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June 13, 2005
My celebrity soul mate is ... Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Inspired by Pearl after reading her post that her celebrity soul mate is Orlando Bloom, I thought I might give the test, Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate a try, the same site who gave us the entertaining Star Wars test, afraid that the results would not be who I wanted. Some questions were tough, like what's your dream transport in a date and I chose helicopter, I'd rather have interesting conversation than sexual tension, I described myself as witty, my life would have been an art house film because frankly, nothing much happens. So let's see...
Pearl....I'm soooooooooo sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy...how can this beeeeeee....how can I ...I do this to my friend....WHYYYYYYYYY???!??!?!??!?!??
Funn, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Classy
It's all about subtle style and sophistication with you. That's why when it comes to matters of the heart, the celeb who'll snare yours will be a classy character both onscreen and off. Whether you're strutting the red carpet or sharing a romantic rendezvous on Rodeo Drive, only a class act will be right for the part of your soul mate.
Someone like Ewan McGregor has just the right combination of good looks, charm, and smarts to keep up with a star like you. Dinner dates filled with intellectual conversations and soft candlelight would keep this silver-screen dream burning bright. So reserve a table for two. You never know when you might meet someone special who's as classy as you!
I wouldn't mind that at all! So unexpected!! But he's married! Which means soul mate but nothing more! I must say though Ewan can be very sarcastic, as I remembered him rolling his eyes when Jay Leno I think was interviewing Nicole Ritchie!!
Don't you wish Keanu Reeves is somewhere in the list? Take the test and do post your answers in here. Very curious who's YOUR celebrity soul mate and then we can all just cry because it will never ever happen.
One funny joke though.
My sister once, very long time ago asked me very seriously a question I never gave much thought to; "Do you know why Keanu Reeves is not married?". I thought "he's maybe inclined towards gorgeous men, maybe he's picky, maybe he has someone but he's not telling, maybe he likes being alone" and her answer, in dead serious tone; "Because he hasn't come to Malaysia and meet ME".
Can't argue with that!
And about celebrities, whilst almost everyone lusted after Brad Pitt in Troy, I preferred Eric Bana, whilst everybody thought Tom Cruise is cute, I preferred Hugh Jackman, whilst some may think older actors like Robert Redford is gorgeous, I kinda prefer Sam Neil. I admire Ben Kingsley and I absolutely love to watch David Attenborough digging dirt. I kinda realise most celebrities I like are not American, mostly Australians, some whose ancestors are of mixed blood or came from England and most of them over 6 feet tall. Hmmm..I am setting a very high expectation..I should lower down my standard...ok, 6 feet tall will do!
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Stephy, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Funny
There's always funny stuff going on in the script when you're on the set. Whether you're pranking your crew, telling a funny joke, or injecting an element of the absurd into a situation, you've got a way with making people laugh. It's only fitting that your celeb soul mate is someone who's silly and quirky, too!
A celeb who's good looking and good at enjoying life like Owen Wilson is just right for the role. No matter if you're playing mini golf or shopping at the mall, you've both got the comic talents to have loads of hilarious hijinks wherever you go. And if your celeb soul mate is on location in some foreign country, someone who's funny and closer to home would be perfect for the job. And that's no joke!
*Gasp* (in thick Scottish accent) How could you???
Actually Johnny Depp would be an interesting choice though I'm sure I won't be able to keep up with his enigmatic and quirky personality. Wonder who got Johnny Depp?
your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Indie
You're probably not one to take the path most traveled. In fact, an independent spirit like you would much rather carve out your own special niche. So it's only natural that your romantic match would be required to do the same.
Someone who's unique, intelligent, maybe a bit serious and brooding is right for the part. An indie actor like Johnny Depp seems best suited for that role. And it only makes sense that you'd rather have your rendezvous at places that are under the radar — just like you! So, keep making your own waves in the world. The awards and accolades are sure to follow for you and your celeb soul mate! And even if you don't live in the same reality as your celebrity soul mate, you can still meet someone who's indie close to home. So get moving!
I don't know who Ben Kingsley and David Attenborough are. But of other other celebs u mentioned, I actually has the same taste as yours.
I like Eric Bana in Troy but think nothing of Brad Pitt.
I also prefers Hugh Jackman over Tom Cruise (although, I do think Tom Cruise is also very hot).
But most favourite Hollywood actor is Jude Law. Like him ever since I first saw him in Gattaca, when he was still not very wellknown.
Other actor I like in the soulmate list is Owen Wilson. I great comedy actor and cute too.
Actually, all the actors on the celeb soulmate list are cool people, so, getting anyone of them would be fine with me. But I like the description given for Johnny Depp. So, I'm happy with the result.
Wonder no more. Your question is answered. Haha.
I've only seen Ben Kingsley as Ghandi and I felt he gave a very memorable performance in that one. As for David Attenborough, I don't know him too.
However, I have to agree with Kidd and Funn that actors like Hugh Jackman and Eric Bana definitely are more attractive to me than Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. Maybe it's due to media portrayal, actors like Jackman or some of my other favourites like John Cusack or Edward Norton seem to come across as having more distinctive characters and personalities that shine in their performances than other more "mainstream heartthrob" sort of actors.
But well, of course, I'm a sucker for gorgeous guys like Orlando Bloom too =D So Funn, u can have ur Ewan. I'm happy with Orlando! Hee...
Aren't we all a diverse bunch eh? So far different guys but wonder who will get Colin Farrel?
Johnny Depp a great actor but too quirky for me. I still prefer Ewan, MY Ewan.
Funny eh Pearl? Remember Star Wars test? You were Obi Wan, meaning Ewan's alter ego so to speak.
Anyway Ben Kingsley was in a lot of movie. How can you all forget Schindler's List?? He was that accountant. But his most famous role was Ghandi. He was recently in House of Sand and Fog, a very good movie. Kidd, you must watch Gandhi. If there is one epic you must watch and a real person who once lived you must know, it must be Ghandi. Never again will there ever be such a grand and well researched production.
The director of Ghandi, Richard Attenborough is the brother of David Attenborough. Richard is a famous film maker, he was also the owner that you see in Jurassic Park, remember? That old man with 3 grandchildren next to gorgeous Sam Neil? Rumours had it Sam was supposed to be Elrond. That would have been perfect casting.
Anyway David is not a movie film maker but a very renowned documentary film maker. Many many wild life documentaries you see on Discovery Channel are either voiced by him or filmed by him or hosted by him. You know a boring subject like plants? He made a few episodes on plants a few years back and he made plants seem so much more interesting.
Those in Malaysia having ASTRO might have seen him b4 on I think Animal Planet or discovery channel. He's that old old old guy who's always talking in a whisper whilst standing in the middle of hundreds of sayyy komodo dragons. He revolutionised documentary film making by being involved and yet detached. My favourite, more so when I saw him running across fire just to show us some beautiful animals. He's really very old.
How can you all not know him? Ben Kingsley? Schindler's List? Liam Neeson? Oscar winning movie???????
Glad u are happy with your clasy charming Ewan. :)
Wonder who gets Jude Law.