May 24, 2006
AI 5: 2 to 1 + results Permanent link ▫ ▫  
 So how was the final night of the two battling it out? Started out rather blandly and ended with a bang. I don't know about the votes but truly Taylor Hicks is to me the American Idol, the way he worked the crowd and with his last song proving he can sing and he can sing great. Each contestant sang 3 songs, 2 from previous shows and one written specially for them. Katharine started first, looking pretty and extremely nervous. She did that Cherry Tree song and it was ok. I thought it was better the first time even though I didn't like it the first time. Second song she sang the song everybody said was her best, Somewhere Over The Rainbow and she sang it better this time because there was emotion although she sounded like she belong in a broadway show, not the music world that Idol offers. But one must remember being an idol does not mean immediate success. Kelly Clarkson took I think 4 years to be where she is today and that is after she changed company. Third song she sang a song which I doubt is specially written for her, anyway entitled My Destiny. It wasn't as badly written as the articles wrote that it is but it was still quite a bad song. And she sang it well within the wellness that is defined by Katharine McPhee herself. The problem was I don't think she feels for the song at all and her stage antics were amateurish and karaoke-ish. For someone who sang since she was 2, she displayed none of the refinement of a seasoned performer. But the song was not good. Like I said it wasn't written specifically for her I guess because it was such a low key song. Low key as in low tone and Katharine McPhee's voice is suited for higher key so she sounded like Daughtry did in Little Less Conversation and that wasn't good. For me she was weak tonight and ended with a bland note. Elliott would have did better because at least he meant every word. Her father was crying so much he might have ten boxes of Kleenex ready. At this point I asked my sister this question; " Does a good singer makes a bad song good or a bad song makes a good singer bad?" My sister simply replied a good singer makes a bad song sound good, ahd she quoted I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. I was shocked of course because I thought that was a good song except it was overplayed and became a very annoying song, like My Heart Will Go On. My sister said I should've listened to Dolly Parton's version, because it was a bad song to begin with but Whitney Houston made it good. There is relevance to this paragraph I am writing and you shall see later. Anyway Taylor was next, and he wisely chose Living For The City for his opener. He wore a really ugly purple kinda coat and definitely he was hamming it up like a over excited wedding singer. But Kodak Theatre is huge and can be overwhelming. The moment he appeared the audience became alive. But I must be honest; he did it better the first time. I never liked Stevie Wonder as I have mentioned before but Taylor Hicks made me love this song which he sang much much better the first time and less dancing. This time he was a bit overboard although his enthusiasm was infectious. He did sang off key in the beginning but nobody noticed or nobody cared because they were entertained. That is what is being a singer is all about; reach out to your audience and entertain them, deliver your song, deliver the message and Taylor Hicks was the messenger of this song. Second song for all reasons I do not know he chose a rather bland Levon which I found out is an Elton John song. I am sure last season you all know how difficult to sing an Elton John song which is most of the time tuneless and suited for Elton John alone. He did it better the first time but didn't mean he was bad this time. He settled down and gave a very good rendition although pitchy at times although he did not sang offkey like the first one. I was hoping he would do In The Ghetto or maybe Trouble but Levon is ok. His third song written again maybe not for him specifically and like Katharine the song was inspiring and became a git gospel-ish. The lyrics were not quite as good in the beginning and although Randy said he had a slightly better song, I disagree. Both song were equally of such inadequate quality, and like Paula said, the singer was better than the song. But you know what? Remember my question? " Does a good singer makes a bad song good or a bad song makes a good singer bad?" The song, Do I Make You Proud was a bad song, but tonight Taylor Hicks proved to the world, especially the dissenters that however bad a song may be, when it comes into Taylor Hicks' hands, it will become a very good song. He sang it excellently, with such soul, such conviction, such belief in the words and feel for the song which was lousy that he elevated what is an ordinary song into greatness. When he ended the song with the words "Do I make you proud?", I am sure all the Soul Patrols and those who believed in him from day one eventhough Simon didn't, some didn't, would have nodded their head vigorously and said, Yes Taylor, you bloody did! This song was the deciding factor in my opinion. Take away the silly dances and the so called karaoke performances or even his looks (by the way he looked great in the final song) or his grey hair or everything else and just focus on the song and the way he sang it and his beautiful throaty raspy voice and especially singing with such conviction, what you have tonight is the reason why this man is loved and his records will sell. I read in some articles that said at the end he will be like Ruben Studdard and Katharine will be Clay Aiken. I disagree. Clay Aiken is technically not a good singer, Ruben was but Ruben I think wasn't as ambitious and coupled with his health problems maybe was stalled a little. Taylor has the ambition, the drive, the passion and the humility to see things through and he brings the soul back into this rather souless competition. He is the proof that you don't need looks to succeed, just a likeable disposition, a passion for music and definitely an unbeatable talent will bring you to where you belong; the stage of the world cheered on by his fans, friends and family. For all the dissenters who is still sore Daughtry got kicked out or Katharine is greater or Taylor is spastic retarded karaoke wedding singer, I can only say look beyond the looks. What is you definition of an American Idol? For me, this person must be a diamond in the rough, a raw talent or better yet a blooming talent who already has the ability to entertain, to bring out loud the feel and message of the song, to deliver when he must deliver, to show to the world the beauty and passion of music irregardless of age, sex,colour and more importantly looks. Aretha Franklin isn't you typical beauty, Ella Fitzgerald was in her later years an amputee, Bob Dylan can't sing and was ugly, John Lennon was quite nasty although he was a musical genius, Elvis can't dance even if he wanted to, Michael Jackson for all the allegations that I believe is true was a truly gifted singer and entertainer, Janet Jackson can't sing but can dance, Daniel Powter isn't exactly handsome either and many many more names I could drop to you ... all these people have or had one thing in common; for what they lack in what is essentially and typical idol like qualities that some articles that criticised Taylor listed, they all were and are gifted musicians who are able to deliver a song where it matters whether they can entertain or they can sing or they can write the most meaningful lyrics. Taylor with his last song proved two things; a. he can really sing because the song was bad and he made it sound good; and b. more importantly, he delivered the message of the song and indeed I do not know about other Soul Patrols, I myself was so affected by the message of the song I became rather emotional. Yes, I was proud of him. I am not ashamed to admit I followed him since day one where he walked in a rather odd old looking man, to the way he played his harmonica when he was about to be told about his fate in the competition through his worst moments during Country music night, technically probably his only one bad performance that was so awful because he didn't feel for the song to this final stage. I am worried America might get it wrong and decided to play safe and hand the title to McPhee because she was the obvious AI like winner not because she did great but because she looked great and had the potential to be groomed further. You want record sales, go with Taylor. I believe his silly dances and constipated looks are part of the act that either endeared him to AI followers or pissed them off but with the last performance, he mellowed down and simply sang with his heart. That is the mark of a good singer. If Taylor Hicks doesn't get the American Idol crown, definitely no other contestant should. I believe he is one of the most if not the most successful AI contestant as he garnered more fans as he went along and he made AI accessible not just to young people that I am sure is the usual demographic but to older generations, some even beyond 50 from the posts I have read in the Internet. Isn't that what AI should be about? One article wrote AI should be about finding talent and not about silly dances. I believe the writer has been misinformed. She's right; it is about finding talent and to focus on his dancing rather than his ability to deliver a song is shameful and missing the point. If Elvis had entered AI today, he would have flunk based solely on silly dances although Elvis was a handsome man. What if he entered when he was fat? Even then he could sing. I think this season of AI has been the best and the most varied because of Elliott Yamin, Taylor Hicks and to a certain extent Kevin Covais too. I would have loved to see Elliott in the finals instead of McPhee but that is in the past. AI should thank Taylor for joining; because I believe AI's fan base just got wider. So my prediction? Who cares! With that last song, Taylor Hicks proved that HE IS AN AMERICAN IDOL. However being kiasu, I hope you voted for him. Some said they'd rather he loses the competition and I understand why. Being the winner of AI may pigeonhold him but maybe, just maybe he may be able to break the mould and redefine AI as he had these past several weeks. I want him to win because he is the best, the most unique, the most solid, the most consistent and because he meant every word he sang. Yes, Taylor, I am proud of you! >> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S DO I MAKE YOU PROUDURL :>> DOWNLOAD THE OTHER PERFORMANCES OF TAYLOR HEREURL :>> DOWNLOAD THE PERFORMANCES OF KATHARINE HEREURL : : So many stars in the audience like Ben Stiller, previous AI contestants, Mandy Moore and many more. However I was very happy to see a happily clapping Elliott Yamin who was clearly there to cheer on his friends. Daniel Powter sang Bad Day and I must admit, he was the best singer in that show. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHERE I CAN DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT'S MOODY'S MOOD FOR LOVE? WHETHER FROM THE CD OR THE LIVE SHOW AS IN MP3?? PLEASE USE POST A COMMENT. THANKS! RESULTS & RECAP OF FINAL RESULTS SHOW
 Got the news via SMS. Recap of the final results show coming right up in 4 hours. I am so happy!  Go Soul Patrol!! 24.05.2006Note : I will be posting the selected finale MP3s in my repeat list later this week.  A whole lot of songs, guest appearances, duets, group singing, award shows, interviews and still more group singing before the results is revealed. What a long show but not boring actually. I was surprised to see Randy and Simon in a suit! Anyway the intro of the judges were funny except the one for Simon who was repeatedly shown licking his lips, touching his own chest to the tune I think I'm So Sexy. I think enough is enough! Enough with the jokes on Simon. By the way Taylor got to play the harmonica at last!! Some selected few were selected to sing with some established singers, like Elliott with Mary J Blige who outsang everybody and whom Elliott seemed to be in awe with although I have an issue with who is the star here? Should have been Elliott but Mary J Blige was like taking all the spotlight and Elliott was more like a backup singer which is a shame. In fact Elliott is like a true idol in that show as his mom (as opposed to Katharine's emotional dad) was awarded with I think best parental support award or something like that. Earlier some jokers were awarded with the award, and some turned up to accept them, like Brokenote Mountain group, the 3 cowboys who first made me cry with their friendship. One Clay Aiken impersonator came to take the award which was meant to insult, he sang halfway when the real Clay Aiken (looking rather plastic) appeared and completed the song, FAR FAR away from this over excited fans. But you know what, it may be insulting at first, but to give these people an opportunity to perform in the Kodak Theatre and with their idols is a very good idea. Somehow for some reasons Taylor had to duet with Toni Braxton who will have my vote as the worst singer ever. She wasn't interested in singing In The Ghetto, she wasn't even singing since I can't hear a single note from her but she was interested in doing a semi striptease kinda show and as she snuggled closer to Taylor, Taylor seems to go further and further away. We have Daughtry with the band Live (remember?) and I swear Daughtry and the lead singer of Live could have been twins. They look exactly alike except the Live singer was taller, more handsome and had a more pleasant face whilst Daughtry sulked as ever. Even their voices sound exactly alike so both were uninspiring. In fact everybody didn't sing quite good actually. Kellie poor thing had a joke sitcom made of her with her encounter with I think a French chef, making her look like a complete fool. But she was gracious to do that, that I give her credit. Mandisa was there and when Kevin Covais was singing a cute song, the girls being back up singers did a cute dance routine. Everybody looked so relaxed, even Katharine and Taylor. Carrie Underwood sang a few songs. Wonder why Kelly Clarkson wasn't there? Anyway I don't know why she won. Wasn't that great. The biggest surprise for me was Prince appearing at the end of the show, kinda the end where he outperformed everybody. A truly stylish performer who walked out, sang 2 songs, combed his hair and walked back in. No duets, no interviews. Dionne Warwick came and she outsang everybody with her gracious performance. A pity Whitney Houston was to messed up because she can outsing even this I think aunt of hers. Last but not least, the announcement after some more duets. Taylor won and he looked overwhelmed as he screamed Soul Patrol whilst Katharine for once looked genuinely happy. And then it was time for Taylor to sing that awful song but you know what, I love that song now. I can't believe AI 5 is over. I can't believe I won't be hearing Taylor Hicks' voice anymore until his album is released. I am feeling kinda depressed! But what surprised me most in this show is Bucky looking relaxed and sounding great, Elliott looking very confident and gave some soulful performances that reminded everybody why it should have been him in the finals. In fact I think Elliott gained the most eventhough he was 3rd place because the affection was genuine and I think this was more so because he gave a graceful exit to the show. He looked more and more handsome as he grew more and more confident. I also liked the fact he and Taylor are such chums! Taylor the biggest winner of all was sucessful in breaking the mould. This was such a fantastic season and I was glad my dedication and my devotion to Taylor Hicks was repaid by him giving the most graceful end performance to the show, where he sang halfway and then thanked everybody although I would have loved a recap of his previous performances as well as some time for a thank you speech.I am a soul patrol and I am very proud of that. And Taylor, I am very proud of you. Thank you America for voting right ( 63.4 million votes!), thank you Randy and Paula for recognising talent despite the looks and thank you Taylor for all the good times. I am so looking forward to your albums. Thank you all for reading my posts. I will be reposting the links to the MP3s of Taylor and Elliott's performances very soon. Do keep me updated with their news. P/S : Why was David Hasselhoff crying when Taylor was announced the winner?