December 31, 2004
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just added the following:-
1. Bridget Au's review of Hearts Of Fencing [TVB]
- this is actually a re-adding of the review.
- section : Reviews > TV> TVB
2. my review of Looking For Stars [MediaCorp]
- section : Reviews > TV > Singapore
3. my 1st episodic thoughts for Triumph In The Skies [TVB]
- section : Reviews > TV> TVB
- I will not be announcing the updates for the episodic thoughts anymore. Like Survivors' Law and Pitnol, just check the website from Mon-Fri around midnight or so thoigh I will be missing the Tuesdays and Wednesdays episodes. Or maybe just missed half. Have fun reading and looking forward to your comments.
(do bookmark this link which leads straight to the Episodic Thoughts which will also have a link to my review, cast list)
December 30, 2004
Asian Tsunami (2) [download file] Permanent link ▫ ▫
My sis sent me this file, someone captured these horrifying early moments of the tsunami attack I think at Gurney Drive, Penang, Malaysia. I was actually more horrified by the reaction of the people, very fascinated with the wave and of course that took them by surprise. Basically the people were saying...
"Wahhhh what a big wave ..." "This is even greater ... this one more greater ... wahhhhhh" "Eh, better go back a bit, eh where are the children, where are the children ...oohhhhhh ... hahahahahhahaaha" (yep, when the water hit them they were laughing!)
And that was when the wave hit the curb.
Do check out that lone guy standing near the shoreline and how he was swept in. I wonder is he ok?
Stupid stupid people. Now I know why the death toll is more than 70,000...most of them didn't know what was coming and thought it was funny.
This video in WMV format is only 782kb in size. Click the link below or copy and paste it. Please right click the link and choose save target as. Do not watch it online as I have limited bandwidth and I look forward to your opinion about what happened.
Ahhh the wonders of phone cameras ...still stupid people.
This post is also posted in my Funn Stuff.
December 29, 2004
Jet Li was at Maldives! Permanent link ▫ ▫
The reports I think said Maldives.
"the news said jet was hurt on leg for save his daughter --jane. when the tsunami broken out ,jet and his family stay the hotel neart to coast.
the billowy seawater rush to the hotel from far and is very terrible,and jet dash ahead regardless of his safety to save jane , so the furniture were shatter by the water ,and jet was hurt by it.
so lucky ,his harm is not very bad .
jet's family and friends are ok and safe. just the luggage were lost.
Scary, he's fine, I think his kung fu training must have something to do with his fast and swift action. Hope he recovers.
The Asian Tsunami Permanent link ▫ ▫
Right now the death toll is about 33,000 and half of that is from Sri Lanka. Malaysia alone is at about 50, maybe more as I think this is a conservative estimate. I saw CNN, BBC, read local newspapers and I was horrified by the pictures of the incoming waves.There were 2 actually. Reports said that there were violent tremors in the morning that even Jalan Tun Razak can feel. Amazingly there are casualties at Selangor and I wonder how... probably falling debris or something. But nobody took it seriously. Then in the afternoon the first wave hit and before people can run, the mega 2nd wave hit and carried people into the sea. Some lucky enough cling on to the trees and polls but children by the sea weren't lucky enough. Reportedly bodied were found along the coast lines of Tanzania! It was horrible and that was Penang alone. Langkawi wasn't hit that much, fisherman there almost went out to sea but didn't as the timing was not right. If not more would be dead. Local papers are organizing donations and I read Genting Berhad, very generously pledged RM1m. As at now, the fund is at around RM4m, lesser but could be more later. Malaysia will need to help ourselves first whilst those richer countries not affected might consider donating generously. Australia is considering setting up a warning system and generally everybody agreed that the govts of countries affected did not react fast enough simply because we do not have the system to detect tsunamis like the Pacific ocean. Some asked why can't warnings be given as one can certainly see a big wave approaching since it took some time before it hit our shores. Yes, but contact who? And this person contacted will contact who in return who will inform the public? The way Malaysia reacted to the Highland Tower tragedy years ago, I can say system may be perfect but execution will be a pointless exercise. It would be more useful to set up the system,place the responsibility of warning the public in the hands of a special dept who will deploy mobile warning systems, all within an hour or less. Better be paranoid than to be sorry. However I read one account where "Suddenly the hotel siren went off and people were blowing whistles. We could see waves appearing on the horizon. There was a lot of warning, about 10 minutes, before the tsunami hit the beach". I of course would have run after seeing a big wave coming from far away, but many pictures showed people just standing there, fixated.
Truth be told, we are not Japan. We have never seen tsunamis, never had earth quakes (except for occasional tremors felt by earthquakes near Indonesia), no tornadoes, no natural disasters except for floods and landslides caused by human carelessness rather than an act of God.
But this tsunami is an act of God. No amount of warning could have been enough. I am horrified by the death toll as it could be more. Malaysia is still counting. My heart is with the families who saw their loved ones dragged away by the current, the wave. I can't imagine the horror. I didn't take this seriously until today and I am ashamed to take the shocking tragedy so lightly.
Penang and many others have suffered much. Sri Lanka, India, Acheh, Thailand, even Somalia! It had to be really really bad. And all these right after Christmas. But I have read stories about survival and heroism, but there are many more about a whole family picnicking and suddenly 5 out of 6 members swept out to sea with the father watching helplessly. I wonder, is God trying to say something? What more can I say? It's true, they all say karma, fated, and I must say it is. One thing I noticed though, the descriptions were all the same (Penang at least) such as the waves looked like dolphines swimming in a pack, the 2nd wave was the killer and the waves were as high as a coconut tree.
I am preparing myself for tornadoes. The unimaginable had happened and after this, anything can happen.
I just hope the insurance will give compensation instead of rejecting claims since nobody in Malaysia would consider insuring against flood, more so tsunamis and earthquake. It simply never happened before. It is a matter of honour, business is not in the equation. These families who lost lives, properties and even cars need all the help they can get and this is not the time to pour over legal clauses. Give them just compensation, after all Malaysians are not heartless people.
Malaysia is now mentioned in every report. Finally the world knows where we are, but not like this, should never be like this.
Personally I do not have any close or mutual friends at the affected areas but I do know many who visits my website may be from these places. Friends at Penang, Langkawi and all affected areas, I hope this post will find you all safe and well. My condolences to the ones who lost their loved ones.
I wanted to wish everybody a happy new year. In light of this, I think it is better for me to wish that the year of the rooster will bring peace, harmony, good health and fortune to all of you, my fellow netizens.
SPCNET Forums Permanent link ▫ ▫
Is SPCNET Forums down? Can't access it. Anyone with the same problem as I?
December 28, 2004
I know Hindi! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was watching Koi Mil Gaya and suddenly I realised I know Hindi! A few anyway such as...
Spelling may not be accurate...
Dunia - world
Cuti - holiday
Naam - name
Tum - I think it means you
Mere - Me, I guess unless I mixed it up with Tum's meaning
Almari - cupboard
Paagal - insane/crazy (I think this is a masculine word)
Kuch - a little
Kushi - I think means happy
Gham - sad
More I will add soon.
FYI, if you know BM, you would recognise some of these words.
I know Hindi! Yeah!
Imagine a proper sentence.
Let's see and assuming the above is accurate...
"Tum, the paagal one being kushi is making mere kuch kuch gham!"
Hahaha ok lar,all wrong grammar I am sure but good effort. See if you know what I said! English as connecting phrases is acceptable since in more Indian movies their dialogue is like "YOU! blah blah blah GET OUT!"
Silly Drama Moment & Suggestions Please Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have to confess this silly drama moment of my life apart from the shock I am still feeling over the tsunami. Believe it or not, reports wrote that even dolphines and baracudas were washed ashore. One picture was where a boat was sitting right in the middle of Penang town and reported a woman's body was found miles and miles away from where she came from. 30m high waves....I would have panicked. Panicked big time and froze right there. Can't imagine the horror but can imagine the aftermath.
Anyway, my silly drama moment in light of what happened on Sunday seemed a bit juvenile.
I went only, automatic will click any of the SPCNET Forums thread I bookmarked, one of which is Zero (Ling Lou) and discovered SPCNET was down! I was like OH NO! THE TRAGEDY!!! NO PICTURES, NO SCENESHOTS, NOTHING!!! and then suddenly I remembered, even Wuchang had stayed glued to the TV on Monday night, there wouldn't be anything to click click because.... Zero is on from Tuesdays to Fridays!
There, my silly drama moment.
I want to ask though any expert in those video format conversion programmes, do you know one that converts Realmedia or realone media or RMVB or those files watched using Realplayer to maybe MPG or WMV? And more importantly, it must be freeware and a not so high tech one, just a simple conversion so that I can then edit it and convert it to WMV? I dislike Realplayer and its format. I could not understand why on Earth someone wants to encode it in RMVB but well what's done is done. Any such programmes, FREEWARE??
December 27, 2004
Not Just A Pretty Face Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just a question to those who know the answer. The actor who plays Kau Kau (Nardr's grandpa), who is he? I don't recall seeing in other series, maybe a host?
What da cha know ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re my post about that disaster ...
I suddenly realised I just came back from Penang, specifically Batu Ferringhi just a few weeks ago. Imagine if my family decided to go during Christmas ... I won't be blogging right now because I can't swim and I definitely don't think I can float with that 30m wave coming at me ...
Kung Fu Hustle & Breaking News Permanent link ▫ ▫
First, Kung Fu Hustle. Excellent movie, fine performances (but not all were good, and that girl who resembles both Chu Yan and Cecilia Cheung is so underused) and excellent imaginative over teh top but entirely believable and heart stopping kung fu. My favourite has got to be the one where the 3 best men (the true heroes in this movie) fought the two musicians. Wow is all I can say and this movie is EXTREMELY violent but must be so. Children below 18 take note ... I mean individuals below 18 take note; you're not allowed to watch this movie in Malaysian local cinema which is rated 18PL by the way and I was like... ok I went with my nephew (aged 14) and when I was collecting my tickets, this was the conversation I had with the ticket seller at GSC Megamall ...
Funn : 5 tickets please ....
Seller : Any children under 18?
Funn : Not sure yet, why?
Seller : Under 18 cannot watch, you will not get a refund for your ticket, but you can watch another movie ...
Funn : Why? I mean it is censored anyway ...
Seller : From the management, nothing I can do actually ...
Funn : any tickets to Polar Express?
Seller : Yes
Funn : Emmm....Polar Express can watch right? Not violent right?
Seller : (Laughing) No no no, can watch
So ended up 3 tickets to Kung Fu Hustle and zero for Polar Express because bad seats. Why why why ban the kids? I understood when I watched the movie but I think kids above 12 can handle the violence with parental guidance. Moreover most were cut ANYWAY so kinda defeat the purpose right. This basically means ...
Mr Stephen Chow, Mr Censorship Board in Malaysia who slaps an 18PL rating and Mr GSC Megamall's boss .... VCD peddlers of the pirate kind just made millions from those below 18 with spare cash to spare. Stupid ruling. Come one ... not like we are all gonna take an axe and start killing someone or pretending we are kung fu masters. BUT in America maybe not because kids there are generally gullible and that is a good nice kind wordto describe them. The other word starts with an S and ends with a P.
As for Breaking News ... horrible. I just found out there was an 8.9 earthquake near Sumatera right? And Tsunamis basically caused loads of havoc in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand (Phuket) and even Penang. Apparently Puchong felt the tremors at around 8 or so in the morning on Sunday. I didn't know. My mind was like poor fisherman...poor beach bums ... poor scuba divers....imagine this" Scuba diving and suddenly swept away! Death toll is more than 6000 already!
Lucky for KL, and west Malaysia because we got Sumatera to block the waves I guess. I mean what is wrong with Thailand anyway? So much unrest, somuch problems, they must go "da siu yan". Hopefully year of rooster will be better. I wonder is the Penang bridge ok?
Friends from Penang, Thailand and even Singapore, all ok??
December 25, 2004
ASTRO TV Awards & AR IV Permanent link ▫ ▫
There is this ASTRO TV Awards meant for Wah Lai Toi, ala TVB style. Some nominations are plain ridiculous but it is interesting to see how many stars beg for a nomination, ina good spirited way. Some nominations...
Because WAB has yet to be shown, so no nominations there. It's more like last year's TVB list.
There are Top 20 list (my favourite, Fong Nga Chai, I don't think Pang Sir is in it though Siu Sang is, and there's that dreaded Cheung Ping).
Most Memorable Villain
1. Sonija Kwok in PITNOL
2. Lau Kam Ling in PITNOL
3. Gigi Lai in that what was that series? Black Rainbow? With Ada? (I would vote her, she was memorable as a villain though over acted)
4. Lok Ying Kwan in Golden Faith
5. Sek Sau in Golden Faith
My prediction : Who knows? Probably Sonija.
My choice : Gigi Lai
Why this name's there at all huh? Sek Sau, the worst villain.
Most Memorable Kiss
1. Flora & Francis in TITS
2. Roger & Jess in Square Pegs
3. Gallen & Jess in Golden Faith
4. I think Annie & Chilam in Take My Word For it
5. Shirley & Ron in Find The Light
My prediction : Flora & Francis thus far is winning
My choice : Gallen & Jess, something real was going on between them
Why this name's there at all huh? Flora & Francis, for being the worst and ugliest kiss on screen & Shirley & Ron for being the most unrealistic peck on the forehead, though just a peck BUT really it is in Qing Dynasty, it is in the middle of the street and not even married couples back then would kiss in public. And I hate the sight of Shirley Yeung, the most maid-looking lead actress on TV. Why no worst performance? I would vote her.
Most Memorable Performance by a Lead Actor
1. Francis in TITS
2. Roger in Square Pegs
3. Bobby I think in AR IV
4. I think Kong Wah in KOYAT
5. can't remember
My prediction : Roger
My choice : If Bobby had been nominated for TMWFI, I would say Bobby but I do think Roger deserves another recognition/award
Most Memorable Scene
Debatable at best ...
1. that scene where Nick cries out for Maggie in Ups & Downs In The Sea Of Love (memorable yes for its scenery but very painful scene,Nick was very painful in his screams)
2. that scene where Roger cries when his cake fell to pieces and Jess was hiding somewhere looking at him almost crying
3. the scene where Jess tells Gallen that he can never I think be a guardian star to another girl as they parted ways in Golden Faith
4. I think the scene where Chilam and Annie were looking at fireflies and almost kissed in TMWFI
5. I can't remember,oh yes, the scene where Marco was crying and begging Joyce not to die when Joyce was lying in a brief coma after a difficult birth in AR IV
My prediction : I think Square Pegs is winning
My choice : None of the above. I have my own choices, which I believe is a more credible list because they involve memorable moments ...
1. Bobby walking into his family home, sulking and started to scold everybody, calling them garbage in TWMFI
2. the scene where Roger replied "Making love!" when asked by a teacher what he likes to do during his free time in Square Pegs
3. The confrontation scene between Raymond and Deric over Tavia in Golden Faith (this gets my vote for best acting moment)
4. the scene where Raymond tried to make Gallen suffer (in the board room) and Gallen looked at Raymond, wondering what went wrong with their relationship in Golden Faith
5. the scene where the camera focussed on Jess' expression when Anne told the court how she sacrificed for Gallen in Golden Faith (great scene)
and many more.
I am a bit surprised the scene where Charmaine and Steven supposedly die in PITNOL didn't make it into the list. It won't get my vote though.
MOst Favourite Performance by a lead actress
Sorry fans of Charmaine, no nomination for her, but Nancy Sit's in it. None of them I am particularly fond of. I thought kenix deserved a mention in TMWFI since that is the only series I really love watching her. BUT Joyce Tang for a nod for her performance in AR IV I thnk whilst Ada Choi got 2 or 3 nods in Most Favourite Characters, Bobby 2 nods. In fact in Lead Actor category, not even a mention of Bowie in Vigilante Force or even Tavia. What a list! Who compiled it??
Most Favourite Series
1. Square Pegs
3. Golden Faith
5. AR IV
My prediction : Square Pegs
My choice : Between Golden Faith (because of great performances, a bit sore Myolie wasn't mentioned in any of the categories) or TMWFI. My choice would be either one, both a great. Only if Vigilante Force was included, I would be in a very difficult position. Square Pegs is entertaining but compared to TMWFI, VF or even GF, sorry to say, I prefer these 3 over SP any day. But Roger rules. Unless they put in Not Just A Pretty Face, that would be so so difficult for me to choose.
Many more nominations and categories, just can't remember. I still cringe at the scene where Flora kisses Francis, ugliest kiss.
Is it me or is this series like a recycled plot, again and again and again? How many times must Siu Sang fall in and out of love? How many more bad luck, jinxes and bad karma must Sam Yuen and Ah Fong go through before they're spared from further pain and suffering? It's so tragic that it is becoming funny.
And this series could boast this; the most dialogue in any one scene, and all are nonsensical dialogue. I am so sick of watching Bobby running after a woman, that is Ada hoping to marry her. he has been doing that for the last 3 instalments, then there's Frankie Lam. I was told he's a nice guy and the way Ada changes boyfriends and Bobby changes girlfrriends in this series is like we change shirts. The only true couple is Joyce and Marco. But it is like I have seen them going through a lifetime in this series, from courtship to rape to marriage to death of a child to many many more bad luck. Why are the writers so cruel?I read Ah Fong will die or disappear (depending if there's going to be AR V). I hope no more sequels. I sat through 1 hour of pure torture so that I can watch Not just A Pretty face. Such a painful long winded series.So sick so sick so sick.
And I am confused.
How old was Siu Sang in AR I? Late 30s right? Maybe 40? In AR IV, Sam Yuen's daughter (that girl with that perpetual smile, annoying after a while and yes I remember her, she was tiny Charmaine in PITNOL) is like what? 12? 11? And they have been married for like 13 years? maybe known each other for 14 years? So Siu Sang should be near retirement now right??
Why can't they find a younger girl or cut the timeline? A bit unrealistic. I mean it is realistic for Fong and Sam Yuen but with Siu Sang in the picture, it is suddenly a twilight zone.
Poor Sam Yuen and Ah Fong. I really like Ah Fong, what a great husband, and I like to watch how Sam Yuen changed from a tomboy to a feminine mother. It's like watching these two grow old and all. But sometimes good things MUST end, and must end it QUICK before the viewers die of overdose. Sorry to say, Ada''s character, Wia Ying Chi is such a caricature.
Boring boring boring.
Give me Not Just A Pretty Face anytime. Absolutely love this series, hope it ends well. DON't TELL ME THE ENDING!!
Imagine this .. Leonardo, people always say LEO but only in HK they call NARDO. WHAT a name!
December 24, 2004
Happy Christmas! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Before I forget, HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone! Hope you enjoy your holidays, since in Malaysia we don't have that holiday as it falls on Saturday! Bahhhhhh humbug!
So how's the white Christmas? How are the chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Any jingle bells? Or could it all be a silent night? Rewatching that overly too long The Passion of the Christ or are you re-reading The Da Vinci Code, as your anti-xmas thesis? Or maybe The Last Temptation Of Jesus Christ?
Ahhhhh, Christmas, I was coerced into buying my little baby nephew a gift (a yoyo) and he shall have it tomorrow, all because this nephew of mine is destined to be a great satay seller. He sent me a card where he drew a female face and apparently he told my sister who told me that he drew a face representing me because I like to look pretty and I am pretty. Awwwwwwwwwwww ...... how can I not buy him a gift??? Ok, so a yoyo, so what?!
As for myself. like I wrote several days ago, I bought myself...
1. a fluffy dog in scotsman costume at that wonderful but expensive place;
2. a set of face spa thingy;
3. a whole new set of facial care products;
4. a teddy bear key chain.
Ok, yoyo seems a bit cheap eh?
But best x-mas present? Not X-mas yet but I managed to ...
1. buy Kung Fu Hustler tickets (Sunday)
2. Ahhhhhhh news on dear Shaun, any pictures, any news, would be great, so far got one today so very very happy
3. new reviews would be great but still waiting for you, right here waiting, for you!
Next week, I shall publish my new year resolutions ala Bridget Jones' style ...
Till thene, don't forget, you saw this message here first ...
Can't believe year of rooster is coming. Good for dragons or not?!??!
New mailing list for The DDGs? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am changing the look for Shaunsation, so right now it is a bit messy.
I am thinking of creating another mailing list strictly meant for The DDGs, which means everytime there is an update in any of the websites within The DDGs, an automatic notice will be sent to you, thanks to Blogger. Like my right now. Everytime I post something, automatic update sent to your mailbox which i am sure is quite a nuisance but very convenient. What do you think? Remain like this, so that you can go check The DDGs websites yourself for updates or create a new mailing list? Or should I just stop being so lazy and just post the updates in this very page?
I am going to create a new mailing list for The Storytellers, because that is a page by itself.
Do you guys always go to this main page to know updates or do you go to that specific website? Do you even bookmark a permanent link?
Do tell, answers are crucial to the further development and refinement of this website.
New review coming soon, MediaCorp's very mundane Looking For Stars.
December 22, 2004
Shaun Chen in Zero Permanent link ▫ ▫
Oooohhhh, a notice to all, so excited, finally something!
Thanks to November and her friend ...
"My frez's frez told me, SHaun acted as a reporter named Fan Zhi MIng in Zero, read U mag....
This character will be in the show soon(see U mag). And, there's also a day tat , channel U will shows 2 episodes in once go. which means instead of 30min, tat day ZERO will be one hour. (epi16 + epi 17), so dun miss... cos got Shaun in epi 16 too....hehehehe.
As for Ann Kwok 's fan, Ann acted as LIn Chun JIao, social worker.(according to U mag, both them were frezs in the show)
(Christmas present For Jadezgal) someone wrote a short article about SHaun in the forum page( go and buy, i wont tell u the details... hahaha)
... and there's a small part in the middle of the U mag, Shaun talked abt his Christmas wish...
but stil no Cover Page interview for him... and dun think will have... at the time likes this now....."
"15, 16 and 17. Cos i saw the name Fan Zhi Ming there... hope this time U mag tally with the show"
After Changing Lanes, I don't quite trust U Mag but this is good news! Anyone who has THAT U Mag, scan please and send it to me please ...
I hope to see screencaptures! I wonder who wrote what in the Forum about You Know Who?
Anyway, finally some signs of life in my man .... finally something exciting .... which is great for what is to be 2 horrible weeks for me because of all days Christmas and New Year have to fall on (and both public holidays) it had to be SATURDAY and I am not working on SATURDAY anyway and this is like ....bahhhhh-humbug!
December 21, 2004
Poor Tavia but worse ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Taken from TVSeriesSensation Yummy Yummy thread ...
"news thanks to tanya
translated Posted By: tiramisu
Last Friday on the 10th of December, there was filming for , they went to the streets to get the Scenery. Kevin Cheng, CHarmaine Sheh and Tavia Yeung were present. The scene talks of how Kevin and Tavia has to hold onto a tipsy Charmaine.
Seeing that the day was still early, there were a lot of people surrounding them on the streets staring at the actors, and pointing at them. The men had the most interest in Charmaine Sheh, when not talking of how beautiful she was, they were talking about how nice her body was. (Fit, whatever), as for Kevin Cheng, he was very popular with some (Si Lai)Ladies, Students, and Little girls. Whereas no one cared about Tavia, they had her seem like she was just an extra, afterwards, they also heard someone loudly asking their friend: [Whos that chick in the red top?] When Tavia heard this, her facial expression quickly changed, afterwards, throughout the whole filming, she didn't seem to happy(Canto Translate- Black mouth, Black Face) "
Poor Tavia but who can blame these ignorant people? Charmaine is more famous but you know maybe the men didn't know that was Charmaine, maybe they were just pointing and saying "ooohh hot bod" and to Kevin the women were saying "that guy is hot!". Note the missing names and all. You never know how accurate these news are. BUT Charmaine is more famous, most famous of the 4 no doubt. Tavia can take heart knowing she is on her way and guess what? I know her and many I know know her.
But what is worse?
Not even a whiff, not even a mention or even a note on the Singaporean counterparts. They don't exist at all! Well maybe except Ben Yeo and I was like who is he? Singaporeans know him though.
It's just so sad. I am not interested to know how huge is his hugeness Mr Lam or how beautiful body Charmaine is or how unknown is Tavia is or how tall Kevin is or how friendly Ben Yeo is. I want to know about You Know Who, I want to know about other people, the plot. I have a feeling Shaun's parts are all filmed, meaning he is just a wallpaper. Nothing else.
And that is the biggest tragedy of all. A complete waste of my energy to devote my time thinking what role he is doing when not even a word. Not one. That is simply not fair, to treat these stars in their own country like a pariah when I am sure if Charmaine was to film a series with MediaCorp, she will have top billing and she will be treated like a Queen when frankly her acting skills may not even compare to sayyyy Jacelyn Tay.
Very upset. TVB, treat your guests right. Again I don't see MediaWorks (though closed shop) looking after the interest of their stars since I have yet to see a report on Yummy Yummy in their papers and all. Such negativity.
December 19, 2004
Terimee Permanent link ▫ ▫
Oh my, near my house Terimee opened a branch there and there it was this HUGE GIGANTIC poster of Charmaine. It's the same one as below, but minus the wordings, in fact a more complete bigger version.
Newspaper everyday I see Charmaine as Terimee spokesperson and apparently they still haven't noticed the factual mistake; that Charmaine was never a Miss HK. Very interesting how facts are twisted. I quite like this picture below, because it's quite sensual and anyone seeing her small waist may be influenced to run to Terimee and sign up for the slimming programmes but we all know she always had small waist. What I don't like though are the ads with her in cheong sams. They are all so dark, too oily looking and Charmaine has this arrogant high and mighty look that just makes me want to look somewhere else. I like Marie France's ads, though really these places aren't here to help fat people slim down, they help slim people who doesn't need to slim down to slim down some more. Or rather helping slim people tone their body to more definition. I would however be more persuaded to join Joyce Cheng's slimming programme since she was really huge and slimmed down to such a pretty looking girl.
TVB Costumes: purely concidental? Permanent link ▫ ▫
aBc posted the following similarities in costumes (actually same costumes but different series, sometimes same person wearing it in two different series) at TVB Discussion Forum. It's very interesting and this person has sharp eyes. By the looks of some pictures, it would seem there is a gap between like 2-5 years for the same costume!
I doubt it is lack of budget, just convenience, recycling and of course how big the production may be. I remember Eddie Cheung in Love Is Beautiful wore the same costume Kong Wah wore in Lady Yang, who coincidentally may be considered the original costumes. I wonder do you see same costumes in modern series?

How old are they? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just wondering...I just read Patrick Tam is like 36, he looks good but he does look older ... anyone knows how old these people are and also more people that I may not have mentioned but have been around since forever?
Felix Wong
Annie Man
Ada Choi
Flora Chan
Bowie Lam
Marco Ngai
Joyce Tang
Joyce Koi (I swear she looks prettier each day and more feminine)
Jerry Lam
Chin Ka Lok
Lee San San
Michelle Ye
Shirley Yeung
Gregory Lee
Sonija Kwok
Deric Wan
Maggie Siu
Micheal Tse
Ron Ng
Bosco Wong
Yoyo Mung
Gallen Lo
Jessica Hester Hsuan
Frankie Lam
Roger Kwok
Kenix Kwok
Nick Cheung
Maggie Cheung Hor Yee
Lydia Shum
Liza Wang
Who else? Anyone famous, been around for some time, seen them all the time? Just curious. I guess I want to be surprised. Like I was shocked to discover Esther is 40 and Cecilia Cheung is I think mid 20s?
Notice Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I am not sure if you realised this but just in case ...
I have installed a new guestbook. The old one is still here but you can post in the new one as it has comments feature. Just look at the panel - thr top one navigation menu.
And as always, if you're posting anonymously in any page (here, Shaunsation, reviews) anywhere that has a Post a comment feature and a choice of posting ANONYMOUSLY, please please please post your name somewhere in your post, beginning or at the end.
New review Permanent link ▫ ▫
A very personal review written by me on TVB's Seed of Hope. I will add the link later in the section proper.
December 18, 2004
Information overload Permanent link ▫ ▫
When is an information too much?
Well like this ....
"Leading stars from TVB series "Yummy Yummy" Raymond Lam, Kevin Cheng and Charmaine Sheh were filming a scene where they had to climb a 70 ft rock face earlier on location at Tung Lung Island. Wearing the rock climbing equipment, Raymond showed off his 'lunch box' and everyone was shocked at its size. Having previously played 'castration games' with Raymond, Kevin was asked whether he had felt the urge to attack Raymond and Kevin laughed: "We daren't play any more, in case we can't have kids in the future!" Raymond also announced a truce, saying he would not attack Kevin: "I am afraid that we will lose the function if we keep playing it and can't even go to the toilet.""
[TVB News Roundup]
First there was this story about his bowel movements with the blood and all, and now this ... you can even see a picture of his hugeness at the link above ... really Mr Lam, I don't need to know all that. Too much! Too much!
The Ring Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have been looking for the Japanese version, but it seems that it is alll sold out!!
Anyway anyone seen both versions before?
Ok anyone seen the Naomi Watts version before? Is that her name?n Anyway I want to ask about the ending.
I saw the American version, the ending was she asked her son to push the tape into the video player, clicked record and then the end.
Someone told me the actual ending was she asked her son to push the tape into the recorder, then placed two TV facing each other and that girl climbed out from both TVs, fought herself and then die.
Which is the one? The first one or the 2nd one?
Bear Factory Permanent link ▫ ▫
I spent loads of money today but it was an experience that well... it was an experience.
I was at Debenhams at Berjaya Times Square, KL and I saw Bear Factory, the same one I saw on TV some time ago. They just opened a few months ago and for all those wondering what to give themselves or their girlfriends or their little nieces or nephews for Christmas, and if you can spend between RM130-00 to RM200-00, you must spend it at Bear Factory, because I just did, for myself. As Debenhams card member, you enjoy a 30% discount, non member a 10% discount.
Anyway the concept is simple and yet very personal.
You first select your animal (you have bunny, bear, dog, cat, tiger, hippo, almost everything), they're not stuffed with cotton yet and they're quite huge. Then the personnel there will stuff it for you. You can opt for fat, thin, slim, whatever, you can even ask the guy to stop, hug a bit and then stuff in some more.
Then you choose a voice box, those that they insert into your animal, you squeeze and there's the sound. For members of Debenhams, it is free, if non member, it's RM9-00 I think. You can have roar, bark, meow, snoring, happy birthday song, I Love You, even record your own voice with your personalized message.
Then they will give you a tiny red heart for you to make a wish and put it into your animal, then stitch it up.
Then you may opt to buy some clothings for your animal. The clothings are expensive but very very detailed and good quality. You have football costume, graduation costume, policemen costume, ballerina costume, t-shirts, jeans, shoes, hats, umbrellas, glassess ... verey expensive but my quote of RM130-00 is inclusive of clothings (minus shoes) and plus discount.
Then they dress that animal,you name him/her and they even give you a personalized birth cert. You have to go laminate it yourself though.
Then everything completed, with an option of RM5-00 (bad bad deal-spent so much at least they can give you this thing for free) you get a very very nice house-box.
Very ideal for a gift, and I bet give it to your young girlfriend with your personalized I love you message, believe me, you will get a very passionate kiss. It's sweet, it's personal and you have to spend loads of money and more than an hour to get it done. Imagine the time and all!!
I got myself one, because it's x-mas and it is for myself. It was interesting because I was the only one there so I got loads of attention from the staff. Embarrasing was suddenly given a red heart and asked to make a wish with some people looking on. I chose a few dress, asked that man to please dress my dog. Oh yes I chose a dog, a droppy eyed dog with big flappy ears which sayd I LOVE YOU to me and I dressed him (yes, him) in a scottish traditional costume (simply gorgeous) and I named him ...
Well the details as follows:-
FULL NAME : I wanted to name Harry after Harry Potter but after some thinking and with people looking on making me feel very embarrassed, I named my dog, SHAUN (you know after who lar and since it says I Love You, it's cute. My friend kept asking me to record a message and I was like eh it's for me ok?)
Date of Birth : 18.12.2004 (nice number)
Place of Birth : I wrote Hogwarts but the staff said it is set as Bear Factory Debenhams KL
Height : 40cm
Weight : 550gm (I was greedy so my Shaun is a big fat dog with a big tummy-the costume almost didn't fit!)
Fur color : Light Brown
Eye color : Brown Black
Belongs to : Funn Lim
That's the birth cert! My friend kept asking me to put two names in Belongs To. I asked,"Why?" Then she said "Well you don't want to be a single mother right?". Typical. Buying a dog for myself and it belonging to me alone doesn't show the fact that I am independant, I got spare cash (not really) and I choose my own dog, it simply means I am single and alone. Typical!
So what are you waiting for? If you have spare cash, have someone special who likes stuffed toys, and you really want to give them something special, why not take them to Bear Factory and let them make their choice? Or better yet buy one for yourself. At least when not very happy, there's Shaun saying I Love You to me. I know I know, very depressing isn't it but it's an experience. Try it!
There is a website you might like to visit :
Be prepared though; it's expensive. Better go get the membership first (free if you spent RM100-00 or RM10-00 for first year) before buying. Things like this should be made cheaper so that every child could go through an experience like this.
Simply delightful.
December 16, 2004
Kevin Cheng Permanent link ▫ ▫
Oooohhhh forgot to mention, I just watched this entertainment news and he was one of the I think 10 best dressed celebrity and he turned up in what I considered a horrific rainbow looking jacket but this man, being so devilishly good looking looks good in anything and everything but I dare not say nothing at all!!
His hairstyle is very short, the Yummy Yummy hairstyle (this series will get my vote as the series with the most good looking ensemble cast on TV thanks to 2 dashing looking men, one very character actor looking man, a few pretty actressess and hopefully gorgeous acting). I do feel he looks better with slightly longer hair but not messy like NJAPF type.
December 15, 2004
Interesting comments Permanent link ▫ ▫
Let me get this out of my chest first.
Kevin Cheng is sooooooo good looking in every series he's in, the one I am watching now is Not Just A Pretty Face and if only, IF ONLY he had a better hairstyle, he would have been my Greek God. Gorgeous man, perfect features, lovely voice, alas TOO SHORT. BUT he is one of those few HK actors that I can declare as sexy.
Anyway I wonder where can I download the themesong to Not Just A Pretty Face? Really love that song.
Ok I just stumbled into this website teeveebee and you must have a look at their mock awards and mock comments for posters. I disagree with the thing about Roger Kwok (he was very famous many many years ago but fame faded away after a while whilst Bobby is still hanging on because he is famous, pure and simple). I really agree with the comments on Shirley Yeung and of course Joe Ma.
TITS is showing soon and I mean the series, not the cleavage! Anyway I am looking forward to doing episodic thoughts on this one because frankly, truthfully, honestly, sincerely, without any fear or favour, biasness or simply "I don't care" attitude, I really dislike the trailers. I am sorry to say, Flora Chan looks way passe you know, and Joe Ma, Joeeeee Maaaaa ....
This is one actor I can't explain my sentiments about. He is very tall, he is good looking, he is hard working, he seems like a nice guy without any attitude problem, he is happily married, he has a son, he looks jolly happy and all, he can act in the most undemanding way, he stands out in small supporting role BUTTTTTT I just don't feel like watching him in a more important or perhaps a lead or secondary role. He bores me to death. I don't find him exciting, I don't find him interesting, I find him bland, boring, blahhhh you know. TVB is like heavily promoting a man who in my opinion does not have an ounce of leading man material. Looks wise yes but you see leading man is something to do with presence, charisma. He really has none of it. Why? What's wrong with him?
Compare that to Bowie or even Bobby. Not exactly Greek Gods but I love watching them. Bowie especially. He is a terrific actor but he has more than just acting chops, he has the ability to draw you into the character he plays and make you STARE.
Shaun Chen included by the way, and he is more because of the fact that he has a face with characters.
Ahhhh yes Joe Ma has a face as ordinary and undistinctive as any other good looking tall guy. Stare long enough and I am sure you will get my meaning.
Another example of a man with a face with character is of course Kevin Cheng, but his problem is he is not a terrific actor.
And for that I must say something about 2 people.
Seed of Hope is nearing the end now and I regret not following it closely. The most interesting quote from that series is "Even if you want to be a dog, at least try to be a loyal dog".
I wanted to talk about first Anne Heung.
If she had been a better actress her role in this series would have been a breakthrough role. But she has improved, tremendously but something alas is missing and I swear I will detail them in my review. Why I am writing this is because I don't want to spend time in my review showering her with praises for her bravery in taking the most disgusting bitchy roles (remember Love is Beautiful?) and play her best in it. Her Ally (or is it Annie? I think Ally) is really so horrible, such a horrible person. She looks the part (she is pretty in here), she stands the part, she stares the part but of course when she opens her mouth, there goes the part. But I must applaud her. I often find her career more fully developed in the sense of the characters she has played compared to that one person I always love to talk about whenever I mention Anne Heung that is Charmaine Sheh. But Charmaine is TVB princess, she can't be tpuch so I don't think I will see her in a truly evil role (HSDS not included, that was a fallacy, that was a mock role, that was a joke, the ending especially). In that respect I would like to praise Sonija Kwok also for taking the worse roles, making them even more unbearable because of her bad horrible non existent acting. Her method acting like Shirley Yeung is "Don't try, just do, when do, no need to try". These people will improve one day, but like I said before, from worse to mediocre. The awards recently were a celebration of mediocrity. Urghhhh
Next of course is Patrick Tam. My sister mentioned how come he talked and acted like someone who just lost his hearing because he was expecting the other person to finish their lines? And I learned that he is suffering from hereditary loss of hearing, a gradual process like Josephine Seow. My heart cried out for him. What a waste. He looks so good these days, having put on a bit of weight, his voice so soothing and I love his performance in Seed of Hope because his performance was against all that I had expected. In most scenes I knew for a fact any other actor will start screaming, crying, kicking, so emotional that it's like Qiong Yau revisited but not this man. Even in the worst moment his character Ah Lik would sit down or stand up calmly, but you know seething with anger and spoke in the gentlest of voice but threateningly. This is what I call supreme acting. This is David Caruso-ish, so sexy in my opinion.
Anyway, shall leave more comments in my review.
Last but not least, you're all so right. Roger Kwok is so bloody good in Not Just A Pretty Face. His Nardo, so disgusting and yet so lovable. I loved his hand gestures, especially when he was telling Pat that "Men love this (hands forming big breasts), but this (fingers pointing to his brain)!" Brilliant performance.
And how did that two Miss HK fared? How was Joey Yung?
Put it simply, Miriam Yeung would have been perfect as Pat but Joey .... well later...
December 14, 2004
Kung Fu Hustle Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am so looking forward to this movie. Luckly audiences at Toronto who got to watch it first. I wonder when it is opening? Some teaser posters ...
Amazing that it is Columbia who is tossing $20 million US into this movie, Sammo Hung quit as action director and replaced by a better one that is Yuen Wo Ping (both said no rifts but let's face it, Stephen Chow has always been well known as a perfectionist) and look at all the promo! So exciting!!
A short summary taken from IMDB ...
"Freaking fantastic., 15 September 2004
Author: jive-3 from toronto
Goodness me, what a fantastic movie. Caught the world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and the entire theater laughed until they cried. Amazingly directed, HILARIOUSLY funny, it blends a 1930s gangster stylishness into a Hong Kong kung fu movie to astonishing results. Who would've thought you could top Shaolin Soccer? Not me, until I saw this movie. Stephen Chow pulled it off. Chow's comedic timing gets better and better with every movie he makes, and while his films are depending more and more on CGI these days, and makes this movie much more a fantasy kung fu film than a traditional one, it hardly detracts from the enjoyable experience. Make it your mission to see this film - it will be one of the most entertaining you ever see. I can't remember the last film I enjoyed myself in more. My eyes still hurt from wiping away tears of laughter. Seriously. "
A not so good one ...
"A good film for Steven Chow fans, 14 September 2004
Author: emacs72
Only from Steven Chow do we get a martial arts / comedy with references to Shaw Brother films from the 70s, Bruce Lee, Ray Harryhausen, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, Matrix Reloaded and Spider-Man. The film is Kung Fu Hustle which had its world premiere at the 29th Toronto International Film Festival. The film opens in Japan on January 15, 2005 and will unspool in other countries thereafter.
The film centers around the exploits of a wannabe tough guy (Chow) who unwittingly gets involved in a conflict between the notorious Axe Gang and residents of a housing project. That's pretty much all the plot detail you need as the film is stuffed with wacky bits of slapstick humour and martial arts loosely choreography by Sammo Hung, Yuen Woo Ping and CG artisans.
I'll be the first to admit that I just do not "get" Steven Chow's brand of comedy. I did watch Shaolin Soccer for what seems like several years ago and found it to be just okay. The good news is that I enjoyed Kung Fu Hustle abit more but not by much. The audience around my friends and I, however, truly and absolutely loved the film. I sat there and perhaps chuckled a few times but found myself thinking about the magnificence that is the HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS which I saw a few days ago.
Despite my cool reception to Kung Fu Hustle, I have no doubt this film will be an enormous box-office smash in many parts of Asia. If you love Steven Chow films then Kung Fu Hustle will have you grinning well after the final credits scroll past the screen. "
Frankly Stephen Chow's recent movies are less "mo lei tau" and more slapstick humour and yet so much heart. I feel he is now making movies he really want to make. I saw some teasers and I thought they were fantastic. A Stephen Chow movie can only be truly enjoyed in its purest form; that is Cantonese. Those who can't understand the beauty of the comedy of words will definitely enjoy the slapstick humour or rather the funny scenes that are truly universal in its laughter; like in Shaolin Soccer, when that rival football captain witg glasses who looked so innocent and gentlemanly talking in a very gentlemanly manner and suddenly a screwdriver fell from his trousers!! Everybody laughed!!
I wonder when it is opening? So looking forward to it!! But I always felt Stephen's best work was with TVB, that series with Alex Man. Who can forget that scene where he was talking over a handphone! I have always been a fan of his, from his early days of TVB where he talked to the kids in a kids show like he's going to murder them to serious roles to small roles in movies (like the one where he played I think an informer next to an actor whose name is Danny something, he was brilliant there) to the times where he hit it big, from good, to great to bad to worse to great again. Love him! Glad that he has enough star power to get the gwailos to finance his movie!
December 13, 2004
Credits Permanent link ▫ ▫
I don't think I have ever given due credit to what is powering my website so I must do so now.
My whole main website, especially my reviews and Shaunsation is powered by Blogger. Shaunsation especially since I find it easier to just make one template there and voila, I can update my templates by a push of a button. But it has its limitations but thus far I am very pleased with the results. I also love my new layout so I think I will stick with it. Blue is not really my colour, lavender is but somehow blue looks so much nicer.
That Shout Box, I used to use Tagboard but now I am using a better one, My Shout Box which is cleaner and nicer looking with archive option and more options without me having to pay a single penny. A great deal if you ask me. I also love how it looks so well with my website.
Then of course I am using for my hosting, cheap, affordable and thus far very dependable except for that one time when my data all got deleted. Luckily Blogger saved the day, except for my older reviews.
My domain name is hosted by Registerfly which is cheap, and dependable BUt they have an issue with accepting credit cards from Malaysia but I blasted them of course.
I created the graphics by using Photoshop and I must thank Seagull since I recycled the old graphics she made. like the top one you see, the banner.
Also must mention for the nice scripts except that bookmark link doesn't work in Firefox.
Last but not least must mention mozilla firefox and thunderbird. Ever since my IE and my outlook went crazy I depended on these two for my surfing and emailing pleasure and thus far all is great great great.
And really the last last but not so least is of course you the visitors. Thanks for the breaking news, the discussions, the mails. I have been very slow I know in updating but really no no no time.
Will work harder.
But really no. 1 to thank is Blogger. But for Storytellers I am going to use Wordpress.
And I must thank Jaring, my ISP. Not cheap but not expensive, slow but good enough for me.
That's it!
By the way 2004 is going away soon. How fast time flies.
What's your resolution for 2005 or rather what did you do or did not do in 2004 that you wish to do or not do? Mine will be coming up later!!
By the way I am so looking forward to buy Girl Illustrated by Fann Wong. Don't ask me why!
December 11, 2004
My trip to Penang Permanent link ▫ ▫
I went to Penang for 6 days, 5 nights. Went there by car, 5 hours journey from KL plus traffic jam (my friend said 3 hours, she must be mad). Not much jam, though Penang itself was a hazardous journey because people there walk wherever and wheneever they please. Anyway reminded me of one funny observation. I went to Johor Bahru and the taxi guy was telling me my destination is not far but it is quite jam, about 15 minutes. I was laughing. In KL, anything near is almost an hour so to me 15 minutes is nothing.
I stayed at Mutiara Beach Resort. Before that I was staying at another hotel for one night and I was glad to get out of that hotel.
Anyway you may be surprised to hear 6 days 5 nights, because what can you do at Penang apart from eating and visiting temples? This is why I am writing this because I want to promote Penang a bit to those who may wish to visit Penang. Also those who are Penang-nites may wish to share the best places to go and the best food to eat in this post.
Eat, Eat, Eat
Frankly I always thought whatever I can find in Penang I can find in KL. And Penang food is expensive. Surprise surprise, the food (like mee) are reasonable, some as low as RM2-00, some of course about the standard rate of RM3-00 to RM3-50. I wanted to eat at Gurney Drive (Persiaran Gurney) but my family said "nooooooo! traffic jam! no place to park!". Guess what? We went there the night before we leave and it was raining and so plenty of places to park. Food are expensive here and frankly not that fantastic. What was surprising though are those small shops or hawker stalls at the kampung areas near Mutiara Beach Resort. Resonably priced, the food were nice. I do know near Kek Lok Si Temple there is a Assam Laksa hawker stall which served the best Assam Laksa but some might consider the big drain next to it a bit put off-ish which was why my family refused to eat there. We ate at a restaurant called The End Of The World, which was expensive but the seafood was quite alright. The fried sotong was the best though. We ate nasi kandar (nothing fantastic, maybe chose the wrong stall) as well as western food at The Ship (nothing fantastic, service was horrible, I had to ask THREE times for my cup of plain water and I was extremely annoyed since I had to ask more than twice). The best deal was at Pepper Corn, next to McDonald's at the Gurney Drive where you'll find western food (like mushroom soup, main course where you can choose from over a dozen interesting dish, soft drink/coffee/tea & one scope of ice cream ALL FOR RM10-00. The best deal for me. But my best meal was at that Nyonya Restaurant at that I think Gurney Plaza. The decor was excellent, the food was beyond excellent, the price too excellent (get the RM60-00 package deal, worth it) but the service not so excellent because family business. I liked to be served in the sense I don't need to wait to be seated when there are dozens of seats, my quota of asking for a cup of plain water is twice, anything above that I tend to be very bitchy. I learn a hard lesson when eating in an expensive looking restaurant with bad service; you have got to be bitchy to get things done. I hated that but no choice.
I enjoyed my stay at Mutiara Beach Resort. I didn't pay for the room but according to my sister who paid for it, it was a good package deal. There are so many things to do there, like swimming. I notice gwailos can really swim. Once there they swim everyday. There was this lady who was sun bathing under the really blazing hot sun (it was very very hot that day, I could sweat without moving, luckily I had my portable hand held fan) next to the swimming pool. Right under the sun. I was going to the beach, when I came back an hour later she was still in the same position. I, having lived in Malaysia all my life under blazing hot sun were relaxing below a coconut tree, the sun didn't shine directly on me BUT I could feel the heat, so much so I had to leave after an hour because I was burning up (which explains why I was sick upon my return). Whilst the cold breeze was all too much. It was like burning but very breezy.
I spent most of my times playing ping pong with my nephew, sleeping under the coconut tree on the beach, jacuzzi, steam bath, and I can't remember what's that terms similar to steam bath but of the dry type .. just can't remember. And I complain a lot about the heat and watch loads of TV. For the first time stuck with no Wah Lai Toi, I watched local channels and realised I was really too bored so again went out for YESSSS SAUNA!! SUANA! How can I forget that word. But it was embarrassing though, having to wear swimsuit and walk everywhere.
Then there's shopping, which was a very expensive activity. FRankly nothing much to buy. After you buy something, next thing you found another store and that same thing is much much cheaper.
Visit Interesting Places
I hate Butterfly Farm because I hate Butterflies. There's no Crocodile Farm, no marine parks, no nothing but temples. I visited the Burmese Temple and I found the entire place cooling and very peaceful. I always liked places of religion, very nice surroundings.
But I visited this time 2 very interesting places which I hope any tourist wishing to visit Penang might consider going.
The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion
Situated at the heart of George Town, it opens daily and you have to pay RM10-00. Expensive but definitely worth it all. If you just go there and look around, it is not aw insipiring. You have to take the tour, daily 11 am or 3pm, presented by I believe the curator of the place, a lady who is as passionate about the house as the restorers and the man who had it built. It is actually a chinse style mansion, built somewhere in the late 1800. You can visit the website to know more. It is indigo blue in colour because it was the most popular colour back then. This was during an era where European style of houses were the in thing but the man Cheong Fatt Tze, probably one of the most celebrated Kapitans, one of China's last Mandarins and 1st capitalists wanted something old. But he also adopted new stuff, that made it look Chinese but with European influences. You can even find Joseph and Mary on a donkey in one of the cut and paste art. But this man wasn't a Christian for sure. The house is nothing much, it looked small on the outside but inside, it had 38 rooms, 5 courtyards, 7 staircases and 220 windows. What was interesting was the history of the house.
The lady explained that this house was feng shui perfection and it was this aspect that I was most in awe with. Let her explain and you will know why. Sad thing is even with all the feng shu, wealth did not last long.
Another interesting thing is the man himself.
Cheong Fatt Tze was from Guandong, had little education and was very poor. He left China at the age of 16, arrived here and worked his way up. His philosophy in life and in business was; "Anything the people want, I will provide" and he made his money from various businesses, I was told it ranges from winery to transport. The lady explained a story, when he was in his late 70s. He was on his way to negotiate some important business conferences (armed with $3 million of personal wealth, this man was very very rich) and he asked a friend to book 3 first class tickets on some luxury liner. The man only got to buy one first class for the German individual whilst Cheong and his friend I think was in 3rd or 2nd class. Cheong was furious and demanded for a first class, but was rejected. So he asked his assistant to check in Europe what's the price of buying the same luxury liner, when he failed, he printed a whole newspaper ad in all major papers and wrote he intended to open his own luxury liner for Chinese only with tickets at half the price. I think it was for Chinese only. Anyway the next thing the same luxury liner quickly gave first class free tickets to Cheong but Cheong will only accept if the company open up the first class tickets to everybody. He eventually went on the ship so I assume the company accepted his condition!
But the most interesting is his personal life. He had officially 8 wives, the 7th who was 50 years his junior was his favourite, which was why he spent a lot of time in Penang because wife 3, 5 and especially 7 were there. He made his first riches when he married his employer's daughter (the 1st wife) and her father gave him $200-00 to start his own business. Anyway, he died unexpectedly whilst on his way to that important business convention at the afe of I think 75 or 76, where the Dutch and British ordered flags be flown at hald mast throughout their colonies in 1916. He had many houses, all similiar in Indonesia, China and of course his most elaborate was this mansion in Penang. When he died he left a will, a very interesting one where he wanted to keep the riches of his family within his family.
He deliberately built a Chinese styled mansion so that his children will not be able to sell it as no market. He wrote that no one was allowed to divide between his assets until the youngest child, a son dies. Guess how old was the son when he died? The son was barely 2! And he died some 70 years later! By then the house was in poor condition because a man of such vision failed to take into account inflation so the I thnk yearly or monthly $200-00 for upkeeping of the house was not enough. His daugther in law rented out the rooms and nobody cared to take care of the house, which in effect preserved some of the gold stains in the wall. I don't what you call them. The family sold anything they can sell as the Cheong's 2nd generation lived mainly in poverty I was informed. Anyway the house as acquired by some local residences, one of whom an architect who didn't want to see this house demolished. It was in such a bad state, and it took several years to rebuild some sections, replace a whole load of stuff. Now it is a museum cum B&B. The conservation effort won the UNESCO Conservation Award 2000 and National Architecture Award for Conservation 1995.
Frankly I do think the house is still under renovation and recontruction. You will see some old cheong sams (the women were really tiny then but such luxury!), old photos and many old styled stuff. One interesting story. In front of the main gate there used to be two lions, those you see in those TVB series. One of the sons or grandsons took them back to Australia and he mysteriously died not long after. People, never ever take or place a lion in front of you house unless you have the power to subdue it, like Cheong Fatt Tze had.
Anyway, very interesting tour. Nothing much to see actually, just the tiny tiny details and that woman's enthusiasm was really the cherry on the top. I learned so much Feng Shui. Do go and see it. I never knew Malaysia has such a beautiful architecture rich in history. I certainly never heard about this man in my text book. In fact not even on Yap Ah Loy!
This mansion was certainly very comfortable. It reminded me of my old grandpa's house, smaller of course but same idea.
Enquiries : 14 Leith Street, 10200 Penang, Malaysia
Email :
Wesbite :
The Museum
It should be renamed as The Cultural Museum because it is actually more on the people who made and lived in Penang than what's in Penang. RM1-00 per person, it is a great great deal. It is small, some sections still under constructions but it was so beautifully and carefully arranged, the curator must be someone who love his job very much. It has several sections, all on the people of Penang. From Chinese, to Nyonyas, to Malays, to Indians, to Japanese, Armenians, the judges and of course Francis Light, the founder of Penang, it was a learning experience. I enjoyed the most about the cultural stuff where you can use the computer and watch puppet shows, listen to local poems, and more but that section was still under construction. The place is also very clean.
Unlike our KL Museum which showcases durian in one of the sections and not very organised for such a big place, this Penang museum reminded me of my visit to Taiping Zoo; I was expecting the least of things and ended up leaving with so much knowledge. I love the fact that the museum is a tribute to the people of Penang, no race issues whatsoever. Kudos to the staff!! In fact we had an impromptu guided tour by the security guard who was explaining to us the difference between a god cart and a horse cart as well as a beca!
It is within walking distance of Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion and definitely a must visit.
I left Penang a very sick woman actually but I enjoyed my stay at Mutiara Beach Resort (beautiful room, but the pillows not very comfortable, amazing bathroom, but the hair dryer was so old style I doubt I can style my hair in an hour, maybe in 3 hours) and visited two very fascinating places. Do give these two places a try. Penang isn't all about food, temples and beaches.
December 10, 2004
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Just updated Shuansation and then I read Shaun may get a part time contract. WHAT IS THIS MAN?!
December 09, 2004
Last post for Friday - A Letter to Shaun Chen Hongyu Permanent link ▫ ▫
I wanted to post something about Penang but re my post below, plus me being terribly sick with fever, flu and sore throat and more so fever fuelled by that stupid MediaCorp refusing to give dear Shaun a contract and all Yummy Yummy news centred on Ben Yeo (and everybody else doesn't exist), I feel extremely nauseous (literally).
So I won't be posting anything for Friday. I feel so disheartened by MediaCorp's arbitrary decision to let go of one of Singapore/Malaysia's most exciting newcomer that I feel that an injustice has been perpertrated here. I am just to depressed to think, also because my flu medication is kicking in.
I just want to tell Shaun (Chen Hongyu) and all his fans...
Dear Shaun,
I really believe there is always a way if you're talented and you have that x-factor. Don't come back to Malaysia unless for acting assignments.Go prove MediaCorp wrong and all you dissenters out there that they're so terribly wrong. Talent can never be sudued, more so good looking charismatic talent. There is always a way, just persevere and I am right here right next to you.
Shaun, don't cry. Life begins by rejection. It is through this rejection that perhaps you will find your silver lining out there. The world isn't mediacorp's alone.
Hope to see more of you!
your no. 1 fan and supporter, Funn Lim
MediaCorp : If Only ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
If only they really consider the pros and cons... After a week of holiday at Penang and now back again at KL with fever, sore throat and flu, I read the distressing news by Wuchang that MediaCorp is not offering Shaun a contract. My only comfort is not knowing whether they did not offer or they did offer but Shaun rejected. If the latter, perhaps Shaun had bigger plans, if former, I can only conclude MediaCorp is darn blind, stupid and deaf. How can they ignore this man? So they can promote who? Qi Yuwu, that Ah Beng? I am so angry at their ignorance of me, and all Shaun's loyal fans.
Hopefully Shuan has bigger fish to fry ELSEWHERE.
Oh please, fans of Shaun, when Yummy Yummy is released,please bombard the K-100 board with glowing remarks of Shaun, irrespective whether he was really good or not. This man needs out support.
December 03, 2004
Not Just A Pretty Face Permanent link ▫ ▫
I must admit episode 1 was darn funny and yet so sad. A pity she had to be pretty so soon because I enjoyed her misery. BUT Roger Kwok was the KING. He was just so funny and such a bastard especially when he said to Joey ... "This (company) is not a pic farm for pork chops". Only he can deliver that insult with such style. i think i will enjoy this series BUT I will be missing some episodes.
I saw also trailers for Armed Reaction IV, like lots of them but I am seriously not interested because I am sick of watching how much more the writer can torture poor Sam Yuen (she was raped, had one of her son died, stalked by her rapist, almost went through a divorce) whilst Siu Sang is forever in love troubles. BORING!
Announcement Permanent link ▫ ▫
I actually thought I can post 10 reviews tonight for my Taiwan/China section, all old reviews and I ended up spending AN HOUR on just ONE review, just to beutify it. So fed up!
Anyway it is Bloody Pearls. I enjoyed reading my old reviews. So long and yet quite alright.
I have previously posted Wing of Desire and Take My Word For It.
I will add the links in the proper sections later.
Iwill also add some nice pictures and song files for some taiwanese series later. I never knew over the years I have amassed so many pictures of Yue Ling and also Qiu Xinzhi. Ahh the good old days.
December 02, 2004
Strange name for a fansite Permanent link ▫ ▫
I often thought Shuansation sounded cheeky and not many understood what The DDGs mean. I have stumbled into this website a long time ago and glad to have found it again and it attracting quite a lot of traffic. It is clearly a Charmaine Sheh fansite, but the name bothers me.
The Opportunistic Charmaine Sheh International Fanclub
Opportunistic is the word that bothers me. Is the creator aware what does it mean? Let me define it ...
"Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit"
And this is from my WordWeb. It is a negative word, it basically means Charmaine is .. well you can guess. Is the creator innately agreeing with the meaning ? I think the creator actually wanted something else that kinda means opportunistic, maybe lucky, maybe some other word.
I think I stated the same thing many many months ago and I find it very funny that the name is still here. This is not a positive name. It really is saying something bad about Charmaine. Why not sophisticated? Why not talented? Why not gorgeous? Why not beautiful? Why not splendid?
And imagine the acronym .. TOCSIFC
Luckily it is not day club because if not it is TOCSIDC (which sounds like tok-sid). Go figure what it sounds like.
It is not my position to comment on the title of a website but clearly the creator did not mean what he/she meant ...
Ohhh last I read inside, the webmaster dropped the word opportunistic but that word is still there! Some suggestions this webmaster asked and I wonder...maybe you can help this poor soul?
Let me see, he/she wants the ISTIC in there so let's see.
The OPTIMISTIC Charmaine Sheh Internation Fan Club
(since she is optimistic person and her fans are over optimistic in thinking she can win that award won undeservingly by Gigi Lai)
The ARTISTIC Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
(well she knows ballet,that counts as artistic)
The ALTRUISTIC Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
Altrustic means "Showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others". Since Charmaine to them is an angel, maybe. Despite the fact of course I have yet to see her do any charity work. In fact Anne Heung does more.
The ENTHUSIASTIC Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
Sounds nice right? I am sure she takes up each role with a glee, since nowadays she seems to shout her lines which means she is very excited ...
The ENERGETIC Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
Despite the fact she is half the woman she was (she is thin, admit it) but she still has energy.
Oh GOD! Why not just drop the istic and just say ...
The FANTASTIC Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
Ok, another istic. Ermmm maybe maybe
The Electric Charmaine Sheh International Fan Ckub
The Eccentric Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club
Moving away from istic, I think ASTOUNDING sounds good, BUBBLY sounds more apt, TALENTED may be a bit too much but it suits the feel of the fansite, PRETTY sure describes her, SENSATIONAL is the basis of my Shaunsation, ELEGANT sounds like her, SOPHISTICATED is quite nice ...
What more can you think of with the istic?
Why not use the name Sheh Sze Man as the title?
What about The Shehszetional Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club? Cheesy?
I heard Tossing Ran Turning Cloud became Lethal Weapons in Love & Power or something like that. Nothing could be worse.
What about The Shehphisticated Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club?
Ok, ok, I will stop now. But it's fun thinking of names ...
My The DDGs will feature Charmaine Sheh and my title is the one I used before, not that I am blowing my own trumpet but I really love this name.
Kinda explains how I feel about Charmaine. She does have charm.
OHHHHH why not the The CHARMING Charmaine Sheh .International Fan Club?
Ok, maybe not. There can only be one Charming and it is in my title already..
I hope the creator doesn't read this
Most anticipated movie of 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Last one ...
Kung Fu Hustle
I saw the trailer, Stephen Chow was brilliantly funny, though he still looked like a drug addict/alcoholic. What is wrong with him??
Be sure to catch this movie, in Cantonese. Translations will only kill the jokes!
I must say ever since King of Comedy, Stephen's movies have been very well acted, very good plots and have plenty of heart. I hope this will be a super duper mega smash hit.
December 01, 2004
Fan made files (Shaunsation) Permanent link ▫ ▫
This is meant for Shaunsation but Blogger is down for the moment.
Anyway November has been very gracious and accomodating by uploading all this original fan made files (from stills of Shaun in Changing Lanes taken by Wuchang), you could see the watered down version in my website's Downloads. But the ones where she posted in my Streamload account are the originals, with a whopping 7MB to 8MB per file. I am still downloading but I was told the files were brilliantly made. I had troubles downloading from those sendit emails type of thingy.
So if you're interested, download them one by one at
Username : funnlim
password : point2e123
Look for the files, click Download and you can then download the files. BUt because this is a free account, make sure you download the big files one by one.
An explanation ...
yxr1_004.wmv : I think this is the original version of the Yi Xin Ren stills you where you can download the watered down version in my website.
shaunonly.wmv : this is the watered down version of still involving Shaun with I heard a great song.
shaunonly_0002.wmv : the original version of shaunonly.wmv.
The files are huge. Anyway never knew Streamload was so wonderful, should have uploaded all my files there. The links above will be added into Downloads in Shaunsation later, where I'll upload shuanonly.wmv into my website, but I can't do that for the bigger files, because eat up space.
PLEASE after downloading do not delete the files. Let them be there. You know if you have any Shaun related media files to share, why not upload them at this streamload account?
The password will not be changed until further notice for the time being.
Thanks November, I was getting desperate. My stupid comp.