August 29, 2006
KL SMART Project Permanent link ▫ ▫
Did anyone watched ASTRO CH 50 Extreme Engineering (Discovery Channel) at 10pm tonight? It featured the Malaysian SMART Tunnel meant to channel flood waters in KL during heavy flood. Very informative program and I didn't even know it was right there in KL where I live!! Imagine all those mini earthquakes, dynamites detonated and one huge machine underneath our soils! What is even more interesting and that I didn't know is Malaysians who own homes, well you own even until the centre of the earth! So the tunnel has to twist and turn to avoid any buildings underground. Very funny. Anyway also very scary. The show should have been rated 18 PL (mempunyai unsur-unsur seram yang tidak melampau) because after watching that show I am now very wary about driving along the highway because that huge tunneling machine can sink a big chunk of earth. This is by the way the 1st of its kind in Malaysia and in the world. Being a Malaysian, I was hoping it would be the 2nd of its kind because at least we can see the results from the 1st of its kind without being the guinea pig. My sister asked me how come this project had so little publicity compared with the KLCC Twin Towers? For one we can't see the tunnel being built. Moreover do we really need to know we have a very beneificial but also very dangerous project being built right under our nose that may have cave ins, dynamites to blast off rocks, etc etc etc? Nope. No way. I don't want to know. I don't want to use it either. The construction workers, mostly Indian looking men supervised by gwailos and Chinese and more Indians look stressed out. I can only imagine how high the toll charges will be. Anyway this is a good project because for 3 days now KL has been raining and everyday flood until my knees. No joke! I was even trapped in a KLCC tunner near Jalan Tun Razak because of rising flood water and my car konked out once reaching home but more to do with the battery dying although I just changed the battery a few months ago! So I was cheated months before. Anyway even before Sept began I am already in debt and pokai. What luck! Or no luck!! Flood! Flood! Everywhere! Why? >> Read more about the tunnel here
Ah Kiu-gate : The Press Conference recap & opinion Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have decided to delete two of my posts, one of which is with regards to Gillian Chung's very problematic invasion of privacy problem, which I admit in retrospect were done in bad taste.

I visited Sehseh's Blog and read her post on a recently held press conference with the artistes united condemning and uniting against this type of invasion of privacy. Interestingly not sure if you catched it, tonight on ASTRO Ch 30 at 10.30pm the full 1 and a half hour press conference were shown. In attendance were some of the industry's biggest names and also some forgotten stars. Some were TVB artistes, including Roger Kwok, Cindy Au, Charmaine Sheh, Moses Chan and many more and many others movie stars, such as Jackie Chan and even reclusive singers like JAcky Cheung were there. Not many spoke out and preferred to let their presence speak their mind. The conference were hosted by Astrid Chan and Cheng Tan Sui. Gillian and the other Twins were there. Gillian was interviewed and she was visibly still upset. Senators were there too and so were many many many reporters, I presume none from the magazine which published the photos.
Jackie Chan was very outspoken and he felt ashamed that even Malaysians were condemning the HK paparazzi. I assume this meant the photos were from HK insider's job taken unfortunately and I believe from Genting Highlands Malaysia. Gillian reported to the police in Malaysia by the way but Malaysian police is having a hard time to investigate since she did not specify when, where and on which date the photos were taken. We are also unsure which law to go for since our privacy laws isn't that great. I assume we are going under some indecent exposure type of law.
As for HK, worse still. I am going to assume there is no privacy law there except for peeping Tom laws, as in against individuals. Amongst all who spoke their minds, it was Andy Lau that convinced me with his argument. He did not deviate from the point, he went straight into the point where he said ...
"I have been in this industry for a very long time and I have been very lucky that I haven't had much negative publicity or being put into the situation Ah Kiu was in. I find it frustrating that if I were to take a camera and start to photograph girl's undies from below the skirt, I can be arrested as this is a criminal offence. And yet the media can now do the same thing to Ah Kiu and can get away with it without repurcussion. I am angry because I see Ah Kiu as my little sister and I don't wish this to happen to my little sister. This is clearly invasion of her privacy. What was she doing that was so bad? If she was in the room taking drugs, fine, you can take the pictures and publish it and I will take it upon myself to punish her because it is wrong. But what she was actually doing was within the confine of a private room changing her clothes. What is so wrong about that that she has to go through all these? I know we need the media, and that there is an argument we are artistes and therefore we are subjected to limelight for publicity sake. I also am aware that there is this saying that the public wants, therefore they get. I recently made a movie where I played a drug addict. There was this observation that we were making, that drug addicts are drug addicts because they want to be drug addicts. This observation is wrong and is of course condemned. I told myself reel world is not real world. But with Ah Kiu's situation I realise the absurdity of the conclusion of my observation. I can't say drug addicts are drug addicts because they want to be drug addicts. And yet the media can publish such indecent photos because the public wants it. I find this observation a twist of reality. I am sure you have little sisters too. Don't let them do this to them as they have done to Ah Kiu".
Not in exact words but I believe that was what he said in entirety and in spirit. I can't help but agree. And of course came Jacky Cheung who talked about how his privacy was invaded and he mentioned that as an artiste he can't complain that he was photographed since there is a tacit understanding between the media who needs to do such work and the artiste who needs such publicity. But what about "my wife who has since retired? She doesn't want any interviews and yet she was forced to. What about my children?"
Sandra Ng of course had to spoil it all with her incoherent speech about her wanting to give birth and not wanting the reporters to know about it because she simply doesn't want to. It is because of artistes like her that there exists papparazzi if you want my honest opinion. She can't even string an opinion together and whatever she said was in no connection to the type of invasion of privacy that invaded Ah Kiu. In fact what Sandra Ng said was I believe fair game situation. I think the press should just boycott her and stop writing news of her if she finds some publicity unbearable. You can't even admit you're pregnant, so what's the point? There is a give and take situation, as eloquently put forward by Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung.
Then 4 TVB artistes were interviewed. Moses Chan expressed his opinion well where he went straight to the point and begged the legislature to please enact laws to protect artistes' privacy in situations faced by Ah Kiu. I think that narrows the issue. Roger Kwok told of how he was hounded by the press who refused to believe his wife was not pregnant and camped next door to him, forcing him to close his apartment's curtains and he can't even enjoy his honeymoon. Sorry, he was deviating from the point. But the implication is they can use faraway zooming type of lenses. But the lesson is if you're pregnant just admit it. Of course Roger said he did deny, nobody believed. Anyway he too begged for some laws to be enacted.
Myolie Wu surprisingly became the drama queen of the night. She deviated from the topic and surprisingly wept some tears when recounting a hurtful event, this time the spinning of an untrue story by the media. She said "I was filming this scene which required me to wear a swimsuit. I was already very self concious of my weight and more so with the swimsuit and I knew there were 7 or 8 groups of papparazzi with cameras taking my photos as I filmed the scene. I am ok with that, because there wasn't much problem them though I was uncomfortable. However later that night when I was about to go home I noticed there were some reporters waiting for me. I knew something bad must have happened because normally they won't wait that long. I panicked and then I found out it was written that I have exposed myself wearing that swimsuit. I do know that when I was filming that scene my swimsuit was ok. It was a safe swimsuit and nothing was exposed but the way the article was written, it was as if it happened.". She was upset apparently because the article said something about her nipples being exposed. Anyway deviating from the topic of the day again but not as bad as Sandra Ng. Myolie was very emotional but I feel you can't stop what was written and if it is untrue get TVB to sue them for slander or whatever laws there is in HK but the topic of the day is not this kind of situation. It is the fact photos taken from hidden cameras that showcase the artistes in states of undress should be the main topic.
Next Charmaine Sheh who looked haggard to say the least. But she didn't deviate from the topic. So far we all news on her centre on her love live, nothing indecent had cropped up. Anyway she said "I feel it is very disgusting that such photos are allowed to be published and can be purchased for a few dollars. We as artistes have our rights to privacy too. I sometimes wonder whether there are any senators whose children are in the entertainment business. Do they want the same thing to happen to their children? The fact that this unfortunate event happen to Ah Kiu is in my opinion shameful and ultimately disgusting". Not exact quote but she did mentioned the word disgusting and she threw the responsibility back to the senators.
To sum it up, Nathan Chan (Ah Lek) said it best where he walked forward and said "I have been in the business for more than ?? years (can't remember how many years he said) and during the 70s and 80s, artistes and the media were working together in harmony. That is until the 90s. I know I should not name names but I might as well. It was after ??? (I assume the guy who is the editor of the infamously notorious magazine who published those photos) emerged that the relationship became what it is today... there was the same issue that cropped up some time ago and back then the legislature did not enact any laws and the said editor walked away a free man except for some fine. Now the same thing has happened again and what does the government intend to do? Let him walk away again? I hope not. I hope to see some laws enacted, something done to prevent such things from happening again. Save our future generations from such filth"
Something like that. Well he did name the guy actually.
I did take offense at what Astrid Chan said. I thought her strategy like Sandra Ng backfired. She fired the audience, said that "Why are you taking such trash into your mind? Why do you want to make your mind filthy with such trash? The responsibility lies on you to reject such trash!". Sorry, I don't need you to tell me what to do thank you very much. The last thing the public needs is some almighty speech about rejecting trash. The irony is the magazine is reprinting the said edition because the demand was so great. Irony you know in this sense is very telling of the public opinion. So Andy Lau was right. As much as we need to change the public's perception and acceptance of such materials which we can't because I myself is a public and I don't mind reading such filth, it is time that perhaps some laws should be enacted to prevent rather than cure the problem. I believe playing on the public's conscience is never going to work because especially youngsters, curiosity always outweighs their conscience. Whilst it is true public especially youngsters must be educated on what is acceptable and what is not (in this case peeping Tom taking pictures of Ah Kiu in private and selling it to the public at large without any guilty conscience or moral threshold whatsoever) they must also realise the fact that people are curious creature. To us reading such stuff doesn't lower our moral values as opposed to killing someone which some may even believe is not so immoral. It's just photos to us, harm done to Ah Kiu, not to us. This is scary of course because I saw the Mercedes Benz ad I think where it was shown two young kids peeping at someone taking a shower and they say that's comraderie and that's cute. No it is not. It is no longer about supply and demand. To curb this, it must be cut off the supply and therefore even if there is demand, there isn't any supply.
And that comes the tricky part. One MP was interviewed and he said laws were being debated even before the Ah Kiu-gate (ermm Watergate remember?) happened. But let me ask you now; do you think the media wants freedom of press to be curbed?
No no hear me out. Everybody condemned the pictures. Me too. They drew analogy to peeping toms being arrested and not magazine editors. Well criminal laws are targeted at specific individual. If they know who took the photos, of course arrest must be made because criminal laws is about individual accountability and therefore punishment for that particular known offender. Ah Kiu's situation is complex. I am sure you must say it is very simple. Arrest the editor. On what grounds? Is there a law against indecency? I don't think so, not in HK so Ah Kiu has to apply for an injunction to stop the publication and then sue the editor and magazine for millions of dollars not in a criminal court but in a civil court. So now the legislature in HK is coming up with laws to curb such inavsion of privacy problems but don't forget, in the same vein, Watergate incident was also in the same league. The question now becomes how wide should the power be? Can it be limited to only Ah Kiu's situation? So then what about footages of people of public interest engaging not necessarily in criminal offence but is considered immoral offence that the public has a right to know? It is no longer whatever happens in my bedroom stays in my bedroom in these days of cyberage. The protection of privacy and the curtailing of freedom of speech and in the same way freedom of publication and dissemination of information must be balanced between individual rights (Ah Kiu in this case) and public interest (the media, the public in general).
You must think so what has this got to do with Ah Kiu's problem? It is such a straightforward case. Ban peeping toms and taking of indecent photos. Easier said than done because when drafting the laws, it may be intended for this but if drafted too narrowly may defeat the purpose and drafted to widely in the end some unscrupulous individuals or group of people may use the wide meaning of the law and abuse it.
Now the artistes are begging the government to intervene. Which is exactly what China would do and if curtailed too much and complaints pour in, China and like the rest of the government of the world will justify curtailing essentially freedome of speech ( in a way Ah Kiu's situation can be seen as such) as "Well you don't know how to regulate yourself, so let the government regulate" and this would in the end become an abusive power.
So I really think the HK government should look into this whole privacy issue and freedom of speech in a very narrow and yet objective way and come up with a law that benefits both sides without in the long run becoming a hassle. It is difficult but can be done. At the meantime Ah Kiu can sue the hell of the magazine, the editor, Genting Highlands if exists breach of such duty and of course boycott the magazine and its group of sister publications.
If this is America I can sense a heavy duty lobbying between the artistes and the media because I am sure the media has a vested interest in this, even if they condemn the way the pictures were taken.
Law is complex, made more complex by a bunch of people thinking way too ahead in the future. But if law is enacted for now and for the spur of the moment and yet the effect is to last until it is repealed, it can be very dangerous too.
But getting back to Ah Kiu's predicament, I think the papers published that she is seeking an injunction and suing the magazine. Nothing hurts more than huge monetary compensation and I hope one judge in HK is brave enough to award her a disgustingly huge sum. After all she is not those 3rd rated artiste. She has a reputation and an image to take care of and half naked pictures or not must somehow hurt her big in some ways although I doubt her fans will say she is a wanton woman changing in full view of people. I believe this was said by the magazine. Good, another big monetary compensation for libel aka defamatory remarks.
What do you think of this whole Ah Kiu-gate in light of this press conference?
August 24, 2006
Audio File : Customer from hell Permanent link ▫ ▫
Thanks to Sehseh for the link. This is a must download, even if you don't know Cantonese. I must warn you. About 2 hours of total verbal abuse by a woman from hell. I believe this must be from HK. I suspect the scenario is this customer called, became very angry at the bad reply and scolded the girl at the other end until she cries and she left the phone and then the customer demanded to speak to the same girl to confront her and the guy who tookover the call must have been trying to pacify the situation by refusing to ask the girl back to take the call. Very foul mouthed customer and she claims the other girl also said something foul mouthed too. Who was the VIP this woman mentioned I wonder? Owner of the company? Directors? I don't know who was wrong first but I have a feeling the first part was cut off so we never hear why this woman is so worked up. What to do? Slam down the phone lar! But the worst was definitely that bus uncle because at least this one is not face to face. I am just amazed this woman just refuse to put down the phone until that original girl apologises. The first girl must have been very rude to make this woman so worked up. I have a feeling she knows some people in the company since she quotes them by first name. >> DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO FILEURL : Anyway a jist ... a very long jist translated for those who doesn't understand cantonese ... CFH = Customer From HellMumble = The customer service person, mostly mumbles*#% = Foul mouth, dirty words in the likes of cursing a woman's certain part of her genitilia (really this woman is very consistent)CFHThat colleague is next to yiu why that colleague ask you *#% to takeover the call? What does she (I am making a wild guess the original call taker is a she) mean by this?? mumble You ask that person to crawl back out fast, I cannot accept she can be so *#% arrogant (chinese words use for Chin Kak is worse than being called arrogant actually). I must ask her who is that female colleague next to her! I ask you who is the female colleague's name sitting next to you? mumble She took the wrong line just now ... mumble Who do you *#% think you are? Must ask you a few times only then you will answer issit? *#% I am asking you, *#%. Mumble Only now you answer me! I ask you who was it that said I spoke foul language to one of the colleagues? Answer me! Mumble Now you listen to this *#%, only this *#%, her voice was so crude! Mumble (Apologies...) What? Just because I am scolding her and she is crying you're all not happy issit? *#% your mother! If you can't do this job don't do! At first it was a small matter but I just said a few words against her and then she threw a tantrum! I don't care! You ask her to come back and take the call if not I am not going to let go of this that easily. Do you know what kind of behaviour your colleague had just now? She was giving bad service and I couldn't stand her attitude so I scolded her and you know what she said? She accused me to everyone that I scolded her with foul language! Foul language! She said this in front of me to her other colleagues! I ask her who she was and she kept saying sorry my colleague, sorry my colleague. I asked her what's her name and she just said sorry my colleague! Then I ask her to pass me to another line and she *#% ignored me! I kept asking her and she kept silent! And then she *this woman then immitated someone crying like a crybaby* so I ask her to ask another to take my line and I kept asking she won't say a single word! No! No way! You ask her to take my call. If everyone cries and throw the line away no way! Remember that another colleague who wanted to quit? QUIT! Everyone also says they want to quit! So why don't she just quit? If she is so high and mighty with such integrity, found a job so leave quick! mumble No! I want her to take the call! I feel your colleague didn't even thank me, in fact you think I am interrupting your work, that is not right! NO! I want her to take my call! I cannot accept that for such a small matter she can quarrel about integrity with a customer, that I can't accept! You don't even know how rude she was, using *#% to scold! I don't care! I want her to take my call now! mumble (I think that another girl took the call and said I am sorry, please don't be angry) Woahhhhhh! Scream scream scream of *#%*#%*#% So you're saying sorry means you won't call her issit? Are you gonna call now if not I am doing to do other things ... I don't care if she walked away that *#%*#% whore ... Don't blame me! I am going to call other companies and tell them about this. NO! So everyone cries you so protect them so must I cry now immediately?! Call her now! NOW! The other thing I won't make life difficult against you but not this! I won't tolerate her rudeness. Go find her now if not I am going to do something! I will wait !!! So if everyone cries you so pity them so what about me? I also want my face too! I am now speaking about face! She can work here, so what do you think how old is me? She doesn't sound young! She sounds 30 plus! She must be older than me with more wrinkles! Just ask her if she has wrinkles! Thinking she is so precious and all! She deliberately being very rude at me, saying I used foul mouth against her and I asked her she told this to who? Was it Eric? Ask Eric now! CAN YOU ANSWER ME!! Who says she has yet to calm down her emotions? Her EQ emotions so low? I will talk to her boss. If she can;t control her feelings I will ask Mr Tai to do something. I will call other places I will call the other directors. I will not let go. Some company may not care like an ant biting but I will do something. I want her to come out to apologise if not I am not going to put down the phone tonight. I am asking who she talked to that I used foul mouth against her. Ask Eric, I want her to retell me what she said. This *#% Chan heard it too! She just wants to revenge against me to let everyone know that I used foul language against her. *#% msut be professional too and not just give me an answer that she doesn't know. You know what she said? That woman has yet to keep her emotions. What keep? It should be calm her emotions. What kind of attitude like this? If she is new you are so lenient. So I cry now. I will cry now and see how you handle this. Just because she is new and a girl and she cried means she can abandon her post? Your department is ridiculous! mumble NO! I want her to come out now! Ask her to come out now! Don't say Mr Tai that I am being unreasonable when I call your HR dept. I want to know what kind of worker you have there? A lot of *#%*#%*#%*#%*#% and arguing over that girl being gossipy with a guy named Eric. Now call Eric to come! Now you *#%. Mumble This is getting more and more interesting! Music music. Must be the most expensive phone call ever. You know I hate listening to music why you let me hear such music you *#% flirtatious whore! Eric what did she say? Did she? What she said? Why can't you say? Mr Tai ask you to call me to tell me! Why can't you tell me specifically? Why can't she? Kathy! You're this bastard's superior! More *#%*#%*#%*#% SAY NOW! Say! SAY! Kathy, don't you think she is avoiding the issues? *Who is this woman anyway? Someone influential?* I am now very angry and I insist he repeat what she said. NOW! Are you going to? *Why don't they just put down the call?* Can you see now? You *#% you're so *#% ugly with so much flirtatious *#%.... more *#%*#%*#% and insisting this Eric tell her if not she will make sure she will call HR dept about this.I will definitely tell your dept about this, you think I have no way to call *some manager's name*. Try to play with me, I don't care if he is your boyfriend, you must do your job. See if Mr Tai will vomit blood hiring useless bastards like you! Tell your Mr Tai tob take the call. I will make sure you *#% get paid for this, I will ensure that! blah blah blah What do you think you're doing? You ask that *#% Eric and he refused to repeat and said he can't repeat for fear of hurting me now I am even more angry. I want him to repeat this, if not I will call *some big gun's name*. I want Kathy ask that *#% to take the call. As for your name I will make sure your name will be passed to ****. Did you ever teach your workers? * And then some more...*Someone can make a rap song out of this. Classic line : There is one line you said Mr Tai I most admire that when you started working the first thing you were taught is not how to work but how to handle people. That I most admire! Just because I am a customer does it mean you can gossip about customers? Why hire such a person with so low EQ that I scolded her for 2 minutes and then ran away to cry .. are you so I kept asking her and she kept silent! And then she *this woman then immitated someone crying like a crybaby* so I ask her to ask another to take my line and I kept asking she won't say a single word! No! No way! You ask her to take my call. If everyone cries and throw the line away no way! Remember that another colleague who wanted to quit? QUIT! Everyone also says they want to quit! So why don't she just quit? If she is so high and mighty with such integrity, found a job so leave quick! mumble No! I want her to take the call! I feel your colleague didn't even thank me, in fact you think I am interrupting your work, that is not right! NO! I want her to take my call! I cannot accept that for such a small matter she can quarrel about integrity with a customer, that I can't accept! You don't even know how rude she was, using *#% to scold! I don't care! I want her to take my call now! mumble (I think that another girl took the call and said I am sorry, please don't be angry) Woahhhhhh! Scream scream scream of *#%*#%*#%So you're saying sorry means you won't call her issit? Are you gonna call now if not I am doing to do other things ... I don't care if she walked away that *#%*#% whore ... Don't blame me! I am going to call other companies and tell them about this. NO! So everyone cries you so protect them so must I cry now immediately?! Call her now! NOW! The other thing I won't make life difficult against you but not this! I won't tolerate her rudeness. Go find her now if not I am going to do something! I will wait !!! So if everyone cries you so pity them so what about me? I also want my face too! I am now speaking about face! She can work here, so what do you think how old is me? She doesn't sound young! She sounds 30 plus! She must be older than me with more wrinkles! Just ask her if she has wrinkles! Thinking she is so precious and all! She deliberately being very rude at me, saying I used foul mouth against her and I asked her she told this to who? Was it Eric? Ask Eric now! CAN YOU ANSWER ME!! Who says she has yet to calm down her emotions? Her EQ emotions so low? I will talk to her boss. If she can;t control her feelings I will ask Mr Tai to do something. I will call other places I will call the other directors. I will not let go. Some company may not care like an ant biting but I will do something. I want her to come out to apologise if not I am not going to put down the phone tonight. I am asking who she talked to that I used foul mouth against her. Ask Eric, I want her to retell me what she said. This *#% Chan heard it too! She just wants to revenge against me to let everyone know that I used foul language against her. *#% msut be professional too and not just give me an answer that she doesn't know. You know what she said? That woman has yet to keep her emotions. What keep? It should be calm her emotions. What kind of attitude like this? If she is new you are so lenient. So I cry now. I will cry now and see how you handle this. Just because she is new and a girl and she cried means she can abandon her post? Your department is ridiculous! mumble NO! I want her to come out now! Ask her to come out now! Don't say Mr Tai that I am being unreasonable when I call your HR dept. I want to know what kind of worker you have there? A lot of *#%*#%*#%*#%*#% and arguing over that girl being gossipy with a guy named Eric. Now call Eric to come! Now you *#%. Mumble This is getting more and more interesting! Music music. Must be the most expensive phone call ever. You know I hate listening to music why you let me hear such music you *#% flirtatious whore! Eric what did she say? Did she? What she said? Why can't you say? Mr Tai ask you to call me to tell me! Why can't you tell me specifically? Why can't she? Kathy! You're this bastard's superior! More *#%*#%*#%*#% SAY NOW! Say! SAY! Kathy, don't you think she is avoiding the issues? *Who is this woman anyway? Someone influential?* I am now very angry and I insist he repeat what she said. NOW! Are you going to? *Why don't they just put down the call?* Can you see now? You *#% you're so *#% ugly with so much flirtatious *#%.... more *#%*#%*#% and insisting this Eric tell her if not she will make sure she will call HR dept about this. I will definitely tell your dept about this, you think I have no way to call *some manager's name*. Try to play with me, I don't care if he is your boyfriend, you must do your job. See if Mr Tai will vomit blood hiring useless bastards like you! Tell your Mr Tai tob take the call. I will make sure you *#% get paid for this, I will ensure that! blah blah blah What do you think you're doing? You ask that *#% Eric and he refused to repeat and said he can't repeat for fear of hurting me now I am even more angry. I want him to repeat this, if not I will call *some big gun's name*. I want Kathy ask that *#% to take the call. As for your name I will make sure your name will be passed to ****. Whole lot of nonsense for more than 2 hours! She even boasted her business ability whilst cursing all the way and taunted that girl to quit and asked the boss to fire her and yet she refuse to accept her apologies because she said she wasn't sincere. What a woman! She even cursed the woman to die and all. I think she even admitted she has antagonise a lot of workers there because she quoted a few names. I wonder who she is? What kind of salary this girl is drawing to endure such verbal abuse? At least the boss and superior are very tolerant or this woman must be some self righteous bitch.
August 22, 2006
Asian Drama Torrents & A Gem Of Docu-Torrents Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have been rather quiet lately because I was far too busy spending my time and fortune on burning DVDs. Oh yes, but of course I make it a policy to burn those I can't buy, for whatever reasons.
I actually wanted to post the link to War And Beauty torrent files when I realised the title I saw was War & Destiny! Anyway don't know what's this series but avi format is good enough. I can never understand why anyone ever favours rmvb format. On your small computer screen yes it looks nice. Imagine burning it to DVD format and watching it on your tv! The squares, the blurry images! Oh come on, someone is being kind enough to offer avi format, even if 20 episodes is like 5GB it is worth it because at the end of the day when you burn it into DVD format, believe me it is very very nice, almost like the original quality. Stop the rmvb nonsense.
Anyway, I saw some mpg format also. Good enough. Forensic Heroes, Survivor's Law and Point Of No Return also. In fact someone really likes Charmaine Sheh because I see more of her series there than any other and even got English sub for Angels of Mission! Have a look. The only problem I forsee is no seeders. A pity.
I recommend using Azureus. So as to appear not to encourage you to download such torrent files, I have decided to make your life difficult, especially for those who doesn't know what is a bit torrent file and what the heck is Azureus. There's always Google my friends. I am not even going to teach you how to download. There's always my gmail email address my friends, if you catch my meaning.
Alas! No JTTW!
If you're looking for English documentaries, I definitely recommend My personal favourites are the ones by Sir David Attenborough. Have you ever thought a documentary about plants can be interesting? Oh he made plants almost like War And Beauty-ish! Just check out the various documentaries. I do not recommend Anatomy For Beginners though. However I definitely recommend Triumph Of The Nerds. It may be 10 years old documentary BUT how the computer revolution took off is worth knowing and the 3 part series was not just insightful, but entertaining and engrossing. I won't tell you where to look for it, so I am giving you two links where you can find various documentaries and just type the title in the Search Box. As a tip, for BBC documentaries, always go for and for everything else, try Fenopy BUT if you want the whole file (sometimes Fenopy may not have all the titles), go to me, documentaries enthusiast, you will love these two sites. Ermm there may be porn stuff in Fenopy, so just ignore it.
>> GO TO MVGROUP.ORG Note : Choose either BBC Bit Torrents or Other Documentaries Bit Torrents. Scroll almost to the bottom and you'll see the folders for these two under MVGROUP RELEASES. Once in the folders, just use the Search function to find the show you want.
Just don't go overboard with the downloading. There was a time where my whole 80GB left back a few hundreds of MBs, I knew because my The Sims 2 refused to run! It can be addictive. Like my Twilight Zone series..must have it all, once I had them all, not bothered anymore.
If you're looking for those hard to find English movies by let's say......Christian Bale such as Equilibrium, American Psycho, Newsies, Laurel Canyon and Velvet Goldmine, well I did found them you see! Amazing, moreover ripped from DVD! Also full season of certain series, old and new all great quality that can be burn as DVDs!! No region code whatever nonsense also! Ermm well email me if you wanna know. Very easy to find.
I am still looking for Jane Austen's PERSUASION though. The one starring Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds. There is a DVD out there but no one seems to have had the idea of ripping it and making it a torrent file. If you know hwere I can find this torrent file, and also the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE version 1940 starring Lawrence Olivier, do email me. Your help is much appreciated.
August 11, 2006
Guess This : A makeover of time Permanent link ▫ ▫
Time is the factor which transformed this man from that dorky looking boy to an essentially universally agreed hunk. I personally was shocked at the identity of this actor but I think there are tell tale signs in this early picture of his.
Clues - Looks better with age
- Was a small time actor until he hit it big in TV and now achieved bigger success in other roles other than an actor (in fact his acting is not universally agreed as anything good)
- Very witty man and a die hard bachelor.
Can you guess who he is?

Another one. Definitely much much better looking now.
Clues Not very forgiving of her own family but very charitable towards orphans. Just recently was involved in a scandal that should have ruined her reputation but in modern day world many thought the man was lucky to e involved in that scandal. Guess who she is now?

August 09, 2006
Anyone from Singapore? YOUR HELP NEEDED! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Because I seriously need your help and I mean it, serious I do. I know it will be a massive hassle because the help I need includes hunting down a particular DVD (very easy to hunt down if you frequent Tower Records, Carrefour), check out for me what's the price of the postage to Malaysia (something like quick post but not like expensive DHL type), wrap it nicely and securely and actually post it to me. Plus getting to a bank and taking the money which means you will need to tell me your bank account details so that I can transfer the amount to your account but if it is gonna be very expensive, maybe you can tell me how I can get you the money without going to Singapore.
You see I am not staying near Singapore, and I am not even going to Singapore in near forseeable future.
This message also goes to those who stays in Johor Bahru and goes to Singapore on the weekend which will be better because I suppose Pos Laju will be cheaper and I can send you the money to your bank Account at JB which will be easy.
I really don't need you to go and hunt the item immediately. I mean if you can only do so in September, please do so.
If you're willing to help, please email me at and I mean if you seriously willing to help. Do me this favour and I swear if you need to buy something than can only be found in KL (exception being illegal substances, illegal DVD and perishable foods), I will return the favour.
I am very serious. Thanks in advance.
Journey To The West VCD Permanent link ▫ ▫
I wonder if anyone here has ever bought the TVB Journey To The West vcd pack? Like THIS one. Because if you did can you please tell me the following:- 1. is there really a making of vcd special in this package? 2. is there a making of VCD special in part II of the VCD pack?
3. how much was edited out of the original series? I read that this VCD pack is 10 episodes per pack which means only 20 episodes but the original series we all know is 30 episodes. So really what was edited out?
4. with all the editing and cutting, was it worth the purchase?
I sincerely need your recommendation and opinion in this one because this item and Part II is very expensive and therefore merits a bit of specific enquiries.
Thanks in advance for your help.
August 08, 2006
How many more variations to a name? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sometimes I visit those celebrity gossip blogs and one of my favourite is Dlisted. Yes, it is offensive. Whilst you're updated with your western celebrity news almost every other hour with links, media files and more, you will have to put up with the rather crude commentaries which are at times although offensive but somehow honest and real. Sometimes they even post rather revealing pictures because let's face it, you are walking with hundreds of camera clicking and wind blows and guess what? You're not wearing any underwear. So what do you expect the pictures will be? The biggest victim/culprit is of course Paris Hilton who is at least trying to earn a living which earns my respect even if she made such huge career mistakes like starring in her own porn movie which was never intended to see the light of day and somehow manages to even act rather badly in her own very real sex tape. The irony of it all. What amazes me is the names they can conjure up for some stars they really dislike and yet sound almost like the original. Guess the names shall we? I must repeat, very offensive and sexually suggestive in the crude way. Take for instance Lindsay Blohan. What about Parasite Hilton? My favourite has to be Eva Longwhoria. I just find them very funny. Anyway be forwarned. It is an adult website, not of the porno kind but you know, offensive material. The only nice thing they have ever posted was on the news of the possibility of Christian Bale and Russell Crowe in one movie. >> Visit DlistedWARNING : ADULT OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE R RATED MATERIALS CAN BE FOUND IN THE ABOVE WEBSITE (which means all if you may be quickly clicking that link eh?) >> A milder one, Just Jared WARNING : SOMETIMES CONTAIN OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE AND R RATED MATERIALSBy the way can you believe it? I actually found torrent files for download for Triumph In The Skies, complete series?! A big file like GB big but very interesting. And yet no Journey To The West.
August 06, 2006
Ha! Ha! Actually not very funny... Permanent link ▫ ▫
It is in fact very cute, if I may say so. VIEW HERE. I wonder what about Spiderman AND Superman?
August 02, 2006
Recommended read : An article on Wayne Lai Permanent link ▫ ▫
An excellent read in fact. Once you read this article it will answer probably your most all important question about acting; what makes a good actor? Many in TVB should learn from this man.
Thanks to Jayne Stars for the translation. How can we (at least I) the Chinese illiterates survive without her? I am very glad her family crisis is no more.
You know sometimes I wish she would branch out in the translating part, as in including Korean stars news because let's face it, where got Korean stars news in English except the very very famous? I get kinda sick seeing so many articles in Chinese about Korean stars and I know nothing. Better yet include also Singaporean stars news. But not quite fair to her since I doubt she watches Singaporean series. Why? WHY? WHYYYYYY?