May 31, 2006
Movies, thus far ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
It's only end of May but I can safely conclude the following, thus far ...
Worst Sequel Of A Sequel X-Men 3. Suddenly so sitcom-ish. X-Men the movie became comic characters with so many key characters being disposed off within minutes of appearance, this may be X-Men 3: Appear To Die. Worst!
Worst Movie Was The Promise released this year? If no, forget it.
Most Hyped Movie Amounting To Nothing The Da Vinci Code.
Most Shocking Scene In Malaysian Cinematic History Paul Bettany's buttocks in full view, in Malaysian cinemas. Shocking since a bit of kissing also censored. Now we have the buttocks, up there on the big wide screen!
Worst Casting Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code. Second is Cecilia Cheung in The Promise, if it was released this year.
So Not Looking Forward To This Movie That animation, Over The Hedge. Not sure of the title. Anything from Dreamworks is not my cup of tea.
So Looking Forward To This Movie Many. All of Christian Bale recently released or will be released movies as well as Cars by Pixar.
Why Can't It Be Made Earlier Movie Batman sequel.
The Worst Revelation Of Ending Of A Plot For A Movie Poseidon where the papers wrote Kurt Russel's preparation for his drowning scene and that he died by drowning. So why watch the movie? Oh yeah to see how the capsized overturned ship can straighten itself?
Worst Remake Can't say Superman. Poseidon. The original movie was tension filled, even without the special effects.
Most Uninteresting Trailer Superman. Boring.
Most Overexposed Medium For A Movie As in the ring, the phone, the train, the Internet, now the computer. When will it all end?
How Could I Have Missed This Movie Movie Typhoon. I am still kicking myself for missing it.
Most Unnecessary Movie My Girl And I, that Korean flick. Aren't they tired of making this kind of movie?
May 30, 2006
IQ Test : Try this if you're smart! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Or so the email's subject title said. Gung ho as I was, after taking this test I realised MAN! I am damn stupid! Not really IQ questions but requires some common sense and some logic as well. There are 4 questions. Post your answers using Post A Comment and remember to quote the question no. next to your answer. No second thoughts as in thinking about it a day or so. You must answer them as you read them. If you have came across this email-IQ before, please refrain from posting the answers until I do. I'll post the answer later.
Rule You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately.
Note Thanks for your participation! One thing is for sure; you're all smarter than me! I got the maths right. Question 4 especially, smart aleck like me will go a,e,i,o,u when the answer was staring me right in my face! To read the answer, just highlight from [ to ] in the answer column. I used white font because just in case some of you may want to try this first. By the way the sarcastic tone of the answer is exactly like in the email, not me!
Question 1 You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
Answer [ If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second! ]
Question 2 If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
Answer [ If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person? ]
Question 3 Very tricky math!
Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?
Answer [ Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right? ]
Question 4 Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Answer [ Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary . Read the question again ]
I forgot to add the last question ...
Question 5 There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.
Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?
Answer [ He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.]
May 26, 2006
8TV's One In A Million Permanent link ▫ ▫
There is this local reality show called One In A Million by 8TV where if you win this contest (singing contest ala American Idol by the way) you will get RM1 million plus a recording contract where you'll get a chance to work with international producers for an international singing career, or so they say. RM 1 million I am sure is the easy part, the international singing career is debatable. There are two judges, one is the infamous Simon Cowell wannabe (only much more rude) Paul Moss and the other I am sure a famous Malay singer in her own right. I do not follow the local scene except maybe for Siti Nurhaliza. Anyway to audition must be daunting, and to audition in front of two judges who looked like they always had a bad day must be frightening. Especially the lady judge who looked so fierce one wonders what is wrong with her. When the singer is young and talented, the lady judge speaks a bit nicer but every bit as intimidating as she spoke like as if the recipient is 3 years old.
Anyway I saw the debut episode where the auditions were held at Kota Kinabalu I think. Most speak Malay but the judges spoke English. If the winner is going to be groomed for international stardom and one assume that is beyond South East Asian countries, then the winner must first and foremost speak decent English. So if you can sing but speaks lousy English, sorry to say I am very sure you won't get chosen. I think the format must be the same as AI which means in later stages it will be us Malaysians who do the voting. And that is when the problems kick in.
You see this contest is open to absolutely anyone. You can be amateur and only sing in your bathroom, or singers in a pub or even established singers nominated for many awards with lots of albums to your credit. Say if Britney Spears want to join, she can too.
I feel the rules should have been limited to those without a recording contract because I am sure the point of this reality show is to find untapped talent and not discovered talent.
One local female artiste who is very famous I heard and was recently nominated for several awards auditioned and naturally she got through. This most famous artiste in this competition will then be judges by the voters, I wonder how can then an ordinary nobody compete against her? More so she already has a thriving career as a recording artiste. I also read Malaysian Idol runner up from last year also joined and I am sure many others. That is understandable since I think maybe she didn't have that recording contract. But thus established wonders why she join in the first place? I read she did so because it was a great leap in her effort to bring her career to new heights and to international arena. Why would her recording company agreed to let her go into an essentially amateur singing/talent contest amongst amateurs with the possiblity of her not winning the title and in the end causing much shame to the company? I mean imagine if she really lost the contest ... wouldn't you feel why she want to bring herself to that road when she has already made her career? Is it so hard to find collaboration with international producers that she was desperate enough to join? Whatever her reasons may be, one can't fault her and she was brave to take this step, to face the potential humiliation of losing to a nobody. But what I couldn't understand is why the rules are so relaxed in this competition? It creates a biasness and it will be an uphill task for an ordinary Joe to garner as much attention and publicity than this already established singer. It is simply ridiculous and not fair.
That being said, the judges were so rude, especially to one girl who was told she can proceed to next round and yet she can't decide if she should since she had to leave her job and have no income for months. The judges found her lack of enthusiasm of proceeding to the next round insulting and both of them were super bitchy to this poor girl who kept her smile throughout, and frankly she didn't look too bright. And worse still, we have the lady judge commenting on people who can really sing as "You don't have a predefined style". Excuse me, isn't THAT the reason for this show? Find potential and YOU mould her into a predefined style? I mean she/he will work closely with the producers who will monitor her image, her style, her song choice. What the heck are they talking about style at this stage? This is bad news because that established singer will have a predefined style and having image consultants and all, definitely she would have an unfair advantage over many others. What I dislike about the judges was them looking like they shouldn't be there, that they'd rather be somewhere else and that their time is so precious, if you can't sing so great, you're not worth their time. Their attitude is even worse than the AI show. I wonder aren't they paid to do this? If they don't want to, and they act like some big hot shot producer looking for the next big thing, why not let someone else do the job? I know, this show is supposed to look for the next big thing. But what is the next big thing in this show's context? They're essentially amateurs, so why judge them like as if they are established main stream recording artistes? They were sweet to some though, whilst looking like you'ver just offended them by simply standing in front of them. I believe if Taylor Hicks were to audition before them, I am sure he will be said to lack a predefined style.
I wonder though; did any of these singers, amateurs or otherwise ever ask this judges; "Excuse me, can you give me YOUR credentials? How can YOU make me a star?" instead of the judges saying "Are you good enough to be a star?". Look, Britney Spears can't sing, neither can Avril Lavigne, and see where they are today.
Oh please, why must 8TV invest in such a nonsensical show? Don't we have like ASTRO Talent Show, Superstar, Malaysian Idol and now this? And why must all such shows have similar types of judges; rude ones? Why is everybody trying to equate rudeness as honesty? I know, honesty can be interpreted as rudeness but when someone says "I won't be freaking wasting my time promoting her" or "I have just wasted half my life with you" or or "What kind of attitude do you have?" or somewhere along that line, that to be is rudeness and not honesty. Malaysian reality show judges, especially Malaysian Idol and this one do not seem to be able to diffrentiate between good judging thus good comments with plain rudeness. Some judges get offended so easily that sometimes I feel like I am watching a verbal abuse reality show, with the judges scolding people and making highly personal attack type of comments and one wonders for what? Ratings? Sensationalism? Oh yes...honesty.
That overused words in reality show these days, from modelling show to everything else. Of course the people in the industry will say if you can't take this, you can't take the real comments by real producers. Remember Elliott Yamin and one particular famous producer who was kinda impatient and kinda snapped at him and that was shown on big huge TV across the world? That kinda of attitude I understand but must they be so at this stage? I am not asking them to be nice and sweet and lie but to say "I won't be freaking wasting my time promoting her" is hurtful, not very helpful and way too personal a remark to be called good judging.
Why not let the real singers, songwriters and established producers with proven track record do the judging eh?
May 24, 2006
AI 5: 2 to 1 + results Permanent link ▫ ▫
 So how was the final night of the two battling it out? Started out rather blandly and ended with a bang. I don't know about the votes but truly Taylor Hicks is to me the American Idol, the way he worked the crowd and with his last song proving he can sing and he can sing great. Each contestant sang 3 songs, 2 from previous shows and one written specially for them. Katharine started first, looking pretty and extremely nervous. She did that Cherry Tree song and it was ok. I thought it was better the first time even though I didn't like it the first time. Second song she sang the song everybody said was her best, Somewhere Over The Rainbow and she sang it better this time because there was emotion although she sounded like she belong in a broadway show, not the music world that Idol offers. But one must remember being an idol does not mean immediate success. Kelly Clarkson took I think 4 years to be where she is today and that is after she changed company. Third song she sang a song which I doubt is specially written for her, anyway entitled My Destiny. It wasn't as badly written as the articles wrote that it is but it was still quite a bad song. And she sang it well within the wellness that is defined by Katharine McPhee herself. The problem was I don't think she feels for the song at all and her stage antics were amateurish and karaoke-ish. For someone who sang since she was 2, she displayed none of the refinement of a seasoned performer. But the song was not good. Like I said it wasn't written specifically for her I guess because it was such a low key song. Low key as in low tone and Katharine McPhee's voice is suited for higher key so she sounded like Daughtry did in Little Less Conversation and that wasn't good. For me she was weak tonight and ended with a bland note. Elliott would have did better because at least he meant every word. Her father was crying so much he might have ten boxes of Kleenex ready. At this point I asked my sister this question; " Does a good singer makes a bad song good or a bad song makes a good singer bad?" My sister simply replied a good singer makes a bad song sound good, ahd she quoted I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. I was shocked of course because I thought that was a good song except it was overplayed and became a very annoying song, like My Heart Will Go On. My sister said I should've listened to Dolly Parton's version, because it was a bad song to begin with but Whitney Houston made it good. There is relevance to this paragraph I am writing and you shall see later. Anyway Taylor was next, and he wisely chose Living For The City for his opener. He wore a really ugly purple kinda coat and definitely he was hamming it up like a over excited wedding singer. But Kodak Theatre is huge and can be overwhelming. The moment he appeared the audience became alive. But I must be honest; he did it better the first time. I never liked Stevie Wonder as I have mentioned before but Taylor Hicks made me love this song which he sang much much better the first time and less dancing. This time he was a bit overboard although his enthusiasm was infectious. He did sang off key in the beginning but nobody noticed or nobody cared because they were entertained. That is what is being a singer is all about; reach out to your audience and entertain them, deliver your song, deliver the message and Taylor Hicks was the messenger of this song. Second song for all reasons I do not know he chose a rather bland Levon which I found out is an Elton John song. I am sure last season you all know how difficult to sing an Elton John song which is most of the time tuneless and suited for Elton John alone. He did it better the first time but didn't mean he was bad this time. He settled down and gave a very good rendition although pitchy at times although he did not sang offkey like the first one. I was hoping he would do In The Ghetto or maybe Trouble but Levon is ok. His third song written again maybe not for him specifically and like Katharine the song was inspiring and became a git gospel-ish. The lyrics were not quite as good in the beginning and although Randy said he had a slightly better song, I disagree. Both song were equally of such inadequate quality, and like Paula said, the singer was better than the song. But you know what? Remember my question? " Does a good singer makes a bad song good or a bad song makes a good singer bad?" The song, Do I Make You Proud was a bad song, but tonight Taylor Hicks proved to the world, especially the dissenters that however bad a song may be, when it comes into Taylor Hicks' hands, it will become a very good song. He sang it excellently, with such soul, such conviction, such belief in the words and feel for the song which was lousy that he elevated what is an ordinary song into greatness. When he ended the song with the words "Do I make you proud?", I am sure all the Soul Patrols and those who believed in him from day one eventhough Simon didn't, some didn't, would have nodded their head vigorously and said, Yes Taylor, you bloody did! This song was the deciding factor in my opinion. Take away the silly dances and the so called karaoke performances or even his looks (by the way he looked great in the final song) or his grey hair or everything else and just focus on the song and the way he sang it and his beautiful throaty raspy voice and especially singing with such conviction, what you have tonight is the reason why this man is loved and his records will sell. I read in some articles that said at the end he will be like Ruben Studdard and Katharine will be Clay Aiken. I disagree. Clay Aiken is technically not a good singer, Ruben was but Ruben I think wasn't as ambitious and coupled with his health problems maybe was stalled a little. Taylor has the ambition, the drive, the passion and the humility to see things through and he brings the soul back into this rather souless competition. He is the proof that you don't need looks to succeed, just a likeable disposition, a passion for music and definitely an unbeatable talent will bring you to where you belong; the stage of the world cheered on by his fans, friends and family. For all the dissenters who is still sore Daughtry got kicked out or Katharine is greater or Taylor is spastic retarded karaoke wedding singer, I can only say look beyond the looks. What is you definition of an American Idol? For me, this person must be a diamond in the rough, a raw talent or better yet a blooming talent who already has the ability to entertain, to bring out loud the feel and message of the song, to deliver when he must deliver, to show to the world the beauty and passion of music irregardless of age, sex,colour and more importantly looks. Aretha Franklin isn't you typical beauty, Ella Fitzgerald was in her later years an amputee, Bob Dylan can't sing and was ugly, John Lennon was quite nasty although he was a musical genius, Elvis can't dance even if he wanted to, Michael Jackson for all the allegations that I believe is true was a truly gifted singer and entertainer, Janet Jackson can't sing but can dance, Daniel Powter isn't exactly handsome either and many many more names I could drop to you ... all these people have or had one thing in common; for what they lack in what is essentially and typical idol like qualities that some articles that criticised Taylor listed, they all were and are gifted musicians who are able to deliver a song where it matters whether they can entertain or they can sing or they can write the most meaningful lyrics. Taylor with his last song proved two things; a. he can really sing because the song was bad and he made it sound good; and b. more importantly, he delivered the message of the song and indeed I do not know about other Soul Patrols, I myself was so affected by the message of the song I became rather emotional. Yes, I was proud of him. I am not ashamed to admit I followed him since day one where he walked in a rather odd old looking man, to the way he played his harmonica when he was about to be told about his fate in the competition through his worst moments during Country music night, technically probably his only one bad performance that was so awful because he didn't feel for the song to this final stage. I am worried America might get it wrong and decided to play safe and hand the title to McPhee because she was the obvious AI like winner not because she did great but because she looked great and had the potential to be groomed further. You want record sales, go with Taylor. I believe his silly dances and constipated looks are part of the act that either endeared him to AI followers or pissed them off but with the last performance, he mellowed down and simply sang with his heart. That is the mark of a good singer. If Taylor Hicks doesn't get the American Idol crown, definitely no other contestant should. I believe he is one of the most if not the most successful AI contestant as he garnered more fans as he went along and he made AI accessible not just to young people that I am sure is the usual demographic but to older generations, some even beyond 50 from the posts I have read in the Internet. Isn't that what AI should be about? One article wrote AI should be about finding talent and not about silly dances. I believe the writer has been misinformed. She's right; it is about finding talent and to focus on his dancing rather than his ability to deliver a song is shameful and missing the point. If Elvis had entered AI today, he would have flunk based solely on silly dances although Elvis was a handsome man. What if he entered when he was fat? Even then he could sing. I think this season of AI has been the best and the most varied because of Elliott Yamin, Taylor Hicks and to a certain extent Kevin Covais too. I would have loved to see Elliott in the finals instead of McPhee but that is in the past. AI should thank Taylor for joining; because I believe AI's fan base just got wider. So my prediction? Who cares! With that last song, Taylor Hicks proved that HE IS AN AMERICAN IDOL. However being kiasu, I hope you voted for him. Some said they'd rather he loses the competition and I understand why. Being the winner of AI may pigeonhold him but maybe, just maybe he may be able to break the mould and redefine AI as he had these past several weeks. I want him to win because he is the best, the most unique, the most solid, the most consistent and because he meant every word he sang. Yes, Taylor, I am proud of you! >> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S DO I MAKE YOU PROUDURL :>> DOWNLOAD THE OTHER PERFORMANCES OF TAYLOR HEREURL :>> DOWNLOAD THE PERFORMANCES OF KATHARINE HEREURL : : So many stars in the audience like Ben Stiller, previous AI contestants, Mandy Moore and many more. However I was very happy to see a happily clapping Elliott Yamin who was clearly there to cheer on his friends. Daniel Powter sang Bad Day and I must admit, he was the best singer in that show. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHERE I CAN DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT'S MOODY'S MOOD FOR LOVE? WHETHER FROM THE CD OR THE LIVE SHOW AS IN MP3?? PLEASE USE POST A COMMENT. THANKS! RESULTS & RECAP OF FINAL RESULTS SHOW
 Got the news via SMS. Recap of the final results show coming right up in 4 hours. I am so happy!  Go Soul Patrol!! 24.05.2006Note : I will be posting the selected finale MP3s in my repeat list later this week.  A whole lot of songs, guest appearances, duets, group singing, award shows, interviews and still more group singing before the results is revealed. What a long show but not boring actually. I was surprised to see Randy and Simon in a suit! Anyway the intro of the judges were funny except the one for Simon who was repeatedly shown licking his lips, touching his own chest to the tune I think I'm So Sexy. I think enough is enough! Enough with the jokes on Simon. By the way Taylor got to play the harmonica at last!! Some selected few were selected to sing with some established singers, like Elliott with Mary J Blige who outsang everybody and whom Elliott seemed to be in awe with although I have an issue with who is the star here? Should have been Elliott but Mary J Blige was like taking all the spotlight and Elliott was more like a backup singer which is a shame. In fact Elliott is like a true idol in that show as his mom (as opposed to Katharine's emotional dad) was awarded with I think best parental support award or something like that. Earlier some jokers were awarded with the award, and some turned up to accept them, like Brokenote Mountain group, the 3 cowboys who first made me cry with their friendship. One Clay Aiken impersonator came to take the award which was meant to insult, he sang halfway when the real Clay Aiken (looking rather plastic) appeared and completed the song, FAR FAR away from this over excited fans. But you know what, it may be insulting at first, but to give these people an opportunity to perform in the Kodak Theatre and with their idols is a very good idea. Somehow for some reasons Taylor had to duet with Toni Braxton who will have my vote as the worst singer ever. She wasn't interested in singing In The Ghetto, she wasn't even singing since I can't hear a single note from her but she was interested in doing a semi striptease kinda show and as she snuggled closer to Taylor, Taylor seems to go further and further away. We have Daughtry with the band Live (remember?) and I swear Daughtry and the lead singer of Live could have been twins. They look exactly alike except the Live singer was taller, more handsome and had a more pleasant face whilst Daughtry sulked as ever. Even their voices sound exactly alike so both were uninspiring. In fact everybody didn't sing quite good actually. Kellie poor thing had a joke sitcom made of her with her encounter with I think a French chef, making her look like a complete fool. But she was gracious to do that, that I give her credit. Mandisa was there and when Kevin Covais was singing a cute song, the girls being back up singers did a cute dance routine. Everybody looked so relaxed, even Katharine and Taylor. Carrie Underwood sang a few songs. Wonder why Kelly Clarkson wasn't there? Anyway I don't know why she won. Wasn't that great. The biggest surprise for me was Prince appearing at the end of the show, kinda the end where he outperformed everybody. A truly stylish performer who walked out, sang 2 songs, combed his hair and walked back in. No duets, no interviews. Dionne Warwick came and she outsang everybody with her gracious performance. A pity Whitney Houston was to messed up because she can outsing even this I think aunt of hers. Last but not least, the announcement after some more duets. Taylor won and he looked overwhelmed as he screamed Soul Patrol whilst Katharine for once looked genuinely happy. And then it was time for Taylor to sing that awful song but you know what, I love that song now. I can't believe AI 5 is over. I can't believe I won't be hearing Taylor Hicks' voice anymore until his album is released. I am feeling kinda depressed! But what surprised me most in this show is Bucky looking relaxed and sounding great, Elliott looking very confident and gave some soulful performances that reminded everybody why it should have been him in the finals. In fact I think Elliott gained the most eventhough he was 3rd place because the affection was genuine and I think this was more so because he gave a graceful exit to the show. He looked more and more handsome as he grew more and more confident. I also liked the fact he and Taylor are such chums! Taylor the biggest winner of all was sucessful in breaking the mould. This was such a fantastic season and I was glad my dedication and my devotion to Taylor Hicks was repaid by him giving the most graceful end performance to the show, where he sang halfway and then thanked everybody although I would have loved a recap of his previous performances as well as some time for a thank you speech.I am a soul patrol and I am very proud of that. And Taylor, I am very proud of you. Thank you America for voting right ( 63.4 million votes!), thank you Randy and Paula for recognising talent despite the looks and thank you Taylor for all the good times. I am so looking forward to your albums. Thank you all for reading my posts. I will be reposting the links to the MP3s of Taylor and Elliott's performances very soon. Do keep me updated with their news. P/S : Why was David Hasselhoff crying when Taylor was announced the winner?
Busy June & VOTE FOR TAYLOR HICKS Permanent link ▫ ▫
I do have something very sad and tragic to talk about but I feel since today is American Idol Finale, I decided to talk about something on everybody's minds and shall leave that tragic news to later.
The month of June will now officially be known as the Month of the Panda, as evidenced or shall be evidenced by the legions of fans, young and old, male and female late night dates with the World Cup. Maybe the crime rate will fall too. Can't believe it's coming so soon and yet can't believe it is still so many days away! What's your pick? Brazil I presume? Why not eh?
But my heart belongs to England though I know they won't win. They're so worried about Wayne Rooney's foot, that so much credit given to him, pressure must be enourmous. There's still Owen who looks very handsome by the way and many others. I don't hope for them to win, just don't go home too early that's all I ask, the words used in the previous (I think way way previous) World Cup for the Scottish team. Where are all the World Cup songs I wonder? Haven't heard any except for Football Mad Nation by our fellow Malaysians which isn't that meaningful.
Anyway AI final today!! I will only be able to see it after the show has ended and the voting has ended. So without much ado, I dedicate the following to fellow Americans with the power to vote and make/break this woman's heart ...
PLEASE vote for Taylor Hicks even if you have never seen a single episode of AI, even if you loved Elliott (and so do I) or that you feel Katharine McPhee has her moments. Let's not talk about moments, let's talk about consistency, let's talk about breaking the idol mould. PLEASE vote for Taylor Hicks.
I feel so nervous. This AI is by far the most nerve wrecking for me. Come on, please vote for Taylor Hicks. If not the font in this website will be even bigger than the night Elliott got booted.
May 19, 2006
The day after the train has left Permanent link ▫ ▫
E-Train that is. I am still feeling under the blues. This kinda made me realise sometimes you know some things are inevitable and yet you hope for it, wishing for the opposite and yet the bloody opposite never happen and you feel the blues even when you know the outcome. I sound like Kim Sam Soon. Anyway I was too emotional yesterday that as I reveal back my AI post (as below), maybe I have gone overboard with the red capital words.
I think I would go bonkers if Taylor losses.
And talking about Taylor Hicks, maybe I was way too harsh on Katharine McPhee although my opinion of her singing still stands. What is wierd though; ever notice in the recent show (I think 2 shows ago) where she was singing with Taylor she seems to be very close to him? Then I saw the pictures in the papers and they were hugging closely and then he had his hand on her shoulder. I didn't see that when she was with Elliott. So I may be speculating but is there something intimate going between Katharine and Taylor?
Not that I mind though because Katherine is pretty although lacking in tact (not sure if that's how you spell it). I don't hate her anymore until and unless she gets the title and Taylor losses. NO, then I will blame the Soul Patrols.
May 17, 2006
AI 5 : 3 to 2 + results Permanent link ▫ ▫
NOTE When downloading songs, for IE users, RIGHT CLICK the link and choose Save Target As and for Firefox users LEFT CLICK the link and choose to download the song. Or copy and paste the URL to your download managers. If the link doesn't work, the URL is always the correct and accurate. Do not listen to the songs online. Thanks to Gray Charles and for the MP3s.Each contestant sings 3 songs, one chosen by music mogul Clive Davis, one by a particular judge and the last one by themselves. I am just curious why Taylor never choose a Ray Charles song because Elliott sang one. Elliott first and couldn't recognise all 3 songs sung by him. Not his best night but on average he was very good with his soulful voice really shining tonight. But I am afraid he might be kicked out because boobs is an advantage but hey, prove me wrong. I love a Taylor-Elliott finish. >> DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT'S I BELIEVE TO MY SOULURL :>> DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT'S WHAT YOU WON'T DO FOR LOVEURL :>> DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT'S OPEN ARMSURL : sang let's see...she oversang I Believe I Can Fly that almost made me flew out of the door in disgust, then she was given Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Simon Cowell and she sat there and sang and though everybody said she was great, I thought she was way too pompous and truth be told, sang like she is a robot without a single shred of feelings. I notice also she can't take criticisms. I believe she is those types that thinks she is such a great singer when in reality she is mediocre at best. She manages to kill each song she has ever sung. Elliott on the other hand is those type that "You mean I was great? Oh thanks!" when he is actually a better singer than he thinks he is. Taylor is those type who knows who he is musically. And that is why he looked so miserable when he had to sing a Bruce Sprinsteen song chosen by Clive Davis. He sang it well and he does have that raspy voice like The Boss himself. Randy chose him a good song, You're So Beautiful and though the lyrics is limited and in the beginning it wasn't great and he does look constipated, he does sing it with such emotions I felt like I was melting. Such a great singer. He chose for himself a rather strange song that I can't remember. It started weird but he ended it with flourish, the Hicks style and he proves why he IS an American Idol. If he doesn't win, I do not know who will and should win. He is by far the most unique contestant but I was a tad annoyed that he kept saying SOUL PATROL SOUL PATROL SOUL PATROL. >> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S DANCING IN THE DARKURL :>> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFULURL :>> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S TRY A LITTLE TENDERNESSURL : is great though with Ciplak man gone (rumour has it he may front Fuel but Fuel's fans say "Thanks but no thanks") the others got a fair amount of exposure, lightning and solo music. Anyway can't say much because I really have no comments other than to say I hope America will vote wisely and Elliott, the one who actually improved the most should deserve a chance to be in the final. The arrogant Boobs can just go home and I am not saying this because she is pretty and I am a girl jealous of her; she simply is a ver good karaoke singer but not those that can reach out to millions with her voice and her music. GO GO GO TAYLOR! GO GO GO ELLIOTT!!
Anyway my prediction. Elliott because everyone is just waiting to kick him out. If I have it my way, Katharine. She was horrible, mediocre and horrible again, in that particular order.
AN UPDATE I just read the blogs where they claim the show is now engineered and structured in such a way to pave the way for Taylor's win. Excuse me, so what about Katharine's sitting on the floor? Give him credit please. Taylor is an excellent performance, strange ticks and wooooo and all. He is by far the most consistent performer although his voice isn't always up to par but so is the many other Grammy winners. And I do not understand how everybody could just edge Elliott out simply because they thought Katharine's Somewhere Over The Rainbow was great, excellent, the best? She so badly sung the other two songs that she is clearly inconsistent. Of course her now infamous "I didn't pick that song!" didn't quite help because the songs she picked for herself were also overperformed. So my conclusion is she simply couldn't control her singing, tending to flip over the hair and sing into the mike as her head is tilt back. If everyone can ctiticise Elliott for his bobbing up and down and Taylor's ticks, what about Katharine's signature pose? And what is so great about her Rainbow version? Do download the MP3 because I believe only then can you hear how over the top her interpretation was and what is worse? That that was supposed to be the performance of the night? Everyone criticise Taylor as karaoke-ish. I can't see anyone more karaoke than her. Of course everyone at this stage is diamond in the rough but consistency, vocals and an ability to command ones vocals to do ones bidding. Second to Daughtry, I dislike her the most. For her arrogance, for everybody loving her big vocal voice. Please..please..please...I know Elliott is gone case. But to her? That;s giving her way too much credit. More than one blog said how they almost shed tears listening to her interpretation. I almost did too, because of pure frustration how she screwed up the song. Elliott, I know can't bear to see the results show tomorrow but I must. I must see him perform for the last time and hopefully somebody will sign him on, groom him and give him a big band and orchestra. He belongs in such an environment.
RESULTS My heart knows no sorrow like this, well actually it does but my heart is crying. I knew the results even before reading them but still it pains me. I must watch his final performance because I know he will give us all a classy end to his illustrous run. I can't wait for his album and I can't wait for Taylor to win this. But I must ask this question. My dear fellow Americans who rooted for Elliott, why didn't you vote harder? Why didn't you vote like there's no tomorrow? How can you let one feelingless, arrogant, medicore and undeserving singer who had one good song and two awful ones get through when Elliott was consistently consistent? How can you do this to him?
4 hours later I apologise for my emotional outburst. I saw this results show and was overwhelmed by emotions. Taylor went back home and the fans who greeted him could only be rivalled by Elliott's hometown. It seems the smaller the place the bigger the welcome. Katharine's welcome was a bit lacking but hey, she got 2nd place didn't she? Anyway Taylor's fans were coming out by the hundreds and thousands, the part where the shopping complex were full of people was overwhelming. Elliott's hometown filled an entire stadium with people who greeted him and that was even more overwhelming. Apparently the race was so close it was point decimal decimal number. You get what I mean. I have a feeling Elliott knew he was doomed. Ryan didn't mention who got no. 1 spot though but I guess it must be Taylor so SOUL PATROL!! GREAT JOB!! KEEP IT UP!! Elliott ended the night by being the humble likeable guy that he is. There is not on single indecent malicious shred in this sweet man and he cried and then happily smiled because he made it this far. He should be a poster boy for AI franchise because in his interview clip he said he was lost and didn't where to begin until AI came along and he found what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. I was crying by then. I really was crying because he was such a sweet sweet gentleman. His end song was amazing, sang better than last night as all pressure was off. How I hoped for a miracle but he didn't make it as predicted but emerged the most gracious winner thus far, apart from John Stevens.
Elliott, if you're reading this, I always love to say this to talented people who has what it takes to go all the way ... see you at the Grammys.
May 15, 2006
"You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" Permanent link ▫ ▫
Familiar phrase? The bad bad news is with this notice and without getting the real thing, you can't even download security updates and new versions of Media Player and Internet Explorer which by the way has a new beta version no. 7. Frustrated is the least of my concern; angry more like it but what to do? My own fault. But the real joke? For browsers, you can get the updated ones such as Firefox which is a better browser if not for the crazy HTML tags that doesn't work sometimes. For emails, thunderbird is my favourite so I can do without Outlook. BUT Windows Media Player is a bit of a problem but there is another one called Media Player which does the same thing. Music I can use Winamp. So basically we won't die. Nope because there are alternatives and joke is some alternatives are better, but we stick to microsoft because of one package deal and because it is convenient. Since some things are made inconvenient for us, I guess we have to step it up a bit by being extra diligent but doesn't mean we will die. Nope!
You know when we will die especially those who sees the above warning and did nothing to legalise your Windows? When suddenly Mozilla and gang becomes best friends with Microsoft. That's a scary thought. Will they be best friends
But funny though. By not letting potentially millions of home users to update the security notice, means our computers is susceptible to virus attacks and security breach which can spread to big time companies' computers which in turn will make Microsoft look real bad
My suggestion? Sometimes letting the small people benefit a bit won't kill you. Let us download the security updates and windows updates AT THE VERY LEAST so as to ensure a nice looking "our system is very stable" chart instead of "this is our 10 billionth dollar sales profit" chart.
What do you think? Bear in mind, the real thing is RM500-00 more and that is just Windows only. Talk about expensive.
Guess who this is Permanent link ▫ ▫
Note Do click on the thumbnail for the full size view.
Clue : I think his korean name printed on the scan is a dead giveaway of who this famous heart throb is. I always love to see the before they're famous photos of Korean stars, just to check out the extensive work they had done on their face. Usually very hard to trace because Korean stars, unlike many others usually did cosmetic surgery BEFORE they entered showbiz but what are school yearbooks are for eh? Not many are natural looking like Jang Dong Gun or Song Hye Kyo. I found this picture at a forum but I have lost the link. I did a double take when the forum said this boy would become the actor we all know now because on first glance looked quite different. Now what is fascinating about this actor is and do look carefully, apart form his hideous Ah Beng hairstyle, he actually doesn't look THAT different from his looks now, I presume probably 6 to 10 years from the far right picture? When I watched his series I actually thought he did his eyes and his nose and maybe his chin. Now that I saw these pictures, apart from perhaps his eyes, the rest looks the same. His nose in particular which is nice right now looks quite the same. Maybe subtle change to enhance his strong cheekbones? Just maybe. If he did any work on his face, it would have been minimal, in my humble opinion. I wouldn't say he was a handsome young kid but looking basically the same and a change of hairstyle and some fashion tips, he did turn out to be a very good looking man, looking his best with his almost side profile. His front profile is not nice. And he is not photogenic so do not let these pictures and many others fool you. Still don't know who he is? Another clue: When he smiles he has dimples. Oh come on, I rarely talk about an actor without having recently seen a series of his. That's another clue. The AnswerThe one person who took a guess, actually the one person who kinda replied guessed it right! And she guessed it by simply looking at his face which means nothing much was done to it. Yep, it's Hyun Bin.  whose real name I read is Kim Tae-pyung, which sounds more like Kim Typhoon though it is not pronounced that way though. He should have called himself Typhoon Kim which is the effect he has on many of his fans, mostly girls and aunties and all ages of the female species based mostly and I believe quite solely on My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. Hopefully he will have other roles to prove he is more than just a one man show actor because quite frankly I have very high opinion of him as an actor, based mostly and solely on his one show I have watched. Hyun Bin I read means Bright Light [ source]. Whilst he does look a bit like Won Bin but the less beautiful version, just in case you thought nahhhh that picture is so not cool and he looks like in Form 6, well maybe the one below might show to you how better he actually looks on screen than in picture...  I rest my case. He really isn't that sulky because I watched the TMO of Kim Sam Soon and he laughed, all the time. My review of My Name Is Kim Sam Soon aka My Love Sam Soon is coming soon since I am still writing it.
May 13, 2006
My Name Is Kim Sam Soon men's fashion show Permanent link ▫ ▫
NOTE All pictures are thumbnails of the larger picture hosted by Imageshack. Do click on them to see more clearly.
If you think I am obssessed with Hyun Bin when you see the following screen captures from the series My Name Is Kim Sam Soon, let me make it very clear; I am not obssessed with Hyun Bin but rather his fashion in this series. I do like him though. Very good actor and very good looking especially with his hair combed up (because he looks to much younger with his hair combed down and I was surprised to find out that he is 24 which is like really young). Somehow the captures just didn't do His Good-Lookingness any justice so I guess he is NOT photogenic. I must admit, he looks very young in these captures but in the series he didn't look that young. Anyway blessed with what I call a swimmer's physique and long beautiful fingers (he plays a lot of piano in this series and I guess he must be really good in real life) and quite tall with healthy skin tone (although only in the last episode did I realise he sweats a lot), he was like a walking supermodel in this series. I fell in love with his fashion from the first frame. And in each and every episode, he is in different shirts, pants, ties and even belts. In every single scene he looks darn good. And surprising was all the shirts he worn can be worn by a woman. It's true. In fact some looked a bit effiminate but this guy can wear anything. He looks best in colourful shirts with jeans and a colourful belt. I guess in part because of his age and also because he wears the clothes. What is even more amazing about this series is the men from early 20s to mid 30s to early 40s all can wear pink shirts and still look good! But Hyun Bin did it best in that pink coat. Believe me he is mostly in soft colours and never have once have I thought him as sissy. Men, young men that is should wear more like this. For good measure I put in also Daniel Henney's fashion show because he looks damn good. The only thing about these shirts is they're like a size too small emphasising on their chest and luckily they do have those strong chest. I believe the fashion consultant in this series must believe in colours for men and you don't need to dress like you're going for funeral to look stylish and yet young and trendy. Ok, enough with my comments. I apologise for the poor quality because well my screen capture device isn't very good at capturing moving pictures. BUT there are some good ones. Believe me young men, if you're early 20s, just style your hair like Hyun Bin and dress like him (in this series), believe me, you will look good. But don't try this if you're very fair because you may look washed out. I am not going to say which is my favourite but let me put here first the ONLY shirt that looked ugly in this series.  And the following is the worst ensemble clothing, because he looked like a waiter, albeit a very well dressed waiter.    Ahhhhhh such colours, such great cutting, such handsome men with deep masculine voice with such great taste in clothes and even could look masculine in bright pink, bright green, bright red, bright blue ... how can you not envy Kim Sam Soon and Hee Jin eh? Jang Dong Gun wouldn't look nice in these colours though, I guess it must be because of the age factor. Young men, dress the colours before you outdate the colours!! And to all those I secretly laughed at them when I see young men wearing soft pink with soft coloured belt whom I brand as sissy, sorry guys. Hyun Bin showed to me there's more to masculinity than just in the colours.