July 27, 2005
Ramblings Permanent link ▫ ▫
Yummy Yummy is coming! And I can't find a TVB rental store near my place! What happened? TVB rental shops suddenly like endangered species! I asked my sis where I can find one and she asked "Why? Watching ASTRO not enough ah?" How do I tell her, this mere mortal who understands not why I am desperately seeking a TVB rental shop? How do I confess I want to watch because....because...you know who? How do I explain I have missed most of his Singaporean series and I damn well will never ever miss this one? How? How much is per rental ah? Got VCD rental or not? If got I will definitely do an episodic thought, plus screencaps plus some clips ala Wuchang's clips.
How ah?
Anyway today I got a really nice mail from someone from Phillipines I think who likes Jewel In The Palace. A French girl wrote how much she liked Dreams of Colours in the review written by Black Eyed Susan. Imagine that. France? Phillipines? I once got a very nice mail from Thailand! Very appreciative folks and that just makes my day...apart from those feedback on you know who!
Ahhh Yummy Yummy....ahhhhhhh...where is that darn rental shop?
I wanted to write abt something but I can't remember what I wanted to write because I was so consumed with "where is it? Where is it?". I am obsessed, I need help. Even my net friends know I will be very excited at any news (good ones of course, I get very upset with the bad ones) abt my favourite Malaysian guy and my typos, a proof of that. So embarassing but you know this feeling of idol worshipping makes me feel young, energetic, silly and very involved in the entertainment world again.
Ah yes, I remembered why I am writing this. I wanted to convey my crisis that Yummy Yummy is showing and I am sure some may be asking "hmmm who is that handsome guy?" (admittedly Kevin Cheng is the handsomest but I am not talking about him) so my Shaunsation will be of great help and guess what? CAN'T DECIDE ON A LAYOUT! I am doomed! I am a perfectionist you know, and a perfectionist needs to perfect her perfection you know....
Aiyahhhh....total perspective vortex needed...he is not the lead star, he is not even an important character in this series. He is a microscopic dot upon a microscopic dot in the universe known as TVB and I will not be surprised those of you who haven't read my ramblings such as this will realise who am I talking abt...
Ask the old timers (sorry! young ones who are frequent visitors here) who you know who is. I am just too embarrassed to say his name for fear you all will ask "WHO?!".
By the way thanks to Pearl and her scans at the place you know where about you know who, the mystery I have been wondering for weeks now has been solved. He represented his state in some badminton championship, so he must have been a champion at least in his own school. And he is an avid badminton player, typical of all Malaysians, either football or badminton. I am not complaining, healthy sports actually. But I wonder, which year? So much questions, no answers...
In case you're asking why Funn, why are you doing this to yourself? Why poison yourself with these silly idol worshipping of someone you hardly know, hardly see and everybody hardly cares abt?
My answer is simple.
It's entertainment.
Alternate answer...I am such a silly fool but I enjoy being the fool sometimes. Without fansites, I bet the Internet will be such a boring place.
July 26, 2005
Most successful ex-TVB artiste Permanent link ▫ ▫
Many actors in HK came from TVB and many left for greener pastures or for business or into total obscurity.
I came across a post in a discussion forum where the question was "Who is the most successful Miss HK or Miss HK participant for life after Miss HK"?
Many said many names but one name I could totally agree on if you look at the fact that this former Miss HK or Miss HK participant has to be in entertainment industry. I may not like her acting, I may feel she is overrated but Maggie Cheung Man Yuk has to be the most successful in my opinion.
But what about most successful ex-TVB actor/actress?
Many actresses left and married and never returned, many actors are still around and proves that there is life after TVB. I don't meant just Asian recognition but most successsful in the entertainment industry.
One name that many will quote is Chow Yun Fatt. He was from TVB, he left TVB as no. 1 and is considered one of the world's finest actor, although he is really down on his luck lately in finding a breakout role. Ever since he left for Hollywood he has yet to make a movie I can watch from beginning till the end. Maybe Pirates of the Carribbean will do the trick.
Andy Lau is also one. Tony Leung Chiu Wai is also gaining world wide recognition without acting in a foreign movie so to speak. Many many others such as Maggie Cheung as well.
But one name that crops out in my mind when I asked that question, the ultimate best ex-TVB artiste that I am sure TVB will be proud to show his face everywhere is Stephen Chow Sing Chi. He is probably HK's most successful movie star, producer, director, actor (a very good one), writer, comedian and greatest of all, his name is gaining international fame thanks to his Kung Fu Hustle. In fact I would dare to say he is in a way more successful than Jackie Chan himself and he stayed true to his vision of his movies. He is also HK's most powerful actor I presume.
Do you agree?
July 25, 2005
New series coming to ASTRO Permanent link ▫ ▫
I am veyr tempted to rent Yummy Yummy. If not I will have to wait ONE year before ASTRO will show it, local telly at least 2 years.
Anyway, Angels of Mission is coming to town. Saw the trailers, quite interesting because the trailers practically zoom by any acting moments and concentrated on the 3 stars' looks as well as many many explosions and the word terrorists, like every second. But still looks interesting. I am going to do Episodic Thoughts for Angels of Mission because I definitely hate the automaton, never liked the robot and I do thing Charm is pretty in there but alas, so so thin.
I am still trying to post DOMD 2000 in Taiwan/China section. If you see it in there, then that means I have posted it.
July 21, 2005
AUTHOR : Sue Townsend Permanent link ▫ ▫
I started a thread at SPCNET Forums about Sue Townsend's Adrian Mole series. You may like to have a look there but I am also reproducing the contents here. This is my first of many posts (coming soon) about my favourite authors, apart from JK Rowling. Just want to share with you and maybe I may find someone who has the same interests as I...Before Bridget Jones, there was Adrian Mole, to me England's greatest diarist. In fact Bridget Jones isn't exactly original. I feel I can read some very similar elements of Adrian Mole series in Bridget Jones and this is one series that I haven't really seen anybody discussing about it. I like to start one to check out any fans of Adrian Mole series by Sue Townsend here? I have read every one of her Adrian Mole books, a few times over each and each time as hilarious as the last. I basically stumbled into her books, as I have read the first book received critical success like decades ago so I bought it. I was bowled over by her wit and her style. Adrian's eternal love for chain smoker Pandora, his useless parents, his sons and his neurotic self...I can't get enough of the books. He's such a loser and a pathetic as well as chronic whining know it all who doesn't know anything at all and yet such an interesting loser. I can say my least favourite is the latest book which is very serious and too political and preachy about the Iraq war entitled Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction. The wit's still there but looks like Miss Townsend may be slowing down a bit recently. I absolutely love the 1st book, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 . The writer's style is very distinctive, very witty, and yet appropriately a boy of that age. As he grew older, her writing skills got more mature but still her Adrian Mole is as hapless as ever. I somtimes wish she gives his writing career the success I hope to see. Her writing of a novel within a diary called Lo! The Flat Hills Of My Homeland never failed to make me chuckle and his relationship with his eldest son is very touching. Check out the book covers as well, very imaginative and whimsical. Reminds me of Roald Dahl's book illustrator/cover designer, I think his name is (or maybe was, don't know if still alive or not) Quentin Blake if I am not mistaken. I stand to be corrected. Anyone ever read Sue Townsend's Adrian Mole series or even her other books, such as The Queen & I (very very funny), etc? After I read her books I realise Bridget Jones' Diary isn't that original. The first book's structure and some part of the story borrowed not just from Pride & Prejudice but also from Adrian Mole. Her 2nd book was like an exact replica of Persuasion. I'm just curious why Adrian Mole never become a big screen adaptation? Or maybe there was one? A brief intro..amazing she left school so early and yet has such talent for writing... INTRODUCTION Sue left school at fifteen and started writing immediately. For twenty years nobody knew that Leicester housewife, Mrs Townsend, was a writer. She joined a writers' group at Leicester's Phoenix Theatre and was soon installed as the Writer in Residence there. Adrian Mole Complete Series   The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 (1985) The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (1984) The True Confessions of Adrian Mole (1989) Note : This is actually 3 diarists in one, Sue Townsend being one of them, then a collection of diary entries by Adrian Mole & the third one an unknown diarist, a young girl whose father was a grocery shop owner. You will have to finish the short entries to know who Sue Townsend was talking about. Simply brilliant work.The Wilderness Years (1993) The Cappuccino Years (1999) Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction (2004) Her other works  Rebuilding Coventry (1988) The Queen and I (1991) Note : Very funny and impossible scenario but I am sure the Queen & Charles may find it funny.Ghost Children (1997) Number Ten (2002) Note : Also very funny but takes patience to read.The Public Confessions of a Middle-aged Woman: Aged 55 3/4 (2001) Note : Collection of short articles written by Sue Townsend about her daily life in some newspaper. Quite funny observations.
[ SOURCE] Feel free to post your thoughts about her works in here or in SPCNET Forums or both! But please limit our comments to Sue Townsend and her books or any other authors similar to her style. I am sure in days to come I'll probably post something about an author that you personally like.
July 18, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince : Final thoughts Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re this post and this post.
Finished the book this morning. My only words are..
JK Rowling, I hate you.
Read the book and you'll know why.
Don't tell anybody the ending. If you reply, and if you have finished the book, just say you agree with my sentiments or disagree. But I must add, the Inferi scene in the cave was scary. But I am not convinced at all at one character's threachery because for 5 books he was trusted by everyone, even by the wisest. Could have the wisest of them all been mistaken? One more year before the ending of all endings. Anyway we have all been misled by the so called Hermione & Ron romance but this book IS full of romances amidst the tragedies and treacheries. A few questions though; remember the Time Turner? Or something like that, can't remember the name. Can't it be used in here? And who is RAB? Really wanna get some clues ...but as Harry & loyal friends have indicated, I believe Harry could officially become a high school dropout next year!
Bloody good read this book 6 BUT...
again for now, JK Rowling, I hate you. I want to cry...
July 17, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince : Some thoughts Permanent link ▫ ▫
Re about Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince.
Just 1 night and I am half way through the THICK Harry Potter 6 book. I am not going to spoil things for you but in this book you'll discover more indepth about Voldemort's rather sad history, that Harry suddenly became a rather rude 16 year old teenager and like everybody knows from 4th book, there might be something going on between Hermione and Ron.
And did I say for the first time JK Rowling tried to include some sex element? Like raging hormones? Everybody kinda does a lot of snogging (aka kissing) in this book. I have read in the news that one major character will die and that kinda spoils it for me because now I am expecting someone to die at every page. I wonder who?
But 2 very big surprises. One is the teachers. You'll know from 3rd chapter I guess. First 2 chapters are very long though. Second and bigger surprise for me is Harry has got feelings for someone, again. I kinda suspected this but alas, will it be recipocrated? I can tell you that girl isn't Cho Chang.
I will mention some unfortunate mistakes in the book. For one at least 2 major grammar mistake. Wit is still there but not that witty anymore. I am sick of Snapes' IS he or isn't he a traitor (to both sides by the way) and I want Draco to die because he is getting predictably evil you know. Why can't Dudley have something useful to do? I mean one who is bad may not always be bad right? And who is the half blood prince?
And last but not least, I thought from book 1 that 1st years are not allowed to try out for Quidditch as they're not allowed to own a broom? That it is to dangerous? How come in this book we see 1st years trying for Quidditch?
Still a very good read compared to book 5 which was very tedious and very tiring to read an angry Harry. But book 6 is still a long way from book 3 or book 1 you know. Still I am only half way. Wonder who will die? Couldn't be Dumbledore/ Maybe Draco!
Oh yeah if you're interested in replying to this comment and will be posting spoilers, write SPOILERS before you feedback ok? Don't wanna spoil it for the many who may still be reading this book.
July 16, 2005
Today IS the day for ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
I bought it at Borders, BTS. Very nice paperbag and some goodies which are all useless except for 15% off of any ONE book (Malay, English). I regret not pre-ordering it because I am sure got lots more goodies. I saw the MPH packaging, very colourful but not as tasteful as Borders. The counter guy, dressed like Harry Potter-ish costume was overbearingly helpful. I was like Aunty buying kid's book. RM89-90 by the way. I wanted to wait for the paperback but JUST CAN'T WAIT. I have been wailing HARRYYYYYY, HARRYYYY. However not that hot over the upcoming movie though. I wonder why? I guess when I saw the girl who is going to play Cho Chang I kinda thought "That's the best they can find?". Oh come to Malaysia, plenty of Cho Chang-ish girls I tell you!
I really spent loads of money on books!
Anyway my local radio station, Hitz.fm was discussing about which is better, LOTR or HP books. One DJ said he's a huge HP fan, the other said LOTR fan. What irks me big time was this DJ (the HP fan) kept saying Harry Potter And The Half Blooded Prince. I was like so tempted to call in and correct him. He kinda made the upcoming book sound like some sleazy book, you know Harry Potter And The Hot Blooded Prince.
Anyway, did any of you RUSH out to buy this book or even pre-order it?
July 15, 2005
The total perspective vortex Permanent link ▫ ▫
One of the humorous part of The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe (by Douglas Adams who wrote this and the other zany Hitchiker series) said something about a very deadly weapon called the total perspective vortex where a person enters into this steel type cubicle fit for one person and they see themselves as a tiny dot upon a tiny dot in an infinite universe. To put things in perspective you see as to how insignifant this single individual is. Most who have seen this vortex either died or suffer from serious after effects because I guess all have a certain size of ego and we believe each of us is somewhat important in a whole big universe. I think this book hit home some points about me.
The vortex for me in question is THIS thanks to Alexa.com
Spcnet.tv is the infinite universe in red and my point2e.com is the individual tiny tiny dot upon another tiny dot, in blue. My blue barely registers. There goes my ego. But then how does one compare a millionaire to Bill Gates right?
Maybe not. I am seeing things in perspective and how they should be viewed. But I am not dead from shock or anything. Still here, hoping one day my blue line will register maybe a milimetre higher. Look at the numbers also. My Point2e.com was no. 920,890 and now is no. 1,854,263. Can this number get any bigger? Why can't THAT be my savings in my bank account?
July 14, 2005
Fantasy Hotel Gets Complaints by HK Tour Industry Permanent link ▫ ▫
Very interesting piece of news and a must read. I have made some comments (scroll down the many sub posts and find Funn Lim). The replies were like these; some crude, some polite, some sarcastic and except for me, I think all of them feel the impending law suit is silly, stupid, waste of time, etc. I am of a different view as expressed (I hope) eloquently in there. I made some comparisons with White Flame and Monkey King series.
My view is simple; broadcast responsibility and not a free hand Freedom of Speech right. I am not into censorship, I hate it but I recognise the fact that perhaps unintentionally demeaning a certain sector in the war of TV ratings should not go unnoticed. It would also mean TVB can't do everything and anything they like.
I haven't watch Fantasy Hotel but I am very curious now because HK rarely sues TV for anything, even stars rarely sue mags for defamation (probably the law on defamation/slander/libel is not very strong there). There must be some valid points. It teaches me though that sometimes I may enjoy a series and laugh and forget about it but never take anything at face value. Never assume people will know what's real and what's not and never asume it's just TV. And now I wonder if I am in that profession how would I feel?
Some said what about series about bad lawyers? Ahhh but nobody cares for a lawyer. TV series glamourise the profession which is really not glamarous at all. Corrupt cops? Lately TVB toned down on the corrupt cops theme, and there was a time there wasn't one and police was shown in a terribly fair and professional lie to the point of disbelief.
I want your views. You don't have to agree with me but please don't write that I am over sensitive and I am too judgmental and I am making an issue out of a non-issue. I think it's because I see the issue differently from you. Read the posts and tell me;
Do you think a TV series which portray a profession or a sector of people negatively (maybe innocently but still knowingly) for comic relief should be exempted from lawsuits if the person or sector so demeaned in the quest for ratings and entertainment feel it is not the correct representation? Is it really JUST tv?
July 13, 2005
Jewel In The Palace : The Actors Behind The Characters Permanent link ▫ ▫
Saw these in my local Chinese newspaper and I thought all of you who are now watching Jewel In The Palace may be interested to see the real actors behind some of the more well known characters. I am sure all of them do not need any introduction so I'll just post the thumbnails. Click on them and there is also a short article on each of them. Unfortunately I do not know how to read Chinese so you need to read them yourselves. Any brief translation will be much appreciated. Just post it using Post A Comment feature.

I am sure most of them had plastic surgery, either to the eyes or the nose. But you must admit they look very natural and Chinese. Lee Young Ae (Jang Geum) is so pretty but looks older outside the series. The little Jang Geum looks older now but also very pretty. The actress who played Madam Cheng (Jung) is so flamboyant and colourful as well as lively in person (seen an nterview of her, very energetic lady despite her age) whilst the actresses who played Han and Choi both looked surprisingly so young in real life. I suspect they are probably not much older than Lee Young Aei herself! Most shocking was Choi, so very young. Actress who played Kam Ying looks so happy in that scan unlike her character in the series, so gloomy. And I was very surprised to find out she is way older than 20 plus that is her characters in the series! I am neutral on the girl who played Lin Sang (can't stand her scenes). Ji Jin Hee is handsome. No other comments BUT the emperor was a bit disappointing. Looks very different in person.
Anyway how old or young some may be? Check out the source with their full filmography and pictures. Wonder what they eat? All look so much younger than their real age!
Hong Ri Na (Kam Ying, abt early 20s) born on February 07, 1968 (37 yrs old! - looks young)
Lee Young Ae (Jang Geum, 20) born on January 31, 1971 (34 rys old! Looks older but not as in her real age)
Ji Jin Hee (Ming Jun Ho, I think, abt 26) born on June 24, 1973 (32 yrs old)
Gyeon Mi Ri (Choi, probably late 30s or early 40s) born on September 19, 1964 (41 yrs old - look very young and in person)
Yang Mi Kyung (Han, probably late 30s or early 40s) born on July 25, 1961 (44 yrs old - looks younger than her real age)
Im Ho (Emperor, probably late 30s or early 40s) born on 27 January 1970 (35 yrs)
Park Eun Hye (Lin Sang, 20) born on 21 February 1978 (27 yrs old)
I guess this is what it is meant by acting. You transform yourself into that character. I can't recognise half of them in here if I were to see them in person.
More info & scans at SPCNET Forums. But warning, major spoilers in there.
Just 2 quick questions though.
Anyone who is so enchanted by this series that actually went out to buy the costume, as in I think called Han Bok? And where can I download the mandarin version of the themesong?
July 12, 2005
Shaun Chen : Wicked Mr Nice? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Interesting article, very revealing. I must thank Cat for this great scan to show to Shaun's fans, he's still around. If TVB does not do the chop-chop to his scenes in Yummy Yummy, I predict, I PREDICT that there will be quite some questions as to "Who is that Kevin Cheng lookalike?" and then my friends, pls help promote my website a bit. I will put this scan in Shaunsation later on.
This scan made my day. By the way, he has a forum for himself you know? It's deader than dead some days ago but now a bit alive but still in comatose stage, maybe has some response but still not like other HK stars' forums. Do visit it. It is at SPCNET.tv.
How I wish the big guns will release Changing Lanes as VCDs you know. What a pity.
WATCH IT! : Heartlanders 4 Permanent link ▫ ▫
Fans of Shaun in Singapore and those who can receive Channel 5 will be most happy to know that a new series where he will feature heavily in the series called Heartlanders as a villain will be showing later tonight at 8.00pm Channel 5. I wonder is it a one hour show or otherwise? Anyway, it will be English and I hope you will get to watch it and then give me a few quick notes on his English, his performance and hopefully someone will be taking some screencaptures or even capturing some scenes. Since this series has been on the air for the 4th season, I am sure there must be fans of this series. Any links is much appreciated.
For more info, check out the only webpage thus far and it is one lousy one created by MediaCorp.
So do remember, every Tuesdays on Channel 5 (Singaporeans!) at 8.00pm. Hmmm only every Tuesday? This will be one looooong series!
Happy watching!
July 10, 2005
Maggie Siu Permanent link ▫ ▫
You all know how I feel about Maggie as an actress.
Anyway I didn't know she took these pics, and I suspect because of some slimming ads for Mariane Chen, who successfully made Maggie Cheung, a very classy elegant looking lady into very trashy looking one in those revealing photos. I am not sure if it was Mariane Chen with Maggie Siu there.
Anyway the following links will take you to a page where you have never seen Maggie Siu like this before. To put it simply, Maggie has a fantastic healthy body which I feel is justified to show off a bit. Wearing bikini in the sea is nothing. Being topless can be sexy and sensual. It could be sophisticated.
The photos in these link made her look like a porn star. Worse still, a very cheap porn star which does not in anyway accentuate her beautiful body but rather will have lusty people looking at her at the wrong way. I am very disappointed with whoever who took these photos. It made her look desperate for some publicity which I am sure she is not.
Anyway hopefully Ekin Cheng might feel like "What? I dumped her for that stick thin gangly woman?" but I am sure he is not saying that.
Maggie, I am very disappointed to "see" so much of you. Why must HK stars take such vulgar pictures? In Korea, Taiwan young actressess often took naked pictures but mostly looking like they just hired a very expensive renowned photographer. Never with HK and especially when it comes to TVB actresses.
I can only say these pictures are tasteless.
The pictures HERE and HERE.
July 09, 2005
Guess who this guy is? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Couldn't quite recognise him at first..

Then I saw this picture...

Ahhh who can forget that smile eh?
Just in case you still do not know who he is, he is this guy..

He's Ji Jin Hee by the way, that handsome palace guard from Jewel In The Palace. Couldn't quite recognise him without that moustache and he actually looks better with it.
More great pictures here at Dae Jang Geum blog.
Dae Jang Geum Permanent link ▫ ▫
Aka Jewel In The Palace. Wonderful website on this series with full synopsis and much more. Do have a look.
Just a note ... Permanent link ▫ ▫
Things have been slow lately, mostly because I am too lazy to do anything fast enough. Not like I was some time ago full of energy and ideas, nowadays I am always with loads of ideas but not much enthusiasm to complete them. I ahve several unfinished reviews, can't find the eagerness to finish them. Also because these reviews, they were all written so long ago I can't remember what I wanted to say anyway.
My last review will be To Love With No Regrets. I am taking a breather for a while, concentrating on doing nothing much really except to not write reviews for a little while. When there is one series or movie I feel passionate about and feel like writing, you'll know because this updates page is really the most active page in my website. I hope to finish my other little projects like you know who's website which is forever unfinished because not one single design satisfies my high standards (ok, lazy to finish them). And I am preoccupied with watching so many good series on TV lately. I hope to finish The Storytellers too.
Which is why I am writing this. I like to thank the FEW contributors who sent their reviews to this website which makes this website still you know active in that sense. I hope you will continue to do so. Frankly the only thing I am still very eager to do and will do it immediately is post new reviews written by others. So do continue to write, do continue to post your comments in reply to my often insensitive, rude but I hope eye opener posts in this page itself. And I hope I will continue to find many others who are still stumbling into this website once in a while who will share my same interests and passion. You know my AT THE MOMENT interests!
Thanks again. Hey, I'm still around. I am writing this note so that many who can't see new reviews by me will know I am kinda resting a while until my next review.
July 07, 2005
The attacks on London Permanent link ▫ ▫
Did you hear about the terrorrists attacks on London crippling the transport over there? Tony Blair had the same look that Bush had on that 9/11 day; the look of utter shock and profound sadness. He believed it was terrorrist attacks timed with the G8 meeting. If this is true, I wonder what the terrorists wanted? The meeting was going to talk about important life changing stuff and what did these idiots do?
Anyway, 2 confirmed dead, 90 injured as at this moment ALTHOUGH local channel NTV7 said 28 dead and 90 injured. Who to believe?
You know for a moment I thought it could be the French who did this because of the Olympic thing but well, it was a callous heartless joke.
Horrible news for me, more so when it happened to my most favourite city. Frankly if these terrorists got the balls, they should bomb the palaces or the parliament. To attack the public during busy morning traffic is more than an act of a thing not fit to be called an animal, it is an act of a coward. Where has compassion gone?
July 06, 2005
The Monkey King: Quest for the Sutra Permanent link ▫ ▫

Local TV is showing this series prime time in Cantonese. I saw the beginning, then the next episode middle, some more towards the end. I wanted to watch it because TVB's JTTW is my most favourite TVB series ever. This is of course another version of the Monkey King story, from birth till the end I suppose. The only difference is except for Dicky Cheung who reprised his role as the Monkey King which revived his career and launched it into stratosphere, everybody else was changed. Even the budget got bigger as you have Jimmy Lin, the Twins, Eric Tsang, and a whole lot of famous faces.
I have read how bad this series was, and I have read how great it was. JTTW by TVB had both fans and haters, mostly for various reasons. But I loved JTTW because the story was perfect, the pacing was excellent (except for the first 2 episodes) and for the first time, the casting was simply perfect. It introduced me to Buddhism in such a fun ligthearted and yet proper way, I have no complaints whatsover. Dicky's Yo! statement stuck with me even to this day and the soundtrack was simply excellent.
So I wasn't very into this new version and after these few episodes and after reading Edmund Leong is the monk, to put it mildly, I kinda vomitted in a fake but serious way. Look, this series has zero credibility. I question why Dicky took this role. I suspect because he was still hurt that TVB refused to let him do the sequal, he loved the character and he wanted to make some more money. But why this way? The entire casting was not made because the actors were suitable for their respective roles but because of for the sake of them appearing. The entire storyline was changed and yet not quite and yet I find it all utterly demeaning to the original story and even the latest adaptation by TVB. I can't see why anybody could love this series. Even on its own, it's simply pure trash.
And so this is my short review. This series is pure trash, Dicky has yet to make a proper and good series after leaving TVB and getting big names in any role and gathering the biggest names in one series does not mean success; it means profit and it means business. Taiwanese series that gathers HK, China and Taiwanese actors in a series are often forgettable but very few are trashy to the point of pure nonsense. This series is one of those few.
Why on Earth Dicky wanted to reprise his role in this trash? Don't watch it! Don't waste your time in a production that even the producers don't bother making it decent, making it with love and care and respect. Look at the costumes you will know. Modern twist? More like not knowing what they were doing. Same story but different point of view? More like same story but don't know how to deal with it. Famous faces? More like reaping profits in the shortest of time without due regard to the word called casting decision. Love stories? I mean that is so against the very fundamentals of the Monkey King and the teachings in it. I don't care if the characters did not have a happy ending but the point it, pairings? And worst of all, Edmund Leong as the monk? The wise young monk full of wisdom enough to chastise the great powerful but uncontrollable Monkey King? That was the worst for me, the absolute worst. I realise now how great Kong Wah was in this role. Edmund Leong? Why not ask Nicholas Tse then? He's MORE famous, better looking and definitely a better actor.
Avoid this trash at all cost. Save your money, rent the TVB version or like most recommended, the China version. Or buy the books. But I would think the book was very disappointing but at least it was the way it was written. This series was simply an insult to my intelligence and the fact that it was ever made, is simply a true testament that greed exists and the viewers in the end are the suckers being sucked dry of our hard earned money to watch what I shall repeat, a trash.
Nothing but pure trash.
July 05, 2005
Shaun Chen the former badminton champion? Permanent link ▫ ▫
Remember my post, "Coincidence? The case of the Shaun Chen lookalike"? Well the webmaster named Joe reposted that picture on his website with the blurb that I saw which was later deleted and now re-added but written in a more clearer way..
"This racket is endorsed by the talented actor Mr Shaun Chen! Hope his supporters will also be able to enjoy a good badminton game. Shaun is also a former badminton Champion. He is using Extreme Power Badminton Rackets!"
The case is far from closed. Nowhere have I ever read he was a former badminton champion. Former when? During his school days in his hometown? Definitely not national level. Now I am very very curious and the suspense is killing me. Let me end this by saying, asking, pleading, begging...Malaysia is not such a big country. I am sure there are relatives or friends of Shaun who drops by some entertainment websites once in a while, and in my own small voice, I hope my website too. Unless you're Chinese reading of course. Anyway, if you know him personally, and you may be able to confirm or debunk this ermmm rumour in any way, I would be most grateful to receive your email or your feedback in this post. I am so very sick of this suspense.
Please don't say "Funn you're getting a bit petty aren't you?" I admit, yes I am. I am guilty of it all BUT aren't you sometimes so curious over petty stuff that you just need to know? No point asking big questions like "What is the meaning of life" when you can't even answer one small useless question like "Was Shaun ever a badminton champion? Where? What level? When?". I can't help it. I need to know and when you need to know you need to know. I know I can email dear Joe for an answer but shy-lar....
Heartlanders 4 Permanent link ▫ ▫
My Shaunsation is still under renovation so I am posting this here.
Let me begin my post with..
Now this is the kind of picture I want you know who to be in! He gained weight! Good lar. Michelle must be feeding him well!! Are they still together? Hope so. Anyway, anyone care to introduce who is who in this picture except for you know who?
And one more picture in more casual wear...
Anyway that's it. Two pictures. No more. No articles. I think a Chinese series had more pictures than this one. Pathetic. Maybe later there will be more since this series is starting on 12.07.2005. Check out the official website which has zero info as far as I am concerned. Anyone catching this series I hope you will tag the storyline and your opinion of you know who's standard of English in the Shout Box or email me. Also any articles, news, reviews, etc.
I know there won't be clips, pictures, etc unlike Power Of Love because Esther Kwan was in it but your information will comfort me and console me because like Changing Lanes...I AM NEVER GOING TO WATCH THIS SERIES EVER!! Noooooooooooooo! It is sooooo difficult to be his fan, one has to have the utmost of faith, perseverence and a network of informers if not...I won't give up! Do tell me ok... you be my ears, my eyes..don't even have to mention names! I am soooo envious of you. Soooo jealous!
Website/Blog : Essential items Permanent link ▫ ▫
Purely my own personal recommendation. If you have a blog/website and would like to spice it up a bit without too much codes and space used, try any or all of these free applications below; all of them you can see in my website.
1. My Shout Box
- Instant messaging in the form of a tagboard. I used to use Tagboard but My Shout Box beat the competition by being easy to configure, looks great, easily can be intergrated with your layout and the best of all, they have an archive so your posts from the first to the last can be read without worry the messages could be deleted at all. Also great feature is you can delete a post you posted and I can set the option for deletion to up to 6 hours! Amazing! I hope it will be free forever.
2. Flickr.com
- I used to use my own slideshow but everybody complained it was slow in loading. I was searching for a good slideshow code and I found flickr.com in a Fann Wong fansite. The uploading is very easy, you can even download their programme, install it and upload it without having to go into your account. You have unlimited pictures you can upload BUT you have a monthly bandwidth thing, and I doubt you will use it all. Flickr is also similar to imageshack.us which is an image hosting website but forget about that one. Go straight for the flash-like picture slideshows. A bit small in size (I hope for ability to dictate the size of it and also effects but it's free, can't ask for much) but looks great. Great if you have loads of pictures to show but little space to spare.
3. Imageshack.us
- I used to use Photobucket.com to host my images but frankly, I love imageshack because this is one website which does not have a bandwidth limit but you have a size upload limit. The limit in itself is pretty big so leave all your wallpapers in your own server and upload your favourite pictures at this website. They have a photoblog but not useful for me. I love the many options, from thumbnails to forum posting and etc. And you don't have this time limit like if you don't click the link in a year your pic will be deleted. So far none of that.
4. Google Search box
- The option being search your own website. I kinda changed how the code was displayed to suit my website. It's great because your searches will be shown in Google's webpage which I bet is constantly updating their search ermm matrix of my website because the items are new stuff I just posted.
5. Blogger
- For your blog purposes. It's highly configurable, and now so many types of hacks it might surpass many other blogs for being very easy to use and very easy to master. It has its hiccups, but it's free and when my website has a meltdown at least my reviews are still safe and sound. Unless Blogger has a meltdown. You can also turn your blogger into a photo blog or a stories blog, but I dislike the look of it. Plenty of upgrades but for simplicity, Blogger is the one.
That's about it. I am still looking for that perfect counter which tells me everything, looks great and is free. I am also looking for a site which hosts media files with no limits on bandwidths. So far all closed down, so thank God for my own server. For my needs, I think the above few items are just wonderful. They're all free! Can you believe it? FREE!
If you're new to this, it may be a bit intimidating at first. But believe me, once you get the hang of it, you will be like me, constantly on the lookout for better free stuff for my website's purposes! Feedback and recommendation is much appreciated.
Remember, if you have something to say, blog it because somebody out there will want to read it!
July 04, 2005
Your suggestions needed! Permanent link ▫ ▫
There is this ongoing debate, first started by someone else and now reignited by me (because it could be hell you know) about who's more talented, who's more potential, who should be given more promo and why that is between Myolie Wu and Tavia Yeung. I thought this would create an interesting discussion point. I do not know what to call the section yet but I am sure you know what I mean.
I need your suggestions, preferably names.
Give me two names each, or two groups each of for example stars of similar age, started off maybe on an almost simrlar path or perhaps different age and different style but worthy of being compared and contrasted. It will definitely infuriate fans but I think it's time for some controversy since this website is becoming more and more bland each day.
for example, Myolie Vs Tavia or Qi Yuwu Vs Shaun Chen or Shawn Yu & Edison Chan.
Similar in many ways but vastly different. I can think of a few but I want your suggestions and I will take it from there.
Post your suggestions in this post.
Anyway is it the trend nowadays to look dark, thin, flat and like a young man in drag? Case in point...

What happened Charmaine? What happened?!? One of the funniest quote I have ever read had to be from her and she didn't mean to be funny. She said she was very thrilled that she can still fit into her qipao (from Miss HK competition) some time ago. I mean girl, you had a fuller well toned beautiful body back then, now you're scrawny thin, dark and exhausted looking, of course you can still fit into it but you can't fill it up like you did. I feel like crying. What happened to Charmaine Sheh? Is she heading for a physical meltdown? Why is her nose covering 80% of her face? Where is her once pretty jovial happy healthy face? Can someone please send a petition to her to please gain some weight and to do away with this tanned look which doesn't work on her? Her fashion sense is still as atrocious as ever. At least something remains unchanged.
Updates - Reviews Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added a new review of a very recent TVB series, The Academy by Debbie Law.
July 03, 2005
Live8 Permanent link ▫ ▫
I stayed up until 3 am and stopped at Shakira. Anyone saw the Live8 in full?
Anyway I thought Keane was so bloody good! The lead singer also so cute! That black rapper rapping alone was very entertaining whilst Madonna was very interesting. Faith Hill had so much echo and was horrible, and I think it was a mistake to send her to where was it? Rome? Nobody cared!
But the worst until Shakira segment had to be Audioslave. Toneless, tuneless, liveless, and dying. Worst performance for me.
I was hoping to catch Coldplay, Maroon 5 and even The Darkness (wonder were they invited?) but saw Brad pitt giving a very emotional speech, the Beckhams (I bet Victoria Beckham would have done anything to sing on stage eh? Did she?).
Some clips were shown about starving children 20 years ago and it was very heart wrenching, but with a happy twist.
Anyway it was for a good cause. Should the G8 leaders write off the debts of these nations? Of course. Should it be unconditionally? Yes I would say so. And then it will be up to the leaders of these nations to rebuild their country. But I would bet the problems will still persist. The leaders must be changed I guess. Can you eradicate poverty? I doubt it. If a man has RM1 million and the rest of the world is having billions and inflation rate is extra high, wouldn't you view the one with 1 million living in poverty? Greed exists and as long as there is greed, nothing will change.
Hopefully the concert may change the world and give these nations a chance, at least a chance at something.
Anyway I am so into Jewel In The Palace now. I am in love with that what's his name? I don't even know his name. The guard? Real name should be Ji Jin Hee right? Or Jin Ji Hee? Ehhh so confused.
July 02, 2005
Updates - Review Permanent link ▫ ▫
Added a short review on War Of The Worlds in movie (will add the link later). Written by me.
July 01, 2005
Worst case scenario Permanent link ▫ ▫
There is actually a show called Worst Case Scenario on ASTRO which tells you what to do in case the worse case scenario happens. Today THREE worst case scenarios happened to me and I really need to get this out of my chest.
First our government was kind enough to teach us to be self sufficient by increasing the petrol price again by 10 cents from RM1.52. This is like the 6th or 5th increase in a few months. Wonder what they do with all the extra cash? Well I don't know. Salaries are not increasing, our public transport is still as "impotent" as ever and yet again, petrol price increase. I am very unhappy with how things are going and let's just say those excuses about gettting us off subsidies to be more self sufficient so that the money can be better used elsewhere is bs to me. Petrol like rice is a must in this modern world, more so when we do not have Japan's transport system and safety mind you. People do get raped in a bus, now even in your own hotel room. I am not going to take buses, no way as I am so out of the buses you know like so many years already. Subsidies for certain items is a must, petrol I feel should be one of them. Or at least don't pretend to increase bit by bit in a space of a few months. Be a man, increase it one time and be done with it. Very disappointed. I feel like being cheated.
Next my stupid credit card got rejected 5 times when I wanted to pay for petrol already pumped into my car. What to do when you have no cash and just 1 credit card? The cashier asked for cash and I looked at him like "Are you kidding me?" and I said "If I had cash, I wouldn't be using my card" and then for back up credit card and I said "This is the only one". And that station is like 30 min from my house. Worst case. What to do if that machine still rejected my credit card? Never know the answer because one last try and it worked. I told them it would work because I just used it!
And worst of the worst, I wanted to try on my most expensive coat/suit that I bought many years but rarely worn it. Guess what? My mom did a cupboard cleanup and since she can't find this coat anywhere else, I can only conclude she put it into a pile of unwanted clothes and gave it to some local orphanage. So right now one lucky orphan has my most expensive coat that I rarely worn. I vomitted blood and I confess, I screamed at my mother. She always do this, and never consulted me what I didn't want and what I wanted. And that coat was high quality, most expensive piece of clothing in my already depleting wardbrobe. She chucked it out claiming she thought it was my sister's or rather that I have grown too big for it. I mean let me be the judge of it. Of course she said I'll pay you back but that is so besides the point! Of course my sister scolded me but I told her why don't mom throw out your Jasper Conrad suit without your consent, donated it somewhere without you knowing for months and let's not be a hypocrite; will you still smile and say let it be?
Of course I had to let it be. What can I do? But not before I speak my mind. RM200-00 plus gone down the drain because she didn't ask and she deemed me too fat for that suit. Now I know why I never thought I was big sized because she chucked out the smaller sizes so giving me an illusion that my wardrobe still fits! And guess what? She never chuck out the pants that were torn or old! But my most expensive suit, gone! I am still angry, very angry, not just by the lost of this suit which I never thought was comfortable to wear BUT looking very stylish but because my things just disappear and not even one word, not one consultation. My mom has become my own fashion consultant or rather fashion dictator. She kept saying she'll pay me back. What's the use? I can't get it back. She can buy me a new one for all I care, I am not going to wear that. The point is never take without asking even if she's my mom!
What is going on? Am I jinxed? First parking ticket lost (and found right underneath my brake pedal that somehow I didn't see), then petrol price, then my credit card (actually the machine was the problem) and now my suit or rather my mother. Call me ungrateful or rude to really shout at her as in not SHOUT at her but really raise my voice and banged the door but how would you feel, after you come home from work tired, stressed and dirty and planning your next day's meeting with important clients hoping to try on that one nice suit that is both expensive and stylish to find it gone, packed and donated to a charity home? Smile and just move on?
No, make hell, sulk and then move on!
I feel like crying everytime I thought of my suit.