I welcome submissions of
reviews of any series,
movies, books or other
stuff irrespective of
whether it's already
found in my website or
something new
altogether. Just check
[MAIN] for
more info.
This website, which is
an opinion based website
is fueled in part by
your active
participation either by
submission of your
reviews/stuff or your
comments in any post,
reviews, section, etc
where you can find the
feature. I welcome your
comments and feedback,
positive or negative,
right or wrong, long or
short. All I ask for is
for you to write your
name (a nickname if you
so wish) if you're
posting as Other or
Anonymous AND to show
common courtesy to one
another when posting
your thoughts. Come &
join me in sharing each
other's opinion of a
certain subject matter.
Show yourself & post
There is a
database in this website
where you will find info
on how to link to this
website, answers to some
tech problems found in
pages within this
website as well as a
great feature where you
can post questions in
relevant categories &
I'll answer them. Try it
This page, NEWS & UPDATES which is
actually the index page of this website has
grown into a huge database of my almost
daily ramblings of all stuff I hold dear to
my heart, including gossips of the most
sordid kind. For your convenience, I have
posted a list of posts which I thought is
pretty informative in my own way that you
might find interesting. The list itself may
be long but those selected few are the ones
I thought drives home the point I wanted to
make. Do check them out in
MY POINT IS [Comments & Opinions].
Sometime in 2004 I began
reviewing selected
series in an episode by
episode way, where I
called these reviews
These thoughts are
mostly summaries of each
and every episode with
my opinion of that
episode included in it
as well. I may not
provide the most in
depth summaries but I am
very proud of the fact
that I could keep the
writing on such a long
winded basis each and
every night for the
entirety of the series.
I don't do this for each
and every series though
because it kills a lot
of brain cells, mine as
well as fellow netizens
who often joined in the
discussion by posting
informative stuff. These
thoughts are still open
for feedback and
discussion. Do check
them all out in
REVIEWS where it is
indicated with an
next to my name.
There is this one
section in here that
features offbeat stuff
that are not
entertainment based. The
section is known as
There are 3 sections in
here that contain my
personal favourites of
all kinds.
& OPINIONS] which
features specially made
websites by myself with
info & all related stuff
of my favourite stars or
stars I like to talk
which has my favourite
VODs and music files,
most of them are taken
from Chinese & Korean
dramas & movies and some
of which I am hosting
for my net friends and
where you'll find
stories written by
amateur writers like you
and I.
Do check them all out! |
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All feedback
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review pls post
using Post A
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remains the
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Well, not by my website
anyway. |
Heard of Gmail? It is by invitation only and I have plenty to give. If you want a gmail email account, simply email me at funnlim AT gmail.com (replace AT with @ and no space) together with your valid email address and I'll send you the invitation. Remember, must be valid email address because the details on how to set up an account is in that email sent to that very address. |

January 01, 2005
A Message From Funn Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Dearest You,
Despite what had happened for the past few days, I would like to extend my sincere wishes to everybody and to greet you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005!
Another year has passed the year 2004 ended with literally a bang and a flood of not just seawater, but emotions. Hopefully 2005 will bring good fortunes and plenty of luck. My sincere wish is the people who suffered such tremendous loss, not just due to the tsunami but also at Beslan and everywhere else may be able to rebuild their lives and get back to some degree of a normal and yet fulfilling life. My dream for myself this year is to lose weight, be nice, work hard, earn more money, be better at what I do and generally be a better person than I imagine myself to be. I am older now, plus 1 year but still not much better than I was just 2 hours ago.
Thanks for all your support, to the few who kept this site going by frequent visits and comments in the year 2004 and for just dropping by and sending me reviews, news or just a friendly note. Because those that I do know by name who visited this site in 2004 was very very few, I can personally thank ...
Kidd for frequent postings on anything to do with TVB and Idol. Also an avid supporter of my Episodic Thoughts on Survivor's Law.
Pearl/P-Chan for always forgetting to write her name (thus made even more memorable by her double postings, but I am not complaining) for her tremendous support in anything entertainment and recently, for all the translated news on you-know-who
Adelyn for the reviews and great comments on anything TVB
Catlau, SPCNET Forums gang for your emails and discussions on you-know-who
SC & the whole team at SPCNET Forums for providing a great great place for discussions, the height was during Changing Lanes and that was literally the best online moment of 2004 for me, every night for meeting fabulous people who may or may not share a common interest with me but Changing Lanes forum has got to be the friendliest, more active and rewarding thread I have ever had the privilege of posting in, I felt like I finally found a haven for my interest without being bombarded with awwww-shucks comments, though there were some thanks to me of course
Jade from SPCNET Forums for frequent posting, private messages and those few gorgeous pictures
The many who posted anonymously and not so frequent authors with a name, thanks to you my site became much much livelier, and also those who posted in the Shout Box as well
The few who wrote such insightful emails to me, I really love receiving such constructive criticisms though I may be a bit on the defensive side sometimes
The many who visited my site, and then for the first time writing to me via email or posting at my website saying wonderful things at the time I was very much in doubt of certain few useless things that right now seemed rather childish, you have followed this site from E-Buzz to EbuzzDB to Point2e.com, has it been nearly 3 years or so? How time flies.
Many who volunteered information to me, I am sorry I can't remember all your names but I thank you all
November for making those fabulous videos and funny comments and even made the effort to translate them to many like me who can't read Chinese
Wuchang who made 2004 particularly memorable to me because this is one person who feels totally neutral about one particular actor that I am crazy about and yet made a tremendous effort to capture, post and share the screencaptures he made as well as volunteering information. Rare person but good samaritan exists and I must say, he is wonderful. More so because he is one of the rare ones who made an effort to promote Singaporean series, very knowledgeable and sometimes even answers my desparate calls for help. Hopefully, he will continue to be as generous as he was, not just to me because to be fair, he shares, he really does. Sometimes I keep to myself, no sharing but those that I met at SPCNET forums Changing Lanes thread shares, and Wuchang was one of the few who came to my site, probably curious why I was (and still am) so crazy about one particular actor and probably took pity on me by the lack of info and basically shared not just pictures, links and news, but I would deem a very friendly online friendship. Of course I personally do not wish it to end simply because my interest in a particular person ends.
Shaun Chen Hongyu for reigniting the girly me, by making me remember that I was once the young teenager who idolise a person for no reason than just my personal reasons. I hope he will find success for many years and get good roles. He certainly made my life in 2004 so much more exciting by mere mention of his name. I still do feel the same way, and he also made me doubted everything I have read and heard. What an impact.
Bad actors, bad series, mediocre actressess and cheap productions, thank you because if not my reviews will be boring and I have nothing to talk about
Great actors, great series, beautiful productions, thank you if not my reviews will mostly be sulky, angry rant, thanks for making my nights so much more enjoyable (why night? Prime time mah!)
My family, for paying my tel bills
My host, Ace-Net.host for offering affordable and yet great service. I must announce I plan to not renew my hosting account in February not because I hate them (I mean I forgave tjem for deleting my files thanks to that crash) but I discover now they offer better deals, so I am really thinking should I or shouldn't I?
Many who posted video files of rare series like Power of Love and even Zero (thanks to Wuchang again for the tip), I hope to find more who will defy the so called trademark and copyright law ....my defence? Like I mentioned before, I have zero access to these series!
And many many many more that I simply can't remember right now but remember what was done.
THANK YOU for making 2004 a great year for Point2Entertainment. I look forward to your continued support and yes I pledge to thee that I shall post my older reviews. But after February when I get a better deal first. I very rare ever say to anyone I LOVE YOU and I will not break with the tradition but do accept my sincere thanks for simply dropping by to my website. Can't do all these without your support. If I have offended you in 2004, I do apologise. As for 2005, I will wait until 1st January 2006 to issue another apology.
No part of the contents of this website
and/or layout may be reproduced in another
website or medium without the written
permission of the maker and the webmaster
except for offline reading and/or posting in
a discussion forum. |
You're are
seeing the famous, talented
gorgeous Korean movie star,
Jang Dong Gun |
This is a common tagboard shared
by all sections within
Point2e.com and is meant for
spur of the moment comments. Any
dead links, breaking news,
suggestions, links, etc other
than feedback for a review or
specific post that has the Post
A Comment feature. Please
observe rules of common courtesy
when posting.
The following are some of my
most favourite websites, forums
and many more that I often visit
whenever I am online. I am not
affiliated with any of them and
I list them here because they
are simply the most
entertaining, insightful,
informative, useful and
interesting websites that I know
of. Do have a look. All links
will open a new browser window. |
read the
where notices of importance to
this site will be posted from
time to time. The
FAQ also
contains info on how to link to
this website. |
Happy New Year!
I've enjoyed reading your reviews, especially those about Singaporean series. Always witty and wonderfully written in a conversational style as if you're talking to the readers. None of those stuffy reviews one gets from print publications.
Keep on writing!!
But before I sign off, here's my list of new year resolutions exclusively for www.point2e.com:
1) Remember to sign off every time I post a comment on point2e.com.
2) Remember to sign off with the correct nick.
3) From now on, Pearl shall be known only as Pearl here at point2e.com. May someone smite me if I should carelessly use P-Chan for any of my postings.
May everyone stay healthy, happy and safe in the new year!
I want to thank you too for reopening your website. I've been following your website since your Ebuzz days when Seagull was still there and your have provided great enjoyment to me with your opinionated review. I may not agree with some of them, but it's always a joy to read them because you always try to be fair and seperate the actors from the characters and u do great analysis on the characters and plot. The witty/sarcastic way to write your reviews also add colours to it.
I also appologise if I came off too contradicting and over defensive of certain actors (Bosco Wong :P) and characters (Vincent of SL :D) I like.
Happy New Year.