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July 18, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince : Final thoughts Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Re this post and this post.
Finished the book this morning. My only words are..
JK Rowling, I hate you.
Read the book and you'll know why.
Don't tell anybody the ending. If you reply, and if you have finished the book, just say you agree with my sentiments or disagree. But I must add, the Inferi scene in the cave was scary. But I am not convinced at all at one character's threachery because for 5 books he was trusted by everyone, even by the wisest. Could have the wisest of them all been mistaken? One more year before the ending of all endings. Anyway we have all been misled by the so called Hermione & Ron romance but this book IS full of romances amidst the tragedies and treacheries. A few questions though; remember the Time Turner? Or something like that, can't remember the name. Can't it be used in here? And who is RAB? Really wanna get some clues ...but as Harry & loyal friends have indicated, I believe Harry could officially become a high school dropout next year!
Bloody good read this book 6 BUT...
again for now, JK Rowling, I hate you. I want to cry...
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Here's something that might cheer u up. :P
It's 1 reader's theory on that threacherous person's redemption. :)
I'm rooting for this reader to be correct.
Kidd, I suspect that too but I also suspect that the so called death was just a hoax perhaps?
I had my doubts when Harry could have been killed or taken but the traitor did not do it. He just avoided all of Harry's spells and then left. I think book 7 we will see perhaps why he did what he did and maybe the return of the character who died.
This is so difficult! Can't even say names!
I was so in denial when i was reading the scene and kept reading til about 5 pages further, then i did a double take and went back to re-read that part. And it hit me like a ton of brick and tears started streaming down my face. I was so mad at Jo at that point. But she probably has her reasons. I guess we have to wait til book 7 to find out.
Also I don't think the HBP is really on Voldemort's side. There has to be more to the story than that. I've been visiting leakylounge.com and they posted some very good theories about the death, very interesting to read. I'm also waiting for the webmasters at mugglenet.com and the-leaky-cauldron.org to post their interview w/ Jo. They got invited by Jo herself to an exclusive interview (lucky them). Hopefully their reports might shed some light to the matter.
I really really hope the fans who still believe in the traitor to be proven right. But JKR has been working so hard to make readers like the traitor that so many still believe in the traitor even after what he did. Wouldn't it be not surpising/unexpected enough if the traitor's fans believe turn out to be right? JKR's plots are known to be very unexpected.
Anyway, the traitor might not be loyal to anyone but just himself, a free agent. Or he might turn out to be the ultimate villain, like that Proud of Twins series, where the main villain is the eunuch for 80% of the series, but for the last few episodes the villain role is taken over by the young girl who intially just seem like a small, untreathening villain. Haha.
Ahh!!! It's so hard to discuss the book without revealing too much of the traitor's identity.
I don't believe HBP is a traitor. I mean we are always suspiscious of his loyalty and then suddenly he is a traitor doesn't seem to be JK ROwling's style you know. She is unpredictable but making him a villain and that Harry & friends have always eben right is very predictable.
By the way the love stories in here are very amateur and the conversation too adult. I am surprised Hogwarts allow students to you know snog in public. I like the harry's new infatuation though, although a bit sudden.
Anyway, I thought this would kinda clear up the reason why JK Rowling killed off "the victim". I know the question was about Sirius but i think it would apply in this case as well.
Q: Why did you have to kill Sirius when it was the best thing that happened to Harry for years?
JK Rowling: We are back to me being a murderer, aren't we? People have asked me this a lot. I have been repeatedly told Sirius was my favourite character, why did he have to die? You can imagine how bad that makes me feel and in fact after I killed Sirius I went on the Internet and somehow stumbled across a fansite devoted entirely to Sirius and I killed him in the last 48 hours, so that wasn't good.
I think you will realise why he had to go in terms of plot when you read the seventh book. It wasn't arbitrary although part of the answer is the one I have given before. It is more satisfying I think for the reader if the hero has to go on alone and to give him too much support makes his job too easy, sorry.
Tristan Kent for the Victoria Herald Sun, Australia - Why did you need to kill people that are close to Harry?
JK Rowling: Do you mean - Why are you such an unpleasant woman? Well, I do not enjoy doing it, obviously, but when you have a hero who is growing up and growing to fulfil a certain destiny, which Harry now is, the ruthless answer is it is much more interesting for him to do that alone. So in terms of your story and your plot and also when you are trying to show the journey of a child into a man really which is what Harry is, the next book he is going to come of age within the wizarding world, so legally actually a man, that is a dramatic and poignant way of showing that journey is to strip him of the people closest to him.
That and I am nasty obviously!
(Courtesy of CBBC Newsround)
I don't see the similarity simply because not much has been written about Harry's mom. I was surprised by this sudden romance because for 5 books not one mention whatsoever and then suddenly, bam! I don't like this girl, I used to like her until she became a smart aleck and rather rude to her brothers. Aiyah, now everybody knows who!
Anyway on the issue of the victim, after reading so many discussion forums I am convinced the victim may not have been a victim at all and may all be just a game plan, and even a hoax. I can't imagine the victim ever being a fool by HBP's treachery which I feel is part of the act. Maybe the victim will be like his pet, rising from the ashes once more, like Gandalf, a new person. He can't be dead.
But let me predict, HBP will die in book 7. Maybe that may make Harry wake up and realise all is not what it seems. I hope. And maybe Ron. I always suspected one of the 3 will die. But that would probably cause a world wide book burning you know.
HBP is my favourite character. And I also agree that the guy who died did not really die, since the description of the event was very strange.