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October 06, 2006
Summary of everything entertainment Permanent link ▫ ▫  
They're indeed made for each other
... in terms of fashion disaster. Charmaine Sheh and Benny Chan attended a wedding reception recently and with all the money they earn, with all the fashion tips they had, with all the stylists at their disposal and the fact that thousands of cameras will be taking their pictures and posting them everywhere, what did they turn up with? Possibly the worst hairstyle/perm of the year courtesy of Benny Chan ...  And the worst fashion sense and I won't say of the year because she had her worser days, courtesy of Charmaine Sheh who looked like she cut up her leather sofa and just piece this awful plastic looking dress that's too leather, too short and really a fashion overkill even when she had very little or no accessory. Her hair looked like she was going for some tea event instead of a wedding dinner. I can't see her shoes but let me guess, black boots perhaps? The dominatrix outfit minus the revealing parts is really awful. That bad you ask? See it for yourself and I rest my case...  I can only conclude these two rumoured love birds should marry one another to create cute pretty squeeky voiced babies with the worst fashion sense. At least none of them were dressed lesser than they should which is a blessing. Not that everybody else was any better. I am just not bothered to post about anyone else. Worst Series
Oh just a note. The Academy is still on despite the fact that it should have ended even before it began. This is one of the worst series I have ever seen, plot wise, pacing wise, character wise, casting wise and of course acting wise. Tony Leung and gang should be so very glad that their original series about the police academy is still the best despite the fact that the acting in that series was also not that great either, but at least there is a story. This The Academy is like a broken CD player, same song over and over again. Boring? Oh no, not boring at all because how can a series render someone bored when it has already rendered someone comatose? The Gentle Crackdown. I am going to write a review for this one because I have much to say. It is not bad but I have my reason to say why this series suffer from overkill of every sort. Upcoming reviews & my motivation
I am now watching the original Chinese Journey To The West and I could only conclude TVB's version is still my most favourite but the monkey is a different matter and that I am also watching Fann Wong's Beautiful Illusions which I made the mistake of reading the episode synopsis, kinda killed the suspence. Fann Wong may have aged a little but she looks every bit as beautiful as I first saw her plus a few lines on her face (skin a bit pale but still as flawless) and her acting is shall I say, still great, if not better? I also want to write a review on that. I saw an old Japanese series called The Daughter Of An Iguana and the title alone spurs me to consider and will make me write a review for it as well as a very funny series called Delicious Relations which is good enough to motivate me to write for it. I feel motivated these days to write reviews although my pace is a bit slow and my comments mellowed over the years. I guess the beginning of my motivation was watching Zhang Jinlai aka Liu Xiao Ling Tong's masterful performance as the Monkey King that motivated me to start tapping on my keyboard again and I have yet to finish that series. Very slow because frankly if not for this man, I wouldn't bother really. I have my reasons. Sehseh was kind enough to inform me that I think NTV7 is showing a Chinese series called The Beginning starring Shaun Chen in the role of the villain. Could it be a second Yi Xin Ren? Anyway the strange thing is I have yet to see the Trailer, never read a word about it in the papers. This is like a mysterious series for me and until now I still do not know what is it about. Yummy Yummy is coming soon and I plan to do an Episodic Thoughts for that series although I may miss some episodes because I simply can't miss my House MD, Grey's Anatomy and whatever else more interesting on the telly. Can't wait for these movies
Talking about interesting stuff, I really look forward to the upcoming movie called The Prestige.   Trailer looks fantastic, the website is awesome and the fact that it stars Hugh Jackman (already got me drooling) and also Christian Bale (my fate is sealed)together in one movie, both acting powerhouse although Christian Bale more powerhouse than Hugh Jackman who is at least 2 to 3 feet taller than dear Christian (I doubt Bale is 6' 2", more like 6' or less because Jackman is reportedly 6' 2" and he looks like it), like Wolverine Vs Batman, I simply can't wait for this series to arrive. I also look forward to The Departed, the Hollywood remake of the already excellent Infernal Affairs and I bet a few oscars may be guaranteed for this series. Also looking forward to Harsh Times and one more series about a POW, all by Christian Bale. Wonder if cinema will show? And I can't wait for that movie that will pair Hollywood's biggest ego (with talent to match) Russell Crowe and Hollywood's mmost underrated and scorn publicity (but also with talent to match his disdain for the papparazzi), Christian Bale. Oscar! Oscar! Movies and TV series are getting better, alas it would be great if I can just find my TVB JTTW. Where is this elusive Holy Grail of mine? Where? What else? Good books
Ah yes, I recently read Stephen King's novellas. I never liked his long winded horror stories but his novellas, like The Green Mile (same as the movie, maybe longer and in some ways better but the actors were spot on) and Different Seasons (which consists of 4 stories, 3 of which were made into movies, two of which became classics like Stand By Me and Shawshank Redemption - the movies were better but the stories were by itself a masterpiece). I never knew he could write so well. Harry when will they give you justice?
Last but not least, did anyone notice the new Harry Potter movie in the making? I think the Order Of The Phoenix? This is Luna Lovegood....  My question is where is her big glassy eyes? Where is her I don't care if you think I am weird kinda persona? Where is her glasses? Why is she so pretty? I don't think I will like this movie much, not that I liked the book better because it was one of the worst of the series, the latest one was the worst of course ... Suri Cruise? How old you'd say?
Saw the pictures of Suri Cruise, Tom Cruise' mysterious baby girl with Katie Holmes in Hot Magazine? I showed my mom and she said 4 month old? More like above 6 months old. I can't help but agree, not because of her size but because her back seems way too straight for a young infant baby of below 6 months. Also for a moment I thought Asian baby? Theories have emerged about Suri Cruise that I will not repeat but you can read them here at Dlisted.com. I wonder too ... No doubt the baby is pretty, serious but pretty.
Battle of the celebrity baby girls
Who is the prettiest celebrity baby? Suri Cruise? Shiloh Jolie Pitt? Unknown Bale?Unknown because until now nobody knows her name, either Luca or Emmeline, your guess is as good as mine.  I haven't talked about Apple Martin and etc, the bigger ones. My pick would be Shiloh because genes is on her side. Unknown baby is very cute but also grumpy looking like daddy whilst Suri is pretty but you wait and see, full sensual lips, nice full hair, big eyes, great jawline, Shiloh has it all. In conclusion
Ok, that's about it. I will shut up now.
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Pearl, ALL HAIL MASTER BALE!! 20th Oct, 20th Oct, 20th Oct. And Hugh Jackman too. So very handsome! One of my all time favourites also!