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March 22, 2006
MALAYSIA (MEMANG) BOLEH!! Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Ahhh I watched the Badminton Team repeat just now and whilst I know Malaysia won the gold but I didn't know who actually won and who lost. The new 21 point system is exciting but rendered the service by each side rather useless and just a matter of who starts the ball rolling. I was confused at first why the points moved so fast and why there was 21 points but well the new system is better than the last one where I think the games were more and the points fewer.
Anyway Lee Chong Wei definitely deserved his superstar status as commented by the English commentators. He was technically and physically superior to his opponent although he looked too thin.
The mix double lost but well we lost because the other side was better.
But this starving looking girl, Wong Mew Choo whose 3 sets went into overdrive with the much experience and much better seeded English player. But she won by sheer endurance although technically both made major mistakes. I joked that perhaps she is only allowed to eat if she wins because really she looked so thin and frail.
What a proud moment for Malaysia. I hope we win gold for the singles and doubles event. By the way our winning may also due to the fact that Indonesia is not in the Commonwealth so lucky us. But the way we played in this event, I really do believe we can beat the Indonesians. Such spirit, such tenacity. Anyway there were Chinese and Indonesians in this event who became Singaporeans, English, etc. My few complaints are ...
1. we are too obliging. The English looked like they were going to kick our arse by really staring at us whilst we simply played on
2. we hardly made any sound, in fact so very silent, only some expressions came from Koo Kien Keat who reminded me of the cocky and very confident Cheah Soon Kit.
3. how come our costume is so darn ugly? Tiger issit or sponsored by Maybank? Why can't we ask like what's his name, Zang Toi to design a nice one? What about Jimmy Choo for sportswear? We really need to upgrade our image to look good as well as play good.
4. How come all the members of our Badminton team uses the same hair dye colour? Sponsored by Loreal perhaps?
5. How come only the men are a bit flamboyant with earrings and stuff? Why the women looked rather dowdy and way too thin?
But Lee Chong Wei was such a master of his game. You should have watched him play, such technique in tricking his opponent. Brilliant play.
Read more of this great news HERE, HERE and especially THIS ARTICLE.
MALAYSIA, this time MEMANG BOLEH!! What an exciting game.
Oh by the way I was rather surprised the line up was 100% Chinese. The Australians might have thought "Hmmm when did China join the Commonwealth?"! But well the best players were all there that night so I am glad at least in some aspect Malaysian government and associations places MERIT above all else.
Well, Point2e.com salutes ...
 Lee Chong Wei for being technically superior above all others
 Wong Mew Choo for fighting to the last point and never giving up and almost killing half of the Malaysians with the anxiety of "winning or not?"
I can't find any medal winners' pictures of our Malaysian team which is rather pathetic. I want to salute all of them but where are the pictures? Cues must be taken from Torino Winter Olympics and the way they organised the events and their website. And even our local newspaper did not carry the news in front page or even posted more pictures. English football seems to dominate the headlines when such an exciting win was primarily ignored. A whole booklet should have been printed on this first time win from England who has won since...since from what I could see from the websites, SINCE 1978 for 6 YEARS STRAIGHT!!. What a pity! And who would have guessed we upped the aunties and all to win gold for Lawn Bowl? Whilst it is quite upsetting that Nicol David crashed out in Squash, well you win some and sometimes you lose some. Still very proud of her for winning World No. 1 title.
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The match of the day belonged to Wong Pei Tty-Chin Ee Hui and the Singaporean-China export pair (don't remember their names). GOSH WHAT A GAME! It kept us on our seats for the entire match.
Also had the fortune of taking photos with Lee Chong Wei, Koo Kien Keat, Chan Chong Ming, Yap Kim Hock and Cheah Soon Kit.
Yap Kim Hock was very friendly and cheerful, Cheah Soon Kit was reserved and a little stiff (and my, he has grown a LOT fatter). Lee Chong Wei was friendly as well and seemed a little overwhelmed by the fans asking for his autograph and pictures (surprisingly quite a number of Malaysians and ang mohs wanting his John Hancock). Chan Chong Ming was probably the most professional, obliging smiles, photos and autographs, soft-spoken and smiled a lot.
Koo Kien Keat lived up to his age of 21 by acting like a 21-year-old...he was superb on court (his jumps and smashes were fantastic to watch) and a goofball off-court, saying silly and often senseless stuff. He was also a bit of a poser, happily posing for photos and assuming the "cool guy" poses and flirting with some of the girls (and he was also the most bombarded player, probably because he is the best-looking one). Much better looking in real life than in photos, but not good looking as in OH MY GOD HANDSOME. Would say he is actually not good-looking (although he is very cool on-court) but rather he is very cute. Seemed tired after signing dozens and dozens of autographs.
Didn't manage to meet and greet with the women (I was sad because I really really wanted a photo with the women of the day, Wong-Chin who were very small and tiny compared to the opponents but were obviously the better pair in terms of partnership and "mo qi"), Wong Choon Hann and Choong Tan Fook.
That's my experience. Thought I'll share. :D
- June (same commentor as above)
You have the pictures? I would love to have the pictures, the medals and if there's any, off the court pictures like those they posed with fans. I do know CW Lee is like superstar there. Glad to know he has got ang moh fans!
Oh please email the pictures to me at funnlim@gmail.com I want to post their faced up in my website because really they did an amazing job and yet so little news over here!