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October 07, 2006
One man's poison is another man's ... Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Is it meat? Can I say cure instead? What's the original saying?
Anyway I was reading through comments about Equilibrium (I wrote a review on this movie in Reviews > Movies) and how many kinda trashed it. It is that kinda movie that either you love it to death or you trash it to death. After watching it for the 6th time, I have to admit I love it to death. The story is not great, like I said in my review it has the potential of shooting itself on the foot. What I disagree most with those who trashed it was that the performances were awful, mostly Christian Bale quite simply because every single scene involves him. I don't want to talk about the gun scenes, actions scenes, shooting scenes, kung fu scenes, etc. Let's just talk about acting itself. Comments ranging from he was horrible, most wooden performance of the year to he had little to do were all unjustified. I reluctantly admit that there exists such a thing as bad movie, excellent performance, or maybe average movie, ground breaking performance. If his performance was wooden, I can't think of what to say of many so called expressive performance. I appreciate subtlety and I became a hard core Christian Bale fan after watching Equilibrium which I will proclaim is Christian Bale's best acting performance thus far, until another film comes along. It was just sad it had to be this movie. From the beginning till the end of the movie, his character experienced so much of emotional changes that frankly it feels like 10 characters summarised into one. From stone cold gaze to realisation to confusion to anger to acceptance to love to heartbreak to murderous intention to honourable intention to satisfaction to well, every single human emotion there is, you can find them in this movie. Honest! If you haven't seen it, check it out. His American Accent was good. I can't understand why many criticised it. I find his accent in The Prestige more weird than his American accent and he is kinda English/Welsh/British whatever. British actors can do English accent without a hitch. It is in my opinion his best acting performance ever because he had to do so much in such a short time. That I feel lies the charm of this movie.
I tell you one of these days he will win an oscar. He will be celebrated and honoured with a lifetime achievement award when he is 60 and above, if he lives that long and I believe he will. If not him, who else?
Well maybe River Phoenix if he didn't die so early. Don't know him? Know Joaquin Phoenix? When Joaquin was Leaf, he had a more famous, more talented and better looking older brother who gave a good performance in Stand By Me when I think he was 13? Anyway died very young, drug related problem causing heart arrest I suppose. Point is, River Phoenix could have been Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio. A great great pity. I am having this nostalgic sentiments because I just watched Stand By Me again. Can't believe of all the 4 child actors, only Jerry O'Connell, that fat whiny timid boy in that movie grew into a tall handsome man with a credible career. Whatever happened to Will Wheaton? And that actor who played Teddy Duchamp (whom I feel was the best actor amongst them 4 although River Phoenix was charismatic, like Christian Bale was at that age)?
Which brings me to The Departed. Everybody loved it but said it was a direct rip off of Infernal Affairs. People, that is the purpose of remakes right? But instead of triads, we have mobs. Instead of an older actor like Anthony Wong we have I think Mark Wahlberg. Sorry, Marky Mark? Overrated actor and worse is everybody said he was great. Is it Marky Mark in the first place? Career defining moment for Matt Damon it seems who everybody lauded in Bourne movies. The Bourne movies to me are extremely insanely dumb. I like Matt Damon but could he be that great? Let me watch first I suppose but I think next year's Oscars for the male leads may need to extend to 10 names instead of 5! Anyway reading the synopsis I must admit The Departed follows the story of Infernal Affairs closely, maybe much too close. I saw Infernal Affairs, for once I thought "Andy Lau really can act!" and it was to be Andy Lau's crowning moment as truly an actor, no longer a teen idol or pretty boy entertainer. The Departed had a lot to live up to but I think Leonardo DiCaprio is enough to convince me to watch this movie. His performance alone in The Aviator held my attention for an otherwise lack lustre and inadequate movie. But wouldn't it be great if Chistian Bale is given Andy Lau's character? He can be as cool as a cucumber. Why Matt Damon? At least it wasn't Matt Damon's best friend in life, Ben Affleck. Anyway Andy Lau said this movie had too much swearing in it. Aiyah can you imagine a polite Victorian conversation in The Departed? I highly doubt it.
If there is any indication, this year to next year the one actor who will be dominating the cinemas is Christian Bale. He has 3 movies debuting already I think, The Prestige, Rescue Dawn and Harsh Times. And he is still filming, not that he wasn't as busy before but now he is making big time movies. He is now so famous pictures of him grumpily taking a ticket summons from his car can be seen anywhere in the Internet. That's fame my friends. But I think I am quite right to say girls love him for obvious reasons and guys love him too. I really notice that, he is one actor that everybody agrees is great and also agrees he is underrated and I am sure now everyone will agree and would like to see more.
Anyway, I am still in disbelief that Heath Ledger is The Joker. Another overrated actor given an opportunity of a lifetime which he will either screw the chance by being God awful before the many greats in a movie OR spurred by the greats to perform better than his own expectations because he wouldn't want to look bad. Imagine next to Christian Bale? Pale in comparison. Then what about Gary Oldman? Lagi teruk. Then there's Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman...one greater than the other, one more illustrous than the other. The new Batman movies will I guess be known as the American Harry Potter since everybody famous and everybody great will act at least once in Harry Potter, so will that be with Batman movies. Lucky Ledger who didn't deserve this chance although his smile is like cheshire cat's smile, so no need special effects already has that look. I still cannot imagine Jake Gyllenhaal was almost Batman. Anyway why I rant about Batman? I just saw the awful Batman And Robin. I pity George Clooney. His Batman/Bruce Wayne does look like he is suffering from Parkinson's Disease but that's not the reason it tanked. Seeing the anatomically correct suits and the cheesy dialogues were just enough to emulate the effect of a nuclear bomb blast.
Point is there is no point. This is just a rant.
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