April 30, 2006
TEST : What's Your True Color? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sehseh sent me an email informing me of this test called What's Your True Color test. The questions are not easy to answer but very interesting stuff. I answered all 19 of them and my results was well, hardly surprising:-
Funn, your true color is Black!
The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them — your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness —trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.
You all know my profession so literally I am wearing this color. But the description is something I wish it to be accurate. How great would that be eh?
Then Sehseh did ask me whether I have ever asked my friends what color do they see as. I never did. That very night I asked my sisters, both answered yellow without any specific reason. Maybe I was jaundiced that night, who knows.
So what's you true color? You can see my results as well at the end of your test which you must register before you can participate in it. Do use Post A Comment and tell me your color.
April 27, 2006
So are all female divorcess itchy? Permanent link ▫ ▫
The Malaysian newspaper, The MAlay Mail today screamed in its headline (frontpage) where an opposition part member said all divorcess (I assume women) are "gatal", which can be loosely translated as horny/slutty. I haven't read the contents yet but I sure will update this post. But basically he says female divorcess are horny. Of course this angered many women-folk. He is of course a Muslim man permitted to marry 4 wives. What does that make him then? My colleague asked me with tinted sarcasm "Who are we then?". You all know I am a lawyer, and I do take on family law cases, including divorce cases. I laughingly said "Well we help scratch them I guess!!".
You see gatal in Malay can also means itchy in English!
I wonder why a party trying so hard to make themselves more appealing could once in a while make themselves into such chauvinistic jerks? No wonder more and more women rather be lesbians I guess with men like these.
Will post more after I have read his comments cover to cover.
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
I finally found my Band of Brothers review which was written way back in 2001! I know that Malaysia's new TV channel, Channel 9 is going to or may be showing it already on TV so I thought reposting my review is apt. The thing is this review is part review, part episodic thoughts and has quote a lot of info like pictures, articles and etc. So I kinda gave it 3 indicators which can be confusing but I doubt anyone here check out the indicators anyway. So for my own personal identification only. Warning! Spoilers total and complete so don't read if you want to watch this series.
Ermm you're asking which series I am talking about? 2001 HBO's 10 part miniseries produced by Tom Hanks and Dreamworks SKG which is really a good series overall. Do have a read because it is based on true historical accounts. The series is listed under Reviews > Other Serials.
I regret not doing a similar page for HBO's Rome. If I do it now, may be a bit too late since I can't remember much.
Oh yeah! Saturday I am going to watch Taepung aka Typhoon! Yippee!!
AI 5 : 6 to 5 + results Permanent link ▫ ▫
NOTE When downloading songs, for IE users, RIGHT CLICK the link and choose Save Target As and for Firefox users LEFT CLICK the link and choose to download the song. Or copy and paste the URL to your download managers. If the link doesn't work, the URL is always the correct and accurate. Do not listen to the songs online.
Tonight's mentor was David Foster and Andrea Bocelli and tonight's comments were brutal to the core. Theme was Classic Love Songs and I wonder what kinda of song list they had because the choices were most mediocre.
One lesson to all aspiring singers. Never ever sing the songs by Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston (especially Whitney Houston who when she was drugged could still outsing everyone) and Celine Dion.
Katharine forgot about that and attempted Whitney Houston to screaming results. It was horrible. Imagine her singing "I have nothing..nothing..nothingggggggggg" and she was smilllllllliiiiinggggggg all the way, that same self assured almost pompous kinda smile that is beginning to irritate me big time. The judges were unanimous and brutal; saying she ain't not Whitney. Well who is anyway? I must say though, even with her cleavage for the world to see and even if she has a nice voice and even if she can scream and scream her notes, this woman sings without an ounce of emotion and dared to smile when singing a not so happy love song. It is overconfidence that irriates me or maybe she simply didn't know what she was singing about.
Paris fared better singing an old Barbra Streisand song BUT again smiling all the way. She is too young for this worldly song and she sang it not as badly as Katharine did but in my opinion badly sung anyway. She simply didn't have a feel for that song and I think it was Simon who said before he was cut abruptly that she was singing like a robot. I think he was saying her. Apt description. Or was it for Kellie? Anyway Paris didn't have good comments either.
Kellie was THE WORST. She was so bad during that week where I said she should be kicked out, this week she must be kicked out. Unchained Melody is already a very dreadful song that I simply hated even during Ghost time BUT the original singers to their credit sang it well BUT Kellie was like stoned man! She sang and sang and the song felt non-stop, like it was going forever and ever and ever and that it wasn't going to end. I like Kellie, I find her cute and likeable. Even the blind singer could guess her hair colour. But her singing was boring and awful. Simply awful.
Chris Daughtry finished last and my my my, so bloody unfair. He had two, TWO accoustic guitars acompanying his spanish themed Bryan Adams hit song Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman but I remembered how Bryan Adams reworked the classic and coincidentally and no surprise Chris sang the reworked version. He had fire background, he had dim lights with soft spotlight gently focussing on his face and he had a nice suit on. Now let's see what Taylor had. A nicer haircut but god awful suit BUT one single spotlight. Quite ok to mesmerising effect. Elliott had the best suit on but NO spotlights, no dimlights, no special effects and certainly no accoustis whatever. He had only his voice. I shall comment more later. Anyway Chris sang just like Bryan Adams did only towards the end it became rocker-ish BUT it was like Bryan Adams on drugs. Did he sang well? Yes but ciplak man sang it like another singer and I realise when he sang like another singer sings it, only was he interesting. Remember how bland he was for the last few weeks? Maybe I am prejudiced against him but how can I not? Even with spotlights he had special treatment and I find it so unfair. His singing is mediocre in my opinion and I want him OUT!
Let's go to Elliott, the best vocal tonight, breaming with confidence not quite often seen. He often looked overwhelmed. I can't remember the title to his song but he chose a difficult song with highs and lows to it. Foster was very strict with him, condemning him but he did make him sing better in a way. For once Elliott looked like he had a wardrobe upgrade and he looked handsome. Truly and honest! He was so handsome I had to rub my eyes and see if that was really Elliott! Best suit, like Ryan Seacrest. And his singing was just fantastic. He sang it loud today and sang it his way. I didn't like the song but I certainly love Elliott Yamin. My only regret is it is so difficult to find MP3 versions of his singing! I would loved to hear the highs and lows, ups and downs of his singing. This man is born to sing BUT I just wish he had Taylor's stage presence and emotions when singing whilst I wish Taylor had his range. If that is so, believe me that is a clearcut American Idol, no matter how he looked. Please please vote for Elliott. He should be in the final 2, not THAT pretender ciplak man who is bland when he is him and unoriginal when singing like others. I must mention Elliott continously surprised me each week with his not so easy song choices and the fact that he continues to improve on getting the feelings right whilst his technique as a singer is actually the most superior amongst them all. He is a star in the making.
By the way a must download this following song. He sounds even great in MP3 and he does sound like a black guy singing soul eh? If you know where I can download all his other songs in MP3 version, do use Post A Comment.
>> DOWNLOAD ELLIOTT YAMIN'S VERSION URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_ey_asongforyou.mp3
Last but not least, handsome Taylor Hicks with the worst suit tonight. I think he sang Just Once by James Ingram. I didn't quite like that song, never really liked love songs anyway. And yes Taylor was bland at first, sometimes off key unlike Elliott's near perfect performance but he gave it his all and in the end made the song his own. I hated how the judges dissed him, forgetting that for a love song to work, there must be emotions infused into the song. Even Elliott couldn't do that as he is the best technical singer but the best soul-laden singer? It has to be Taylor whose performance and his interpretation of the song was full of emotions and just the right amount of class to it. It was in the end I think Taylor did amazingly well though not his best. So proud of him. I just wished the judges gave constructive comments on what's good than just to diss. I must say Taylor hardly improved nor de-proved. He did not have to do that to prove himself and Foster was right when he said Taylor would make it in the singing world because he has charisma. Hear that Daughtry?! Charisma! This man can sing anything and I will listen to them all!
>> DOWNLOAD TAYLOR'S VERSION URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_th_justonce.mp3
Do listen to the original, quite a bland song anyway.
>> DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL VERSION URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_ori_justonce.mp3
Note : All MP3 above taken from Gray Charles.
I find it disgusting that Chris had to do so little to get such great reviews. Taylor had to do more and Elliott did so much and tonight got his best reviews simply because he did the best and did his best and did so bloody well. Disgusting! I actually thought David Foster may be a good coach in a way but his arrangements are awful you know. Not good at all. Andrea had nothing to offer actually.
What's up with Paula anyway? She looked over emotional (even cried when Elliott finished singing) and her description as bizarre as ever. Was she drunk during the show?
Anyway my prediction. I believe the bottom 3 will be all female and either Katharine or Kellie will go home. I believe and I would say Kellie but frankly it could be Katharine. Surprise me people. Get Chris to the bottom 3. I think Elliott would not sooner win AI than Chris getting booted this week. A pity.
RESULTS Ahhhhh! Kellie Pickler's pickers un-picketh Pickler! Someone even dared prodicted it could be Taylor Hicks! How dare he this this this dastardly short sighted reviewer? How dare thee!
April 26, 2006
TVB Journey To The West & Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
Has anyone ever seen a DVD version of TVB's Journey To The West where you know hopefully all episodes in one DVD? So far I have only seen VCDs in two box sets that are overpriced. Details anyone?
Anyway added point 12, 13 and a verdict in my The Last Breakthrough opinion and I have added the link in TVB section.
April 25, 2006
The original twilight zone series & Shaun Chen Permanent link ▫ ▫
Very happy to know he's back.
April 23, 2006
Nose jobs at TVB Permanent link ▫ ▫
I never knew so many well known TVB actors have had nose jobs! I mean teeth done is a given thing. Either sharp teeths and yellow ones or impossibly white teeth that are capped (like Christian Bale who had to do it when he filmed American Psycho).Jayne recently wrote an article on the ones who may or may not have had their noses ermmm...done. I know for sure some did but to read Raymond Lam had his nose done was shocking. The pictures proven it, and Kenix Kwok, Anne Heung too! I never knew. All of the nose jobs are very subtle and enhance their looks unlike their western counterpart who kinda made it obvious. Most shocking was Joyce Tang! I watched Old Time Buddies, really old series but I never noticed any difference with her nose. Maybe it was just make up? I couldn't believe Joyce Tang had nose job. The picture posted by Jayne as proof was from "Heavenly Sword Dragon Sabre" (Lawrence Ng version) but I think Old Time Buddies is a much older series? She was a newcomer then and if someone can get that picture, like full face, maybe we will know for sure.
Now back to Raymond and his nose job. No wonder after some time I thought he looked a bit different. A nose job can change your face overall, and will change it for for the better if done well. Of course not as drastic as the Korean counterpart who practically changed their entire face. Nice job Raymond. Never knew China had such good rhinoplasty (that's a nose job term to us laymen) surgeons. I remember watching a documentary that they even have nose jobs during LUNCH TIME! BUT for Raymond it must be after the filming of Twin of Brothers because after having any plastic surgery, your face will swell up for a few days. I don't think the producer will allow that!
Now tell me, is there any actors in TVB who has never had an eyelid operation, a nose job operation & etc that everything we see is the real thing? I know for one Jang Dong Gun never had any, I hope. Fann Wong said she never had, I hope. I am getting disillusioned. Any NATURAL beauty left in our world? Next thing you know, Maggie Siu and Maggie Cheung had their noses done.
Oh by the way Dodo Cheng wasn't shocking at all. Knew she had surgery, so bloody obvious since she made herself looking like the wind tunnel effect. Maybe Jayne may do an article about skin tightening thing or stars with Botox in HK. That would be shocking.
Oh oh I can't resist this. You know who should have her nose done? Guess..guess, clue ... ever since she lost weight and is reportedly only 2 digits with her weight, her nose seems to cover most of her face but she still looks cute although having an elongated face is not good because she looks better when she had chubby face. Guess who!!
April 22, 2006
FUNNIES : Retrenched superheroes' possible employment & MUST DOWNLOAD : Crazy Permanent link ▫ ▫
FUNNIES : Retrenched superheroes' alternative employment Received this via email by Kidd I think, deleted the email already and I was like laughing so hard! Classic! My favourite? Wolverine .. maybe Superman...Spidey also is funny BUT Hulk is classic stuff. He does have anger issues and becoming a priest does suit him... You can find this same post in Funn Stuff.
Opinion : The Last Breakthrough [TVB] Permanent link ▫ ▫
The following opinion is written by Funn Lim. To comment please use Post A Comment.

Comments Wondering what last breakthrough? Maybe the fact that Sonija Kwok can look so old? That Nick Cheung looks even older? Or Raymond Lam shockingly thinner? Or that he and Leila Tong had zero chemistry? Or was it that toupee?
Nahhh, it's TVB's pseudo medical/100% awww shucks advertisement for social work at Africa series, The Last Breakthrough. Managed to watch quite a few episodes and had me laughing in stitches at how hard they're trying to sell the whole charity work thing which kinda made it look oh so bloody preachy at times, but most of the time so long. So many problems..let's see...
1. the scene where Leila Tong introduced the campsite for that charity organisation/medical charity called Life Force (I suspect is real) to Raymond Lam, and as she went on and on and on I thought.."Well let's introduce the toilet then" and well not the toilet but the makeshift shower stall, close enough...
2. Gigi Leung, dead and so dead. Why is she in this series? Then I remembered; isn't she the ambassador for some organisation?Ahhhh self promo..
3. that Leila Tong's character is so bloody rude. It is one thing to call someone useless, but to call Raymond Lam's character, what was that word? "Yee Sai Jou"? Was it that? Well that is as well as calling a decent God fearing 60 year old nun a slut! I mean give him a break! He is a doctor, a cardiosurgeon, he works! Of course someone pointed out he complains a bit, has a bit of expectation as to the state of his cutlery but well well well..that's just mean he's clean, he's well mannered and educated. What does this woman want? Everytime she sees him she calls him names, gives big lecture about him doing ... well he's practising medicine so what was she complaining about? What does he see in her? He is some kind of masochist? Sadist? Never been insulted before and so has this attraction to women who insult him?
3. Don't let me get started on the whole "I have a heart problem and I wanted to join Life Force but they rejected me but still I went to Africa" screnario. Oh please...... puh leaseeeee. She doesn't even look like she has any problem, more so heart problem. Why not a brain tumour then prone to seizures? Oh yeah not as pretty and glamarous as heart disease and not as operable like something dramatic like chest pain, fainting, lie in hospital dying waiting for transplant, heart stopping, voila! transplant! Can Life Force afford to take care of her when they have so many people to take care of? Conveniently we have THREE cardiosurgeons in this series. Kinda overkill.
MAJOR SPOILERS Oh yeah, forgot to mention this first time I posted this. I read in a review that the next glamour disease got well major highlight in here, cancer. 2 major character will get cancer and don't worry, neither died. I read Sonija will get Ovarian cancer and she survived. I also read Ovarian cancer can be cured if discovered early? Anyway I also read a few female stars getting ovarian cancer, beat it and died a year later. As far as I am concerned, Ovarian cancer is deadly. Sonija was supposed to be pregnant then? Why not leaukemia? Something believably dramatic and somewhat curable?
4. What else? Oh yeah, what else? Oh yes, we have a nurse who perpetually abandons her post for her sickly but doesn't look sickly younger brother who can pass off as her son. Of course we pity poor Sonija, with her wrinkles and all but really, nurses work on a very tight and organised schedule. Why not give her another occupation? Like cleaning lady? Like tea lady? Can a nurse just run off like that and expect what? Awwww poor poor girl, having to juggle between irresponsible mom, sickly brother and her demanding job. Awwww. Doesn't help that Sonija Kwok was god awful in this role that is so bloody not so easy to do anyway so why her in the first place? Why stretch her acting abilities when it is concrete? Why not Tavia Yeung? Oh, too young for Nick Cheung.
5. Something else. That scene where Sonija's mom ran away and Nick let her go and Sonija was scolding Nick like "Why? Why you let her go? How could you let her go? Why can't you do something for once????" and her wrinkles bulging and freaky lips just twisted itself into one awful mess of non-lip whatever. And he just stood there and let her scream at him. Now scream is just my interpretation of her talking slightly in higher tone than usual. We all know Sonija is incapable of shouting. She is after all a programmed automaton that does not have an emotional output and a good quality voice box. TVB, she needs an upgrade to Pentium 10000 XXX. Oh wait, that's a robot and that's Shirley Yeung! Hypnotise her! Anyway, I was thinking "Hey man! Why is she scolding you man? That's her mom, that's her brother, that's her problem, why pile her problems on you man?" and why is she so freaked out? She has been dealing with her not so there mom for years since she has been through the same situation before. Why panic? She knows the drill, she knows how to handle the situation. Cry yeah but go berserk on a man with problems that aren't his? I thought maybe he is her GF but nope. Not yet anyway. So unrealistic.
6. One surgery, THREE people inside the OR. Wow....why not employ the Africans and just you know pretend to be doctors and nurses?
7. I tell you, the Africans can act so much better than the HK counterparts. Especially that poor woman with AIDS.
8. I missed the one where Leila again goes preachy on Ray for doing something foolish, like helping that poor woman dying of AIDS. I thought that's the point of Life Force? To help? Oh yeah, must not disturb the majority. I understand but must it be a NURSE to tell him that? I have nothing against nurses but I have something against smart aleck I am so bloody noble nurses.
9. And what are these nurses and doctors like chums. When Nick dismissed Sonija from hos OR, she went berserk and accused him of prejudice which is true. So Nick is nice so he just stood there and let her pour her misery on him. Hmmmm when exactly can I see a more realistic scene like "I am the doctor, I call the shots. I can't help but hear the rumours. Prove it that you belong in the OR". Have they watch Grey's Anatomy? Oh must not quote that. Too much sex between seniors and juniors.
10. I must reach a no. 10 so as to make this a top 10 kinda thing. Nick Cheung is a miscast. He doesn't look educated, eventhough he is a fantastic actor. Why not Bowie Lam? At least he can speak English. Was I shocked to hear Raymond speak English. Shocked because he spoke so badly! I expected him to speak better.
11. Oh yes there is an 11. Isn't it a waste of Ray's talent to go all the way to Africa or whatever to inject some kids with penisilin or whatever? He is supposed to be a cardiosurgeon. Why not show him involved in Life Force's surgery division. I was told there are medical organisation that organises a series of surgery at one particular place. Why not show that aspect? Oh yes, must not overload a series since well it will in the degenerate into one long bore of a love story. Like do we care? Of course, we are talking Raymond and Leila here! Wow! Nick and Sonija here! Wow! Ghost of Gigi here! Wow! Wow! I am like so thrilled!
12. The latest edition. Preachy preachy preachy to the corniest most corny preachiness. I distinctly remember one episode where Ray became a broken man because he felt responsible for one patient's death and this was in Life Force at Africa. He was of course consoled and the conversation went from consoling Raymond to asking for donations for Life Force saying "We have limited funds. Which is why it is very important for us to get donation. The patient died not because you failed but because this place lacks medical facility that could have saved this patient and we need public donations for that". See the trend here? As far as I am concerned of course AFRICA in those areas lack medical facilities and need donation. Even Tung Wah Hospital or something like that needs to have donation drive every year and that hospital is in HK! I was like so bored with the preachiness. But Raymond didn't believe all that so he continued to mourn for his apparent bad doctorship for like another 5 min when he was greeted by a young African boy hugging him and conveniently a white man in a very nice dragon t-shirt saying "Oh this boy is healthy because of Life Force. Without Life Force he wouldn't have been alive" and 1 min later Raymond was all smiling again, reassured that Life Force indeed saved the day. Crap! I know I know but must you draw until the intestines? Can we just leave it at the stomach contents and nothing else? Wait! Wait! Some more! Africa is so bloody big, I am not sure which part they're at but hear this! Ray's dad and stepmom bumped into him when he was down! BUMPED INTO HIM! I can't even bump into my friend at Cheras when we were living 15 min apart! And I thought Life Force has this policy of saving petrol because of the cost so how come Ray can drive one Life Force car out to sulk?
13. Last but not least and I swear I shall stop after this. At first Ray hated his father and step mom thinking the father cheated on the mom when she was still alive and that the mom gave up fighting a life threatening disease because father was having an affair with the stepmom. So Ray was very rude to them both and hated the woman for touching his mom's things. Then we finds out ala Shine On You that the father did nothing wrong. The mother had an affair FIRST so the father wanted to leave the mother and then started a relationship with fellow colleague and the mom gave up fighting because she felt guilty, that she cheated on her husband and father said nothing all these years because he promised mom in law that he will never reveal the truth as that will defame the mother whom in Ray's eyes was perfect and blameless. Ray then realised he wrong his father and accepted his dad. I have problem with this storyline as I had the same problem with Kenix's relationship with her dead husband and dead husband's teenaged son in Shine On You. Why must blame be shifted just so that the son accepts the father as in Shine On You where blame shifted to the mother who was the one having an affair so that the young man will feel ok calling Kenix the other woman mom despite all that she has done for him that he should have accepted her whatever the circumstances? Why must Ray's mom be the villain so as to justify Ray being chummy with dad and step mom again? Why can't circumstances be as they were and Ray actually decided to forgive his father and accept the step mom because after all, the step mom was good to him despite what had happened? After all mom died 9 long years ago and dad refused to marry the woman for 9 years because of his son? Why? Why? Tell me why!
One redeeming factor? That handsome actor who can't seem to speak good Cantonese. Cute.
I must note a cute factor. Did you notice how nice the tribes people dress everytime they appear in a scene? I mean their costumes are colourful already but so colourful, so ornate, so clean? They do dress up! It was cute though. I tell you, fire Sonija Kwok, and get a pretty African lady to pretend to be Chinese and speak African translated into Cantonese and THAT would even be more of a convincing performance than Sonija Kwok herself. To think that this is one of her better ones. We shall all lower our standards...expect little, get little in return... let me re-tune myself..Oh Sonija, what a GREAT performance of EPIC proportion! Wow!!
Verdict Give this preachy draggy unbelievably corny crap a miss. One episode of Save Afric or something like that in your National Geographic Channel or similar is even more rewarding than this one.
April 20, 2006
MUST DOWNLOAD : Theme from My Name Is Kim Sam Soon Permanent link ▫ ▫
NOTE When downloading songs, for IE users, RIGHT CLICK the link and choose Save Target As and for Firefox users LEFT CLICK the link and choose to download the song. Or copy and paste the URL to your download managers. If the link doesn't work, the URL is always the correct and accurate. Do not listen to the songs online.
TV is showing this series but missed it. Plan to buy the DVD version. Anyway have been trying to find the themesong not thinking soompi forums has it! Thanks to Sehseh for the lyrics and the link. I am reposting the song in here simply because it is such a wonderful song. I love the beat though I have no idea what he's singing. Which is why I am not posting the lyrics since no point. You can find the lyrics in Sehseh's website. By the way the song is MP3 quality although it is WMA version. I wonder who is Clazziquai? He seems fond of English words. The only problem with the song is it is a tad too long. >> DOWNLOAD THE SONG Be My Love by Clazziquai HEREURL : http://media.point2e.com/theme_kimsamsoon.wma
April 19, 2006
AI 5 : 7 to 6 & Results Permanent link ▫ ▫
NOTE : When downloading songs, for IE users, RIGHT CLICK the link and choose Save Target As and for Firefox users LEFT CLICK the link and choose to download the song. Or copy and paste the URL to your download managers. If the link doesn't work, the URL is always the correct and accurate. Do not listen to the songs online.
Tonight technically is Rod Stewart's night BUT singing the American Classics from the songs he covered. Rod Stewart is such a charming funny man as can be seen as he interacted with the contestants. No wonder he had so many women falling for him. Very humble, very supportive and gave good comments although he didn't have to do much because at this stage everybody must have something good.
Anyway the contestants.
First up was Chris Daughtry and I was glad because let's be done with him. He looked normal tonight, not rocker ish and I kinda like his fashion style, a bit subdued and he sang What A Wonderful World. If you have heard the original, I am sure you must agree it is such a positive song, such a hopeful song and with one of the strongest, most positive sincerest optimistic lyrics , reproduce fully below... "I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue and clouds of white ...The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying "how do you do?" They´re really saying I love you. I hear babies crying, I watch them grow They´ll learn much more than I´ll never know... And I think to myself what a wonderful world Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world Oh yeah".
And Louis Amstrong was such an original singer with the perpetual grin, but then this song demands it... Let me be frank. Everybody had something to offer tonight and the songs suited them all (well most of them) and the judges LOVED Chris Daughtry, I am sure they would still love him if he was simply gurgling a tune. He wasn't bad, but with his own voice and as himself, he was bland, boring and terribly mediocre. The worst was he bastardized this song. He was complimented and clearly these people must be deaf. This song is a hopeful happy song in a way a very positive optimistic song and Chris managed to make it into an unhappy, grouchy and even pessimistic song. Like the whole world was going to end. Imagine him with a cigarette and a very solemn look singing this song and in the middle he goes "What a wonderfullllllll worlddddd" and he sneered and spit on the floor. That was the vibe I got from him and he basically mocked this song, unintentionally I am sure. I hated this version and I want him to leave and Simon and everybody else to stop pimping for him, the word pimping taken from other blogs with similar views as mine. Download the original song. I won't even be bothered to put up the link to Daughtry's "What a wonderful world BAH HUMBUG" version.
>> Download What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong URL : http://media.point2e.com/whatawonderfulworld.mp3
Paris was excellent actually. I forgot the title of the song but she sang it like Ella Fitzgerald/Billie Holiday-ish. What I didn't like was her office red suit. Too grown up. Rod was very impressed with her mostly because she is just 17. Oh please does it mean when she is 27 she won't be as impressive?? Anyway what I didn't like also was the fact she did not give anything new to this song which sounds way too original as in 50's or 40's ish. I would have wished a bit of Paris in the song. But she was excellent.
Ace Young was how shall I say? Very good looking. His song I forgot the title but you know, if anything you can compliment him about it would be the fact he sings with feelings. Sometimes too much feelings, a bit too whiny feeling. He wasn't the worst though and I don't think his time is up, yet. Anyway can his cheeks be anymore redder?
Elliott Yamin had the best vocals of the night. He looked fantastic and tonight there was a confident, flirtatious and playful side to him as he sang It Had To Be You. Harry Connick Jr covered that, very nice song. I could never have imagined Elliott as a crooner but tonight he showed to me his voice was meant to croon, so to speak. His only fault lies with the fact that opposite of Ace, he sang with very little feelings. As long as it is not My Heart Will Go On type of songs, he will be fine. He always chose good song that highlights his vocals, and although Simon said he lacked personality, I beg to differ. I was entertained simply because he sang so excellently and I was mesmerized by his voice. And I thought tonight he showed personality. He is one of the 2 (the other is Taylor Hicks) who actually looks like he knew the mentors that were showcased in AI show. He looked like he genuinely knew Rod Stewart and his albums, and all others. I find Elliott such a humble honest and immensely talented personality that he grew on me. I can't bear to see him leave but he won't win AI. I hope he gets an album deal and that he works on his stage presentation. He could ask Taylor for advice. Anyway I wish I could post Elliott's version in here but can't seem to find it anywhere. If you know, do use POST A COMMENT.
Katharine annoyed me. She closed the show when it should have been Taylor. She sang one of my most favourite songs, Someone To Watch Over Me by my most favourite composer, George Gershwin. You can sing this song blues way, jazz way, broadway way, anyway also can. A very versatile song. If you read the lyrics, this song is about someone who has yet to meet that other someone, a certain longing for love, for someone to watch over him/her. It should be a hopeful and yet a bit sad kinda song. Seeing Katharine smiling throughout annoyed me. How can she be smiling?! And then she twisted the song into a Mariah Carey runaway train like oooohhhhs and ahhhhhs and high notes, higher notes and highest notes quite simply annoyed me. Next to Daughtry, tonight she butchered this song to no end. And the judges loved her. Are they hearing right? To have Simon said she was better than the rest was quite simply an insult to the viewers. I want her out. Sure she has the whole package but like Elliott she sings the song so impersonally and unlike Elliott, she smiled even in sad songs. What is she so happy in all occassions? Hated this version. Get the original version. Actually a lot of big time singers sang this song before but I give you the link to my favourite, by Ella Fitzgerald. The one in Mr Holland's Opus is very similar to her version by the way and even THAT is better than this woman's version, simply butchered this song.
>> Download Someone To Watch Over Me by Ella Fitzgerald URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_ori_someonetowatchoverme.mp3
Kellie was the worst. She knew it, we all know it. Can't remember her song. She looks nice, but she just stood there and it was a boring performance. The girl can sing but she chose an awful song. BUT Rod was momentarily stunned by her statement that he took a load from her chest. Quite cheeky fella but she said it innocently I suppose.
And finally, Taylor Hicks. Not the best voice. Saw the spoof too in SNL, very funny. He even said it was a funny spoof. He can't dance, we all know that. But man, this man can perform and he can sing. I am not familiar with his Simon Cook (I hope I got the name right) song but I was told the original singer sang the song as it is. Taylor was slow at first, the stupid band nearly drowned his voice but towards the end he gave it the Taylor Hicks touch and I was so amazed by his energetic, infectiously fun and very very very excellent vocal performance. If you think he sounds good on TV, try downloading the songs he sang. You can find them in previous posts on AI 5. You can download the song he sang tonight and believe me, he sounds even better simply on radio/speaker. He must win AI because if not him, who else? He is versatile. His worst was Country music night but even then he had the personality to squeeze through. Rod also complimented him on his stage performance and said that he shouldn't listen to Simon that the show is not a dancing competition but a singing competition. The wise Rod Stewart said as an artiste you must do what you must to sell your song and Taylor was effective. Rod even said some words that were beeped out on live TV!! What is missing though was Simon's reaction. Who best to give advice if not from someone who has been in this business for decades and is still at the top of his game? Go Taylor!! Oh yeah he seems to to favour songs with limited lyrics, like you you you, me me me, etc.
>> Download Taylor Hicks' version [Taken from Gray Charles] URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_th_yousendme.mp3
I wonder who is the next celebrity mentor? Bono? Anyway for 3 straight shows I think or maybe 2 that the mentors were non-American. Interesting. Anyway I hate the band! They drown out the contestant's voice but strangely in MP3 versions, quite ok.
My prediction of who will be out? Kellie, Ace or Elliott. I hope not Elliott but like Bucky, he seems to get ZERO support from AI and Taylor too except Taylor has such a larger than life personality that people can't simply just brush aside. I think it would be Kellie since she was the worst, but I hope it would be Ace.
Someday I hope to hear Daughtry out. And Katharine too but not their time yet.
RESULTS The 6 were divided into 2 groups, Kellie, Katharine and Elliott in one group and Chris, Paris and Ace in the other. Taylor was told he was safe and he had to choose one group to go to, ala Bo Bice's year. He first walked up to Chris and shoke his hands when Ryan immediately said "I'm sorry.." and Taylor immediately walked over to the other group! Yep! Daughtry in bottom 3! Yeah! America has taste! Paris was safe so the bottom two were Ace and Chris. Let me not surprise you, ACE YOUNG went home. Shouldn't be him but well...people do love Kellie don't they? Next week that blind opera singer Andre Brocelli or something like that will be a guest. The theme is luckily NOT opera (Elliott will sail thru!) but love songs, so Elliott, Katharine and Chris will die because first one sings with little feeling although great voice, the second sings sad songs like she sings happy songs,I am sure even for funeral march whilst Chris...well we all know he's just not that flexible and versatile. Taylor rules!! By the way Rod Stewart sang The Way You Look Tonight and he was awesome! Husky voice, funny moves, even for such a serious song he still had to "gelek" a bit. 61 and he looks he still could "gelek" all the way! When are we going to have U2? Bee Gees?
April 18, 2006
A Conqueror's Tale : The real story of the Empress Lu Zhi Permanent link ▫ ▫
I think that is the name of Maggie Cheung's character in this series. I am very confused.
The series ended with her dying, Angela Tong's character becoming Empress Dowager and ruled the dynasty through her son.
The history I read was very different.
I was very shocked to have read she was the one who later after Liu Bang's death chopped off Qi's (and I assume this is Angela Tong's character because she had a son)hands and legs, stuffed her in a big bottle thing and fed her feaces and basically let her rot to death after poisoning her son. It couldn't be the other concubine because she had a good relationship with that woman in the series. Empress Lu in fact became the ruler behind the veil. (Source)
But the series was so very different. Which is which?
Anyway I am so excited. Despite the distortion of the historical truth or rather the white washing of it, I think I am still eager to write my review based on the series and not the facts. But wouldn't it be great to see Maggie Cheung as THAT evil? From the stories of Empress Lu, this woman deserves her own story, all 40 episodes of it.
HELP with cast list Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anyone knows the FULL CAST LIST of A Conquerer's Tale? Very urgent, if you know give me the link or better yet cut and paste it and use Post A Comment. Serious, urgent!
April 17, 2006
News News News Permanent link ▫ ▫
In response to the 2nd half of THIS NEWS AT SEHSEH'S BLOG, the following news was posted by myself:-
"Benny Chan is most definitely not NOT my boyfriend and we are definitely not NOT lovers
Charmaine Sheh, the famous HKTVB actress has once again commented on often repeated and speculated rumours that she is Benny Chan's girlfriend by simply double denying a denial, thus making it a solid fact.
Benny Chan for once is unavailable for comments, which is unusual for his usual style as he seems to be stunned into complete silence by Miss Sheh's double denial.
Could this be a misinterpretation of what she said in Chinese translated into English or quite simply could she for once be admitting the truth by denying it?
As cliche as it may sound, we shall only conclude only time will tell.
Source : LWC Magazine, published by Like We Care Publications Sdn Bhd"
Rumours now included Joe Ma into the already very complicated love life of Charmaine Sheh, on paper. I am sure she must be like "Wow! I am having such a great love life .. in the newspaper!". I can tell you THREE reasons why Joe Ma could not be her boyfriend;
1. Charmaine Sheh does not get involved with married man. She is sensible enough to know it hurts her image and her pocket. Moreover she withdrew herself when rumours heated up between herself and Chilam Cheung, who may not be married but is very involved in a very stable relationship.
2. Joe Ma is not her type. He is too tall, a bit more manly looking than the one she prefers and he is actually more soft spoken than opinionated. Case in point of the man she didn't like; Alex Fong Chung Soon. She prefers short man with cheeky playful personality who are thin, a bit rough but not masculine. Case in point, Chilam Cheung AND Benny Chan.
3. She is already involved in a stable rumoured relationship with Benny Chan and I suspect either she will marry him and so it will confirm their relationship or ditch him and so it will forever be a speculated relationship. Like Sammie Cheng and Andy Hui who apparently got back together without having broken up since they never really had a relationship in the first place since they never admitted it. Why oh why do they complicate things?
So really, Joe Ma? Charmaine must be going "You MUST be kidding me!"
And this has got to be one of the stupidest response to a question posed by a journalist and only the journalist's answer to that answer could be even more stupid, thus making this entire article stupid to the core. Taken from Bosco Wong's Official Website ...
Bosco Wong Makes Saliva Cake Bosco Wong Chung Chak attended an Easter function at Tuen Mun yesterday, celebrating Easter together with everyone. He even made a “Cake of Love” on the spot. When the host asked Bosco what ingredients he would include if he were to make one for his rumoured girlfriend, Myolie Wu Hang Yee , he responded, “I’d spit in it!” The host then took statement and turned it around by saying that their relationship must be very close, to be able to eat each other’s saliva.
Poor Myolie. Having to eat his spit..but then when kissing she would have tasted it anyway. How can someone answer a question in such a fashion and how can that other someone write something like that to summarise the answer hoping perhaps it sounds romantic when in the end it sounded rather idiotic and yes, unhygenic. Thanks to Bosco, I can't stop thinking about Myolie eating his spit. Why him Myolie? Ron Ng sounds so much more smarter ... Raymond Lam also can..why the spitman?
Accented English, banned from forum civilisation & Limewire, oh great heavenly Limewire Permanent link ▫ ▫
Accents isn't just about American accent, English accent, Malaysian accent, etc.
Try THIS ACCENTED ENGLISH AUDIO POST. Thanks to Pearl for the link.
Really way too funny! Believe me, French are worse and they think they speak good English. Germans are better!
Oh by the way I am banned from entering New TVB Series Discussion Forum AND The Charmaine Sheh Discussion Forum. I am trying to think why I have been banned and it has been a week and I am still banned. I think I must resign to the fact that I am banned from these 2 forums, no way can I ever enter these forums again and even my mails to the administrator didn't help; I am still banned. BANNED. Why? Why am I banned? Did I say something demeaning? Degrading? Bad? How to UNBAN myself? Why am I banned? Am I in The Twilight Zone?
Anyway if you have Limewire, do download the old episodes of The Twilight Zone. Awesome storytelling by the meastro Rod Serling. I love Limewire, but I would love Limewire more if someone just upload the movies Metroland, Lauren Canyon and All The Little Animals. Someone please.... I know I know, illegal, not very good, bad, etc but really I can never buy these 3 movies even if I wanted to and I could never get The Twilight Zone episodes. What can one do if even with real money we can't get these? We resort to the next best way ... oh great Limewire, I love thee but let me love thee more if someone just please give me those 3 movies...
April 12, 2006
Readded - Greed Of Man [TVB] Permanent link ▫ ▫
As requested by Sehseh. I did not realise I wrote this way back in 2000 or was the date a fluke? The review style is definitely my earlier style, short, very short and full of grammatical errors. Anyway as requested. It's in TVB section under G.
AI 5 : 8 to 7 + Results Permanent link ▫ ▫
The theme was Queen and immediately I was scared for Taylor and Elliott. Even for Bucky, a little bit. But what a waste of worries you know.
Generally the Queen surviving members (the best and greatest being the excellent Freddie Mercury having died from AIDS years ago, the other 2 were simply well surviving members) were rather polite in their comments but they put their foot down and kept saying NO to changing the musical arrangements when Ace kinda suggested it for We Will Rock You.
Anyway QUeen's songs aren't exactly easy to sing, not because only Queen can sing it but because it involves a wide range of tones, tunes and what nots. After all, Freddie Mercury alone sang Bohemian Rhapsody which in today's world needs like 10 people to sing. Remember Constanstine's take on the same song last year? Great? I thought so too but he did not even begin to sing the soprano-operatic ish middle section of the song. Needless to say, there was only ONE Freddie Mercury.
So I was scared for everybody.
Bucky did not disappoint. He gave it his all, for the first time did not mumble the lyrics and gave Queen's song a unique twist; country rock. I thought he gave his best performance tonight and Queen's members said he was a true performer and I can't help but agree. And he looked handsome tonight.
Ace who sang We Will Rock You was well in his own standard very brave and gave it his all. He changed the arrangement a bit but frankly he did not have the power voice to rock us all. He fell flat but seriously his best effort in terms of originality and bravery in instructing the members to rearrange the song. How dare he!
Chris Daughtry was the first to get the Queen's stamp of approval and he was called great. And I wonder why....Simon said he was too indulgent and he did a little known Queen song. Frankly I thought he shouted way too much and did the minimum of singing. But I figure rather him be the bland him than to copy someone else's style. Not that he has the capabilities to copy Freddie Mercury because if he did and did it well, I would say let him win AI. Anyway a poor mediocre noisy performance. I suspect the band did not help either.
Katharine was well...Katharine. She screamed and screamed and screamed some more whilst smiled a little during the entire scream fest...she was truly horrible.
Who else?
Ah yes..Elliott. Very worried for him but I needn't be. I am beginning to love this guy because yes his voice was the best. I can't remember which song he sang and again 3rd famous personality to comment that he needs to input feelings into his songs! Yeah he can be pretty cold in his interpretation but damn it! His voice was top class and he came close to Freddie Mercury, his ability to manipulate and sang the changing tunes, tones and whatever. An amazing display of vocal chords and singing skill and I thought Elliott could perhaps be the best tonight. And reportedly the song he sang was the most difficult one. He always chose difficult songs and though the AI band was truly horrible (AI PLEASE SACK THEM ALL!) and almost made him sound horrible, he rose above the occasion and above the loud music to sing to us all why he is still in the competition despite his not so good looking looks, bad image consultants and of course non existing stage performance. He practically stood there and just sang but this man really truly has the golden voice.
Kellie did Bohemian Rhapsody to the same lightning as Constanstine and she did well but I couldn't say since ASTRO cut off her performance for reasons I did not know.
Paris was the last and it felt weird to dress her up as a rock chick together with cleavage and all when she is so young. I didn't like her image. The Queen members called her the best, awesome, totally blown away by her. Again AI band spoilt it all and she sounded off as rather repetetive but truly very good vocal performance.
My favourite performance in terms of performance and singing and overall package was Taylor. After last week's awful performance, he bounced back. He at first chose We Are The Champions and Queen members said he has an unique voice and they thought he was great. Then Taylor made a drastic change and decided to be fun and be himself and exactly as predicted by my sister, he sang A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, or something like that. I know this song well, it is playful song. He went into high gear, kicking, running, dancing, singing and yet managed to give this song an uplift; it became a pseudo Ray Charles-50s-Buddy Holly version with soul and it made me love the song all over again. He ended it his way, with a twist and I will have to say; I just love this Taylor that I see. An amazing performance throughout and I felt stupid for worrying. Thinking he would die. Maybe he will die in a Michael Learns To Rock night. You missed the performance? Well maybe not watch it since Simon is right to ask "Taylor, are you drunk?". So do the next best thing and the only way to hear why Taylor Hicks is the true American Idol; hear it in MP3!
Download Taylor's version Note : Taken from Gray Charles URL :http://media.point2e.com/idol_th_crazy.mp3
Download Queen's original version URL : http://media.point2e.com/idol_ori_crazy.mp3
What a night! Totally enjoyed it. But who will be kicked out?
My prediction is Katharine. I thought she was horrible. Ace would be a close second but why do I have this feeling Bucky may be the one?
Anyway I hope there will be a Bee Gees night.
RESULTS Noooooooooo! Noooooooooooooooooo! Noooooooooooooooo! Why?!?!??!?!??!? WHY?!?!?!?!? It shouldn't have been Bucky! Maybe next show but now now!! Why?!??!?!?!??!??! Next week Rod Stewart but SO WHAT? SO WHAT?!? But Taylor...hmm what will he sing? I think he will do great since Rod Stewart's songs are right up his alley. But BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 05, 2006
The day I realise I am an adult & how does one deal with grief? Permanent link ▫ ▫
So when are you an adult? When you start to behave like one? When you start to work? When you have a boyfriend? When you marry? When you move out of your parents' house and live a life independently devoid of any restriction, curfews and rules? When you start to contribute to your family's monthly expenses?
In all accounts if I follow the definition above, I am still a child. But my question has nothing to do with maturity, monetary contributions to your family or where you're living.
Today I realise with dread that my income for year 2005 may be taxable. I will need to open a file with the income tax office, I will need to submit my income tax forms and I may need to start paying my government some of my money. The amount is not huge at all since I don't earn a lot but the idea that I am now a taxable working person, adult or otherwise kinda shocked me to...well to no end. I am now taxable. TAXABLE! Of course my accountant friend after going through my account and all may at the end reach the conclusion I may not be taxable after all for year 2005 but come 2006 I am definitely taxable since I just got a raise.
A raise is a good thing but filling in tax forms kinda is a drag you know? My family says ahhh very easy one lar! Maybe but somehow I am not comfortable with the idea that I am now taxable.
Anyway one good thing though. Now I can legitimately say that "Our government ahhhhh take our money and do what? WHAT? Build more tolls!".
The downside including all of the above and the fact that I will have to part with some of my money once a year is of course I have to keep all my receipts for my books and stuff.
Life as a taxpayer is a drag I tell you. I just hope I can earn enough one day to have an accountant to do all that for me.
But hey! My best friend is an accountant! Bad news though, she was the one who reminded me I may need to pay tax or face a huge fine and/or jailtime and she said ignorance of the law is not a defence.
A pity she didn't study law because she definitely upped me on that one. Now I am sweating...taxable! Open account! Submit form! What if wrong calculation and I need to pay thousands and thousands and thousands?
Yes I am a natural worrier and if there is a gold medal for the world's most worrier of all worriers, I will win bronze maybe since I tend to have days of utter calm and coolness and then again descend into utter worrying.
A sad thing happened though last week. My secretary's husband died of heart attack at the age of 37. She took one week leave and may leave me forever and I will have to find a new secretary. These past few days without her was very very hectic. I realise now how responsible she is. She may not know much of her work, and makes some mistake but she often reminds me of my diary, take nasty calls on my behalf and best yet, photostate and fax for me and all I had to do was to sneak a few moments of sleep in the comfort of my office. But then these few days made me realise also how hard working I could be. I hope she doesn't leave but apparently she doesn't get on well with her in laws and really I wonder why? She is soft spoken, kindly, sometimes quite playful (she is older than I am and a mother of 2 young children and still she can be quite playful with another secretary whom she is very close with)and never once complain whenever I had her photostating tons of stuff, stapling and de-stapling and re-stapling the same document again and again and again. I feel kinda dread since I so depend on her like I so depend on my internet. But life goes on and I do feel sorry for her. But she seems super calm when I spoke to her and though she may speak with a squeak (can give Charmaine Sheh a run for her money in terms of voice), I realise she has the courage of steel. I hope she stays on in this big city since her two children are better off here than in some small town. Imagine being a widow all of a sudden at the age of I think 34. I remember in the morning I got a phonecall from office that said she couldn't come to work because her husband was sick and going to the hospital. I was like cursing because that day was my busiest day of all days and one hour later I got a phonecall who said her husband died and never made it to the hospital. In fact he died some hours ago during the night and nobody knew. I was shocked beyond reason. And this incident made me realise one more thing;
I do not know how to deal with grief or rather I do not know how to deal with people in grief. I have yet to be in a situation where I lost someone I truly care about and I will go through that phase sometime in the future which I dread. How do you deal with immense loss? How do you deal with people having gone through such loss? Do you comfort them? Do you keep silent and walk away hoping they'll be alright? That day at her house I chose the latter. Frankly I wasn't close to her or her husband at all. But mainly I did not know how to comfort her. I did not know how to hug someone and cry with them since again I really felt nothing but shock. After the shock was frankly nothing.
One time I almost felt something was when one afternoon some years back a friend I knew since high school suddenly called me at my office which was rare. I thought she was laughing over the phone and I was quite annoyed when I realised she was actually crying, and I mean really crying. I was shocked. She said through her sobs her mom just died at home and she rushed back. She said her mom had cancer. And all those while I saw her mom looking frail, thin and without hair and I didn't suspect a thing. I told her I would drop by her house that night. That night I went to her house and she was all calm again. You see this friend of mine is a very strong person and to hear her crying like that shocked me momentarily. After that she was ok. She later confessed I was the first person she called. I always wondered why. I never thought I was her bestest of friends but that day I realise she held me in high regard as a friend as she shared with me her grief. Sometime that night at home I was almost in tears. Because I remember one week before her mother died, my friend was going out to dinner with me and some other friends and her mother was complaining her daughter was always going out and returning late at night. I remember jokingly I told her mom "Aunty, don't worry. I will make sure she comes home not too late". One week later she was gone. I wasn't close to her mother at all but I felt, actually almost felt the loss. I was quite spooked to see her body in her room covered with a blanket. Later when I went to my friend's house again I saw many things stacked and my friend was complaining about her mother having bought salt and sugar and then forgetting where she put them and then go buying them again. I felt a sense of loss then when I heard those words.
I know one day someone I care about will pass on. My mother is not young anymore. I am not a filial daughter nor am I a bad daughter. Just average normal daughter more on the complaining a lot side. But I wonder one day when I do lose that someone I care about, will I cry like my friend did over the phone? She never did cry like that in front of me anymore. I believe I would be very cold as like I said I do not know how to deal with grief. I may not be in denial but I am not a very warm expressive person when it comes to emotions and when I am required to show those emotions in public. I did cry once in front of my sister as I couldn't hold back my tears after a huge argument with her and I had to surf the net to calm down (yes internet is my theraphy, sort of) and she came to apologise and I refused to look at her but all was well later that night.
I hope when that one day I feel that immense sense of loss that I feel the need to cry and really cry, I hope I would have a shoulder to cry on. Any shoulder. I doubt I would ever be married or with children. Come to think of it being a taxpayer is not so bad. Being alone and lonely is worse. I hate married couples with children.
AI 5 : 9 to 8 + Results Permanent link ▫ ▫
Tonight's theme was country and all were mostly bad or mediocre except for maybe one. I won't comment much since nothing to comment. Tonight's highlight was Paula being booed and Simon being clapped and admired. Interesting and all these happened during Paris' slot.
Truth be told, it was a bland night. Kenny Rogers was celebrity mentor and he was better than Stevie Wonder but the best was of course Barry Manilow. I realised they all sing ok when simply a piano accompanied them but the band was awful. THe theme was country but it might as well be dreary.
First up was Taylor Hicks and he was the worst. He didn't believe in his song, it was awful rendition of a popular song and of all the country music he could've chosen, he sang one he didn't quite like. He will be in the bottom 3 and I hope he will be because that will wake him up and choose better songs. He won't get kicked out though because his voice is still one of the best.
Paris sang Tricia Yearwood's song I think but maybe due to her age, she didn't channel her feelings into the song and it was boring. Slightly more interesting was Katharine but she was a bore on the stage however well she could sing a song. Listen to her on the radio and she's fine. I don't understand; she can sing, she's pretty but why do I find her oh so boring to watch? Mandisa was well not very good frankly. Kellie was interestingly very good but yes I am tired of her dumb act. Hey even Ryan asked her if the dumb act was real and she kinda confirmed that either she's so very good at pretending that she should be an actress or she is really dumb. Either option is not good for her.
The guy's were...well Elliott did well as in he sang well but the band was awful and thus made him sound almost awful. Most tonight felt like they were trying to catch up with the band. Please AI, change the bloody ochestra and band! Like I said Taylor was awful. Chris Daughtry, now having no one in particular to emulate and having to sing in his own voice was boring, bland and ordinary. One of the worst but the judges love him. Ace was surprisingly one of the better ones tonight, singing with emotions and yes that stare again. Of course he can't improve anymore, he has reached his plateau in this competition but tonight was his best performance I'd say.
Last but not least, Bucky. In my opinion, the best of the lot tonight and gave one of his best performance, if not the best. He sang a very very popular contemporary song that I never knew was a country song. The original singer sang it straight and Bucky should have angst it a bit like he always did but he didn't except towards the end and it was wholly original and definitely so very well done. I loved his version although again he has a tendency to mumble, which he did for a sentence or two but mostly he was coherent tonight.
I saw the earlier segment where they were all singing and Bucky was playing the guitar. I feel it is time AI should stop the manufactured original talent so to speak, as in you can sing your way but must conform to certain rules. I feel it is time to let the contestants either chose to play their own instrument (like Bucky playing the guitar, Taylor the guitar, etc) or sing accompanied by their chosen instrument, like the piano where I bet Elliott will sound great. I have had it with that stupid noisy intrusive band and ochestra.
My prediction of the bottom 3? A feeling it could be Bucky (I know he will go through because he was great), Elliott, Taylor (give him a jolt to buck up) or maybe Katharine and I hope, I hope Chris Daughtry so as to wake him up.
I think Katharine can get booted, or even Bucky (OH NO!) or even Ace or well...very difficult to predict. I don't know, I really don't know. I just hope that person is not Bucky, Taylor or Elliott. The rest can just go home. PLEASE SAVE TAYLOR, BUCKY AND ELLIOTT!!
RESULTS I couldn't write this earlier because I was so sick, as in fever and sick. Now am ok a bit. Anyway shocking. Mandisa got booted! Hmmm..anyway Bucky survives yet another week. Hooray!!