March 31, 2005
Gmail & where to send submissions Permanent link ▫ ▫
Wahhhh like a new toy! So happy! Thanks to Sehseh (and to all who offered to invite me into this exclusive club), I got myself a Gmail at Google! 1000MB, so much space, but can only attach up to 10MB, not that great but good for reviews, pictures, wallpapers submission.
So everybody, any submissions, like reviews, do email it to
BUT please CC a copy to just in case. Like double copy.
As for media files, especially those like 10MB, please by all means email it to but not to my jaring account because my computer will freeze.
All normail correspondence, send them all to jaring account.
Forget about my Not that great.
But you know, if you have like a 50MB media file that you are really dying to send me and I am dying to have it, if you know FTP, you can email me and I can give you the details.
Anyway, thanks again to Sehseh. So exclusiveeeee.
March 29, 2005
The meaning of love as defined by Point Of No Return Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was watching tonight's episode of Point of No Return where this character, Becky told Seung "I am just an Indah Water worker" Hei about love and relationship. I found it rather fascinating. She told poor Seung Hei that;
"You know a relationship should be between people of the same interest, same background...I mean having the same interests is wonderful but too much of the same interests is bad but not having the same interests is just as bad ... imagine you like to eat steak, your boyfriend likes to eat steak, you prepare a steak and he finished it (assuming she mant leaving the girlfriend with nothing), wouldn't that be bad as well?"
Yeah yeah hinting hinting sewage cleaner (or crudely, shit cleaning manager) is not going to be suitable with a rich businessman, so to speak.
And I wonder, is she right? This is more so because...well I must confess, my best friend, Mary kinda dropped a hint, ok a BOMB that next year both of us should register with the Cupid Club, run by our local politics party MCA to match single Chinese for some really hopefully fairytale wedding kinda conclusion. I was kinda annoyed, because well, I don't need Cupid Club! Ego speaking here. But my friend is kinda right when she said we don't meet people often and we meet the same people. Then I saw the Cupid Club in the papers having some activities and sorry to say, the men....I am just...I am shallow...I am so shallow for even thinking I can't bear to look at those men because to be fair if I am being judged by my looks, I sure can judge them as well, right? RIGHT?
Anyway, what Becky said, kinda triggered something in me. My sister once said my family or myself will never be able to marry anybody prominent/rich/handsome/famous/popular/powerrful/all of the aforementioned because we are not prominent family. We are ordinary folks, singletons paying taxes to help married people with loads of children to send their children to school. Not fair! But anyway, it disturbs me to know one day if Bill Gates divorces his wife and I meet him and we have a love affair and then he can't marry me because maybe of my family's dark past or because my status is not good enough for him. Pick any rich prominent professionals. Is Becky right?
The more she said about something in common, blah blah blah, the more I was screaming at the top of my lungs at the TV and I was screaming ..'WELL THEY DO HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON...THEY LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND THAT IS GOOD ENOUGH!!".
And I remember saying well his father married a servant girl who washes feet you know, why not Seung Hei? And my sis said she is Indah Water worker, she gets rid of shit, not entirely as clean as washing feet.
Many years ago rish prominent families will never allow their sons to marry someone from the entertainment world. The rule relaxed a tiny bit but the girl has to give up her career and essentially become a kept woman meant for breeding babies. Am I crude? That's how I see it unless the girl wants it that way.
I can't help but feel what Becky said was wrong, what I initially said was even more wrong. Look at Ming Hin, the father. He is a strong man, a strong figure. Someone as strong as that man will be able to withstand any criticisms and he does it his own way, marrying the woman he loves, running his business. Every family has one such person.
So my thought is if there are Tin Chi kinda guy, in love with Seung Hei kinda girl, the solution is simple but very difficult because it is a test of character. Be as firm and as determined and as controlling and as powerful as Ming Hin, no one will ever dare comment about your wife's past in front of you. Even a sewage cleaner can be a phoenix if she finds a dragon.
And as for Seung Hei type of girl meeting a Tin Chi kinda guy, I guess the best solution is never listen to what others have to say. Listen to your own heart and his heart. Go for it but warn your family please don't screw it up. But I feel if the man is strong, and the girl is determined, nothing can stop them. And this applies to even interracial love and everything else.
But back to Cupid Club. I am still thinking should I join? I mean iI envy those who has boyfriends, great looking ones and very successful and young dressed smartly and all walking side by side (and never you walk behind him!) with an equally pretty girl (or pimple faced but great body, as always the case) during Valentine's day. Other days I am not quite bothered. In fact I am not quite bothered about having a guy in my life, because I don't think I can dedicate my entire 24 hours to this one man, unless maybe he is Keanu Reeves or Shaun Chen. ANYWAY, I think I will join the Cupid Club just to have a look but if a guy calls me, I guess I will run. Maybe it's just me.
Is it true guys and girls? Do you conciously look for someone of your own class and level or slightly lower level than you in education and all? Is looks more important or figure? I don't even bother with that awfully bastardized word, PERSONALITY. You never know personality unless you're on your 3rd or 4th date, and all previous to that are all about what's on the outside.
I am first to confess. I don't mind a good looking guy but what I really do hope to find is someone average to very good looking guy, physically healthy and looking like a metrosexual who doesn't teach me about beauty tips as much as I should teach him, who is decisive as he is well mannered, who is successful as he is well, wealthy and first and foremost, chivalry above all else. If a guy doesn't bother to open the door for me or pay for the dinner, excuse me or call be un-feminist, this guy is not worth investing the rest of my life with. As I am sure you all know, a man at the age of 60 is still desirable to other younger women but women at 60 are usually called po-po.
March 26, 2005
New review Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Written by Runechan about a very very very very old series, Secret Battle Of The Majesty (ATV) and I added the links to buy the VCD (Cantonese) online for your convenience, just in case you want to watch a series that really really is one of Kong Wah's best performances ever, apart from JTTW of course. There is also a Mandarin version at the same site.
I'll add the link to ATV section later as well as adding the reviewers' email panel.
By the way I welcome your submissions. Though I will no longer give the series I reviewed a rating, you're welcomed to give it a rating of half to five.
March 25, 2005
Extra! Extra! Malaysia In A Nutshell! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Many many news in Malaysia itself, mostly social rather than political.
Let's see, we have a I think a 9 year old or 10 year old Malay boy mauled by THREE DOGS receiving something like 100 plus stitches. Poor boy. 3 dogs were "arrested", 2 of which were surrendered by the owner (definitely Chinese though still no name) but today, highlighted news, 2 of the dogs are innocent of the crime! Oh yes, because at least 3 residents said the 2 dogs attacking the boy were like Le Roc, the big Rottweiler put to death some time ago for mauling to death, if I remember correctly an unfortunate old lady. Either the owner is flasely accused of breeding really vicious dogs or he knowingly surrendered the wrong dogs, since he disappeared for a few days after the incident. Probably will know the answer in tomorrow's papers.
What else?
Oh yes, shocking. Somewhere in Malaysia, can't remember where, a 9 year old girl reported to the police a 12 year old boy, a schoolmate dragged her into the school's toilet and raped her. Oh yes, and oh my God.
More shocking news coming soon after this stupid news.
There was this big piece of news some time ago where an opposition MP (as in Member of Parliament) refused to take part in a so called study cum research tour to Egypt to learn more about the parliament and all. Why? Because that visit was for one day but the rest of the tour, running over several days will be sight seeing, belly dancing, cruise and what nots! Of course after much outcry it was cancelled. And guess what? A few days ago some members of that department who arranged this tour demanded all members of this cancelled trip to pay for the cancelled booking, something like RM8,000-00 plus! Of course that MP who bravely came forward to reveal such obvious and I shall say corrupted ways was asked to pay his portion and he refused! Kudos to him! I feel it should be the committee which said yes to this trip should pay for this trip. And how come 100% of the cost? There should be some deductions! Shameful! And this brave MP should be applauded and given due recognition instead of being hounded to pay.
Compare this news to this police refusing to accept a huge bribe and everybody said yeah yeah! good! reward him! Excuse me, he is a policeman, I expect him to turn down te bribe. He shouldn't be applauded for something he should have done in the first place.
And then there was this big bungalow with everything you can imagine built at the expense of the tax payers' money like millions of ringgit, and this so called resting villa I shall call it will be used by I think government officials and for what? Don't they have their own homes to live in? Don't they have their own clubs? I can't believe the blatant disregard of our interest as a nation. Even our PM doesn't dare to say... "Ermm build me a golf course so that I can hang out there!".
And more news. Some land owners are claming one particular politician or Dato' usurped their land titles and even gave it to his relatives and all. No names named but I wonder....
And what else? Well politics wise, stupid stuff like the above and I am surprised by 2 factors...
1. blatant corruption or favouritism or whatever you like to call it;
2. Amazingly, these news came to light in local papers. So everything may be more expensive now, but at least we are allowed to expose such dirty handed ways. We are becoming more outspoken and this must be encouraged.
What else? Oh yeah the guy who raped Canny Ong? Old news but he was found guilty and his wife stood by him, even when he kinda in a way confessed to raping her (if not, well his semen was there) and all. Of course he maintained his innocence, saying he didn't KILL her or MURDER her. Let me recount the obvious facts;
1. he kidnapped her, security cameras recorded that and eye witnessess saw a frightened young pretty chinese girl in this ugly dude's car;
2. he raped her, got semen. He said when he asked her that he wanted to have sex with her, she didn't say no. Did I mention I read he was holding a knife when he so politely told her what he wanted to do? I wonder why he thought she let him touch her willingly when she was a very beautiful young woman and married to an equally gorgeous man whilst our dude, that convicted rapist looked, well only his mother would love him or in this case, his wife, probably blind wife.
3. then he dumped her into some ditch and covered the lid and went away.
4. then reportedly he came back, found her dead and then burnt her body.
Somewhere in the picture he stabbed her, and I think she probably bled to death. Who knows? Questions arose like one witness saw the dude stopping the car to do something, and she didn't run. Why they asked? Well I can answer that. Extreme fear and I think he stabbed her already then. She must have been paralyzed with fear and probably wounded in some ways. And some even dared to suggest her revealing top kinda created the lust in that guy. Oh yeah, as if a girl looking like her would be interested in seducing a guy looking like that creep. And even if she was naked, what made him think he could do what he did?
Conclusion? Maybe he didn't MURDER her like he said but really man, what is the definition of MURDER? He did everything except for immediately strangling her to death and stood there to be caught.
And amazingly, the wife could still support him, love him and believe in him. Maybe she believed in his innocence in killing her intentionally but surely how can she live with the knowledge that he did all the acts before the final act??
More shocking news.
I read yesterday that Malaysia recorded a first; the youngest marriage. A 15 year old boy married an 11 year old girl, pregnant with his child in Perak I think. Chinese. They dated for quite some time and though legally they can't marry, BUT the parents debated and decided on a ceremonial marriage. I am sure the parents of the boy must have caned that young man and so did the girl's parents. Now I just don't understand; what does a 15 year old hot blooded teenager sees in an 11 year old little girl and not in other 15 year old developed or developing girls? Was she well developed? That wasn't the point. Although only 4 years apart in age, but such a young age, such a huge difference. The boy is lucky he is 15, because if he was 16 I bet the police will come knocking on the door, or maybe not. Because since the news has been reported, I didn't read any negative response. I realise as we get technologically advanced, our minds and morals get more decadent and backwards. An 11 year old girl, my God! With all these underage incestious rapes and all, I was beginning to wonder do we have statutory rape? Because I don't see the enforcement, especially when the rapist is a young man. It's like we accept it, a judge even said don't call these people rapists, wrong term, especially for those charged with incestious rape. And a lady judge some more! Yeah, if I was in that court I would have stood up and said "You call them paedophiles". That 15 year old boy is a touchy thing because technically he also is underage.
What is wrong with these people? Fathers raping daughters, sons sleeping with mothers, sons raped by relatives, parents selling their young children (in France) as sex slaves, so little regard for love, affection, respect, their own flesh and blood because of lust, greed or rather they simply didn't care. I would say dominance. Men, professional, with family and children, probably respected members of the society raping young children for their past time. God made women going through puberty for a reason. Sex is meant for the full grown woman, not for young girls or babies. But I suspect it is in the end about easy targets, innocence, children can't fight back, they fear to talk and dominance. Even rape of grown women and men are the same issues.
Disgusting isn't it? I read the article about the paedoophile ring in France and how one 11 year old girl was dragged into the room and whilst 2 grown masked men raped, sodomised and forced her into oral sex, one man was busy satisfying himself, masturbating. I must be blunt with the terms, I know there are young readers in here but sometimes you may read about these stuff but it may not register how grave they're. Because they're serious and heart breaking stories. Even those that weren't forced, even if the young girl seduced the grown man or her own father (the girl equally at fault bu due to her young age, maybe lesser fault), a man must be able to exercise self control. Have our moral threshold gone so low that it is almost non existent? You won't kick your pet dog but you would have sex with a 12 year old? The same applies to women preying on young little boys. My God, let him grow lar, what do they see in these young boys) that lacked experience and even the size?? Dominance, the idea that they're old and yet still attractive to these young ones... I am not talking about 15 or 14, I am talking about 11, 12.
So many news of fathers killing all his children before killing himself because
a. wife is divorcing him and may take the children away; or b. loan sharks after him.
And that is why these people are often uneducated or if educated, all the education wasted. I do feel loan sharks are often wrongly blamed for so many suicides but let me ask you this; you borrow money, so naturally you must pay right? And yet let me ask you some more; as a loan shark, you know this guy won't be able to pay you back, why lend him in the first place?
And I shall end my post with one really stupid news.
Some Malay MPs wanted one ad to be removed from broadcast. The ad was preaching about being caring and curteous, where one young man (so happens to be a Malay man) wearing tie, looking like a professional was sitting in a LRT (as in subway or MRT). An old lady sitting next to him. One pregnant Indian walked in and he looked the other way, so the old Chinese lady stood up and gave her seat to this pregnant woman. Then an old blind Malay man walked in and this young man pretended to sleep. So the pregnant lady stood up and offered her seat to this old blind man. This young man then dropped something and he couldn't reach. Instead the blind old man reached down for it and smiling and politely giving it back to this young man, who by now was quite ashamed of his lack of civic mindedness and everybody in the LRT was staring at him. The actor who played this young Malay man was the same actor who played the Sultan in Puteri Gunung Ledang. Anyway I thought the ad was pretty powerful in its message and I too felt ashamed since I was like that guy, sometimes.
But these MPs complained that the ad was offensive, that it portrayed a race that is normally curteous and polite to be such rude jerks, that this young man couldn't have done things like these because he was dressed like a professional, therefore educated, therefore curteous.
Oh my, imagine the uproar and this time from the Malay communities who answered these MPs back. Kudos to the MPs and citizens who did so, saying "So what? There was a rude guy so happens to be a Malay guy whilst there was a curteous Malay man as what? Make that character a Chinese? Or Indian? Or gwailo?". Rightly said. Some people just never think before they speak and we are paying these MPs to represent us.
Oh one more! One more! I think in Kelantan there was a suggestion to introduce a guideline to women, as in other than Malay Muslim women on how to dress for work!!! What year are we living in? The excuse? Revealing dress or so called sexy dress would make the Malay men lusty and therefore forcing them to commit sex crimes! Ha! Ha! Ha! I have a solution for such men, or such race of men. Castrate yourself, cut off your limbs or simply, take out your own eyeballs. That would settle everything eh? And this news should be seen together with this news where the Muslim has this moral police looking for so called morally repugnant Malay Muslim girls. Ok, maybe table dancing in your panties fit right into the description but going to maybe karaoke lounges, pubs and all?
Do Malaysia need some legitimate sex shops? Make sex more open? Make sex more acceptable as opposed to giving it a religious interpretation, like don't discuss it, it's dirty? Should we legalise prostitution? Maybe not since most rape crimes involved very young victims of both genders. Legalise homosexuality? Or like some MPs suggested, more education or religious classes? Do you think that would solve the problem? More studies to find out why what where when how? Or simply the most daunting of all task; changing the mind set of the people?
One last big news. Malaysia now has over 80,000 unemployed graduates. I pity them, because everybody should be able to make a decent living. Now the government asks why. Even radio stations ask why. Some said employers choosy (maybe, since they kinda prefer overseas degree with obvious reasons and they do look at race, they would be more inclined to employ a Chinese graduate of our local university rather than a Malay because well, you know why), some said graduate choosy (maybe, maybe). But what about the core findings? How many of these 80,000 unemployed graduates are from local university? How many of them are of specific race or gender? I am not trying to put everything down to race and incite some racial disharmony but study it in an imapartial manner, just find out the statistics and I am sure when we find the root problem, we will find a solution.
I remembered watching the last episode of Human Mutants on Discovery Channel, a very sensitive issue and yet so imapartially made episode about differences in beauty and as such in race. Race is something we were afarid to mention, because of what Hitler did, because of what certain group of people still doing now. The narrator said the scientists long held this view that we are all one of the same but look at our genetics, look at our colours and features and once we recognise that we are different racially, we will be able to further and better appreciate the diversity in human population and human beings. These are all purely from a scientific view, not meant to hurt or incite racial disharmony. I agree with the narrator. The more we ignore about the race issue, the more anger and hate we harbour in us, as we view different races as something dirty, something not to be discussed. Face it head on, examine it, see the statistics, purge out all the negative slurs and all, and we may be able to understand why certain people faces certain problems and the solution thereof. Because as far as we hate to admit it, different races garner different perspective, different moral threshold which is as determined by our own individual standard as much as our own distinctive cultural background, upbringing, beliefs and race. Which is why one general law may not be able to work on everybody, but we must have general laws since we are human beings of Planet Earth but sometimes, problems and solutions may be simply a racial issue.
I am not advocating being Hitler. I do not believe that one race is of more importance than the other, I respect all race, all cultural backgrounds but I believe some problems can be solved by identifying the problems, and the problem itself is not simply a group of people or like the Nazis believe, a race of people, or even a particular gender but rather the condition created by being in that particular group, that particular gender, that particular race and finding the bad apples within that group.
I have 3 Malay colleagues that I absolutely respect and admire, for their politeness, friendliness and efficiency. They feel not ill towards others or towards me simply because I was Chinese. And nowadays when my family spoke ill of a certain race by saying "Oh yeah, of course lar, Malays what, can get into any university" I would always counter "My colleagues graduated from these local Us, and they are so knowleageable and they went in I believe on their own merit". I have Indian colleagues also as friendly and helpful. In fact I find Chinese more intimidating when working with them.
But I must admit, there are even undeserving Chinese having all the education in the world that his or her rich father can buy and yet having zero manners and may I say, for all races, chilvary amongst men are almost dead. Almost because sometimes I meet some knights in shining armour, Chinese, Indian, Malays, foreigners, very rare but they're there and I realise their upbringing and their own moral threshold may be the cause of such "abnormality"!, But then they may be living in different environments, different set of ideals.
Race may be an issue but not the whole issue. When we open up to that fact, when we admit there are different races and we can say it out loud without holding to this notion one race is more superior than the other, we may be able to find the solutions to our problems. I know this is difficult and the lines often blurred but there must be a way to identify the differences in all of us, in every and all respect without offending a particular group. There must be.
Thank you for reading this.
March 23, 2005
The Vigilante In The Mask Permanent link ▫ ▫
Out of curiosity, does anybody know who is that girl who plays that 18 year Ngo Mei student who kept calling Deric Wan her husband? I checked out a review of this series and her name is listed as Mandy Chiang . Who is she? She reminds me in so many ways of Anne Heung, but younger.
Net Deception is coming soon and I am really looking forward to it because I saw Wong Hei in it and he was darn arrogant in it! Must be good!
March 22, 2005
Kiersey Temperament And Character Test Permanent link ▫ ▫
Check out this Temparament Sorter recommended by Kidd. Many questions, each 2 answers and frankly I changed my mind frequently for many as both answers apply to me. I find this more difficult and requires more thoughtful deliberation and consideration than the one I posted before entitled Personality Test at BBC. I doubt I was honest enough for many questions but well, do try this test and see if it defers from the previous one I posted. I was a strategist there, so what am I here now? The results...
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.
Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.
Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.
Idealists are rare, making up between 20 and 25 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
The Four types of Idealists are:
Healers (INFP) | Counselors (INFJ) | Champions (ENFP) | Teachers (ENFJ)
And to know more which specific type, I will have to BUY the report. Well I am definitely stingy. Anyway the previous one I was a strategist, now I am an idealist. So I am a stratidealist, meaning half and half. Not bad! Not bad at all. Actually i find strategist and idealist quite inter related, I must have ideals before I can strategise!!
Anyway, I find this particular paragraph very Gemini-like, and I am a Gemini.
"Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds."
Hmmm not true in my case. I am not that giving. I think the strategist analysis more accurate or maybe I simply did not take my time to answer some questions with careful consideration.
BUT WAITTT!! Guess who were Idealists too?? MY HERO, MY IDOL, THE ONE PERSON, BEING THAT I ADMIRE MOST APART FROM BUDDHA... Mohandas Gandhi!! WOO-HOO! No no no, if I ever can be 1/100 of a man that he was I would be very very happy because I do not have what it takes to do what he did. I truly admire this man and I believe no man of his calibre ever walked this Earth after he died.
So is your one the same as the previous test? Take the test!!
Personality Test at BBC Permanent link ▫ ▫
Found the link to BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Mind - What Am I Like? at Pearl's website. 20 questions and how did I fare? Well the questions seem to centre on supermarket shopping!
Section 1: Results
Your answers suggest you are Spontaneous, not a Planner.
You are flexible and take life as it comes.
Comments : Maybe I got some answer backwards because I always thought I am a planner, a sloppy one but still a planner.
Section 2: Results
Your answers suggest you are an Ideas, not a Facts person.
You focus on the big picture rather than on details.
Comments : Quite true but I am also rather fearful of many things so my fear kinda stop me most of the time. I am really not that brave.
Section 3: Results
Your answers suggest you are a Head, not a Heart person.
When making a decision, you tend to weigh the possible consequences in a logical, detached way.
Comments : Again I must have got the answers backwards because I am a heart person. I am impulsive, especially when shopping.
Section 4: Results
Your answers suggest you are an Introvert, not an Extrovert.
You tend to focus on and get your motivation from your own inner thoughts and ideas.
Comments : Very very true. Especially with a big group of people I do not know, I tehd to be very quiet and when with my old friends, I talk a lot, depending on my mood. And I get very annoyed if my good friend brings someone I do not know. In fact I could stare that person to death. I think I have a problem. Only in the Internet, where I am faceless I became daring. But I am opinionated but I do not stuff my opinions down people's throat, strangers especially.
Your answers suggest you are a Strategist
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Spontaneous, ideas, heads and introvert.
Summary of Strategists
* Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
* Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
* Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
* May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping
More about Strategists
Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves.
Strategists are the group most likely to say they are unhappy in their job, according to a UK survey.
Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually curious and enjoy abstract ideas. Sometimes they like thinking of a solution to a problem more than taking practical steps to solve it.
In situations where they can't use their talents, are unappreciated, or not taken seriously, Strategists may become negatively critical or sarcastic. Under extreme stress, Strategists could be prone to inappropriate, tearful or angry outbursts.
Strategists may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others or how their behaviour impacts the people around them.
Strategist Careers
Strategists are often drawn to technical or scientific careers, where specialist knowledge is required. They also seem to enjoy jobs that involve long-term planning, abstract thinking or design.
The graph below shows the percentage of people with each personality type out of everyone who has taken this test.
Read about the 16 personality types from the What Am I like? Personality test:
Big Thinker,Counsellor, Go-getter, Idealist, Innovator, Leader, Mastermind, Mentor, Nurturer, Peacemaker, Performer, Provider, Realist, Resolver, Strategist and Supervisor.
Comments : Oh my, this is scary. 90% true. Very true but me a strategist? Meaning someone who can make the most damage quietly like back stabbing someone? So I guess I am no Big Thinker or Leader or Mentor of whatever. I think I am also in the wrong job!!
Go on, take the test and do tell me what are you!!
March 21, 2005
Mr Personality Permanent link ▫ ▫
I missed the last episode. Anyway thanks to Sehseh's blog, I found out who at last the Jennifer Garner lookalike chose! THe silver masked MILLIONAIRE! I posted my own comments at her blog and this was what I wrote ...
"Hey thanks for the rundown. I missed the ending. It's not crappy, I find it interesting but has he got that personality? I thought the other guy was a bit of a show off. Anyway glad to know she has got good taste and that even with the mask, women can detect a MILLIONAIRE when they get near one!! Good choice. True, are they married yet??"
Who says you can't see "rich" in a person's face or rather the way they carry themselves eh??
How to Hypnotize A Man Permanent link ▫ ▫
This just too funny. But beware, naked buttocks but it is just too funny! Click HERE to ermm hypnotize a man!!
March 20, 2005
Short Review : ROBOTS [Mov] [Eng] Permanent link ▫ ▫
This short review is written by Funn Lim. You can find this review in Reviews > Movies.
"Robots is a movie I desperately want to like because of the idea of it but at the end of the day, it just wasn't that good. It was, dare I say it? .... boring. "
 Released in 2005
Produced By Not by Pixar, definitely not by Dreamworks SKG. By the same team who made the funnier but really not that great Ice Age.
Genre Computer animated feature length movie
Voices Halle Berry .... Cappy (voice) Lucille Bliss .... Pigeon Lady (voice) Terry Bradshaw .... Broken Arm Bot (voice) Jim Broadbent .... Madame Gasket (voice) Mel Brooks .... Bigweld (voice) Amanda Bynes .... Piper (voice) Drew Carey .... Crank (voice) Jennifer Coolidge .... Aunt Fanny (voice) Dylan Denton .... Youngest Rodney (voice) Will Denton .... Young Rodney (voice) Marshall Efron .... Lamppost/Toilet Bot/Bass Drum/Microphone (voice) Damien Fahey .... Stage Announcer (voice) Lowell Ganz .... Mr. Gasket (voice) Paul Giamatti .... Tim the Gate Guard (voice) Dan Hedaya .... Mr. Gunk (voice) Jackie Hoffman .... Water Cooler (voice) James Earl Jones .... Voice Box at Hardware Store (voice) Greg Kinnear .... Ratchet (voice) Jay Leno .... Fire Hydrant (voice) Natasha Lyonne .... Loretta Geargrinder (voice) Brian McFadden .... Trashcan Bot (voice) Ewan McGregor .... Rodney Copperbottom (voice) Tim Nordquist .... Tin Man (voice) Jansen Panettiere .... Younger Rodney (voice) Al Roker .... Mailbox (voice) Alan Rosenberg .... Jack Hammer (voice) Stephen Tobolowsky .... Bigmouth Executive/Forge (voice) Stanley Tucci .... Herb Copperbottom (voice) Chris Wedge .... (voice) Dianne Wiest .... Mrs. Copperbottom (voice) Harland Williams .... Lug (voice) Robin Williams .... Fender (voice) Crawford Wilson .... Young Rodney (voice) Lara Cody .... Additional Voices (voice) Cooper Cowgill .... Additional Voices (voice) David Crommett .... Additional Voices (voice) Darin De Paul .... Additional Voices (voice) (as Darin DePaul) Dann Fink .... Additional Voices (voice) Timothy Gulan .... Additional Voices (voice) Alexander Haney .... Additional Voices (voice) Angela Haney .... Additional Voices (voice) Ray Iannicelli .... Additional Voices (voice) Sondra James .... Additional Voices (voice) Vanessa Lemonides .... Additional Voices (voice) Anthony J. Lewis Jr. .... Additional Voices (voice) Marcus Maurice .... Additional Voices (voice) Jennifer Perito .... Additional Voices (voice) Kristin Reeves .... Additional Voices (voice) David Rossmer .... Additional Voices (voice) Lyla Stone .... Additional Voices (voice) Bruce Winant .... Additional Voices (voice)
Plot Taken from
Even in a world populated entirely by mechanical beings Rodney Copperbottom (McGregor) is considered a genius inventor. Rodney dreams of two things, making the world a better place and meeting his idol, the master inventor Bigweld (Brooks). On his journey he encounters Cappy (Halle Berry), a beautiful executive `bot with whom Rodney is instantly smitten, the nefarious corporate tyrant Ratchet (Kinnear) who locks horns with Rodney, and a group of misfit `bots known as the Rusties, led by Fender (Williams) and Piper Pinwheeler (Bynes).
Comments I really want to like this animated feature. I really do. It has the story of a very polite and well mannered underdog, it has an assortment of really quirky characters, a very interesting storyline and a very clean cut type of story. No in jokes, not fart jokes (ok, maybe a few), no spoofing of this movie or that story like the other about that green ogre. I want to like this movie because the voices did well, especially the increasingly handsome Ewan McGregor (haven't heard from him from some time, I am bored with Jude Law). The thing is it's just too shallow. It has a big story, an even bigger heart to make it good but somehow it just falls flat. It's short, I think less than an hour and a half but it felt like an eternity. Like that over expanded scene of how Rodney travels from the station to the city and on the way meeting Fender, then the almost last scene where he and his gangs like Transformers fighting the bigger, newer robots and somewhere in between where he met Big Weld. It was too long, too draggy and because everybody seems to look like the same colour, rather confusing. And the story was inadequate in the sense that why Big Weld was hiding in retirement? We know why because we assume but not more was explained to actually how that younger, meaner robot, Ratchet could possibly convince Big Weld to retire. Something was just not right with this movie. Even Robin Williams, ever funny and really the only reason to watch Alladdin fell flat. His so called funny scenes like Singing In The Oil scene and his impersonation of Britney Spears came out of nowhere, looking desperate just to get some laughs when they weren't funny. I find his Bender very annoying and somehow underdeveloped. The only nice aspect of this movie, and very watchable is Rodney Copperbottom himself and the very first few scenes about his birth, how he wanted to become an inventor and his relationship with his father, voiced wonderfully by Stanley Tucci. Halle Berry was simply wasted or rather wallflower in here, Amanda Bynes as Piper was just simply of not much use. Greg Kinnear as Ratchet wasn't evil enough, he was just too into what his mom was saying and his mom wasn't even interesting as a villain. I find her scenes boring, annoying and too cartoonish. I have a feeling these days animation or computer animation is all about gathering the biggest names in the movie industry and paying all too much attention to the animation BUT very little on the story. For this I must say this; Pixar rules because they're not too obssessed with getting the biggest names, they get people perfect for that particular character, animation always superb to the point of awe inspiring and the story, though simple to understand but has such depth and meaning, often Pixar is a success is because the story is it itself memorable. And they don't have so many people or characters in one scene or spoofing this or fart jokes that.
Robots is a movie I desperately want to like because of the idea of it but at the end of the day, it just wasn't that good. It was, dare I say it? .... boring.
Plus Points The graphics, especially the robots looking very much like their real human counterparts and the idea of the story. Ewan McGregor, always good in anything he does, even when he is not appearing on screen.
Minus Points I think I have said it pretty clearly; no direction, unrealised story, unexplained plot points and some very draggy and unnecessary, unconnected scenes.
Verdict Little ones will love it and may learn a thing or two about following your dreams, dream big and all. But as a movie in itself, I am sorry to say, I don't hate it because there is nothing to hate about a movie who has the best of intentions to give a good story. But the entire execution of the story was somehow side stepped by the presence of too many unnecessary character and in the end, it was a complete boring mess. Go watch The Incredibles again, buy Finding Nemo, search for A Bug's Life or Toy Story or Monsters Inc or simply save that money of yours to watch Pixar's Cars. I am supposed to cheer for Rodney but in the end, I was glad to be out of the cinema.
New review Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Added The Driving Power [TVB] written by yours truly.
March 17, 2005
New Layout & Atkins Diet Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am improving on the present layout, meaning a new layout change this weekend if I am satisfied with the result. I come out with the weirdest layout. I like this present one, but I find it too elaborate, too restrictive. My new layout will have the same principles but an open space concept. I even have a new logo, a weird looking one but still somewhat a decent looking weird banner. Thus far the layout I am not changing is the one for my individual reviews. I think that is good enough. But this one, I am just giving is some open space concept, to make it look somewhat bigger when it is the same. I kinda like it, but it takes some getting use to. As for my Shaunsation, this concept was for my Shaunsation and then I realise I want this for my main page. So it's back to drawing board for my Shaunsation. I wish I could do some nice flash layout but don't know how. I have a concept in mind of Shaunsation. In fact all my layouts are pretty the same actually. Difference is either got box or no box! Talk about originality.
Coming up reviews by me : The Driving Power, Not Just A Pretty Face and some really old reviews. This weekend. Meanwhile, just to drop a note to say Hi, Bye, and Yeah!
Oh yeah, one question. Anyone ever done Atkins Diet before? I mean it sounds great but any side effects like serious carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms? Anyone here tried it before? Some comments will be most welcomed. You know I am Asian, is Atkins workable?
March 12, 2005
Regrets, I have plenty! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Do you have any regrets? Like not studying hard enough to achieve your life long ambition? Not taking that job because it had lower pay when it was something you might love to do? Not daring to find a higher pay job because you feel comfortable in your present one? Not loving that one person more than you can ever love until it is far too late?
Oh I have regrets, plenty. And none more so at a time when I take up a Chinese gossip magazine, see the pictures of my favourite stars, see plenty of ! ! ! and yet not being able to read more than a few simple strokes. I feel like I am suffocating others with my demands for translation, as I sometimes feel suffocated when in my line of work I had to translate documents from Malay to English and back again. That I was being paid to do and I am complaining! Generosity of people can only be so much, and frankly people are often generous but I can only ask so much and I feel embarrassed to ask some more because it's not right.
I always thought knowing how to read Chinese isn't important, I can survive by just knowing how to read English. And I can speak Cantonese fluently. But then I was too young to be crazy about gossips and celebrity. My greatest regret; not knowing how to read Chinese.
What's yours? Maybe not as trivial as mine but frankly, it's a big deal when you have so many articles with your favourite guy in it and yet you can't read a single darn word!
Regrets, I have plenty, but none as suffocating and suffering as having the resources and never knowing how to use it!
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Readded my review of Romance In The Rain in Reviews > TV . Taiwan/China as requested.
Thanks for the tip about You Weekly and Shaun Chen on the cover. You can find the whole article fully translated together with all scans in Shaunsation, specifically Articles. Look for You Weekly Issue 200. A big THANKS to Pearl aka P-Chan for translating everything, right down to the title and the quotes.
March 08, 2005
Human Mutants on Discovery Channel Permanent link ▫ ▫
Last night I watched the 1st episode on the subject about human mutants, as in those with genetics problems. It was very scary. I have read and seen gigantism, dwarves, missing collar bones and all but I have never seen nor ever heard of a condition where instead of having muscles under that layer of skin, you have bones. Like the body doesn't know when to stop producing bones, so once you broken a bone, the body will grow a new bone and never stops doing so. They showed a young courageous woman who practically became so still like a marble, except for her mouth where she can still speak but she had to be careful because the growing of bones might fuse her mouth together. They showed a skeleton of someone with such a frightening genetics problem and it was very very very scary. They said it is a very rare condition, only 500 in the world has it but to me that is still 500 and how many more carry that type of malfunctioned genes? It spooked me.
Then the one that really spooked me was the one they showed about the castrated artistes in I think Italy. I do not know how to spell what they were called. When they were little, these boys' testicles were snipped off. And I didn't know it was the testicles that tells the body when to stop growing because it was resported that these boys who would grow up to be opera singers or those men with those little boys' voices would never stop growing even until they were into their late 20s. They were especially tall and big and even at 90 they had the bones of a young adolescent. The last of such kind was the director of the I think Vienna musical choir or something who died in the 1920s. They didn't show his picture, so I do not know how tall he was but they broadcast his last recording, his singing. These people they said were like the J.Lo of their days and their voices were kinda like women's voices, except we didn't have to castrate ourselves in any way. Anyway for the whole night I could not sleep remembering his shrilly high pitched voice and even now that voice is still in my head. It was very spooky, very unnatural and even the host said perhaps he wasn't a very good singer because his singing was horrible. Maybe tastes changed the host said but to me, that was the most mutant of all.
I am haunted by this voice even as I type now. I don't know why but it just scares me even now. Luckily nowadays people do not go chopping off their testicles for the sake of so called art.
Now this begs a curious question, an answer that maybe you would know.
You see the show said cutting off testicles and you won't stop growing, you're abnormally tall. Remember the Chinese eunuchs? How come they were not abnormally tall? Was it because they only chopped off their penis and not their testicles? The show never answered this and I wonder ... They can't have chopped off everything and became effectively a woman because like the show said, you would be very tall. I don't see that in Chinese eunuchs. Do you know?
Anyway if you have ASTRO, do have a look at these series (it's a 3 part documentary) at 10.00pm tonight and tomorrow night at Channel 50. The host is not very good, the documentary has such deep medical terms but it is a relevalation. I think being fat is not all that bad after I have seen that woman with that bone problems. Even being too thin or skinny is not that bad either.
March 07, 2005
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Long time no updates for Funn Stuff, so some new additions of some stunning GIF files as well as some cute lego stuff.
Updated also my Charmaine Sheh Pictorabilia and Shaunsation.
March 06, 2005
An Insight Into Raymond Lam's World Permanent link ▫ ▫
A very interesting article about Raymond Lam at Sehseh's Blog with some very stylish pictures as well. I think he is fast becoming a character actor if he controls his acting. And he's only 25, looking very mature for his age. Notwithstanding those silly reports about his ermm package, he is actually quite a credible actor. I think he has improved quite a lot and reading that article, he seems insecure about his father's wealth. I do know he is the Godson of that lady who cuts the TVB b-day cake every year? It says his brother is interested in running the company so he is free to do whatever he wants. Good for him! And ever wondered those really rich ones who comes from a good education background are always the humble ones as well the polite ones with manners? Raymond always give me an impression he is a gentleman and I hope I will never hear him curse. Anyway, do have a read. The article is very badly translated, I think the person might be using the Babelfish service or something but you get the gist of it, the insight into the world of Raymond Lam.
And ladies in HK may want to seek him out as the bachelor of the year. I mean he is
1. talented
2. polite, well mannered
3. educated
4. very rich (even if it is daddy's money, at the end of the day it will be his)
5. famous
6. quite good looking
7. very serious in his craft
8. rumours had it a party guy and a womaniser but well if you got it then flaunt it!
9. he seems sincere in whatever he is doing; and
10. he was Ben Lok for heaven's sake!
Wedding pics from Mona Lisa & Rumours! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re my post about Chilam and Charmaine's wedding pictures for Mona Lisa. Many said she looked older than him in those pictures, so maybe you may want to check out THESE PICTURES where they recently did some promo for Mona Lisa and guess what? They looked equally as old.
I for one am not going to go to that boutique to get my wedding dress because
a. the wedding dress (both) looked outdated, old and unfashionable
b. look at Charm and Chilam, looking tired and hair uncombed with very uninteresting makeup, so if they can't make the celebrities look good even for that promo day, what about our own wedding day?
c. the pictures unimaginative.
They should really sack the photographer, the make up artist and find new wedding gowns. The pictures in the post I posted previously were ok but the best ones are still the one I posted in my Pictorabilia of Charmaine.
By the way rumours has it that
1. Charm is dating Matt Yeung who is good friends with Benny. Ever thought perhaps she is dating Benny and Matt was just there? No offense to Matt's fans, I don't think she is that desperate. If I ever wanted a younger man, I would go for Raymond Lam or even Sammul Chan. At least they're stable career wise and don't look too bad.
2. Michelle Ye left TVB for greener pasture, exactly where I do not know but with her ability to speak such good Mandarin, I am sure China or Taiwan is the next stop. Good for her. Maybe a bit of exposure may help her understand acting better and come back to TVB a better actress.
You know maybe it's me but it seems lately Charmaine is always in the limelight. On a similar note, Raymond Lam kinda said Sonija Kwok looks old! Not quite sure where the fans got the quote but I am sure he didn't say it so direct but he is right; Sonija Kwok looks old. Anyway all actressess who lost a lot of weight look old.
March 05, 2005
INTRODUCTION I like to post some of my most favourite wallpapers, pictures, scans, banners, screencaps and perhaps drawings of certain celebrity for your viewing pleasure. These posts may include the not so flattering pictures that I tend to keep and view all the time. These series of My Favourite Pictorabilia aka Pictures Memorabilia (pictures worth downloading and keeping for future or constant viewing) are constantly being updated, so do bookmark the permanant link and you can find the link to this post in My Point Is ... as well as in the respective The DDGs under Pictorabilia.
A REMINDER I did not create any of these beautiful masterpieces unless I say so in the post. I will try to credit the creator of the posted wallpapers, etc but sometimes I tend to forget. Do remind me if you know who made these. Any favourite pictorabilia you like to share with me? Just post the URL using Post A Comment in the respective celebrity's post that I have posted about and I'll add them in the respective posts to share with everybody after I downloaded the pictures and all. Please post as Other if you do not have a Blogger identity. The posts in here are arranged in ascending order.
05.03.2005 My most favourite Chinese actress that I also think is the most beautiful in her own mystifying ways. She can be a very good actress with the right material and she can look as gorgeous as one could ever describe her if she strikes the right pose so to speak. I have seen some of her not so flattering pictures. I believe she is more beautiful in person that in pictures. Again she is much too thin but she once said being an actress you constantly worry about your weight, whether you can fit into the dress and all. The most beautiful aspect about her is her luminous flawless glowing skin and her fair skin. Just look at some of my most favourite wallpapers of her and you will know why she caught everybody's attention in Shanghai Knights. This is one Asian actress I don't mind crossing over to Hollywood. Enough of Lucy Liu or Zhang Ziyi, this is the real deal.
WALLPAPERS All taken from Asian Pictorial, the simplicity of these wallpapers without much background motifs made her looks all the more outstanding. All are my favourites and she looks so much more younger than her real age. And despite all those negative publicity, I still like her and I always look at the screen whenever she appears. She has that little something even when her series sucks.

More to come for sure!
 Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
March 04, 2005
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have decided, after much consideration and after much deliberation between the left side of my brain and the right side of my brain to do what I have always thought I should do but never really thought about doing it until I really thought about doing it and by thinking about doing it and finally setting my heart to doing it, I discovered it was no big deal, just a matter of to do or not to do. So I will do it, and therefore I have decided to make this big decision of my review writing life...
I have decided ... well how shall I put gently to thee...I have decided to abolish the rating system specifically for my reviews.
Yes, I have said it! Phew!
What?! What did you think I was trying to say?
For submissions, you can give the rating all you want between 1/2 to 5 stars. For my reviews, I have been very restricted in my expressing of my opinion due to this ratings system because I was always afraid I might give a series I like too low a rating and a series I hate too high a rating. Basically when you read my reviews, the first line itself will indicate if I liked it or I hated it. Verdict stays, rating goes!
Thank you for reading this.
INTRODUCTION I like to post some of my most favourite wallpapers, pictures, scans, banners, screencaps and perhaps drawings of certain celebrity for your viewing pleasure. These posts may include the not so flattering pictures that I tend to keep and view all the time. These series of My Favourite Pictorabilia aka Pictures Memorabilia (pictures worth downloading and keeping for future or constant viewing) are constantly being updated, so do bookmark the permanant link and you can find the link to this post in My Point Is ... as well as in the respective The DDGs under Pictorabilia.
A REMINDER I did not create any of these beautiful masterpieces unless I say so in the post. I will try to credit the creator of the posted wallpapers, etc but sometimes I tend to forget. Do remind me if you know who made these. Any favourite pictorabilia you like to share with me? Just post the URL using Post A Comment in the respective celebrity's post that I have posted about and I'll add them in the respective posts to share with everybody after I downloaded the pictures and all. Please post as Other if you do not have a Blogger identity. The posts in here are arranged in ascending order.
04.03.2005 My first chosen subject for my series of My Favourite Pictorabilia is Charmaine Sheh because I always like to talk about her, posting her pictures and all. I am not going to justify my actions but I am going to say sometimes I do see her positive side. Irrespective of what I think about her acting talents, her personal life and her weight, I do think she is a beautiful woman who is very photogenic when she wants to be. Which is why my title for her The DDGs page is This Is Charm. Check out these various pictures and I rest my case.
WEDDING PICTURES Scanned these from MyWedding and I can't resist sharing them with you. Where can I buy this wedding dress? It's beautiful, she looked well fed, make up just right and the posture, excellent. My favourite wedding pictures of Charmaine thus far. The smaller version can be found at Sehseh's blog but I decided to post my own big ones just in case anybody here is interested in using these scans. You can find the English translated version of the same article at Sehseh's blog. Do credit her if you repost her article anywhere else.

WALLPAPERS I have a few favourite ones which featured her in some of the most dazzling and yet not so intrusive to my desktop type of wallpapers that I am never bored with.
My all time favourite wallpaper which so happens featured Charmaine is this one:- (I love her dazzling smile, the colours, the background motif. I don't know who made this, I just love the whole sweetness and the innocence of it all.)

2nd place is this one:-

I have previously posted this one above in this post. And just found out Sehseh made this wallpaper. Wow!
3rd place is definitely this one:-

Another worth mentioning which is not my favourite but does show Charmaine in a sexy and tastefully photographed picture is this one and on the right, a very stylish and very serious looking Charmaine dressed what looked from afar like a nurse' attire! But nice wallpaper.

All these wallpapers showed her feminine and more womanly curves rather than her usual no curves. I always felt Charmaine is very pretty but too thin, too thin!
BANNERS Found this War & Beauty theme at the Charmaine Sheh Discussion Forum. Forget about the words, I love the picture arrangements. Simply gorgeous, the subject too. Again credit belongs to Sehseh. She does have good taste in choosing just the right combination of pictures.

That's it for now. More to come I assure you!
05.03.2005 The following few pictures are the very rare ones where she dressed just perfectly with flawless make up and looking elegant without smiling too much. Most of the time her fashion sense is a disaster.
 I remember this one. She was late for the award. Or rather she wasn't expected to show up but when she got her award and the presenters were saying she wasn't here to take the award, she dramatically entered the stage and said "Wait! I am here!" and she sounded quite like a diva. For a moment one would think she was the really famous one when frankly Flora Chan and Jessica Hester Hsuan is bigger in Malaysia. Trust me on this. Nuff said. Her all green attire suited her looks and simple make up, great picture.
 My favourite picture of all thus far of her at an event. I think this was some modelling contest and she was there as a judge. Picture of pure poise and elegance. Her hair perfect, her dress simple and yet fashionable, she didn't look as thin and her make up, such simplicity that brought out her beauty. This is one picture that convinces me she is one beautiful woman, when she dresses right, wear the right make up, show the right face and sit the right way or maybe it was just a picture taken at her most relaxed moment.
 Her much younger self when cute was her main image instead of being a sex siren. I miss the good old days of pure innocence and fun and yet with a tinge of sexuality. Women shouldn't go all out to prove they're sexy, if you're you can dress like a "ham yuk jung" and still look sexy because women are naturally sensual creature, and that is my personal opinion.
 Finally, this was a picture taken years ago, I think when she was 3rd place Miss HK. Not my most favourite picture but I just want to show this is one picture worth keeping because look..she looked voluptous, she had a body, small waist and all. Look at her now and I wonder why...
More to come as I dig into my computer.
08.03.2005 FAVOURITE WALLPAPER And more indeed. Sehseh forwarded to me one very simple and yet fantastic looking wallpaper and I so happened to have seen this some time ago with the picture as well! And one more from the front. I have seen the necklace before. I believe she favours those old type antiques big necklaces and bangles. I have seen her in those jewelries once too many times.

FAVOURITE OLDER PICTURES As in her younger years. I saw an episode of Point of No Return today and I almost wanted to cry because she lost all her cuteness and she looked half the woman she was (as in the pictures below). I can't understand what beauty lies in being too thin. I want to petition for the old Charmaine to come back again. I may dislike her acting, I may still hate her acting, but at least she was cute then. The evidence...

Of course she was younger then, much younger but 29 isn't that old but she looked older than her age!
More to come...
 Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
The ideal celebrity couple Permanent link ▫ ▫
I do feel that Chilam should just propose to Charmaine and marry her. They do look good together, even if the hairdo is hideous and the wedding dress too much and the make up amateur. Not a good way to promote your bridal studio with these pictures. And irrespective of what I think about them in Point Of No Return, their chemistry in these wedding photos shall I put it? Electrifying?

I think their babies will look beautiful. Imagine this? Chilam's eyes, Charmaine's smile, Chilam's height, for girls Charmaine's 22 inch waist. Ahhhhh a great celebrity couple that never was unfortunately.
Of all the Charmaine wedding pictures I have seen, the most professionally photographed that made her look not just pretty, not just beautiful, elegant but very ravishing and I am sure many men would wish she would be their bride for even just one day, would be those 4 pictures from the MyWedding magaazine. I just bought the magazine and am scanning them right now. Sehseh actually posted the scans at her website together with a very excellent English translation on the wedding photo shoot which has blurbs by Charmaine of which side of her profile she likes best, her dream wedding and so on and so forth. An interesting read. I have found though one wallpaper which incorporated the 2 best pictures from that MyWedding mag and I can't remember who made this but I must congratulate this person; I simply love this wallpaper.

March 03, 2005
Observations of our locally made movies Permanent link ▫ ▫
This comment of mine is by no means a comment to incite racial tension, it is merely an obeservation.
Sepet is a much lauded local movie (as in Malaysian movie) about the love between a young Chinese boy, a VCD peddler and a smart young Malay girl. And that is where the racial tension ends. It's more like a love story which doesn't really hype the racial thing. Or so it says.
I find it interesting because so far I have yet to read of a locally made movie of a Malay boy and a Chinese girl. Thus far most are the other way around. I haven't seen Sepet, nor do I wish to because if the differences if race is not the focus but their love story is, I wonder what is the difference of this story and the countless others?
Like I said above I am not inciting any racial hatred. In fact on the surface it doesn't matter anymore as we have interracial marriages. Even the lead actress in this movie looks like a mixed between a Malay and Chinese because she looks very very fair and she looks Chinese. The boy looks like any Malaysian boy. But I would bet that one day if you a girl were to take a Malay boy home, your mom will still be shocked and when you a girl with such good academic results bring home a young boy who sells pirated VCDs for a living to your parents, I think you can basically and safely assume objections will be coming everywhere. I read that this boy in this movie is actually a far better student than the girl but not given the opportunity. Again the controversy stops there. I understand the film maker's intention. Why cause tension? Why not tell a simple story? But must a simple story always be about Malay girl falling for a Chinese boy??
There is one local movie I want to watch and that is about the Indian rubber tappers and their ups and downs. It's in Tamil and this is one "simple" story we Malaysians can tell all over again and again and again. I always thought Children of Heaven should have been our Malaysian story, Homerun should be, I Not Stupid could have been ours. We should have made documantaries about Ching Meng, the Ghost festival, lion dance, silat, the food, everything. We should have a biopic about Sudirman instead of ignoring him due to the circumstances of his death. We should have a biopic to celebrate P Ramlee's genius instead of doing nothing. We should have a movie about the mish mash of cultures without showing such mish mash through love stories. I am bored. Is this all our local writers can come out with? Either idiotic comedies or oridinary love stories?
I will go see Sepet and see why almost every reviewers said it was good. The storytelling must be good. But I am bored. I watched Puteri Gunung Ledang, I was amazed by the costume and the first 10 minutes and thereafter it was either gloomy sad looking heroine, bad editing, horrible acting or simply dragging the entire movie in slow mo. It could have been the it movie but it failed because in the end it was boring. I want to be patriotic, I want to say something nice about our local movies but the last great film made by our own Malaysians were back in the P Ramlee time. That was the golden era of our cinema and since then you can say we're pretty dead because we can't cross beyond what is on our mindset. When will we see a Holland V? If Singapore can do it, WE CAN!
Our TV series is worse. We pretend we are in HK and we are doing HK series. Where are our local flavours? One interesting series I saw for 30 minutes was about a nyonya girl who clearly loves her culture as she walks around wearing her kebaya and speaking excellent Malay. And that is our modern world. You know what? We have Indian singers who speak fluent Hokkien, Malays who understand Cantonese and Chinese who speaks good Tamil. Oh yes, why can't we have that? And as always we have 3rd rate HK actors/actress (except for the veterans who are always 1st rate in HK) playing the lead whilst our actors take a back seat. The good ones left for Singapore, the ones left behind lacks the publicity to make them our local idol. We have HK writers, writing lines meant for HK Chinese because our locals don't speak like that. I read TV1 is making a long running Chinese drama about the feud between two super rich family, a Malay family and a Chinese family. NOW THAT WOULD BE INTERESTING. But no promo so I don't know when is it going to show.
ASTRO is making a big effort in producing local Chinese shows. Yes and the one they made reminded me so much of Kindred Spirit and plots that I have seen a million times over. Can't we be a bit more original? Can't we be bit more braver? Malaysia is one young country who has seen lots of development and a mish mash of cultures and when it comes to making movies, series, we are still so shackled up by our own inhibitions. There are some sectors who still can't differentiate between a real kiss and an acting kinda kiss so the Malay actressess got it big time. And in real life we have those professing to be chaste going around dictating our young people about what they can or can't do when these people dare to ask our young girls walk around to show them their dressing. What is this??
As long as we don't open our minds, as long as we don't dare to tackle the many issues that must be tackle, as long as we don't tell the story that our nation and our old parents are trying to tell, our "storytellers" will never made one great movie.
I am still waiting for a movie about the Japanese occupation. The last we had had again a sub plot of a Chinese girl in love with a Malay rebel or something like that. Throw away all this! Show us the politics, the ugly truth. Our young generations need to know that our grandparents or parents once ate potato leaves to survive the occupation, people raped, people tortured. We have been through such hard times but we have not one representative to tell this story.
However good Sepet may be, however brilliant this small movie may be, I am still hoping for that one movie that moves me, one movie that makes me question my purpose in life, one movie that makes me laugh till I cry. The one movie that always make me cry was Anakku Sazali, when the father had to surrender his only son to the police to right the wrong. Now that is a cinematic storytelling genius.
March 02, 2005
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫
Please take notice every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will be updating my AI 4 comments. The link is in My Point Is...Feel free to join in the discussion. Remember to bookmark it and I will not mention this again.
March 01, 2005
Point Of No Return Permanent link ▫ ▫
One of the biggest news this year I suspect will be that Charmaine cut her hair for the series Always On Standby. Yeah right.
What's the big deal? She is an actress and a professional one will shave her head if she is required to play a monk or whatever! So kudos to her though frankly that hair looks like Moonlight and I hated that series and I hated her in that series and I hated that character in that series. Her reason for such a short hair (which is not THAT short) is because she just woke up from a coma after surgery to her heard. I wonder how long was her character in coma?? Anyway, she could have cut it shorter as in An Herbalist Affair where she looked cute and all. And some anti-fans dare to go to the Discussion Forum and say she is ugly with that new hairstyle. Frankly, ugly is too much a word to use but you can say she looked way better years before in that stupid series about that stupid character. Oh yes, she was chubby, or a bit more filled, younger and way way way prettier. Even in a stupid series with a stupid character in White Flame she looked better. So frankly yeah yeah she looks bad with this new hairstyle. Too thin.
Anyway a picture..
Oh my, how much Ekin has aged! Now that is shocking. He's 40? Issit?
Ok back to main point, Point of No Return. Yesterday, that is 28.02.2005 was the first episode. I wanted to do an Episodic Thoughts on this but I realised I may be missing some episodes later on so I decided to watch it and then write a review. Problem with nowadays is I watch one episode per day so at the end of 40 episodes I kinda forgot about the first 5 episodes when long time ago I rent tapes and I watch 5 tapes in a day so my memory was still fresh with the plot and all. Except for CTHD (TV Series), I remembered everything. I like the 1st episode BUT Chilam is too old to play that useless brat. I was thinking Raymond Lam and now if you ask me I am thinkin Ron Ng or Bosco but then Charmaine will be too old for them. Hmmm the dilemma.
Anyway wanna ask you all a question. I just discovered an old trailer of CTHD (the series) as well the opening themevideo. You want it? If yes I will upload it.
By the way more clips and songs in Media > Downloads.
77th Academy Awards Winners List Permanent link ▫ ▫
Aka the Oscars, probably the most watched Award show on Earth, or maybe not. First I hated the new concept where nominnes line up and then winnders announce and then short speech or Oscars brought to the floor, near the nominees, winner announced, speech there and then. THe winners should be given an opportunity to give their acceptance on the stage because that's the proper way, not like this. This is so TVB you know. Next year, they will have Bronze, Silver and Gold awards!
I haven't really watched the whole thing as there was some audio problems so I am going to watch it in full on Wednesday.
The starting scenes of old stars and new with some narrationwas super long. The stage was nice though.
Chris Rock was loud but ok. Nothing spectacular, jokes funny but nothing too memorable except for his comments on Colin Farrell and Jude Law and how true, how true. Apparently Sean Penn was very offended for Jude! Well let's try Sienna Miller then. What has she done thus far?? All like "boiling water" only.
I like the segment where Edna Mode presented the Oscars but that was spoilt by Pierce Brosnan's coughing but he had sore throats.
And I just don't understand how come Beyonce was performing twice? I don't think she sang those songs so why don't the Academy ask the original singers to sing? It was too commercialised and frankly Beyonce is not that great a singer. Many others are better and they aren't even singers.
Then the winners...
Picture: "Million Dollar Baby."
Actor: Jamie Foxx (news), "Ray."
Actress: Hilary Swank, "Million Dollar Baby."
Supporting Actor: Morgan Freeman (news), "Million Dollar Baby."
Supporting Actress: Cate Blanchett (news), "The Aviator."
Director: Clint Eastwood (news), "Million Dollar Baby."
Adapted Screenplay: Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor, "Sideways."
Original Screenplay: Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
Original Score: "Finding Neverland."
Original Song: "Al Otro Lado Del Rio" from "The Motorcycle Diaries."
Foreign Film: "The Sea Inside" (Spain).
Animated Feature: "The Incredibles."
I was very happy The Incredibles won because I hated super crude Shrek II and the very boring Shark Tale, my choice for worst movie of the year. Very glad to see Troy somewhere in there, a bit shocked actually. Million Dollar Baby won the most and I was very surprised to see Hillary Swank again. So she is the best actress twice over? Oh pleaseeeee...Kate Winslet should consider playing either a Thai transexual kick boxer or a deaf/mute/paralyzed/comatose victim of a serial crime. Maybe then she can win something! Didn't watch Sideways so no comment but small movies have their charm.
Everything else, no comment.
I also saw the BAFTA, Stephen Fry was witty but his introduction was oh-so long though the number of awards given was just a few.
I miss LOTR because the last movie was the one I really wanted it to win badly because it was flawless in every way. This year nothing to cheer for you know. I mean where is Titanic or The Fugitive when you need one?
One very enlightening and some members may find offensive but very funny segment had Chris interviewing the ordinary folks about their faveourite movies and none of them have ever heard of the nominated movies. Their best pictures were either Chronicles of Riddick or White Chicks (which was quite funny). Imagine the horror eh? Nahhh The Incredibles should have won Best Picture, then I'll be cheering.
The tribute to Johnny Carson was touching and that man was very funny. That is what i call a great host.
I hope next year's format will give the winners some time on the stage to say their thank yous (don't see them doing that to the actors or actressess!), original singers singing their own songs and better movies, more popular ones. And I want to see Jack Black as the host or Will Farrell and no more 5 second delay or that nonsense.
Did you predictions come true?