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December 29, 2005
Gay marriages, gender reassignment & men in general Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I have been following the news on gay marriages for some time now. And it turned really ugly when Elton John married his long time partner, David Furnish. Long time is indeed not a very suitable word to describe their relationship which is more than a decade long. That is far longer than any heterosexual relationships of these days. When I said it turned ugly, I meant in terms of opinion sent in by Malaysians to local newspapers. Many were against the idea and the reasons being given were
1. marriage is defined as between a man and a woman
2. marriages are made in heaven and God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve or Eve and Evie
3. marriages exist because of procreation and since people of the same sex can't reproduce so to speak, therefore marriage is between a man and a woman which obviously can reproduce if no genetic defect or illness
4. gay marriages are just wrong
5. gay marriages are an erosion of the sanctity of marriage and the vows one has to undertake
6. Gay people can't be good parents as children may be confused with their gender identity; who is mommy and who is daddy?
Perfectly reasonable arguments I must say, except that I kinda remember Joan Rivers joked on Parkinson where she said "Why can't gay people get married? If we heterosexuals have to suffer divorce, so should they!". Very funny line but very valid if one looks at the other way around.
For me gay marriages is not an erosion of the sanctity of marriage but rather divorce is the ultimate erosion of sanctity of marriage. So if gay people aren't allowed to marry, therefore heterosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to divorce under any circumstances since "till death do us part" and "for better or for worse", right? So argument 5 is not a valid one.
Argument 1 can be easily changed. Law is after all written by men or rather human beings so definitions can be updated. So marriages can be defined as an union between two consenting adults. Period.
Argument 2 can be seen in 2 ways. One is bible and other books of religion can be interpreted and reinterpreted. After all that is what Al Qaedas and many Christians have been doing for years anyway. So if a book can be interpreted as condoning mass murder of innocent lives in the name of whatever that may be or that there can be protestants and Catholics and there can be many branches of Buddhism or Hinduism or what ism there is, and all of them basically can be traced back to their ultimate respective book of religion which over the thousands of years the text remains unchanged, surely gay marriages can fit into their interpretation. The thing about Adam and Eve and stuff, they're just names. After all Ashley was once a man's name, now it's a woman's name. So Adam can be a woman, Eve can be a man, so to speak. A rose by any other name is still a rose you may say but if a rose is reintroduced as orchid and no one has never doubted how orchids look like and always assuming it looks like well a rose, I don't see why not gay marriages. It's a matter on how you see a certain subject matter.
Argument 3 is silly. People still give birth irrespective of marriages. In fact there are more out of weblock births than in wedlock these days. Society has come to a certain stage where we condone single parents because there is nothing to not condone. You know what I mean? There is nothing wrong with single parenthood or illegitimate children (although their rights is still limited and in a way I agree with that since I am a child of legitimate parents, it is just a matter of satisfaction at knowing sins of the parents shall visit their children which is mean but well, it's my own personal opinion), so there shouldn't be anything wrong with unions of people of the same sex. And may I just add, marriage is more about companionship. It may used to be continuing one's genes but since with modern technology like articifial insemination and sperm banks, marriage for procreation is a redundant argument.
Argument 6 may seem valid. After all in a child's eyes, a woman is the mom, and father is the dad. Dad is the disciplinarian and mom is the caring loving attentive individual. Yes and we still live in the 50's with the 50's values I guess. We see it that way because grown ups see it that way. Imagine a child who grows up in single parent household. He wouldn't know that it's not normal until and unless some mean jerk tells this poor kid that he's missing out on a father or mother and that it's wrong and repugnant. Only then the kid knows what he is missing and starts blaming his one parent who loved and nurtured him for making him having one less parent. Likewise gay parents. It's the conditioning of a society and perception. These perception can change when the society's prejudice changes. Until then I am afraid some kids may be more susceptible to such jerks' stupid slurs whilst stronger ones would immediately recognise that it is the feelings between the parties that matter, not the gender or how many parent one has. Likewise with adopted children. I am sure even in a gay marriage, there must be one who adopts the feminine role and the other the masculine role. So one will be daddy and the other mommy. Of course I too wonder how to you address that other parent? Two daddies? Two mommies? A new term perhaps?
And now we come to argument 4, the catch all that gay marriages are just plain wrong for whatever reason one can think of that is not specific. Maybe these critics are right. Gay marriages may be plain wrong, so is a marriage between a 20 year old with a 50 year old or a marriage of convenience or a marriage between two different race or a marriage where one has to give up more and the other simply take more or a relationship forced upon by parents. Or quite simply marriage because one just wants to get married. What is marriage about? For me marriage is about the union of two souls who are in love with one another and who strives to keep their vows no matter the thing called destiny throw absurb circumstances at them. Marriage is also about mutual respect where one spouse recognise the greatness of the other and does not minimize the contribution of the other so as to make oneself feel good and yet does not deny the other his or her glory moments when the right time comes and is prepared to back out of the limelight once in a while. Marriage is about two people who may feel the temptation of undermining the sanctity of their vows and yet their love so strong and their confidence in one another so strong that no matter what, they place their vows above all else and their trust in one another reinforced. Marriage is about accepting the other's faults and recognising the fact that oneself is not perfect. Marriage is not about settling for the sake of settling but rather you must first fancy that person. Marriage is full of arguments and tolerance but it is ultimately about 2 people joined in their destinies to forge new ones. Marriage is not about children but having children will not be the factor that makes the marriage complete but will be a bonus.
And therefore to me marriage is an impossible act for me which is why I don't think I can ever be married. I sometimes wear a ring on my finger, for no other purpose other than it looks good. And even then it felt like suffocating me, like squeezing my finger till blood can't get through to the tip. It could be the ring was too tight but I do think a ring is not right for me. Of course you can say it need not be a ring. Anyway to me marriage is difficult. I can't even live with my own kin sometimes, more so a stranger whom I only know for sayyyyyyyy....1 year? 2 years? 10 years? I want to have children some day, it need not be through a marriage. Some may say I am very selfish to deny my child a complete family. I can only say those who throw themselves out of the building together with their children when their husbands or wives leave them is even more selfish; heartless in fact.
So am I for gay marriages? I don't know really. I don't even know am I for marriages, period. But if people like Elton John who has been with his partner for more than a decade and despite his obvious huge wealth that is in danger of being divided between himself and his spouse when he divorces that spouse and knowing fully that with legal marriage comes legal responsibilities and liabilities and still wants to go ahead and register their union, I would say why not? For me the key words to marriage is love and two consenting adults. And I stress TWO and CONSENTING and ADULTS. I disagree totally with polygamy if and only if men are allowed to do so and not the women too. Therefore I see nothing wrong with gay marriages. Such letters to the newspaper only tells me there is something wrong with these people who wrote the above reasons. Until and unless a more valid reason comes up, I don't see why gay marriages should not be allowed and even celebrated as long as it is genuine, sincere and has the blessings of their own families or people who matters to these two souls.
And now I wish to comment a bit on the recognition of transexuals. In Malaysia especially since the papers highlighted the marriage of a man and a woman who was once a man. I resent that report not because of this union but because it twisted the state of Malaysian law. I was wondering when did we ever change the definition of marriage? Our law is like what Britain was; your gender is decided at birth. Not sure if still the same law over there. We do recognise the change of gender if it is due to medical reasons and I believe those where one is born with dual sex or a deformed sexual organ that needs for gender reassignment to be performed. But not those who are born a male and yet feels like a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa. Which was why the article was misleading and gave people of the same predicament false hope.
The following also applies to a woman who has become a man.
If a man has gone through painful surgery to become a woman and even the medical world recognises and allows for such a surgery to be performed, I feel they should be recognised as a woman in their ICs and birth certs. The decision whether to tell their future partners that they were a man is up to the individuals as it is up to a woman whether to tell her partner whether she is a virgin or not since there is no life threatening disease involved in here. But there is an added responsibilities on these class of people to inform since they can't have children and if a man marries her in view of having a family of his own, surely he would feel cheated and disgusted. So in a way moral conscience dictates whether one reveals or not.
But I stop at that. If a man has yet to undergo surgery and can't afford to have any, should their gender be changed officially? After all gender is something which can be seen, not felt. So I stop at that and I urge the government to provide affordable and medically recognised and sound facilities to help these people to find their true gender, change it and help them adjust accordingly. Until and unless a change has been made, I don't see why recognition must be given in legal documents.
But that will not be the case here.
Many argued our government should allow for change of gender officially in the ICs. I can safely tell you it is near impossible. One reason, religion and I need not say more. Secondly, even changing one's religion on an IC takes filling up forms and for some running around and convincing the lazy bums who got it wrong to change it fast is full of red tapes, more so recognising the change of gender. And thirdly, majority rules. Same as gay marriages which will never be recognised (at least until someone does), there is an issue of one is born as one is. A woman is a woman, a man is a man. Marriage is between a man and a woman whose genders are determined at birth. And there is another serious issue here. Sodomy is illegal in Malaysia and punishable with imprisonment so if we allow gay marriages between two men, then sodomy must be legalised. That will never happen. I know I know, I am sure most couple you know do it the front and back way for pleasure but the law is the law and until it is changed, it may be a morally repulsive law but it is nevertheless the law. You may say sodomy is morally repulsive but I beg to differ. As long as two consenting adults enjoy it, I'd say why not? You know what is morally repulsive? A man charged with statutory rape of say a 14 year old and the entire trial is about the consent when consent is never an issue in a statutory rape charge or that from what I read the other day, a 9 year old girl in Britain or America revealed how many boyfriends she had and that she let them touch her. 9 year old. Where has all the experiment on the Barbie dolls days gone? Has the 9 year old herself became the Barbie doll for boys now?
So my point is you ask? I am sure many of you may feel a bit shocked at my opinion because you have a different view. I can't blame you. There are times I wonder am I THAT open minded? Am I THAT accepting of such changes in society and my perception of marriage and union and gender THAT liberal? After all it was only in the 50s where the roles of mommy and daddy were so strictly defined or that a woman is a woman is a woman at birth, period. But everyday I walked on the street, and I meet men who are so effiminate. More effiminate than women. In fact there is an increase of such effiminate men who dress like a woman and it scares me in a way because I wonder where has all the men gone? I mean my selection pool is getting narrower now. And I know for a fact that many men who behave like men are in fact homosexuals. So my pool is narrower still. And then within that narrower pool, we have jerks who want women with great body irrespective of the fact that the women's face is full of pimples and within that pool itself men who want women who are young and no more than a certain age. Women's only two needs I believe are love and money. Everything else is acceptable but men's demands are much greater. I mean love is a given thing already in any relationship whilst money is really whether that man himself is ambitious or not. He earns it well and he earns it for himself. Women have a more difficult time. We are talking about genetics here. Fat is fat, old is old, sagging is sagging. You know what I mean? And worse still, older means lesser chance of getting pregnant means even lesser pool of selection. I must add though bisexuals are a class of individuals that I can never understand. Make up your mind. Why confuse people like me? I mean already I am in competition with other women and it is so horrible, now I have to worry if my guy is looking at another guy? Is it true that every heterosexual man would think about perhaps another man but may or may not carry out his thoughts? Women too? Are we all innately bisexuals??
So in the end what are we left with? My only comfort is a man as gorgeous, successful and nice as Jang Dong Gun is still very much single. However my sister chose to irritate me by suggesting that a man who wears a ring on his necklace around his neck, unmarried and sucessful is attached, to a MAN! Oh please don't! If that is the case, the pool has dried up for me.
Oh come on gorgeous (well reasonably gorgeous, nice looking enough for me to want to kiss you) physically proportionate tall successful well to do men, where are you? Here! Here! Look here! If you exist, tell me so because I can't see you! Ok, I need to wear my glasses but come closer, let me know my selection pool has not dried up yet! Jang Dong Gun, why you never come to Malaysia? WHY? WHYYYYYYY?????
In summary, my entire post is about
1. gay marriage is no big deal 2. gender change on IC is acceptable in certain circumstances 3. narrow minded people are scary 4. I question myself if I am that open minded 5. I am still sore that Jang Dong Gun did not come to Malaysia; AND 6. Where are all the men for me, Funn Lim? WHERE?
Tbank you for reading and Funn Lim out!
Funn Lim back in again.
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