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March 09, 2006
AI 5 - Top 12 Men Permanent link ▫ ▫  
After watching tonight's performance, I am convinced; the judges must be deaf or rather maybe Simon has got most of them right.
I think only 3 in this competition that has shown improvement, showmanship and undiscovered talent and 3 of them aren't exactly idol material because they're not your typica teen idol.
Taylor Hicks stood out tonight with his energetic infectious performance that I just love. Not sure about the song which I am not very familiar with but he sang with such sincerity and had so much fun, I almost forgot this was in the end a competition and he made me like the song. A great performance and the judges got it right.
Bucky was another standout. His voice was great, the song was great BUT sometimes he did tend to oversing the song with too much rockish angst. I find him a million times more talented than the copycat Chris Daughtry and Bucky is definitely the original in this competition.
Gedeon was seductive and masterful in his performance. Hard to believe he's only 17. The only thing I do not like about him is the way he talks; he isn't arrogant but his tone sounded rather boastful although he wasn't being boastful. Just the way he talked. But his performance tonight was masterful and totally mesmerizing.
The rest ranged from mediocre to bad to awful to simply bad song choice. Kevin Covais was quite ok actually but he made singing such a painful chore. I do not know why Randy likes him so much, I thought his performance was equivalent to a school choir. He must go but I have a feeling he will stay another week.
Elliott Yamin simply chose the wrong song. Interesting to know he is 90% deaf in one ear and I suppose so were the judges because he was at best mediocre but the way they raved about him, you thought he just won a Grammy.
Chris Daughtry is someone the judges love and preferred over Bucky, calling him all sorts of good names. I find him a copycat and totally unoriginal. But one good thing is he always chooses contemporary hits, unfortunately he sings exactly like the original singer and yet none of the judges seem to notice that. I hope he gets axed but the way they raved about him, he will stay another week since I notice the viewers tend to listen to the judges.
Ace Young was the most awful of the lot. His so called great falsetto performance was erratic, awful, uninspiring, boring and worst of all, messy like hell. He can't sing. He only looks good on TV. I want him axed before this competition becomes a farce. But unfortunately I think he will last another week.
Will Makar was actually quite alright and yet Randy and Simon didn't like him. I mean he was better than the awful pretender Ace Young and Daughtry. But I know, he won't last.
My prediction of which 2 will go? However much I want Ace Young, Kevin Covais and Daughtry to go, I have a feeling they will survive another week. I want Taylor Hicks and the other 2 I named to stay but Bucky is on shaky ground because viewers don't seem to appreciate him. So my prediction?
Will Makar
Elliott Yamin
Bucky Covington (I hope not)
BUT I really want this one to go ...
Ace Young
RESULTS I got Will Makar right and a pity he had to go. But shocking was Bucky and Gedeon being the final 2 and I thought oh no not Bucky BUT NO! It was Gedeon!! Why is Kevin Covais, Ace Young and even Elliott who was awful still in the competition doesn't make sense. Especially Ace Young and Kevin Covais. So very sad to see Gedeon go. But I guess it may have to do with the way he talks. Anyway so happy Taylor stays!
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Ace Young
I want him axed before this competition becomes a farce."
To think that he used to be one of your favourites. How things change in just 2 epsides. :p
I missed last week's show, so my opinion is based on the first semifinal episode (i.e first top 24 episode). From that episode, I like Bucky (my favourite), Elliot, Chris and Will Makar. I'm sad Will Makar was out. I like his very lifely performance in semi-1. I prefer him over David Radford.
I feel Ace Young was bland from the very beginning and I really don't get the fuss about him. I think he looks like Mimi Driver. His performance was very boring. He tried to do that smouldering look but he's no Constantine. The only time I ever see his appeal was during that short session talking with Ryan after his performance.
David Radford. I know he has gone last week. Too bad. I thought he will go very far because of his good boy image. His 'Crazy Little Called Love' was not bad. His singing wasn't as bad as the judges said he was, but his stage performance was pretty awful. John Stevens did so much better than him during AI3 tour singing this song. I'm not a fan of his, but he did bring a little uniqueness to the competition.
I want Kevin Covais gone from the first semi onwards. He has the voice, but he didn't seem to feel his song at all. His expression and his performance was just like a 6 year old kid performing in a year end school performance. Just stand there with a wide eye deer in the headlight look. Totally wrong for the song he was singing. He totally cannot feel the song. Even that real 6 year old kid in 'Chan Hou Yat Ding' perform more naturally and with more feelings that him (eventhough that kid claimed that he didn't know what the song means :p). Dunno why the judges heap him praises like that. My dad who was watching with me also thought that he perform the worst in the competition.
For the girl, Mandisa is still the best and still my favourite.
So why do so many people like Kevin Covais???
As for the girls, I like Mandisa too! Definitely the best. I'm rooting for Paris too, so young yet so talented. But if I were to guess, Kellie would probably stay in the competition the longest not for her vocals but more for her country appeal. I admit she is able to make people like her in a very natural, effortless manner.
Our own Daniel's falsetto is also better than him.
I agree with Funn. Gedeon, Bucky and Taylor did best tonight. I also like William Makar. His performance was very entertaining. But his performance did pale in comparison to other better performances. His problem was he chosed songs that was fun but did not challenge or show much of his vocal strength. So, his elimination was not as great an injustice as Gedeon. Gedeon was really good. I think Elliot deserved his spot in the final 12 too. I think his voice is the best among all the guys.