February 28, 2005
Who's who on British TV Permanent link ▫ ▫
I used to be a big fan of Conan O'Brien Show, Jay Leno Show and all those American chat shows.I was also a fan of many American series, such as Seinfeld which is really a show about ettiquette and human interaction. But I always thought British comedies are much better in many ways, such as the jokes are always on the Brits themselves instead of it being a joke about fat people or black people for that matter. I enjoyed Dawn French's comedy skits and I am an absolute fan of Absolutely Fabulous with their "Darlingggg" and that horrid Patsy played by the eternally beautiful and actually a very graceful Joanna Lumley.
Lately I discovered the joy of watching British chat shows. They're a bit different from the American couterpart. The two that I have in mind are poles apart but as funny and insightful.
For one, The Kumars At No. 42 (Star channel 70 ASTRO 7.30pm Sundays) is very very funny. Instead of traditional chat show format, we have a story and actors playing certain characters but essentially still a chat show with a difference. This is like a series where a family, the Kumars and their only son, Sanjeev have their own chat show host at the back of their house! The guests have to enter a house like some house guests, help out with the cleaning and all and get really interesting and funny but totally irrelevant questions from the adoring mother, the money pinching father, the sexually active grandmother and yes, the host himself, the rather stupid and still single Sanjeev. My first episode I was introduced to this British talk show king, Michael Parkinson but I didn't know him, yet. When you have an interviewer asking a question like "When are you going to retire?", you know it would be a funny 30 minute show. Often with 2 guests and some short interaction in between, I love this show! My favourite guests are always the Americans, because sorry to say they can't seem to match the wit of the British, whether the Brit is white, black or in this case, Indians. Very funny show with very unique concept. The last very funny guest was Stephen Fry. I can't understand a single thing he was saying and so were the Kumars, too intellectual for them! My only complain is sometimes they talk too much and the guests too little. By the way, the "grandson" recently married the "grandmother"!!
My other favourite chat show is Parkinson (Sundays, ASTRO channel 70 9pm), and yes helmed by thevery silver haired Michael Parkinson. Most of the people I know from this show was first introduced to me in the Kumars show and I get to see so many celebrities that I never heard of but they're all very articulate and very witty. I especially enjoyed his interview of Tom Cruise, Joanna Lumley and just now I just watched Joan Rivers and I was laughing from the word Go! His questions are always insightful and asked in a very polite way but if you watch carefully, his questions are by no means simple. He can ask tough questions, very personal questions but because he framed it so politely and gently, often the guests felt obliged to answer. For example, the interview of Naomi Campbell was very insightful. His worst guests are sometimes American movie stars because they tend to be very defensive which is not good for me. I like to see them open up more and be more chatty. But American comedians are one funny bunch. His show is always 3 guests, and 1 singing guest. Each guest about 15 min and last 2 min or so is dedicated to open topic, like chit chat. He doesn't waste his time with monologues so in the end you get to hear so much more from your favourite stars. Nothing offensive, nothing rude, very insightful. He is now my most favourite chat show interviewer actually. You must catch an episode even if you don't know the stars. His interview style is simply excellent. Like Sanjeev in the Kumars show asked him; "I mean this is your show, it has your name in it, so why do you let your guests talk so much?" Very funny!!
You may be interested to know more about the British TV celebrities, so do hop over to this site for simple introduction. If you do now know any Brit TV celebrity, well, do you know Rowan Atkinson? He was Mr Bean and many other colourful characters and I still laugh everytime I saw that episode with his head inside the Turkey's arse! Juvenile, but he was only poking fun at himself. And that is the distinction between American comedy and British comedy.
February 27, 2005
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
You must have noticed there is this "Read More!" link below each post in here right? If not do refresh your browser. Anyway not every post has more contents to be read by clicking Read More! as I mean some posts are pretty much it, except for Updates - Reviews. Again Blogger's fault. Looks nice on paper but when implementing it, everything has Read More! So if you notice the post is pretty exhaustive, well ignore the Read More! Thanks for reading this and ignore the Read More! for this post. Should I dump this feature by the way? I mean it's good for long posts since these posts sometimes take up the entire page of my index page. Tell me, I need feedback!!
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added the following reviews written by me & other reviewers way back during E-Buzz days except where indicated as otherwise :-
Korean Series [Reviews > TV > Korea] ALL ABOUT EVE [P2e], ENDLESS LOVE [P2e], HOTELIER [P2e], MODEL [P2e], MY LOVE PATZZI [P2e-New review] & WINTER SONATA [P2e].
Taiwanese/Chinese Series [Reviews > TV > Taiwan/China] PLUM FLOWER SERIES I - TATTOOED FLOWER
Singaporean Series [Reviews > TV > S'Pore] BROTHERHOOD [P2e], VIVE LA FAMILLE [P2e]
Phew! I never knew I had so many old old reviews. Some older series are being broadcast now on ASTRO and many channels I am sure and I hope you will find these older and new reviews can provide some info you may find useful and enlightening. I like to apologise first for the un-bold, un-italic and non underline of some older reviews as well as the spelling and grammar. And no posters as well and many no rating. Very fast when posting.
Ahhh how my opinions have changed and I discover as I read my really old reviews, I was right about Charmaine, Anne, Raymond Lam and especially Myolie Wu but was quite wrong about Joe Ma, Michael Tong and several others. What a trip down memory lane.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
Again I like thank the many of you who helped in locating some really old reviews of mine. More reviews of TVB series coming soon, the older ones I mean. Feedback is always welcomed. Do remember, you can post as Other if you do not have a Blogger identity. I'll add in the Email the Reviewers panel after I am done posting so that you can email the reviewer if you wish. But no guarantees you will reach them since some reviews by contributors are like 4 year old.
February 26, 2005
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Completed my Episodis Thoughts for Triumph In The Skies. Anyone wishing to link to it can use this link: http://tits.point2e.com but please credit me and this website.
Also added my review of the same series. Spoilers galore so if you haven't watched it yet, read the review but not the thoughts.
Give me feedback if you have any. Remember you can now post as Other if you do not have a Blogger identity!
Romance novels retitled Permanent link ▫ ▫
You have got to visit this page. It's very funny.
Anyway review of TITS and final Episodic Thoughts coming later today!
February 25, 2005
Homerun Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anyone here ever heard of this Jack Neo remake of Children of Heaven? I just found out, well some time ago that Malaysia banned this movie. Why? I don't get it. Is showing poverty and children that disgusting to merit a ban? Malaysia was once like this you know. I mean why? What is so shameful about poverty? What is so sexual about a pair of dirty shoes? What is so fearful about a bunch of young kids running everywhere? What is so dirty about a small town?
February 24, 2005
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Updated my AI 4 comments post and you will find many links in my My Point Is under Opinions & Websites. Some of my more interesting postings in my News & Updates page are listed there for your reading pleasure. Do comment if you have any.
February 23, 2005
The Longest Picture Permanent link ▫ ▫
Taken from Myolie Wu Discussion Forum, someone must have pasted these various pages together. I like the arrangement and how some of the actors hold the ropes. Look at Joe Ma. He looks great on picture, but acting wise.. some very funny, some very cute. Miu Kiu Wai is in here, he looks great doesn't he? I also think our Malaysian girl Vivien is in there also but I may be mistaken. Sammul Chan looks mighty dashing and Nnadia Chan was very shockin for her choice of wardrobe; very revealing. Tavia very elegant. Some of the up and coming stars are in this picture which is really a great way to summarise the coming series. But I will have to say half of them have acting skills which are debatable, many young ones lack charisma whilst the older ones got style but may not be great actors. Some are great of course but many are famous. Very interesting picture. I like Joe Ma, Bosco and Miu Kiu Wai's pose whilst for girls, I kinda like Myolie and Tavia. And as usual, the limelight hog-ger has to be at the front. Really dislike her.
By the way you will have to click the picture below to see it. It's huge!

February 22, 2005
Thanks for your help! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re this post of mine, I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to Kidd and Wuchang and many more who located some of my older reviews. Especially to Kidd who kinda found my reviews index page but very heartsick, however I tried, my Stamp of Love review has been lost forever because it was not archived by that archive.org. I got most of my reviews back, I even got my Taste of Love review back which is wonderful, because that review was one of those very few I ever had anything nice to say about Lawrence Ng's acting, but Recipe for the Heart is also lost. I think I have a copy but The Stamp Of Love, confirmed gone forever.
This teaches me a lesson; always always always backup my files.
But what amazes me is of course I was looking at my Crimson Sabre review, wow! I really did pull quite a feat there with a review nobody understood! And I read back my Band Of Brothers review and I myself is very amazed with myself for writing so so much. You should have seen my Legend of Lady Yang review, so many information which I am afraid to say may contain errors but I am not a historian. A Step Into The Past also many many info and Flaming Brothers as well as Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, even got character analysis! Ahhh the good old days. Very motivated to write then.
AYou must check out these reviews. The last longest review I have ever written was Holland V. The longest review ever I have ever written would be Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, took me 6 days to complete as took 6 parts and apparently someone printed it and it was 30 odd pages. A thesis in the making. The most information I have ever done would be Legend of Lady Yang, but A Step Into The Past as well as Gods Of Honours also might be as long. I would say Gods of Honours the longest actually.
The last most info review I have ever written was Doomed To Oblivion, I enjoyed writing that review because I discovered such beautiful paintings by the real life Cheng Pan Kiu. You must check it out. But of course it wasn't the longest of all as mentioned above.
The most nonsensical review ever would be Crimson Sabre because I was trying to be funny but failed miserably. Most shortest review had to be Face To Face which was more like an overview, so really the shortest would be my very first review for E-Buzz, Detective Investigation Files IV where my love-hate relationship with Charmaine Sheh and Anne Heung began. My best reviews are always those where I was at my most sarcastic, so pick any from the Taiwan/China section.
My most emotional review must be An Herbalist Affair which was one of the longest but the review where everybody thought (including a close friend of mind) that I was really having an online argument with Seagull (former webmistress of E-Buzz, now creator of Ada Cache) was Return of The Cuckoo where I began to hate Charmaine Sheh and that review was fun to write because I really hated that series.
Eternal Happiness was one review I got criticised a lot before I lost all those posts thanks to my server meltdown (it wasn't me!) but the most memorable criticism which was a pity because I didn't save the criticism was a thesis by a fan of Jessica Hester Hsuan who was very offended with what I wrote about her in A Step Into The Past, I got quite a few defenders in that Bravenet forum. What glorious days eh? I was so mad I replied, and I was arguing with I think he was a guy who made personal attacks but it was in retrospect such a childish attempt by me to reply. I shouldn't have bothered.
Any series with Felix Wong was a joy to review but my most favourite review of all time? I forgot most of what I wrote, I did mentioned Tattooed Flower because I hated that series but I would say probably Journey To The West because I remembered every single detail of the series as well as Demi God And Semi Devil 1997 because I was sarcastic but I actually liked the series and Benny Chan's debut performance.
My last most favourite review is very hard to say. I don't quite like all my latest reviews that I have posted for the past 1 year save for a few exception. My older reviews contain loads of mistakes, maybe not facts but grammar and spelling and I refuse to change a single word so I hope you don't mind interpreting what I was trying to say. I try to spell check everything but I discover my English sucks, which is why I still commit some cardinal mistakes when it comes to grammar and context.
I would love to hear from you about my older reviews and other reviewers' reviews as well. Feedback is always welcomed. If you like my reviews, maybe do share with me which one you think is your favourite review by me? The least liked one? The one you felt I could have done better? The one you felt I outdone myself?
It has been a long long time I have reviewed back what I have written. Let's go down the memory lane with me!
Hope to hear from you and do bookmark this link for my replies.
I am not saying this because much effort has been put into what I wrote or found out but to share info. If you have add info, you can always share it with all of us, correct the info if you wish...
February 21, 2005
A question to all Charm's fans Permanent link ▫ ▫
I got this piece of new from Charmaine Express which I didn't know about. The webmaster said Charmaine Sheh once dated Sunny Chan before he left TVB. Is that true? I thought he already had a girlfriend then. Very strange. I wonder when they will partner again?
Imagine this if you will...
When she first started he was big time famous. Then he left and now he came back, she is big time famous and he doesn't get to partner with her. Instead she has Stephen Au. A very good actor but I can never see them as a pair or him as a leading man. Same with perpetually boring Joe Ma. Why don't they get back together for maybe DIF V? I mean Sunny is a decent actor and he still looks good.
February 20, 2005
Updates - New Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added two new reviews, both by Bridget Au
Korea - My Love Patzzi TVB - Dream Of Colours
I also added some really really old reviews, for one thanks to Wuchang, I got back my Tattooed Flower review in Taiwan. Believe it or not, it was written way back in 2000, although the date may not be accurate but my record says so. Wow! So long ago! One of my most favourite review, because I was nasty. And Vivian Chen was only 17 when she filmed this!! Her first series and I was nasty! How time flies. Has it been 5 years? I refuse to believe it. People often email me and say "Funn I have been following Ebuzz since TWO years ago". Never read on which says FIVE years. My record must be wrong!
Ahhh my reviews list for all sections is getting a bit too long now, especially TVB and there are some titles I did not post up! Sokme unfinished reviews! Wow!
What do you think?? Do you like the older reviews or the newer ones?
February 19, 2005
Your help needed! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Check out my reviews section for Korea & TVB. Loads of older reviews up and running. Those with no links mean coming soon. You must help me. If you read a particular review that is not 100% loaded or something is wrong, please email me or tag your reports to the Shout Box. I must say this though; no underlining, no colour coding, no posters, just text.
I also desperately need your help. Any of you have any idea where I can find the following reviews of mine, whether by a stroke of luck you have downloaded it before or the link somewhere else is still up, please please email me at point2e@myjaring.net
I am looking for
The Stamp of Love [TVB] - I specifically remembered writing this review but it was added much later but don't know when
Plum Flower Series I - Tattoed Flower [Taiwan] - My most favourite review actually and what bad luck I somehow and I still can't remember why I posted it in Coolconnect which closed shop some time ago. Do you have this review of mine?
There are some more but I can't remember. Please help if you're able to do so.
Thanks in advance. Any new reviews do email them to me.
Very heart sick actually.
February 18, 2005
A Day In Life Of Charmaine Sheh Permanent link ▫ ▫
My most favourite celebrity to gossip about, other than my open admiration for Shaun Chen.
In Singapore, very interesting pictures taken from the Charmaine Sheh Discussion Forum. Very interesting, and I would like to analyse them...
 I wonder did they know this was Charmaine Sheh or that they really didn't care? I wonder who she was talking to over the phone? Ermmm Benny?
 At night what did she do? Nope, she didn't go partying. She spent the night reading and learning her lines and surprise surprise, best news of all, eating JUNK FOOD! Ahhhh she is human after all and she does eat!!
 I like this overall fashion. Simple and not too showy. She does look short though.
And someone translated the article where you can see these pictures and one of which was this...
 "Since "War and Beauty", Gigi and Ah Sheh are constantly pulled together. Both of them recently have some rivalry going on again...On New Years day, they went to the NY celebration show, Ah Sheh (arrow) and Gigi barely talked to each other, creating a rather awkward mood for each other on new years day."
Of course the article kinda forgot that they did take pictures together, they did stand right next to each other. Making a big deal out of nothing. So what if they aren't friends? I thought her relationship with Maggie Cheung more strained than this one. I mean it just so happens that one second both were busy talking to someone else, and they say there! there! Rivalry! I mean Charmaine may distant herself from publicity and I do think she is a diva but I don't think she deliberately set out to make enemies with her co-stars.
And then this...
 "With numerous female stars up for the lead role in "Always on Standby", it's finally decided that the female lead will go to Ah Sheh."
Do you know that girl in the middle? Not me. Shirley Yeung as lead? Give me Charmaine and a repeat of Return of the Cuckoo anytime. Of course it had to be Charmaine, who else? What is interesting about this picture is look..Charm on the far right...Shirley on the far left...always have been this way...now this is what I call ongoing rivalry. I read Charm was bitchy towards Shirley only because Shirley, though a newcomer was acting like a diva, despite looking sweet and innocent. You be the judge. All I know is all these makes for very interesting news and gossips!
February 17, 2005
Point Of No Return Permanent link ▫ ▫
Wah Lai Toi is showing more than trailers but also promo clips specially made to promote this series. Looks interesting. Any feedback? Good or not?
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Updated my AI 4 comments, Episodic Thoughts for TITS and also Shaunsation with some really great news!
I am compiling my reviews now so I do apologise for the sorry state of my website.
By the way anyone here has a copy of my review of Plum Flowers Series : Tattoed Flower and TVB The Stamp Of Love?? If yes, do email me. You know where to find me.
February 15, 2005
Qiong Yau commenting on the actors she made famous Permanent link ▫ ▫
I saw this interesting news here and I thought I must share it with you. I am not sure when this was posted or the date of interview but it must be some time ago..
From movies to tv series, Qiong Yao have created many new shining stars. When we asked Qiong Yao "Of all the movie stars and idols that you have made famous, what exactly is it that you like about each one of them?" Qiong Yao just smiled and said:
Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia, she has this special aura about her which I'm not sure how to describe. However, Brigitte's figure, face, are all very beautiful, but they're a different type of beauty as Vicky Zhao Wei. As for Chen Zhen, she's very sweet, and people like her for it.
Charlie Chin Siang Lin, in my opinion, is a very beautiful man. His face and eyes are very beautiful. All these years, I've always considered Chin Siang Lin as the most handsome actor there ever was. He's so beautiful that he doesn't really have to act too much as long as he just stands there and looks at his leading lady. This is enough to make his leading actress weak and vulnerable (Qiong Yao broke out into a laughter - looking like a teenage girl having a crush all over again).
Chin Han has this gentle, calm soothing quality...very gentleman-like. He collaborated with me in my first tv-series "Ji Du Xi Yang Hong". He played a forty-something year old man, and his performance was very good.
Liu Xue Hua, her acting is very good. She acted in my first tv-series "Ji Du Xi Yang Hong" when nobody really knew who she was. She was only 25 y/o then, playing the role of a 20 year old to a 40 y/o woman. When she acted as the 20 y/o Li Meng Zhu, she looked like the 20 y/o Li Meng Zhu. When she acted as the 40 y/o Li Meng Zhu, she looked like the part of the 40 y/o Li Meng Zhu as well. Her acting skill is excellent, especially worth praising is her ability to shed tears. The truth is my movies don't require too much crying. Taiwan's film tend to have the habit of portraying too much crying. When I went to China to film my "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", I told the actors/actress "Please pay attention to the details in the script. Only cry and shed tears when the script asks for it". Liu Xue Hua has the habit of shedding too much tears. If she could correct this, that would be good.
Steve Ma Jing Tao was actually made famous by playing Yang Pei Pei's films. "Little Ma"'s (Xiao Ma) performance is marked by too much aggressiveness and overacting . If he could change this, that should be great. Once Ma Jing Tao starts acting out a scene, he really gets into his role.
Yue Ling is a very fine actress. She really knows how to act. Whatever role she plays, she really makes it come alive. She's also quite pretty. I truly liked her performance in "Mei Hua San Nong - Gwei Jiang Fu" (The Plum Flower Trilogy - The Ghost Husband). These few years I haven't been able to collaborate with her due to my projects being filmed in mainland China and her unfitting schedules. On top of that, I was concerned for her health and so there hadn't been any collaboration with her for the time being. I truly admire her performance,and if opportunity arises in the future, I would really like to work with her again.
Vivian Chen De Rong is a very pretty "Bao Bei". Because of her excellent performance in "The Plum Flower Trilogy", she has had many excellent film, music, and commercial offers. Because I didn't want to impede her on her path of success, I had to let go of our collaboration. Afterward, she eventually "flew away".
Kevin Lin Ruo Yang - his first tv series collaboration with me was "Hai Ou Fei Chu". Here's another fine actor who could get a little "overacting" (Qiong Yao broke into another big laughter) One time there was this scene where he was supposed to place a cup on the table while acting, but because he used a little too much force, all everyone could see when he placed the cup on the table were shards of broken glasses on the floor. He ended up with a bleeding hand...
Vicky Zhao Wei - she is really cute. Actually too cute for words to describe. Every movement of her's is a performance, whether she raises her hand, makes a sound or laughs...When onstage, Zhao Wei frequently asks the director "Can you tell me if my acting this way is good...if not, I have a second way, and if that also isn't good enough, I also have a third way too..." Now everyone is starting to copy her. I don't know if anyone has been noticing, but Zhao Wei is becoming more and more pretty. When I first saw her, I thought that this young actress was fine but she was a little too chubby. Then when we found her, she did lose some weight by then... and I decided to go ahead and use her. In "Huan Zhu Ge Ge part II", whenever she's in a scene, she always steals the spotlight. Even Zhang Tie Lin's (the actor who played Emperor Qian Long) onscreen presence can't outwin her presence. As for what will become of Zhao Wei's future, although I have high hopes for her, but the truth is I really don't know.
Ruby Lin Xin Ru is very different from Vicky Zhao Wei. She seems more well-behaving, honest, and innocent. And if people were to ask me, if Ruby and Vicki's roles were reversed, what would I think might happen? The truth is, I don't know.
Zhou Jie - His eyes can really act. His performance is also very good. Today he's a hearthrob for many girls. Girls like him because of his ability to touch a girl's heart with his speechless gaze.
I agree with what she said about Yue Ling and especially Vicki Zhao. However her criticisms on Liu Xuehua, Lin Ruiyang and Ma Jingtao was a bit too much because only in her series they overacted. As for her comments on Vivien Chen, sorry to say I totally disagreed with what she said.
I wonder where is Yue Ling now? What health problems? She is still my fave Taiwanese actress, I wonder how is she doing now? Ever since her fan sites closed, I can't seem to get her latest news in English.
February 14, 2005
My sister and her boyfriend Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ha!Ha! Not really. Re my post about my recent CNY trip to Genting Highlands, this is my sister, Linda and Mark Lee. A bit blurry because and probably the person taking the picture was shaking, probably with I don't know what! Nice picture though, Mark Lee really smiled so handsomely. Oh yes, handsome. But I should just cut out my sis' picture! By the way I don't look like my sister.

Happy Valentine's Day! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Forgive me if I sound cynical.
Urghhhh! That time of year again, where everybody says I love you to everybody else, with flowers, chocolates, expensive dinners and strolling along the beach (or Gombak River if no beach but in light of the tsunami tragedy, probably strolling along the pavements of some city centre). Urghhh. Lovey-dovey people, so that means if I am not with someone, I might as well cook dinner for myself, because eating dinner alone in some fancy restaurants with pairs and pairs of love struck lovers and men rushing to their gals with big bunch of red roses and women with 3 inches thick make up...very urghhhh.
Which made me remember this very (un)romantic news of Prince Charles proposing to Camilla who wil henceforth be known as Princess or Duchess Camilla but can never ever ever be queen. That means Charles can kiss goodbye to being a King. I wonder..will I be punished with something if I absolutely refuse to curtsy to Camilla when she is in town, let's say for the Commonwealth games? I know, he should marry the woman he loves with all his heart and all but this paper wrote he should make a decent woman out of her and Diana herself had affairs and was neurotic. Hmmm I wonder who drove her to affairs and being suicidal and all? Hmmmm... Anyway my sister told me a very good ermmm question and answer for Camilla. Imagine if Camilla is here to for a press conference and one question my sister would love to ask her is this, in light of the reported passion that Camilla has for the game of fox hunting..
"Ermm, how does it feel to murder one of your kind?"
Ha ha ha! Chinese will surely know this joke!!!
Anyway may they live forever in happiness, I am sure will not be because every year on the 31st of August, we shall all be reminded in some way or other of poor Diana...
One American observor said it best when she likened this marriage with Clinton, after Hillary's death marries Monica. Good one though I feel nothing for Hillary or Monica. One British observor said "This is like rewarding bad behaviour".
I totally agree. Younger generations will say oh good! Let them marry. Well we have more mistressess than legitimate wives, cheating husbands than faithful ones... you must agree that for Camilla and Charles, both of them are pretty faithful to one another despite the fact that both of them were married to someone else some time ago.
I for one am against this union for the sake of all legit wives out there who had husbands having affairs with women from day one of marriage and these women trying to influencing a young wife's innocent mind. They will of course be happy. They were happy before, surely they will be happy after. But really, if you say they're human and all, well Charles when as King should just not be the moral whatever, the symbol of the Church of England or whatever. I am sure Camilla can never be spokesperson for Moral And Us.
Anyway, everybody, Happy Valentine's day. Ughhh. I wanted to give you all some electronic cards, but decided against it. I should jjust get it over with...
There! I said it! Now, where are my roses, chocolates, candlelight dinners and what nots??
February 13, 2005
My CNY at Genting Highlands Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was at Genting Highlands on 12.02.2005 to watch CNY show by Jack Neo and friends. The people, oh so many people. Anyway I was at this Happy Valley Restaurant when I passed who I thought to be Patricia Mok but prettier and turns out she was Patricia Mok, but prettier than I expected. And whilst I was in the toilet, my sister managed to ask Mark Lee for a photo but couldn't recognise Patricia Mok who was sitting right there. At the show, I was very surprised at how star-like Mark Lee was. My sis said he was very very friendly. Sometimes you thought this person to be ugly but in real life, Mark Lee to me looked like a star but minus all that ego whilst Patricia Mok was so very pretty! I swear! And wore very sexy dress and looked every inch like a star. Jack Neo looked simple but didn't look that friendly whilst my sis also saw Henry (I think surnamed Thia). Small in size but not as small as expected.
Anyway biggest shock; Patricia Mok. Never thought she was so pretty. And I don't mean during the show, I meant in the restaurant, little make up, simple dress and yet she looked fabulous.
The show was funny though but Genting was a nightmare. Only the weather was what I considered a bonus point.
Oh so many people.
February 12, 2005
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
First of all, Blogger changed its comments interface where now you can read previous posts and then reply instead of just seeing the main post and don't know what you're replying too. And guess what? You can now choose to reply as Anonymous, your own Blogger identity or better yet, YES, BEST OF ALL you can now choose Other and then write your name and the URL to your homepage!! Eh check out the new feature!! I pray that Blogger remains free forever!! So now no need to choose anonymous. I ban you from posting as anonymous.
Anyway am posting some older reviews. Check out TVB, Korea and Singapore reviews section tomorrow ok?
February 10, 2005
American Idol Season 4 - Analysis, Comments & Predictions Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am posting all my comments about AI 4 under this one big title. Do bookmark the permanent link and looking forward to a healthy discussion with you guys! You may find the link to this post in My Point Is [Opinions & Websites]. The top ones are the latest postings.
02.03.05 :Girls - 2nd Individual Elimination None memorable, many horrible, I am simply too stunned at the lack of quality to comment on tonight's show. A pity the producers wanted a gender balanced show, if not all the girls should go and the guys must go in.
I must mention Mikalah Gordon's version of the song the title of which I am not familiar with. I remember this song. It was a good try but frankly I have the version where Lisa Simpson sang her interpretation and that was a million times better.
Results will be tomorrow. Very hard to decide who will be kicked out. But I have a feeling it will be that girl, that Black girl in green in the last show. I hope she goes.
01.03.2005 : Guys - 2nd Individual Elimination Wow! Everybody, all 10 of them sang very very well, some were better because of stronger vocals, unique personality, better showmanship, nicer packaging, better song selection, some still good but not great because of bad song and bad packaging.
Anthony, the one name I can remember now chose a very very bad song but he gave it his own interpretation and made the song interesting. He sang very very well and he looked good.
Constantine chose a song that is rock and therefore his style, his vocals were strong and he gave a very seductive performance with his constant winking at the camera. However he mumbled quite a bit and again the song wasn't really good for him though he did well.
Anwar sang the same like last week but more up tempo song and he sang it well. He already looks like a star.
Scott, the ugly one has perhaps the most beautiful voice of them all. He sang excellently tonight and the only reason if he ever gets voted out is because he comes across as arrogant and cold. He should be more friendlier, more of an entertainer. But this man can really really sing and he chose his song well. Very versatile.
Bo was excellent. Excellent packaging, excellent song, excellent rendition, excellent showmanship but he can practice a bit more on dancing though. Again the only reason if he ever gets voted out is because he looks angry half the time or aloof. But again this man can really really sing and he chose his song well. Same like Scott.
The others can't remember their names. The one looking like Bobby Brown should improve on his presentation, his showmanship but he has a very soulful voice though he sang well, he could have been better. He would be my 2nd choice to be voted out but reluctantly so.
The one dancing and having the dazzling smile like Usher has the weakest vocals but like Simon said, he is a born entertainer. I enjoyed his dance routine, he's cute, I like him so I hope he doesn't get voted out yet though admitted his vocals wasn't strong. The song, All Night Long I think was such a carnivale fiesta type of song but he didn't sing it that way so it was a bit bland if not for his dancing.
The one with the swollen look looking like one American actor I can't remember his name, Simon said this guy sounds like those Portugese bar singers in the 1970s. Well he looked handsome though he looked like he was crying though he wasn't, he dressed well, he moved well, the song was ok, his voice very seductive. I like him, I do but I wasn't very impressed with him compared to others.
The one looking and dressing a bit like Justin Timberlake, only Latino/black version, nice song, a bit effiminate movements for a guy but he sang very well.
The one that would have my vote to be voted out is the least good amongst all others, the one who has yet to understand it is time to dress to kill, that black guy with shoulder length hair who chose a very very bad song. It was angonisingly slow, it wasn't very well sung but this guy actually has a very good voice.
It is so hard to choose one to kick out. Very very very hard. Whoever gets kicked out, I hope there is a wild card show so that they have a chance of coming back. For once Simon and Randy did not have any mean words to say, they gave very good reviews, only complaints were song selection and performance. Generally they gave thumbs up for the voice. I must agree on this. I was so impressed with this year's AI top 10 for the guys, they were absolutely gifted. Someone has got to go and with a heavy heart that guy I mentioned should go and the rest should stay to battle on. It's either Bobby Brown lookalike or that shoulder length hair black guy should go. The latter would be my first choice.
I can't predict who will win yet. Too difficult, this year almost couldn't predict it!
What a great night. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE.
24.02.2005 : 2 From Each Side Kicked The guys, no surprises. The girls, I was surprised the sultry sounding, foreign looking one was kicked whilst the Asian looking one was not a surprise to me. They all looked shocked.
At this point, I would say the selection this year for the guys are very very strong. The only 3 reasons why any of them will be kicked out are:-
1. not very likeable face; 2. choose wrong song; or 3. singing a song like he doesn't mean it.
Those kicked tonight fulfilled at least one of the above reason. Very sad actually.
23.02.2005 : Kick Out 2 From Each Side I must say, this year's AI has so many good singers. Each unique but I have my few favourites.
Guys Constantine He should stay but he sang a very bad choice of song.
Bo Another rocker who hit the right note with his wise choice of song
Miracle Baby I am still not familiar with his name but I like his voice though his choice of a slow ballad was boring. I hope he stays though. He reminds me of John Stevens, as sweet.
That mousey looking guy Ugly dude, attitude problem but man, he got a golden voice. He could sing.
The guy Simon called a lounge singer So his song was bad, but if a lounge singer can sound as soulful, I will definitely visit that place. I like this sweet looking black guy with this deep beautiful voice.
The rest I am not familiar with. I still am not sure who to kick out from the guys' group. I can think of 1 actually. Don't know his name but I think he sang a ballad. The problem with the guys are wrong songs. The judges called them safe song. What is so safe about a ballad? It's boring song. Safe is singing popular tunes.
Girls Mikalah The girl with the overwhelming personality that sometimes overshadowed her performance. She should just sing and stop showing off. Anyway, she has got a good voice, soulful, interesting and her looks reminds me of some collagen injected lips but I am sure being 17, hers are natural. She looks like a porn star actually! But she can sing and she can work the crowd but she really is annoying sometimes.
Turner Nadia I think is her name with the hair and all looking like Tina Turner. Interesting fast song and good singing. She looks pretty.
Aloha I didn't like her because she was singing like Beyonce. This is AI, not impersonation contest BUT she has a very soulful voice.
Many more. I basically liked the all the girls except for 2 or 3, one of them that black girl with short hair or maybe long hair. I think she wore green tonight. There were some with very good voice but just can't sing well due to lack of emotion or feel for the song. But I hope they stay.
I am very happy to note no big voices, no screaming, some sang with good tune and rhythm. Definitely a pool of talent in here. Some may not look like AI, but they can sing.
As for Ryan Seacrest, as wonderful a host as ever. Simon toned down this year and Randy seemed more ready to accept other choices of songs other than just R&B. Interesting also the choices of songs at this stage are often with fast tempo but not R&B kind. Very happy. The rockers must try to sing Queen's songs! Very hard to choose who to kick out.
16.02.2005 : Group elimination Very interesting, the judges' choice. Those I though should be kicked out were kicked out (the one group in a room elimination) whilst those I thought must stay went through. So it was a good selection. The miracle baby is still there and I quite like him. But my fave thus far is Constantine, that guy whose father said he will never make it and I saw some guys that I complimented for their friendship in the post below are still hanging on. Who are your favourites now?
10.02.2005 : Group Singing There were some I was very impressed with, some I wasn't but what I was most impressed with was Paula Abdul's very fine acting. I don't think I have seen so much bickering between Paula and Simon in previous seasons and it all looked fake. But Simon seems to give way to Paula when she wanted someone in and he and Randy didn't.
Back to the singing. I can't remember their names but I can remember that this Asian girl, Elizabeth kept forgetting her lyrics. It's not just one two words missing but the whole song! And instead of taking the whole night practising, she just..well she just went to sleep.
I hate the attitude displayed by some of the contestants. Group singing isn't so much about remembering lyrics or having some dance movements or creating harmony but I think rather whether can you make it with 2 others with you showing some sportsmanship?
Remember that man whose father said he was useless? Oh boy, he can sing but he went missing on his 2 partners until about more than 1am, thus no time for practise. He made it of course, because he sang well alone. The harmony was wonderful but it was very surprising that big man with the teddy bear didn't make it. I just can't get it.
Then there was this rocker dude who quit his band. He is good, he can really really sing with his own style though the song and the dancing weren't really his forte.
The same problem of meddlesome fathers again caused some rift and the one complaining about the father of one partner to please go got kicked out though I thought she was good. The one black guy who wasn't singing but shouting and prancing around like an idiot got through, and I was shocked!
But the group that I was most impressed with didn't sing the best, but they chose the most difficult song, they forgot some of the lyrics but their togetherness, their helping each other and scared of disappointing one another was the most impressive. I think of the guys is called JP, there was this cute fat guy and two other really cute guys. They all can sing but they were so worried because they didn't sing it right. But they were given a second chance and I guess due to their choice of song and their previous nights I guess. And thereafter the fat guy was crying because he was afraid because he did badly he might have affected the other two and the other two didn't even blame him but they hugged each other. I love this kind of sportsmanship and true friendship. Enough with the bickerings. Women tend to bicker more than men though men do bicker.
Thus far I do not have a firm favourite though I hope for success for that rocker who quit his band. He had his own style though he didn't fit into the American Idol image. But AI is not about image but about talent. I hate it when Simon said to a fat girl you do not fit into the AI image. Why not? AI is about talent, ability to entertain. It's not about catwalk models who can sing, but rather a person who can sing who might look like a catwalk model.
And I am sick of Paula-Simon feud. All too fake.
But I wonder...anyone watching previous episodes please do post whether the kid with the miracle voice and the guy from New Orleans singing like Ella Fitzgerald made it or not? I didn't see them tonight though I thought I saw the miracle boy in next week's preview.
20.01.2005 : 1st Episode Saw the first episode on ASTRO. I think 8TV will show it sometime next week. First audition, Washington DC. After 3 years of horror auditions, there are still those who think they are great but really not good. One girl was particularly scary; she confessed she can hear voices in her head! Somehow I think these people were planted in you know, like fake.
Ryan Seacrest is still amazing, Paula Abdul still not qualified to judge, Simon toned down a bit, Randy still Randy who dislikes olden days songs whils we have a celebrity guest judge, what was that lead singer's name in Sugar Ray? Very handsome, can sing but not a very good judge.
I was very impressed with one guy who gave up on his rock band to chase the American Idol dream. Was he good? I would say so but not impressive. His bandmate the drummer was very angry though.
Onbe janitor who sang olden days song ala John Stevens didn't get in although I though he should have. One guy who sang out of tune got in whilst one girl who was ok was told she was too young, being 17 and all. She was a boxer and I thought she was wonderful. If I remembered correctly, that Jasmine Trias and all were 16 and 17 right?
I still do not understand who can cut it and who won't. That boxer girl was very soft spoken but maybe not pretty enough. That janitor maybe too old. One woman, 28 years old married with a child pawned her wedding rings to audition and she got in, she was ok and very determined. Simon told her to ask her husband to come in and I thought that was too much because it was obvious the husband wasn't too pleased with her choice.
All in all interesting stuff but no William Hung yet. Scary people yes, pretty model types yes, but really really bad singer not quite yet.
Do catch it if you have a chance. Tomorrow there will be another episode.
Myolie Wu-Bridal gown ads Permanent link ▫ ▫
Wow! Stunning pictures. She does have a face with character. And whilst she is sweet and when she smiles she looks sweet, she shouldn't smile too much and too eager because the lines on her face makes her look old and harsh. And she is getting prettier and prettier but hopefully not worse and worse in her acting. My favrouite is the second picture to the right, first row. There rest are pretty ordinary stuff. Maybe cut out the man, take her out to the streets instead of a studio and let her strut her stuff , let her energy flow. She is young.
Source. Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
And she has a boyfriend! Who? And how does one pronounce her English name? My-Oh-Li or My-Oh-Lie?
February 08, 2005
Older Reviews posted at E-Buzz Permanent link ▫ ▫
Well maybe not such a great new Rooster year.
I was doing some spring cleaning (my computer) and to my utter disappointment I lost quite a lot of my older reviews that I posted at E-Buzz, one of which is that one about that awful Taiwanese series, Tattooed Flower and I really like that review actually. I think some other may have been lost too!
Why I never ever backed up my files??
I think I also lost Food of Love and some really old ones. And Geocities closed down the older sites so no way am I going to get back my older reviews. And I can't bear to write them anymore! I can't even bear to write any new ones anymore actually.
What a bummer.
He's got the whole world...in his hands..he's got the whole wide world...in his hands Permanent link ▫ ▫
Remember that song, about drinking in a pub which goes something like this?
"I get knocked down, but I get up again and nothing's gonna keep me down..."
Oh such great news. Pearl just confirmed the following:-
"Good news! According to this week's You Weekly, Shuan and Erica have both confirmed that they have signed on with Dream Forest under a 3 year contract! According to the article, under this managerial company they can look forward to developing their careers in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. "
A pity her scanner is not working if not I will definitely post the article. And what is Dream Forest?
By Eyeo...
"The guy behind Dream Forest is Kenneth Liang but they do most English drama and variety shows, working closely with Mediacorp and other entertainment film industries."
Well my title might be true one day after all!!
Shaun, if you're reading this, congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing you for many many years to come!!
What a great way to start the year of the Rooster, apart from myself winning a lottery ticket which will never happen since I never buy a lottery ticket.
Huan Zhu Ge Ge III Permanent link ▫ ▫
Local channel I think 8TV is showing this series on the 7pm - 8pm time slot and I didn't know so when I switched channels, it was already episode 12. The themesong was god awful, not quite that catchy tune of part 1. And those major players changed people and those not so major players still there except for Er Kang is still the same actor, I think the name is Zhou Jie. I can't quite remember since it was a long long time since I saw part II.
I always believe never destroy a good story unless you have a better one to tell.
HZGG I was truly refreshing because the series had suitable people in very interesting roles except for Alec Su whom I never liked. Whilst Ruby Lin's acting was debatable, she was however graceful and truly memoraly and Zhi Wei. All the girls were so pretty that many commented about the two girls with big sparkling eyes and the actor who played the Emperor played the role of Qian Lung to perfection. Part 1 was quite short, not so melodramatic for a Qiong Yau story and was truly entertaining as well as emotionally effective.
Then came HZGG II. Same people, more roles but so much more dumber. The Emperor was already kind of lusty in part 1 but in here was the dirty old man. Zhi Wei suddenly cried too much. She was the strongest character in part 1 though she was physically weak but suddenly in part II she was annoyingly weak emotionally and cried and cried and cried. Er Kang became a sentimental cry baby whose one scene that I could still remember made me flabbergasted; where he took Zhi Wei's injured fingers, held it close, said so many things and then cried as Zhi Wei cried too. Xioa Yan Zhi became unbearably stupid as the episodes went by and there was this stupid sub plot about a far away princess and her lover. The actress died by the way. Anyway the only one who had some shred of dignity left was Wu Ah Ge who for once I actually liked Alec Su. It was a nightmare to watch and totally killed the whole franchise by the producer's eagerness to milk more money from fans without first really reading the story. The whole story was draggeeeeeeeeeeeeed until I couldn't stand it anymore. The songs were ok though.
And now HZGG III. Vicky Zhao no longer there, replaced by Betty Huang Yi, Alec Su gone now with Qiong Yau's fave leading man, Leo Ku, Ruby Lin gone replaced with someone who from faraway kinda looked like her but not really when close up, the Emperor now Ti Lung and I think Qing Er's lover also changed actor. No sight of the maid though played by Fan Bing Bing. Maybe I just missed her. We have again the same old plot about the lusty emperor and a girl in red played by I think Shui Ling though not sure. Looked like her. We have the whole darn plot about escaping lovers, Er Kang getting punished, blah blah blah. And the whole gang still threatened to run away everytime the Emperor went hard on them without realising the Emperor needed only a few persuasive words to change his mind, the soft approach actually. Oh yeah, I think the Emperor's fave concubine also changed and no sign of the evil empress.
I just don't get it. Why bother with part III? So to show the whole gang thinking they did a mighty noble deed when all they did were undermining the Emperor's judgment? To show they having children or 5th prince marrying another?
HZGG I made such a huge impact and was probably Qiong Yau's most successful series ever. It made two young actressess unknown to all instant mega stars and this series introduced to the world Vicki Zhao who made such a smashing debut, forever she will be remembered as Xioa Yan Zhi, that is from part I and not part II. Her beauty was stunning, her acting wonderful and she balanced playfulness and serious scenes so effortless in part I. Part II fell apart thanks 100% to the very horrible script. Ruby Lin wasn't a fantastic actress but she looked the part of a princess and she had such grace and such elegance, her voice was dubbed but the voice was suitable for Zhi Wei. I love Zhi Wei's character in Part I and hated how she became in part II. The Actor who played the Emperor will forever be associated with Qian Lung and no one can play Qian Lung better than he did.
But Part III changed cast and so the focus cannot be on Xiao Yan Zhi anymore, so again they took from part II and repeated everything basically.
Everyone may argue Xiao Yan Zhi has grown up and so we have a different actress who will approach this role in a more subdued way. After all Xiao Yan Zhi is now a mother, right? The problem is the entire series' anchor is the character of Xiao Yan Zhi and Vicki was too memorable, any actress filling her shoes must give a different but similar interpretation. Betty Huang is a pretty and capable actress but she is not stunningly captivating and she lacked that playfulness or mischevious eyes that Vicki had as Little Swallow. In fact this new Little Swallow's voice was dubbed and guess what? No more Beijing accent!! Very inconsistent. I pity Betty because she had a huge difficult shoes to fill and I saw one episode and enough for me to say I will not tune in any further to this farce of a sequel. You may argue her xiao yan zhi is different but the way she reacted to many things is still the same old temperamental Xiao Yan Zhi. No difference in characterisation. Whilst Betty was a competent actress and if you have never watched part I or have watched part II but not part I, you may like her performance and find it interesting. But I am a huge fan of Part I and I thought her character didn't change much and the actress, whilst capable approached the character like standard text book acting. Even when she was in CTHD, she wasn't particularly great and it was Qiu Xinzhi who stole the whole show with his excellent performance. In Brotherhood Betty was again competent but she wasn't stunning, neither in beauty nor in her performance. To put it simply, everybody still remembers Vicki as Little Swallow, even to this day but I am very sure a few years from now no one will remember Betty as Little Swallow. Same thing can be said of Dicky Cheung as Monkey King and Benny Chan as his successor. Seriously, do you remember Benny as the Monkey King and his every scene?
The same thing can be said about the actress who replaced Ruby Lin. I never expected to say this but I actually thought now in retrospect Ruby was so much more memorable than this actress. Her make up is same, her face somewhat same but her voice should have been dubbed because her voice was not princess-like. I find her lacking elegance. And whilst Ruby Lin in part II was very dramatic, but not as dramatic as this actress who gave standard Qing Yau acting. I am sure you know what I mean.
Let's not even talk about Ti Lung. He is a good actor, he has an honest and honourable aura about him, and a very old time feel that nowadays many lack, a natural heroic look and aura and feel but as a wise and authoritive Emperor? Really wrong casting decision. The producers should have just ask Qiu Xinzhi to put on some white powder and draw some wrinkles on his face so that he can play the Emperor, because he would be more convincing. Ti Lung is an icon, sometimes a good actor, many times an icon to many younger generations but not what I was so accustomed to with the role of Qian Lung thanks to his predecessor, however lusty he was. This Emperor when he held that girl in red, he looked like he was going to have a heart attack or the world is coming to an end.
The only actress that made some impression was the one who played the Empress Dowager's new favourite companion, that young pretty actress who looks so familiar. I do not know where I have seen her before. She should be Xiao Yan Zhi because she has that mischevious glint in her eyes.
Zhou Jie looked desperate to revive his career. I don't think he ever truly had one after HZGG.
Leo Ku...voice dubbed...as 5th prince he was ok since I was neutral about his predeccessor. But he is not a very good actor.
After watching part III, I realise how much I missed Part I, how much I missed Ruby Lin and Vicki Zhao and how good they were. A good series will have fans buzzing about it in the Interner and many buzzed about this series online, giving words of encouragement to Betty and how much they liked it. Maybe it was a good effort and a good series, who knows? Even a bad series has its own fan club. But a truly successful series lies in whether it is memorable, whether it made an impact and whether a few years from now you will still remember the series because of its memorable characters, good plot and the people in it. HZGG part I stood the test of time and for this fact, it should have ended with part I. HZGG II does not exist in my book, it was an embarrassing sequel. HZGG III was not a necessity, and since it was filmed, not memorable in my book. I won't be bothered with it because it is old, it is tired, it is badly acted, it is a repetition and at the end of the day this HZGG became like the normal usual Taiwanese soap dramas one usually expect from Qiong Yau. HZGG I was an unexpected surprise and a phenomenal hit.
I am sorry to say; it all boils down to who plays Xiao Yan Zhi at the end of the day and the script, and in both dept, this series definitely failed to live up to the greatness of Part I, the hype of part II and the promise of what part III could have been.
As a standalone series, only a die hard Taiwanese soap drama fan will want to go through the over acting and the abundance of slow mo, tears, repetition of lines (like how many times must we hear Er Kang telling Zhi Wei to go away, don't follow and Zhi Wei still following or how many times must the journey back home be interrupted by 5th prince crying injustice to his father when all he had to do was just be patient, lie low and wait for the right moment?) and the silly concept that love is everything when it shouldn't be and it isn't?
Anyone feels the same way I do about HZGG III?
I must however compliment this series in some aspect:-
1. costume
2. so many people in one scene
3. even saw elephants in a battle!
4. very pretty girls in very pretty get up.
And that's about it I am afraid.
Holland V's themesong Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anyone here knows where I can download Holland V's themesong or themevideo captured from the series? Any help is much much much appreciated.
Jerry Orbach Permanent link ▫ ▫
I saw the SAG awards tonight on NTV7 and I was shocked to learn that Jerry Orbach, that detective in Law & Order and the candle in Beauty & The Beast is dead!! How? When? Why? I didn't know! I really liked him in Law & Order.
February 07, 2005
Happy Chinese New Year!! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Kidd, Pearl and all fellow Netizens,
A very Happy Chinese New Year to you all and may the year of the rooster brings to you abundance wealth, pink glowing health, steady passionate romance and a career that goes up, up and UPPPPP!
February 05, 2005
John Stevens Permanent link ▫ ▫
Kidd just posted in the shout box that his new single is out, it's an old song Come Fly With Me and though I thought he could have done better, I thought he imporved so much! You must check out his website, the beautiful album covers and those amazing photos! He's really being properly promoted. So proud of him. I long to see him with a whole big ochestra. And remember to read his bio; he was no impersonator as he did attended singing classes and all. Very very proud of him! He's proof that even if you didn't win AI, as long as you have what it takes, being different is not going to kill you. I wonder what happened to Latoya London and that woman who screams her every song??
February 03, 2005
Recommended Series for Feb 2005 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Not sure if you know this but if you haven't watched this series now is your chance to watch it for free!!
Not sure which channel but local Malaysian channel is showing Golden Faith, a must watch! 8TV is showing Holland V, at 5 pm and 3 times a week, also a must watch but you know what? Thanks to 8TV for killing this show at such a nonsense time slot and so slow a pace. Anyway in case you're curious about Shaun Chen, he will appear in Episode 24, the week after Chinese New Year. Take note of that.
Also at prime time we have that famous Korean period drama Jewel In The Palace. Never watched because didn't know but it seems to show more about food and customs than the intriguing storyline of a female doctor? I am not sure what it is about.
Those with ASTRO must take note, end of February there is Point of No Return, I definitely will watch this. Not sure about that Driving something. Happy Ever After is showing on channel 34 which is great but too darn slow for me.
Lately local TV is showing more Taiwanese/Chinese series rather than TVB series. I wonder why the change? There are some Taiwanese series on TV but frankly I wouldn't waste my time. I hate the dubbed voices and I hate the half baked storyline, the producer more concerned with putting in big names as the cast rather than good actors in suitable roles.
Late at midnight in channel 7 local TV as in NTV 7 they have Child's Hope which is interesting but too melodramatic. i know sick children, pitiful but frankly I'd rather watch Holland V anytime.
Those with Shuang XIn on ASTRO lucky you because they have Song Hye Kyo's latest series, not sure what is the name. They even showed All In some time ago but not that I will watch. The only Korean drama series I watched was Hotelier and I liked it. In fact I saw Jade Starbiz and HK is making a similar series, and I think Ron Ng is playing that useless rich kid, Mary Hon the dying mother and owner of the hotel, a sickening feeling that Joe Ma is playing Bae Yong Jun's role (never ever play his role if you do not have an ounce of his charisma) and Kenix Kwok is playing I think Zheng Yin though I am sure TVB altered the storyline to more drama than just pure love story. i wonder who is Han Tai Jun????
What else? Colourful Life is coming in Channel 34, a series worth watching again because you get to watch Myolie's not that stunning but impressive debut.
But if you want my honest opinion, fans of Myolie must watch and rewatch Golden Faith, the series that practically catapulated her to the actor's actor league. Her best performance todate. I can safely say the month of February is indeed Myolie's month as we have Colourful Life in channel 34, Golden Faith on local Channel and Triumph In The Skire on Channel 30 Wah Lai Toi.
So my recommendation? If you care for it,
Golden Faith for some seriously great acting
Holland V so that you too will become obsessed with Xiao Xin (strictly for girls of course)
Happy Ever After to remininsce the glorious days of Kong Wah, oh so handsome and so so good in that series
Triumph In The Skies so that you can read my Episodic Thoughts and share with me your thoughts, as it is a bit lonely for me to have all the say and no much replies.
And definitely catch Point of No Return, as it has one of my favourite past times...to see whether Charmaine Sheh improved or not. Her fans say YEAHHHH YEAHHH YEAHHHH her non fans say NOOOOO NOOOOO NOOOO and I want to say YEAHHH YEAHH YEAHH but I bet I will say OH PUH LEASEEEE PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!!!
February 02, 2005
Piano clips, MediaWorks, Shaun Chen and Song Hye Kyo Permanent link ▫ ▫
Piano Clips
Remember I posted a post about this girl named Mabel who posted some of her piano rendition of recent TVB series? I posted some of those in my Media page by the way. Well she's back with more and again I will be posting some of it in my Media page. But for the whole works, the following which she said are if bad quality since she didn't use the state of the art equipments can be downloaded at ...
Lost In The Chamber Of Love
Point of No Return
Triumph In The Skies instrumental
One more clip here, TOB. I am not familiar with that title...Twins of Brothers??
I wonder will there be fast songs like that from Vigilante Force? Or older ones like Journey to the West part 1 or Happy Ever After? You know, faster ones? Or even instrumental ones from Journey to the West II?
And coming soon some new clips for my Shaunsation, also to be found in Media. But for now...
MediaWorks & Shaun Chen
Angelia was very kind to have sent me this very awesome promo DVD ...you know I shouldn't call it promo, it is actually a collector's item, a not for sale item, not even available for purchase item, a DVD to commemorate the closing of MediaWorks... not even commemorate, but to say goodbye by way of songs and pictures, mostly still picturs of those behind the camera and some short clips. I really do like the songs in there. I was watching it to catch a glimpse of my guy, Shaun Chen but I got more from it, not much on him but more on the sentiments...it was a very sad DVD to watch..anyway I scanned the cover which I will put in my Shaunsation website. There are 2 pictures of my guy in there and one picture basically kinda reveal the nature of his relationship with one female co-star...good for him. I predict good things for him in the year of the rooster...no not wedding and all but career wise, I hope he makes it good. I am very sure Yummy Yummy will garner him some fans not familiar with the Singapore scene...however small his role may be. Believe you me, there will be heavy promo in this very website...move over everyone else, Shaun is the man I will mention with such frequency you will know how to spell his name at the end of this post...oh yes, S-H-A-U-N C-H-E-N H-O-N-G Y-U. Yes! No more you know who, I shall mention his name...
Anyway just to share it with you...
The collection of pictures...I think from the farewell dinner night.
I am sure some of you got the DVD from her as well. Care to share your thoughts after watching it?
By the way, thanks Angelia!
Song Hye Kyo
I could scarcely believe this is Song Hye Kyo. I saw her in Hotelier only and my my how much she has grown and she is only 23!! How long has she been in show business? What is more surprising is her image...she always give ma an impression she is very aloof, very cold, very botox-like but I saw her ads for Etude and my my my...totally different. You can download them here. Shocking actually. But not her fan though. BUT she is very pretty. Not like some HK stars thin until look like skeletal but this girl, she has body, she has great skin, great hair...healthy looking!
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting