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September 26, 2004
The Sceneshots That Made My Day - Shaun Chen Hongyu Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Wuchang, dear Wuchang ... speechless at his generosity, at his ability to read my mind, his skills at capturing such beautiful sceneshots, no blurry stuff, all high quality. I must share this picture with you. Now I wonder is he just a ke-le-fe there (as in filmed many many moons ago) or is he the model endorsing this product? I mean great hair but a bit too short for Organics commercial right? I think he's just endorsing the girl endorsing this shampoo. You know reportedly he was a model in Malaysia but I never saw any of his commercials. Maybe a catwalk model? A bit too short for that. Wonder what other commercial he's in?
Anyway, let me post what was posted in the Shout Box for record purposes ...
"wuchang: I just happen to notice that this person appeared in one of the commercials in my recorded shows. Thought you might be interested. "
And my response?
"Funn: Wuchang - AHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHH.Love his hair! Love his smile! AHHHHHHHH. You just made my whole week! AHHHHHHH."
Now this guy is the "this person". Yep, no need to say words. Any discussion about him, you just say "him", "this person", I WILL KNOW.
I am so looking forward to his new series, the one I will never get to watch. Hopefully can have screencaps, and also some episodes that I can download. Maybe Mediacorp and Mediaworks merging their production houses will be great, because my TV only shows Mediacorp series. Maybe he will be in one of those. And I read somewhere that Jeannette Aw refuted her much speculated rumour (of who who dared to molest her and say nasty things to her) in an online Chinese newspaper website. I read a translation where she said she wasn't talking about this person. At last, cleared of all charges. Yeah! Anyway he looks younger in these screencaps (maybe the hair) but he always look older than his age (I believe 26? 27?-his real age I mean) in his series.
And someone sent me a very nice mag cover of him with Jeannette Aw (I believe probably a year old- the mag I mean) and I don't want to quote her email name because probably she might not want to be known, u know anonymous.
Come one, people from the south (as in Singapore), do tell me this person's news. From what I read, he is not very well liked. Well I like him.
Thanks for the pictures. You all know who you are.
You may be wondering (or maybe you're not that bothered) why I put this person's name in the title. Ahhhhh so that when searching using his name, this website will be right on top of the search list! YEAH!
Any fans of this person? Email me. I want to know his fan base.
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seeing the famous, talented
gorgeous Korean movie star,
Jang Dong Gun |
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1. long beatiful dark (or whatever) coloured hair
2. slim beautiful body
3. clear bright fair skin (whatever race which is really depressing for people with dark skin).
Personality does not count. In fact I feel personality is overrated-people don't care for personality anymore. Love at first sight is so true. FIRST SIGHT.
Haaaaaaaaa - so sad. But love the screencaptures however juvenile the commercial may be. You know, I notice about guys these days. Their girlfriends are often prettier, taller, nice body than these guys could ever be. What makes them think, short fellas could have such beautiful beings? And those handsome ones? They go for tall beautiful slimlong haired fair skin girls BUT these girls may also have very bad postures, couldn't even speak well, pimples and my god, they swear!
What happenedto chilvary? What happened to lady like behaviour? What happened to gentlemen?
Ok, enough of ranting. P-Chan and Pearl both are same right?
Shaun Chen's latest serial will indeed air after Eternal Happiness at the 9pm slot on 13/10/04.
I didn't actually look too much into the salient gender issue that you saw, probably because the commercial managed to present it in such a way that the boyfriend was probably just amused to see his girlfrend having a bad-hair-day but still loved her just the same, as we see in the end when the bf still came knocking at her door (I admit that before I saw the end of the commercial, was also afraid it was gonna be another one of those "I-love-you-only-because-you-look-good" commercials). We can't deny the fact that appearances do count, can we?
But I do agree with you the about obsession by the media of so-called "ideal" qualities of women that sadly, not many are able to attain. It's quite sad, really, how women nowadays suffer just trying to keep up with this ideal.
Consider a study by Mukai and his colleagues (1998) which compared the body image that both Japanese(collectivist culture)and American women (individualistic culture) perceived of themselves. Even though Japanese women were well within the normal height-weight range and BMI, and were significantly thinner than the American women, they still were more likely to report greater body disatisfaction. It was also found that to tehse Asian women, being socially approve meant being thinner or trying to be thinner, leading to increased reports of eating disturbances. I see a striking resemblence to the kind of values HK TV and cinema have been potraying. It disturbs me too.
Reference: Mukai et al, "Body dissatisfaction, need for social approval and eating disturbances among Japanese and American college women", Sex Roles (39), 1998
Wuchang : thanks for that piece of news. I am sure to leave all comments in SPCNET Forums about this series. Hopefully will get to see great captures that you did in POL. I am always checking Yi Xin Ren forum just to check what has been posted.