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November 01, 2004
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 1 Permanent link ▫ ▫  
The Good
I am constantly looking for nice pictures of artists I intend to include into my The DDGs and I finally found one which is absoluetly gorgeous from here, but I do not know the creator, just that it is a gorgeous wallpaper, very dream like. The other one is very glittery, like a star. Problem is can't find the main pictures which is very sad for me.
Anyway, have a look .. if you're wondering who she is, she is Charmaine Sheh. Click on the thumbnails for the full size.
The Bad
Some very interesting comments from HK artists who are Americans who has a lot of say but doesn't bother to register their voting rights to votes, so I would say less votes for Kerry?
Some really interesting ones that I totally disagree with ...
Maggie Chan:
I live in San Francisco, but I have not adopted citizenship, so I do not have the right to vote, but I am rooting for Kerry and have asked all my friends to vote for him because Bush does not care for other people's lives in going to war and has destroyed and broken many American families. Even though life in Iraq was not perfect, it has now been destroyed by his hand and he is the real dictator.
Going to war means he is a dictator? I don't see him dictating the voters to vote for him or else, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Winnie Yeung:
Many people are tired of war and prefer peace. I do not like Bush's policies on war, so all my family in America will be voting for Kerry as they feel he is better. I am a US citizen, but I did not return to register this year and cannot vote.
Good! Kerry less one vote! I mean this is like waste of time to say you know ... I vote for you but I can't voter. How is he better?
Some very good ones ...
Melissa Ng:
Although I am too busy and cannot return to the states to vote, I have been paying a lot of attention to the debates between Bush and Kerry and I feel that Bush is ahead becuase he leans towards the Conservatives and is not a Democrat and this falls in line with the common American citizen's beliefs, so I think he will do well.
Actually I can't understand what she meant but I am sure she meant something.
Flora Chan:
The morale in Hong Kong is very low at the moment and I feel they need a new leader. I do not intend to vote though because I do not know the credentials or beliefs of the two candidates and I will not vote without consideration.
Ermmm but I thought we are talking about American presidents? What has it got to do with HK? But good point as in don't know who to vote so don't vorte. Bad philosophy but good logic.
Veronica Yip:
I don't think that Bush has done well, but I don't feel that Kerry is good either, so I would rather support Bush. I am not a citizen yet, but my husband is, so if he can make it in time to vote, he will vote for Bush.
This is like between the devil and the deep blue sea. Got logic, good point but in the end meaningless.
Pauline Wong:
I have not decided who I will vote for, but I will be heading back to the States in the next few days. If the timing is right, I will go and vote because this is a duty as a citizen.
Perhaps even check out the feng shui?
Pauline Yeung:
After I got married, I have lived in Las Vegas and although I do not have the right to vote yet, living over there means I am monitoring the situation. It doesn't matter who is the president as long as they don't go to war again and keep the world peaceful.
Good point. So she's voting for Kerry if she has a choice.
The best quote?
Maggie Q:
I have already voted in Hong Kong. Although I don't like either of the presidential candidates, I feel that voting is very important and I must do my duty as a citizen and whoever is elected will have a big impact on America and the rest of the world.
Great point. So do vote, your every vote counts.
(taken from http://tvbspacenews.blogspot.com/)
The Ugly
Unfortunately, this is not one of those gorgeous pics. Individually, Charmaine is pretty (albeit too thin), Sammul is good looking (albeit too much tan cream) and Bosco is very handsome (albeit too much lip gloss). Put together, you have one big sister with her lbrother and her nephew. She should be paired with someone closer or older than her age. By the way she will be starring in a co-production called Yummy Yummy with some Singaporean actors (MediaWorks). Guess WHO'S NOT IN THIS SERIES?
(taken from http://tvbcalendar.jessicahsuan.com/2005/ )
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