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April 05, 2006
AI 5 : 9 to 8 + Results Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Tonight's theme was country and all were mostly bad or mediocre except for maybe one. I won't comment much since nothing to comment. Tonight's highlight was Paula being booed and Simon being clapped and admired. Interesting and all these happened during Paris' slot.
Truth be told, it was a bland night. Kenny Rogers was celebrity mentor and he was better than Stevie Wonder but the best was of course Barry Manilow. I realised they all sing ok when simply a piano accompanied them but the band was awful. THe theme was country but it might as well be dreary.
First up was Taylor Hicks and he was the worst. He didn't believe in his song, it was awful rendition of a popular song and of all the country music he could've chosen, he sang one he didn't quite like. He will be in the bottom 3 and I hope he will be because that will wake him up and choose better songs. He won't get kicked out though because his voice is still one of the best.
Paris sang Tricia Yearwood's song I think but maybe due to her age, she didn't channel her feelings into the song and it was boring. Slightly more interesting was Katharine but she was a bore on the stage however well she could sing a song. Listen to her on the radio and she's fine. I don't understand; she can sing, she's pretty but why do I find her oh so boring to watch? Mandisa was well not very good frankly. Kellie was interestingly very good but yes I am tired of her dumb act. Hey even Ryan asked her if the dumb act was real and she kinda confirmed that either she's so very good at pretending that she should be an actress or she is really dumb. Either option is not good for her.
The guy's were...well Elliott did well as in he sang well but the band was awful and thus made him sound almost awful. Most tonight felt like they were trying to catch up with the band. Please AI, change the bloody ochestra and band! Like I said Taylor was awful. Chris Daughtry, now having no one in particular to emulate and having to sing in his own voice was boring, bland and ordinary. One of the worst but the judges love him. Ace was surprisingly one of the better ones tonight, singing with emotions and yes that stare again. Of course he can't improve anymore, he has reached his plateau in this competition but tonight was his best performance I'd say.
Last but not least, Bucky. In my opinion, the best of the lot tonight and gave one of his best performance, if not the best. He sang a very very popular contemporary song that I never knew was a country song. The original singer sang it straight and Bucky should have angst it a bit like he always did but he didn't except towards the end and it was wholly original and definitely so very well done. I loved his version although again he has a tendency to mumble, which he did for a sentence or two but mostly he was coherent tonight.
I saw the earlier segment where they were all singing and Bucky was playing the guitar. I feel it is time AI should stop the manufactured original talent so to speak, as in you can sing your way but must conform to certain rules. I feel it is time to let the contestants either chose to play their own instrument (like Bucky playing the guitar, Taylor the guitar, etc) or sing accompanied by their chosen instrument, like the piano where I bet Elliott will sound great. I have had it with that stupid noisy intrusive band and ochestra.
My prediction of the bottom 3? A feeling it could be Bucky (I know he will go through because he was great), Elliott, Taylor (give him a jolt to buck up) or maybe Katharine and I hope, I hope Chris Daughtry so as to wake him up.
I think Katharine can get booted, or even Bucky (OH NO!) or even Ace or well...very difficult to predict. I don't know, I really don't know. I just hope that person is not Bucky, Taylor or Elliott. The rest can just go home. PLEASE SAVE TAYLOR, BUCKY AND ELLIOTT!!
RESULTS I couldn't write this earlier because I was so sick, as in fever and sick. Now am ok a bit. Anyway shocking. Mandisa got booted! Hmmm..anyway Bucky survives yet another week. Hooray!!
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