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September 21, 2005
OVERVIEW : Blade Heart [TVB] Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Written by Funn Lim

Tonight, or rather last night was the last episode. You know if you actually follow the story it might be a very interesting series. For one, the one you never expected to get the guy got the guy, villains are defeated not by power struggles and all but by the whims and fancy of a very potentially future ruthless young Emperor. In fact, many villains got done in because of loyalty, underestimating their rivals, love and all. I find it interesting Si Ma Ping Ting was done in by the man who loved her. In fact I thought she was so selfish and cruel and yet throughout the whole series she did all she did for revenge? Didn't get that. In fact if you want to start explaining,start from Episode 1 man. If you never follow this series from EP 1, you will be lost. I was so lost.
And I find it such a tragi-comedy in a way that the biggest villain is that young Emperor everybody thought as stupid and too playful for anything serious. BUT aiyah last 20 min I had to turn to watch House MD (great series by the way - Tuesdays 10pm Ch 17 Astro). So please, anyone, anyone at all, can someone tell me..
1. What happen to Man Lui and his love of his life? Did she die?
2. What happened to Adam Cheng? He got done in by the Emperor?
3. If yes, did Man Lui seek revenge? Did Liza Wang do anything?
4. Did everybody die in the end????
I am grateful though that Shirley Yeung died really early in this series, because I remember watching 10 min of her and like Ping Ting I wanted to drown her. Glad she did. In fact her best acting was as the breathing corpse. Yeah you could see her stomach going up and down. In fact I thought Liza Wang looked like she was going to murder her in some scenes. Like she was losing patience. I mean how bad can an actress be? Watch this girl. Not only can she stand in the crowd and I could not notice her, her acting was just simply awful. To know the definition of awful is to watch back to back 2 series of her.
But then everybody else was like ok to average.
This has got to be Adam Cheng's worst acting; so over the top most of the time. I have seen him much better than this. I mean this man looks great for his age, he CAN ACT excellently but in here his every gesture was like over the top. It's like he's acting for acting's sake. Liza Wang like opera and looking like she's preaching whilst acting. Quite unnatural but I'd rather hear her preaching than see Shirley Yeung act for ONE second. Raymond Lam like well the usual, most of the time gloomy, the rest of the time passive. No chemistry with all the ladies in here though. Got to see a lot of former child stars (glad to see them again) and interestingly the China actress who played Ping Ting had a lot of scenes, and she looking like Calista Flockhart. Acting was ok but I suspect Mandarin may be her better acting you know because frankly there are better actresses out there.
One thing I must congratulate TVB though; the dubbing was excellent. Nobody in my family knew that the eunuch's voice was dubbed.
I don't know about this series. People talk a lot in here, in fact every character will do a Shakespeare moment and talk not to the camera but a bit to the left or right and launching into a really long monologue. Yeah the acting is more like theatre you know, lots of close ups. But Adam Cheng was awful man. I was wondering what happened?
But this series has got to have the best scenery, most cast in a single scene and yes, that in between scenes and commercial clip of that stunt person falling down so dramatically from the horse was really the single most spectacular stunt I have seen for a long time, apart from the stunt that TVB is trying to make Shirley Yeung into a respected actress. Oh God, clearly one is succeeding and the other is a lost cause!
Overall, a pity I didn't watched the entire series. You get very easily distracted by other things when watching this series because there is no one singular moment that makes you not look everywhere and this is like a thinking person's series. Not since TVB's Justice Pao had I had such difficulty in following a dialogue you know, and Justice Pao made me realise how bad my cantonese was. This series failure is simply because too many things happen to so few people that you kinda lost track. You thought Adam Cheng died, like 5 times but there he was. You thought the woman who tried to seduce him also died but there she was. You thought the doctor died and there she was. Really unexpected stuff. I like the ending for the corrupt eunuch though. Sad isn't it? Being done in by the one you thought was nothing!
Anyway, give it a try. In retrospect I believe this is one of those few series that is very different, very interesting but really you have got to concentrate. You must not be bothered with the average acting by most. Ignore Shirley Yeung. You will lose your concetration not because of boredom because like in Jewel In The Palace, the politics is so messy to the point of boredom. You will lose your concentration simply because you missed the 1st episode and everything else just doesn't fall into place. Unlike Angels of Mission of course, I simply stopped watching because..DARE I SAY IT?? It was boooooooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggggggg.
There I said it.
Anyway this is just an overview. Hopefully someone will ermm fill in the blanks for me??
FOOTNOTE It is a mistaken belief and a definite misstatement to label Gregory Lee (Shirley Yeung's boyfriend-he was also in this series whose character's name I did not catch) as a newcomer. He is not a newcomer. He acted with Adam Cheng before and my mother remembers the kid who can make adults cry like buckets. He was probably the best child star of his time and his acting was way better than most adults. Now he's all grown up and looking older than he should and more passive than he was. Maybe age mellowed his acting abilities? I wonder what happened to his much fairer but less talented older brother?
Another that most would forget is the actor who played that stupid Chor Gau. Can't remember his name, so long ago you see. Is it Wong Shu Kei? He was also somewhat a child star also, very capable actor but time has robbed him of freshness. He looked truly bloated.
It just irks me to keep reading he's a newcomer, they're new, they will improve. Maybe they have deproved, that is a fair statement but they were great actors during those years when TVB and ATV were churning out quality series with performances worth remembering, not these days where any person who walk from point A to point B is said to be a great actress or actor. Our standards have lowered significantly and it saddens me that we are fed with junks of performances most of the time. There are a few gems and diamonds in the rough these days BUT much too early to say she's great, he's great. Series wise, I think the story dept at TVB has been declining because well, junks or inconsistent story. I read how great War & Beauty is and I eagerly anticipate this series but I reserve my comments since I believe 2 out of the 4 main actresses are just actress on instruction without any instinct of their own and the story of everybody scheming against everybody is as tiring as everybody not scheming against everybody else. We will see.
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Q1: What happen to Man Lui and his love of his life? Did she die?
Man Lui went back to propose to the girl and she didn't die. Apparently the poison was not enough to kill her? Otherwise, it could have been Man Lui imagination that the girl was waiting for him at the temple. To me, I think she died.
Q2. Yeap,the emperor made him drink poisonous wine. He died on his way home.
Q3. Adam Cheng death was the ending scene, nobody know what happened. But most probably they won't do anything because they had a lesson about the destructiveness of revenge.
Q4: Living: Raymond, Liza and Gregory
Dead: (wow, long body count!)
Mimi, Adam, Sima Ping Ting and brother, Chor Gau, Shirley (THANK GOODNESS!!!!) and the list goes on.
I couldn't agree more on the leading actresses. Shirley, well, for the obvious reason. I'm disappointed that SIma Ping Ting did not drown her EARLIER. That would make this series far much better to stomach. I remember hearing ppl asking at the rental store "WHEN is she going to die?!"
Liza speech in the series, was a bit stiff and the dialogue was too modern to me.
2. What happened to Adam Cheng? He got done in by the Emperor?
Actually, if u follow the series closely, u will realise that both the evil Eunuch and Adam Cheng were done in by a young eunuch and not the Emperor. In the scene where the evil eunuch was done in, u see the young eunuch (who was the assistant of the evil eunuch) at the Emperor's side, reading out the crime of the evil eunuch. In the scene after Adam Cheng drank the poison and left, the young Emperor was lamenting about having to kill a capable person like Adam Cheng, and it was the young eunuch who convinced the Emperor that what he did was right. So, the young Emperor must have been listening to the young eunuch a lot.
3. If yes, did Man Lui seek revenge? Did Liza Wang do anything?
What do u mean? Seek revenge with whom?
On child actors
Maybe the long hiatus from acting has dampen Gregory's acting skill. But he is slowly improving again. I think his potrayal of an invalid in HH3 is very impressive.
As for his brother, he has also joined TVB. U will see him in series like "To Catch The Uncatchable" and "Hidden Treasure".
Our standards have lowered significantly and it saddens me that we are fed with junks of performances most of the time. There are a few gems and diamonds in the rough these days BUT much too early to say she's great, he's great.
Maybe because there are so many bad actors and actresses taking the lead nowadays that cause people to exclaim "he's great", "she's great" when encounter an unpolished gem (u also did that u your beloved Myolie mah :p). Myolie will look like an award winning actress next to Shirley Yeung.
Anyway, I still thinl your expectation is too high. :P
But so sad Adam Cheng died. i kinda guessed. The biggest villain turned out to be the Emperor! Did he know the wine was poisoned??
And really? People did ask when Shirley was going to die, for real???
Kidd, I didn't know the young eunuch was the one. Didn't notice at all! So from old eunuch we have young eunuch? Emperor himself must have been a bit bad also.
Ah yes, Myolie Wu is one of the few I really though deserve all the praise, and more.
My question was whether Liza and Man Lui avenged Adam's death? But Sehseh answered it already. Sad isn't it? Working all your life for the Emperor and in the end...so sad....
Bad as in evil tyrannical Emperor? No
Bad as in not-doing-a-good-job Emperor? Yes
I don't think the Emperor is bad. He is just immature and is influenced by the young eunuch. What the Emperor did has actually been done by a lot of past Emperors, including the successful ones. These Emperors put down generals that helped them gain the throne to prevent those generals from becoming too powerful and treathen the power/stability of the ruling government. In the young Emperor's mind, he is just protecting his and his ancestors' Gong San. To prevent potential rebellion.
But so sad Adam Cheng died. i kinda guessed. The biggest villain turned out to be the Emperor! Did he know the wine was poisoned??
Actually, the series only shows Adam Cheng walking down the steps with some blood coming out of his mouth. Viewers can interprete however they like. I know a staunch Adam Cheng fan to refuse to believe he died.
Yes, Adam knows the wine is poison. But since the Emperor wants him dead, what can he do? As the saying goes "guan yiu san sei, san but neng but sei".
Actually, I diasgree with you about Gregory Lee. He actually still acts quite good, but he just doesn't get the right roles with space for him to express.
And he is the older twin. You know how Gregory played the pervert Qin emperor in "The Conqueror's Story", well the younger twin played his nephew, the nice Qin emperor who was forced to commit suicide by Hong Yu.
I thought Gregory did well as a pervert and useless and desperate king. His twin was a bit more stiff, and heaps more feminine.
1/ I thought the girl was dying but still wiating for Man Lui. I think she is going to die, and she looks blind (unfocussed gaze).
2/ Adam died because he knew too much and was too powerful.
3/ I think Liza didn't do anything for revenge, because firstly, she was loyal and patriotic, and secondly, she had nothing to avenge with. Her family was dead, she was old and had no one to help her. She also had no power.
I think Man Lui just lived in solitude afterwards, or maybe went back for his mother. Like Liza, he would have given up on revenge as they have nothing left to help them. Also, you just can't rock up to the palace, burst in and defeat 3000 imperial guards and just kill the emperor.
And the one who played Chou Gau is Jimmy Wong Shu Kei, married to singer Hui Chow Yee.
He doesn't know she was poisoned. He just thought she haven't recovered from her injuries. The audiences was told that there was too much poison in her internal organs, therefore she's not curable and going to die soon. That's why I think she died and that smilling scene was just a figment of Man Lui's imagination.
And really? People did ask when Shirley was going to die, for real???
Abt the emperor, i think he's evil as well. Not very intelligent, but he knows what he is doing - or rather what the eunuches (the old villian and the young one) have in mind.
Gregory is the younger twin. His nickname in chinese is 'Sai Ma', literally translated as 'Small Twin'. The one who played the nice Qin Emperor is called 'Dai Ma', literally translated as 'Big Twin'.