.
New reviews coming up this weekend. Any new submissions? So quiet in here. My google rating has been cut from 3/10 to 1/10! NOT FAIR! Send me your reviews!!!!!
July 14, 2004
Jackie Chan's son Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just saw this starbiz show and there was Jackie Chan's son in it. What's his name? Anyway he looks exactly like his father, only better looking. Anyway he could sing! Very good singer! And he's such a charmer, so jovial, so cute, talks so much and yet so charismatic. I like him! Someone once discussed who Cheng Yan Yee should marry since she is from a celebrity family? She suggested Nicholas Tse but Nic likes older women. I suggest she marry Jackie Chan's son to create an acting and fortune powerhouse! And I saw her last night on TV, again so charming, so jovial, so chatty. Are all overseas born youngsters that chatty people?
Holland V - You call this an ending? Permanent link ▫ ▫
What a stupid ending. That is all I have to say.
July 13, 2004
Promo-Channel U Power of Love Permanent link ▫ ▫
Or The Power of Love. Since Mediaworks is not doing any online promo, I have decided to do it for them.
Some kind soul at SPCNET Forum is taking screencaps, so anyone who has an opinion to share about the plot and performances, do head over there and record it all. Great screen caps you know. Anyone watching this series, is it dubbed? Voices I mean?
Anyway, click HERE
for SPCNET forum direct link.
There is also an official forum at the partner site of Mediaworks ( I think joint poroducer). Miserable forum, all in Chinese. For the curious and desperate few (like I), click HERE.
Any specific sites with loads of pictures and summary IN ENGLISH??
Anyway, Take My Word For It is so so so funny! I like it, so far. Better Halves is showing after Life Begins At Forty. Looks interesting and is that Moses Chan as again, the sidekick??
Also after Holland V there's this Viva La Familie or something like that. Looks dramatic.
By the way I am going to build an info-site for Holland V, something like PITNOL.
New reviews? Send them all in now!!
July 12, 2004
TVB To Get Unstuck In Time Permanent link ▫ ▫
Or something like that, that Roger Kwok's new series with TVB. The story reminds me of I think the title is Frequency starring Dennis Quaid (as the father in the past) and Jim Caviezel (as the son in the future) and some killer who killed his mom in the past and how he altered it and all. In fact almost a direct rip off.
Short Movie Reviews & Commentaries Permanent link ▫ ▫
Is it Spiderman or Spider-Man?
Anyway brief verdict. Love the opening credits.
Awesome. Better than first part, more emotions, more drama and half of New York knows he is Spiderman! Love that train scene and how he fainted and all. Great performances though I can't understand what's that big ball of fire is for. I know what's the octopus hands are for but that big ball of fire? Nope, don't understand. Love the ending for MJ and Spidey but poor best friend, now the Green Goblin. I think madness does run in the family.
. The costume looks great but the girls screaming at the top of their lungs looking at the camera is just plain silly which is why it's not perfect.
Love the visual grandness of it, new director injected the Hogwarts I have always imagined it to be but the scriptwriter, eeessshhhh...change him! change him! Performance wise, some were great, most were wonderful, Emma Watsonwas simply horrible. Story wise, I can't recognise this story at all! So many many many mistakes or lack of story! I blame the scriptwriter, not the director. More in my upcoming review.
, simply because I love Harry Potter, and this is the best of the three but frankly story wise, it screwed up BIG TIME. Again will elaborate in my review.
Did anybody see Kill Bill Vol 2? Also awesome. I love the part about Pai Mei and how Uma Thurman could escape from that coffin. Awesome again. BUT one movie mistake. She was shot by a shotgun right? What happened to that big bullet wound? She seemed to live after almost dying so many times!
, for its vision, Pai Mei's part, the ode to so many types of movies and Quentin is really a genius.
Saw the trailer, Colin Farrell looks weird with that blonde hair. Now every battle scenes reminds me of LOTR! But it was interesting though. Anyway what is so attractive about Colin Farrel? How do I spell his name anyway?
Unrated as haven't seen it. Coming in November 2004.
Pure nonsense. Now Guineverre is the Warrior Princess? Am I the only one who thinks Kiera Knightley, decent English girl but overrated as an actress? She does not have that poise, that elegance to be princess and even Elizabeth Bennett. Again all battle scenes reminds me of LOTR or a poor cousin of it. Make that very distant cousin.
Unrated but I don't plan to see it anyway.
I hope I got the title right. Saw it in VCD, pirated. Frankly I can't understand why on Earth they all speak foreign language when they could have just do everything in English?? Jim was great, the movie was too long, too sentimental, and though very bloody, I do think the blood was necessary. I mean Jesus actually went through all that. First time see him fall, I almost cried, second time my heart broke but every minute see him fall is like eventhough real life could have been this way, in movie-dom it's boring. I know, lightning strike Funn but it's true. It's too long winded. The ending was horrible. Movie wise, it's an eye openeer but too long, too long. I was hoping to see how the people were affected by his path of torture but everybody abandoned him, I though my my my, poor Jesus, all alone.
Anyway, Malaysia may screen the movie, and I believe heavily censored so I would think why waste our time? Just ban it. And reportedly, it will only be shown in selected cinemas and to Christians only. So I guess I wil have to carry my cross to the cinema like Jesus did along the street???? And mind you, there are Buddhists, Atheists, Satan worshipers, money worshipers, Hindus, yeah Muslims. I mean what is our government afraid of? It's not a movie about religion, it is a movie about the final hours and the helplessness and uselessness of humanity in the eyes of one man, who so happened to be a religious figure. I say show to all and show it all or don't show it at all.
Anyway, not that great a movie. Profound in the disturbing sense but not great in terms of movie making. I thought LOTR 3 was more touching and sad in some ways. Yes I am not a Christian but it's not because of that fact that I diss this movie, it's because as a viewer, some 1 hour into the show I was quite sick of it. I guess that was the desired effect, sick of it all.
, any lesser I could be denied entry into Heaven when I pass over but anymore I will still be condemned to hell because I lied against my good conscience. Not a bad movie but watch it for the reality of it, not for the movie part of it.
Saw this some time ago. Handsome men, my favourite, Hector and also Odyseuss (? spelling ?). Favourite performance? Sean Bean, so little screen time but did so much in his acting. Brad Pitt was ok and Eric Bana was ok though I love Eric Bana. Battle scenes like LOTR again. But the dialogue was what killed my interest. Juvenile and totally not so that era! But when Hector died, my interest in the movie died with him. Nice hair though. And did anyone watched the pirated DVD version? Switch on the subtitles and believe me, this has got to be the best comedy ever!
because of Sean Bean and Eric Bana and that awesome one on one fight scene. If not I would have given it half of what I am giving it now.
July 09, 2004
TVB Take My Word For It Permanent link ▫ ▫
Saw the first episode last night and I can;'t stop laughing at Julian Cheung's very funny performance. So far it's quite an interesting series. PNC? Police Negotiators Cadre! Very interesting job. And I guess Moses is like guest star eh? What's your general opinion of this series? Tag it in the tagboard. But no spoilers please.
Life Begins At Forty is still dreadful. I can't help closing my eyes when I saw moment after breaking up with Ray, dear Kelly goes flirting with the handsome doctor young enough to be her little brother. She was really flirting! What is going on? And I am so bored with all these one sided love story. Anne Heung's story is pretty interesting though.
July 08, 2004
Channel U feedback Permanent link ▫ ▫
I wrote the following to complain about well, do read;
"I was in JB recently and I saw your trailer for Power of Love on Channel U.It was very interesting as it has one actor whom I have been very keen on watching. And then I went surfing at your website for more info and to my utter dismay I can\'t find any! Is there a specific website for your home production or even your own stable of actors? If not, do you plan to have such websites? It is frustrating to see so little promo on your website for such new series!"
In just one day I got a reply. I must compliment SPH Mediaworks for such fast reply!
"Dear Viewer,
Thank you for your email.
We are regretful that we currently do not have webpages for our artistes and there is no specific website for "Power of Love". However, we will forward your feedback to the management for their reference and discuss the possibility of setting up websites for our artistes and programmes.
Meanwhile we do hope that you will continue to stay tuned to both our channels in the coming months ahead!
Best regards,
Channel U & i
For immediate assistance, pls contact us at our hotline: 6319 7988."
Have you seen the Mediaworks website? It's here. Do have a look.
Though they are new, but frankly there is a reason why Mediacorp wins you know. I mean all the budget for their series and all and so little to promote their series, artists, not even an intro page! No packaging! In Mediacorp, I can find interactive Q&A with favourite stars and all. Mediaworks, if you're reading this, if you're reading my email, to win the battle of ratings you must have promo and the best promo is setting up websites, promote your artists, post pictures, everything! Now like everybody else, I am wondering what this series is all about, where are the pictures and all.
Great series & what's up? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just finished Vigilante Force and I can safely say this series ROCKS!
Anyway, I was wondering what is going on with Esther Kwan and I was at JB yesterday and I saw the promo of her new series called (of all things!) Power of Love, reportedly playing the role of a happily married housewife who discovers that her perfect husband harbours a secret that may destroy their marriage (what is new?) and she looks very nice in there. I think it is showing on Channel U (lucky Singaporeans and JB residents!). I want to watch this because I saw Shaun Chen in it and well I was shocked to see him with his new hairstyle. Anyway I want to SPH Mediaworks to check out the series' info and thinking they're like Mediacorp, I might also find some pictures. All I can find is the schedule. Nothing else. HOW DISAPPOINTING! I mean MEdiaworks! Channel U! It's the modern times! Give me a website on this series! Talking about zero promo and the trailer was horrible! The contents were interesting though. So anyone watching this series, care to share what the heck this series is all about, what is Shaun doing there (I bet someone artistic because of his long hair and a playboy because I saw him kissing somebody by force) and basically is there any pictures I can find on the net? Any info at all?! ANYTHING!
By the way where can I buy singaporean series? I am tempted. Any info? Any of you who hangs out at Kotaraya/Sinar Kota who may have come across Singaporean series other than just Taiwanese or TVB series? I am looking for this series later on so any info will definitely help me.
Anyway, review of Vigilante Force (Ohhhhhh Bowie, my manly Bowie) will be coming soon. I heard Spiderman 2 is like awesome. Saw the trailer and indeed awesome. Hope to get tickets of course.
And I just saw the ad for this new series, I think The Prince & Me (starring Julia Stile, in love with a Danish prince in disguise as a commoner). Shouldn't it be The Prince & I and what is it with Americans and their fascination with royalties, English, Russian, Danish or whatever?
July 07, 2004
Answer Anyone? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was wondering, does Mediacorp and Channel U (I think Mediaworks) sell their home prduced series like TVB does in VCD format and if yes, in Malaysia where can I find them? Thanks for your answer. Do email me at point2e@myjaring.my if you know.
July 05, 2004
Mistake of Fact Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was flipping through the local newspaper the other day when I saw Charmaine Sheh's rather sexy ad for Terimee slimming centre. The picture ws nice, her waist small and all, though too thin. Anyway I saw her supposed comments and then I saw her signature and then I saw her credits, which contained an obvious mistake. Next to her, it wrote;
"Charmaine Sheh
TVB Actress
Ms Hong Kong '97 &
Terimee client".
Can you spot the mistake?
Maybe it's time the world needs a bit of reminder. She was never the Miss HK 1997, she was I think the runner up (3rd place) which doesn't make her a Miss HK. How can such an obvious fact be ignored? Suddenly everybody forgets. Anne Heung was Miss HK, Shirley Yeung was Miss HK, Maggie Cheung was I think No. 2 (can't quite remember) but when it comes to Charmaine Sheh, suddenly everybody suffers from amnesia of come sort. I have seen this mistake many many times. Perhaps Miss Sheh herself should point out that mistake? If not, she must because it's such a big silly mistake.
July 03, 2004
Upcoming Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
By me, Vigilante Force, Holland V and I don't think I have posted that Burning Flame II.
Anyway am I the only one who thinks Life Begins At 40 sucks, BIG TIME? The whole concept, the direction and even the story is so "Japanese serials"-ish. I believe it must be a rip off from some Japanese series.
July 02, 2004
All About Jeanette Aw Ou Xuan, Holland V, Euro 2004 & Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
All About Jeanette Aw Ou Xuan
I found some very nice pictures of both this actress and Shaun Chen during the HollanV promo period. If the rumours were true, I admire her professionalism because they really look like a couple, and very intimate photos too. And yes I agree he has THAT kind of eyes. But I really beg to differ. Is her smile forced? I saw other promo pictures too. I am confused. Anyway end of story. No more of this scandal. But do check out the photos, the only ones I can find of Shaun Chen. I tell you if he doesn't appear again in some series, he may soon be forgotten but well he may reappear bigger and better. Who knows?
Anyway saw Holland V ep I think 117. Anyway had so many heart attacks! First scene Angel came back with her horrible acting, then Xiao Xin was gone, then Xiao Xin died, then apparrently Xiao Xin didn't die and gets to hug TWO women, and then Xiao Xin said Angel gave him back $20 million so he's no longer a bankrupt (how?! how?! He owes so little money?) and then he proclaims that he will restart his company again and become rich enough to give Jing Jing a good life (I added the last part). Poor Yang Xiong, I really despise Wan Wan for the way she simply discarded him. Anyway back to Xiao Xin. So happy, at last something positive, something good.
And guess what? After Ah Ming eaten that Tongkat Ali root and well bedded his wife, he actually shaved and became nicer! Ahhhhh the joys of being able to "perform"!
Anyway now Xiao Xin goes away YET AGAIN and YET AGAIN stuck with the merry go round love story. It's ending I think next week and I shall miss it. I hope for a really happy ending.
Anyway do check out this excellent series despite my ranting (definitely worth all my ranting) and the website above. Until this weekend when I shall readd some lost reviews, have a great Friday! After all, it's the weekend.
May I give a prediction thoughh? Euro 2004? I predict Portugal VS Czechoslovakia. Is that how you spell this name?
Once again you may leave comments within the review itself. Do write your name so that I know who you are or register an account with Blogger.