March 25, 2005
Extra! Extra! Malaysia In A Nutshell! Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Many many news in Malaysia itself, mostly social rather than political.
Let's see, we have a I think a 9 year old or 10 year old Malay boy mauled by THREE DOGS receiving something like 100 plus stitches. Poor boy. 3 dogs were "arrested", 2 of which were surrendered by the owner (definitely Chinese though still no name) but today, highlighted news, 2 of the dogs are innocent of the crime! Oh yes, because at least 3 residents said the 2 dogs attacking the boy were like Le Roc, the big Rottweiler put to death some time ago for mauling to death, if I remember correctly an unfortunate old lady. Either the owner is flasely accused of breeding really vicious dogs or he knowingly surrendered the wrong dogs, since he disappeared for a few days after the incident. Probably will know the answer in tomorrow's papers.
What else?
Oh yes, shocking. Somewhere in Malaysia, can't remember where, a 9 year old girl reported to the police a 12 year old boy, a schoolmate dragged her into the school's toilet and raped her. Oh yes, and oh my God.
More shocking news coming soon after this stupid news.
There was this big piece of news some time ago where an opposition MP (as in Member of Parliament) refused to take part in a so called study cum research tour to Egypt to learn more about the parliament and all. Why? Because that visit was for one day but the rest of the tour, running over several days will be sight seeing, belly dancing, cruise and what nots! Of course after much outcry it was cancelled. And guess what? A few days ago some members of that department who arranged this tour demanded all members of this cancelled trip to pay for the cancelled booking, something like RM8,000-00 plus! Of course that MP who bravely came forward to reveal such obvious and I shall say corrupted ways was asked to pay his portion and he refused! Kudos to him! I feel it should be the committee which said yes to this trip should pay for this trip. And how come 100% of the cost? There should be some deductions! Shameful! And this brave MP should be applauded and given due recognition instead of being hounded to pay.
Compare this news to this police refusing to accept a huge bribe and everybody said yeah yeah! good! reward him! Excuse me, he is a policeman, I expect him to turn down te bribe. He shouldn't be applauded for something he should have done in the first place.
And then there was this big bungalow with everything you can imagine built at the expense of the tax payers' money like millions of ringgit, and this so called resting villa I shall call it will be used by I think government officials and for what? Don't they have their own homes to live in? Don't they have their own clubs? I can't believe the blatant disregard of our interest as a nation. Even our PM doesn't dare to say... "Ermm build me a golf course so that I can hang out there!".
And more news. Some land owners are claming one particular politician or Dato' usurped their land titles and even gave it to his relatives and all. No names named but I wonder....
And what else? Well politics wise, stupid stuff like the above and I am surprised by 2 factors...
1. blatant corruption or favouritism or whatever you like to call it;
2. Amazingly, these news came to light in local papers. So everything may be more expensive now, but at least we are allowed to expose such dirty handed ways. We are becoming more outspoken and this must be encouraged.
What else? Oh yeah the guy who raped Canny Ong? Old news but he was found guilty and his wife stood by him, even when he kinda in a way confessed to raping her (if not, well his semen was there) and all. Of course he maintained his innocence, saying he didn't KILL her or MURDER her. Let me recount the obvious facts;
1. he kidnapped her, security cameras recorded that and eye witnessess saw a frightened young pretty chinese girl in this ugly dude's car;
2. he raped her, got semen. He said when he asked her that he wanted to have sex with her, she didn't say no. Did I mention I read he was holding a knife when he so politely told her what he wanted to do? I wonder why he thought she let him touch her willingly when she was a very beautiful young woman and married to an equally gorgeous man whilst our dude, that convicted rapist looked, well only his mother would love him or in this case, his wife, probably blind wife.
3. then he dumped her into some ditch and covered the lid and went away.
4. then reportedly he came back, found her dead and then burnt her body.
Somewhere in the picture he stabbed her, and I think she probably bled to death. Who knows? Questions arose like one witness saw the dude stopping the car to do something, and she didn't run. Why they asked? Well I can answer that. Extreme fear and I think he stabbed her already then. She must have been paralyzed with fear and probably wounded in some ways. And some even dared to suggest her revealing top kinda created the lust in that guy. Oh yeah, as if a girl looking like her would be interested in seducing a guy looking like that creep. And even if she was naked, what made him think he could do what he did?
Conclusion? Maybe he didn't MURDER her like he said but really man, what is the definition of MURDER? He did everything except for immediately strangling her to death and stood there to be caught.
And amazingly, the wife could still support him, love him and believe in him. Maybe she believed in his innocence in killing her intentionally but surely how can she live with the knowledge that he did all the acts before the final act??
More shocking news.
I read yesterday that Malaysia recorded a first; the youngest marriage. A 15 year old boy married an 11 year old girl, pregnant with his child in Perak I think. Chinese. They dated for quite some time and though legally they can't marry, BUT the parents debated and decided on a ceremonial marriage. I am sure the parents of the boy must have caned that young man and so did the girl's parents. Now I just don't understand; what does a 15 year old hot blooded teenager sees in an 11 year old little girl and not in other 15 year old developed or developing girls? Was she well developed? That wasn't the point. Although only 4 years apart in age, but such a young age, such a huge difference. The boy is lucky he is 15, because if he was 16 I bet the police will come knocking on the door, or maybe not. Because since the news has been reported, I didn't read any negative response. I realise as we get technologically advanced, our minds and morals get more decadent and backwards. An 11 year old girl, my God! With all these underage incestious rapes and all, I was beginning to wonder do we have statutory rape? Because I don't see the enforcement, especially when the rapist is a young man. It's like we accept it, a judge even said don't call these people rapists, wrong term, especially for those charged with incestious rape. And a lady judge some more! Yeah, if I was in that court I would have stood up and said "You call them paedophiles". That 15 year old boy is a touchy thing because technically he also is underage.
What is wrong with these people? Fathers raping daughters, sons sleeping with mothers, sons raped by relatives, parents selling their young children (in France) as sex slaves, so little regard for love, affection, respect, their own flesh and blood because of lust, greed or rather they simply didn't care. I would say dominance. Men, professional, with family and children, probably respected members of the society raping young children for their past time. God made women going through puberty for a reason. Sex is meant for the full grown woman, not for young girls or babies. But I suspect it is in the end about easy targets, innocence, children can't fight back, they fear to talk and dominance. Even rape of grown women and men are the same issues.
Disgusting isn't it? I read the article about the paedoophile ring in France and how one 11 year old girl was dragged into the room and whilst 2 grown masked men raped, sodomised and forced her into oral sex, one man was busy satisfying himself, masturbating. I must be blunt with the terms, I know there are young readers in here but sometimes you may read about these stuff but it may not register how grave they're. Because they're serious and heart breaking stories. Even those that weren't forced, even if the young girl seduced the grown man or her own father (the girl equally at fault bu due to her young age, maybe lesser fault), a man must be able to exercise self control. Have our moral threshold gone so low that it is almost non existent? You won't kick your pet dog but you would have sex with a 12 year old? The same applies to women preying on young little boys. My God, let him grow lar, what do they see in these young boys) that lacked experience and even the size?? Dominance, the idea that they're old and yet still attractive to these young ones... I am not talking about 15 or 14, I am talking about 11, 12.
So many news of fathers killing all his children before killing himself because
a. wife is divorcing him and may take the children away; or b. loan sharks after him.
And that is why these people are often uneducated or if educated, all the education wasted. I do feel loan sharks are often wrongly blamed for so many suicides but let me ask you this; you borrow money, so naturally you must pay right? And yet let me ask you some more; as a loan shark, you know this guy won't be able to pay you back, why lend him in the first place?
And I shall end my post with one really stupid news.
Some Malay MPs wanted one ad to be removed from broadcast. The ad was preaching about being caring and curteous, where one young man (so happens to be a Malay man) wearing tie, looking like a professional was sitting in a LRT (as in subway or MRT). An old lady sitting next to him. One pregnant Indian walked in and he looked the other way, so the old Chinese lady stood up and gave her seat to this pregnant woman. Then an old blind Malay man walked in and this young man pretended to sleep. So the pregnant lady stood up and offered her seat to this old blind man. This young man then dropped something and he couldn't reach. Instead the blind old man reached down for it and smiling and politely giving it back to this young man, who by now was quite ashamed of his lack of civic mindedness and everybody in the LRT was staring at him. The actor who played this young Malay man was the same actor who played the Sultan in Puteri Gunung Ledang. Anyway I thought the ad was pretty powerful in its message and I too felt ashamed since I was like that guy, sometimes.
But these MPs complained that the ad was offensive, that it portrayed a race that is normally curteous and polite to be such rude jerks, that this young man couldn't have done things like these because he was dressed like a professional, therefore educated, therefore curteous.
Oh my, imagine the uproar and this time from the Malay communities who answered these MPs back. Kudos to the MPs and citizens who did so, saying "So what? There was a rude guy so happens to be a Malay guy whilst there was a curteous Malay man as what? Make that character a Chinese? Or Indian? Or gwailo?". Rightly said. Some people just never think before they speak and we are paying these MPs to represent us.
Oh one more! One more! I think in Kelantan there was a suggestion to introduce a guideline to women, as in other than Malay Muslim women on how to dress for work!!! What year are we living in? The excuse? Revealing dress or so called sexy dress would make the Malay men lusty and therefore forcing them to commit sex crimes! Ha! Ha! Ha! I have a solution for such men, or such race of men. Castrate yourself, cut off your limbs or simply, take out your own eyeballs. That would settle everything eh? And this news should be seen together with this news where the Muslim has this moral police looking for so called morally repugnant Malay Muslim girls. Ok, maybe table dancing in your panties fit right into the description but going to maybe karaoke lounges, pubs and all?
Do Malaysia need some legitimate sex shops? Make sex more open? Make sex more acceptable as opposed to giving it a religious interpretation, like don't discuss it, it's dirty? Should we legalise prostitution? Maybe not since most rape crimes involved very young victims of both genders. Legalise homosexuality? Or like some MPs suggested, more education or religious classes? Do you think that would solve the problem? More studies to find out why what where when how? Or simply the most daunting of all task; changing the mind set of the people?
One last big news. Malaysia now has over 80,000 unemployed graduates. I pity them, because everybody should be able to make a decent living. Now the government asks why. Even radio stations ask why. Some said employers choosy (maybe, since they kinda prefer overseas degree with obvious reasons and they do look at race, they would be more inclined to employ a Chinese graduate of our local university rather than a Malay because well, you know why), some said graduate choosy (maybe, maybe). But what about the core findings? How many of these 80,000 unemployed graduates are from local university? How many of them are of specific race or gender? I am not trying to put everything down to race and incite some racial disharmony but study it in an imapartial manner, just find out the statistics and I am sure when we find the root problem, we will find a solution.
I remembered watching the last episode of Human Mutants on Discovery Channel, a very sensitive issue and yet so imapartially made episode about differences in beauty and as such in race. Race is something we were afarid to mention, because of what Hitler did, because of what certain group of people still doing now. The narrator said the scientists long held this view that we are all one of the same but look at our genetics, look at our colours and features and once we recognise that we are different racially, we will be able to further and better appreciate the diversity in human population and human beings. These are all purely from a scientific view, not meant to hurt or incite racial disharmony. I agree with the narrator. The more we ignore about the race issue, the more anger and hate we harbour in us, as we view different races as something dirty, something not to be discussed. Face it head on, examine it, see the statistics, purge out all the negative slurs and all, and we may be able to understand why certain people faces certain problems and the solution thereof. Because as far as we hate to admit it, different races garner different perspective, different moral threshold which is as determined by our own individual standard as much as our own distinctive cultural background, upbringing, beliefs and race. Which is why one general law may not be able to work on everybody, but we must have general laws since we are human beings of Planet Earth but sometimes, problems and solutions may be simply a racial issue.
I am not advocating being Hitler. I do not believe that one race is of more importance than the other, I respect all race, all cultural backgrounds but I believe some problems can be solved by identifying the problems, and the problem itself is not simply a group of people or like the Nazis believe, a race of people, or even a particular gender but rather the condition created by being in that particular group, that particular gender, that particular race and finding the bad apples within that group.
I have 3 Malay colleagues that I absolutely respect and admire, for their politeness, friendliness and efficiency. They feel not ill towards others or towards me simply because I was Chinese. And nowadays when my family spoke ill of a certain race by saying "Oh yeah, of course lar, Malays what, can get into any university" I would always counter "My colleagues graduated from these local Us, and they are so knowleageable and they went in I believe on their own merit". I have Indian colleagues also as friendly and helpful. In fact I find Chinese more intimidating when working with them.
But I must admit, there are even undeserving Chinese having all the education in the world that his or her rich father can buy and yet having zero manners and may I say, for all races, chilvary amongst men are almost dead. Almost because sometimes I meet some knights in shining armour, Chinese, Indian, Malays, foreigners, very rare but they're there and I realise their upbringing and their own moral threshold may be the cause of such "abnormality"!, But then they may be living in different environments, different set of ideals.
Race may be an issue but not the whole issue. When we open up to that fact, when we admit there are different races and we can say it out loud without holding to this notion one race is more superior than the other, we may be able to find the solutions to our problems. I know this is difficult and the lines often blurred but there must be a way to identify the differences in all of us, in every and all respect without offending a particular group. There must be.
Thank you for reading this.
Salute! ~Amanda
I too agree with you that we all should be more open about the differences between the races. We should be celebrating the diversity, emphasising the good points that seem to be more prevalent among certain races and learn from each other.
But first we have to find a way to deal with those that are only interested in picking on what is according to their own narrow mindedness, the faults of other races. Every race have their own version of the Neo Nazi skinheads.
Stereotypes form as nature's way of helping us maintain a coherent view of the world around us, to prevent our brains from information overload - they are inevitable. However, what's most important is that we should instead learn how not to allow stereotypes to grow into prejudice and discrimination through, like what wuchang has said, celebrating the diversity, emphasising the good points that seem to be more prevalent among certain races and learn from each other.
It's hard but that's one of my hopes for the future...