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January 26, 2006

Ushering the Year Of The Dog 
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If you're interested after reading THIS POST of mine, this is the one stop post for all about Chinese Zodiac signs and what the year of the dog, beginning this Sunday will bring to us all. Like I said, dragons will suffer and my only advice after reading bad news for us dragons, HIBERNATE. That's the only way to survive this year. Before you got for your predictions and all, a note of caution; don't take these seriously eventhough I may be taking it seriously. Ok? Now if you're new to this; check the following information first.

1. Know your zodiac sign
Which of the 12 signs are you? Check HERE. Make sure you remember a simple rule; before Chinese New Year you belong to the previous year's animal sign eventhough you may be born in the year after. For example, you're born Jan 1st 2006. Sorry friend, you're not under the dog sign but previous year's sign since Chinese New Year has yet to pass.

2. Know your element
You can be wood, metal, fire, earth, water and you can even be more specific but let's not be that specific. Once you know your sign, check HERE for your element by choosing your zodiac sign and then look at the top table for your month of birth.

3. Read about your zodiac sign
You may want to know more what governs your sign, personality, compatible animals and what nots. You can read them at the place you checked your elemt in no. 2 above that is HERE.

4. Dog Year generally
Year of the Fire Dog - What the masters say
To most of us, fire spells danger. Truly, the Year of the Fire Dog (Jan 29, 2006 to Feb 17, 2007) seems to be too hot to handle and portends danger! With the rising costs of living and transport fares, the public’s perception of the year is one of pessimism.And those who are luckless this year will be dogged by worries. Chinese astrologers say that those born in the Year of the Dog are in conflict with the Grand Duke of Jupiter or Year Duty God (Tai Sui in Cantonese). Even Dragon people too are said to clash with the Year Duty God. To minimise bad luck, people born in the Year of the Dog and the Dragon should flock to temples for prayers!“It’s generally not a good year. It is a year of general conflicts and there will be a lot of quarrelsome activities and misunderstandings. Negotiating contracts will be tough,” says geomancer master Yap Boh Chu, son of renowned feng shui grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai, who runs a feng shui academy in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. [Source]

Not bad enough for some of you? Check out the individual forecasts.

5. Individual forecasts
The following are more or less like the ones I read in local newspaper that did not mince its words. Original source is HERE. If you can't take bad news (especially for Dragons, Dogs, Ox), there are some gentler versions but not quite the same as I have read in the papers. Well I am shaking with dread for the new year.

Generally, great year for snakes, tigers, average year for ox but bad bad year for dragons and dogs.

Here goes ...

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Your Career Outlook
2006 is a year when you need to proceed with caution. Unfortunately the year may be fraught with difficulties.

You may find office politics rampant in your workplace and there are a lot of conflicts among the staff. Be alert and be more diplomatic to avoid offending your superiors or co-workers. One of them may bear a grudge and find ways and means to get back at you.

Be more selective of your friends or you may end up mixing with bad company. This is especially true if you are still young and impressionable.

Months that are relatively more favourable are February, March, June, November and December.

Your Wealth Outlook
This will be a difficult year for you to accumulate wealth. If you are currently employed and have a stable income, you should try to maintain status quo and not make any rash decision that may jeopardize your stable income.

Avoid making substantial financial investments and definitely steer clear of speculative activities such as gambling because your wealth luck this year is very weak.

Try to be prudent in your spending and put aside some of your income as savings. Monitor your finances closely so that you will not have financial difficulties.

Your Health Outlook
Your health outlook this year does not look very promising either. You are prone to mishaps and accidents. Try not to engage in dangerous activities such as extreme sports. Always be safe than sorry. Do not drive after you drink. Stay away from drugs and do not engage in unprotected sex with multiple sex partners.

Lead a healthy lifestyle by having a good diet, exercising regularly and sleeping well to build up your body’s resistance to diseases.

Your Romance Outlook
You may be feeling vexed and lousy about yourself because of your run of bad luck this year. You have to try your best to lift up your spirit. Otherwise people will be put off by your negative behaviour. This may prevent you from meeting prospective love interests if you are single. If you are already in a relationship, your negativity may distance you from your partner.

Do not take your anger out on others too. You are not just being unfair to the person on the receiving end, you are also jeopardizing your chances of a good relationship.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 is a year when you should proceed with caution in all aspects of your life, including your career.

You may put in a lot of effort but achieve little. In everything you do, there seem to be many challenges that you need to overcome. It is difficult not to be frustrated but you will have to try your best to stay calm and level-headed. This is not the best time for you to make hasty decisions and you should avoid acting on impulse.

If you are running your own business, you need to be extra cautious. Less haste, more speed. Do not take shortcuts and do not get yourself involved in illegal means of making money.

If you are an employee, make sure you work hard and take your work seriously. Do not be preoccupied with proving yourself or staying in the limelight. This is a year you should just work hard and maintain a low profile.

This is a year of change for you and you may find yourself switching jobs, getting transferred, or relocating.

Good months to act on major career decisions include March, June, October, November of 2006 and January 2007.

Your Wealth Outlook
Manage your finances well or you may get a rude shock the next time you check your bank balance.

If you are working, your job will continue to provide you with a stable income. However do not act as a guarantor for others. Also avoid speculative activities such as trading in futures and gambling. You are unlikely to get a windfall.

Wealth luck is strongest in April and December so make full use of these two months to make your major financial decisions.

Your Health Outlook
Your health looks relatively more promising in this year of general bad luck. You are unlikely to contract any major illness. You may suffer from fatigue. Make sure you eat well and exercise regular.

Stay away from drugs. Also do not lead a promiscuous lifestyle or you may get sexually transmitted diseases. This is also a year when you are prone to mishaps and accidents. Try to avoid dangerous activities such as extreme sports.

Your Romance Outlook
2006 may be a year of emotional upheavals. If you are in a relationship, make the effort to spend more time with your partner to avoid the intrusion of a third party.

You have to act as a mature adult or you may find that your relationship will be very volatile and subjected to many ups and downs. If you and your partner are not mature in outlook, your relationship is unlikely to last.

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Your Career Outlook
Your career prospects are looking very bright in 2006. This should be a very fruitful year whether you are in business or an employee.

If you are managing your own business, you will be able to outwit your competition and do extremely well. Stay responsive to changes in the market and your business should grow by leaps and bounds.

Improving on your interpersonal skills will increase your chances of a promotion or a raise. You will be surrounded by supportive superiors and co-workers. New business contacts may provide you with more career or business opportunities. This is definitely a great year to realize your ambitions.

If you have been contemplating a career switch or requesting for an internal transfer, you will find good opportunities to do so this year.

Favourable months to make a major career move include February, March, June, November and December.

Your Wealth Outlook
Lady Luck is shining on you this year and you will find wealth coming to you from all directions.

If you are working, your job will continue to provide you with a stable income and there is even the possibility of a raise and/or a fat bonus. You may also get a windfall from your occasion visit to the casino or from the lottery.

You have to exercise prudence when you are making investments lest you fall victim to business scams.

Do not get carried away and end up spending all your money. This is a good year for you to accumulate wealth and you should not let this golden opportunity pass.

Your Health Outlook
Sex with multiple partners and liquor should best be avoided for the good of your health. Exercise restraint when you are out having fun.

Pay special attention to your diet and hygiene because you may fall sick from what you eat. Illnesses related to your digestive system should not be taken lightly and you should seek medical treatment early.

Your health may deteriorate in the second half of the year.

Your Romance Outlook
Love is in the year in 2006. You are in a romantic mood and your thoughtfulness will surprise and impress your partner.

If you are already in a good relationship, this is a good year to settle down and start a family.

If you are single, get yourself involved in more social activities and you are likely to find Mr. or Ms. Right this year.

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Your Career Outlook

Things can get political in your workplace and someone may be out to discredit you or make your life a lot harder. Therefore it is very important to be careful about who you are mixing around with.

Mind your own business and try not to step on other peoples’ toes. If someone is trying to make things difficult for you, try your best to remain calm and collected. The way to handle this is to be more meticulous in your work to avoid making mistakes and blunders. Be professional at all times.

Your Wealth Outlook
You are quite lucky this year and you may make a small windfall from your occasional trip to the casino. It is advisable that you be more prudent in your spending and save up for rainy days.

Lucky months are February, May, June, October and December.

Your Health Outlook
You are naturally popular and have a wide social circle. Hanging out with friends is a part and parcel of your life. Just make sure you do not drink excessively and stay away from drugs.

Pay special attention to illnesses related to your stomach and respiratory system. Seek medical treatment early if you do not feel well.

You are also prone to mishaps and accidents this year. Try to avoid dangerous activities such as extreme sports.

Your Romance Outlook
Someone may be out to thwart your relationship with your partner. Do not listen to rumours. If you are feeling insecure about your relationship, a better approach may be to talk openly about it with your partner. If you choose not to confront the issue and instead listen too much to what a third party got to say, your relationship with your partner may not work out.

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Your Career Outlook
This may be a frustrating year for you in terms of your career. Try to focus on fulfilling your roles and responsibilities well. Be down-to-earth and take one step at a time. Do not be impatient with your progress or be discontented with your achievements

This may be a good time for you to upgrade yourself by picking up new skills and knowledge so that you have more career options. Even if you are not thinking of switching jobs, equipping yourself with relevant skills will allow you to perform in your current position more effectively.

Favourable months to make major career moves include April, May, September, and December.

Your Wealth Outlook
Try not to make any decisions that may jeopardize your present source of stable income. For example, do not quit your current job before you find a new one. Stay off speculative activities such as gambling as your chance of getting a windfall is low.

Manage your finances well and do not make any major investments especially in the months of February, March, August and November.

Your Health Outlook
Your health may be weak in 2006 and you are more susceptible to illnesses. Make sure you see a doctor when you are ill to avoid your condition from taking a turn for the worse.

Try to maintain a positive outlook. Stress and depression will only affect you adversely emotionally and physically. Do not tire yourself out and make sure you have ample sleep.

Your Romance Outlook
You may be feeling vexed and lousy about yourself because of your run of bad luck this year. You have to try your best to lift up your spirit. Do not take your anger out on partner. This will only alienate you from him or her.

This is a difficult time and you need an understanding and mature partner to help you through. Your relationship may be in jeopardy if it is not built on a foundation of love and trust.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 will be smooth sailing for you, a year that allows you to forge ahead with little difficulties and obstructions.

However you should be wary of business scams that may cost you your fortune and your reputation. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

This is not a good year to make any major changes in your career. Try not to make a job switch or request for a transfer.

If you absolutely need to make a career move, do so in the months of April, June, August, November and December.

Your Wealth Outlook
Your wealth luck is strong in 2006 and this is a good year for you to accumulate your wealth. You may get a substantial raise or a fat bonus at year end. If you have been putting off an important purchase in the past, you may also find yourself finally having the ability to make that purchase.

Wealth luck is strongest in the months of April, July, August of 2006 and January 2007. However possible financial loss may occur in the months of February, May, September, and December. Be more careful and alert.

Your Health Outlook
Your health may be weak in 2006, especially if you are a woman born in the year of the Rat. You may find yourself falling sick very easily. Fortunately your ailments are unlikely to be life-threatening.

Take care of your health and see a doctor immediately when you fall sick. You have a tendency to catch a flu or suffer from stomach-related illnesses.

Steer clear of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Once you start, you may find yourself addicted to them.

Your Romance Outlook
2006 is a great year for romance. If you are still looking for that special someone, you may find him or her this year. If you are in a steady relationship and thinking of setting up a family, this will be a good year for you to tie the knot. If you are planning to have a child, your wish may come true this year too.

However having too much luck in romance has its downside. If you are married, you have to be careful of extramarital affairs. If you are in a relationship, there may be a possibility of a third party. Be responsible so that you are fair to your partner.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 will be a much better year for you as compared to the previous year and you have the ability to improve your career by leaps and bounds.

If you are running your own business, your sales and profits should grow substantially this year. If you are working as an employee, there are chances of a good promotion or you may assume a new role that is advantageous for your career development. If you are studying, you will achieve good grades as long as you put in the effort.

However do not get carried away and become arrogant. Otherwise there may people around you who may get jealous and try ways and means to undermine you.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, you should look at doing so in the favourable months of February, July and September.

Your Wealth Outlook
This year bodes well for you if you are employed. There is a possibility that you may get a raise or an unexpected monetary reward.

Speculative activities such as trading in futures and gambling should best be avoided as you do not have much luck to have a windfall in 2006.

The first half of the year is the best opportunity for you to accumulate wealth as your wealth luck takes a turn for the worse after July.

Your Health Outlook
Although this is a good year for your career development, you should make sure you do not push yourself too hard and fall victim to stress and fatigue.

Pay attention to your diet in order not to upset your digestive system. This is especially so if you have high blood pressure or heart diseases.

Seek treatment early when you fall sick. Do not procrastinate lest your condition worsens.

Your Romance Outlook
Your romance luck this year is very good. You feel good about yourself and exude confidence. People around you will find you exceptionally attractive in 2006.

If you are single, you should get yourself out there and socialize more since your romance luck is riding high.

If you are in a long-term relationship, you may think about tying the knot with your partner this year and start a family.

However, be careful of the intrusion of a third party because people are naturally drawn to you. Handle affairs of the heart with maturity and do not become a two-timer.

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Your Career Outlook
Your luck in 2006 is much better than in 2005. Stay grounded, level-headed and proceed with caution and this will be a fruitful year for you.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, 2006 will be a good year. You will receive a lot of support from your family and friends, and maybe even from people whom you hardly know.

If you are an employee, make sure you try to get along well with your co-workers. Do not try too hard to prove yourself. The last thing you want is for your superiors to feel threatened and for your colleagues to be jealous. When this happens, your career will be greatly hindered.

Your Wealth Outlook
There is a possibility of financial loss in 2006. Manage your finances well. Save up for rainy days. Avoid making investments that are highly speculative in nature.

February, March, July, November of 2006 and January 2007 are good periods for you to accumulate wealth.

You are also prone to financial losses due to burglary and robbery this year. Remember to lock your doors when you are out and at night. Avoid taking small alleys and going to rough neighbourhoods where there is a higher possibility that you may get mugged.

Your Health Outlook
Take care of your health in 2006. Pay special attention to your diet and hygiene because you may fall sick from what you eat. Make sure you do not have too many late nights. Otherwise you may find yourself feeling lethargic and losing concentration very easily.

Your Romance Outlook
You may feel that things are not really going right for you in terms of romance.

If you are single, you may feel especially lonely. March and June are good months for romance and you may meet someone you are interested in.

If you already have a partner, you may be having doubts about your relationship. Try to spend more time communicating with your partner. If you think there are problems, work through those issues with him or her. Otherwise your vulnerability may invite a third party and that will just complicate matters.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 is a year when you should stay focused and work hard. Remain patient as you may not reap the rewards of your hard work immediately.

If you are running your own business, you should avoid making major financial investments. Although you may be presented with many business opportunities, you need to be extra careful and exercise due diligence. If you are able to do that, you may be able to go into a new business or start your own business successfully this year.

If you are an employee, you should improve on your interpersonal skills. Doing so will increase your chances of getting a raise or a promotion.

Try as much as possible to execute major plans in the months of March, July, December as well as January 2007. These are good months when your career luck is riding high.

Your Wealth Outlook
2006 is not a good year to make major financial investments. Speculative activities, such as trading in futures and gambling, should best be avoided because your wealth luck is weak.

Take charge of your finances and be prudent. Otherwise you may incur a significant financial loss. Avoid exposing yourself to potential liabilities and financial obligations, such as acting as a guarantor for someone else.

Wealth luck is more favourable in the months of February, July of 2006, as well as January 2007 so if you have to make an investment decision or engage in speculative activities, try to do so in these months to minimize your risks.

Your Health Outlook
Your wealth and health luck are low in 2006 and just as you should be extra careful of your wealth, you should also take care of your health. The critical period is from May 2006 to January 2007. This is when your wealth luck is lowest.

Do not over-exert and tire yourself out. Make sure you have ample rest. If you are sick, make sure you see a doctor and attend to your illness immediately to avoid any unnecessary complications.

In the month of September, you are also prone to traffic accidents so make sure you drive carefully and be extra alert to your surrounding when you are travelling.

Your Romance Outlook
You may be feeling frustrated because of your less-than-favourable luck this year and this may make you temperamental and hard to get along with.

You have a tendency to take it out on your loved ones and that should be the last thing you do. Remember that this year will be over before you know it and your bad luck is only temporarily. It is definitely not worth jeopardizing the long-term good relationships with your family and friends because of this bad patch.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 is a great year in terms of career advancement. As long as you concentrate on doing your job well, your superiors are likely to appreciate your hard work and reward you for your good performance.

The one thing you need to take note is not to be too trusting. Make sure you exercise due diligence before you make any major decision. Also, check through important legal documents and proposals more carefully and do not leave it to someone else to do it for you.

Act on all major career and business plans in the months of April, May, July, August of 2006 and January 2007.

Your Wealth Outlook
This is a lucky year for you and you should be inviting wealth into your life. The income from your job will not only be stable, but there is a possibility that you may get a raise or a fat year-end bonus.

If you do your homework and make some sound financial investments, you are likely to reap positive returns. However do not engage in money-making activities that are highly speculative or illegitimate.

Favourable months are April, May, June, August, December of 2006 and January 2007.

Your Health Outlook
Your health may not be very good in 2006 and you should definitely take good care of yourself even though it seems like your career is going well for you.

Pay attention to your diet, do more sports and get ample rest. Your health luck is weak in March, July, September, October and November.

Your Romance Outlook
Things do not look very optimistic on the romance aspect. If you are still single, you may find it difficult to meet someone you fancy or you may be attracted to someone who does not feel the same toward you.

If you are already in a relationship, try to spend more time to understand your partner better. Open communication will strengthen your relationship. Do not be overly suspicious of your partner or listen to rumours.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 will be a fruitful year for you and your career prospects look very bright. If you are thinking of starting your own business, this will be an excellent year. Make sure you are well-prepared so that your chances of building a viable and successful business are high.

Regardless of whether you are running your own business or working as an employee, you should be wary of business scams. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you fall into such traps, it may cost you your career or your wealth. So be extra careful.

Improve on your interpersonal skills and be a better team player. Doing so will allow you to achieve your goals much faster.

Your Wealth Outlook
This is a great year for you to accumulate wealth and you should take the opportunity to make some financial investments or go into a business venture.

There is also the possibility of an unexpected windfall. It could be an inheritance; it could be the lottery.

Favourable months are May, September, December of 2006 and January 2007.

Your Health Outlook
Your health outlook is considered average this year. Make sure you see a doctor when you are not feeling well. Seeking treatment early is a wise move.

Make sure you drink moderately if you find yourself needing to socialize and entertain frequently. Avoid having too many late nights and make sure you get enough rest.

Take care of yourself well especially in the months of June, October and November as you are prone to illnesses.

Your Romance Outlook
A great year for romance whether you are single or attached. If you are single, you will have many opportunities to widen your social circle. You exude confidence and charisma, and people are attracted to you. Take your time to get to know people you are attracted to and do not rush into a relationship.

If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will grow from strength to strength. There is also the possibility of a newborn in the family so if you and your spouse are planning to have a child, this will be an opportune time.

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Your Career Outlook
2006 will be a fruitful year in terms of your career. Things are likely to progress smoothly and you will be presented with many opportunities.

If you are running your own business, you need to stay grounded and do not engage in unlawful or speculative activities. Some money-making ventures may seem very appealing but they may land you in trouble with the law.

If you are an employee, you should improve your interpersonal skills and try not to engage in any sort of conflicts and office politics.

If you are a student, you are likely to do well academically if you put in the effort.

Your Wealth Outlook
This is a favourable year for you to accumulate your wealth. It is a good year for making investments. It is also a good year for starting your own business. Don’t miss this good opportunity.

If you are thinking of making a trip to the casino, this may be a good year since your luck is riding high. Just do not be obsessed with speculative activities.

Wealth luck is highest in the months of February, March, June, August, and December. Make your investment decisions in these months so that your chances of reaping a substantial return are high.

Your Health Outlook
You may be in good health but try not to lead too hectic a lifestyle. If you need to entertain, try not to drink and smoke excessively. You should also take care of your emotional well-being. Your emotional upheavals may draw you toward drugs and alcohol and that will be extremely detrimental to your health.

You are prone to accidents and mishaps in 2006. Avoid engaging in extreme sports and other dangerous activities.

Your Romance Outlook
Do not neglect your partner because of your hectic schedule. Your busy social calendar may make your partner insecure and lead to tiffs between the two of you. Try to be mature and reasonable and do not say things that you may regret later.

If you are not seeing someone at present, you may not have much luck in 2006 either. Be adventurous and widen your social circle. The year will be over before you know it.

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