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July 26, 2004
Short Movie Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Van Helsing [Eng]
I have always loved to watch Hugh Jackman act, in any movie/tv series/appearances because he is (currently) my most favourite actor. I find him charismatic, a very good actor, very handsome, very decent man but has very bad taste in choosing his movies. His best movie may be X-Men (could be better ones in future) but I can't explain why I could endure 15 repeats of Swordfish. Probably because I love his look in there and that black shirt he was wearing. I think my most favourite movie of his is Kate & Leopold because his character in that movie embodies the man I want, that kind of man that makes an art out of being a polite gentleman, a dying breed these days. So when I got hold of the DVD for this movie that I actually wanted to watch at the cinema, I was pretty excited. Kate Beckinsdale may kill my interest but I was sure Hugh Jackman will reignite it in every scene he appears in.
Problem with this movie is not Hugh Jackman, as is with all his movies. He is always consistently good, consistently delivers a charismatic performance but why on Earth he had to do that awful accent? In fact everybody had awful accents in this movie but the worst, other than the confusing plot that had little substance (it was like pure rojak, a mish mash of everything in a horror film but presented in such a juvenile empty way) was the performances of some key actors. David Wenham as Carl had little to do but he was cute because I knew he looked better than what was presented on screen. He was after Faramir. Katye Beckinsdale did a decent job of someone who basically looked tormented, sad, scared, angry and ran a lot in her high heels. But she was such a boring person to watch. I never find her interesting as an actress, in fact I often find her rather annoying. Everybody else spent his or her time in this movie either running around or screaming at the top of their lungs. Hugh had little to do, in fact he had nothing much to do except to shoot (and that Van Helsing can't aim well at all) and run. Run a lot.
The tone of this movie is dark, very very dark and everybody wears black at night so basically you can't see much. The effects are ok, but I expect more from a big budget movie like this. That werewolf transformation of shredding the skin to reveal the fur and the shedding the fur to reveal the skin was really horrible to watch. I prefer the good old way of transformation. The end for that dracula (who behaved more like a hyperactive fool instead of a true villain) was uninteresting and the plot about vampire babies was laughable. The only unexpected thing about this movie was the ending for Beckinsdale's character.
Overall I find this movie disappointing but again like in all Hugh Jackman movies, Hugh always delivers but I don't think I can endure a second viewing of this movie. Probably because I disliked him with long hair. Maybe shorter hair and I might be able to watch it again.
Miss this one, please.
Crocodile Hunter : Collision Course [Eng]
Ahhhh David Wenham again! A very good looking man, a fine actor but little to do in here. I saw also Magda Szubanski from Babe fame, a fine actress and plenty to do in here. But the real star in this movie, other than the various wild life of Australia, a grumpy crocodile and Australia herself if the famour Irwin couple, Steve and Terri Irwin, from the Crocodile Hunter series. I am a big fan of the Irwins and I diligently watch their episodic adventures. Of course I find Steve's methods at chasing after the poor animals a bit too aggressive but that is in the name of conservation. He really reaches out to the public and relates his passion and respect for wildlife in his own excited unique brand of presentation. So forget about that baby boy in his arms whilst he fed his crocodile at the zoo. Anyway the story in this movie is really non existent. It's just another way of introducing the wildlife show. The pace was boring at first right until Steven went after the main character, that grumpy crocodile and his encounters with the bumbling silly CIA agents whom he thought were poachers. This movie was funny and very exciting. I was totally immersed in the charm of Steve Irwin's passionate delivery of his lines. Put it this way; it's either you love him or hate him. This movie is all about Steve Irwin. If you don't like him, best avoid this movie but if you like his Crocodile Hunter series, you will definitely love the action packed scenes when he tried to capture that crocodile. It was scary but educational.
13 Going On 30 [Eng]
This movie is without a doubt a Jennifer Garner movie, which is world's apart from her TV alter ego, Alias. You won't see her kicking some butts in here but you will see her dancing that Michael Jackson Thriller moves. I find the story lacking in this movie. Basically it is Big, with a girl in the title role. She was 13 but wished to be 30 because basically 30 was supposed the best time in a woman's life. So she woke up beautiful, successful and much to her horror, she was rather bitchy before her 13 year old self possessed her 30 year old body. In fact she hardly sees her parents, is mean to her assistant and has affairs with fellow colleague's husband. Then she met her best friend again, Matt whom she realised she had hurt when she was 13 and now he was marrying another. She realised she loved him but was it too late to turn back time and correct her mistakes?
Jennifer Garner totally nailed the 13 year old persona. It was fun watching her dance, smile, run, whatever. She has such an infectious girly charm and her smile is totally beautiful. Her acting was a times too excited but then she was supposed to be 13, in awe with everything. What I admire most about her is her physical perfection. Yes I find her perfect physically. She looks healthy, she looks strong and she looks young, for someone in her 30s. I believe if you like Jennifer Garner and wishes to see the lighter side of her, this movie is the one. The ending is a bit too cheesy for me but it's still romantic enough to melt some hearts.

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