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September 03, 2004
Feedback On PITNOL Review Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I received this following email/feedback about my Perish In The Name Of Love review and I actually wanted to post it in that review itself but decided not to because I like everybody to have a look at it. The comments are fare, at times I felt like being punched in the face and yet some times I felt like the writer is gently stroking my face. I am confused but good comments, I accept them...Mind his/her language though. Those in bold are my answers to his/her comments.
"----- Original Message -----
From: Armageddon
To: point2e@myjaring.net
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 3:40 AM
Subject: Point2e review feedback on Perish in the Name of Love
1.) China has emperors and empresses, not kings and queens. A quick look into the history books should tell you that.
I know that. At times I use Emperor/Empress but lazy to type to long so I settled for King/Queen. Function the same in my opinion though how the people saw them may be different.
2.) The problem with Charmaine, Sonia and practically any other actress drawn from the Miss HK pool is thus: if you hire someone on the basis of how they look, then you are pretty much signing your death warrant where ability and talent are concerned. If you are fortunate, one out of ten of these 'beauties' will actually have a latent ability, (notice I do not say 'talent'). If you are somewhat fortunate, you will be able to get some quality by careful nurture -- this would include people like Ada Choi, who I find intensely shrieky, but she is at least believable in her acting these days. If you are completely unlucky, you end up with and Anne Heung and to a lesser degree, Sonija Kwok, who are not horrible when relagated to emcee duties, but are often throat-chokingly bad when elevated to leading lady status. We can only thank our collective lucky stars that Vivian Lau, who preceeded Shirly Yeung, if I remember correctly, opted to neither act nor stay in the entertainment circle, although there have been rumours that she's ready to do so. She would have given Anne and Sonija a run for their money where bad is concerned.
Agree! And I would love to see a Star Search, not Miss HK pageant when it comes to disocvering acting talents. I guess acting talent is not what TVB is looking for since I am sure TVB believes everybodyu can be molded into a star (though never an actress/actor).
3.) TVB always changes history to suit their purposes. Why is this still a surprise? It's like Hollywood changing books and history. It's disdained, but it happens and if you know it's going to happen and are going to dislike it, why continue to watch and put yourself through the aggravation?
Because I enjoy the misery and the aggravation of it, because I read with disbelief that everybody at some fansite forums took what TVB gave them like the Bible truth and I just hate it they change everything. If your ead my Harry Potter reviews, my views are the same whether Hollywood, big budget or small budget movies. My disdain is not changing the history to suit the story, my disdain is changing the history when there is not story to start of with. PITNOL is a perfect example where things would have made a greater impact if the history was followed, case in point the death of the Emperor.
4.) The bigger problem I find with TVB is its tendency to write characters that are starkly black or starkly white. Chiu Yan is a horrible person. Cheung Ping is sweet and loved by all. I subscribe to larger than life characters. I don't suscribe to one-dimensional ones.
I agree! But there must be contrast I guess. Anything too complicated nobody can understand. I assume TVB assumes everybody wants to be entertained, BUT NOT intelligently entertained.
5.) It's "Jay Lau," not "Jan Lau."
I thought Jan Lau? She changed her name or have I been mistaken all these years?
6.) What the hell have looks and ability have to do with each other? Do you think that pretty = capable? If you do, it's time you grew up.
Where did I say this? Did you read me out of context? Truth is many people assume, even in the real world people who look good tends to perform better at their job function. I don't mean pretty means capable but look, reality check. Beautiful people tends to get far far ahead of lesser mortals. I am not one of those beautiful people, I believe capabilities have nothing to do with being beautiful or having good looks, but rather ones own ability to perform when needed. But other people may not think like that. Which is why less talented but nicer looking people get promoted. I guess there is a truth to this. Viewers may not like to see less beautiful people on screen. When I was playing The Sims, to my utter shame my alter ego looks like Angelina Jolie.
7.) You might want to consider that oftentimes, given how TVB is structured, you may not have the clout to refuse the role given to you -- not if you want to continue to be promoted. Similarly, it is by taking on different roles that you build a good resume and gain your experience. While I am not a fan of Sonija Kwok, there is no denying that she is at least building a good range of roles. As to her capabilities, she is yet to impress me with what she can do, but she is at least somewhat better than Anne Heung. In addition, don't you think your rant on Sonija belongs in a form separate from the REVIEW of the show?
I agree that Sonija Kwok has a wider range of roles than Charmaine Sheh and Anne Heung has one of the widest range in my personal opinion. Doesn't mean she can act any better than when she first started. Sonija Kwok in my opinion is still too bad for me to describe and it is unfortunate I target her for my ranting in my reviews. But reviews especially my reviews are not about plots and characters, they are about performances. I rant about Sonija Kwok, and I hope in an acceptable way. She can't act and I feel my ranting of her acting abilities is not a rant, but an analysis and therefore forms a valid part of my review of the show. After all she was in the show. Wonder why nobody said I "rant" about Charmaine Sheh?
8.) Define 'lazy and unrefined' -- what kind of review is this? Explain how it is lazy and unrefined. Don't make statements you have no intention of qualifying.
"You misread my statement about Charmaine which was ..."Her voice was horrible. I missed the demure chicken voice. In this series filled with modern dialogue, the way she talked was lazy and unrefined. What is going on with Charmaine?" Could there be any more simple English than this? I meant exactly that. How do I qualify what I wrote? Well watch the series listen to her speak and I rest my case. Can you honestly say she speaks with such vigour and power that everybody gives their fullest attention to her every word?
9.) Stick to shorter reviews. They tend to have more impact.
"To quote what you wrote just a few paras above ... "why continue to watch and put yourself through the aggravation?" and just change watch to read. Maybe you should read a shorter review next time. A tip; before reading anything, scroll through the entire page to estimate how long it may be and if you feel "Nahhhh too long" by all means skip the review but if you decide to finish it, please don't complain about the length. I do not write short reviews. If I were to do that for PITNOL, my review will be "Crappy series, bad acting, despicable ending". That wouldn't be fair to this series right? I mean justify! Why dislike it! It's my review, I can take as long as I want and as much as MB. To all would be reviewers out there, when submitting your reviews to my website, I do not care about the length. If it will take me 10 days to finish reading your review, as long as I get your opinion, by all means write that long!"
Fuckin' eh.
"Armageddon...short for armageddon outta here..." Eddie Izzard"
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