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September 13, 2004
Follow Up on The Da Vinci Code Permanent link ▫ ▫  
A follow up to my post The Da Vinci Code posted on (GASP!) September 11th.
Finished the book yesterday. Shocking revelations but not very relevant to me since I am not a devout Christian so the idea that Jesus married, had children and all didn't really matter. But it was certainly bad news for the Church, if real. I believe it could be since I remember reading about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Does it matter? Does it change your faith in your God? Maybe it's not real?
Anyway about the book. Over hype is you ask me. It's not a very well written book, very long, very slow, too much actions but description wise very annoyingly slow mo. I didn't quite enjoyed it. I just enjoyed the Da Vinci comments, the analysis of it all but to me it's much ado about nothing. I didn't like the book not because of its contents but the writing style. But I do know this book garnered loads of following, like a religion in itself. Isn't that an irony? Or not? Hmmm... Anyway about those Holy Grail stuff, I believe this author may have written about truths that nobody wanted to believe. I mean it is possible. But again, if the truth has been distorted, fellow Christians, do you want to know the truth? In the book, the truth was not revealed because the implications are no good. After all the modern religion (as in Christian religion) is more tolerant than it was many many many years ago as claimed by the book. We all like the Pope don't we? I for one wants him to live longer, I admire his strength, his dedication to God's work, his allegiance to his faith. Even if the truth about Holy Grail, Jesus, Mary Magdelene is revealed, to me it's another version to the same story, that is Jesus actually walked on this Earth, did great things and died painfully but willingly (I assume). It negates all untruth, overrides all previous versions. Religions used to be about politics (you know it still is but different religion these days and more manic) but today it is about faith. Who cares? Do you? I really want to know. Post your comments under this post. Let's just say you're a Christian, a devout one, would it shake your faith in Jesus if you had known that modern religion today was built on cover ups, murders, lies, deceits and half truths?
I shoudl explain what the book theorised. The book said that Jesus actually married Mary Magdalene (who was not a prostitute but was of royal blood and the church created this bad image of her to make us forget who she really was, to bury the truth) and had children. Jesus before he was cruxified actually passed the passing of the job of spreading the religion to Mary who is a woman as opposed to popular belief, his disciples, all men. Women carried as much as credibility and weight as men in those times and the church is fundamentally about man and woman, as Jesus envisiaged it, which is as claimed by the book. Women was much slandered in the story of Adam and Eve and the book claimed it was just a story. Jesus was not a higher being but rather a mere mortal of great vision and who possess what I believe an infinite knowledge of goodness (that is my interpretation). So basically the book didn't deny Jesus' existence or His tireless work but rather more on Mary Magdalene as her true identity and she is the Holy Grail as opposed to a wooden cup. All these based on historical records, Da Vinci and a secret society which worships the feminine symbol (goddesses, can't remember the exact word used) comprising of very prominent people that actually lived called Priory of Sion which actually existed who actually believed the true story of Jesus and the true story of Mary Magdalene. It was shocking when I first read it but well, like I said, it didn't affect me since my religious faith is not Christianity. I hope I summed it all correctly, but I am sure if you have read the book you would know what I was trying to say.
Now what about you?
Now I am reading Patricia Cornwell's book, Blowfly, a follow up to one of the more interesting modern literary heroines, Dr Kay Scarpetta. I love her books, very well written, shocking and yet relevant. Poor Benton. Any fans of the character Kay Scarpetta? Wanna start a book club discussion? I need a discussion forum!
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Who are you? Interesting post. Glad to know you faith is not shaken, nor stirred. In reply to your comments...
"Why? If it is a lie, how could Jesus who was nobody and worked for ONLY 3 years and died become so famous even in our 21 century."
The book never really disputed the existence and contributions of Jesus Christ. What it emphasised on is the deletion of Mary Magdalene's contribution to this religion, to the movement started by Jesus and also to the theory that they were married and had children. That Jesus was mortal, that women played as important a role as men and that Jesus was not invincible. He is so famous because of what he did, the Bible and also for the way he died.
"f it is not the truth, why do we all use "B.C (before Christ)" and not "B.A (before Adam)"
Christ represents the new testament. I guess again for convenience or due to the influence of the old church?
I do not know.
Before I proceed, I truly want to apologize for not leaving my name. Call me mirswirs. Anyway back to the topic. I am not aware at all nor will I believe that Jesus was married to Maria. This is my argument. How could it be possible that Jesus who was so busy with His life could even have a time to marry somebody and make children? He was surrounded by His disciples and people day and night and at dawn He went to secluded area to pray to His father for a new strength. Where did he get the time? Since he was so famous at that time, how could people (even His disciples) not even know if he were married to somebody? Let say his disciples knew about it, why was none of his disciples following His example by marrying somebody and left her with their children ( so irresponsible like Jesus)? The truth is none of them married because they knew of their roles in the world like Jesus, that is to spread Gospel to the rest of the world.
Jesus is the son of God who took a form in human's body. I was told that God didn't really understand why we as humans were so weak of tempations. What were we afraid of? By taking a form as a human would He finally understand the difficulty of being human. But of course that was not the only reason why God came in a form of Jesus. The other reasons were to fulfill the prophecy and to bring salvation to everybody. So, was Jesus a mortal? He experienced hunger, pain, tiredness, temptations, anxious, and death just like the rest of us. But, I think he was not a mortal from the beginning given all these human qualities. Why? Please look at this very immportant quote Jesus made before he died. He said, "'Eli. Eli. Lama Sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?'" (Matthew 27:46). He said that because His father had left his body making Him (Jesus) became a mortal and for the first time in His life He felt so miserable, so painful, and so alone. By becoming a mortal, God could no longer reside in Jesus' body. God can't tolerate any sins and by dying in the cross, Jesus was responsible for all of the sinners' sins. Not long after, He died. Three days later He was raised from the death.
I truly believed Maria Magdalena was also spreading God's words and Jesus' story to many believers and unbelievers like the rest of Jesus' disciples. But we didn't know of it. It's like the rest of Jesus disciples. Do you really think only Luke, Peter, Mark, and Timothy went to spread Gospel? Jesus had 12 disciples and one (Judas) was dead. Where were the rest while only 4 names mentioned in the Bible? There are millions or billions of unknown missionaries in the world, do we know all of them? No, we don't. These people might go to a very uncivilized places or who knows where to spread Gospel. They might work as hard as Peter or maybe even more but not recognized. But that's not important, the most important thing is their efforts finally paid off. Gospel has spread to almost all over the world . Therefore I believe Magdalena's effort or contribution is not deleted at all. Her name appeared so many times in the Bible, plus her faith towards Jesus was unquestionable.
I am not sure how the book mentioned the way Jesus died. There were so many people died on the cross before Jesus, but none of them ever made it like Jesus. Why did His death on the cross make the difference? Could you please elaborate more of what the author said.
One last thing, I don't understand why is the Holy Grail a human. I thought Holy Grail was the cup used to hold Jesus' blood as He died on the cross.
Thank you for your comments.