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June 01, 2005
Those tests again! Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I know they're silly, they're not that accurate and I know it's all just pure fun but still I can't help but click that link I saw in Pearl's website and to take some more of those personality tests. You must view the results because they were shocking...
1. The Classic Star Wars Test Guess which Star Wars character am I?
Funn, you're Yoda
You are wise beyond your years — a sage for the ages, the master's master. That's why your Star Wars type is Yoda. Sure, you might not look too much like the little green Jedi Master, but you have a quiet contemplative way about you that commands respect.
People trust you, especially your friends who are constantly coming to you for advice and sometimes predictions. While you may not be able to tell them who's going to win the big game, you do possess the rare ability to see the big picture. You never lose sight of the fact that we're all part of a greater whole. It keeps you grounded and balanced, and it's the perfect cover for a mischievous sense of humor that always catches others off-guard. This mix of wisdom and impish delight promises to bring you long life...another thousand years or so anyway.
I was hoping perhaps Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker, for a while I thought (quite fearfully) that I may be a Chewbacca or worse still, C3PO! Darth Vader wouldn't be that bad. BUT green , small, wise, running away when in defeat YODA isn't THAT bad. I think it may be because I chose books, philosphy and PHD as my answers..Yoda, I am, beyond my years wise I am.
2. Who's Your Movie Star Double? Interesting test. Very tricky questions. My results...
Funn, your movie star double is Cate Blanchett
An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.
Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.
SHOCKING. I admit she is a stylish fantastic hard working actress who is not gorgeous but has a screen presence that not even Catherine Zeta Jones has but me? She is me? I am her? What a surprise, but a nice one! And she is not even my favourite actress!! Must be because I chose museums and plays over clubbing!
3. Which Reality Show's Right for You? The questions are very difficult to answer, because I had to look within myself. I wasn't very honest at times and so my results...
Funn, you're destined for The Bachelor/Bachelorette
Blind dates, double dates, 1-800-DATE, setups, mixers — despite trying all the usual (an unusual) ways of meeting people you still haven't found that perfect someone. It's time to think inside the box, inside the television box, that is. The Bachelor/Bachelorette is your reality show because it may be the best way to find someone who is daring, unabashed, and ready to do something crazy, like...say, get engaged in front of millions of people.
Since you love the hunt and have always been a competitor, what better way to prove your personality, charm, and sex appeal than a little game of competitive dating? Fifteen to one odds? No problem — you've worked parties twice that size and still managed to reel in the prize catch. Hey, if The Bachelor/Bachelorette doesn't yield a soul mate, at least you'll get the next best thing: an agent.
I don't think so. Nope, not me. I am not those kind who goes out and seek dates or show myself or get myself in the spotlight. I tend to hide. Nope, not me.
4. What Kind of Movie Are You? Oh my GAWD! I thought maybe James Bond, or Charlie's Angels but guess what?
Funn, if you were a movie, you'd be a Groundbreaking Documentary
If you think documentaries are boring, think again. Like your movie match, you're an intelligent individual who makes people think. Documentaries span all sorts of topics, from the trivial to the profound. Perhaps your interests do the same, but one thing's clear — you're a smarty and you like to learn.
We'd guess you're the person at the dinner table or the water cooler who stirs up lively debates about the latest news or tidbits from the Discovery Channel. Part of you probably gets a kick out of creating controversy and getting people fired up about their beliefs. Another part probably likes opening people's eyes and sharing your thoughts. And for that, you get two thumbs up for trying to get to the bottom of things and making waves!
So much better than what I expected! Of course of course! Groundbreaking documentary would be so much better than box office hit because my life would be a subject that academicians will debate about and that is what I hope to be! How flattering!
One last one...too much tests already...
5. What's Your Style Profile? I wasn't sure of some of my answers and many were irrelevant to me so my results would be inaccurate..
Funn, your style profile is Totally Trendy
Your fashion motto? To every season, turn, turn, turn. Whether it's summer's strappy sandals or fall's must-have overcoat, your wardrobe evolves with every new trend.
Keeping up with the latest hemlines and heel heights can be a full-time job, but you seem to do it with ease. Must be because for you, fashion is all about fun. Chances are, your friends marvel at your up-to-the-minute look. And who can blame them? Your insatiable appetite for trend-spotting keeps everyone on their toes.
Not really. But I must admit, I would splurge on handbags. I am obsessed about handbags and lips sticks and the only reason why I haven't much more of those is because I am not rich enough. So my stuff are really not that expensive but quite a lot! But me? Trendy? Nahhhhhh...
TRY THE TESTS and do post back in here your results. Quite fun actually. But do choose the star wars test and the movie star double first. I really wanna know what's your results...
I do know Pearl is Obi Wan Kenobi so ...
Pearl, my dear Padawan...your teacher I am...may the force be with you!
This is so fun!
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Which "American Idol" Are You?
you're a Dark Horse
Performing in front of millions of people might not exactly be your cup of tea, but once you're there - look out! Your style may be understated, yet your charm is undeniable. People just love cheering you on because you're different from the rest.
Your talents may surprise people only because you don't call attention to them. You're far too grounded to let it go your head. But, admit it — being in the limelight once in a while isn't so bad — especially when the audience loves you back. Hats off to you!
What Kind of Movie Are You?
if you were a movie, you'd be a Suspenseful Thriller
Nothing is simple. Especially you. Like your movie match, you've got lots of plot twists, and you'd like to keep it that way. That's right, you're no open book.
Whether or not you actually lurk in the shadows, you do like to keep people in the dark sometimes. Mysterious and enigmatic, you keep people guessing. When they think they've got you figured out, you enjoy throwing a curve ball their way. Maybe it's the element of surprise that tickles your fancy. Perhaps it's the shock value. Or maybe you're just intensely private. In any case, you keep life intriguing and unpredictable. And that's what makes you such an interesting individual.
Who's Your Music Match?
your music match is a Cool Indie Songstress
Are you happy now? We hope so! Like your music match Michelle Branch, you've got a calm and collected way about you that usually makes people think of you as mature. It doesn't hurt that you're also a smarty.
Following along to someone else's song and dance? Not you. You're no copycat. You bring your own original style to whatever you do whether it's your look, hobbies, interests, or outlook on life. Wherever you go, you prove that being yourself is the hottest thing around. And that's sure to be a hit with any crowd.
Which Reality Show's Right for You?
you're destined for American Idol
Stars aren't born they're created — just ask the Monkees. All you need is the big break and American Idol is it. Whether it was an impromptu serenade in the school cafeteria or the business presentation-turned-standup routine, you've always been a performer at heart.
Your confidence and stage presence will get you far, and your love of attention will get you farther. Still, it's scary to be up against a million other candidates, not to mention the judges. No one likes criticism, especially when it comes from a snake like Simon. Thankfully, you have the poise and charisma to remain strong during his rants, and once the spotlight is on, all the pressure fades into the shadows. Heck, if some of those wannabes can make it, why can't you?
Who's Your Movie Star Double?
your movie star double is Cate Blanchett
An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.
Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.
The Classic Star Wars Test
you're Yoda
You are wise beyond your years — a sage for the ages, the master's master. That's why your Star Wars type is Yoda. Sure, you might not look too much like the little green Jedi Master, but you have a quiet contemplative way about you that commands respect.
People trust you, especially your friends who are constantly coming to you for advice and sometimes predictions. While you may not be able to tell them who's going to win the big game, you do possess the rare ability to see the big picture. You never lose sight of the fact that we're all part of a greater whole. It keeps you grounded and balanced, and it's the perfect cover for a mischievous sense of humor that always catches others off-guard. This mix of wisdom and impish delight promises to bring you long life...another thousand years or so anyway.
Master Yoda, here are my results for...
Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Your movie star double is Reese Witherspoon
A space cadet (in the nicest sense of the word) like you needs to be played by someone who has her own rosy outlook on life, someone who is completely loyal, someone who is unbelievably endearing, someone like Reese Witherspoon.
Whether she's lighting up the stage as the dreamy darling in The Importance of Being Earnest, or pushing passed her blonde image in Legally Blonde, Reese's perfect for the part of someone who's seemingly clueless at times, but oddly intuitive when it matters most (even if we know that in real life she's a clever cookie).
Maybe you sometimes get preoccupied when people are talking around you, but who cares if you jump back into the conversation with a slightly bizarre comment or two? It just means your mind has been wandering in interesting places. You, like Reese in her leading lady roles, probably prefer to dedicate your full attention into the things that give you the most joy: your friends, your family, or a cause you're dedicated to. But ultimately, that's part of what attracts people to you and why they love having your good heart and supersensitive brain around. And that's also why Reese Witherspoon would be a box-office hit in the movie of your life.
What Kind of Movie Are You?
Surprise, surprise, Funn, I got the same result as you did! Groundbreaking Documentary. Was hoping for something like dramatic tearjearker but Documentary would do fine too ^^. Yup, flattering...
One thing the 'Suspenseful Thriller ' description got it right though. I am a pretty private person.
The result of 'Which Reality Show's Right for You?' isn't very accurate either. I've a pretty severe case of stage fright. So, no way will u see my confidence and stage presence while I'm on stage, cos I'll be shaking from head to toe. Neither will all the pressure fades into the shadows, once the spotlight is on. Haha. But I do like to sing. So, it's not a bad result even though it's inaccurate.
1.The Classic Star Wars Test
Sehseh, you're Luke Skywalker
"I want to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi like my father." You must be a dreamer brimming with ambition, that's why your Star Wars type is Luke Skywalker. Like the farm boy-turned-Jedi Knight, you have the potential for greatness.
No matter what others may tell you, it's an inner voice that keeps you on the straight and narrow path to success. Just because you're the chosen one, doesn't mean you have to be a goody-goody. There's plenty of fire in your belly, especially when it comes to defending your family tree (even if you're not exactly sure who's who). But rest assured with your ability to see through to the truth, your answers will never be far behind.
2.Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Reese Witherspoon
huh? Me?
3.Which Reality Show's Right for You?
American Idol
4.What Kind of Movie Are You?
Sehseh, if you were a movie, you'd be a Romantic Comedy
Awwww. With your sense of humor and spunk, you're a match made in heaven with a feel-good romantic comedy. From stories of serendipity to love at first sight to love lost and found again, these are the kinds of movies that melt your heart and make you love that loving feeling.
Whether you're lucky in love or could use Cupid's help, you've got that same lighthearted attitude and irresistibly sweet quality as your movie match. When life throws you a curve, you take it in stride and throw in a little laughter to make the day a bit brighter. So keep warming people's hearts with your sweet smile and adorable approach to life. All you need is love — and laughs!
And lastly:
What's Your Style Profile?
Sehseh, your style profile is Totally Trendy
Your fashion motto? To every season, turn, turn, turn. Whether it's summer's strappy sandals or fall's must-have overcoat, your wardrobe evolves with every new trend.
Keeping up with the latest hemlines and heel heights can be a full-time job, but you seem to do it with ease. Must be because for you, fashion is all about fun. Chances are, your friends marvel at your up-to-the-minute look. And who can blame them? Your insatiable appetite for trend-spotting keeps everyone on their toes.
--Obi wan Kenobi
What Kind of Movie Are You?
If you were a movie, you'd be a Romantic Comedy
Awwww. With your sense of humor and spunk, you're a match made in heaven with a feel-good romantic comedy. From stories of serendipity to love at first sight to love lost and found again, these are the kinds of movies that melt your heart and make you love that loving feeling.
Whether you're lucky in love or could use Cupid's help, you've got that same lighthearted attitude and irresistibly sweet quality as your movie match. When life throws you a curve, you take it in stride and throw in a little laughter to make the day a bit brighter. So keep warming people's hearts with your sweet smile and adorable approach to life. All you need is love — and laughs
--Wow! This would have been my last guess. I'm totally surprise.
Which Reality Show's Right for You?
you're destined for Survivor
If you're going to put yourself on display for the world to see, you might as well get paid! That's right, your show is Survivor, the Super Bowl of reality shows. Okay, so technically, you'll only be pocketing $650,000 after taxes, but that's pretty good coin for a little camping trip.
It's clear, you love the outdoors and are prepared for all the inherent challenges that come with picking your breakfast off a shrub and your dinner out of the bug netting. But your mental toughness is what really qualifies you for Survivor. You know all about the satisfaction that comes with enduring physical challenges, but it's the psychological edge that's going to keep your torch lit. You know how to read others, press buttons, and build alliances. The tribe has spoken: Send your audition tape Survivor's way.
--probably got this result because I like nature and being outdoor
Who's Your Movie Star Double?
your movie star double is Cate Blanchett
An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.
Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.
--Yay. wat a compliment.
But I can't help it, my padawans, I am just getting the kick of my life, you know. I am Yoda! No no
Hahahhaha I'm sorry but it may take like weeks for my ego to be deflated. Small in size but HUGE in WISDOM. I feel so learned, so knowledgeable...
You know these kind of tests would do no harm. It makes you feel great.
But let me ponder one thought. Maybe, just maybe when we are answering the questions, we are not being honest? Which is why I got Totally Trendy and those Bachelor type of reality shows because I like to think I am trendy and I am fabulous?
Honestly speaking, how honest were you when answering the questions?
I swear though, I was totally 100% honest when doing the Star Wars test which means..
Padawans, with you may the force be!
I SWEAR, last time last time...
He is still acting. He has just finish filming a movie this year and has 2 other movies in pre-production and has also sign up for a movie in year 2006.
It's traditional believe like this (men must be the bread winner in the family) that made people who live an alternative lifestyle's life so difficult. And Ryan Phillippe isn't even a househusband. He has is own work.
The reason he is so low-profile is because he chooses movies not based on it's commerial value or budget but base on whether he likes the script or not. He will choose a low-budget movie over a high-budget one, if the low budget means more to him.