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December 15, 2004
Interesting comments Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Let me get this out of my chest first.
Kevin Cheng is sooooooo good looking in every series he's in, the one I am watching now is Not Just A Pretty Face and if only, IF ONLY he had a better hairstyle, he would have been my Greek God. Gorgeous man, perfect features, lovely voice, alas TOO SHORT. BUT he is one of those few HK actors that I can declare as sexy.
Anyway I wonder where can I download the themesong to Not Just A Pretty Face? Really love that song.
Ok I just stumbled into this website teeveebee and you must have a look at their mock awards and mock comments for posters. I disagree with the thing about Roger Kwok (he was very famous many many years ago but fame faded away after a while whilst Bobby is still hanging on because he is famous, pure and simple). I really agree with the comments on Shirley Yeung and of course Joe Ma.
TITS is showing soon and I mean the series, not the cleavage! Anyway I am looking forward to doing episodic thoughts on this one because frankly, truthfully, honestly, sincerely, without any fear or favour, biasness or simply "I don't care" attitude, I really dislike the trailers. I am sorry to say, Flora Chan looks way passe you know, and Joe Ma, Joeeeee Maaaaa ....
This is one actor I can't explain my sentiments about. He is very tall, he is good looking, he is hard working, he seems like a nice guy without any attitude problem, he is happily married, he has a son, he looks jolly happy and all, he can act in the most undemanding way, he stands out in small supporting role BUTTTTTT I just don't feel like watching him in a more important or perhaps a lead or secondary role. He bores me to death. I don't find him exciting, I don't find him interesting, I find him bland, boring, blahhhh you know. TVB is like heavily promoting a man who in my opinion does not have an ounce of leading man material. Looks wise yes but you see leading man is something to do with presence, charisma. He really has none of it. Why? What's wrong with him?
Compare that to Bowie or even Bobby. Not exactly Greek Gods but I love watching them. Bowie especially. He is a terrific actor but he has more than just acting chops, he has the ability to draw you into the character he plays and make you STARE.
Shaun Chen included by the way, and he is more because of the fact that he has a face with characters.
Ahhhh yes Joe Ma has a face as ordinary and undistinctive as any other good looking tall guy. Stare long enough and I am sure you will get my meaning.
Another example of a man with a face with character is of course Kevin Cheng, but his problem is he is not a terrific actor.
And for that I must say something about 2 people.
Seed of Hope is nearing the end now and I regret not following it closely. The most interesting quote from that series is "Even if you want to be a dog, at least try to be a loyal dog".
I wanted to talk about first Anne Heung.
If she had been a better actress her role in this series would have been a breakthrough role. But she has improved, tremendously but something alas is missing and I swear I will detail them in my review. Why I am writing this is because I don't want to spend time in my review showering her with praises for her bravery in taking the most disgusting bitchy roles (remember Love is Beautiful?) and play her best in it. Her Ally (or is it Annie? I think Ally) is really so horrible, such a horrible person. She looks the part (she is pretty in here), she stands the part, she stares the part but of course when she opens her mouth, there goes the part. But I must applaud her. I often find her career more fully developed in the sense of the characters she has played compared to that one person I always love to talk about whenever I mention Anne Heung that is Charmaine Sheh. But Charmaine is TVB princess, she can't be tpuch so I don't think I will see her in a truly evil role (HSDS not included, that was a fallacy, that was a mock role, that was a joke, the ending especially). In that respect I would like to praise Sonija Kwok also for taking the worse roles, making them even more unbearable because of her bad horrible non existent acting. Her method acting like Shirley Yeung is "Don't try, just do, when do, no need to try". These people will improve one day, but like I said before, from worse to mediocre. The awards recently were a celebration of mediocrity. Urghhhh
Next of course is Patrick Tam. My sister mentioned how come he talked and acted like someone who just lost his hearing because he was expecting the other person to finish their lines? And I learned that he is suffering from hereditary loss of hearing, a gradual process like Josephine Seow. My heart cried out for him. What a waste. He looks so good these days, having put on a bit of weight, his voice so soothing and I love his performance in Seed of Hope because his performance was against all that I had expected. In most scenes I knew for a fact any other actor will start screaming, crying, kicking, so emotional that it's like Qiong Yau revisited but not this man. Even in the worst moment his character Ah Lik would sit down or stand up calmly, but you know seething with anger and spoke in the gentlest of voice but threateningly. This is what I call supreme acting. This is David Caruso-ish, so sexy in my opinion.
Anyway, shall leave more comments in my review.
Last but not least, you're all so right. Roger Kwok is so bloody good in Not Just A Pretty Face. His Nardo, so disgusting and yet so lovable. I loved his hand gestures, especially when he was telling Pat that "Men love this (hands forming big breasts), but this (fingers pointing to his brain)!" Brilliant performance.
And how did that two Miss HK fared? How was Joey Yung?
Put it simply, Miriam Yeung would have been perfect as Pat but Joey .... well later...
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Hmm, I don't get why TVB is promoting Joe either. I agree, he's really lacking the "leading material." There are a few other actors whom I don't understand why TVB is promoting either.
I'm just curious and hope you don't mind me asking but are you a fan of Charmaine?
Btw, he looked tired in Split Second cos the character he was playing was supposed to be terminally ill. Kevin lost quite a bit of weight on purpose for this role.
As for Joe Ma, Funn, I agree with everything you say. I've always thought he's good looking, but when I see him as the lead, I feel bored... Somehow he doesn't have that 'omph' to keep me watching him... I feel the same for Kenix Kwok also...
And my answer to Botan, am I am fan of Charmaine?
I have a love/hate relationship with her. I love watching her outside of a series, I love reading news about her, I love following her career since she is one of the few I have watched every of her series from her debut (but nowadays I may have missed one or two but will soon get to watch them anyway) that is Miss HK pageant, for all these many years, I have been following her career closely, from humble miss sweetie pie to rumoured arrogant big sister, so truth be told you can say I am a fan of hers, but not when she is acting. Nope, I love to take her acting as an example of what is not quite right. I like her as a personality, as a celebrity, perhaps as a person (I believe she is not as simple as she looks but I don't think she is as bad as rumoured to be but I don't think she is a truthful or as sincere as her fans think she is) but NOT as an actress. The only series I truly love watching her act is An Herbalist Affair and I truly missed her persona in the old old days when she could only muster a tiny squeek rather than after Moonlight, she screams her every lines.
So it is complicated. I guess I am a fan, sort of. In fact you can even say I am a fan of Anne Heung, sort of since her career is also something I have been following for many many years.
Funn, I understand, it all makes sense.