January 31, 2005
Happy Ever After Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anyone remembers this series? I am watching it again thanks to Channel 34 (ASTRO) (weekdays 11.30pm to 12.30 am) and I just love it! But a bit slow this time around. Why? One day one episode, very very torturing!! Felt like running out and rent the whole series!! I miss Marianne Chen and no matter what people say, I still think Nnadia Chan is a very inadequate actress.
Kong Wahhhh I miss you too!!
New section opened Permanent link ▫ ▫
Specifically Media which is in DOWNLOADS. Check out the Navigation Menu.
You will find media files for download, such as MP3s, ckips, trailers, etc, some captured by me, but mostly by contribution. Please read the IMPORTANT NOTICE carefully because I have limited bandwidth.
I will be adding some of my favourite collections soon.
By the way, I will also add in all media files I posted in Shaunsation as well to make this section more complete so that I won't have to redirect you for certain files, but minus the preview/graphics which I usually put next to the link in Shaunsation. So no frills, just the real deal.
But that doesn't mean there aren't anything to download from Shaunsation anymore! Do drop by there from time to time eh?
Contributions are most welcomed. DO NOT SEND ME THE FILES VIA EMAIL. Just email me where to download or use the yousendit service or email me with the details and I will direct you to FTP the file directly into a special folder I have created for you. But only for trusted friends, who knows? You might be some hacker and after knowing some details may kill my website. Who knows indeed?
January 30, 2005
TVB themesongs - Piano Rendition Permanent link ▫ ▫
Until I get her permission, I can't post the following clips in here though I really wanted to. So I thought I better post the links to those clips first.
To be able to play piano or any musical instrument of course takes training, to play them well takes practise but to play them so well, so good, it takes talent. A good big bit of talent.
A girl named Mabel at the New TVB Series Discussion Forum posted 6 clips where she played TVB themesongs-piano rendition and I downloaded some and to me they're all so very very good. Especially Survivor's Law. Triumph In The Skies' themesong wasn't that accurate though, probably the tempo was slower than expected.. She posted these clips using the yousendit email service which unfortunately means you have exactly 7 days from 29.01.2005 to download all of them or they're gone, unless I get permission to post them here.
Anyway do have a "hear". You will love them ...she kinda elevated these songs to a new artistic level, instrumental wise.
Survivors Law Themesong by Raymond Lam
Triumph In The Skies themesong by Eason Chan
Triumph In The Skies sub song by Flora Chan
Take My Word For It Themesong by Chilam Cheung
There are more, exactly 2 more, two of which I am not sure from which series. Have a look HERE.
Holland V on 8TV Permanent link ▫ ▫
Silly you know that it is only shown I think 3 days or 4 days per week so this series is really slow mo.
Anyway to fans and would be fans interested in watching Shaun in this series and wondering when he will appear, fret not, help is here though believe me, it will be a very long wait.
Remember that. He will appear from Ep 24 onwards, missing some episodes but mostly always there because he was very popular in here. Though his voice was dubbed, don't be discouraged with that guy's horrible English (not worse than Joe Ma's but still as bad), just be comforted by the fact that it was dubbed and so we will never know. If you're curious, dear Malaysian fans, of this good looking, where he is from, how he sounds like, check out my Shaunsation at http://shaunchen.theddgs.point2e.com
Great news though to those getting to know him for the first time; he is a Malaysian. Enjoy his stunning almost leading role. Oh yes, I love to hear from you about this guy. Email me away!!!
Remember, EPISODE 24.
January 26, 2005
I felt like bashing TV set - JAN 26, 2005 & the radio set Permanent link ▫ ▫
Woahhhhhh! What a defamation/libel suit this one is going to be. We all know Bae Yong Jun is worth loads of money...but fans of dear Mr Bae, did I just hear a "What a pity?!" to his rebuttal of his supposed tendency for S&M sex? Hahaha! You have got to read this article, there is more...
The article here
# Bae Yong Jun - alleged to be a playboy who enjoys S&M (sadistic) sex.
His agency, BOF, posted a message on his official website last Wednesday to assure fans that the rumours were 'malicious' and 'totally unfounded'.
# A 'Miss B' who debuted at 14 years old - alleged to have had an affair with the owner of her agency despite her being underaged.
# Lee Byung Hun - alleged to be a miser whose alleged sadistic tendencies caused his actress ex-girlfriend, Song Hye Kyo, to dump him.
His manager said on his website on Sunday that the rumours were 'unconfirmed' and 'untrue', and that they will take legal action."
And then there was this song about the tsunami but well i won't publish the lyrics in here to glorify the creator, producer, etc. Just let it be known that the song is as sickening as everyone involved in making it and distributing it.
New series coming to ASTRO Permanent link ▫ ▫
Anything that replaces Armed Reaction IV is good news. I am not sure which one but two new series coming in end of February...
The Driving Power which I am not interested in and Point of No Return which I am very interested in. I think I will do an episodic thoughts on this one and I invite all fans and non-fans of this series to actively participate in my thoughts section later on.
New reviews coming soon; I am writing one on Kung Fu Hustle and I was very excited to comment on this as I just watched that House of 72 Tenants and oh myyyyy...Stephen Chow clearly loves the old movies and those traditional kung fu styles. I disagree that it is Matrix or Spiderman references. It is more to those comic book series that my brother used to buy week after week ... those like A Man Named Hero and older ones ...
January 20, 2005
American Idol Season 4 - Ep 1 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Saw the first episode on ASTRO. I think 8TV will show it sometime next week. First audition, Washington DC. After 3 years of horror auditions, there are still those who think they are great but really not good. One girl was particularly scary; she confessed she can hear voices in her head! Somehow I think these people were planted in you know, like fake.
Ryan Seacrest is still amazing, Paula Abdul still not qualified to judge, Simon toned down a bit, Randy still Randy who dislikes olden days songs whils we have a celebrity guest judge, what was that lead singer's name in Sugar Ray? Very handsome, can sing but not a very good judge.
I was very impressed with one guy who gave up on his rock band to chase the American Idol dream. Was he good? I would say so but not impressive. His bandmate the drummer was very angry though.
Onbe janitor who sang olden days song ala John Stevens didn't get in although I though he should have. One guy who sang out of tune got in whilst one girl who was ok was told she was too young, being 17 and all. She was a boxer and I thought she was wonderful. If I remembered correctly, that Jasmine Trias and all were 16 and 17 right?
I still do not understand who can cut it and who won't. That boxer girl was very soft spoken but maybe not pretty enough. That janitor maybe too old. One woman, 28 years old married with a child pawned her wedding rings to audition and she got in, she was ok and very determined. Simon told her to ask her husband to come in and I thought that was too much because it was obvious the husband wasn't too pleased with her choice.
All in all interesting stuff but no William Hung yet. Scary people yes, pretty model types yes, but really really bad singer not quite yet.
Do catch it if you have a chance. Tomorrow there will be another episode.
January 19, 2005
Blogthings - What Does Your Name Mean? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Exactly, exactly!!!!
F is for Flirtatious
U is for Unreal
N is for Nutty
N is for Naughty
L is for Legendary
I is for Impressive
M is for Mellow
Ok, maybe not naughty or flirtatious but impressive is true.
What Does Your Name Mean?
Try it, it's fun! Thanks to Catlau for the link!!
Malaysia, in a nutshell. Permanent link ▫ ▫
There is a recent report in the local newspaper that made me wonder... is there statutory rape in Malaysia because I am so darn confused. I confirm that there is but well you be the judge since our local judges are so incompetent.
There is this Malay lady judge (Sessions court) sitting at Shah Alam who made headlines when she I think showed much empathy for a malay man charged with raping a 15 year old. She kinda set the precendent where you can use consensual sex as a mitigation factor, so he got off very lightly. She said that 15 year old girl consented. I always thought for statutory rape it didn't matter. It's like you're not wearing your seat belt when driving. Whatever excuse you may make, you're guilty. More so a 15 year old girl. If I am not mistaken, this girl was I think down symdrome or having some mental handicap and that man lured her with food, and of course so called had consensual sex with her. I was outraged with this judge's leniency, more so since she herself is a woman, a Muslim woman if I may add.
Then a few days ago same case. I think again a 15 year old girl, but a normal 15 year old girl ...the accused a young Malay guy charged with rape. He will find a lawyer and plead that there was consent. People, it doesn't matter maybe except when mitigation. What outraged me the most is her ridiculous speech (oh yes, same judge) to the media in her courtroom. Reportedly she said don't call this man a rapist, because that is misleading the public. Rapists are for those violent crimes with force and all. In fact cases such a incests, statutory rapes, the accused should not be called rapists.
There I was discussing this with my friend and I was so very angry. I was so surprised the DPP did not stand up and correct her. OF COURSE you don't call this man, accused of raping a 15 year old a rapist. You call them paedophiles which I guess in her mind is small matter. How could she be so careless with what she said? How could such an insane stupid statement come from a person supposedly representing justice and fairness? To be fair, he isn't convicted yet. But he admitted he had sex with her and that to me is a closed case. Why she said what she said? WHY?
And more bad news.
In recent news, Muslim rapists have been pleading to the civil criminal court judges that they are planning to marry their victims with consent by their families, and so they beg the DPP to drop the charges. One case involved a 13 year old, but reportedly her family nor did she said yes to the porposal so case will go on. Even if they did, how can a person in their right mind allow this to happen? A 13 year old! So where do we draw the line?
Today I read of a 15 year old being raped and the accused said he will be marrying the victim later this few months with the consent of the parents of the girl and the girl herself. Apparently the parents knew the accused's parents very well. So I thought fine, maybe this is underaged love. Guess what? The girl first met this guy on the day she was raped by him! How can the parents do this to their daughter? Is her honour and dignity not worth for them to fight this bastard in court, to get due justice? DO they really think a man who rapes this girl in their very first meeting and marrying her to avoid jail and rotan will give their daughter happiness? Are we women nothing but chattels?
Maybe we are, since a woman judge is of the same opinion.
I mean even if this 15 year old stands naked before you, seducing you, men! You're supposed to have self control! In world news, one teacher made a fuss in court saying unfair and all when he was convicted of raping his 12 year old student, albeit consentious sex. This man has got his priorities wrong and this girl needs counselling and some serious rattan acting by her parents. Anyway, can't they just wait till she's 16? Oh no they can't. They can't at all. What is man's fascination with young girls? Rape is a very traumatic experience a woman should never go through, amongst other violent crimes. But what if there is consent? Man! Use your brain! Just do what the government is telling us to drugs and all. JUST SAY NO!
In Malaysia, there is this draconian unfair law that states a Muslim accused can marry their victims, but this is not in criminal law, I think this is a Muslim law. Isn't that just stupid? And guess what? The DDP said he will consider dropping the charges. If I were the DPP, I will say marry all you want but we will go ahead with the charges.Gte ready with that bum of yours, hear that rattan cracking! WHIP!
This is just too disgusting and what is our PM doing about this? What is out Bar Council's opinion? What are the public's opinion? Either everybody has been deaf, blind and mute or the papers did not dare to publish their opinions because I am sure the Bar Council will have something to say...although to very little effect. Our PM should step up and make laws that protect young girls from such people and fire that judge. APPOINT ME! I can be a very good judge, believe me!
And I think this Shah Alam judge will be perfect as a family court judge since she could feel so much empathy for a peadophile/rapist, she must be very sympathetic to everything and everyone!
And I must mention this. A VCD peddler was shot in the heart and that bullet passed through him and hit a patron of a restaurant. Both are ok but seriously injured. The person shooting was an enforcement officer...NO NOT police but those city council out to get the VCD peddlers amongst others.
I am not opposing guns for enforcement officers but really, are they even qualified to hold one more so discharging one? I am wondering whether our local police are qualified to hold one, more so these people who just aim for the heart! This guy was just selling illegal pirated VCDs. Is that a crime? Yes but such a minor crime compared to raping young girls. How come I have yet to read any news about police shooting dead a rapist?
And more ridiculous news.
Some time ago a man was arrested and charged for kissing his girlfriend in the KLCC parking lot. Case I think is still pending. I think this speaks for itself.
Then there's some good news in the sense all families whose members died in the recent tsunami will be given RM20,000-00 for each member who died. I was very happy with this until someone highlighted this to me....
A father who lost 5 of his young children received RM100,000-00 whilst a family who lost their only breadwinner got only RM20,000-00. True, the sum should be lowered for younger victims to ensure fair distribution. Breadwinners who died must be of more value than young babies. Even in accident cases the court will assess it this way.
And finally, recent major blackout at KL business centre, except for my office! And on Saturday, my whole night spoiled by 5 hours blackout right before the ending of the Korean horror movie, Wishing Stairs (till now I still do not know the ending!!) and then Sunday, again the same problem, TWICE. No explanation. Everytime there is a mudslide or something of that sort, our minister will say "Act of God". Everytime toll charges are increased simply because the contract said they can do so every few years eventhough more vehicles passing through that toll than expected, our minister will say this is the decision of the cabinet which means no need to question it. Everytime bad things happen, our minister will say this is only one incident, don't shoot down the rest because of one incident. I wonder, why are we tolerating such incompetent people doing such high profile jobs who doesn't understand what is meant by serving your people. Even our customer service is so very bad...don't bother...I'd rather a rude waiter who gets things done than a curteous waiter who does nothing.
People say Malaysia is a wonderful country to live in. I love my country, but this place is getting increasingly dirty, expensive and cramped. And with people like that judge and those parents of such rapists and such draconian rule, I am sorry to say, Malaysia is not a wonderful country to live in anymore. I am sure every country has their own problems, but ours are getting increasingly sickening.
And finally, one more bad news.
For those driving at the Jalan Dang Wangi stretch where Wisma Denmark is on your left, you see the traffic light...do not drive into the yellow box and beat the traffic lights because the police (like 5 or 6 of them) are waiting at the corner to issue you summons of RM100-00. It is wonderful that our traffic police are keeping themselves busy and to "saman" those who thought they can just squeeze into the box, but it gets very tiring to applaud them for their attentiveness to these law breakers when the stretch of 2 minutes of journey to reach that traffic lights became a 1 hour journey because our traffic police did care to man the traffic situation there and the traffic lights is like 10 seconds per stop. 10 seconds! This is ridiculous. During rush ours, major roads in KL will become one big parking lot.
When you need help, don't bother. You won't get it. All you get is friendly smiles. I am beginning to realise that survey where we came in pretty low in the civic mindedness list may be true after all. Iam not saying we are all that bad...I am not friendly but I try to help. There are helpful people but so very few. Toursist seem to have more luck at finding one though.
Do you face such problems at your place?
New feature! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am sure you must notice a panel called BOOKMARKS in here and in all Reviews right?
So what is it?
It is a new exciting feature meant for your convenience. Now you can bookmark your favourite links within Point2e.com and see them in the panel called BOOKMARKS! The great thing is you can manage your own links, by deleting them, or adding more. Everytime you change something, just refresh your browser and the panel is automatically updated! And all BOOKMARKS panel in Point2e.com are all the same! I will be adding this feature into The DDGs, The Storytellers, etc which is really convenient for you! So if you're reading a story in The Storytellers and suddenly you feel like reading your favourite Point2e review which you have bookmarked, no need to go to the sections and find that review. Just look at your Bookmarks panel! Of you may be reading a story and stopped at Chapter 9, few days later you come back to the same story but can't remember which chapter you stopped at. No worries! Check your Bookmarks panel!
One thing though; you must bookmark that page first before the link will appear. Just click ADD TO BOOKMARKS once only!
By the way ths is different from bookmark us at the top, where that is meant for your browser's favourites folder. This Bookmarks is meant to appear in this special BOOKMARKS panel and MY BOOKMARKS, the link will be added later into the Navigation Menu.
This is a coming soon feature by the way. It is great !
For more info, check out http://www.point2e.com/p2e_bookmarks.htm
January 18, 2005
World of Entertainment Roundup Permanent link ▫ ▫
Very surprised Leonardo DiCaprio won. In the Oscars, I am certain Jamie Foxx will win so that means one of the nominees tonight won't make it into the Oscars list and my guess is ....I think..probably Leo will be the casualty.
Anyway isn't it the tradition of such award shows to show those who died, like a tribute? But I didn't see it in this one.
Doesn't matter. Robin Williams was the best in his speech, which was so funny. Mick Jagger's segment was also very very funny. The British though makes the best speeches; short, concise, witty and always very humble and yet not quite.
Glad that Natalie Portman finally got something but she looks wierd. Isn't Closer the one where she exposed her breats or something? Charlize Theron looked wierd with her black hair, Nicole Kidman looked like she was really depressed (Tom, marry her again!) and the best look has got to be Jennifer Garner. A true winner in style and beauty.
And BIGGG news. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt called it quits, neither signed pre-nuptials and everybody predicts that they will fight over money. I doubt it. Usual cause of breakdown; no reasons given,will remain as committed friends. Well let's see who sues who first for the assets! The real truth, the suspect is
1. Jen doesn't want to have babies yet because of her career whilst Brad wants babies. I think this is a half truth; probably Jen didn't want to ruin her body so she wants to have babies much much later; or they have been trying without success; OR/AND
2. Angelina Jolie. Not with Jen, with Brad! Rumour has it it was this sex bomb that killed the marriage though they didn't consummate the relationship. If there is one thing very admirable about Angelina Jolie is that she will admit it if she did it. I don't think they did it; she was the easy scapegoat. I still think it is career reasons rather than women/money reasons.
So that's it! Which means I can stop looking forward to babies with beautiful jaw line and a great bigv mop of beautiful hair!
January 16, 2005
Strike At Heart [TVB] Permanent link ▫ ▫
Fans of this series might want to check out Sheh Sheh's Blog which has a very comprehensive summary and screencaptures episode by episode and also themesong for download. Must warn you though; the font is extremely small and coupled with the dark background colour, it is very difficult to read. Perhaps the webmaster might consider making the fonts bigger.
I must say thought Charmaine looks very very frail in here. And there's Joe Ma...When I was looking through the screencaps, I thought I saw Sunny Chan. True? So are they playing lovers again? I must say, when Sunny left TVB, Charmaine was a rising star and now, he's back and she is almost the big sister and he... well he's still famous I guess. Basically Sunny looks the same, he must be very surprised to see how thin Charmaine is. I still remember in Flying Fox, Charmaine was so pretty. Maybe she should consider putting on weight, her nose totally eclipsed her tiny but long face which now has laughing lines. I always thought she is pretty, a pity she lost what made her cute.
So what are your opinions of this series thus far? Interesting? Funny? Dramatic? Different? Is this that one which was originally called One Beautiful Spear??
January 15, 2005
Singapore Airlines A380 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I don't know if this plane is real but it looks very futuristic and expensive. But what is very funny is the little note my sister attached to it ...
Sam thong will be flying this.
imagine the load speaker , in a very very s..l...o...w voice
"thris is yr Carptain speaking...thank you four flying with us.
hope you enjoy yourrr fright."
I know I know, it's mean but it is very funny.
You can find the same post in Funn Stuff.
Anderson Jr Permanent link ▫ ▫
Who is Anderson Jr? Is he Onn Tak Juen? If yes, is he mixed or something?
Coming Soon Permanent link ▫ ▫
I can't believe I made such a huge blunder. In my TITS episodic thoughts I wrote Isaac instead of Chris, in my Best On Screen Guy list in number 10 I wrote Michelle instead of Maggie. Am I dreaming or what??
Anyway more coming soon such as
Best On Screen Woman of 2004
Top 5 series of 2004
Worst characters in 2004
Top 3 worst series in 2004
and many more. Very fun to do this but I had the most difficult time compiling the Best On Screen Woman. Not many ...
Gigi Lai Permanent link ▫ ▫
I didn't know...
"Hailing from a 'Movie Legend Family' has not been of any advantage for Gigi Lai, in fact, it has been more of a hindrance for her. "As far as I am concerned, Lai Man Wai is just simply my grandfather, I have never even seen him before."
Grandpa Lai Man Wai was dubbed as 'The Father of Hong Kong Cinema', aunt Lai Suen is a female artiste, uncle Lai Shek is a famous cinematographer and Gigi's other relatives are either Chinese herbalist doctors or engineers, so of course it is assumed that for Gigi to become an artist herself, she would have the protection and aid of her family legacy to help her up.
"My immediate family were considered outcasts by the rest of my clan. When I was just a few years old I would hear them gossiping and saying nasty things about us and they would treat us quite harshly because my father was handicapped. Before I was born, he suffered meningitis and lost his hearing."
Lai Suen? Very familiar, can someone perhaps give me the URL to the pic of this woman? Who? Veryvery familiar, just can't remember. Is she that old lady in Kindred Spirit? Anyway she must have had a difficult childhood.
January 13, 2005
THE BEST ON SCREEN GUY of 2004 Permanent link ▫ ▫
In recent memory, I have seen some pretty good series with very strong portrayal of men I wish existed and I wish they're all mine. Some are good from start to finish, some had to face some big personal crisis before becoming a much better man. I find it all so interesting and I wish to highlight some I feel deserve to be a nominee for the Best On Screen Guy title. However I shall limit myself to the series I have seen in 2004 (although that particular series may have been released before 2004 but only broadcast in ASTRO in 2004) and to the series produced by TVB, MediaCorp & MediaWorks.
The list was very hard to compile and when compiled was very hard to give a certain standing for one character over the other. But I feel each character has his own unique goodness and therefore one may not be better than the other but someone has got to be the first and then others second to ten. The list can go on and on byt I had to limit myself to 10. I believe my choice was right by looking at the character in its entirety. I must stress, the choices are entirely my own and the comments my own personal observation. If you wish to post your own Top 10 list, why not click Post a comment? I love to hear from you. Remember, if posting anonymously, please include your name somewhere in your post.
Here is the list.
Number 10
Series : Power of Love [MediaWorks]
Occupation : Finance/investment consultant
Actor : Shaun Chen Hongyu
I initially wanted to put Samuel Tong from Triumph In The Skies but realised this series is being broadcast at the time of entry, so he is not eligible for a mention. The guy at Number 11 was a close fight, and that guy was Lik from Seed Of Hope [TVB]. I swear Paco is not here simply because of Shaun Chen.
I didn't watch this series in entirety but I saw some. Sure, he was a womaniser but when he fell for Maggie, a single mother, she changed his way. He genuinely cared about the little daughter, Coco and became a father figure to her. He even met face to face the man who broke Maggie's heart years before and without realising he was falling for Maggie, he warned that man not to hurt her. He even volunteered to finance her company as in investing and he cared enough to repeatedly try to help his ex girlfriend, Pauline who was investing unwisely. He loves his sister, he cares for his niece and nephews and he took turns to take care of his very sick brother in law. He gets along very well with everybody and he is an honest guy who makes a decent living who prioritise his clients' investment in terms of profit and safe investment instead of investing in risky business he didn't believe in. He married the single mother and officially became that little girl's father. Where can you find such a man? Except on screen of course.
Number 9
Yeung Kwong
Series : Take My Word For It [TVB]
Occupation : PC & negotiator
Actor : Chilam Cheung
He may have been lazy at first but this guy when determined will try his best to achieve his goal. He also didn't mind sharing glory with his partner, Yip Ho Yan and even helped her in tests and assignments. In his family he may be a pariah but he never let the negativity of others affect his optimism and in the process he became more intuned with his sensitive side. He also refuses to make the move to woo Ho Yan because he knew his brother is interested in her. But sometimes he can be very wishy washy which is why he is at this spot. But a good man, indeed a very good man. Also good looking as well.
Number 8
Wilson Tong
Series : Burning Flame II [TVB]
Occupation : Fireman
Actor : Alex Fong Chung Soon
My most desirable man when I was watching this series, I think early this year and he left a deep impression. He cares for his colleagues and staff, although he disapprove of their work ethics, nevertheless he does not talk bad behind their backs and always take care of their welfare first before his own self. His only fault was perhaps marrying the most dependant wife and then falling for anorther but he never let this thing go out of hand and remains loyal to his wife. He is also good looking and looks great in uniform but that is besides the point. The main point is he is strong and yet vulnerable, he is sexy and yet not disgusting, he is macho but not chauvinistic and you can depend on this man to take very good care of you. I love this guy. Where is he?
Number 7
Marcus Liang Chengtzi
Series : Changing Lanes [MediaWorks]
Occupation : Not sure, businessman
Actor : Shaun Chen Hongyu
He was the worst in the beginning, someone who would steal, rape and even plot the death of his own brother. But when he was given a new heart, his transformation wasn't overnight. He was still going on his own bad ways until one day he came face to face with a letter written by the girl he raped and who everybody thought committed suicide because of him and he overcame with remorse and guilt. From thereon he tried to right all the wrongs he did even when nobody believed him. When his own wife, the sister of the dead woman plotted to kill him, he didn't give up on his love for her. When he was stabbed, he still attended his own wedding. When he lost everything, he found a new career and lived a humble life. He took all insults in strided and his transformation was such an emotional one because from being the most hated, he became the most loved by his sheer genuine sincerity in helping others. And an indication of what a great guy he became was when he was about to die he requested that his heart to be transplanted to his wife who was dying also. Of course these were all so melodramatic but it proved a point; one striking question was asked at the beginning of this man... what good deeds have he done? In the end he died a man without guilty conscience and for that I want to nominate his as my Best On Screen Guy. It also helps he is very handsome with great hair, great suit and is Shaun Chen of course.
Number 6
Pang Kwok Tung
Series : Take My Word For It [TVB]
Occupation : Negotiator, I think Chief Inspector also
Actor : Bobby Au Yeung
This character left a very deep impression in my mind because he was such a bastard and a bully at the beginning, went through hell and emerged a more sensitive soul. I disliked him and yet can't help but be attracted to his grasp of being a power to be reckoned with. He oozes authority, he never gets bullied, don't even ever raise your voice at him because he will bite back. He is nasty, he is a bully, he is selfish, he is arrogant and he thinks everybody else is stupid, he is the smartest. He treats his family like he treats everybody else; as bad and he thinks very little of his wife and his family. But he became a better person in the process and in the end, even in wheelchair, he still exudes authority, I am still scared of him and yet I am in awe of him and respected him for his caring attitude for his friend and partner, Kit. Their love blossomed in the most unlikeliest way and yet it was all so romantic. By the way, this I feel is Bobby's best performance todate.
Number 5
Series : Not Just A Pretty Face [TVB]
Occupation : PR manager (I think)
Actor : Roger Kwok
Ok, he may not have been great in the first half of the series, he was in fact the worse. But when he discovered he had a good heart, and that he actually genuinely cared about other people, his transformation into a good guy was truly amazing. He looked ugly because he lost his hair, he had a big belly and he was at his all time low and yet his goodness shines through and I actually thought he was far more handsome than he was at the beginning. The way he helped his boss who became his good friend, the way he treated Pat, the way he went all out for many other things. But he had a weakness that is his inner conscience wanted Pat to be pretty forever but he soon realised his weakness and also realised he loved Pat for who she really was. That make this man a great man and it took one woman, Pat to make this former disgusting man into a humble being that he became in the end.
Number 4
Fong Nga Chai
Series : Vigilante Force [TVB]
Occupation : Police
Actor : Bowie Lam
Another character that left a very deep impression in perhaps one of the best series of 2004. No doubt his fault lies in his own chauvinistic and dinosaur opinion of women but when he was given a task to do, he will make sure that he did it well. A man you can definitely trust and give your whole life to, he is also a good clean cop and he can be a very great friend. Totally trustworthy, loyal, honest, hard working and manliest man there is, could fight Wilson Tong for the most macho man without even lifting his gun. Very strong as well and emotionally a pillar of strength,. Doesn't let emotions affect him and in the end he even visited a friend who turned to the dark side and was at last caught. His manliest and most attractive moment was when he agreed to visit this friend who realised his own error of ways every year like a brother would. And he even took care of a baby that was not his and married the mother as well. Where can you find such a dependable man? And Bowie was excellent. In fact Fong Nga Chai was to me Bowie Lam.
Number 3
Richard Yu Hongtzi aka Xiao Xin
Series : Holland V [MediaCorp]
Occupation : Successful businessman
Actor : Shaun Chen Hongyu
The reason why I love Shaun Chen in the first place is because of his convincing portrayal of a man so successful and so attractive that all women would dream to have this guy. He has the looks, the youth, the intelligence and the wealth to choose any woman but he fell for Mo Jingjing, the stupidest girl in Holland V because he lost his memory and she saved him and took care of him. Maybe if he didn't lose his memory he may not be as great as he was but who knows? Who knows indeed?
Indication of who he was before he met Jing Jing was supplied by his former fiancee, Angel who said he changed a lot. He was after all a very successful business who didn't have the time for small talks but he gave all his time to Jing Jing, encouraged her to go for her ambition, in fact made her go for her ambition, has the patience of a saint when talking to this nitwit and fell for her sincerity, her niceness, perhaps her naiveness and also her genuine care and love for him. When he left after he recovered his memory, my heart fell as did Jing Jing.
But he came back when she needed him, dropping important projects to spend time with her. Even considered leaving his company and settling down with her in a life less ordinary although a man of his calibre must never be wasted as such. The greatest thing about this guy is when he was declared a bankrupt, he was upset for a while and then he decided to take a world tour to find himself again. To him failure is just anorther step to success and indeed, a man of his capabilities will never be poor in every way.
But half way through he left Jing Jing and she married anorther. He didn't leave her, he didn't give up on her but she gave up on their relationship thinking she was not good enough for him although he never once said or thought so. The great thing about this guy is unlike other portrayals of a man dumped by his girl, he never ran after her. He reasoned since this was her decision, and so he respected that and left quietly, but with a heavy heart.
But why isn't my favourite guy the best on screen guy of 2004? This is because sometimes he has temper, he scolded Jing Jing once or twice (she totally deserved it) and he did dump his fiancee for Jing Jing. But this handsome rich cunning man deserves a top place in my top 10 list. Believe me, when you watch Holland V you too will fall in love with this Xiao Xin. I wish he was real, definitely the kinda guy every girl dreams of. Why he sisn't number 2? Because after much consideration, I still feel Dr Fang has an edge over this man.
Number 2
Fang Nuowen
Series : Holland V [MediaCorp]
Occupation : Doctor
Actor : Edmund Tay
It was a close fight with nombor 1 and 3 in this list. Very close.
I named his as my most favourite and best guy in my review of this series. The great thing about watching a long series (120 + episodes) is that at the end of the day you will get to know a character very very well. Dr Fang is an honest looking humble professional who rarely mixed around because he has a stuttering problem. But that problem only exists when interacting with his colleagues and strangers. When it comes to his patients, the problem disappears. He is intelligent, sensitive, caring, loyal, trustworthy and best of all, he fell for Mo Wanwan at the time she was at her ugliest. To him beauty lies in the heart of that person, not the face. He is also gentle and soft spoken, although easily bullied, he will nevertheless say what is right and is never scared to face adversities. I love this man. I find his face appealing although his zero social skills an annoyance. But what I love most about this man is he is probably the nicest person there is although he owns nothing, he has everything. Truly a great guy from start to finish.
Number 1
Ben Lok
Series : Suvivors' Law [TVB]
Occupation : Lawyer
Actor : Raymond Lam
Probably the best man there is, but there are many others equally as good though some may not be better. This is one guy who has no temper, he gets along well with everybody, he treats his friends like his own brothers and sisters, he loves his family, he is smart, he works hard, he cares for the welfare of his clients and he generally treats people with respect, even when the same may not be accorded to him. He is in love with his colleague Ling and yet he refuses to make the move because he values his friendship with Vincent more. He genuinely feels hurt when Vincent rejected his friendship and he believes in his good friend when even ex-girlfriend Ling did not. He is good looking, witty, has a great sense of humour, a great sense of loyalty, can totally trust him with your deepest darkest secret and he cares. Not an ounce of badness in this guy and definitely no bad vibes either. That is why he is my choice of The Best On Screen Guy of 2004.
There it is, my Top 10 list. I am sure there are many more I didn't name, forgot to make or simply refuse to name. But I am sure opinions differ. I realise I have quiet a few specific requirement for my future boyfriend/husband; he must be intelligent, successful (or has the potential to be successful and goes for his ambition), good looking in his own unique way, authoritative and decisive without being over bearing, cares a lot for not just me alone but treats everybody with equal respect and patience and most important of all, a trust worthy loyal man.
In short I want Ben who looks like Marcus Liang who has the confidence of Pang Sir, the decisiveness of Nga Chai, the bubbly personality of Yeung Kwong, the gentleness of Dr Fang and the open mindedness of Paco.
Where to find? I regret making this list. My expectations are too high. I look forward to your Top 10 list of Best On Screen Guy.
January 12, 2005
ANNOUNCEMENT Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I have renamed The Versus Section as My Point Is .... which will contain the important and interesting posts I have made in this very page. I have also regrouped this and various other under Comments & Opinions and also Websites. Just check out Navigation Menu.
By the way I am constantly updating the Triumph In The Skies Episodic Thoughts. Check out the site. The link is in Reviews > TV | TVB.
January 10, 2005
ASTRO TV Awards Permanent link ▫ ▫
It's gone? No more? I didn't even know.
Who won what?? Anyone? Details?
January 09, 2005
TVB titles Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sometimes a good title is very hard to come by.
Yummy Yummy is now Food For Life, amongst other more better pre production title now no longer that same title.
I mean Palatial Sin is so much mroe intriguing than War & Beauty.
Yummy Yummy is such a catchy title, sometimes I would post Yummy Yummy News and that just sound so good and now Food For Life which sounds like Food Of Love which sound blahhhhh.
It is confirmed, my idol has very very very very very very very little scene as the HK counterparts themselves confessed, they all have very little scenes with everybody else except for Ben Yeo. I am sure this is a great great guy, I like his pictures, he looks humble, in fact his body language when sitting next to the HK actors seem to suggest a very humble guy because well...I see it as lack of confidence in the face of media exposure of the gigantic kind. The HK and Singapore media have been ignoring everybody else and put this poor guy on the pedestal. If his acting is good, he will gain many fans and I suspect many offers and attention. If his acting sucks, everybody from everywhere else will definitely say "Is this it? Is this what SEA has to offer?"
I am complaining because I am not happy with so much attention given to poor Ben. His friendship with Kevin is legendary and reportedly Kevin gave him some acting tips...I love Kevin Cheng but he ain't Raymond Lam or even Roger Kwok and this kinda well confirms my fear that unless Ben has natural acting talents, he really has lots of pressure on his shoulders. And they all say he looks like Andy Hui. Oh myyyyy...I beg to differ. But Ben is cute, BUT well there is always a BUT.
I am very saddened by this over promotion of one guy over everybody else. I read the synopsis and well ... I can switch off the TV sooner than I wanted to.
More info can be obtained from Shaunsation by the way (the link is in Websites > The DDGs > Shaun Chen)
Expect Food For Life somewhere in May 2005 and in Singapore Channel U June 2005 which means lucky Johor friends .... you get to watch it for free (again)! Not fair! I missed Power of Love, I missed Yi Xin Ren, I missed all those new MediaCorp series and now this! I am seriously considering moving to Johor but you know how much their wanton mee cost? Yeah! THAT EXPENSIVE! But no traffic jam!
Hopefully ... will have some good news on you know who.
Oh yeah I heard Ralph Fiennes will be Voldemort??? GREAT! BUT a bit too young. I was hoping it would be Jeremy Irons.
January 08, 2005
What to encode into? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Any experts in encoding video files amongst you good people?
I am undecided what to encode my RMVB files to what type of WMV. You see some turned out to be jerky but big screened, some very good but too small screen.
So which is the best? They have like for Modem or Broadband or something like that.
Please help.
January 07, 2005
Shaunsation Permanent link ▫ ▫
Remember http://shaunchen.theddgs.point2e.com aka Shaunsation?
Anyway just a notice. Major updates in there, added Wuchang's capture of the news of the press conference in Downloads, Pearl's translated article on the conference in Articles, more pictures, captures and updated Filmography. Shaun's character in Food For Life is Shihao and I was utterly disappointed with his lack of role after reading the synopsis posted by MediaCorp, also available in Filmography. I was devastated actually that so much attention is given to not so important people with characters we don't even know the name and none at all at my favourite guy. Anyway ...
for you info there is a link in Downloads where you can download full episodes of Zero but in RMVB format. Very large files but I managed to find some free tools to possible cut out just Shaun scenes and convert it to WMV for your downloading pleasure. Hopefully all works well that by next week you will see these short scenes.
And that's about it. I will post my TITS thoughts tomorrow, very tired now.
January 05, 2005
Shaun fans take note! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Local Malaysian telly (I think channel 8, not quite sure) is already showing Holland V at of all times, 5 pm. He hasn't appear yet but will like may be 10-15 more episodes. So do check this series out!
January 04, 2005
NOTICE Permanent link ▫ ▫
I read a post in Jenny's TITS' review that this person doesn't have Blogger ID so can't post his or her name.
I repeat, if you're posting anonymously, JUST WRITE YOUR NAME SOMEWHERE IN YOUR POST. That's it really.
I will put up the reviewers' email addressess later. I forgot about that one.
Remember, write your name somewhere in your post. Beginning, middle, end, bold it, or italic it, anything, just your name.
Stars before they hit it big Permanent link ▫ ▫
Pearl posted THIS LINK in the Shout Box and yes Pearl, very interested. Definitely a must see.
Benny Chan, Jay Chou all very cute. Myolie also.
Vicki Zhao and Cecilia Cheung had such beauty even in an early age.
Some looked the same but with packaging and more maturity looked even better now, like Gallen. Some when baby has some characteristic when he or she is an adult like smile, and all.
Scary one was Jolin Tsai. She definitely had loads of things done.
You must check out the one with Jess baby photo. For a moment I thought why someone pasted Jess and her baby photo together and then it took me a while to realise that is Jess, the baby and that woman is her mom. The resemblance is uncanny.
And look some more. I have seen Charmaine's baby photos, but I just didn't notice one where I think she must be 12? 13? and look carefully, don't call me a pervert but call me observant. I think we have topless Charmaine photos! Well in a way topless!
Do have a look.
Thanks Pearl!
January 02, 2005
Freeware rmvb converter Permanent link ▫ ▫
Do you know of a video converter that converts RMVB/RM (as in Realmedia) viewo files (not those streaming type) to another format such as... maybe AVI or WMV? There are plenty in the market which is shareware and I am going to use it only twice so I won't buy. There are so many ASF to WMV or even WAV to Mp3 and yet zero freeware on realmedia converters! Do you know where I can find this elusive freeware?? Not trial period and all, straight FREEWARE.
Email me or post the link under this post. Your help is very very much appreciated.
Asian Tsunami (4) Permanent link ▫ ▫
Adelyn emailed this to me ...
"Jan 2, 2005
Sri Lanka gets reports of child rapes after tsunami COLOMBO (Sri Lanka) - A teenager who escaped death but was left orphaned and homeless by the Asian tsunami met yet one more agony: gang rape, one of several cases of child abuse being investigated in the disaster zone, an official said. Of all the human tragedies emerging from the worst natural disaster in decades, sexual abuse of vulnerable children in refugee camps must be among the most shocking. But experts say it's not uncommon in times of conflict and trauma. 'When there is displacement and chaos, the possibility of this type of behaviour is higher,' Mr Harendra de Silva, head of the National Child Protection Authority, said on Saturday. With nearly 1 million losing their homes, Sri Lanka has immediate concerns of survival, rolling out relief trucks as cargo planes ferry food, drinking water and medical supplies from donor nations. But psychological and behavioural problems are certain to become more important as the authorities gain control over the life-threatening issues. Mr De Silva said his governmental agency already is investigating several complaints of sexual abuse in centres housing tens of thousands of survivors. So far, the cases of suspected abuse have been isolated. But officials are concerned that the trauma of the catastrophe, coupled with the close quarters in the refugee centres, could spawn many more cases. 'In the aftermath of displacement and shock you do see an increase of abuse and violence against women and children,' said Mr Ted Chaiban, head of the UN children's agency in Colombo. He said Unicef was funding the survey by Mr de Silva's group to identify abused children and provide them with extra protection. Mr De Silva gave few details of the case of the gang-raped 17-year-old girl, which occurred in the area of Galle on the southern coast but not in a refugee centre. Hours after being washed ashore and left orphaned and homeless, she was raped by six men, he said. Since Friday, two other cases of suspected abuse of children were reported, including one by a man who attempted to molest his granddaughter, he said. All the reported cases were in the south, he said after a tour of camps in the region. A team from his office will soon visit other areas. -- AP"
You must be kidding me! So in times of severe trauma, shock and confusion, you gang rape a girl and molest your granddaughter?? I think this is just an excuse. Call me emotional but these people should be put to death! This is ridiculous!!
Thanks Adelyn. This is one shocking news.
January 01, 2005
Asian Tsunami (3) Permanent link ▫ ▫
More links and photos at Time Magazine as well as where to donate online. A pity though that the online discussions were mostly about who should or shouldn't die. I mean I wish Osama Bin Laden was there but really such discussions should stop. I watched CNN report by Hugh Riminton last night which was the best report on this tragedy and he focussed on the positive issues; a Buddhist monk helping victims at a mosque, victims of all faiths taking refuge in a mosque ... for once no fighting but national time for praying and mourning. Maybe those who advocated violence to end violence will see the powerful message in this unity.
For Malaysian who don't have much money to give, fret not, every dollar counts. Why not SMS the words AMP to 32111? This is Hitz.fm's fund raising number and each SMS costs only RM1-00 (and I hope the whole RM1-00 is donated, because if not it is rather pointless). It's only RM1-00, you probably spent more talking to your girlfriends and boyfriends in the space of 5 minutes.
I am not financially generous myself but at a time like this, I have to be. I am very amazed by the global effort and to me that is the positive thing that comes out of this tragedy.
On behalf of my fellow Malaysians who went through hell on 26.12.2004, I thank all of you, the generous donors.
Teppanyaki Vs Mr Teppanyaki Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am sure fellow Malaysians will recognise these two restaurants, maybe Teppanyaki more than Mr Teppanyaki since the former is the more famous one, and always packed whilst admittedly Mr Teppanyaki is not that packed, and I always wonder why.
I am a fan of teppanyaki, those where they cook right in front of you, putting lots of pepper and I suspect Ajinomoti type of seasoning. I always order Green Tea (ice), gyoza (fried Sui Gau) and either Chicken Teppanyaki or a combination of Chicken/Beef or Chicken/Salmon fish. There is rice, some pickles, some meat (depending which one you ordered) and lots of taugeh. Small serving but filling, at a price range of RM6.90 to RM13.90, depending what kind of meat you ordered. Two main restaurants that serve these kind of food are Teppanyaki (the original one I suspect) and Mr Teppanyaki (the follower so to speak). Basically the food tastes the same, price range almost the same but in my very first posting for The Versus Section, I would like to comment about the atmosphere of the restaurants and service, since food and price range are similar.
I used to go to Teppanyaki a lot when I am alone shopping at Megamall whilst I always go to Mr Teppanyaki, again when I am shopping alone at Jusco, Maluri and Cheras Leisure Mall. But to be frank, I haven't been to Teppanyaki a lot these days. So when I went to Megamall yesterday on 31st December 2004, I thought since not much people, might as well have my lunch there. It was a decision that I regretted making.
The food was quite alright, it wasn't cheap, but the atmosphere, and more importantly the service were really not up to my usual standard.
We Malaysians are not a very demanding lot. When no one serves us, we serve ourselves by taking utensils and all, especially when it is a big big restaurant. And because of that we have spoiled the service industry. Restaurants are service industries, and we pay 10% service tax and sometimes I wonder for what? So that they will bring us out food and nothing more? It's time we expect good service and because of that I make Teppanyaki at Megamall my moot point.
THe atmosphere was not just cloudy, oily and crowded but yet not much people, I just can't pinpoint what went wrong except for perhaps that restaurant is in serious need of renovation and some new makeover because Teppanyaki's theme is white and white means more cleaning means more people should clean that place but everybody seems too busy to take care of the look itself. So perhaps service may be the reason you might thing?
I sat down and my table was dirty. No one came to clean it immediately, so I helped myself, took the dirty napkin on the table and wiped it clean. I waited for some time before a guy brought me the menu, but I learn it by heart already so I just ordered away. Then I saw Cawanmushi (or spelt as Chawanmushi) because I make it a point to try Chawanmushi at all Japanese restaurant that I will go to) and I ordered it.
And then I waited. My Chawanmushi came first which was quite fast, then my drinks and then I waited for my food. That was when the bitter aftertaste occured.
The cook was dressed in what I will term as greyish costume (it was supposed to be white). He cooked with relative speed, therefore not much care. I don't mind waiting as long as it is good and with some good presentation, if you know what I mean. Imagine my horror when he just dumped the whole taugeh onto the plate and when I say dumped, I say DUMPED. When it was serve to me, some taugeh was hanging by the place, which was very very unhygenic because it touched that dirty table I just wiped with a dirty napkin. Never mind, I thought, just eat. The man next to me asked for a spoon. I knew never ever ask for 1. refill of your Green tea and 2, spoon at Teppanyaki because it will take forever for these two to reach you. I think they may have a policy against giving out spoons, in this case plastic spoons because it's not by default and you have to ask a minimum 3 times to 3 different people. It can't be helped that some were Malays who can't speak English or even foreigners who can't speak Malay AND English so communication is a major problem and therefore you never get your spoons so what do you usually do? Walk right up to the utensils counter and help yourself. The only good thing is you can have the soy sauce to your heart's desire. Even when paying, it is self service, you walk right up and pay. Even when paying, not one smile, not one thank you. The experience let me wonder whether this is a restaurant with an attitude, because it might as well have been called Dato' Teppanyaki instead of the friendlier Teppanyaki.
My problem with this restaurant is not the food. It is the service, the atmosphere and the sulky depressed looking cook and waiters. I swear never to walk into this Teppanyaki at Megamall anymore, but I will try other branches, if there is one elsewhere, not until they renovate that place and give their workers some lectures on how to serve people.
Then today I went to Mr Teppanyaki at Cheras Leisure Mall. I always go to Mr Teppanyaki at Jusco because not much people although because of its closed surroundings, it is a bit stuffy in there. But in terms of food quality, service and atmosphere, these two branches offer the same standard, that is nothing short of excellent. It was always a pleasure to dine at Mr Teppanyaki. Like I said the food are similar, quality as well but the service is impeccable. The tables are always clean, once you seat down you're served within a second, maybe 3 if a lot more people. Yes, count 1,2,3 and you have your menu. There are good deals there so check out the flyers. Whilst the waiters are all Malay who can't speak decent English and the cook foreigners, communication is not a problem, you can point and smile and nod because unlike the other restaurant, the waiters here aren't as impatient to leave. You feel you're being served in a good way. But the service of getting your drinks, gyoza and food is painfully slow, but it was a joy to see the cook do the cooking. They take their time, they looked like they enjoyed their work though I know it is maybe for the waged but there may be some pride in their cooking. The cook had to do so many things, like take the meat and vegetables out of the kitchen, prepare the plates and more but he did it all with some concentration akin to an artist completing his masterpiece. Not one taugeh dangling, not one drop of oil dripping when served and it was all so clean! Plastic spoon is given BY DEFAULT, meaning you don't need to ask. When you do ask for extra soy sauce (nope, no bottle ready there but no big deal), you get it in a jiffy. Service is so very good, at both resturants. Food slow but at least the very basic demands are met. When it was time for paying, the waiter took my bill with both hands stretched out and with a bow and then the counter guy took my payment and smiled and I too smiled. I believe when served with a smile, your customer will feel so much more better. Of course there are some sulky customers but I smile back, all the time. The same could be said of my experience at Mr Teppanyaki at Jusco but the atmosphere at Sheras Leisure Mall is better in the sense it is brighter due to its open space concept but I like Jusco more because less people, less waiting time and everything is within reach. I rarely help myself at Mr Teppanyaki since I get what I want by just asking, once.
All in all, in this Teppanyaki (at Megamall) Vs Mr Teppanyaki (Cheras Leisure Mall & Jusco), I would say Mr Teppanyaki wins hands down. No competition, though some may prefer better food might go to Teppanyaki but really, the taste is the same anywhere. The reason why I am posting this is to comment on the sad state on what used to be my favourite restaurant at Megamall and now what is my first choice whenever I am at Jusco and Cheras Leisure Mall. If Mr Teppanyaki and Teppanyaki are situated next to each other, I don't think there is any doubt which one I will enter.
Well done to Mr Teppanyaki. Keep up the good service though it helps if the waiters can speak English better because I am sure foreigners do eat there. Give it a try. But don't try the Genting Highlands branch. The last time I went the food was cold and everything was horrible but service was quite alright.
New!- The Versus Section Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am doing a series of something versus something for the fun of it. The title will contain something Vs something and the links to all these short commentaries will be posted in Reviews > The Versus Section.
A Message From Funn Permanent link ▫ ▫
Dearest You,
Despite what had happened for the past few days, I would like to extend my sincere wishes to everybody and to greet you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005!
Another year has passed the year 2004 ended with literally a bang and a flood of not just seawater, but emotions. Hopefully 2005 will bring good fortunes and plenty of luck. My sincere wish is the people who suffered such tremendous loss, not just due to the tsunami but also at Beslan and everywhere else may be able to rebuild their lives and get back to some degree of a normal and yet fulfilling life. My dream for myself this year is to lose weight, be nice, work hard, earn more money, be better at what I do and generally be a better person than I imagine myself to be. I am older now, plus 1 year but still not much better than I was just 2 hours ago.
Thanks for all your support, to the few who kept this site going by frequent visits and comments in the year 2004 and for just dropping by and sending me reviews, news or just a friendly note. Because those that I do know by name who visited this site in 2004 was very very few, I can personally thank ...
Kidd for frequent postings on anything to do with TVB and Idol. Also an avid supporter of my Episodic Thoughts on Survivor's Law.
Pearl/P-Chan for always forgetting to write her name (thus made even more memorable by her double postings, but I am not complaining) for her tremendous support in anything entertainment and recently, for all the translated news on you-know-who
Adelyn for the reviews and great comments on anything TVB
Catlau, SPCNET Forums gang for your emails and discussions on you-know-who
SC & the whole team at SPCNET Forums for providing a great great place for discussions, the height was during Changing Lanes and that was literally the best online moment of 2004 for me, every night for meeting fabulous people who may or may not share a common interest with me but Changing Lanes forum has got to be the friendliest, more active and rewarding thread I have ever had the privilege of posting in, I felt like I finally found a haven for my interest without being bombarded with awwww-shucks comments, though there were some thanks to me of course
Jade from SPCNET Forums for frequent posting, private messages and those few gorgeous pictures
The many who posted anonymously and not so frequent authors with a name, thanks to you my site became much much livelier, and also those who posted in the Shout Box as well
The few who wrote such insightful emails to me, I really love receiving such constructive criticisms though I may be a bit on the defensive side sometimes
The many who visited my site, and then for the first time writing to me via email or posting at my website saying wonderful things at the time I was very much in doubt of certain few useless things that right now seemed rather childish, you have followed this site from E-Buzz to EbuzzDB to Point2e.com, has it been nearly 3 years or so? How time flies.
Many who volunteered information to me, I am sorry I can't remember all your names but I thank you all
November for making those fabulous videos and funny comments and even made the effort to translate them to many like me who can't read Chinese
Wuchang who made 2004 particularly memorable to me because this is one person who feels totally neutral about one particular actor that I am crazy about and yet made a tremendous effort to capture, post and share the screencaptures he made as well as volunteering information. Rare person but good samaritan exists and I must say, he is wonderful. More so because he is one of the rare ones who made an effort to promote Singaporean series, very knowledgeable and sometimes even answers my desparate calls for help. Hopefully, he will continue to be as generous as he was, not just to me because to be fair, he shares, he really does. Sometimes I keep to myself, no sharing but those that I met at SPCNET forums Changing Lanes thread shares, and Wuchang was one of the few who came to my site, probably curious why I was (and still am) so crazy about one particular actor and probably took pity on me by the lack of info and basically shared not just pictures, links and news, but I would deem a very friendly online friendship. Of course I personally do not wish it to end simply because my interest in a particular person ends.
Shaun Chen Hongyu for reigniting the girly me, by making me remember that I was once the young teenager who idolise a person for no reason than just my personal reasons. I hope he will find success for many years and get good roles. He certainly made my life in 2004 so much more exciting by mere mention of his name. I still do feel the same way, and he also made me doubted everything I have read and heard. What an impact.
Bad actors, bad series, mediocre actressess and cheap productions, thank you because if not my reviews will be boring and I have nothing to talk about
Great actors, great series, beautiful productions, thank you if not my reviews will mostly be sulky, angry rant, thanks for making my nights so much more enjoyable (why night? Prime time mah!)
My family, for paying my tel bills
My host, Ace-Net.host for offering affordable and yet great service. I must announce I plan to not renew my hosting account in February not because I hate them (I mean I forgave tjem for deleting my files thanks to that crash) but I discover now they offer better deals, so I am really thinking should I or shouldn't I?
Many who posted video files of rare series like Power of Love and even Zero (thanks to Wuchang again for the tip), I hope to find more who will defy the so called trademark and copyright law ....my defence? Like I mentioned before, I have zero access to these series!
And many many many more that I simply can't remember right now but remember what was done.
THANK YOU for making 2004 a great year for Point2Entertainment. I look forward to your continued support and yes I pledge to thee that I shall post my older reviews. But after February when I get a better deal first. I very rare ever say to anyone I LOVE YOU and I will not break with the tradition but do accept my sincere thanks for simply dropping by to my website. Can't do all these without your support. If I have offended you in 2004, I do apologise. As for 2005, I will wait until 1st January 2006 to issue another apology.