September 29, 2004
Aqua Heroes - An Analysis II Permanent link ▫ ▫
With reference to my previous Aqua Heroes - An Analysis I post, after tonight's episode I want to say something.
I have been wrong, I have been so very very very wrong. You can take out my eyeballs, you can say I am wrong because I am so very very wrong.
Edwin the actor really is a very bad actor. You're alll right, Bosco is better.
I am so very wrong. But I still maintain, that actress who plays Busy is inadequate as an actress. I like the Cookies girl better, one who is cute and can act, and the other who can't act BUT has a face with character.
By the way do check out my Funn Stuff page.
Aqua Heroes - An Analysis I Permanent link ▫ ▫
More specifically, sisters loving the same man.
Nothing wrong with that but in real life I don't think I will like Busy more than I will like Rain.
Busy knew Edwin was Rain's BF and yet she spent so much time with Edwin making Edwin fell for her. She knew Rain was still the GF. Edwin himself must tell Rain how he really feel about her instead of going behind her back and seeing the sister that way. Busy who loved her sister so much, felt so guilty when she was named the representative of Teen AND leader of the team instead of Rain even begged Rain for forgiveness AND YET she had little remorse with deliberately spending so much time with Edwin knowing he was Rain, her beloved sister's BF. More so when everybody knew how crazy Rain was about Edwin. I am not saying she can't love Edwin but not this open, not so deliberately when knowing the consequences, Rain will turn into an ogre and hate her own sister as well as Edwin. Of course this series will end happily. But in real life, if faced with the same situation, you as Busy what would you do? As Rain what would you do? Don't even bother thinking as Edwin what you would do because I suspect most men will act like Edwin anyway. If me I place more importance in family so as
Busy - I will NOT do what Busy did, I will not be that close to Edwin, I will not at one point say how much I love my sister and at another flirt with her BF, though in a very subdued way eventhough I love this man and this man obviously loves me until and unless I am ready to receive punches from my own sister and my own sister at last give me her blessings. If that meant giving up that perfect guy because I have this selfish sister, so be it because I do not want my family to quarrel, years of sisterhood gone for one man. I may not find another Edwin but I will definitely not have another sister.
Rain - I will definitely hate Busy's hypocrisy but after being very very angry I will come to a realisation that my relationship with Edwin is pointless and he doesn't love me and I might as well move on and give them my blessings. BUT if they got together without my blessings, and Busy ends up coming to me for understanding, frankly I will show her the door. A sister who chooses love over sisterhood is not worth having, likewise you may say a sister who chooses herself over sisterhood (as in own jealous rage over Busy's future) is not worth having either.
My point is never ever fall in love with your sister's BF or ex-BF where they ended on a very bad note. There are always other guys unless you like to share notes on his naked body. On this note I also cannot stand knowing my sisters knows how he looks like naked and he knowing how she looks like when she is naked.
Ok I revise my point. My point is don't get involve with a man/woman who was once involved with a member of a family you care deeply about. Unless of course you care zero for that sister of yours. Busy therefore is a contradiction AND may I say so (I am ready for backlash from romantics, and fans of Busy) a hypocrite.
September 26, 2004
Why no Singapore Heart-throbs? - MARCH 29, 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Old article but very interesting read. Of course anywhere in the world there are no hearthrobs as big and as famous as Bae Young Jun, Won Bin (you know any famous Korean male lead actors by the looks of it) and come other names or even westerners. Maybe the article is right; everything is about packaging. Or maybe there are heart-throbs but they're not in the league of those names named in the articles for the very simple reason because ...
a. not enough of PR
b. not enough of exposure (can you actually rent singaporean series even in Malaysia?)
c. not idol worthy series yet (Winter Sonata, All About Eve ... all very heart-throb-ish series right?)
d. not good looking enough/tall enough
e. characters portrayed not suave enough.
Do have a read.
Why no Singapore Heart-throbs? - MARCH 29, 2004
The End Of Intimacy Permanent link ▫ ▫
I found this website and I thought it was a joke, but it wasn't a joke. All I can say is are we so busy that we can't find time to go to that person for this kind of action? Or maybe this will be what we call safe sex in its most bizarre way? Or maybe one night stands without meeting that person?
Funny stuff. This website contains very graphic pictures. Don't go there. If you're wondering what I am writing about, it's a sex toy. You know technically it is not even a sex toy. I don't know what it is.
The Sceneshots That Made My Day - Shaun Chen Hongyu Permanent link ▫ ▫
Wuchang, dear Wuchang ... speechless at his generosity, at his ability to read my mind, his skills at capturing such beautiful sceneshots, no blurry stuff, all high quality. I must share this picture with you. Now I wonder is he just a ke-le-fe there (as in filmed many many moons ago) or is he the model endorsing this product? I mean great hair but a bit too short for Organics commercial right? I think he's just endorsing the girl endorsing this shampoo. You know reportedly he was a model in Malaysia but I never saw any of his commercials. Maybe a catwalk model? A bit too short for that. Wonder what other commercial he's in?
Anyway, let me post what was posted in the Shout Box for record purposes ...
"wuchang: I just happen to notice that this person appeared in one of the commercials in my recorded shows. Thought you might be interested. "
And my response?
"Funn: Wuchang - AHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHH.Love his hair! Love his smile! AHHHHHHHH. You just made my whole week! AHHHHHHH."
Now this guy is the "this person". Yep, no need to say words. Any discussion about him, you just say "him", "this person", I WILL KNOW.
I am so looking forward to his new series, the one I will never get to watch. Hopefully can have screencaps, and also some episodes that I can download. Maybe Mediacorp and Mediaworks merging their production houses will be great, because my TV only shows Mediacorp series. Maybe he will be in one of those. And I read somewhere that Jeannette Aw refuted her much speculated rumour (of who who dared to molest her and say nasty things to her) in an online Chinese newspaper website. I read a translation where she said she wasn't talking about this person. At last, cleared of all charges. Yeah! Anyway he looks younger in these screencaps (maybe the hair) but he always look older than his age (I believe 26? 27?-his real age I mean) in his series.
And someone sent me a very nice mag cover of him with Jeannette Aw (I believe probably a year old- the mag I mean) and I don't want to quote her email name because probably she might not want to be known, u know anonymous.
Come one, people from the south (as in Singapore), do tell me this person's news. From what I read, he is not very well liked. Well I like him.
Thanks for the pictures. You all know who you are.
You may be wondering (or maybe you're not that bothered) why I put this person's name in the title. Ahhhhh so that when searching using his name, this website will be right on top of the search list! YEAH!
Any fans of this person? Email me. I want to know his fan base.
September 24, 2004
WOW! Love the costume! Permanent link ▫ ▫
My title said it all.
I think this is Proud Warriors of Chu And Han (unless TVB changed the title) and the costume, especially Kong Wah (looks especially fierce, such regalness) and Ng ... look so gorgeous. Great costume. Wanna watch this series.
Is this Kong Wah's last series?
War & Beauty : A Discovery Permanent link ▫ ▫
Not so much about the bickerings on and off screen but do take a look at this picture (more can be found here). I do think the actresses suffer from over makeup.
Back to the plot, read some summaries and I must say this; this series is preoccupied not really with women fighting for the Emperor's affection but more on them fighting for the lead characters' affection, like the character played by Moses, Bowie. Strange isn't it? Where is the Emperor? Apparently Charmaine's character was particularly nasty to Gigi's character because of Bowie's character. Now this will give her non-fans plenty to comment about the real viciousness of the real Charmaine whilst her fans will comment on her excellent acting, which is what is happening here.
Ok something positive about Charmaine. This picture has got to be one of the nicest picture I have seen of her for some time now. She looks not sexy but sweet. I mean she is supposed to look sexy but I just find this pose and her dress sweet. Guys may think differently. At least no more of that God awful hair. And she looks like she put on a bit (very tiny bit) of weight.
September 22, 2004
Eric Wan accused of sexual assault on Mango Wong Permanent link ▫ ▫
I do not know who is Mango Wong but Eric Wan, he is ATV's no. 1 actor Wan Tin Chiu right?
"The latest update is that Mango Wong has pressed charges. Eric Wan was released on $500 HKD bail.
The witnesses
The key witnesses are Remus Kam and Ricky Chan who were at the meal on the night of the incident. Eric denies that Mango Wong has ever been in his car, and Remus has publicly supported Eric's statement. However, staff at the restaurant have told reporters that they have witnessed Mango entering Eric's car that night. Mango claims that she had confided in Ricky Chan the day after, who apparently apologised profusely for neglecting her despite being aware of Eric's track record. He has spoken to reporters via Eric's mobile and denied this conversation. His statement stands questionable as Ricky is a close friend of Eric’s.
Remus Kam:
Ricky Chan:
The accused
Support from fellow artistes have been flooding in. In fact, the only negative comment (following a good character reference for Eric) was from Kingdom Yuen, who never underestimates the devil in the drink. I don't think the public are taking Eric’s side for several reasons:
1) Mango is an attractive woman;
2) Eric Wan is a red-blooded male who’s probably had a few too many to drink;
3) The recent photographs in his vampire make-up are not the most flattering and makes him look sleazy.
4) Purely generalizing actors with a gym-toned body and broad nose (high libido, e.g. Jacky Chan and Aaron Kwok).
5) Minimum signs of support from fans. His forum is dead despite this headline news, with the exception of the regular spams and porno links (irony or what?).
And the arguments in favour for:
1) Why would he want to jeopardize his marriage and career, that relies on personal reputation?
2) I cannot recall any past rumours linking Eric with other females. He is a low-profile actor who married his long-time, loyal girlfriend who stood by him when he was still trying to make a name of himself at ATV.
3) He comes across as a good man. Joey Meng has nothing but compliments about him as they have been good friends for many years. She was playful (without the flirt) with Eric seen from TV outtakes, without the hesitation and reluctance of someone who is suspicious at all of their partner.
The ‘victim’
She has been accused of stooping low for publicity. It has been said that “what better target to choose than the main lead?” Would she have left it at the press conference if she hadn’t felt that Eric had gone too far with the public accusations? Quite frankly, I think that justice and moral support from friends and family gave Mango the courage to press charges. She needn’t take it to that level if she was merely seeking publicity, afterall why would she risk being caught for perjury?
They cannot be accused for stirring publicity for “My Date with a Vampire III” that has just wrapped filming. The sole reason is that they only want to promote Eric as the hero, and want to convince audiences that Eric Wan is Fong Tin –Yau, the character we have grown to love and anticipating for in the third instalment. This is when bad publicity is bad publicity, something that ATV does not need at this time. This will be damaging to the ratings aswell as Eric’s career. It brings to mind the Lawrence Ng hooker scandal that resulted in the review and reduction of his role in “Healing Hands III” – coincidentally also the third part of a series!"
(taken from TVB Series Discussion Forum).
There must be some serious mistake right? This man has never gotten any bad publicity from his female co-stars from what I could remember. So what happened in the car? Was it during acting or it was after hours and he was drunk? What was the accusation?
What is going on?
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Just an announcement of the following:-
1. Added a special page for Survivor's Law, episodic thoughts where I'll write about my thoughts episode per episode. This page will be updated daily from Monday to Friday until the series ends. It is currently showing on ASTRO Wah Lai Toi at 9.30pm (Malaysian cable TV). Loads of spoilers, so be forewarned. I won't be posting when I am updating this page here. Do bookmark that page for your convenience or you can find the link in Reviews > TVB under Survivor's Law with my name Funn Lim next to the Infosite symbol. THe reviews page is still haywire.
2. Just added a Funn Stuff page, which is a very fun page to visit. Me posting all those cute, scary stuff I found on the net or sent to me, including media files and some things I feel should and must be shared with you. Do have a look. Be forewarned, graphics, loads of them so do be patient. I won't be posting when I am updating this page here. Do bookmark that page for your convenience or you can find the link in Downloads > Funn Stuff.
3. When posting anonymously, please include your name somewhere in your post or if you wish for me to reply you personally, email me. You know where to find me. I will from time to time post replies within the comments itself so do bookmark the specific post for your convenience. Just lick Permanent Link and then bookmark that page.
4. My Aqua Heroes page has been removed but the page is still here. Not updating it though.
September 21, 2004
Leila Tong Ling Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just wanna know because I am dying of suspense here. Someone once told me Leila Tong (Aqua Heroes) is that smart aleck little girl in It's A Mad Mad World series (with Lydia Shum as her mom) whilst my family said, no, no way that girl wasn't her.
Please put my mind to rest once and for all. Is she that girl? If yes, where can I find her filmography so that I can shove it to that irritating person who said that little girl was Rosamund Kwan's sister and Leila Tong is not surnamed Kwan? If no, then who was that little girl and where is she?
WARNING! Permanent link ▫ ▫
As I go along with my episodic thoughts for my Survivor's Law page, PLEASE don't reveal the plot. Don't spoil it for me. Let's discuss it episode per episode. You can say if my prediction may be correct, you can post predictions but don't tell me how correct or wrong. I mean don't tell me this and this is going to happen. I want to discover for myself which is why I tried not to read the reviews. Don't tell me!
And to those who hasn't seen Survivor's Law or doesn't have ASTRO, don't read my Episodic Thoughts. Don't want to spoil it for you.
10 month old raped by step dad Permanent link ▫ ▫
Can't remember where but I remember seeing Prince Harry holding what I thought was a very sad looking baby and then I read the content. The step dad who has AIDS was told by his so called doctor that raping his 10 month old step daughter will cure him of AIDS. Is that ignorance or just an excuse? Poor baby girl.
September 20, 2004
New Stuff Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just added a fun section called Funn Stuff (in Downloads) where I will add from time to time interesting stuff like files, pictures, quotes that someone else emailed me. Believe me, many many interesting stuff which I hope you will enjoy. To download simply right click your mouse and choose Save Target As or Save As. Never ever link directly to my website.
I also welcome contributions, like have you seen any gross stuff lately? Be forewarned, this section also contains some nudity and grotesque stuff, so don't go there if you don't like these kind of stuff.
You may also post your comments. The usual, please leave your name somewhere in your post if you're posting as Anonymous. All pictures are huge so please be patient. This website is archive based, so there won't be any special categories, just what I posted that particular month.
Click here to go to Funn Stuff
September 19, 2004
Channel U's Yi Xin Ren Permanent link ▫ ▫
A bit of promo before MediaWorks close shop (as in drama dept I think).
A brand new series called YI XIN REN (no English title yet) starring my favourite past time (not actor as in favourite actor, just that I love writing about him), Shaun Chen Hongyu. Wu Chang will be doing some screencaps (I hope) ala Power of Love so do bookmark SPCNET Forums for more updates. So excited! Looks interesting and I saw HK actress Wai Ying Hung. Is Shaun top billing? Who else?
You know what this means? It means my very first DDG is still very relevant! Yeah!
Eagerly awaits all those screencaps!
September 18, 2004
Announcement-Aqua Heroes Permanent link ▫ ▫
With much regret I have decided to stop my episodic thoughts for Aqua Heroes because I realise
1. I have nothing much to say about this series
2. I kept missing some parts
3. I really am not interested in writing for this series
4. more importantly, I want to concentrate on Survivor's Law.
So the link is removed. Thanks for your comments and support. I will write a review for this series when it ends.
[News] Mediaworks and Mediacorp to Merge Permanent link ▫ ▫
SPCNET Forums-Discuss News
Very interesting. So now will MediaCorp freeze all those ex-MediaCorp artists who jumped ship some years before for being a traitor? My more important question. Remember all those news I posted about Shaun Chen? Don't go WHO?!. Just know that he left MediaCorp amidst accusations of being ungetlemanly towards one of MediaCorp's rising actress. So now back to square one, so he will be freezed? But look, for all those discussion of how impossible about Holland V 2 the sequel becaue no Xiao Xin, now there's Xiao Xin again!
What a funny world.
September 17, 2004
New Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sort of. Just added an infosite (mainly Episodic Thoughts)for TVB series, Survivor's Law. Check it out. Still a bit rusty about the names and I may not be as diligent in writing for this and Aqua Heroes as I was with PITNOL as family wants to watch other series, like that bland CSI:Miami (the only great thing is David Caruso and the lady detectives ... wear tighter and tighter tops!).
As usual, it will be updated daily from Mon to Fri until the series ends unless I did not post for that day.
Taegukgi Permanent link ▫ ▫
One movie I am looking forward to is Taggukgi. Alread Won Bin is like probably a drool factor for many but Jang Dong-gun is the one for me. Saw the trailer, very exciting. The story is even better. Big brother Jang doesn't want his little brother Won to die in the war which both are drafted to so Jang did all he could to fight the frontline to avoid the brother being in the frontline. But little brother also wants to fight the frontline. How can a story like this with 2 hot actors (one I can vouch for his great acting skills, the other I have never seen him act) not be a hit?
MY DOUGRAY ISN'T THE NEW 007 Permanent link ▫ ▫
ACTOR Dougray Scott is not the next James Bond - according to his mum.
Elma Scott says the 38--year-old Mission: Impossible 2 star is too busy to become 007.
Dougray - real name Stephen - was rumoured to have beaten Arthur star Clive Owen and Hulk actor Eric Bana to the famous role.
He was said to be taking over from current Bond Pierce Brosnan in the 21st film, due for release next year.
But Elma, of Glenrothes, Fife, said: 'There have been rumours going around for years that Stephen is to play James Bond.
'But my other son, David, contacted him about the latest reports and he said it's not true.
'He has other commitments so there is certainly nothing to say at the moment.'
However, Elma does believe her boy would be great in the spy role made famous by fellow Scot Sean Connery.
She said: 'My son would make an excellent choice.
'He's very handsome and an international star.'
She added: 'This is a mother's point of view, though.'
Scott's other film credits include Enigma, alongside Kate Winslet, and the Brit flick This Year's Love.
He made his name playing Major Rory Taylor in hit TV army saga Soldier Soldier.
Scott was first mooted as a possible replacement for Brosnan five years ago.
At the time, he insisted he could never live up to Connery's 007.
He said: 'I'm very flattered that people consider me good enough to play James Bond.
'But I couldn't play that part any better than Sean.
'To be honest, I am not convinced I am suave enough.'"
Read News
Well Stephen Scott doesn't sound so exotic. Anyway this man is honest, I like him. 5 years ago alread touted as the next Bond? Wasn't he too young then? You know I don't believe his mom. I think he's the next Bond unless poor Dougray, again sidelined after so many rumours!
Plans Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have a few stuff planning for this website, none of which involves reviews. I am brain dead when it comes to writing proper reviews.
Anyway I want to add that The DDGs column. See that annoying red bnotice? It is sickening to me because I have wanted to add a DDG into that panel for like forever and when I am almost ready, I found out the series he has acted in has already finished his run, my comments are so outdated and basically he is still a newcomer. But I'll add it nonetheless because I have chosen him as the very first DDG. I plan to add Fann Wong as 2nd. Then comes the TVB stars, hopefully. Nowadays no one I want to comment on without coming across as juvenile.
Then I want to add a special page for some really amazing/disgusting/beautiful/delicious pictures, media files I received via email. It will clog my account but I want to share, especially after I received an amazing email with beautiful mooncakes, so beautiful I can't believe there are such mooncakes. Must be delicious!
What else? Well that's all.
September 16, 2004
Write your name Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am so excited because finally Blogger features are being fully utilised with some very good comments posted in reply to my posts. Very very happy though I suspect only 5 or so are doing this. When I reply a post I want to be able to quote your name BUT you never leave your name! Who are you? I want to know you! Do leave your name when posting anonymously and I hope Blogger just update their features.
Anyway I want to thank my supporters, or rather supporters of my plea to leave posts within my posts.
Kidd for always answering my question, giving me some very good comments, just a second after I posted. Very active member.
Wuchang for answering all my questions, probably the expert in Singaporean TV series. Ask him anything and he can even find you the link, the screencaps AND give you some very impartial account of the plot.
beLIEve whose name is I guess a mixture of believe and lie (and he is emphasising on LIE and I think he's a he, hate to get the gender wrong) who is like Kidd, a supporter of this Blogger system.
Adelyn who posts some very good comments always within my reviews.
And some Anonymous, whose names I do not know.
Again, PLEASE PLEASE leave your name. I am interested not just in what you have to say but who you are. The most basic of all, a name. Nickname, real name, pet name, any name. An alphabet. And when you do ask me to add you into my ICQ list and me into yours, do mention the name you use when posting in here. Some of you have 3 or 4 names, really confusing me but once you said you're this and this, I feel like I have just stumbled into an old friend in this big big WWW. Amazing technology eh?
Anyway, what else? Submissions anyone? New reviews? I can't write it all. I think I must fix the missing links.
Anyway just posting this to say ...
1. thanks
2. recognising the fact this website is somewhat active again
3. do have a look at this post, long long comment and very thought provoking. Any more thoughts to share?
I am in the process of writing some new reviews. My old reviews have gone missing in cyberspace!
And to those who are wondering why am I asking you to bookmark a certain post, beLIEve answered it for me:-
"Probably because older posts are stacked upon by newer ones and being archived. If you bookmark it, you can refer back to it if anyone replied to your comments."
Couldn't have explained it any better.
September 15, 2004
New review [Movies] Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added my review of Untold Scandal (Korea), that Bae Yong-jun movie debut. Do have a look.
Also updated the Aqua Heroes page. Just ignore the broken links, because I added the whole week's link though I am still at ep 4.
When posting comments, please remember to include your name somewhere in your post if you're posting anonymously. Do bookmark that post as sometimes there may be replies within it.
Submissions anyone? Reviews?
September 14, 2004
Mediacorp's The Wing Of Desire Permanent link ▫ ▫
25 episodes and today it ended with what I feel is the best ending I have seen for a very long time. Definitely enjoyed this series and will post a review soon to what I feel is a very realistic series, notwithstanding the technical glitches. Problem is where is the poster? Does anybody know where is the information website for this series? Please help! I need the cast list as I do not know who plays ...
1. Lin Jia Hao
2. Lin Jia Xuan
3. Wen Wu
That's about it. The rest I know. I also want to know who sang the songs. I suspect the 2 leads sang the songs.
Thanks for your help.
September 13, 2004
Follow Up on The Da Vinci Code Permanent link ▫ ▫
A follow up to my post The Da Vinci Code posted on (GASP!) September 11th.
Finished the book yesterday. Shocking revelations but not very relevant to me since I am not a devout Christian so the idea that Jesus married, had children and all didn't really matter. But it was certainly bad news for the Church, if real. I believe it could be since I remember reading about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Does it matter? Does it change your faith in your God? Maybe it's not real?
Anyway about the book. Over hype is you ask me. It's not a very well written book, very long, very slow, too much actions but description wise very annoyingly slow mo. I didn't quite enjoyed it. I just enjoyed the Da Vinci comments, the analysis of it all but to me it's much ado about nothing. I didn't like the book not because of its contents but the writing style. But I do know this book garnered loads of following, like a religion in itself. Isn't that an irony? Or not? Hmmm... Anyway about those Holy Grail stuff, I believe this author may have written about truths that nobody wanted to believe. I mean it is possible. But again, if the truth has been distorted, fellow Christians, do you want to know the truth? In the book, the truth was not revealed because the implications are no good. After all the modern religion (as in Christian religion) is more tolerant than it was many many many years ago as claimed by the book. We all like the Pope don't we? I for one wants him to live longer, I admire his strength, his dedication to God's work, his allegiance to his faith. Even if the truth about Holy Grail, Jesus, Mary Magdelene is revealed, to me it's another version to the same story, that is Jesus actually walked on this Earth, did great things and died painfully but willingly (I assume). It negates all untruth, overrides all previous versions. Religions used to be about politics (you know it still is but different religion these days and more manic) but today it is about faith. Who cares? Do you? I really want to know. Post your comments under this post. Let's just say you're a Christian, a devout one, would it shake your faith in Jesus if you had known that modern religion today was built on cover ups, murders, lies, deceits and half truths?
I shoudl explain what the book theorised. The book said that Jesus actually married Mary Magdalene (who was not a prostitute but was of royal blood and the church created this bad image of her to make us forget who she really was, to bury the truth) and had children. Jesus before he was cruxified actually passed the passing of the job of spreading the religion to Mary who is a woman as opposed to popular belief, his disciples, all men. Women carried as much as credibility and weight as men in those times and the church is fundamentally about man and woman, as Jesus envisiaged it, which is as claimed by the book. Women was much slandered in the story of Adam and Eve and the book claimed it was just a story. Jesus was not a higher being but rather a mere mortal of great vision and who possess what I believe an infinite knowledge of goodness (that is my interpretation). So basically the book didn't deny Jesus' existence or His tireless work but rather more on Mary Magdalene as her true identity and she is the Holy Grail as opposed to a wooden cup. All these based on historical records, Da Vinci and a secret society which worships the feminine symbol (goddesses, can't remember the exact word used) comprising of very prominent people that actually lived called Priory of Sion which actually existed who actually believed the true story of Jesus and the true story of Mary Magdalene. It was shocking when I first read it but well, like I said, it didn't affect me since my religious faith is not Christianity. I hope I summed it all correctly, but I am sure if you have read the book you would know what I was trying to say.
Now what about you?
Now I am reading Patricia Cornwell's book, Blowfly, a follow up to one of the more interesting modern literary heroines, Dr Kay Scarpetta. I love her books, very well written, shocking and yet relevant. Poor Benton. Any fans of the character Kay Scarpetta? Wanna start a book club discussion? I need a discussion forum!
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
My site's individual pages are still out of order. So if you clicked TVB, and can't see the Navigation Menu, fear not. Just click Previous and you will go back to this page. That is until I fix it.
Anyway, new stuff. Just added an Infosite for TVB's Aqua Heroes with Episodic Thoughts, cast list and later on a proper Review. It will be updated daily from Monday to Friday until the series ends unless I missed an episode. All opinions are my own.
You may post comments on each of my episodic thought. Just remember, if you're posting as Anonymous, PLEASE add your name somewhere in your comment. This includes posting comments in here, in any of the reviews posted using Blogger and in all infosites. Thanks for your co-operation.
You can now also email the direct link to any individual post for posts posted using Blogger which includes this page, some reviews and the infosites.
The New James Bond Permanent link ▫ ▫
"DOUGRAY Scott is to be the new James Bond." READ NEWS
This must be a joke.
"Bosses at Eon Productions chose Dougray after deciding they wanted a return to a brooding Bond in the mould of original star Sir Sean Connery."
This must be a mistake. Dougray Scott sexy? Brooding, yes, to the point of painful brooding BUT sexy brooding?
What happened? I predict this will be the mistake, like George Lazenby that nobody likes. Hugh Jackman is the one, more so when I saw him singing and dancing in that beautiful suit with red tie in the Tony Awards. That is James Bond, tall, handsome and perfect gentleman. And he can be brooding, after all he is Wolverine.
But Dougray Scott, original choice for Wolverine is not that at all. He is short. Now this is like swapped roles. I'd rather Scott becomes Wolverine so that Jackman becomes Bond.
Is this for real? I am in shock!
September 11, 2004
The Da Vinci Code Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was wondering about whether are there Anacondas in Borneo when I suddenly thought about what The Da Vinci Code said about the Holy Grail. Anyone read the book? I hate it. Not the content, but the pacing. I am already half way through the book and I still do not know what did that old man do that drove his granddaughter away. Very slow. But it is an educational material and now I am intrigued by Da Vinci himself. Is the Holy Grail really a woman? That Jesus had children? Anyone interested in starting an email intellectual discussion about what this book said? Just email me at I wouldn't mind you emailme articles, paintings, anything. I am now so curious. Is it really really real? That what the Bible told us all are selective truths?
Bae Yong Jun's Untold Scandal Permanent link ▫ ▫
I just saw this arty film starring Winter Sonata, Hotelier, Mr Suave Bae Yong Jun. To call it soft porn is an overstatement but still as shocking. Those actresses, below 40 would have stripped once, except for the one who played that scheming woman. Story wise, it's Dangerous Liasons but it is nevertheless its own version. I want to write a review on this movie because it shocked me to see Bae Yong Jun, Korea's no. 1 TV star doing sex scenes. Oh yes, plenty of them. He's mostly half naked, his co-stars fully naked but you will see him in ways I don't think you would ever imagine unless you're his real life girlfriend. You see him having sex, you see him adminitering oral sex, being administered oral sex, many many things. I doubt you'll like his character. Let me not over emphasise on the SEX SCENES as this movie has some fine acting moments. Was it good? Hmmmm...still can't over the scene of Bae's bum you know. Oh yes, you read right. Get the pirated DVD version unless you don't want to see your idol in that way. As for my review, I am still trying to formulate my thoughts because I still can't get the shot of his bum out of my mind. Not that it looks good or bad, but just the shock you know. The shock!
Raymond Lam : Surprising Fact Permanent link ▫ ▫
Got this from TVB space News Roundup about Raymond Lam:-
"[The Sun 10/09/04]
Living in the mid-levels and driving a flash car, Raymond Lam was automatically labelled as a rich playboy when he first entered the industry. In order to change people's perception of him, he has given up his partying and playing about to concentrate on his work and acting and has found recognition from the audience with his latest show "Twin of Brothers". Putting aside his romance stories for now, his ambition is to become TVB's number 1 lead male in the next five years.
Twenty five years old this year, Raymond hails from a wealthy family and earlier reports about him have revolved around clubbing, private parties and a whole bunch of rumoured girlfriends and less about his work, which was overshadowed by his 'rich boy' image. He says: "I don't mind you saying that my family is wealthy, but I do mind when people overlook my hard work. Many extras are richer than me and if I was not able to do my job, then it doesn't matter who I am."
"Twin of Brothers" has won much applause from the audience and although the ratings are not to expectations, at last his acting talent has been recognised and just a review of 'much improvement' makes him very happy indeed. "Especially when I hear my parents say to me: 'Son, you have done well!' - it makes me very happy, because since I was young, they have never given me any comment and to have no criticism is a good thing. Now they are praising me and this proves that I have sacrificed and they can see this."
Raymond understands his 'unusual' position as a wealthy man and thus he has to work even harder than anyone else to prove his worth. With one series following another at the moment, he is working himself to the bone in the mainland and even when he suffered a skin allergy leaving him with a rash all over his body, he did not complain at all, starting work after putting ointment on his skin. "Everyone works hard in this way, why can't I? I have to be even more sturdy than everyone else." As he has been filming in the mainland for a long time, is he afraid of dropping behind the newcomers at TVB? He is very open-minded about this, saying: "Many people will compare me with Ron Ng and among the six stars, we are the closest, often meeting up with each other, when he will come to my place for a steamboat. I don't like being jealous of other people, so it would be great if we all did well. The company knows I am finding it tough though, so after 'Tossing Rain Turning Cloud', they will not need me to film in the mainland for the near future."
Everyone has an ambition and Raymond says candidly that he hopes to win the award for "My Favourite Male Lead Role" and he is confident that he can do this."
First he's only 25! So young! Second, he's from a wealthy family? Now that is very very surprising. I guess why not? You can't survive in TVB unless
a. you have a sugar daddy/mommy
b. you got a side job
c. you are from a rich family
Good for Raymond though. He's hardly arrogant when being interviewed, just not that friendly. Ever noticed the rich ones are the more approachable ones/humble whilst those who came from not so rich background then strike it rich is more arrogant?
What didn't surprise me though is the fact he had many girlfriends. A good looking guy like him, he should have many girls! Now winning an award, that may be difficult. Maybe not for another 5 years or so.
Some new Blogger features & Angry rant Permanent link ▫ ▫
Did you notice these two things or is it just me as the owner of this blog?
1. envelope icon
I think you can see this. It is email this particular post to a friend. Great feature!
2. pencil icon
quick edit, I think only I can see.
What great features. But the icons are soooooo transparent, so transparent when I hover over them I can't even see them! Anyone who knows the inside out of Blogger know whether can I change the icons?
By the way sad day for Indonesia. The animals intended to blast the embassy and who in the end they blasted? Probably fellow muslims.One girl had her waist blasted off. And I remember reading that Beslan tragedy, those bastards even rape the 15 year olds! I have no words to describe them. Bastard? Animals? Worse that animals!
Ok, think happy thoughts, happy thoughts. I am just too upset with that Beslan tragedy. I admire Putin's stance and resolve. I support him. Russia is not to be blamed. Accountability is not with them, it's with those lowly scums of parasitic maniacs without a heart.
Bush, I support you. He was right to act first. What the world needs now is not talk talk talk. How can US or anyone else even suggest Putin talk to these bastards? I won't talk. After this incident, I see Putin in a different light. He's more human now to me.
Ok, happy thoughts. BANISH ALL SAD ANGRY THOUGHTS. Happy thoughts.
New stuff coming up Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am going to do an episodic thoughts for Aqua Heroes. Will post the first episode I think tomorrow but I am still blur about the names. Bear in mind, it's part review, part analysis, some critique and a whole lot of opinion, like PITNOL. You can now post your comments within each episodic thought. I won't be consistent though because I may have to skip some episodes.
September 08, 2004
Nightmare came true! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Depressing news. Taken from TVB Space News Roundup...
" [Ta Kung Pao 07/09/04]
Kwong Wa and his wife Kitman Mak made a rare appearance together for the premier of "Alien vs Predator" on Sunday. Kwong Wa explains that he is a big fan of the "Alien" series, so when he found out that this film was made by the original crew, then he had to come and watch it with his wife. When asked why he did not bring his son along, he says that it is too late and his children usually go to sleep at half past ten, because he feels that it is not good for children to go to sleep too late.
Talking of recent plans, he indicates that he has just ended his contract with TVB and not renewed because he wants to take some time out to rest as well as change the format of his work. He laughs that there are a lot of things he can do in the future, such as looking after his children because there is very little personal time when he is filming and now he can take this time to look at other things. When reminded he could only do this with enough financial backing, Kwong Wa indicated that both he and his wife are vegetarians and not big spenders with a simple life, so their expenses are not very large.
With recent magazine reports showing the couple buying bargain products, are they unhappy about this? Kwong Wa says that in fact he is very happy about this. He adds that if people talk about you, then you should not worry about whether it is a good thing or a bad thing because it shows they care about you. If they didn't then they would not bother talking about you. Also, showbiz magazines are there to bring entertainment for all, so if everything that was said is taken to heart then it would be difficult to live. As for whether he does often go bargain hunting, he says that he likes to pick up the odd bargain because he is just an ordinary person and does not have a lot of money. He feels that Hong Kong people nowadays like to measure a person's success by material means too much."
First Gallen left for more money. Felix is in semi-retirement to spend more time with his family and I suspect, to earn more money somewhere else and now Kong Wah is quitting to spend more time with his family and I suspect to earn more money elsewhere. The good ones are leaving, leaving us with the young ones who are brought in not to act, but to strut their stuff. Good actors in TVB are so rare these days, I think they're a dying breed. If Bowie says he is leaving, Roger says he is quitting, Bobby says he is retiring, you will see tears in this website. Where have all the charismatic, great actors gone? We the viewers suffer. I suffer. I am suffering. Truly a nightmare.
And talking about series, Legend of Love is laughable and unbefitting to the talent of the great Deric Wan, Greed Mask has more twists than plots (in fact everybody seems to confess to killing Ko Cheuk Man, probably the most murdered person in a TV series since everybody wants him dead - it's so silly, M Night will choke with tears of laughter at this series' emphasis of twists minus the actual plot to hold the twists) and The Wing of Desire is getting a bit melodramatic, but still a better watch.
New series coming, I look forward to Suvivor's Law. I saw the trailer for the young actors' series about swimmers, Aqua Heroes (is that the title?)or something like that and I thought I saw a swimmer BOUNCING on the water. I guess the review in my website is painting a very accurate picture when she was describing about the silly techniques. I don't think Ian Thorpe can even bounce like that. Illogical and I have a feeling badly acted. This series reminds me of those recent Taiwanese series, find two attractive young stars, put in some romance and some nice location, give it min storyline and just show it, irrespective whether the actors are acting or sleepwalking.
I need to get my sanity back. I need reviews. Submissions anyone? I will write. Take My Word For It, the reason why I still love TVB. Yep, take my word for it, new reviews coming soon.
September 05, 2004
No problem anymore! Permanent link ▫ ▫
With regards to my post just below entitled Problems viewing this site using IE? , now no problem any more. Weird isn't it? I wasn't updating my website at that moment. Hmmmmm...
September 04, 2004
Problems viewing this site using IE? Permanent link ▫ ▫
My webpage is my own IE browser's default page. I noticed this problem just today when I went online, my first view should be my webpage and yet I saw a pop up dbox asking me to download point2e(1) file. Mozilla Firefox was all normal. When I refuse to say yes, my IE browser closed by itself. Then I opened one of the favourite links in my own favourites folder using My Computer and it opened in IE and when I went back to my webpage using this browser, it was ok.
Anyone experiencing the same problem or do I have this hidden virus in my computer?
Russian Hostage Situation-Beslan Permanent link ▫ ▫
I watched the news in horror tonight for almost 2 hours trying to make sense of what, why, when, how. This reminded me of my reaction of the 911 attack when I saw it on CNN. Then I was in complete silence, now I was just cursing. I wonder, why? Why? Why? No reason, no explanation could justify the killing of an innocent child or an innocent civilian. 10 Arabs were reportedly involved in this hostage situation. I believe these Arabs, or some say Al-Qaeda were sent to train these other militants/terrorists. There is no longer any honour in fighting whatever cause it may be, more so if you're a Muslim freedom fighter fighting for I wonder what. Nothing justifies this evil act, no cause should support such an act and no cause can be supported by such an act. Horrifying as parents wept over the death of their child, one parent even had to choose between two child as the terrorists allow for her to take one out. She chose the younger 2 year old because this baby can't take care of himself/herself. Her other 6 year may be able to survive the ordeal. No clothes, no water, no food. This is not a hostage situation. This is suicide mission, causing along many many deaths. What did their religion taught them? Get freedom by killing another? I doubt it. I am sick of these terrorists and I hope the world unites not just in saying we will fight terrorism, but actually do something about it. John Kerry's approach of diplomatic talks would certainly not help at all. I saw President Bush making a very thoughtful and wonderful speech during the convention just a few hours ago. I was convinced by his dedication, his resolve, his conviction. I know US has nothing to do with Russia,but if the world won't do something about these evil beings, perhaps President Bush may be able to do something.
Should be fight violence with violence? No. I have many Muslim friends are are wonderful people, who are religious and yet tolerant of other faiths, who are able to joke about their own religion whilst not make fun of others, who wept when 911 happened because lives were lost, irrespective of religion, who condemns the acts of such terrorists. So not all are bad people, not all are mindless robots. But there are many out there who are or who may have the potential to be one. We must fight this. Not just talk, but actually unite, break down the borders and fight it. Fight it with violence? Maybe not an eye for an eye, but something more than just talk, diplomatic ties and what nots. What can the world do?
After a school, what's next? A maternity ward?
Many may blame the Russian president, President Putin for what happened but I think we are thoughtful enough to realise he is not to be blamed. The situation aggravated by mistake, and the police had no choice but to storm in after hostages were shot when they escaped. Both sides were unprepared. The scenes were horrifying. Parents worried, civilians even helping. All so noisy, with gun shots, grenades, what nots. Horrifying.
It made me wonder. When Mahatma Gandhi almost starved himself to death, he successfuly stopped the violence between Hindus and Muslims. If Gandhi were to walk this Earth today, or if Jesus were to resurrect or Nabi Muhammad alive, will they be able to stop all these senseless acts of not just violence, but despicable "below the belt" violence or will these terrorists shove Gandhi aside and let him starve to death, hand Jesus another nail or shoot the prophet himself? Have we all become so senseless? Must we follow the western policy of banning Muslims or Arab looking people from entering their countries (which I disagree) based on a racial profile?
What more can I do?
Read News
September 03, 2004
War & Beauty : Literally Permanent link ▫ ▫
Taken from TVBspace News Roundup
"[The Sun]
TVB's new series 'War and Beauty' has opened well with first week ratings of 30 points and the most captivating part of the show so far has to be the storyline that tells of the conflicts and power struggle within the palace that has been a strong talking point. However, TVB's official web forum has revealed groups of Charmaine Sheh and Maggie Cheung fans leaving personal attacks and derogatory remarks against each other and their idols.
Among the remarks that have been left are - on Maggie: 'so fake... not even worthy of being a maid.. so cheap', Charmaine: 'poor acting with a horrible voice', Gigi 'breathes too loudly when she speaks...' and on Sheren 'so old looking, but at least she can act'. Also Charmaine has been nicknamed 'Snake Poo Man' and Maggie 'Big Mouth Yee' with calls for other fans to join in the battle of words to support their idols. Fortunately there are the more positive net-friends who do praise the two for their acting, saying 'Charmaine is beautiful and Maggie is a great actress' to try and urge both sets of feuding fans to calm down and not respond to the rumours of their hostility in such a way.
In reality, there have always been rumours of disharmony between the stars and after the incident at last year's anniversary show where Maggie was seen to be smirking at Charmaine, the hostility had reached a peak during filming for 'War' when they had little to say to each other. During recent publicity events, the two were seen to be at odds and ignoring each other, keeping their distance and troubling producer Chik Kei Yi, who was unable to make peace between them. The biggest headache for the poor producer was the Charmaine and Maggie appear to be holding a stance of 'if she is here, then I am not', so whenever TVB ask Maggie to take part in an event, she will try "
First Jess and Maggie, then Charmaine and Shirley and now Maggie and Charmaine. Real or not? There were also reports of Charmaine spending the night with Benny in a hotel room. There are a lot of bad press about Charmaine and Maggie lately. I wonder what happened? I always thought Charmaine at least is the media's darling? Maybe I have been mistaken. I don't think there is a war between them two because I saw one photo of both of them laughing happily in the make up room, looked very friendly to me. Maybe just work rivalry. As always,someone in the middle and Gigi Lai now is the middle person like Sonija and Gallen were the middle person.
I wonder who is the lead in this series? Gigi? Charmaine? Maggie? Who will die? Who has more chance of survival? Who gets the Emperor? Who has more nude scenes? Any nude scenes? So far the reviews have been positive. Why not? Everybody loves a good cat fight. I look forward to this series.
By the way Survivor's Law is coming to ASTRO soon. Definitely look forward to this one. Myolie Wu looked postively chic in this series.
Feedback On PITNOL Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
I received this following email/feedback about my Perish In The Name Of Love review and I actually wanted to post it in that review itself but decided not to because I like everybody to have a look at it. The comments are fare, at times I felt like being punched in the face and yet some times I felt like the writer is gently stroking my face. I am confused but good comments, I accept them...Mind his/her language though. Those in bold are my answers to his/her comments.
"----- Original Message -----
From: Armageddon
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 3:40 AM
Subject: Point2e review feedback on Perish in the Name of Love
1.) China has emperors and empresses, not kings and queens. A quick look into the history books should tell you that.
I know that. At times I use Emperor/Empress but lazy to type to long so I settled for King/Queen. Function the same in my opinion though how the people saw them may be different.
2.) The problem with Charmaine, Sonia and practically any other actress drawn from the Miss HK pool is thus: if you hire someone on the basis of how they look, then you are pretty much signing your death warrant where ability and talent are concerned. If you are fortunate, one out of ten of these 'beauties' will actually have a latent ability, (notice I do not say 'talent'). If you are somewhat fortunate, you will be able to get some quality by careful nurture -- this would include people like Ada Choi, who I find intensely shrieky, but she is at least believable in her acting these days. If you are completely unlucky, you end up with and Anne Heung and to a lesser degree, Sonija Kwok, who are not horrible when relagated to emcee duties, but are often throat-chokingly bad when elevated to leading lady status. We can only thank our collective lucky stars that Vivian Lau, who preceeded Shirly Yeung, if I remember correctly, opted to neither act nor stay in the entertainment circle, although there have been rumours that she's ready to do so. She would have given Anne and Sonija a run for their money where bad is concerned.
Agree! And I would love to see a Star Search, not Miss HK pageant when it comes to disocvering acting talents. I guess acting talent is not what TVB is looking for since I am sure TVB believes everybodyu can be molded into a star (though never an actress/actor).
3.) TVB always changes history to suit their purposes. Why is this still a surprise? It's like Hollywood changing books and history. It's disdained, but it happens and if you know it's going to happen and are going to dislike it, why continue to watch and put yourself through the aggravation?
Because I enjoy the misery and the aggravation of it, because I read with disbelief that everybody at some fansite forums took what TVB gave them like the Bible truth and I just hate it they change everything. If your ead my Harry Potter reviews, my views are the same whether Hollywood, big budget or small budget movies. My disdain is not changing the history to suit the story, my disdain is changing the history when there is not story to start of with. PITNOL is a perfect example where things would have made a greater impact if the history was followed, case in point the death of the Emperor.
4.) The bigger problem I find with TVB is its tendency to write characters that are starkly black or starkly white. Chiu Yan is a horrible person. Cheung Ping is sweet and loved by all. I subscribe to larger than life characters. I don't suscribe to one-dimensional ones.
I agree! But there must be contrast I guess. Anything too complicated nobody can understand. I assume TVB assumes everybody wants to be entertained, BUT NOT intelligently entertained.
5.) It's "Jay Lau," not "Jan Lau."
I thought Jan Lau? She changed her name or have I been mistaken all these years?
6.) What the hell have looks and ability have to do with each other? Do you think that pretty = capable? If you do, it's time you grew up.
Where did I say this? Did you read me out of context? Truth is many people assume, even in the real world people who look good tends to perform better at their job function. I don't mean pretty means capable but look, reality check. Beautiful people tends to get far far ahead of lesser mortals. I am not one of those beautiful people, I believe capabilities have nothing to do with being beautiful or having good looks, but rather ones own ability to perform when needed. But other people may not think like that. Which is why less talented but nicer looking people get promoted. I guess there is a truth to this. Viewers may not like to see less beautiful people on screen. When I was playing The Sims, to my utter shame my alter ego looks like Angelina Jolie.
7.) You might want to consider that oftentimes, given how TVB is structured, you may not have the clout to refuse the role given to you -- not if you want to continue to be promoted. Similarly, it is by taking on different roles that you build a good resume and gain your experience. While I am not a fan of Sonija Kwok, there is no denying that she is at least building a good range of roles. As to her capabilities, she is yet to impress me with what she can do, but she is at least somewhat better than Anne Heung. In addition, don't you think your rant on Sonija belongs in a form separate from the REVIEW of the show?
I agree that Sonija Kwok has a wider range of roles than Charmaine Sheh and Anne Heung has one of the widest range in my personal opinion. Doesn't mean she can act any better than when she first started. Sonija Kwok in my opinion is still too bad for me to describe and it is unfortunate I target her for my ranting in my reviews. But reviews especially my reviews are not about plots and characters, they are about performances. I rant about Sonija Kwok, and I hope in an acceptable way. She can't act and I feel my ranting of her acting abilities is not a rant, but an analysis and therefore forms a valid part of my review of the show. After all she was in the show. Wonder why nobody said I "rant" about Charmaine Sheh?
8.) Define 'lazy and unrefined' -- what kind of review is this? Explain how it is lazy and unrefined. Don't make statements you have no intention of qualifying.
"You misread my statement about Charmaine which was ..."Her voice was horrible. I missed the demure chicken voice. In this series filled with modern dialogue, the way she talked was lazy and unrefined. What is going on with Charmaine?" Could there be any more simple English than this? I meant exactly that. How do I qualify what I wrote? Well watch the series listen to her speak and I rest my case. Can you honestly say she speaks with such vigour and power that everybody gives their fullest attention to her every word?
9.) Stick to shorter reviews. They tend to have more impact.
"To quote what you wrote just a few paras above ... "why continue to watch and put yourself through the aggravation?" and just change watch to read. Maybe you should read a shorter review next time. A tip; before reading anything, scroll through the entire page to estimate how long it may be and if you feel "Nahhhh too long" by all means skip the review but if you decide to finish it, please don't complain about the length. I do not write short reviews. If I were to do that for PITNOL, my review will be "Crappy series, bad acting, despicable ending". That wouldn't be fair to this series right? I mean justify! Why dislike it! It's my review, I can take as long as I want and as much as MB. To all would be reviewers out there, when submitting your reviews to my website, I do not care about the length. If it will take me 10 days to finish reading your review, as long as I get your opinion, by all means write that long!"
Fuckin' eh.
"Armageddon...short for armageddon outta here..." Eddie Izzard"
Should I have posted my email address? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I received this following email from, I don't know who because I believe it must be some chinese characters in the from column:-
"So nice of you to post your Jaring email address here. Better remove
it before them spams come in.
you can signup for or gmail for 1GB space. aware of that?
i can give u a gmail invitation."
You know is meant for all spam mails as well as feedback mails and all. I do have another official account for my own personal use. But this is what ilearned from any email account; you can never run from Spam mails. No point in having so many email accounts.
PLEASE do not spam my point2e account, PLEASE just send feedback and reviews and submissions.
Thanks for the invitation anyway. There is a 1GB email account FOR FREE?
September 02, 2004
Timestamp changed! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Thanks to beLIEve who gave me this tip. Finally all the comments now have this new timestamp instead of just time. I guess I have wronged Blogger. BUT that anoymous thingy still is an issue. So those who post anoymously, PLEASE leave your name somewhere in your comment.
Anyway, Have received many new comments using teh Blogger Post A Comment feature. Very very happy that finally it is being utilised. It's a great feature you know. I was going to say something ... nothing. Nothing.
Thanks for the tip.
September 01, 2004
IMPORTANT NOTICE Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am changing the layout for my reviews page using this new look (like this one you're seeing)but in the process I discovered a lot of links inside that particular reviews page is missing. So if you click over to say TVB page and see a lot of broken links or missing items, ignore them. Just click PREVIOUS to go back to this page and see notmal links whilst I slowly, VERY SLOWLY correct them.
New reviews anyone?