February 27, 2006
Of being in a hottie land & lifetime debt Permanent link ▫ ▫
KL is so hot, I am right at this moment swimming in my own sweat. It is so hot even typing on the keyboard in a sauna like condition will probably make me lose 10 pounds for every alphabet I am typing. It is so hot, that no one else can say they're hotter because baby, we are the hottest. It is 7pm now at Cheras, KL (second biggest parking lot in KL after Federal Highway) and it looks like it is 1pm. You'll see a lot of sexy people with men in singlets (and maybe no shirt at all) with holes in it and short pants, and women in spaghetti straps with short pants panting as they talk. We Kuala Lumpurians are one sexy nation right now.
Sighhhhhh... imagine this; I have incurred another debt (personal loan) to pay off my current debt (credit card) but at least can manage. I encountered another rude customer service today thanks to Standard Chartered Bank's customer service line. I was asking her about my very confusing loan's offer letter and asked her what I should do next. Her answer was "Mam, go to the branch". I asked further and asked which is my account number since I could see two and she explained and I was like huh since none of the digits started with the numbers she quoted and she frustratingly and shall I say rudely said "Mam, what is so difficult about the account number?". It took me great will, some compassion on my part because I knew she must have had a lousy day, full blast air cond that cooled me down and the fact that I was in my office and everybody could hear what I say to politely say "I have two account numbers here and none of them like the one you quoted" instead of sarcastically say "What's YOUR problem?" and she told me I'll need to get an account. I did not enquire further since I am going to the bank this Thursday and I might as well ask the people as in Bank officer over there. What a rude girl and I believe Indian because she sounds like one. Believe me, Indian, Malay, Chinese, if they're rude they're rude.
Sighhhh...one debt for another debt. Luckily I don't have children if not in debt until they're 25 or if they're useless, a lifetime of debt.
American Psycho Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just finished watching this movie and it had me scratching my head. Not the ending but the frequency of how people not recognising Patrick Bateman as Patrick Bateman but thinking he was someone else. Why is that so? As for the ending, I think as clearly indicated, he is on his way to become a serial killer but not quite since mostly he imagined it. What a pathetic loser.
Anyway review coming soon once I figured that out.
February 26, 2006
Updates & Torino Winter Olympics Permanent link ▫ ▫
UPDATES - REVIEWSAll in movies section, all written by me. I can't decide which quote to choose from to put into the Quote Unquote so I decided to put them all. I have decided to use this practise from now on. Whenever there is more than one review posted at the same time, I will add all the quotes of all the posted reviews into Quote Unquote. No need to crack my head as to which to put into it. Ermm, any reviews anyone? - Howl's Moving Castle- Chopper- Old Boy- Grave Of The Fireflies- Batman BeginsAny mistake remains my own (type error-I don't make mistakes!). Next few reviews will be Brokeback Mountain, American Psycho, Shine On You. By the way Shades Of Truth is coming to ASTRO, saw the preview clip of Gigi Lai screaming into the camera. Oooohhhh, cringe time!
TORINO WINTER OLYMPICS 2006By the way did anyone see that Torino Winter Olympics Figure Skating Closing show? That Evgeni Plushenko was magnificent. He made ice skating so effortless, so beautiful, such energy. No wonder he got gold. Saw how he got gold also by the way. I must say this Torino Winter Olympics has been an eye opener. I enjoyed watching all the events (except hockey, curling and those traditional ones except for figure skating) I am becoming a fan of snowboarding, alpine freestle skiing, etc. I saw the Male Freestyle Skiing where China won gold and I was like very happily surprised he won! But what a jump! Did you see it? Did you see it? What an amazing event! But Evgeni Plushenko, wow! Handsome also but wow! He looks worn out but he's actually quite young (24)! I actually thought he was retiring! See if I can find a photo ...  He is actually on his way to become a legend. Check out his official website and see, he always got 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd .... He was there to skate at the exhibition gala (more like closing show to me) and his mom was there to watch him skate for the first time. She must have been so proud of him because it was so clear who was the King. The nice touch was a violinist playing LIVE whilst he skated along. What a show! Wonder when's the closing? So enjoyed the games. A pity our TV refused to show it just because we don't have snow here. A great pity. I never really expected to like this Olympics much. I don't really know much about the events, people in it, etc. I only wanted to watch Figure Skating but because everytime I switch the TV on, it was snowboarding and such, I became a fan of these events because frankly they were so exciting. Definitely opened up my eyes to this event. My favourite events through pictures ... Luge - Doubles, single, men, women, all except the one lying on the stomach which I wonder why no doubles FOR THAT? and also bobsleigh, don't like it. Ski Jumping - didn't see the men's event but this one was entertaining and very youthful sport Speed Skating - the shorter events, men, women. So much technique involved! Anyway, more pictures HERE.
February 25, 2006
Bill Tung (1933-2006) Permanent link ▫ ▫

I haven't heard about him for awhile and now he's dead. He passed away on 22.02.2006 at the age of 73.
February 24, 2006
Cosmoderm products Permanent link ▫ ▫
Why is it so difficult to find the Invisible Peel product by Cosmoderm? Why I googled the name Cosmoderm and all I got were some cosmetic procedures? Has this company gone bust? What is going on? I desperately need my Invisible Peel!! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!??!?
AI 5 - Top 24 - Men Permanent link ▫ ▫
I missed the girl's Top 24 performances but saw the recap during the boys' show and well not much to say.
Anyway the guys were mostly awesome. Very memorable ones as well. This year we have some with very unique and good vocals, but I must say all of them ARE diamonds in the rough. With a bit of grooming and style lessons as well as vocal lessons, I have no doubt most of them could be performing at the Grammys awards.
My favourites are ...
 Ace Young He sang Fsther Figure I think by George Michael. Not my favourite singer this George Michael and his choice made me think whether he is ermmm well..never mind.. Ace Young has a name that is memorable. And he has a face I could remember. He wasn't the best singer vocally, in fact one of the weakest BUT the way he sang that song he was like seducing me with his bedroom eyes. What a handsome man and could sing decently. No doubt he will pass through because who can say no to that performance? But he won't be final 2 though. Because sooner or later looks can only do so much, his vocals will have to shine. But man, so handsome. And the song suits him. He sang it well.
 David Radford Another crooner. Even when he was singing a non-crooner song he managed to croon. Not a bad singer, I enjoyed his performance which was decent but man, he is so cute! Will pass through no doubt and I think he can get better but he won't make it to the final 2 because if crooning is his only style, he is rather limited.
 Gedeon McKinney What a happy smiling face! What a smile! Most black dudes remind me of 50 Cents but this guy has such a happy sunshine face. And he can sing too. Love him!
 Will Makar I can't believe I liked his performance. He reminded me of someone from the Brady Bunch Show but man! He can sing very well, in fact unique as well. I hope he gets through.
The rest were very good too, in varying degrees, although the judges seem like love some more and I was neutral towards them. I just don't understand why some of them were so nervous about what Simon has to say. After all it is the American audience who are voting. They should not also try to be someone else at this stage because this is not experimentation stage. They can do that during the themes shows. They should stick to what they know. Which is why my most favourite contestant for the entire show thus far has been this man with the funny ticks...
 Taylor Hicks He has a voice like no other. He has his own style. He has his own unique personality. I was not familiar with his song which I thought wasn't great. But man he can really really sing. What I love about him is that he reminded me of Celine Dion. Celine Dion when she performs sings like no other, has sky high confidence, truly entertain the audiences because she feels like she also entertaining even herself and she sings with such confidence. Taylor Hicks performs that way. Of course his dancing was awful but he did it his own way and he sings like he means it, like he loves it and win or lose, he sings like he is entertaining all and he was enjoying himself. I want him to get through because this is one man with talent. But he desperately needs a good image makeover. What a performance and what a voice! I made a mistake in my previous post where I said he was impersonating Stevie Wonder during the one on one elimination round to 24. He actually was impersonating Ray Charles! I hope he will get to do his idol's song.
Anyway 2 will be leaving soon and the results will be posted when it is announced. Allow me to make a prediction although the choice is tough ...
 Bobby Bennett Probably one of the weakest vocally and with a not so suitable song. He seems obssessed with Barry Manilow. I didn't enjoy his "song and dance on a cruiser ship" performance. Awful. I think he will one of the last 2.
My second choice is very difficult to decide but it is either ...
 Kevin Covais He makes singing like a painful chore. He needs an image makeover, because even John Stevens had to stop looking like a nerd during the show and this boy looks just like one. His voice is nice but not outstanding. The judges overrated him in my opinion but he's cute, mature for his age and very diplomatic so he might get through.
 Patrick Hall He reminds me of a less handsome version of Hugh Jackman. He can sing and I quite like him but amongst the many, he didn't quite make an impact. He could be the 2nd one but he may not be since like I said he was quite alright.
 Sway Penala Even the name Sway in Chinese sounds bad already. I hated his all falsetto performance. I was cringing all the way. If I have a choice he is my 2nd to be booted. Awful performance. RESULTS Wow! I was on point! The two guys who got kicked out are ... Bobby Bennett AND Patrick Hall. Just a note. I was shocked that Stevie (the girls' group) got kicked out! I thought she has a beautiful singing voice. Anyway as usual Paula Abdul is unable to give any proper advice whilst Simon remains surprisingly benign and bless Randy for giving at least some coherent advice. The losers took it lightly. Why not? This is early stage.
February 23, 2006
More YouTube videos Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sometimes I wonder where they found these amazing videos. You must watch them all. Apart from those recommended in THIS POST and THIS POST (Brokeback To The Future was hilarious!), do watch the following ...
1. Boy singing soprano - Amazing voice! I was like woahhhhhhh! But he looked like he had difficulty breathing BUT the voice woahhhhhhh! Make sure you turn up the volume of your speaker because you'll be blown away! Now I know why in the olden days people took extreme measures to preserve a boy's voice. Even the what was the name, crastatis? Anyway the one shown in Mutants? I am beginning to see they must have had this voice!
2. Colin Farrell spoofs Bono - Never thought he had a sense of humour as in he is funny but he is. His impersonation of Bono is quite on point! This is a SNL clip by the way. Very funny, especially the discussion on I-Pods!
3. Equilibrium gun fight - Instead of ripping it, I found one in YouTube! Amazing gun fight scene. Do have a look and you may be tempted to go DVD hunting for this movie. May I say, you can find this movie at Berjaya Times Square...
4. Another Equilibrium Gun Fight - my favourite actually, the scene where he killed dozens of men to save a dog. It's not funny really, if you watch the movie. Anyway awesome shooting scenes. And he looks like Keanu Reeves in Matrix.
More as I search the archive. If you see anything cute, funny, interesting, clips, etc do use Post A Comment and post the URL.
February 22, 2006
Anyone knows how? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Does anyone in here knows how to rip this file?
I believe it is streaming file so is there a way I can download the streaming without having go online to watch it?
Also the same goes for the YouTube The New World clip. I know that site masks the URL to the video but is there a way to find out?
Brokeback saga Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have finally put the DVD of Brokeback Mountain into my computer DVD rom and forwarded a bit to see some scenery. My 17 inches monitor will not do justice to those mountain scenery so I have decided to watch the movie this weekend. Not just the scenery really. Heath Ledger wabbering or whatever with his lines was very difficult to hear but looking at Jake Gyllenhaal's silent soft gaze kinda prompted me to finally watch this bloody movie. It has a sad ending, that I know so I am ready with my tissues. Quite simply, I am going to watch it for Jake Gyllenhaal, however you spell his name. I like those sensitive yet strong silent type of performances. American Psycho has to wait for a bit longer. The anticipation could probably make the final viewing a pleasurable one or maybe not.
Interestingly ASTRO is offering The Machinist in those pay extra channel. Hmmm how come movie release so late? How come only now?
Body painting & Air Crash Investigations Permanent link ▫ ▫
Amazing body painting HERE. Looks so real. I wonder will these one day replace real clothes when the manufacturers found a way to make it more lasting? Anyway Air Crash Investigations is back. This time it includes controversial crashes of the political kind that you must not miss. I just saw an episode where an American war ship shot down an Iranian commercial plane (more than 290 lives were lost) as they mistaken it as an Iranian fighter jet during the Iran-Iraq conflict. The show remains neutral and gives full analysis for you to come to your own conclusion. Still as well acted and very insightful. I know I seem far too obssessed with air crashes but the documentary is perhaps the best there is. I admire the pilots' skills and coolness for most of the crashes. You must catch this series and it is on every Tuesday 10pm on ASTRO's Channel 52 National Geographic Channel. My sister said watching the show scares her as she is a frequent flyer. But she also said it teaches her to really read the flight safety manuals when on board and I have to conclude it is scary as it shows the harsh truth BUT it teaches us something valuable. The only fear I ever have on a flight, apart from the obvious crashing into the ground (almost certain death for al if fuel tank explode), terrorrists attack (depending on which group you're talking about, could be certain death) and plane malfunction due to design (not certain death but still as terrifying) is of course losing power and electricial mid flight. That Avianca situation and crashing into the sea are my most feared of all air crashes although the former may not mean certain death whilst the latter is always certain death for all onboard. What I learn is sitting near the cockpit is bad news since pilots almost always perish, sitting at the back also is bad because when tail section breaks off also means almost certain death, the best place to sit it seems is somewhere but not near the middle unless your plane breaks into 3 parts. Sitting near the exit door is good since you can run out first if you survive the crash BUT to operate it you must read the manual. But what I do learn is to admire the pilots. I am totally in awe of those who safely fly the plane to well, not certain death but safety for most in it. I have also the greatest respect for the crew members of the more established flights and it was surprising that even on the Phillipines airlines the crew were coolheaded and calm. Unlike our Malaysian ones and I think this is because most I have seen on this show shows older stewards and stewardess whilst our ones are young. Young people lacks experience and therefore lacks the ability to control emergency situation. I totally want older stewards and stewardess instead of young ones. In times of emergency of the extreme kind, looking good is the least of my priority. I want my steward to remain calm and yet positive in action. That can only come with sufficient experience.
Anyway a great documentary and a great learning experience. It is scary but you learn a thing or two about air crashes, air planes and airlines. It is not like Seconds From Disaster which is soooooooo long winded. A MUST WATCH. Every Tuesday 10pm on ASTRO's Channel 52 National Geographic Channel
February 21, 2006
Downloads of famous golden theme music Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am looking for the following instrumental music and by the title of the movies I am sure you'll know the theme music. If you know where I can download them, do post them here.
- James Bond (new version or old version, preferably old version) - Mission Impossible (preferably old version) - The Pink Panther (old version if there is one) - Jaws - Godfather - Star Wars
If you have any theme music in your hands that are simply classic, like you instantly can recognise it, do post the details here. Can be Chinese or Hollywood types. I would love to download them for my own collection. Better if you can rip it for me because I wanna make a CD for myself.
Chariots of Fire Permanent link ▫ ▫
Eric Liddell: I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.
Wahhhh! Amazing theme! Amazing characters (real people too!). Amazing movie. At times difficult to follow BUT amazing performances, great running scenes and an uplifting theme will surely get you in the mood. If not, the theme music will. Do catch it. It will get you in the Olympic mood albeit a bit too early. Must write a review!
Anyway an intro before my actual review. Below are the facts of the real people in the movies ...
 A very handsome man indeed. Looked like the actor. And died so young!
Eric Liddell [1902 - 1945] As a university student in Edinburgh in the early 1920's, Eric Liddell had to divide his time between his studies and athletic pursuits that included running and rugby. He decided to focus on running. With a unique sprinting style, Liddell won the Scottish Championship 100 and 220-yard sprints from 1921 to 1924, and also dominated those events in the Triangular International Contests (including England and Ireland) three years in a row. Liddell joined the British Olympic Team going to Paris in 1924. His performance there would reveal the Scot's athletic prowess and spiritual integrity to an international audience.
At the Paris Olympics, Liddell dropped out of his best event, the 100-yard dash, because qualifying heats were being run on a Sunday. Liddell entered himself in the 400-yard dash. Instead of participating in the heats, he preached a sermon at a Paris church. The 400-yard run was not what he had trained for, but Liddell finished 5 yards ahead of his nearest competitors, setting a world record at a time of 47.6 seconds. He attributed his win to God.
Eric Henry Liddell was born on the 16th of January, 1902 in Tientsin, North China. His parents were missionary workers in China. As a young boy, he was educated at Eltham College. The headmaster remarked that the boy was "entirely without vanity."
After his triumph at the Olympics, Liddell travelled to China where he was ordained as a minister in 1932, and married the following year to Florence Mackenzie. Eric and Florence had three daughters, who all live in Canada.
As political tensions in China increased, Liddell's family left the country, but he remained to continue his missionary work. In 1943, Liddell was interned in a Japanese camp in China. He suffered a brain tumor there, and died in 1945.
The critically-acclaimed 1981 film, Chariots of Fire, is based in part on the story of Eric Liddell.
Wow! Didn't know! What a runner!
"The scene in the movie where Liddell fell early in a 400 race in a Scotland-France dual meet and made up a 20-metre deficit to win the race is historically accurate. Liddell's unorthodox running style, with his head back and his mouth wide open, is also said to be historically accurate."
More great facts on this Flying Scotsman and interesting picture HERE.
 Looked like the actor!
Harold M. Abrahams [1899-1978] in full Harold Maurice Abrahams British athlete who won a gold medal in the 100-metre dash at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris.
Abrahams was born into an athletic family; his older brother Sidney represented Great Britain in the Olympics in 1912. Abrahams participated in the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp but did not win a gold medal. Competing for Cambridge University from 1920 to 1924, he won a series of victories over Oxford in sprint and long jump events. In 1924 Abrahams began an intensive training program under the direction of athletics coach Sam Mussabini. Just one month prior to the Olympics, Abrahams set a British record in the long jump, although he preferred the sprint and was excused from competing in the long jump in Paris.
At the 1924 Olympics, Abrahams defeated heavily favoured American competitors including Jackson Scholz and Charles Paddock, the latter the defending Olympic champion and world record holder. His main British rival in the sprint, Eric Liddell, was a devout Christian and did not run in the 100-metre event, which was held on a Sunday; Liddell instead ran in the 400-metre, winning the gold medal. Abrahams shared a silver medal as a member of Britain's 400-metre relay team. Liddell's and Abrahams' experiences at the 1924 Olympics provided the subject of the 1981 film Chariots of Fire, which emphasized Abrahams' Judaism and portrayed his victory as a personal triumph over anti-Semitism.
Abrahams suffered an injury in 1925 that ended his athletic career. He later became an attorney, radio broadcaster, and sports administrator, serving as chairman of the British Amateur Athletics Board from 1968 to 1975. He wrote widely about athletics and authored a number of books, including The Olympic Games, 1896-1952.
Harold Abrahams died in Enfield.
And read about the artistic license used to ermmm bend a few facts in the movie to very good results.
A bit on the actors.
Ben Cross as Abrahams
 Still alive. Still acting.
Ian Charleson as Liddell Arghhh! Can't find the screencaps for this actor in this movie!
My sister so like this actor. She kept saying he has got the gentlest face in show business and that he actually do look like a man serving God. I had to agree. Very gentle face. Sad indeed he died in 1990. My sister said because of AIDS. Doesn't matter. A wonderful actor. A tribute by Sir Ian McKellan himself.
Oh yeah, download the theme music at http://media.point2e.com/theme_chariotsoffire.mp3 and let us all do the slow mo running!!
Excuse me please whilst I run slow mo to the famous theme of this movie ...
February 20, 2006
Readded reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Readded the HSDS review as requested but it is actually a comparison between 2000 and 1994 versions. You can find the link in both TVB section and Taiwan & China section.
Depressing movies Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just finished watching Chopper, Grave of the Fireflies and Million Dollar Baby and I feel so utterly depressed. Chopper was depressing simply because Eric Bana managed to make a cold blooded hot tempered killer into some seriously charming and that is scary. Grave of the Fireflies was depressing because it involves children and war and from the 1st second of the movie, we know they died. What makes it less depressing is that it was about WWII and being able to detached myself from feeling sorry for the subject matter is of course inhuman but totally understandable. The only reason I felt sad because it was animation. Everytime someone mentioned the Great Empire or Long Live The Emperor (I was watching the English version) I cringed because I am Chinese. Enough said. Shallow but understandable. THen I watched Million Dollar Baby and what a depressing movie. Not great movie but entertaining in a very morbid depressing way. Slow but interesting.
And now finally I will be watching American Psycho soon and I am afraid I might feel even more depressed. I should watch a happy movie. I was thinking seriously of finally putting that darn DVD of Brokeback Mountain into my darn DVD player but somehow didn't feel like it at all. I am sorry to say, that all the praises heaped on the main two leads somehow is turning me off! I should watch it. Even my friend is telling me Jake Gyllenhaal deserves the accolades (more than Heath apparently) but then she liked him in Bubble Boy and she even thought he would make a great Batman. The only movie I ever liked Heath Ledger in was that Monster Ball I think where he died minutes into the movie, more like shocking than amazing performance. His other movies were in my opinion forgettable. Jake on the other hand scored better. I recently saw some photos of his and he looked pretty handsome. I liked Day After Tomorrow (or is that the title? The one about climate change and disaster)and I have yet to see his other critically acclaimed performance in a movie I think called Jarhead or something. The rest I can't bear to watch. I simply find him boring. Truth be told any other actors would have done well in Brokeback Mountain. Ang Lee is a pretty tough director, he can squeeze some acting chops from the young ones. I need motivation to watch Brokeback Mountain. Is it a happy movie? Will it make me smile? Or will it make me squirm? Or do I have to watch Babe to lift my spirits? Torino is doing it for me. I just feel so excited and happy watching snowboaders doing well, snowboarding.
What's wrong with Brokeback Mountain my dear Funn Lim? Why can't I just bloody watch it??
Anyway just saw an ad that Chariots Of Fire is showing later tonight at 10pm over at ASTRO. Finally got a chance to watch this critically acclaimed movie.
February 19, 2006
Old Boy Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am not sure if I should write a review on this Korean flick, Old Boy. Just finished watching it and whilst it is well acted, the contents made me sick to the stomach, especially the obvious and yet ambigous ending. What is it with Koreans with their obsession with incest, the idea of it AND violence rolled into one package? This kind of movie, Hollywood will never make. Feel sick after watching it. In retrospect, American Psycho seems more wholesome.
February 18, 2006
The Crocodile Man Permanent link ▫ ▫

Thanks to Pearl for this amazing scan from 8 Days issue dated 16.02.2006. Shaun Chen is back with a bang! Look at the pictures! I actually saw an add in the papers some time ago but it was not very nice. The ones featured in this article is so much better, especially that black and white New Beginning. I forgot to scan the one I took from the papers. What is even better is the text. Do read it. Can't believe Christopher Lee was side stepped in favour of Shaun. Wonder what will Fann Wong think about that? Truthfully speaking both Malaysians, Chris Lee handsomer and taller BUT Shaun does come with more charisma and an irresistable reputation. I am so eager to see the ad which I hope will air in Malaysia. Anyway why do I always sense a negative feeling whenever I read an 8 Day article on Shaun? It's like compliment and then some trashing in a very subdue way. Read it and other articles and I am sure you know what I mean.
Reposted the above in The Shaun Chen Board.
Movies to watch Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ahhh finally got my yesasia package in one piece! So happy. So now I have the following movies to watch, apart from some other I bought at Jusco video shop on recommendation by you all my friends ..
1. American Psycho (MUST NOT WATCH in front of my mom, more effective than any Malaysian censorship board)
2. Grave of the Fireflies (you recommended it! I really wanted to buy Kiki's Delivery Service and Laputa but opted for this, although VCD)
3. Chopper (MUST NOT WATCH in front of anyone!)
4. Old Boy (Very eager to watch this after watching the excellent Sympathy For Lady Vengeance).
So you can expect reviews of the abovementioned movies.
Now I am still looking for Newsies and some other Hayao Miyazaki movies to watch. Is Laputa and that Pocco something and that Kiki nice? Feedback very much appreciated.
Some cool videos at YouTube Permanent link ▫ ▫
Apart from the one I posted below on The New World, check these out!
1. Robot Dance 1 2. Robot Dance 2 3. That Chinese figure olympic duo whom I believe the girl fell really hard and skated on though as of now I have yet to watch it in full 4. Alternate dubbing for Aladdin, hilarious stuff
And many more!
By the way this service is amazingly FREE! So if you're those in need of sharing your videos but no own space, this service is the one! Amazing! Streaming also quite fast though you can't download the files. But a good deal, can even resize the video also! Can post comments also! Can embed also! Wahhhhhh!
By the way yesterday night saw I think my most favourite Winter Olympic event; the cross snowboarding. Such excitement! What a game! I truly believe Malaysia should train someone for luge and snowboarding because it is far cheaper than funding our football team.
The New World @ YouTube Permanent link ▫ ▫
This is the LINK to I believe a fan made video tribute to the movie The New World starring Christian Bale as John Rolfe, Colin Farrell as John Smith and the girl I can't remember her name as Pocahontas. It is basically an 18 min video of just pure scenes and music minus the dialogue of the meeting, love, breakup with John Smith, subsequent marriage, son, with rich tabacco king John Rolfe, meeting with Smith again and death of Pocahontas. What is great is you don't have to suffer through the purported slowness and dull acting of Colin Farrell but you will miss out on some fine stuff I suppose, like Christian Bale. Look at the video I also can see how nice his Rolfe is. Anyway the most interesting part of this video is knowing who Pocahontas will choose between John Vs John over her affection. I mean it is a dead giveaway since Pocahontas really lived, had a child with John Rolfe BUT this movie I am sure shows she eventually fell for the more stable and mature John Rolfe. The music is nice, the death scene touching but the best was the way she ran to John Rolfe, holding his hands tenderly.
Do have a look. Really, The New World in 18 min. A very good video in fact that sums up the entire movie. By the way the girl who played Pocahontas was only 14 when she played that role and she had to age several years and guess what? She got to kiss both Farrell and Bale. Lucky girl.
February 17, 2006
AI 5 24 contestants & Cute stuff Permanent link ▫ ▫
AI 5 - 24 contestants NOTICE : I have group all posts about American Idol into Comments & Opinions > American Idol for your convenience. So for links to all posts about AI in this very page, see the Navigation Menu and find Comments & Opinions. All such links in My Point Is ... will be transferred into this single page in due time. Your comments are always encouraged as I wish to make this into a lively discussion.
Such drama in today's elimination round, to finally get to 12 boys and 12 girls. I believe this year's candidates are so different and refreshing. I now have a few favourites but I think amongst the 3, only one probably would make it to the final round. [Taylor Hicks]
This guy looked like he was 40 (but actually 29) with his silver hair and very old demeanour. I saw his audition and he has such an unique voice. In the down to 24 round, he walked into the room to get the results by blowing his ..what do you call that Stevie Wonder instrument? He even impersonated him to great effect! He is my favourite because he doesn't have the looks but has the talent and the unique voice. A good haircut and some nice nifty fashion will transform him into George Clooney I believe though he looks more like Jay Leno. Anyway he reminded me of those Blues New Orleans type of singers I saw on Grammy the other night. Memorable is the word. [David Radford]
Then there was this handsomest white dude who reminded me of John Stevens and looked somewhat like a cross between Harry Connick Jr and John Mayer. He could sing, albeit limited but he has got the looks. [Stevie Scott]The 3rd one is that girl with the opera background, that mousy nervous looking white girl who can outsing all of them with such beautiful tone and depth. She has great potential and I believe she can get to the final 3 IF she keeps it up. She has got the voice and the technique. I am confused though whether that awesome voice I heard in audition was hers or this girl called Katharine McPhee. The rest sometimes so tend to scream and shout but good quality this year. Then there are 3 of the unlikeliest idol contestants whom I feel will get early booting .. [Kevin Covais]
[Will Makar] [Bobby Bennet]
More as I go along. What I am most happy about is those pesky twins got kicked out and one of them arrested! Well, whatever it takes to get them off the competition! Cute Stuff - Doggie Flower BasketAhhh how would you feel if you got this for Valentine's Day? It's not real but oh so cute! Almost fooled. So real ... You can also find these pictures in Funn Stuff. 
February 16, 2006
AI, Torino & everything else Permanent link ▫ ▫
American Idol Tonight's episode (Wednesday) made me wanna laugh AND cry in different times. Laugh because that twin brothers were really something; stupid to wanna withdraw from AI (in fact very stupid and I thought Simon was right to chastise them but I was hoping they would be kicked out). I mean drama or real? I was like what the heck is wrong with them. Complain backstab and bitching about others, worse than women.
On the other hand I wanted to cry when I saw the gentleman way the cowboys group conceded defeat. Ok, they were awful, the worst of the lot and probably chose the wrong song. When the segment Brokenote Mountain was shown, I knew they must have been kicked out. But to actually see them hug each other and the young charming cowboy who said he was like a steak BUT raw (I remember him) crying and apologising for not doing his best and his team mates consoling him and said he gave his best made me actually shed tears. It was so moving and I was hoping American Idol should be about that. I mean a little training and vocal classes can tranform them into stars. That young cowboy especially was memorable when he ended the whole segment by reasoning he was a little green and a few more years of experience and he will do better. That's the spirit!! And seeing that black cowboy dude crying over the mean things Simon said broke my heart. He was right to be angry and frustrated. Simon were spectacularly bitchy tonight and when he should be the bitchiest and nastiest to that twins, he didn't. What's wrong with him? So sad.
I was also very impressed with the togetherness of that Brat Pack. Pity the show didn't show their segment in full. Quite a few handsome dudes in there.
I believe this year's AI contestants are even better than last year's, a good mix but hopefully the judges will pick the best ones for America to choose. I just hope Paula Abdul will be replaced and by the way Simon is going, he should go too.
Torino Winter Olympics I posted a post about this games here. I am just very surprised that our local Malaysian newspaper did not report a thing on this games. Not even a mention. NONE AT ALL. Why? Is Winter Olympics that irrelevant? I am now following the games closely and was amazed by the dazzling display of sportsmanship and amazing games. Why I never noticed this before? Speed skating was amazing. I was particularly impressed that Asians kinda dominated Speed Skating, where in the Men's category, we have Japanese who are technically superior, Chinese who were very good and even the South Koreans who were world class. Then there was the Alpine Freestyle Skiing which was very exciting and such dazzling display of acrobatic skills. Also very dangerous games as some looked like they're gonna stumble. What surprised me was USA did not dominate any of the games I saw. Luge was the big one for me. I saw the women, I saw the men, I saw men doubles tonight and so many crashes. I was always wondering what steering? I mean they just lie there and that thing like go kart just go zooming by. Ahhhh tonight I saw the steering and how one can lose control. A great pity that former champions tumbled and was therefore considered DID NOT FINISH which meant they were out of the competition and the frustration of the new guys who practised hard but somehow didn't quite make the mark. Amazing stuff you know and our newspaper, NOT ONE WORD. NOT ONE. Anyway I actually believe Malaysia can produce first class luge experts. I mean it shouldn't be anymore expensive to train one than training say a local F1 driver. All you need is perhaps South Korea for the snow and a snowboard or sleigh. A nice sportcostume will help of course.
Anyway it is confirmed. Canadians have the worst costume. Today quite funny because in that Alpine skiing, the Japanese' sports costume really reminded me of the kamikaze type of army costume. I know it's not supposed to be funny but somehow it is.
If you have ASTRO, do catch the sports in channels 901, 902 and 903. Well worth your time because very exciting stuff. I find Winter Olympics more exciting than those summer olympics.
Some Other Stuff Yes, coming soon my review of Batman Begins. Lost it and had to rewrite it but I believe the rewrite is better, more coherent. I am watching some old Jang Dong Gun movies so I hope to write for them. I am waiting for that TVB series Shine On You to finish so that I can write a review. Placebo Cure is totally boring to the core so not writing for that. Anyway I read about the buzz Lethal Weapons Of Love & War (did I get the title right? If I got it wrong my apologies since it is so long) created and I am intrigued by it. Seems like a good series from what I read. But that won't be shown on ASTRO until like a year later. Not much reviews from me these days since series are so slow in showing on ASTRO these days. Not much interesting stuff. I am still waiting for my Yesasia delivery so really not much new stuff in here.
Oh yes, these days you will read my ramblings in here and nothing much else. I understand you wanna switch off. I can be exceedingly boring when writing about me, myself and I.
So why not talk about you instead? How was your Valentine's day? KL was literally having a wet Valentine's day (no sexual pun of whatsoever nature intended). It was like raining so heavily, the river looked dangerously close to flooding KL town).
Also nothing much to read these days. Read State Of Fear by Michael Crichton, one of his worst books. Better read Prey, one of his best books. I wanna buy Howl's Moving Castle the book but due to Chinese New Year, was barred from going into bookshops. These days I am re-reading my Adrian Mole series, right now at The Cappuccino Years. I believe the true test of the longevity of a book is how relevant it is even after many times reading it. I am still laughing my head off reading the loser Adrian Mole writing about his life or rather lack of life and I find his observations still very relevant today. I truly believe Adrian Mole series is perhaps my most favourite books ever, surpassing Harry Potter series. If you have never heard of the Adrian Mole series, I beg you to look at this OLD POST of mine about Sue Townsend. She is a genius in writing funny stuff, although her other books and her latest Adrian Mole series weren't that good. Too political for my taste. I hope there is yet another sequel to Adrian Mole. I really want him to make it as a writer you know. Anyway I was very surprised to find an official website (very fuuny website and amazing graphics - do check it out for intro of the books) AND the books were once made into movie? I was hoping someone would make the series into big screen movies! Very surprised indeed.
In fact are you interested in reading my reviews of books? I wrote some before but stopped.
If you have any reviews to submit, please do so. I am really VERY VERY free these days. So free I have zero life except writing pointless stuff like this line. Even Jang Dong Gun is not doing anything majorly exciting these days for me to write a whole post about. Shaun Chen is nowhere to be seen. Christian Bale is hiding (by the way great fansite I found called awesomebale.org). Hugh Jackman nothing much. Eric Bana maybe but I am not into Munich. TVB series, new ones I am not watching. I am so out of touch. Nothing! Nothing at all!
February 14, 2006
Urghh ... that day of the year again! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yes, that day again. No need to greet you all. I am sure most of you will have at least one stalk of rose plus one big giant bear and some chocolates and some candlelit dinner waiting for you and your beloved, so that both of you can stare lovey doveyly into each other's eyes whilst saying everything and yet nothing.
Torino Winter Olympics 2006 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am wondering is anyone watching this on ASTRO or anywhere? I was hoping to catch the opening ceremony but didn't even know it already started until I tuned in a day later. Then I wanted to watch Figure Skating but kept getting Luge, Speed Skating, something like lawn bowl and board skating.
Thus far Luge is very interesting. So dangerous. I wonder if Michael Schumacher might consider this as an alternate career move? Maybe Alex Yoong also?
But tonight men's Speed Skating had me in a trance. Amazing stuff, fell down also got, sore loser looks also got but most amazing is the Japanese and the Koreans are quite good atheletes. Chinese also not bad. Thus far I am paying more attention to the sportswear of course and whilst I am undecided on the best looking one (for speed skating had to be the Italians), my vote for the worst had to be the Canadians in the Speed Skating category. Looked like the costume got drenched or something, really awful looking. The Americans' one looked very subdued, almost so unAmerican, so un-show off-ish. China looks like they need a fashion consultant whilst the Japanese looks like they're in some BDSM show. But still good design compared to the Canadians. Check out some of the designs here.
What I am quite surprised is to watch Snow Boarding and I was reminded of Hip Hop youngsters, they even dressed like one. Interesting. Has Winter Olympics spiced things up since I last watched? I do think Malaysia do have a chance in this one if we ever do intend to participate in Winter Olympics. Just trade skateboard for snowboard.
When is the figure skating?? Check out the official website.
NOW I really am so eager for World Cup! When! The fever, the excitement! GO ENGLAND!! (purely for sentimental reason).
February 10, 2006
Updates & the most disturbing news Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just added Bridget Au's review of Split Second in TVB section. Something not quite right with the fonts/words but Blogger didn't register the problems, just after posting it got problems. Need time to fix it. Anyway I am sure everyone around the world would have known about the overblown issues of the cartoons ( see it for yourself here). What amazes me is by word of mouth, anger can spread like a disease. Perhaps stupidity is the right word to describe why the cartoons were published in the first place but by the rabid reaction and in the end the universal agreement by governments that freedom of press is not absolute and must be curtailed and monitored (which really is a slap back to the old dark days of regulated press freedom but then, they asked for it), I can only conclude we have all been blinded by our prejudices, our biasness, our stupidity, our anger and we have undermined the power of hate and resentment. Years ago it was racial, now it is about religion. Whilst I can perfectly understand the anger of those who are offended, I see no logic why a newspaper company had to be suspended indefinitely and 300 odd people out of job because of publishing some cartoons that anyone can take with a pinch of salt (plus offers of few kgs of gold to kill certain classes of people as offered by the ones who are most happy with these incitement and you all know who) when the editor has resigned, people has apologised and the cartoons were published to accompany an article which kinda said there was lack of severe reaction in my country over the cartoon when of course, it was the opposite. I am dismayed by the turn of events but I am more dismayed by the indiscretion of those who chose to in the very first place draw AND publish these cartoons and further dismayed by the fact that somehow all these get connected back to the Jews and offers of drawing funny cartoons of Holocaust has been made and offered. The hatred will never end until at least one side learns the art and the true meaning of compassion and protest without violence and without incident. Clearly we know which side must exercise this and which side is certainly most expected not able to exercise this. This incident reminded me of that time when a certain undergarments company out of the blue chose to insult the Buddhists by blatantly reproducing the exact image of the Buddha on their 3 piece bikini suit. It was far more offensive if you ask me but the items were cancelled and production stopped when peacefully thousands signed some online petition, me being one of them. Nowadays it seems the art of peaceful demonstration has been taken over by blinded fury. I am not even sure those who are picketing has ever seen the cartoons but words are far more powerful than being able to see something with your own eyes. We live in an age where we trust the words of others but not what we can see with our very own eyes and this is the saddest of it all. I will not call it a disgrace nor will I term it as an utter failure of humanity. But all I can say is the problem may have started small but now has been blown out of proportion. The blame is not only on those who reproduce the cartoons, but on every one who chose to ignore the boiling tensions and chose to encourage it, stroke it, fuel it and then take advantage of it. What has humanity come to when people die and people threaten to take the lives of another over offensive cartoons which did not merit such reaction? What will the Man up there think of us, His children? We are all people from the same book, but we disintegrated into such huge fractions of sections of whatever, I am not even sure if it is ever polite to even mention a certain religion or a certain class of people. If there is a lesson I learn from this, it is that IT IS RUDE TO TALK ABOUT RELIGION. In fact it is even more preferable to discuss about our opponent's mothers and fathers than talk about religion. I wish for a more tolerant world. I believe religion teaches good things, God in whatever name and whatever shape and form is tolerant, kind and compassionate. I believe that there are good people, bad people and people who uses the fear or anger of others for own personal gain. And I believe there are people who thinks making fun of other people's religion is funny whilst making fun of their own favoured religion is not. And this speaks for both sides. Maybe John Lennon was right. Just read the lyrics to the song Imagine and I suppose that may prove to be a better solution. It is true I guess. It is rude and even deadly to talk about religion. This will be my last post about religion and from now on I shall gossip on the personal lives of other famous and non lethal people whilst I leave to the rest of the world to fight themselves silly over the cartoons and everything else. My sympathy goes to those who may not have work anymore because of the suspended newspaper company. It just shows life can be quite mean sometimes when it is not really your fault. In other words, life stinks but guess what? People stink more. Why have we descended into such savages? Why have we become such fools? Why provoke those who are easily provoked in the name of funnies when you know the reaction will always be in the extreme? Does it restore the image of a certain religion? I am afraid not. I am even more afraid of them now. I wonder what Gandhi will think of us? But then Gandhi's problems were not about religion.
February 08, 2006
Which Equilibrium Character Are You? - Quizilla Quizzes Permanent link ▫ ▫
I took the Equilibrium character test and lo and behold, my results...
Which Equilibrium Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I was shocked actually. I thought I was going to be Partridge.
Anyway I watched this movie for the 3rd time this week and I must say very stylishly made although low budget. And again Christian Bale (especially this man) and everybody in it (most of them) were awesome but I stand by my review. It is still a bad movie in terms of storyline but I believe given time will actually garner more respect when one looks at it in a different angle. As an action flick, this movie is awesome actually although must suspend disbelief that 1000 bullets flew everywhere and not one single bullet hit the cleric. But like someone told me, this society existed before in terms of China and in a way still the same. Scary thing is China functions in the way this movie functioned, back then during cultural revolution without even the assistance of a drug.
Do have a look at the fan made website with all info about this movie and concept. Very interesting stuff. Remember to check out the conceptual art and the Gun Kata concept. Awesome stuff. I thought Gun Kata is a hoax but there is such a sport apparently. Anyway the gun kata scenes, also my favourite...

Not gun stuff but still very interesting high adrenalin stuff...

Anyway below was the poem Partridge recited before Preston shot him coldly in the face. Very sad actually ...
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
(By William Butler Yeats in "The Wind Among the Reeds" (1899))
If you're interested in this movie but don't know anything about it, better not download the trailer since too short. Try the fan made video entitled Here and I will guarantee you will go out looking for this movie. That was how I knew about this 2002 film.
February 07, 2006
Top 10 classic dramas Permanent link ▫ ▫
Taken from New TVB Series Dicussion Forum
Top 10 classic dramas were :"TVB Weekly has a survey with 50 personals from showbiz and more than 100 audience on which is the drama serial that they wished to watch again. The top 10 classic dramas :
Return of the Condor Heroes (Andy Lau, Idy Chan) Duke of the Mount Deer (Andy Lau, Tony Leung) The Greed Man (Adam Cheng, Lau Ching Wah) Don't Look Now The Fearless Duo (Miu Kiu Wai) The Breaking Point (Leon Lai) Feud Of The Two Brothers (Alex Man, Carina Lau) Police Cadet '84 (Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung) The Final Combat (Stephen Chow, Francis Ng) Man's Best Friend (Louis Koo, Sammi Cheng) "
One wonders whether these people have short memories or quite simply the majority of them have a bad case if poor taste.
Man's Best Friend? The Final Combat was funny but did they mistaken this as The Final Justice? Is it called Final Justice, the one with Stephen Chow and Alex Man? What about Looking Back In Anger? What about ..what about..what about???? The Breaking Point was ok BUT classic? That is a very big term to live up to. The Greed of Man? Quite nice, very dramatic but hardly a classic. What about Journey To The West? Old Time Buddies? And many more? The ones with Deric Wan and Maggie Siu? What about the recent ones? Is this list limited to certain years and certain selection?
Maybe Man's Best Friend do deserve a second viewing because one is probably bored to comatose would be death in the first viewing.
I would rather think this survey is a result of quite simply forgetfulness. I guess so. I am sure of it.
By the way I am THIS CLOSE to flying to HK and go down on my knees and beg Shirley Yeung to quit acting. Her performance was simply awful in Shine On You, now retitled Shame On You in memory of her awful performance. Quite like Keira Knightley in Pride And Prejudice, another awful movie. I am just glad imdb.com has some honest good reviews about this movie and they're right. Maybe the director mistaken Pride And Prejudice as Little Women because Keira Knightley reminded me so much of Jo March. Please let them remake Little Women, let her act in it and let Jane Austen's soul rest in peace instead of being so called revived with this pure junk.
February 04, 2006
Repeat of War & Beauty Permanent link ▫ ▫
Believe it! ASTRO Wah Lai Toi is repeating War & Beauty every Saturday and Sunday 4pm or somewhere that time, I believe each time 3 episodes. Starting today! Very rarely would they do that so this must be in popular demand. For me once is enough.
By the way I didn't even know Twins of Brother finished already. Now showing Placebo Cure every weekday 9.30pm. Not very interested.
Anyone who has seen Shine on You? I missed 2 episodes and I was wondering how come that rude step son moved in with Kenix?
February 03, 2006
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added my review of the movie Equilibrium.
Updates & Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Added my review of The Machinist and Fearless in Movies. I'll be adding Batman Begins, Howl's Moving Castle and Equilibrium later on. A note. Please do not post feedback abt a review in the Shout Box since you can use Post A Comment. And even if you must, please write down the title of the review. The Shout Box is a common and shared tagboard in Point2e.com.
February 02, 2006
Shocking Oscar Nominations! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just read the Oscar nomination list and I am in total shock. Keira Knightley for Best Actress? Her performance in Pride and Prejudice bored me to almost certain death if not for the fact that it finally ended after hours of torture. Her performance was so bad, that I can't even begin to describe it. She rushed through her words, like she was in a hurry to get over delivering her lines, not even a poetic notion in anyway she delivered her lines and her Elizabeth Bennet looked like she desperately needed a comb and a fashion consultant. Of course it is to illustrate that she's poor but what about manners? To see her running here there and everywhere is so contrary to my idea of Lizzie. The worst is she looks more like in Little Women (as Jo) THAN in Pride & Prejudice. Not one ounce of grace that one wonders why Darcy fell for her. It was an awful performance and of course an awful film thanks to an awful script. Even that Mr Darcy was awful awful impersonation of Colin Firth's Mr Darcy. The entire movie was awful and if someone didn't quite reminded me that Keira Knightley was actually playing Elizabeth Bennet, I wouldn't have known it at all. Her nomination is a classic example of being well liked is more than enough to make up for the fact that she really gave an awfully bad performance worthy of being slaughtered to death by Jane Austen's fans. Why? Why her? Anyway, glad to know Howl's Moving Castle is nominated eventhough I am still confused over the ending. Very disappointed that Chicken Little didn't get a nod, but I understand. It was cute but no more than that. BUT Corpse Bride? Another boring one nominated? Marvellous technique but the story was as colourless as the humans in this animation. I think that Wallace & Gromit will win. Anyway THANK GOD that Zhang Ziyi wasn't nominated and The Promise wasn't either. I have a feeling Ang Lee will win something but will he be snubbed? I hope not. Jake Gyllenhaal for Best Supporting Actor? This is scary. Very scary. The most upsetting thing is King Kong not even a mention. It should be nominated for Best Picture, Best Director and someone please create an award for Best Virtual Performance as I really do think King Kong himself should win something. In fact King Kong to me is the best movie because whilst it is moving that society disregard their prejudice for same sex relationship to appreciate a movie about love story as in Brokeback Mountain, but King Kong ... tell the truth! Admit it! Didn't you wish Kong got the girl? Very very upset. Keira Knighley Best Actress nominee? She can't even act decently. Awful performance! Can't blame the Oscars though. This year is marked with mediocre stuff and the good ones are those normally not recognised by Oscars. I really do hope Ang Lee wins big even if it means Mr Boring Jake will win something because he deserves something sometime in his life.