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December 14, 2005
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I am forever amazed how come people could hack into The Sims 2 game and make it like the most happening game there is. Useful hacks like killing off a family member you do not wish to play any more, getting abducted by aliens, building slides (I am curious how come no one ever made a slide for the pool instead of having to really build one), underground garage, sleep better, etc..amazed. If you're into The Sims 2 game, check these useful tips to building that underwater house (yes, you sims can leave underwater!) or that pool plus lake feature that is just awesome! I just spent 2 hours learning to build the slide, ugly ending BUT what an awesome hack if you ask me. Awesome! Awesome!
By the way Split Second thus far is awesome, awesome. So wow! I mean I am impressed with the 1st 2 episodes already! But it would be great if Wong Hei has Patrick Tam's role, Patrick gets Moses' role and Moses...ermmm..maybe cast in another series. Mandy Cho is an eyesore, earsore and everything sore. Awesome!
Anyone watching Rome on HBO? Awesome.
Tried >Google Talk? I talked to fellow netizen Pearl today and the feature..simpler and cleaner than ICQ and guess what? They have this feature like dialing feature that for a moment I thought "MY GOD! AM I DIALING INTERNATIONAL LINE? TELEPHONE CHARGES GONE CASE!" but no no just a nifty little trick. Awesome. You need a google mail account to use Google talk and I have in total 300 to give away. I want everyone I know on the Internet to install Google Talk so that we can google each other when online and so you can discover so how boring I am so called "in person" and that you will realise my posts in my site is so much more interesting than the "Hi I'm Funn", "Yeah yeah", "Yes Yes" "Bye bye" me. Come on! Install Google Talk. Email me at funnlim@gmail.com and I'll send out the invitation and then you add me into Google Talk. Come on! AWESOME STUFF!
What more can I say? My vocabulary like stuck in the 80s with Awesome. Ok, fabaulous! Magnificent! Amazing!
Or maybe not that amazing anymore. I just remembered JDG is really not coming to Malaysia.
Ok, depression kicking in. Why? WHY? WHY?!?!?!?
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You're are
seeing the famous, talented
gorgeous Korean movie star,
Jang Dong Gun |
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Anyway, can't seem to get u in Google Talk. Always in signout status.
I tried to play SIM before, but somehow didn't quite like it. I prefer Ceasar III. Haha, maybe I'm too use to Ceasar III, that's why I don't like SIM.
U watched Split Second? First episode? What's your impression of it so far?
Yes would like Wong Hei to be a part of this series too but I don't want him to act in Patrick Tam role after all he's good , he should be replacing Alex role !
Kevin Cheng is is so cool here , big difference from Hard Fate and you notice that Patrick's "tai-lo" Panda or ( Hung Mao ) acted by Johnson Lee far cry from his earlier roles .
Even those "ma-chais" , other tai los are interesting to watch
Anyway stay tune for exciting plot
1. there is a beginning and a definite end, since starts 12 am and ends 12 am.
2. Marco Ngai is cool, a bit too young to be super duper powerful triad member but cool
3. that thai actor is good looking and I didn't really realise he wasn't speaking cantonese because the dubbing was very good
4. thai actress look more like gwailo actress, pretty but very bad performance from what I could observe
5. storyline very multi faceted, hat I like it the WAB type of double or tripple betrayal. Very surprised to watch thai poliewoman is Marco's people, Moses is marco's man, etc. I already knew Patrick is police mole, if not why he's there! The question is is Kevin Cheng good or bad? Ahhhhhhh don't tell me.
Frankly I could salivate watching this series. The men are either good looking, stylish, can really act or all of them. Kevin Cheng is the best looking and I believe TVB's best looking actor but sadly he is kinda wooden in here. I already knew he's not a fantastic character actor so I guess it's a flaw I must accept. Here he reminds me of his performance in that Roger Kwok-Joey Yung series. I remember he was soooooo handsome in there but acting..well ermmm handsome is good!
I still think Patrick Tam is a miscast as the triad member. He just doesn't look nor speak like one! He should have been Moses Chan's role. I agree, he could be Alex Fong's role and Alex Fong can take on Moses Chan's role. What I am saying is I love Moses Chan but he seems out of league in here. And why is he always the most high profile supporting actor in a series? He's like famous for in supporting roles!
Mandy Cho is...is...is...what more can I say that I haven't said already?
So my first impression of the first 2 episodes? Different yes. The director tries to emulate the movie feel, giving it a hard edge that at times feel pretentious. For me it's the story that's intriguing. It's nice to see fear in a police losing a gun, to see a hardworking cop trying to save an honourable police commissioner, etc etc etc. I don't like the feel much since like I said too arty to the point of pretentiousness. But the story is thus far good. Yoyo Mung I saw a bit and well don't like her. I just don't like the women in here.
This series could have been much much better is the tone is more blue, like NYPD Blue type of blue, tha will give it an arty feel.
One very funny scene was I think 2nd episode with marco and thai actor surveying their men (like rows of them) at the back lane of a busy street in Thailand I presume. That was funny. Interesting also that it shows the line up formation style of the triads is also used by the police in the confrontation scene between Kevin and Moses, so I think the series is tyring to say triads and police works on the same line; total loyalty.
One scene in ep 2 intrigues me is the one where the kidnapper killed himself in front of Alex and his ex-wife. What a scene!
So far a good one.
[ Marco Ngai is cool, a bit too young to be super duper powerful triad member but cool ] == Yes very cool but cold too did u see the way he "finished" of one of the other gang family ? Buried alive !
[ that thai actor is good looking and I didn't really realise he wasn't speaking cantonese because the dubbing was very good ] == Yup his dubbing is good unfortunately for the thai actress I don't like the dubbing . She spoke her lines in english if only they maintain her original voice . Stay tune with her scenes with Patrick
[ thai poliewoman is Marco's people, Moses is marco's man, etc. I already knew Patrick is police mole, if not why he's there! The question is is Kevin Cheng good or bad? Ahhhhhhh don't tell me.] ==
Don't worry I'm not telling you , watch for the suspense but all I can say is you got it all wrong ha ! ha !
[ Kevin Cheng is the best looking and I believe TVB's best looking actor ] == Reminds me of a scene yesterday where Moses says he wanted to meet someone and they ask who and Moses replied " the leng chai one " :)
His character is cold, I agree. Wait until you see what he does to Patrick later. I wouldn't really call him a villain in here. He is the way he is becauses of the way he was taught and raised as a child. He learned to solve things in violence. What I really like about his character is he's really protective to the ones he loves.
I totally love Chatchai in here. It's a pity he's not starred in anymore TVB series.
Anyway I got it all wrong? So Kevin is bad? Moses is good and patrick is really not a mole? Hmmmm.....
I always like Marco Ngai. The only roles he can't do well are intellectuals and heroic figures.
What episode are you on? Because you questions are answered or hinted in following episodes. Moses is good, he's only in the first few episodes though.
Don't abandon this series!! You will still understand the content of the series even if you miss a few episodes. And the series is not bad after all, just Alex and Yoyo were not too great and the story was a bit boring and drags. (I have mixed feelings about this series) It is a better series than Twin of Brothers IMO. Continue watching, I really would like to read your review.
Don't tell me!