June 29, 2005
TITS 2 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Believe it or not, Louis Koo might be in TITS 2! I suspect it will be like Burning Flame II, totally different people, story, etc. I mean isn't Joe Ma torture enough? Now we have Louis speaking English? I doubt he will be playing a steward! I hope he gets some English lesson.
How come nobody ever considers Ray Lam as a young pilot OR better yet, Kevin Cheng as a suave playboy pilot?? He can speak English and may I declare this now, he is devilishly handsome (in the right hairdo) and also he is currently, in my opinion the most good looking TVB actor. The handsomest. A pity not that tall and a bit on the thin side but his feature, almost perfect to the point of like being chisseled from some stone by Michaelangelo or something. Whatever! You know what I mean.
Sighhh...why TITS 2? TITS 1 was like enough you know.
Who do you think who wasn't in TITS 1 can play a pilot/steward/stewardess in TVB?
My first choice for pilot, Kevin Cheng. Older pilot, Wong Wai but he's kinda pushing it. Maybe near retirement type of pilot.
Air stewardess that cute girl from To Love With No Regrets. Older air stewardess, well since Sonija was one, let her be one.
Steward, I think all those young secondary actors can play.
I hope TITS 2 will feature some amazing narrow escapes as seen in Air Crash Investigations and seriously, English lessons.
That bloody news about you know who (again) Permanent link ▫ ▫
I curse the day I came across THAT news and now I came across this forum which i suspect is a gay forum from the way the posts were written. But found a few ermm gossips as well...
1. that you know who was attached to andrewsmodels.com and his name was listed as CL and the forum wondered why. Now we know of course. Chick Loong right? Anyway page was removed since he's no longer a model attached to this Malaysian model agency but guess what? Thanks to that Wayback search engine, I found that page! First photo at the top was promising but the bottom two were horrible. Not one picture ever brought out his strong points except for Changing Lanes, every frame in that series should have been freeze framed. Anyway click here to see the data. 5 feet 9 inches? I really doubt that.
2. that he bitched about what's her name? Kym Ng? Or something during a charity show when interviewed thus well, I am sure everybody has short memory since that gossip was some time ago...Anyway, why Shaun? Why so honest? You're not famous enough to be so negative! Why? I think he learned his lesson after that.
3. that they saw him everywhere that he was veru thin, perfect skin. of course lar, actor what!
4. that MediaCorp scrapped the Best Newcomer award the year he was supposed to be nominated for Holland V (and he got booted) because he was supposed to win. I don't believe this because sounds over the top.
5. A U-Weekly article (I believe the one prior to the one translated by Pearl) said he said he was in 5 relationships since he was 17. 5 is a lot but everybody at that forum seems to think not too much? 5 serious relationship? I do hope to get my hands on this copy to see for myself!
6. and that stupid news again that I won't repeat here.
Glad to know even guys find him controversial and yet cute and yet interesting and talented.
The self doubt again, this time involving the Kym episode. Anyone can recall what he said, how he said? I can't doubt him.
I MUST believe him!! MUST!
June 27, 2005
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫  
3 new ones, 2 by Joanne Lee, one of them a very recent series I suspect. All in TVB section.
Riches & Stitches by Funn Lim Unbearable Heights (tele-movie) & The Gentle Crackdown by Joanne Lee.
Any submissions? Anyway happy reading!
June 25, 2005
Updates Permanent link ▫ ▫
I promise, I will post my review of Riches and Stitches tonight or early morning.
Anyway as you can see I added a Favourite Links panel. Then I changed the slideshow to this fantastic new slideshow format called flickr. That old slideshow will remain in my Shaunsation since in fansites, visitors are generally more patient in waiting for it to load. If you can't see the flickr, it might mean you do not have the flash plugin. But I checked the FAQ nowhere it said that you must have flash plugin.
And I am seriously thinking of renaming this News & Updates to Funn-LOHSOH-Phy. Because it's more about my ramblings than anything else these days! Do you get the title???
Me, a singleton Permanent link ▫ ▫
Singleton. Today I finally realise how pathetic my existence as a singleton on a Friday night in a shopping complex catching a movie on my own (with my ownself as my company) and being sandwiched between a laughing "hynea" and his talkative friend and a man without shoes but with smelly socks and his girlfriend and her water bottle. I was watching The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy (something like that) and no one wanted to watch with me, so like what I did once in a while, I went alone. Bad sign, because I lost my parking ticket so I had to pay RM20-00 for what should have been RM1-00 parking fee. I really do not know where the heck is the ticket. Got myself a good seat. Wandered around the shopping complex, no money to spend so spent the next 1 hour in MPH reading. Went to the cinema, saw either families, lovers, friends or couples, and me all alone. It was for that one split second, where my silence (no one to talk to you see) was defeaning; and I was wondering why am I all alone, no friends, no family, no boyfriends but just me, catching a movie alone, dinner alone, window shopping alone, totally silent for like 5 hours or so. I am at that age where a few of my school friends got married and they're into their 2nd or 3rd pregnancy. But my closest friends are all like me, singletons but they go to pubs, clubs, whatever. I hate noisy places so there I was, all alone. I felt kinda pathetic as couples walked by, looking at me all alone. Was it a pitiful glance I saw or was it a smirk that I was alone, and I should be because I am not exactly supermodel or model or even sub model material? I really felt it in the cinema, that feeling, that doubt. Very rare do I feel like that, but I was.
And then the hyena started laughing, that guy with the smelly socks and I was thinking I chose the wrong time to watch a movie. It was a 9.30pm show and that time belong to couples. Wholesome people are earlier shows. I was thinking if I had that hyena as my partner of the day, I'd rather be alone.
Alone but was I lonely? A tiny bit. It would be great to have someone to talk to before or after a movie. That would be just nice, in fact better to have someone to talk to during dinner. I was so silent, 5 hours, not one word except, "Bill please..I want this, I want that..." and I was so poor today thanks to the myterious vanishing ticket. Bad luck.
But after awhile and a very short while, I was ok again. I enjoy being alone, I may wish I have someone holding my hands sometime or taking me to movies and all. But I did mention in the Shout Box about being tied down on Saturdays and Sundays because of Jewel In The Palace. Imagine this show is a person, I will definitely have no chance for other activities. My sister once said she wants to marry a National Geographic photographer and I asked why. She said "No need to see him all the time". It's selfish thought but there is wisdom in her words.
Am I proud to be a singleton? I wonder what is there for me to feel ashamed of? But there are times I see the advantage of being attached to someone, but for me I can't imagine myself loving someone for the rest of my life and having to cater my life to suit this person. I am at that selfish self centred stage, which should have passed when I hit my mid twenties I guess. BUT I was always a late bloomer; it might hit me sometime later when I finally meet someone I feel I could do just that. But at this moment, I wish but I can't you know.
Anyway, I was pathetic tonight. Kinda put me off watching movies alone. Watch with family also as troublesome. I definitely need a good social life; but really I am very bad at introducing and keeping a conversation alive with a stranger. I am not exactly chatty.
I need help, if not forever I shall remain a singleton. I don't wish so, just maybe 6 times a week I want to be a singleton.
I am still cursing about that lost ticket.
June 23, 2005
Subdomains Permanent link ▫ ▫
My host, Ace-Host.net was very very prompt, efficient and helpful. Fixed the subdomain redirection problem.
Just to reiterate and remind you that there is a subdomain for certain websites within Point2e.com,
1. Funn Stuff - funnstuff.point2e.com 2. Shaunsation - shaunchen.point2e.com 3. The Storytellers - stories.point2e.com (coming soon) 4. Triumph In The Sky episodic thoughts - tits.point2e.com 5. Perish In The Name Of Love episodic thoughts - pitnol.point2e.com 6. Survivors' Law episodic thoughts - sl.point2e.com
That's about it actually.
As for this main site, the URL is www.point2e.com or point2e.com .
June 21, 2005
Sayings by Buddha Permanent link ▫ ▫
I thought you might like these. I received them from my sis via email and I especially like the quote about loving yourself and about evil friends. The wisdoms in these quotes really enlightened me (no pun intended). All are thumbnails, pls click the thumbnail for the larger version. You'll find the same in Funn Stuff where you can post comments as well.

June 20, 2005
Kevin Cheng & blogging in Star Newspaper Permanent link ▫ ▫
This was front page news (and 3rd page news as well) in Star Newspaper today and for a moment I was thinking, what was Kong Wah doing in Malaysia?!
Of course this is Kevin Cheng, after the Damn Concert (Konsert Jahanam). Very sweet of him for what he did. I thought you might like to read about it, since it is rare for TVB actors to be on front page news in an English newspaper.
You may post the images anywhere you want. Good deeds must be told to all.

And I must say this.
There was an article about M'sian bloggers in Star Newspaper today. Quite fine actually but then I read about one blogger who said blogs these days are so boring, talking about movies, Star Wars, sex, etc. Hmm sounds like MY blog except I rarely talk about sex due to self-censorship. In case you don't realise this, this main page IS a blog. Anyway then she said like she wants to be elite, to be different. The article also mentioned she was "outed" by the public one night when she was having supper with her boyfriend as she wrote in her blog she was going to have supper somewhere. Let me see...can someone be different and "elite" by telling people her stomach's timetable? Excuse me, blogs should be about your passion. If your passion is about food, music, movies, entertainment or even Star Wars, or even sex, so be it. I wouldn't want to read a blog about someone who talks about herself/himself ALL the time like what she eats, where she sleeps or someone who bitches about life all the time. Elite to me is writing about stuff that matters to you, and no one else. That is blogging to me. It's all about you without being overbearing, after all your blog is public. If you shun limelight (as in people knowing you exist and figuring out the real you), why bother to blog? Write a diary then. I feel a bit insulted by her comments and I feel insulted on behalf of so many blogger-friends I have out there whose blog's main theme is entertainment. I am elite, so is Sehseh's blog, TVB reviews blogs, Pearl's blogs and every blog there is by ordinary people who simply wants to find a way to express their innermost thoughts without being outed for fear of repurcussions.
Moreover, I think my website, which is a blog is elite. Special. Rare. Interesting. You are free to disagree of course.
Your opinion needed! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I can't decide. I came across this wonderful new slideshow thing and I was wondering, do you think this is good
the slideshow I have now on the right is better? Or maybe I should only use this cool slideshow in Shaunsation?
Ok it was supposed to show my Shaun Chen photos, wonder what happened? Anyway you know what I mean. So, what do you think?
Jewel In The Palace Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am watching the Cantonese version and I must confess, I am so into the costumes and the series and the actor who plays that guard right now. I ccrave to hear their real voices IN this series. I believe even when they looked like shouting, they may not be shouting. The cantonese version is a bit like cartoonish in its dubbing. I believe the Mandarin version should be better. Very addictive story and yet I do not know who they all are except for the lead but I would like to know more about the supporting actors. I saw a few in the HK entertaiment shows, and surprisingly the lead actor looks so much shorter in real life and yet in this series he looked tall. I guess I like him so because he is like the handsomest in this series that is seriously lacking in both good looking babes and hot looking guys. That being said, I must stress, you know who is still my guy. For this nameless actor, I think I shall refer to him as That One for the time being.
Oh don't tell me the ending, a few links is all I need. Maybe a few discussion also. I am at ep 12 now.
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
I shall repeat myself if I have to, everytime I post an update.
Please when posting feedback via Post A Comment feature, please if you use Anonymous, please please please write your name somewhere in your post. A good alternative is to use Other. Any name, whatever other than Anonymous. I promise no one will kill you or track you down for a negative comment, because if this is so, I would have died a thousand times over (depending on how many hits in the hit counter you see in a review). So remember, write your name!
Also something is wrong with the Funn Stuff subdomain-ish URL. Anyway the complete URL is http://www.point2e.com/funnstuff/index.htm
Anyway, a new review in TVB by Adelyn Lim on Net Deception. Despite the negative quote you see above, this review is actualy very much glowing with praises. Do have a read.
June 19, 2005
More Flash Games Permanent link ▫ ▫
And NOT flesh games, though you can find mild nudity to extreme x-rated flash games out there. I have a few myself, all good ones but since this site is PG rated, can't post the really x-rated ones. But look out for this post as I will be adding more interesting and addictive Flash games for you to download and play offline. Do remember, download them into your computer, open up your browser, find the file and play them via you browser OFFLINE. You will need Flash plugin installed in your computer to play all of these games.
A few recommended ones, which you will also find in Funn Stuff in their own separate titles as headings. In here I just lump them into one post. I will also add some screencaps in Funn Stuff later so that you know which one to choose since there are so many good ones. To encourage you to post spoilers, tips and comments about these games, I have re-activated the Post A Comment feature in Funn Stuff and have deactivated the Post A Comment for posts of this particular type, whatever that is meant for Funn Stuff. So if you have any comments about any Funn Stuff stuff, hop over to http://funnstuff.point2e.com (in the Menu under Opinions) and start writing. If you have any interesting small sized Flash files, links, etc, do tag them to the Shout Box. I am always in the lookout for something interesting meant for Funn Stuff, including adult theme stuff but not x-rated lar. That is meant for my own offline viewing!
1. The escape game A good one recommended by Erin via the Shout Box. The story is you woke up in a room you could not recognise and you're locked inside, and you have to find your way out. The loud suspense type music gave me a scare, but nice graphics, interesting premise and yes, quite difficult. But unlike the puzzle which tests you skills in terms of arranging stuff and perhaps a bit of logic, this one is as challenging and fun. Give it a chance.
Download here or cut and paste the URL to your Download Manager. Remember, one uninterrupted line when copying and pasting to your download manager. File size is 383.60kb.
June 18, 2005
Interesting flash and media files for download! Permanent link ▫ ▫  
You can find these stuff in Funn Stuff as well under their own special separate titles.
First the puzzles. Thanks to Pearl for the links, I have downloaded and uploaded them into my own server for your downloading pleasure do that you can play them anytime offline. Quite difficult.
1. The multiple puzzles
File 1 You will see a cat shaped puzzle I think. There are 10 puzzles to solve.
Very interesting but unfortunately in Chinese. Thanks again to Pearl for the instruction.
The 1st button is to move on to the next puzzle. The 2nd is to look at the answer. The 3rd is to do all over again, while the last button is game instructions. To change the direction of the shape u have to click on the white circle on the shape.
Download here by choosing Save As or Save Target As instead of clicking it and playing online or cut and paste the URL below to your download manager. File size 42.51kb.
This is a Flash file, therefore you need Macromedia Flash installed in your computer to play. After downloading, open up your browser, find the file and you can play off your browser.
File 2 This is a moving picture puzzle. Not sure if there are multiple puzzles. Just check out the Shout Box for the updates on this.
Download here by choosing Save As or Save Target As instead of clicking it and playing online or cut and paste the URL below to your download manager. File size 65.66kb.
This is a Flash file, therefore you need Macromedia Flash installed in your computer to play. After downloading, open up your browser, find the file and you can play off your browser.
2. Sophie Marceau exposed! Oh yeah, got this from an email, virus free don't worry. Very short clip of famous actress Sophie Marceau walking on the red carpets at Cannes 2005 when suddenly she had this waldrobe malfunction. But her reaction was quick. Interesting, so now I know why you must tape your front dress to your skin, if not you have this one second expose! Not that we never seen her naked before right? I mean in movies...
Download here by choosing Save Target As or Save As for offline viewing or cut and paste the URL below to your download manager. File size is 771.64kb.
http://www.point2e.com/downloads /sophiemarceaucannes2005_exposed.mpg
(make sure it is one uninterrupted line when pasting to your Download Manager)
3. Banned shampoo advertisement This ad, I was told was banned in HK because of it very explicit content which basically encourages peeping Toms but then the main character in this short but very big file clip kinda showed it off willingly. Worth a download to see what was the hoopla and why it was banned. Can't remember when this was sent to me though.
Download here by choosing Save Target As or Save As for offline viewing or cut and paste the URL below to your download manager. File size is 1.30mb
http://www.point2e.com/downloads /forbiddenshampooad.asf
(make sure it is one uninterrupted line when pasting to your Download Manager)
Just a notice... Permanent link ▫ ▫  
A few notices, ahem!
POST A COMMENT Oh great ones, wonderful ones who write your opinions and leaving feedback in my posts and reviews, please I beg thee, please WRITE YOUR NAME somewhere in your post when posting as Anonymous. Better use OTHER you know. If not I shall call you Eh!
FUNN STUFF Oh wonderful netizens, I will be updating my Funn Stuff regularly since I have nothing better to do because I have been receiving some great files. I will post in here and then I will post the same in Funn Stuff. The only difference is things go slower in Funn Stuff so you may be able to find some interesting stuff. I will be adding a page or maybe a panel where it shows titles of current posts, especially for Funn Stuff. Loads of fun stuff I guarantee you which you have seen in here. As such, I just want to say I will be adding the puzzles that Pearl tagged to the Shout Box since I downloaded them. You can download it but alas, later tonight only. And one final thing; I disabled the comments feature for Funn Stuff since no one is commenting on it. Anyone ever visits Funn Stuff anyway?
COMING SOON 2 new reviews coming soon, To Love With No Regrets and Riches and Stitches. Will only post them next week. I am itching to write reviews for Movies and stories again (not books, very different). Itching is the work, since I need to finish Shaunsation and then to change the current review layout, hate the colour.
A PLEA Any reviews anyone??
SHOUT BOX Oh yeah, the Shout Box is really popular now. So happy, got some life. But don't make it a habit to post comments meant for certain post or review. It is meant for breaking news, links, or those that do not have any specific posts. And because the postings are like a lot, do scroll down a bit to check any reply to your posts or questions and if not, probably because the posting has exceeded the limit for display, check the Archives, the link is below the Shout Box, not the usual Archives link you see in a panel entitled Archives. I make it a habit to answer stuff, and many others answer on my behalf also.
Thanks for your attention.
Konsert Jahanam! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Literally, DAMN CONCERT. Of all the titles, anyway is is damn to drugs by the way, tonight 7pm at of all places, super jam Sungai Wang Plaza/Lot 10/KL Plaza/Bintang Walk area. My friend actually called me last night and said she got free tickets, but the standing (and I mean STANDING) is either at Lot 10 area (with the stage near KL Plaza) or KL Plaze area (with the stage near Lot 10) and my friends, that is so far away, even your binoculars won't help much. You will need a telescope to see anything. And to stand for more than 3 hours, in such hot windless conditions (or perhaps SUDDEN RAIN) with so many people (packed like sardines I bet) and a place known for high parking price (but park at Berjaya Times Square, max RM6 or better yet take the Monorail but for me to take that Monorail, I had to take Star LRT then change to Putra LRT then change to Monorail then the worst of all, WALK because roads closed for the concert unless you know your way around or you come really really early), I am sorry I told my friend, I can't miss my Jewel In The Palace AND I can't stand the idea of standing for more than 3 hours to see absolutely nothing.
But I am sure many of you would say JAHANAM FUNN! I am too pampered, a city girl, I can forgo Raymond Lam and gang. Not very good incentives for me unless it is you know who of course. I will definitely bring my glasses PLUS my binoculars AND my telescope AND a high stool AND a banner AND a hand held fan AND a camping gear AND of course, just in case, something he can autograph on. And he isn't that big a star really.
June 17, 2005
How tall is your favourite celebrity? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Kidd forwarded a great link to a site about celebrities and their real heights. I believe the talk shows don't lie about being 6 feet 4 inches tall, I believe actors like Eric Bana, Hugh Jackman, Keanu Reeves, Christian Bale, Nicole Kidman are all very tall, some may just look so well proportionate that thay don't seem that tall. But this site claims Kirsten Dunst is 5 feet and Orlando Bloom therefore only 5 feet 5 inches. I don't believe that. Kirsten Dunst should be taller and Orlando Bloom, maybe not 5 feet 11 inches but could be maybe 5 feet 8 or 9 inches. Russel Crowe was probably standing next to a Julia Roberts wearing 3 inches heel! But I do know Tom Cruise is short.
But very interesting read. I am posting this in Funn Stuff also. Tell me what you think. Ever been next to a western celebrity and discover, MY GOD, not that tall lar! ? The way this site goes, I think I am tall for an Asian and for Hollywood. I am 5 feet 4 inches, without high heels.Maybe we have different measurements than in the US? I do not believe for the life of me that some of them are like 5 or 7 inches shorter than they say they're. Maybe minus 2 inches. Like HK stars. Definitely minus 3 inches for all of them.
Click here for the website.
June 16, 2005
Fancy these? Permanent link ▫ ▫  
I definitely do! I think Korean traditional costume will suit all types of body size. Even when you're fat, very fat, in these you'll look gorgeous unlike Qi Paos.
I like the pink one and the one with the white top. Wow! I wonder how much one of these cost? Any Koreans in here??
I'll post this post in Funn Stuff also.

Cheap airplane tickets Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Received this from my sister. After so many Air Crash Investigations, this is simply hilarious. The email was originally in Malay, which I have translated below. Do scroll down slowly as you read it line by line. I'll post the same in Funn Stuff.
Segera booking untuk wisata, mumpung murah, pemesanan tiket paling lambat tanggal 30 May. Nikmati harga perkenalan kami. - Emprite Airlines
"Hurry! Booking for cheap affordable plane tickets, offer closing on 30th May. Enjoy our intriductory price. - Emprite Airlines"
021 55484212, 021 55452230
KLIA - SABAH RM. 100.99
Kesempatan terbatas. Hubungi: tiketmurah@empriteairlines.co.id Non refund. Sila lihat penerbangan perdananya dibawah :
"Limited opportunity. Contact : cheaptickets@empruteairlines.co.id. Non refundable. Please see below the premier flight..."
June 14, 2005
Ghosts? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Spooky but looks real. The weirdest are those where there is a gap between two people at some wedding and then story has it that there was someone in between but how come when picture developed, that person was missing???
- Ghost picture 1 (eerie) - Ghost picture 2 (probably not real) - Ghost picture 3 (can't see it, maybe you can) - Ghost picture 4 (very eerie) - Ghost picture 5 (can't see anything, can you?)
More weird, disgutsing, horrific and revealing funny stuff (check out Evil Disney section) here who gave you the Michael Jackson pictures I posted below.
Truth be told, the very few time I was totally freaked out was after hearing the last Castrati's singing on Discovery Channel's Human Mutants. I don't know why but it chilled me to the bones and I am still very traumatised by that singing voice. Another time was after watching Ju Onn, that stupid movie but scary because you know all the crawling and all. And then there was The Exorcist with that scene of that girl running up and down the stairs very fast, bend backwards! And the scariest? That was no special effects, someone did do that, yoga like stuff!!
Seen any scary movies or pictures that just makes you feel eeeeeeeeeeee?
And the verdict is... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Obvious isn't it? MJ of course is not guilty. No doubt in my mind simply because the evidence was flimsy at best and witnesses very unreliable. BUT also no doubt in my mind he did what he was accused of, just that the legal system hasn't got a shred of evidence of it all.
Anyway, a look at the history of his ever "evolving" face.
June 13, 2005
Updates - Media Permanent link ▫ ▫
Great new items added in Downloads > Media > Series! Well maybe not since most of you have them!
I just added Jewel In The Palace themesong, the Kelly Chan version and the original version.
I just caught the Jewel fever you know, quite an interesting show but everything they show about plotting, I just never get it! Maybe someone can explain, why did the father of our heroine poisoned the king's mother??
Anyway, Malaysian TV channels are showing this show.
8TV is showing it again on weekdays I think at 3pm, but not very sure. You can catch this channel on ASTRO channel 18.
ASTRO Wah Lai Toi Channel 30 is showing it on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, 4pm to 7pm, each day 3 episodes straight. But have to wait 5 days before the next batch you know. As of today, ASTRO stopped at episode 6. Next Saturday will be 7-12.
Good thing about ASTRO's broadcast is it is by TVB and you get Bowie Lam in 3 minutes or so giving us some interesting facts about the culture portrayed in the series. And my sister was right on the part why the Korean words are so funny looking. She once said, and I suspect jokingly that Chinese words were too difficult for the Korean peasants who can't remember the proper way to write the Chinese words so they simplified it to what it is today. Not quite so. Amazingly this series said back then they wrote Chinese words, and only the rich and powerful can afford to learn to read and write. So to enable the peasants to learn the words easier, the new writing system was created. Well, close to what my sister said.
And I didn't know Korea back then had caste system! Very interesting, all thanks to Bowie!
My celebrity soul mate is ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Inspired by Pearl after reading her post that her celebrity soul mate is Orlando Bloom, I thought I might give the test, Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate a try, the same site who gave us the entertaining Star Wars test, afraid that the results would not be who I wanted. Some questions were tough, like what's your dream transport in a date and I chose helicopter, I'd rather have interesting conversation than sexual tension, I described myself as witty, my life would have been an art house film because frankly, nothing much happens. So let's see...
Pearl....I'm soooooooooo sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy...how can this beeeeeee....how can I ...I do this to my friend....WHYYYYYYYYY???!??!?!??!?!??
Funn, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Classy
It's all about subtle style and sophistication with you. That's why when it comes to matters of the heart, the celeb who'll snare yours will be a classy character both onscreen and off. Whether you're strutting the red carpet or sharing a romantic rendezvous on Rodeo Drive, only a class act will be right for the part of your soul mate.
Someone like Ewan McGregor has just the right combination of good looks, charm, and smarts to keep up with a star like you. Dinner dates filled with intellectual conversations and soft candlelight would keep this silver-screen dream burning bright. So reserve a table for two. You never know when you might meet someone special who's as classy as you!
I wouldn't mind that at all! So unexpected!! But he's married! Which means soul mate but nothing more! I must say though Ewan can be very sarcastic, as I remembered him rolling his eyes when Jay Leno I think was interviewing Nicole Ritchie!!
Don't you wish Keanu Reeves is somewhere in the list? Take the test and do post your answers in here. Very curious who's YOUR celebrity soul mate and then we can all just cry because it will never ever happen.
One funny joke though.
My sister once, very long time ago asked me very seriously a question I never gave much thought to; "Do you know why Keanu Reeves is not married?". I thought "he's maybe inclined towards gorgeous men, maybe he's picky, maybe he has someone but he's not telling, maybe he likes being alone" and her answer, in dead serious tone; "Because he hasn't come to Malaysia and meet ME".
Can't argue with that!
And about celebrities, whilst almost everyone lusted after Brad Pitt in Troy, I preferred Eric Bana, whilst everybody thought Tom Cruise is cute, I preferred Hugh Jackman, whilst some may think older actors like Robert Redford is gorgeous, I kinda prefer Sam Neil. I admire Ben Kingsley and I absolutely love to watch David Attenborough digging dirt. I kinda realise most celebrities I like are not American, mostly Australians, some whose ancestors are of mixed blood or came from England and most of them over 6 feet tall. Hmmm..I am setting a very high expectation..I should lower down my standard...ok, 6 feet tall will do!
June 10, 2005
April fool's joke? But... Permanent link ▫ ▫
April came and went!
It must be a joke.
Just read at Sehseh's Blog that Sonija Kwok was cast as Sai Si (Xi Shi) the most beautiful of the 4 legendary beauties of China who toppled an empire and went away to live happily with her beloved some decades later. Sonija Kwok? Where has she got the Chinese beauty? When was Sai Si looked mixed and dark and wooden and OLD?
Can't they audition a better actress? Someone as beautiful as Xi Shi was described to be? What better way to kill off a series before it began BY casting probably TVB's worst actress in a role that will require some fine acting? What better way to kill off a series even before it will be filmed by casting someone who is pretty but not THAT pretty to play China's most beautiful woman?
Remember Troy? THAT Helen of Troy could never launch a thousand ships, maybe a few sampans. Sonija Kwok's beauty topple an empire?
Maybe bore an empire to self annihilation!
Who do you think can play Xi Shi? Don't tell me you think Sonija Kwok is perfect. GO AWAY! NO SONIJA KWOK!
I can't think of anyone right now but let me repost here if I can think of one IN HK who can play Xi Shi. I might say Maggie Cheung Hor Yee but too old already.
Phew! and Arghh! - Malaysia in the past 4 days Permanent link ▫ ▫
For the past 4 days or so the whole of Malaysia was gripped by a fear that we never really quite felt before.
Many tourists and locals got lost when in the jungle, but when 4 young boys, the eldest being 16, 14, 10 and I can't remember the age of the youngest, one of whom is a Singaporean, the other 3 Malaysian, 3 brothers and one cousin I think got lost in Fraser's Hill's Bishop Trail, Malaysia was almost still with anxiety, fearing and worrying like the parents of the 4 boys. Our search and rescue team deserved a pat in the back. First the police, then came I think the rescue teams, then the army and dogs, helicopters, villagers and locals and 4 or was it 3 orang asli who found the footprints of the boys and located them at the waterfall, after 4 days without food. Luckily the eldest boy was cool headed and encouraged the others to find a stream, so they may be hungry and cold but they did not die of thirst. Our search team was relentless, 24 hours search and of course 4 orang asli used no technology but luck and footprints I think. I can say that every night from Tuesday to yesterday night my first question was "have they been found?". I was kinda worried too that they may have fallen into some ravine, drowned, kidnapped, eaten by tigers but if they were not I had no doubt our men will find them. Even the Sultan was praying for their safety, men, women, children, locals, foreigners, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, all prayed for them in a show of unity that I myself was very surprised but pleasantly surprised to see. Searched they did and found they did, yesterday afternoon I think. The whole of Malaysia sighed with relief.
By the way, if this is of any importance, these 4 boys are Chinese.
In an unrelated news, 2 (one old man and another young boy, Malay) got lost whilst jungle trekking at Cameron Highlands. They too were found yesterday.
And in one frustrating news, several of our own top students, all of them scoring at least 10A1s got rejected when applying for govt schjolarships. Reason was probably too many people applying to study medicine and that there were other better qualified, thanks to their curiculum activities, etc. All these top scorers got commendation letters from our PM and all were active in school and all were Chinese.
And I have only 3 questions to ask:-
1. who are awarded those scholarships anyway? Statistics please.
2. I thought we are seriously lacking doctors? Why not open more space, more funds allocated for medical studies.
3. If a 13A1 top scorer, placed somewhere top 10 in the country can't get a scholarship, does it mean the top 9 or so were all given scholarships and it was just a pity he was no.10? If a student having sucj excellent results can't get a scholarship, who else can? Who should be more qualified?
One public wrote that we can't always blame that dept and that always we ask for statistics and talk about race and all. He said they can try other avenues, there must be away. Moreover one must be active in school activities. Was the world's top surgeon a multi talented athlete at school too? I doubt it. Stop the crap. Even if he is not active at all, being placed top 15 in the country in itself is a testament that this young person is a talented person and must be given due recognition. What other avenues is this man talking about? If you can't depend on your government to award brilliance and hard work, who else? Private companies who will whisk away our local talents and therefore we have drain of talent pool?
Oh please, I am so sick of this crap which happens every year after the top scorers are announced AND had dinners with our PM. Our PM may change, but the darn situation is always the same old grandmother story. Scholarships must be given to those who can't afford to pay education's exhorbitant amount AND who deserves it. Leave race out of it. Even if you want to promote all over the papers that the no. 1 top scorer was a Malay girl and good for her, there were doubters who countered and said perhaps the numbers allocated during exams was fixed. I seriously doubt that but one can't help but feel how come so many top scorers, Chinese or otherwise are not given the chance they deserved? What meritriocacy (pardon the wrong spelling if any)? Where is it? I can't see it.
June 09, 2005
Age old questions begging for an answer Permanent link ▫ ▫
I have a few questions pertaining to what people expect from reviews nowadays. Like some may like complete spoilers, some not so much. So I think I'll add a poll later on, which you'll find in the right side of this page and I hope there will be active participation because I want to know certain stuff so that I can write better and to suit your taste. Frankly I quite dislike writing complete spoilers but if you want it...let me create the survey first which will be in depth. But do take note ok?
And I finally understood what's the problem with viewing my site in IE. I opened up my rusty IE and it takes FOREVER to load my page and yet there are errors and still not properly loaded. Poeple, it's not OS problems, it is IE problems. Take my advice, download Firefox. It is so much faster and it ignores the script problems.
June 08, 2005
WATCH IT! National Geographic Channel - Air Crash Investigation Permanent link ▫ ▫
I can't stress enough how great this documentary is. But I have been stressing and stressing, I thought it's time I do this;
People from Malaysia who has ASTRO, anyone who has access to National Geographic Channel and some parts that may have heard of this series titled as MAYDAY...
I know it sounds bleak, crashes after crashes, but instead of fear of flying, I gained the greatest knowledge on how many ways one can die from a plane crash (it's not funny really), and more importantly how great pilots are as well as stewards and stewardess. It was because of this show I realised whatever reported in our Malaysian papers about the fairness of that deal for Malaysian Airlines air stewardess are a load of crap. One man dared to write that older stewards are more acceptable because men aged better whilst women with children please go home to look after their family or younger women are better for business.
Let me ask you this; you take a flight to get from point A to point B OR you take a flight to see young beautiful women?
And let me ask you this; in case of real disaster like those portrayed in this excellent series, do you forsee a young inexperienced pretty stewardess able to calm your senses or an older, much wiser, probably been through some of these bad patches who can give you comfort?
Oh please...retire once had 2 children? Not economically sound for an older air stewardess?
This series taught me a great many things, bleak but great and they are...
1. I'd rather pay for a reputable airline than a cheaper one 2. I'd rather a pilot who is skilled and experienced flying the plane than otherwise, and if that means the airline has to pay this pilot his due fees, PAY HIM - seen that plane gliding episode? Seen that British Airways almost crash in 1990? That is why good pilots must be retained and it is not easy to be a pilot mind you. 3. I'd rather be served by an older and experienced steward or stewardess than young ones who goes "Chicken or CHICKKENN?"
and last but not least
4. Being in an airplane is very very dangerous stuff you know. Unlike cars, once a plane goes down the Ocean, it is down, no way out. But this can be minimised by having a damn great captain and a damn great co-pilot, responsible and attentive steward and stewardess who do more than smiling and serving AND planes properly and actually well maintained.
After the episode Racing The Storm, I finally realised why I must never ever EVER complain about flight delays. The pilots should be left to do what they must to protect the interest of the passengers.
Oh Malaysia Airlines, please watch this series. PLEASEEEEE...
Check out this website for more info. My favourite episode of all is the one without a single death, that is the British Airways 1990 almost would be crash. The co-pilot, Alistaire something was so cool in the way he handled the crisis, the stewards and stewardess (all quite old mind you, and this is when experience counts) very professional even when they were filled with fear and doubts AND the captain, Tim Lancaster good for him he survived and managed to even laugh about it!
Ok so the story may not be fully told in the series BUT it has all the facts, the emotions and the answers to all the whys.
The full story about BA 1990 here.
A lesson in road safety Permanent link ▫ ▫
Once in a while I receive some very fabulously funny Powerpoint slideshow from my sister, and this one is really the ultimate. I thought I don't need another email teaching me how to drive but believe me, this is one lesson in road safety all of us can agree on! Click on it, download it, whatever you want. It is virus free and 595KB in size, comes complete with some very familiar situations, music and sound effect!
This post will be posted in my Funn Stuff also, so you know where to look for this in future.
URL : http://www.point2e.com/downloads/roadethics.pps
June 07, 2005
The Optimistic Charmaine Sheh International Fanclub Permanent link ▫ ▫
What a name change!
Remember this new fansite? Many many moons ago I posted something quite uncharateristic of me...ok maybe not as uncharacteristic I thought I could be but I was simply having the greatest time talking about the old name...The Opportunistic Charmaine Sheh International Fanclub and the many alternate names so that the whole TOCSIF can be retained.
Voila! Name changed to Optimistic and let me see if my suggestion in the alternate names post was one of it...
"The OPTIMISTIC Charmaine Sheh Internation Fan Club (since she is optimistic person and her fans are over optimistic in thinking she can win that award won undeservingly by Gigi Lai)"
But I bet it wasn't because of my suggestions. But very happy to see some agree with me! And Optimistic was at the top of my list!
I better keep my opinions to myself. Because I just scanned the list of co-webmasters in that website and Sehseh is one of them. Oops!
But good name change. Anything is better than opportunistic. But I wonder, why not ORIGINAL Charmaine Sheh .... or OPTIMUM Charmaine Sheh ... or better yet...
I am sure that's what most her fans thought of her anyway...
Ok I must stop! Name already changed!
But wait! Why can't the webmaster just do away with wanting to end up with the same TOCSIF which is such a mouthful anyway. Why not an entirely new name? Since the webmaster wanted a name which reflects Charm's personality like never say die, hard working, likeable...Let me see...
The Charm-ers? As in Charm, meaning Charmaine Sheh (I call her Charm, but her fans call her Char) and being her fans, you call yourself Charmers? Nah, sounds like seducing someone. Bad...
TLC? Like Tender Loving Care but this time it is The Lovely Charmaine Fan Club? Weird..
The Charm-nites? You know, Charmaine's Fans Unite? Sounds like UFO...
CARE International Fan Club? As in let's see...Charmaine, A Real Elegance? Wrong English...
CSheh International Fan Club? In Cantonese sounds like begging...very difficult indeed for a new name...
I think I understand why TOCSIF now. Very difficult name to think of a catchy name...ok one last try ...
TICSFC Talented, Intelligent/Irresistable, Caring, Special/sexy, Fascinating, Charismatic ...all in all the acronym for The International Charmaine Sheh Fan Club.
Can also be Truly Irresistable Charmaine Sheh International Fan Club, short for TICS International Fan Club! Ok, sounds like a medical condition.
Mystery solved. Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Pearl, mystery solved. True true. But one more puzzle remains though...
June 06, 2005
Will you eat these?! Permanent link ▫ ▫
Ermmm x-rated stuff actually. I mean, it is food you know but would you eat food, whether candies, macaronis or otherwise, however delicious they may be if they looked like these and these?
Ermm children, those below 18 and those not into ermm adult stuff, please ermm don't click the first link...ermm just a ermm warning?
June 05, 2005
A random post about nothing much Permanent link ▫ ▫
To a friend of mine who asked for the URL to my website tonight at Woo Woo Cafe, you know who you are. The link to those tests I was talking about is RIGHT HERE, CLICK HERE and look for Star Wars. Remember to tell me what you got!
Got a bit of a surprise tonight when I saw the counter box and saw it hitting more than 60,000 visitors. Tonight alone there were
Unique Visitors Today
Page Views Today
First-Time Visitors
Returning Visitors
Uniques / Page Views
Quite frankly I think this is not entirely accurate. 53 first time visitors? I do know only like a handful of visitors visit this site of mine and they have been here like many times. Of course many of you never posted anything like most said so when emailing me (and all of a sudden emailing me, quite a surprise actually) but only 19 returning visitors? Do you see that currently online status? Always like 1 (which means me), 2 or at the most, the very most was 4. Did anybody ever seen it being double digit? Never!
However much I wish the numbers are accurate, I know it is not. Why am I so upset? Why? WHY? I want people to come here, I want them to read everything in my website, EVERYTHING. But I doubt anybody reads EVERYTHING. I am very sure, first page you'll hit is of course Reviews. Definitely and I was doing some hits hunting using my name (Google, loads of links) and I found a surprising number of posts mentioning my name, or rather spelling fun as funn. Hmmm..imagine this though, I get more hits than Shaun Chen! But you must know what to type. Whenever I type Shaun Chen, my Shaunsation is at the very top. Not what I hoped for actually.
Anyway, that's about it. Nothing much in particular.
Oh friend, you know who you are, thanks for stopping by.
A lovely coincidence Permanent link ▫ ▫
I was out celebrating my own and my friend's birthday at Woo Woo Cafe and who did we bumped into? Not just 1 but I think 6 famous Taiwanese stars! Not that I know all of them but those that I know are (and I do not really know the spelling to their names)...
Phil Chang - handsome fella
Jeff Chang - very handsome fella
Huang Ping Yuan - very tanned and handsome fella
Sky Wu - my friend said he lost a lot of weight and looked a bit drunk
Winnie Shin, I think that's her surname - very pretty
one more is Tai something, don't know him but quite a handsome fella.
All of them were celebrating their after concert at Bukit Jalil tonight, they looked very energetic and though short from where I stood, but in actual fact quite tall. What a coincidence and my friend was very very excited.
She took a dozen pictures and I'll post them all here once she got them processed which will be a long long time.
Anyone at Woo Woo cafe tonight?
June 04, 2005
Is this the trend nowadays? Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am just merely expressing my opinion, I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Sounds familiar?
This seems to be either the opening line or the ending for most posts expressing an opinion in a discussion forum, with the exception SPCNET Discussion Forums. Everywhere else seems to begin or end that way and I wonder why?
Why must we apologise for expressing an opinion? If you know your opinion is offensive why express it? If you express it, why apologise if you know you're right and that it isn't as offensive as everybody might think it as offensive? What is so offensive in saying so and so is getting uglier and thinner by the day and hopefully so and so will gain some weight as she looked much better way way way before? What is so offensive in expressing a view that so and so can't act?
Why must we apologise first or end every post with an apology?
I do apologise if this post of mine offended anyone who is in the habit of apologising for expressing an opinion that is neither apology worthy or is a true fact and so that you know and I am sure everybody who begins or ends a post with an apology, it doesn matter does it? I still expressed my view which means my apology amounts to an empty regret for saying something I wanted to say all along and that I have no regrets in saying it but I am apologising for the fear someone would spam my mailbox.
Truth = Sensational news Permanent link ▫ ▫
Sensational as in sensationalism type of news, an expose of something that in the end doesn't really matter to the true fans of Ron Ng.
I remember I posted something about that unfortunate accident which robbed Ron of his sister, potential brother in law, one other close friends probably and Ron's real name. Then today at this discussion forum, I read about how he was a cleaner when he was 15, not very good at studies, reportedly went to a bad school instead of the good school he said he went and that he was seen loitering around when he was young asking for ciggarettes. That he never finished school at all. All of which Ron denied.
Understandably so, because these are negative news. But let me ask you this, how old is Ron now?
Whatever happened, happened when he was 15 which was like eons ago. I remember posting my reply in that forum, and I said what matters is the Ron NOW, the NOW person and not the past. Unless you tell me he murdered someone, raped, pillaged and plunder when he was young, or HE IS STILL taking drugs right now (like some famous HK artistes caught with drugs and there they were, being interviewed like nothing ever happened-now these stars should be banned because they're bad examples), I see nothing wrong with the fact that he was a cleaner, or he was or still is a smoker or that he was not as smart as we all think he is, academically. Like Louis Koo who had a bad start, Ron went all out to better his life. As long as he is not doing anything NOW to screw it all up, to me whatever happened in the past that didn't affect anybody else except for him, then it's fine by me.
The truth may be worth knowing, as it sells magazines but sometimes the truth amounts to nothing but sensationalism, to shock and to damage a reputation that shouldn't be damaged by such flimsy accusations of a past that isn't THAT bad.
I believe everybody deserves a second chance, no not everybody but someone like Ron deserves it. Unless more news on his past where he cheated old women or kicked little children...he had done none of what I call the unforgivable acts. Something he can always redeem himself.
Like Mak Sau Seng said in a very memorable scene in To Love With No Regrets said, "I may have lost everything, but I realise in the end I regained my integrity".
That is what it is all about.
Updates : Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫  
Added new reviews in TVB section
My Family by Bridget Au Summer Heat by me, Funn Lim
Coming soon my review of To Love With No Regrets but need to find full cast list first.
I welcome new reviews for series, movies, books. You know where to email me.
Anyone posting comments in reviews or anywhere in here using the Post A Comment feature, if you post as Anonymous please write your name somewhere in your post. I encourage you to post as Other where you can write your name. Any name, nickname, whatever so that I know who you are, by a name other than just Anonymous. Especially for comments in Reviews.
To Love With No Regrets full cast list pls Permanent link ▫ ▫
I would very much appreciate your help if you can please provide me with a full cast-character list for the series To Love With No Regrets because I would like to comment on some actors whose name I do not know. I really appreciate a FULL cast list, including the old timers as well.
Please post your replies in this post.
Thanks a million.
June 02, 2005
Coincidence? The case of the Shaun Chen lookalike. Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am sure it is.
One of my favourite online past time is to do name searching, either my own name like Funn Lim (and surprise, I found links to my reviews in porn sites!!) and of course Shaun Chen. And I found one very odd one..
A badminton enthusiast fansite
Check out the left panel and you will see his name. My bet is it isn't Shaun, since nowhere have I ever read he was a former badminton champion though every Malaysian Chinese male must have been a badminton enthusiast at some point. And this Shaun Chen is also an actor! What a coincidence.
Funny isn't it?
04.06.2005 A follow up post to the above
I checked the said website again and was kinda disappointed to find out that the webmaster has taken down the said picture and the accompanying text. Luckily thanks to Wuchang's post, I saved the picture and post it below this post for your own verdict.
If I remembered correctly, the text in that website said a particular racquet was autographed by the webmaster's famous actor friend named Shaun who was also a former badminton champion. Or maybe I misread the part about former badminton champion where the webmaster may be referring to himself. I really do not know but Wuchang's right' that guy in that picture does look suspisciously like Shaun (same hair, same sideburns, same cheekbones, but different teeth). Kinda tempted to email the webmaster and ask!!
You be the judge since the picture is blurry. It's a thumbnail by the way. Feel free to click it for the bigger but still as blurry picture.

06.06.2005 Prompted by the many speculation, and fuelled by this forum (Singapore) that seems to confirm that guy you see above is indeed Shaun Chen, I decided to email the webmaster and end the speculation once and for all. The contents of the email as below:-
Dear sir,
I stumbled across your very interesting website on badminton when I was doing a search on this subject using Yahoo search engine when I came across this photo which I have attached with this email. You have mentioned in your website this is an actor named Shaun and though the picture was too blurry for me to jump to conclusions, many who have seen this picture said this actor you were referring to was ex-MediaCorp Malaysian actor, Shaun Chen Hongyu. I was indeed very pleasantly surprised to stumble across this picture because frankly I am a fan of Shaun Chen. But I can't be sure and I remembered specifically you wrote something about a former badminton champion and I may have misread that part as your description of this actor friend of yours.
I then went back to your website to re-read that part of the description about him autographing a raquet but alas, that part was missing from your website!
You may choose to ignore my mail but I am dying of curiosity and empty speculations. Please do reply with a simple yes or no answer;
Is this really Shaun Chen Hongyu?
Thank you for reading this.
Funn Lim
I seriously do not think I'll get a reply. But one forum (and the link is above) has already confirmed this; it is indeed Shaun! I hope I get a reply and we shall see, we shall see...
And I just found out, that the person who created that badminton website also posted in the above linked forum who also very very clearly mentioned that Shaun is a friend of his and he even asked about Michelle Chia! But can a good friend ever write another friend's surname wrongly? He wrote it as Shaun Tay at first at the forum. Anyway, it is Shaun because he wrote former MediaCorp turned Channel U star dating Michelle Chia!!! Too much of a coincidence.
Check out the main page, check this one out, I think mystery solved. But wait!! Former badminton champion part...another mystery!!
07.06.2005 To think I call myself Shaun Chen's fan. Picture a bit blurry and I denied it was him. And guess what? I got a reply from the webmaster of that badminton website, based in Singapore by the way, and his name is Joe. He wrote..
"Hi Funn,
Yes, it is really him. I am just a bit shy to put in in the front page. Anyway, I can get him to sign it for you. The price is 200sgd.
Why his photo there? Remember the forum I linked above? Apparently Shaun goes there for some badminton action. They're probably friends who met during some badminton game. Mystery solved and now you know how to get his autograph and his picture and get yourself a good quality racquet. Joe is quite a good businessman!
But one mystery remains; that sentence about him being former badminton champion. Maybe in his hometown? Maybe referring to someone else? I was tempted to email Joe about this but I thought this would be too much. I mean after all, so many questions unrelated to badminton, I might feel obliged to buy one from him!
So Wuchang, Pearl, you're both right. You have sharper eyes and me? I am not qualified to be called Shaun Chen's fan. I feel so ashamed. Let me sulk about this for a few days.
Summary So, in the end of all the hoopla about this Shaun Chen lookalike, it turns out that it is indeed Shaun Chen himself. Case closed.
June 01, 2005
Those tests again! Permanent link ▫ ▫
I know they're silly, they're not that accurate and I know it's all just pure fun but still I can't help but click that link I saw in Pearl's website and to take some more of those personality tests. You must view the results because they were shocking...
1. The Classic Star Wars Test Guess which Star Wars character am I?
Funn, you're Yoda
You are wise beyond your years — a sage for the ages, the master's master. That's why your Star Wars type is Yoda. Sure, you might not look too much like the little green Jedi Master, but you have a quiet contemplative way about you that commands respect.
People trust you, especially your friends who are constantly coming to you for advice and sometimes predictions. While you may not be able to tell them who's going to win the big game, you do possess the rare ability to see the big picture. You never lose sight of the fact that we're all part of a greater whole. It keeps you grounded and balanced, and it's the perfect cover for a mischievous sense of humor that always catches others off-guard. This mix of wisdom and impish delight promises to bring you long life...another thousand years or so anyway.
I was hoping perhaps Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker, for a while I thought (quite fearfully) that I may be a Chewbacca or worse still, C3PO! Darth Vader wouldn't be that bad. BUT green , small, wise, running away when in defeat YODA isn't THAT bad. I think it may be because I chose books, philosphy and PHD as my answers..Yoda, I am, beyond my years wise I am.
2. Who's Your Movie Star Double? Interesting test. Very tricky questions. My results...
Funn, your movie star double is Cate Blanchett
An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.
Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.
SHOCKING. I admit she is a stylish fantastic hard working actress who is not gorgeous but has a screen presence that not even Catherine Zeta Jones has but me? She is me? I am her? What a surprise, but a nice one! And she is not even my favourite actress!! Must be because I chose museums and plays over clubbing!
3. Which Reality Show's Right for You? The questions are very difficult to answer, because I had to look within myself. I wasn't very honest at times and so my results...
Funn, you're destined for The Bachelor/Bachelorette
Blind dates, double dates, 1-800-DATE, setups, mixers — despite trying all the usual (an unusual) ways of meeting people you still haven't found that perfect someone. It's time to think inside the box, inside the television box, that is. The Bachelor/Bachelorette is your reality show because it may be the best way to find someone who is daring, unabashed, and ready to do something crazy, like...say, get engaged in front of millions of people.
Since you love the hunt and have always been a competitor, what better way to prove your personality, charm, and sex appeal than a little game of competitive dating? Fifteen to one odds? No problem — you've worked parties twice that size and still managed to reel in the prize catch. Hey, if The Bachelor/Bachelorette doesn't yield a soul mate, at least you'll get the next best thing: an agent.
I don't think so. Nope, not me. I am not those kind who goes out and seek dates or show myself or get myself in the spotlight. I tend to hide. Nope, not me.
4. What Kind of Movie Are You? Oh my GAWD! I thought maybe James Bond, or Charlie's Angels but guess what?
Funn, if you were a movie, you'd be a Groundbreaking Documentary
If you think documentaries are boring, think again. Like your movie match, you're an intelligent individual who makes people think. Documentaries span all sorts of topics, from the trivial to the profound. Perhaps your interests do the same, but one thing's clear — you're a smarty and you like to learn.
We'd guess you're the person at the dinner table or the water cooler who stirs up lively debates about the latest news or tidbits from the Discovery Channel. Part of you probably gets a kick out of creating controversy and getting people fired up about their beliefs. Another part probably likes opening people's eyes and sharing your thoughts. And for that, you get two thumbs up for trying to get to the bottom of things and making waves!
So much better than what I expected! Of course of course! Groundbreaking documentary would be so much better than box office hit because my life would be a subject that academicians will debate about and that is what I hope to be! How flattering!
One last one...too much tests already...
5. What's Your Style Profile? I wasn't sure of some of my answers and many were irrelevant to me so my results would be inaccurate..
Funn, your style profile is Totally Trendy
Your fashion motto? To every season, turn, turn, turn. Whether it's summer's strappy sandals or fall's must-have overcoat, your wardrobe evolves with every new trend.
Keeping up with the latest hemlines and heel heights can be a full-time job, but you seem to do it with ease. Must be because for you, fashion is all about fun. Chances are, your friends marvel at your up-to-the-minute look. And who can blame them? Your insatiable appetite for trend-spotting keeps everyone on their toes.
Not really. But I must admit, I would splurge on handbags. I am obsessed about handbags and lips sticks and the only reason why I haven't much more of those is because I am not rich enough. So my stuff are really not that expensive but quite a lot! But me? Trendy? Nahhhhhh...
TRY THE TESTS and do post back in here your results. Quite fun actually. But do choose the star wars test and the movie star double first. I really wanna know what's your results...
I do know Pearl is Obi Wan Kenobi so ...
Pearl, my dear Padawan...your teacher I am...may the force be with you!
This is so fun!