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September 26, 2005
Malaysian Idol Season 2 Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Ok, old news. I have never followed the whole M'sian idol, I didn't like the 1st one, and never watched a single episode of the 2nd season until the last episode, where Nita and Daniel fought it out. I wanted to watch because everybody said Nita should win but will not as Daniel who didn't deserve to win will win because girls like him more. So I switched on and I can assure you, good looking is not how you describe Daniel, but he seems sweet enough. Both spoke bad English throughout the show and it annoyed me that how come the Malay host didn't speak Malay to Nita but was made to interview Daniel and the guy interviewed Nita when both of then can't speak decent English? But that is besides the point.
I personally feel Daniel has a sweet nice soft voice very good for Chinese love songs so when he sang that favourite song of his, I think his diction was all off but you must give him A for his voice. He meant every word he was singing and I thought he was good.
So I thought what's so great about Nita. So she sang, Big Spender and I read she was a club singer for like a decade? Well really she looked like it and I didn't like the image. Her singing, I am sorry to say diction also all off and her voice, big voice but nothing else. To say that Daniel didn't deserve to be there because Nita deserves to win is an overstatement. Her kind of voice is dime a dozen. Came the last songs and I thought she sang off key but everybody clapped, oh how great and Daniel not so great.
Then I read in the papers Daniel is our new Malaysian Idol! Of course, I SMS-ed 5 times myself. Saw the papers again and saw how humbly he kinda knelt before Nita, as if saying I don't deserve this you should and the paper's title was "Is he a deserving winner or a fluke?". What kind of paper is this? Am I the only one like who likes John Stevens when everybody likes that London? Am I the only one who thinks Bo Bice should have been the American Idol and not Carrie Underwood? If there is anybody robbed of any title it's Bo Bice.
Daniel should not have so humbly bowed. Maybe the entire picture meant something else but I thought he should just suck up to that moment. He's the winner after all.
If you want my honest opinion, I didn't think very highly of Nita. She reminded me of a club singer. Daniel has the potential to become a heart throb and a decent one at that, not because he looks great, which he doesn't but because when he was singing, I thought he meant every word. Reminds me of Zhang Dong Liang, but Zhang Dong Liang would not have survived Malaysian Idol since he didn't have BIG voice or POWER vocals. These Big and Power vocals are bastardizing the standard of real talent. Singing isn't about shouting, because you will scream away any meaning the words may hold. Singing is about meaning every word, feeling every rythm and for me the singer is the conduit to the soul of the song.
I am happy that Daniel won. I do not know if he was the deserving winner over all but between Nita and himself, I think he is the deserving winner.
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Daniel is what I say has a more appealling package to be voted as MI 2. He got a good sweet looks which I think it's sells, talented in music instruments, he composes ..good voice.. and he is as student which it's an another group of public that he been credited to.
BTW, even my 4 years old know who is Daniel.. as for Nita, she keep forgeting her name...
Congratulation Daniel.. you deserve to win... feel proud about it..
Yes I do follow MI2 and from day 1 I know Daniel have that special something in him like "idol material " . Idol to me not necessary means he needs to be a great singer ( take all the idols from HK , Taiwan ) , what they have is the fans ! I am truly amaze by Daniel fans who vote for him every spectacular so it's no surprise that he's not even in the bottom but Nita well she's always in danger of going out . So yeah Nita is more experience , pub singer so it's not surprise that she did well but that makes it kinda boring like Jac and all the normal singers out there . Daniel I can see is like a breath of fresh air in Msian entertainment . He's young ( 23 ) , humble , accept all kinds of criticism thrown at him every time and u know wat slowly we see him improving ! This wat makes me proud . He appeal to students , young -old alike for the guy next door image . Not that I don't like Nita but like i said boring
And the most important thing i believe someone said this is not a song contest it's an IDOL contest decided by the Malaysians who should be an idol .
So daniel yeah way to go !
Imho, the fact that Daniel won with 68% votes is strong reason enough that he is deserving. I mean, this is Malaysia Idol. Whoever has star-appeal enough to make so many people vote for him/her deserves the title of Idol. Daniel was never in the bottom 3 even once. Even during F3, he get the highest vote.
I also voted for Daniel about 15 times. Not because he is cute (I don't think he is cute at all), but because I grow to like his voice. I really like the way he sang his second song. His rendition of Angin Malam is not as good as in the spectaculars, but still good. He also did a decent job singing a song (Mimpi) that is totally wrong for his style. Yes, my mind said "Nita sings better than Daniel" and technically, Nita did sing better than Daniel. But I enjoy Daniel's performances more. So, I decided to vote for Daniel. Daniel is not my first choice as idol. There are 5 other contestants that rank higher in my choice, but between him and Nita, I prefer Daniel.
If you have followed MI2 from the beginning, u will understand why people say Nita should win and Daniel is not deserving. He really did give some horrible performances in the past. He was unintelligible for nearly every english song he sang. You really can't understand what he was singing at all (surprisingly, he was ok when singing Malay songs. You can hear the lyrics very clearly). His performances in the Finale can be considered his finest performances. Looking at his track record, even I was worried that he might mess up during the finale. Luckily, he did fine, and I can vote for him with a clear conscience. :) Nita was also inconsistant throughout the competition, but she did make fewer mistakes than Daniel and also gave some great performance in the last few episodes. (Not that Daniel didn't have good performance, he just gave more horrible performances compared to Nita).
But this is not a pure singing competition like the Astro Talent contest. The best singer didn't always win. The are many factors that counted into it, i.e. looks, personality, x-factor, voice, and of course singing skills. Daniel somehow appealed to the public more. That's his x-factor and that's why he won. Even my friend, who has never cast a vote before (both MI1 and MI2) voted for Daniel in the Finale.
A side note: If Daniel did really terribly during Finale, and I can't get past my conscience to vote for him, I won't vote at all. Nita just don't appeal to me. Like Sammie, I also find her boring and she has a tendency to scrunch up her face when she try to reach for the high notes, which makes make her look very unappealing. When she did that she looks she was forced to sing and that like singing is a very painful thing to do. I also feel painful looking at her sing. I don't hate her and I don't mind her becoming an Idol (if she gets more votes, she deserves it), but it certainly won't be from my vote.
Am I the only one who thinks Bo Bice should have been the American Idol and not Carrie Underwood? If there is anybody robbed of any title it's Bo Bice.
Don't think so specially of yourself lah. :P Many American Idol viewers were as indignant about Bo Bice losing to Carrie as you are. Carrie's situation was actually a bit like Daniel. There were many viewers who think she's undeserving and that the show are rigged. But Carrie proved she is deserving by outselling Bo in their singles. (Note: I'm a Bo fan since the very beginning of the show. I'm just stating some facts).
Btw, did you notice that fans of the power singers (especially fans of belting divas) seem to always has a holier-than-thou attitude? That their opinion is better and more right than the others? In forums and messageboards, they are the ones that called fans of non-belters like John Stevens' fans stupid and deaf and accuse them of not voting for talent but just go for looks. They seem to be unable to grasp the concept of 1 man's meat is another man's poison. But I seldom see the fans of the underdogs (the contestants that get bashed often) diss the belters or their voters.
Come to think of it, I'm glad that Daniel won. I was thinking last time, "can a crooner ever win an idol competition?". Well, Daniel proof that a crooner can win. :)
Where else I remember daniel thanking fan for his votes and promise to try his best to live up to everyone and his own expectations and the same reporter wrote " Daniel has progressed to a class of his own
Another impressive quality Daniel has is that he is capable of injecting a lot of life into his performance. "
Even though I admit certain specs he's not at his best and I think slurring his words must be influence from his idol Jay Zhou but oh well I found myself actually looking forward to his performance even though I am supporting someone else . He makes us wanna clap and cheer for him !
and of course The Sun papers says " Nita's performances of Mimpi, Shirley Bassey's Big Spender and Sheila on 7's Berhenti Berharap were done with her USUAL diva flair, sealing her reputation as a polished performer with a strong voice. [ See they even see nothing special just the usual ]
However, Daniel gave her a good fight for the title, and ended up with the lion's share - 68% - of the votes. Malaysian Idol judge Roslan Aziz had earlier said: "The question of who is a better singer is a very subjective issue. 'Better' doesn't mean that you have to do a lot of vocal gymnastics like many black soul singers. It's how you CONNECT WITH the AUDIENCE."
Now I guess that statement actually say it and mine you I did not sms so many times but just once and to have 68% more of votes is no fluke and it does not mean all his fans votes like crazy I have a group of friend ( I'm in my mid 30s ) who also admit that yeah Daniel fresh image appeals to them ( they don't need another diva like Siti Nurhaliza , Jac , etc ) and they did vote too ( coz in the press conference I don't like wat the reporter say only young girls vote for him ! )
Congrats Daniel you've done it !
On Nita, yes I agree that she got a good voice (better than Daniel) she is pretty but we already got so many of lcoal artise these quality, in other words common.
BTW my family members being the youngest is 35 years old, we all voted for Daniel because we sees him as giving a new or fresh level of image n Malaysia Entertainment Industries.
So not only young girls voted for Daniel... so does women & parents.
Anyway.. congratulation to Daniel