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January 20, 2006
Golden Globes & American Idol 5 Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Were Stephen Chow, Chen Kaige, Jang Donggun all at the Golden Globes? Can't find them and can't see them!
Anyway AI 5. Watched the first 2 episodes of audition and I have to say, mothers and grandmothers really love their children and grandchildren's singing so much eventhough they suck. I can't believe Simon was so mean to that black guy who actually trained hard, dressed well but sang badly and said he is better off disgusing as a woman. What? And why is Paula and Randy letting a hyper active guy who can't sing to get in? So that they can then cruelly reject him in the second round? And did anyone seen yesterday night's episode (Thursday). That person called Zachary. Boy or girl I was wondering? Well a boy but my God, so thin, so effiminate, so scary! Even Simon was confused and I was too! And what about that over cooked sun burnt Ashlee Simpson lookalike? So scary!
But a few good ones. Glad to hear so many variety this year. Thanks to John Stevens we get to hear more crooners. And they're so young! And thanks to Bo Bice, we see more rocker, alternative pop dudes. Definitely welcomed for variety instead of screaming women.
Amongst all I have seen, I was very impressed with the first pair of black twins I think, quite big sized, both can really sing. Then there was this really handsome 17 year old white crooner, sing ok but he has got the looks! He can be an actor. I will definitely follow his "career" in AI. Then there was this big sized lady singing an awesome rendition of Alicia Key's song, was it Falling or something like that? These few stuck in my mind.
As usual we have the ones who are jokers, glad that Simon cut him off before he sang another word. You know that Statue of Liberty who was singing "START SPREADING THE ..." and Simon rudely but rightly said "Thank you". And what is it withh Paula Abdul fighting with Simon? Her comments are getting more and more airhead you know. Either reject or accept, like Randy. Paula is wishy washy and Simon too mean.
But looks like we have got a few good ones already. AI 5 is now showing every Wednesday and Thursday, starting from 8pm on Channel 70 ASTRO.
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Haha, I'm still following his career. :)
Frankly, I haven't watched all the movies that won, and I haven't watched most of those which were nominated. Nevertheless, glad that Lee Ang won best director for Brokeback Mountain. Also glad that Brokeback Mountain was best motion picture, best screenplay and best original song. But having watched Crash, was a little disappointed that it did not win Best Screenplay.
Glad that Rachel Weisz won best supporting actress too cos I think it's long overdue.
Walk The Line was the other big winner at the Golden Globe and now I'm getting interested this movie. Never thought Reese Witherspoon could gain such critical acclaimation cos my impression of her unfortunately is still stuck with 'Legally Blonde'.
Joyeux Noel didn't win though I'm not surprised cos however good the intentions were, the movie was lacking in production value. Not surprised that Kung Fu didn't win too cos I still dun think that foreign movie critics are ready to embrace such a movie unlike we Asians who were brought up with such themes.
Pearl I missed Stephen being interviewed and I curse!! I haven't seen most movies too, but noticed that the movie you liked (French one) was nominated. as much as I liked the fact Ang Lee won, and I haven't seen that movie that has one Mr Boring (Jake) and the other Mr Never Was (Heath Ledger), and frankly not eager except to know their ending. I have a feeling this movie will be snubbed in the Oscars and Munich and walk The Line may be huge winners.
I too don't really fancy Reese that much but Joaquin is a good actor, wierd dazed confused but still a good actor.
So what did Stephen Chow said?
Zhang Ziyi was over what's that word? Can't remember. She's just so over...
It's disheartening that one can buy William Hung's CD here but not other idol finalists (non-winner) who actually produced good listenable music.
1) Mandessa, the big-size black woman in black, who sings 'Fallen'. Her singing is very beautiful. Yes, she's a belter too, but unlike some screaming women, she only belt when it's appropriate. Her control is good and she has a nice tone in her voice. Many divas can belt, but not neccessary sounds nice. But this singer sound very good.
2) Zachary Smith who sings 'In the Mood for Love'. I love his singing and his voice. His rendition of 'In the Mood for Love' melts my heart. I can really feel the romance in the song.
Another I'm going to look out for is David who sings 'Summer Wind', just because he sings oldies. Crooners are not that unique now in AI after John Stevens, but I like oldies singers. So, I'll root for him too.
Now commercial break, and Daniel is singing 'Mimpi' only accompanied by his guitar. Wow, he improved a lot. He sounds so good. I heard his album sells very well. Good for him. Certainly proves his detractors/bashers/haters wrong.
That's not him. This Zachary definitely looks like a boy. No way can he be mistaken as a girl or even be called effeminate. A typical 17 year old boy. The one Paula said has quiet confidence while Simon said his voice is on the fence (he meant on the border between pass and fail).
Can't find a picture of him, but here is a paragraph from an episode recap that describes him:
Zachary Smith, all boy band charm with unbuttoned shirt, sunglasses in pocket and hideous necklace, knows that Paula is the key to his success. He sings In the Mood for Love directly to her, ignoring the men. Paula melts, naturally. She’s impressed with his quiet confidence. He’s only 17, Paula. Simon calls him charming, but vocally he’s on the fence about Zach. Randy pauses, then says yes. He’s through for now.
He's the oldies singer I said I'm going to look out for - David who sings 'Summer Wind'. His name is David Radford. :)
Here's his pic: http://www.rickey.org/blog/images/2006/01/ai-auditions-04-2006-1-17-thumb.jpg
It's this guy, right?
P.S. John Stevens is still irreplaceble to me. No other crooner however hot or cute can replace him. Anthoney Fedorov can't and this guy won't be either.
Yes that's the guy. Very cute looking, must be very popular. Also could see also very decent, reminded me of John except John was really "old" in behaviour.
By the way Daniel has improved I agree but his English and Malay diction is all off. I hope to hear him sing the chinese version, no opportunity yet. But I am glad this Malaysian Idol is doing the votes proud.
As for Daniel, u should listen to more chinese radio like 988, MY FM and WA FM. U will certainly catch his songs some day. Even before his album was released I have already heard it on radio a couple of times.