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MY POINT IS [Comments & Opinions].
Sometime in 2004 I began
reviewing selected
series in an episode by
episode way, where I
called these reviews
These thoughts are
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and every episode with
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provide the most in
depth summaries but I am
very proud of the fact
that I could keep the
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winded basis each and
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entirety of the series.
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February 28, 2005
Who's who on British TV Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I used to be a big fan of Conan O'Brien Show, Jay Leno Show and all those American chat shows.I was also a fan of many American series, such as Seinfeld which is really a show about ettiquette and human interaction. But I always thought British comedies are much better in many ways, such as the jokes are always on the Brits themselves instead of it being a joke about fat people or black people for that matter. I enjoyed Dawn French's comedy skits and I am an absolute fan of Absolutely Fabulous with their "Darlingggg" and that horrid Patsy played by the eternally beautiful and actually a very graceful Joanna Lumley.
Lately I discovered the joy of watching British chat shows. They're a bit different from the American couterpart. The two that I have in mind are poles apart but as funny and insightful.
For one, The Kumars At No. 42 (Star channel 70 ASTRO 7.30pm Sundays) is very very funny. Instead of traditional chat show format, we have a story and actors playing certain characters but essentially still a chat show with a difference. This is like a series where a family, the Kumars and their only son, Sanjeev have their own chat show host at the back of their house! The guests have to enter a house like some house guests, help out with the cleaning and all and get really interesting and funny but totally irrelevant questions from the adoring mother, the money pinching father, the sexually active grandmother and yes, the host himself, the rather stupid and still single Sanjeev. My first episode I was introduced to this British talk show king, Michael Parkinson but I didn't know him, yet. When you have an interviewer asking a question like "When are you going to retire?", you know it would be a funny 30 minute show. Often with 2 guests and some short interaction in between, I love this show! My favourite guests are always the Americans, because sorry to say they can't seem to match the wit of the British, whether the Brit is white, black or in this case, Indians. Very funny show with very unique concept. The last very funny guest was Stephen Fry. I can't understand a single thing he was saying and so were the Kumars, too intellectual for them! My only complain is sometimes they talk too much and the guests too little. By the way, the "grandson" recently married the "grandmother"!!
My other favourite chat show is Parkinson (Sundays, ASTRO channel 70 9pm), and yes helmed by thevery silver haired Michael Parkinson. Most of the people I know from this show was first introduced to me in the Kumars show and I get to see so many celebrities that I never heard of but they're all very articulate and very witty. I especially enjoyed his interview of Tom Cruise, Joanna Lumley and just now I just watched Joan Rivers and I was laughing from the word Go! His questions are always insightful and asked in a very polite way but if you watch carefully, his questions are by no means simple. He can ask tough questions, very personal questions but because he framed it so politely and gently, often the guests felt obliged to answer. For example, the interview of Naomi Campbell was very insightful. His worst guests are sometimes American movie stars because they tend to be very defensive which is not good for me. I like to see them open up more and be more chatty. But American comedians are one funny bunch. His show is always 3 guests, and 1 singing guest. Each guest about 15 min and last 2 min or so is dedicated to open topic, like chit chat. He doesn't waste his time with monologues so in the end you get to hear so much more from your favourite stars. Nothing offensive, nothing rude, very insightful. He is now my most favourite chat show interviewer actually. You must catch an episode even if you don't know the stars. His interview style is simply excellent. Like Sanjeev in the Kumars show asked him; "I mean this is your show, it has your name in it, so why do you let your guests talk so much?" Very funny!!
You may be interested to know more about the British TV celebrities, so do hop over to this site for simple introduction. If you do now know any Brit TV celebrity, well, do you know Rowan Atkinson? He was Mr Bean and many other colourful characters and I still laugh everytime I saw that episode with his head inside the Turkey's arse! Juvenile, but he was only poking fun at himself. And that is the distinction between American comedy and British comedy.
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