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January 19, 2005
Malaysia, in a nutshell. Permanent link ▫ ▫  
There is a recent report in the local newspaper that made me wonder... is there statutory rape in Malaysia because I am so darn confused. I confirm that there is but well you be the judge since our local judges are so incompetent.
There is this Malay lady judge (Sessions court) sitting at Shah Alam who made headlines when she I think showed much empathy for a malay man charged with raping a 15 year old. She kinda set the precendent where you can use consensual sex as a mitigation factor, so he got off very lightly. She said that 15 year old girl consented. I always thought for statutory rape it didn't matter. It's like you're not wearing your seat belt when driving. Whatever excuse you may make, you're guilty. More so a 15 year old girl. If I am not mistaken, this girl was I think down symdrome or having some mental handicap and that man lured her with food, and of course so called had consensual sex with her. I was outraged with this judge's leniency, more so since she herself is a woman, a Muslim woman if I may add.
Then a few days ago same case. I think again a 15 year old girl, but a normal 15 year old girl ...the accused a young Malay guy charged with rape. He will find a lawyer and plead that there was consent. People, it doesn't matter maybe except when mitigation. What outraged me the most is her ridiculous speech (oh yes, same judge) to the media in her courtroom. Reportedly she said don't call this man a rapist, because that is misleading the public. Rapists are for those violent crimes with force and all. In fact cases such a incests, statutory rapes, the accused should not be called rapists.
There I was discussing this with my friend and I was so very angry. I was so surprised the DPP did not stand up and correct her. OF COURSE you don't call this man, accused of raping a 15 year old a rapist. You call them paedophiles which I guess in her mind is small matter. How could she be so careless with what she said? How could such an insane stupid statement come from a person supposedly representing justice and fairness? To be fair, he isn't convicted yet. But he admitted he had sex with her and that to me is a closed case. Why she said what she said? WHY?
And more bad news.
In recent news, Muslim rapists have been pleading to the civil criminal court judges that they are planning to marry their victims with consent by their families, and so they beg the DPP to drop the charges. One case involved a 13 year old, but reportedly her family nor did she said yes to the porposal so case will go on. Even if they did, how can a person in their right mind allow this to happen? A 13 year old! So where do we draw the line?
Today I read of a 15 year old being raped and the accused said he will be marrying the victim later this few months with the consent of the parents of the girl and the girl herself. Apparently the parents knew the accused's parents very well. So I thought fine, maybe this is underaged love. Guess what? The girl first met this guy on the day she was raped by him! How can the parents do this to their daughter? Is her honour and dignity not worth for them to fight this bastard in court, to get due justice? DO they really think a man who rapes this girl in their very first meeting and marrying her to avoid jail and rotan will give their daughter happiness? Are we women nothing but chattels?
Maybe we are, since a woman judge is of the same opinion.
I mean even if this 15 year old stands naked before you, seducing you, men! You're supposed to have self control! In world news, one teacher made a fuss in court saying unfair and all when he was convicted of raping his 12 year old student, albeit consentious sex. This man has got his priorities wrong and this girl needs counselling and some serious rattan acting by her parents. Anyway, can't they just wait till she's 16? Oh no they can't. They can't at all. What is man's fascination with young girls? Rape is a very traumatic experience a woman should never go through, amongst other violent crimes. But what if there is consent? Man! Use your brain! Just do what the government is telling us to drugs and all. JUST SAY NO!
In Malaysia, there is this draconian unfair law that states a Muslim accused can marry their victims, but this is not in criminal law, I think this is a Muslim law. Isn't that just stupid? And guess what? The DDP said he will consider dropping the charges. If I were the DPP, I will say marry all you want but we will go ahead with the charges.Gte ready with that bum of yours, hear that rattan cracking! WHIP!
This is just too disgusting and what is our PM doing about this? What is out Bar Council's opinion? What are the public's opinion? Either everybody has been deaf, blind and mute or the papers did not dare to publish their opinions because I am sure the Bar Council will have something to say...although to very little effect. Our PM should step up and make laws that protect young girls from such people and fire that judge. APPOINT ME! I can be a very good judge, believe me!
And I think this Shah Alam judge will be perfect as a family court judge since she could feel so much empathy for a peadophile/rapist, she must be very sympathetic to everything and everyone!
And I must mention this. A VCD peddler was shot in the heart and that bullet passed through him and hit a patron of a restaurant. Both are ok but seriously injured. The person shooting was an enforcement officer...NO NOT police but those city council out to get the VCD peddlers amongst others.
I am not opposing guns for enforcement officers but really, are they even qualified to hold one more so discharging one? I am wondering whether our local police are qualified to hold one, more so these people who just aim for the heart! This guy was just selling illegal pirated VCDs. Is that a crime? Yes but such a minor crime compared to raping young girls. How come I have yet to read any news about police shooting dead a rapist?
And more ridiculous news.
Some time ago a man was arrested and charged for kissing his girlfriend in the KLCC parking lot. Case I think is still pending. I think this speaks for itself.
Then there's some good news in the sense all families whose members died in the recent tsunami will be given RM20,000-00 for each member who died. I was very happy with this until someone highlighted this to me....
A father who lost 5 of his young children received RM100,000-00 whilst a family who lost their only breadwinner got only RM20,000-00. True, the sum should be lowered for younger victims to ensure fair distribution. Breadwinners who died must be of more value than young babies. Even in accident cases the court will assess it this way.
And finally, recent major blackout at KL business centre, except for my office! And on Saturday, my whole night spoiled by 5 hours blackout right before the ending of the Korean horror movie, Wishing Stairs (till now I still do not know the ending!!) and then Sunday, again the same problem, TWICE. No explanation. Everytime there is a mudslide or something of that sort, our minister will say "Act of God". Everytime toll charges are increased simply because the contract said they can do so every few years eventhough more vehicles passing through that toll than expected, our minister will say this is the decision of the cabinet which means no need to question it. Everytime bad things happen, our minister will say this is only one incident, don't shoot down the rest because of one incident. I wonder, why are we tolerating such incompetent people doing such high profile jobs who doesn't understand what is meant by serving your people. Even our customer service is so very bad...don't bother...I'd rather a rude waiter who gets things done than a curteous waiter who does nothing.
People say Malaysia is a wonderful country to live in. I love my country, but this place is getting increasingly dirty, expensive and cramped. And with people like that judge and those parents of such rapists and such draconian rule, I am sorry to say, Malaysia is not a wonderful country to live in anymore. I am sure every country has their own problems, but ours are getting increasingly sickening.
And finally, one more bad news.
For those driving at the Jalan Dang Wangi stretch where Wisma Denmark is on your left, you see the traffic light...do not drive into the yellow box and beat the traffic lights because the police (like 5 or 6 of them) are waiting at the corner to issue you summons of RM100-00. It is wonderful that our traffic police are keeping themselves busy and to "saman" those who thought they can just squeeze into the box, but it gets very tiring to applaud them for their attentiveness to these law breakers when the stretch of 2 minutes of journey to reach that traffic lights became a 1 hour journey because our traffic police did care to man the traffic situation there and the traffic lights is like 10 seconds per stop. 10 seconds! This is ridiculous. During rush ours, major roads in KL will become one big parking lot.
When you need help, don't bother. You won't get it. All you get is friendly smiles. I am beginning to realise that survey where we came in pretty low in the civic mindedness list may be true after all. Iam not saying we are all that bad...I am not friendly but I try to help. There are helpful people but so very few. Toursist seem to have more luck at finding one though.
Do you face such problems at your place?
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When you need help in Singapore, I believe you might get it, provided you are lucky enough?
Though I did read a case in the papers about this woman running after a man, who was also running, and she was screaming that she was robbed. So a bunch of helpful guys caught the man. Then, the woman ran up to them, took a knife, stabbed the man, and walked off.
Weird huh?